
• Numerics •

80/20 rule, 120

• A •

ABC acronym, for breathing space meditation, 59

Accept, in RAIN acronym, 5354


growing, 163164

importance of being kind to yourself, 80

power of, 38

as principle of ACT, 18

yourself as already perfect, 8586

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), 1819, 135

affection, lack of, with loving-kindness meditation, 84

alarms, for meditation, 105

alcohol, drinking, 118

Alidina, Shamash (author)

Mindfulness Workbook For Dummies, 4, 46, 65, 133

retreats hosted by, 140

alone time, as behaviour from severe anxiety, 130

Amaravati (website), 140

anxiety. See also specific topics

about, 7

applying mindfulness to, 1520

with body scan meditation, 69

common causes of, 2131

compared with fear and excitement, 79

effect of modern-day living on, 2931

effect on your mind of, 910

excessive, 13, 91100

influences on, 2529

mild, 14

physical effects on bodily functions of, 1011

recognising severity of, 1314

Anxiety UK (website), 141

applying mindfulness to anxiety, 1520

asleep, falling and staying, 121122


about, 35

benefits of mindfulness, 3643

common misconceptions, 4446

mindful breathing exercise, 4749

preconceived ideas about mindfulness and meditation, 4344

recommended, 155164

starting, 3536

viewing mindfulness as a way of living, 4647

automatic pilot, 76

automatic thoughts, 5556

avoiding overuse of technology, 123124

Awareness, in breathing space meditation, 59

• B •

beginner's mind, 4243, 156158

behaviour, 111

behavioural therapy, 136

‘being mindful in nature’ exercise, 145146


of body scan meditation, 6465

of breathing space meditation, 6061

of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), 136138

of mindful breathing, 4849

of mindfulness, 3643

of retreats, 139140

of sitting meditation, 7073

biology, anxiety and, 22

bodily functions, physical effects of anxiety on, 1011

bodily sensations, tuning into, 64


moving mindfully, 119120, 122

stress response and, 53

body scan meditation

about, 64, 146147

benefits and purpose of, 6465

difficulties with, 6870

for insomnia, 122

practising, 6568

bonus content (website), 3

boredom, with body scan meditation, 69

Brach, Tara (clinical psychologist), 133

Branch, Rhena (author)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Dummies, 138

Brantley, Jeffrey (author)

Calming your Anxious Mind: How mindfulness and compassion can free you from anxiety, fear, and panic, 133


in breathing space meditation, 59

focusing on, for insomnia, 122

mindfully, 4749, 149

breathing space meditation, 5961

Burmese position, 71

• C •

caffeine, reducing, 116117

Calming your Anxious Mind: How mindfulness and compassion can free you from anxiety, fear, and panic (Brantley), 133

Cannon, Walter B. (researcher), 11

causes, of anxiety, 2131

Cavanagh, Kate (author)

Managing Anxiety with CBT For Dummies, 138

CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy), 136138

chair, for sitting meditation, 71


unhealthy habits to healthy habits, 115125

your perspective, 110

childhood experiences, effect on anxiety of, 2526

chronic stress, 23

cleaning mindfully, 153

clouds in the sky visual meditation, 75

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Dummies (Branch and Wilson), 138

cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), 136138

cognitive part, of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), 137

cognitive therapy, 136

Collard, Patrizia (author)

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy For Dummies, 138

colleagues, relationships with, 110

commuting, mindfulness for, 108109


about, 87

towards others, 8990

towards yourself, 8889

compulsions, as behaviour from severe anxiety, 130

computer, 123124

Consciously step, in breathing space meditation, 59

cooking mindfully, 151

counting breaths, for insomnia, 122

creating a healthy diet, 120121


attitude of, 159

bringing to your thoughts, 5355

• D •

daily mindfulness

about, 103

dealing with difficult relationships, 111114

maintaining positive relationships, 109110

meditations for, 103109

daily workload, managing mindfully, 113114

Davey, Graham C. (author)

