
image  A

Audio project

    AudioSupport class



    GameState class


image  B

image  C


    ChaserGameObject class

    chaser object project

        cross product

        dot product

        project goals

        project’s controls


    GameState class

image  D

image  E

image  F

Front direction

    Front Direction project

    GameState class

        draw function



        update function

image  G

Game camera

    camera class modification

        static move-camera function

        zoom function

    Camera Zoom Move project

    GameState class


        DrawGame() function

        update function

Game Object project

    collision detection support

    MaxBound variable

    project goals

    project’s controls

    SoccerBall class

        Draw() function

        Game1 class

        image Soccer.png



        SoccerBall code


        Update() function

Game objects

    GameObject class



        object’s speed


        TexturedPrimitive class


        velocity variables

        virtual function

    Game Object project (see Game Object project)

    GameState class

        arrow’s position

        DrawGame() function

        rocket’s position

        UpdateGame() function

General pixel collision


        axis-align texture




        normalized component vectors

        rotated component vectors


    TexturedPrimitive class

        GameState class

        IndexToCameraPosition() function

        PixelTouches() function

        space–to–pixel space

image  H

image  I

image  J, K

image  L

image  M, N

image  O

image  P, Q

Particle system

    collision point


    GameState class


    particle emitter


        GameState class


        ParticleEmitter class creation

        ParticleSystem class

        ReddishParticlePrimitive class

    ParticlePrimitive class creation

    ParticleSystem class creation

        alpha/additive blending


        UpdateParticles() function


    TexturedPrimitive class modification

Patrol Enemy project

    class creation

        ComputePoint() function

        LengthSquared() function


        update function


    finite state machine

    GameState class


    random target position



Patrol That Chases project


    finite state machine

    GameState class


    PatrolEnemy class




        UpdateChaseHeroState() function

        UpdatePatrol() function


Physics project

    arc length review



    GameState class


    gravity variable


    Platform class

    RotateObject class


Pixel-accurate collision

    GameState class


        behavior types




        large and small texture



    TexturedPrimitive class


        PixelTouches() function

        PrimitivesTouches() function

        ReadColorData() function

image  R

image  S

Show Vector project

    project goals

    project’s controls


    ShowVector class

        DrawPointVector() function

        Game1.sSpriteBatch.Draw() function

        LoadImage() function

        normalized vector

        PrintStatusAt() function

        RotateVectorByAngle() function



Smooth Turning Patrol project



    PatrolEnemy class

        ComputeNewDirection() function

        update function

        UpdatePatrol() function


Spinning Arrow project

    class creation

        ArrowPointsToHero state

        GameObject class

        update function


    finite state machine

    GameState class


    Many Enemies project


        GameState class


        PatrolEnemySet class


    Many Spinning Arrows project

        class modification


        GameState class




        SpinningArrowSet class

    PlayerControlHero class



Sprite Animation project



    GameState class modification

        DrawGame() function

        frame-numbering system


        UpdateGame() function



    sprite collision (see Sprite Collision project)

    SpritePrimitive class


        Draw() function




        public method

        Update() function


    sprite sheet

Sprite Collision project


    GameState class

        CollisionUpdate() function


        DrawGame() function


        UserControlUpdate() function



    SpritePrimitive class

    textured primitive class

    TexturedPrimitivePixelCollide partial class

        data structure

        GetColor() function

        image size

        PixelTouches() function

        ReadColorData() function

image  T

Texture rotation

    GameState class

    project goals

    project’s controls

    TexturedPrimitive class modification


        Draw() function



        rotation origin calculation

        SpriteBatch.Draw() function

        update function

2D graphics

    game window

        full-screen mode


        project goals

        project’s controls

        windowed mode

    textured primitives

        class creation (see TexturedPrimitive class)

        functionality and behavior

        Game1.cs file

        LoadContent() function


        project goals

        project’s controls

        running project

        Update() function

image  U

image  V, W


    GameState class

        DrawGame() function

        locator mPa

        Py vector

        RotateVectorByAngle() function


        UpdateGame() function


        arbitrary position

        direction and size

        normalized vector


        vector’s length

    Show Vector project (see Show Vector project)

image  X, Y, Z

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