The C code

Create a new folder in your /book-examples folder named /chapter-06-interact-with-js. Create a new file in the /chapter-06-interact-with-js folder named js-with-glue.c and populate it with the following contents:

* This file interacts with the canvas through imported functions.
* It moves a blue rectangle diagonally across the canvas
* (mimics the SDL example).
#include <emscripten.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#define BOUNDS 255
#define RECT_SIDE 50

bool isRunning = true;

typedef struct Rect {
int x;
int y;
char direction;
} Rect;

struct Rect rect;

* Updates the rectangle location by 1px in the x and y in a
* direction based on its current position.
void updateRectLocation() {
// Since we want the rectangle to "bump" into the edge of the
// canvas, we need to determine when the right edge of the
// rectangle encounters the bounds of the canvas, which is why
// we're using the canvas width - rectangle width:
if (rect.x == BOUNCE_POINT) rect.direction = 'L';

// As soon as the rectangle "bumps" into the left side of the
// canvas, it should change direction again.
if (rect.x == 0) rect.direction = 'R';

// If the direction has changed based on the x and y
// coordinates, ensure the x and y points update
// accordingly:
int incrementer = 1;
if (rect.direction == 'L') incrementer = -1;
rect.x = rect.x + incrementer;
rect.y = rect.y + incrementer;

EM_JS(void, js_clear_rect, (), {
// Clear the rectangle to ensure there's no color where it
// was before:
var canvas = document.querySelector('#myCanvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.fillStyle = '#ff0000';
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 255, 255);

EM_JS(void, js_fill_rect, (int x, int y, int width, int height), {
// Fill the rectangle with blue in the specified coordinates:
var canvas = document.querySelector('#myCanvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.fillStyle = '#0000ff';
ctx.fillRect(x, y, width, height);

* Clear the existing rectangle element from the canvas and draw a
* new one in the updated location.
void moveRect() {
// Event though the js_clear_rect doesn't have any
// parameters, we pass 0 in to prevent a compiler warning:
js_fill_rect(rect.x, rect.y, RECT_SIDE, RECT_SIDE);

bool getIsRunning() {
return isRunning;

void setIsRunning(bool newIsRunning) {
isRunning = newIsRunning;
// isRunning is either 0 or 1, but in JavaScript, 0
// is "falsy", so we can set the status text based
// without explicitly checking if the value is 0 or 1:
var newStatus = $0 ? 'Running' : 'Paused';
document.querySelector('#runStatus').innerHTML = newStatus;
}, isRunning);

void init() {
emscripten_run_script("console.log('Initializing rectangle...')");
rect.x = 0;
rect.y = 0;
rect.direction = 'R';
emscripten_run_script("console.log('Rectangle should be moving!')");

You can see that we used all three of the JavaScript integrations that Emscripten provides. There are two functions, js_clear_rect() and js_fill_rect(), that are defined in EM_JS() blocks that take the place of the imported functions from the original example. The EM_ASM() block within the setIsRunning() function updates the text of a new status element we'll add to the HTML code. The emscripten_run_script() functions simply log out some status messages. We need to specify EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE above the functions we're planning to utilize outside of the module. If you don't specify this, the compiler will treat the functions as dead code and remove them.

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