Managing Anxiety with CBT For Dummies, 138

deeper mindfulness meditations, practising, 6378

defusion, as principle of ACT, 18


awareness meditation. See sitting meditation

gratitude, 162163

mindfulness, 127142

mindfulness practice, 139142

optimism, 161162

patience, 161

self-compassion, 160

diet, healthy, creating, 120121

difficult relationships, managing, 111114


with body scan meditation, 6870

with loving-kindness meditation, 84

with mindfulness journey, 9394

with sitting meditation, 7374

discomfort, with sitting meditation, 7374

disturbing thoughts, 5859

dizziness, with body scan meditation, 70

doing mode, 76

drinking alcohol, 118

drugs, reducing use of, 117118

• E •

e-cheat sheet (website), 3

eight-week mindfulness course

about, 130132

finding a mindfulness coach/therapist, 134

joining, 133134

practising alone, 132133

80/20 rule, 120


allowing and accepting, 65

with body scan meditation, 6970

excessive anxiety

about, 13

journeying to mindful wellbeing from, 91100

excitement, compared with fear and anxiety, 79

exercises. See also meditations

‘being mindful in nature,’ 145146

mindful breathing exercise, 4749

mindfulness, 16, 1920, 145153

• F •

facts, compared with thoughts, 5559

falling asleep, 121122

family members

relationships with, 109110

support from, 97, 99

fear, compared with anxiety and excitement, 79


lack of, with loving-kindness meditation, 84

moving towards difficult, 111

fight-or-flight response, 11

finding a mindfulness coach/therapist, 134

floor, for sitting meditation, 7172


on an open mind, 39

on breathing, for insomnia, 122

forgiving yourself for slips, 125

formal meditation, 105106

formal mindfulness, 46, 105106

friends, relationships with, 109110

Full Catastrophe Living (Kabat-Zinn), 132

• G •

Gaia house retreats, 140

Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), 13, 18, 129

genetics, anxiety and, 22

Goldstein, Elisha (author)

A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook, 1920

gratitude, developing, 162163

group support, 99100

growing acceptance, 163164

• H •


as a benefit of mindfulness, 3638

changing unhealthy habits to healthy habits, 115125

creating a healthy diet, 120121

moving your body mindfully, 119120

• I •

icons, explained, 3

identifying with your anxiety, 2728

impact on life and behaviour, in determining whether medical attention is needed, 130

influences, on anxiety, 2529

informal meditation, 106107

informal mindfulness, 46, 106107

insomnia, 122

Investigate with kindness, in RAIN acronym, 54

• J •

joining an eight-week mindfulness course, 133134

Jones, Fergal (author)

Managing Anxiety with CBT For Dummies, 138


about, 95

to help mindfulness practice, 96

to monitor progress, 9697

judging, spotting your tendency for, 158159

• K •

Kabat-Zinn, John (author)

Full Catastrophe Living, 132

• L •

length of time, in determining whether medical attention is needed, 128

level of intensity, in determining whether medical attention is needed, 129

listening mindfully, 150151

loving-kindness meditations

about, 7980, 149150

difficulties with, 84

importance of, 80

practising for others, 110

practising for yourself, 8081

well-wishing loving-kindness for others, 8284

• M •


positive relationships, 109110

prescribed medication, 138139

thoughts. See thought management

Managing Anxiety with CBT For Dummies (Davey, Cavanagh, Jones, and Turner), 138

Marshall, Joelle Jane (author)

