
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


& (ampersand), Example #1
&& (Boolean and), Example #1
< > (angle brackets), Functions
> (right angle bracket), Functions
bash shell, interactive function entry, Functions
' (backquotes), Command substitution, Checking process status and sending alerts
command quoting in bash, Checking process status and sending alerts
command substitution, Command substitution
(backslash), Objective 1: Work on the Command Line
escaping shell metacharacters, Objective 1: Work on the Command Line
^ (caret), beginning of line matching in regular expressions, mod_rewrite
{ } (curly braces), enclosing function body, Functions
$ (dollar sign), Conventions Used in This Book, Aliases, Configuration files, File tests, Variables, Checking process status and sending alerts
$# variable, Configuration files
$( ) notation, command quoting, Checking process status and sending alerts
$? variable, File tests
in variable names, Aliases, Variables
user prompt, Conventions Used in This Book
! (exclamation mark), Boolean not operator, Example #1
# (hash mark), Conventions Used in This Book, /etc/printcap, Configuration files, Executable files, bash
#! (she-bang line), Executable files, bash
in comments, /etc/printcap, Configuration files
/etc/printcap file, /etc/printcap
root shell prompt, Conventions Used in This Book
. (period), Using at, mod_rewrite
at job input and, Using at
regular expressions, matching any single character, mod_rewrite
| (pipe character), Example #1
|| (Boolean or), Example #1
+ (plus sign), regular expression modifier, mod_rewrite
" (quotes, double), Examples, Variables
in regular expressions, Examples
in shell scripts, Variables
' (quotes, single), Examples, Aliases
aliased commands, Aliases
in regular expressions, Examples
/ (root) filesystem, Larger systems, System role, Inodes, The root filesystem and mount points, The root filesystem and mount points, The root Filesystem, The /usr filesystem, The /var filesystem, The stream editor, sed, ln, initrd and /linuxrc on Debian
/usr directory, The /usr filesystem
/var directory, The /var filesystem
directories, The root Filesystem
mount points and, The root filesystem and mount points
partitioning guidelines, System role
pivot_root command, initrd and /linuxrc on Debian
; (semicolon), command separator, Entering multiple-line commands interactively
~ (tilde), File and directory management commands, Configuration files, Checking process status and sending alerts
in mail, Checking process status and sending alerts
shortcut for home directory, File and directory management commands, Configuration files
( ) parentheses, bash functions, Functions
1024-cylinder limit, 1024-cylinder limit
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