Start it up!

To start the application, open up a terminal in the /cook-the-books folder and run the following command:

npm start

browser-sync the development dependency we installed in the first section of this chapter, acts as a local server (like the serve library). It makes the application accessible in the browser from the port specified in the package.json file (in this case, 4000). If you navigate to http://localhost:4000/index.html in your browser, you should see this:

Application on initial load
We're using browser-sync instead of serve because it watches for changes in your files and automatically reloads the application if you make a change. To see this in action, try changing the contents of the title bar in App.js from Cook the Books to Broil the Books. The browser will refresh and you'll see the updated text in the title bar.
..................Content has been hidden....................

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