Multivariate Methods
95% bivariate normal density ellipse 41
agglomerative clustering 144
algorithms 222
approximate F test 112
Average Linkage 149, 167
B 118
bar chart of correlations 36
Biplot 179, 192
Biplot 3D 179, 193
Biplot Options 179, 193
Biplot Ray Position 96
biplot rays 69
bivariate normal density ellipse 41
By variable 55
calculation details 222
Canonical 3D Plot 93
centroid 43
Centroid Method 150, 167
Cluster Criterion 156
Cluster platform 143
compare methods 144, 170, 184
hierarchical 144167
introduction 144, 170, 184
k-means 170193
launch 148
normal mixtures 183196
Cluster the Correlations 38
Clustering History 156
Color Clusters 156
Color Map 157
Color Map On Correlations 38
Color Map On p-values 38
Color Points 97
Complete Linkage 150, 167
computational details 222
Consider New Levels 93
Constellation Plot 157
contrast M matrix 111
correlation matrix 34
Cronbach’s alpha 4445
statistical details 50
D 45
dendrogram 143144, 153
Dendrogram Scale command 156
Density Ellipse 4142
dimensionality 53
Discriminant Analysis, PLS 142
Distance Graph 157
Distance Scale 157
E matrix 111
Effect Sizes, Latent Class Analysis 203
eigenvalue decomposition 53, 59
Eigenvectors 61
Ellipse alpha 42
Ellipse Color 42
Ellipses Transparency 42
EM algorithm 170
Even Spacing 157
Expectation Maximization algorithm 170
factor analysis 53
Factor Analysis platform
By variable 55
Freq variable 55
Weight variable 55
factor analysis, overview 53
Factor Rotation 70
Fit Line 41
formulas used in JMP calculations 222
Freq variable 55
Geometric Spacing 157
group similar rows see Cluster platform
H matrix 111
Hoeffding’s D 40, 47
Impute Missing Data in PLS 123
Inverse Corr table 36
inverse correlation 36, 48
item reliability 4445
Jackknife Distances 43
Kendall’s Tau 40
Kendall’s tau-b 47
KMeans 170
K-Means Clustering Platform
SOMs 180
L matrix 111
Legend 157
linear combination 53
Loading Plot 68
M matrix 111
Mahalanobis distance 43, 48
Mark Clusters 156
MDS Plot 204
missing data imputation, PLS 123
missing value 35
missing values 36
Mixture Probabilities 204
multinomial mixture model 198
Multivariate 3132
multivariate mean 43
multivariate outliers 43
Multivariate platform 221
principal components 53
Nonpar Density 42
Nonparametric Correlations 40
Nonparametric Measures of Association table 40
normal density ellipse 41
Other 42
Outlier Analysis 42
Outlier Distance plot 48
Pairwise Correlations 35
Pairwise Correlations table 36
Parallel Coord Plots 179, 193
Partial Corr table 36
partial correlation 36
Partial Least Squares platform
validation 122
PCA 53
Pearson correlation 36, 46
PLS 115140
Statistical Details 137141
PLS-DA 142
principal components analysis 53
product-moment correlation 36, 46
questionnaire analysis 4445
reduce dimensions 53
reliability analysis 4445
also see Survival platform
ROC Curve 95
Save Canonical Scores 97
Save Cluster Hierarchy 158
Save Cluster Tree 158
Save Clusters 158, 179, 193
Save Density Formula 193
Save Display Order 158
Save Distance Matrix 158
Save Formula for Closest Cluster 158
Save Mixture Formulas 193
Save Mixture Probabilities 193
Scatterplot Matrix 40, 94
scatterplot matrix 34
Score Plot 68
Scree Plot 66
Shaded Ellipses 42
Show Biplot Rays 96
Show Canonical Details 97
Show Correlations 42
Show Dendrogram 156
Show Distances to each group 95
Show Group Means 94
Show Histogram 42
Show Means CL Ellipses 96
Show Normal 50% Contours 96
Show Points 41, 96
Show Probabilities to each group 95
Show Within Covariances 93
significance probability 36
Simulate Clusters 193
Single Linkage 150, 167 54
SOMs 180
Spearman’s Rho 47
Spearman’s Rho 40
Standardize Data 152
statistical details 222
T2 Statistic 43
Transposed Parameter Estimates 203
Two way clustering 157
Univariate 35
Ward’s 150, 167
Weight variable 55
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