Mindfulness Workbook For Dummies, 4, 46, 65, 133

website, 133, 134

MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy), 137

MB-EAT (Mindfulness-based Eating Awareness Training), 135

MBRP (Mindfulness-based Relapse Prevention), 135

medical attention, determining need for

about, 128

impact on life and behaviour, 130

length of time, 128

level of intensity, 129

medication, prescribed, 138139


body scan, 6470, 122

breathing space, 5961

clouds in the sky, 75

for daily mindfulness, 103109

formal, 105106

informal, 106107

for insomnia, 122

loving-kindness, 7984, 110, 149150

mindful eating, 7678, 107108

mindful imagery, 7476

motivating yourself for, 124125

mountain, 7576

practising, 4546

practising deeper, 6378

practising regularly, 111

preconceived ideas about, 4344

scheduling, 124125

sitting meditation, 7074, 148

tea-drinking, 104105

The Mental Health Foundation (website), 133

metaphors, mindful, 55

mild anxiety, 14


effect of anxiety on your, 910

letting up on your, 52

MIND (website), 141

mindful attention

bringing to your thoughts, 5355

effect of, 5455

Mindful Awareness Programme for ADHD (MPS for ADHD), 135

mindful breathing

about, 149

benefits of, 4849

mindful breathing exercise, 4749

mindful cleaning, 153

mindful cooking, 151

mindful eating meditation, 7678, 107108

mindful imagery meditations

about, 74

clouds in the sky visual meditation, 75

mountain meditation, 7576

mindful listening, 150151

mindful metaphors, 55

mindful movement, 119120, 122

mindful self-compassion. See loving-kindness meditations

mindful stretching, 152

mindful swimming, 119120

mindful walking, 151152

mindful wellbeing, journeying from excessive anxiety to, 91100

mindfulness. See also specific topics

about, 1516

applying to anxiety, 1520

benefits of, 3643

for commuting, 108109

daily, 103114

developing, 127142

eight-week course for, 130134

formal, 46, 105106

informal, 46, 106107

preconceived ideas about, 4344

using with other forms of therapy, 134139

as a way of living, 4647

Mindfulness: A practical guide to finding peace in a frantic world (Williams and Penman), 132

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), 137

mindfulness coach/therapist, finding a, 134

mindfulness journey

about, 91

difficulties with, 9394

importance of, 9495

journal, 9597

starting, 92

support for, 97100

mindfulness part, of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), 137

Mindfulness Workbook For Dummies (Marshall and Alidina), 4, 46, 65, 133

A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook (Stahl and Goldstein), 1920

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy For Dummies (Collard), 138

Mindfulness-based Eating Awareness Training (MB-EAT), 135

Mindfulness-based Relapse Prevention (MBRP), 135

misconceptions, common, 4446

mobile phone, 123124


for self-compassion, 88

of yourself to meditate, 124125

mountain meditation, 7576

moving your body mindfully, 119120, 122

MPS for ADHD (Mindful Awareness Programme for ADHD), 135

multitasking, 113114

• N •

negative media, effect on anxiety of, 2930

negative thinking

anxiety and, 2325

as a natural human trait, 12

Nhat Hanh, Thich (monk), 140

NHS (website), 118, 141

Nonidentify, in RAIN acronym, 54

nonjudgmental awareness, accepting thoughts with, 57

nonprescription drugs, reducing use of, 117118

• O •

observing yourself, as principle of ACT, 19

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), 129

open mind, focusing on an, 39

opening up, to anxiety, 160

openness, 160

optimism, developing, 161162

organisations, as resources, 141142

overcoming insomnia, 122

overuse, of technology, 123124

• P •

pain, with sitting meditation, 74

panic disorder, 129

partners, handling problems with, 111113

patience, developing, 161

Penman, Danny (author)

