Chapter 9. The Navigation Stack – Beyond Setups

We are now getting close to the end of the book, and this is when we will use all the knowledge acquired through it. We have created packages, nodes, 3D models of robots, and more. In Chapter 8, The Navigation Stack – Robot Setups, you configured your robot in order to be used with the navigation stack, and in this chapter, we will finish the configuration for the navigation stack so that you learn how to use it with your robot.

All the work done in the previous chapters has been a preamble for this precise moment. This is when the fun begins and when the robots come alive.

In this chapter, we are going to learn how to do the following:

  • Apply the knowledge of Chapter 8, The Navigation Stack – Robot Setups and the programs developed therein
  • Understand the navigation stack and how it works
  • Configure all the necessary files
  • Create launch files to start the navigation stack

Let's begin!

Creating a package

The correct way to create a package is by adding the dependencies with the other packages created for your robot. For example, you could use the next command to create the package:

$ roscreate-pkg my_robot_name_2dnav move_base my_tf_configuration_dep my_odom_configuration_dep my_sensor_configuration_dep

But in our case, as we have everything in the same package, so it is only necessary to execute the following:

$ catkin_create_pkg chapter9_tutorials roscpp tf

Remember that in the repository, you may find all the necessary files for the chapter.

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