Tests file review

Let's walk through the test file, located at /src/__tests__/main.test.js, and review the purpose of each section of code. The first section of the test file instantiates the main.wasm file and assigns the result to the local wasmInstance variable:

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

describe('main.wasm Tests', () => {
let wasmInstance;

beforeAll(async () => {
const wasmPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'main.wasm');
const buffer = fs.readFileSync(wasmPath);
const results = await WebAssembly.instantiate(buffer, {
env: {
memoryBase: 0,
tableBase: 0,
memory: new WebAssembly.Memory({ initial: 1024 }),
table: new WebAssembly.Table({ initial: 16, element: 'anyfunc' }),
abort: console.log
wasmInstance = results.instance.exports;

Jest provides life-cycle methods to perform any setup or teardown actions prior to running tests. You can specify functions to run before or after all of the tests (beforeAll()/afterAll()), or before or after each test (beforeEach()/afterEach()). We need a compiled instance of the Wasm module from which we can call exported functions, so we put the instantiation code in the beforeAll() function.

We're wrapping the entire test suite in a describe() block for the file. Jest uses a describe() function to encapsulate suites of related tests and test() or it() to represent a single test. Here's a simple example of this concept:

const add = (a, b) => a + b;

describe('the add function', () => {
test('returns 6 when 4 and 2 are passed in', () => {
const result = add(4, 2);

test('returns 20 when 12 and 8 are passed in', () => {
const result = add(12, 8);

The next section of code contains all the test suites and tests for each exported function:

describe('the _addTwoNumbers function', () => {
test('returns 300 when 100 and 200 are passed in', () => {
const result = wasmInstance._addTwoNumbers(100, 200);

test('returns -20 when -10 and -10 are passed in', () => {
const result = wasmInstance._addTwoNumbers(-10, -10);

describe('the _divideTwoNumbers function', () => {
[10, 100, 10],
[-2, -10, 5],
])('returns %f when %f and %f are passed in', (expected, a, b) => {
const result = wasmInstance._divideTwoNumbers(a, b);

test('returns ~3.77 when 20.75 and 5.5 are passed in', () => {
const result = wasmInstance._divideTwoNumbers(20.75, 5.5);
expect(result).toBeCloseTo(3.77, 2);

describe('the _findFactorial function', () => {
[120, 5],
[362880, 9.2],
])('returns %p when %p is passed in', (expected, input) => {
const result = wasmInstance._findFactorial(input);

The first describe() block, for the _addTwoNumbers() function, has two test() instances to ensure that the function returns the sum of the two numbers passed in as arguments. The next two describe() blocks, for the _divideTwoNumbers() and _findFactorial() functions, use Jest's .each feature, which allows you to run the same test with different data. The expect() function allows you to make assertions on the value passed in as an argument. The .toBeCloseTo() assertion in the last _divideTwoNumbers() test checks whether the result is within two decimal places of 3.77. The rest use the .toEqual() assertion to check for equality.

Writing tests with Jest is relatively simple, and running them is even easier! Let's try running our tests and reviewing some of the CLI flags that Jest provides.

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