Mindfulness: A practical guide to finding peace in a frantic world, 132

website, 133


about, 8485

accepting yourself as already perfect, 8586

perspective, changing your, 110

physical effects, of anxiety on bodily functions, 1011

Plum Village (website), 140

positive mindfulness research, 1819

positive relationships, maintaining, 109110

positive thinking, 111

power of acceptance, 38


body scan meditation, 6568

breathing space meditation, 5960

clouds in the sky visual meditation, 75

deeper mindfulness meditations, 6378

eight-week mindfulness course alone, 132133

loving-kindness for others, 8284, 110

loving-kindness for yourself, 8081

meditation, 11, 4546

mindful breathing exercise, 4748

mindful eating, 7678

mountain meditation, 7576

present-moment awareness, 155156

regular meditation, 111

sitting meditation, 7173

preconceived ideas, about mindfulness and meditation, 4344

prescribed medication, managing, 138139

present moment

as principle of ACT, 18

strength of the, 4042

taking mind into, 65

present-moment awareness, practising, 155156

• R •

RAIN acronym, 5354

Recognise, in RAIN acronym, 53

recognising severity of anxiety, 1314


caffeine, 116117

stimulants, 116117

use of nonprescription drugs, 117118


difficult, 111114

maintaining positive, 109110

Remember icon, 3

reminders, for meditation, 106

research, positive mindfulness, 1819

resources, organisations as, 141142

restlessness, with body scan meditation, 69, 70

retreats, 139140

rewarding yourself, 125

rise-and-fall effect, of body's urges, 116117

• S •

The Samaritans (website), 141142

scheduling meditations, 124125

screen time, 123124

Segal, Zindel (cognitive psychologist), as creator of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), 137

self-compassion. See also loving-kindness meditations

about, 8889

developing, 160

self-medicating, as behaviour from severe anxiety, 130

self-perception, impact on anxiety of, 2627

self-pity, 88

sensation, with body scan meditation, 69

severity, recognising for anxiety, 1314

significant others, handling problems with, 111113

Simmonds, Ellie (swimming champion), 119

sitting meditation

about, 70, 148

benefits and purpose of, 7071

difficulties with, 7374

practising, 7173


with body scan meditation, 69

falling and staying asleep, 121122

importance of adequate, 116

regular patterns of, 121122

social anxiety, 129

social media, effect on anxiety of, 3031

socialising, benefits of, 2829

spouses, handling problems with, 111113

Stahl, Bob (author)

A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook, 1920

starting attitude, 3536

starting mindfulness journey, 91

staying asleep, 121122

stimulants, reducing, 116117

STOP exercise, 1920


anxiety and, 23

with body scan meditation, 69

stress response, body and, 53

stretching mindfully, 152


for family members, 97, 99

group, 99100

for mindfulness journey, 97100

swimming mindfully, 119120

• T •

tea-drinking meditation, 104105

Teasdale, John (researcher), as creator of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), 137


avoiding overuse of, 123124

effect on anxiety of, 3031

TED (website), 30


cognitive, 136

cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), 136138

using mindfulness with other forms of, 134139

thinking, anxiety and, 2325

thought management

about, 51

breathing space meditation, 5961

impact of thoughts on mind and body, 5253

mindful attention and curiosity in, 5355

thoughts compared with facts, 5559

thoughts attachment, 27

Tip icon, 3

Try This icon, 3

Turner, Lydia (author)

Managing Anxiety with CBT For Dummies, 138

TV, 123

• U •

unhealthy habits, changing to healthy habits, 115125

unhelpful thoughts, 5859

urge surfing, 117

• W •

walking mindfully, 151152

Warning! icon, 3

way of living, mindfulness as a, 4647


Amaravati, 140

Anxiety UK, 141

bonus content, 3

Brach, Tara (clinical psychologist), 133

e-cheat sheet, 3

Gaia house retreats, 140

Learn Mindfulness, 140

Marshall, Joelle Jane (author), 133, 134

The Mental Health Foundation, 133

MIND, 141

NHS, 118, 141

Penman, Danny (author), 133

Plum Village, 140

retreats, 140

The Samaritans, 141142

TED, 30

Williams, Mark (author), 133

YouTube, 65

well-wishing, for others, 8284

Williams, Mark (author)

as creator of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), 137

Mindfulness: A practical guide to finding peace in a frantic world, 132

website, 133

Wilson, Rob (author)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Dummies, 138

Wise Words icon, 3

• Y •


compassion towards, 8889

forgiving slips, 125

rewarding, 125

YouTube (website), 65

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