Table of Contents


About This Book

Foolish Assumptions

Icons Used in This Book

Beyond the Book

Where to Go from Here

Part I: Getting Started with Managing Anxiety

Chapter 1: Peering into the World of Anxiety

Comparing Fear, Excitement and Anxiety

Investigating fear

Clarifying the difference between anxiety and excitement

Discovering the Effect of Anxiety on the Mind

Finding out the Physical Effects of Anxiety on Bodily Functions

Understanding the Fight-or-Flight Response

Exploring Why Thinking Negatively Is a Natural Human Trait

Recognising Whether Your Anxiety Is Normal or Severe

Suffering from excessive anxiety

Accepting that mild anxiety can be helpful

Applying Mindfulness to Your Anxiety

Defining mindfulness

Discovering how mindfulness can help your anxiety

Trying out a mindful exercise

Chapter 2: Finding Out the Common Causes of Anxiety

Exploring Common Causes of Anxiety

Discovering your biology and your anxiety

Finding out the stress factor

Thinking causes most anxiety

Understanding the Influences Affecting Your Anxiety

Considering the effect of childhood experience

Exploring self-perception's impact on anxiety

Refusing to identify yourself with anxiety

Enjoying the benefits of socialising

Realising How Modern-Day Living Can Affect Your Anxiety

Stopping negative media from affecting your anxiety

Reducing the adverse impact of technology on your anxiety

Part II: Learning More about Mindfulness for Anxiety

Chapter 3: Discovering Mindful Attitudes Toward Anxiety

Discovering Your Starting Attitude

Understanding the Benefits of Mindfulness

Let's get physical: Benefitting your health

Take me, as I am: Appreciating the power of acceptance

Open up your eyes: Focusing on an open mind

I've got the power!: Discovering the strength of the present moment

We're absolute beginners: Seeing the world with a beginner's mind

Challenging Preconceived Ideas about Mindfulness and Meditation

Common Misconceptions

Letting go of control doesn't mean giving up

Practising meditation is for everyone

Viewing Mindfulness as a Way of Living

Introducing the Mindful Breathing Exercise

Practising the mindful breathing exercise

Enjoying the benefits of mindful breathing

Chapter 4: Managing Your Thoughts Mindfully

Accepting That Thoughts Impact Your Mind and Body

Letting up on your mind

Giving your body a break

Bringing Mindful Attention and Curiosity to Your Thoughts

Considering the effect of mindful attention on your thoughts

Trying different mindful metaphors

Understanding That Thoughts Aren't Necessarily Facts

Discovering that thoughts are just thoughts

Identifying yourself as separate from your thoughts

Accepting your thoughts with nonjudgemental awareness

Dealing with unhelpful or disturbing thoughts

Discovering the Breathing-Space Meditation

Practising the breathing space meditation

Finding out the benefits and use of the breathing space meditation

Discovering when to practise the breathing space meditation

Chapter 5: Practising Deeper Mindfulness Meditations for Anxiety

Introducing the Body Scan Meditation

Discovering the benefits and purpose of the body scan

Practising the body scan

Overcoming common difficulties that arise with the body scan

Introducing the Sitting Meditation

Discovering the purpose and benefits of the sitting meditation

Practising the sitting meditation

Overcoming difficulties with the sitting meditation

Discovering Mindful Imagery Meditations for Anxiety

Practising the clouds in the sky visual meditation

Standing tall with the mountain meditation

Savouring the Mindful Eating Meditation

Practising mindful eating

Chapter 6: Using Mindful Self-Compassion and Kindness for Anxiety

Understanding Loving-Kindness

Accepting the importance of being kind to yourself

Practising loving-kindness for yourself

Well-wishing loving-kindness for others

Facing common issues with the loving-kindness meditation

Letting Go of the Perfectionist

Investigating what being a perfectionist really means

Accepting yourself as already perfect

Discovering Compassion for Yourself and Others

Being compassionate towards yourself

Showing compassion towards others

Chapter 7: Journeying from Excessive Anxiety to Mindful Wellbeing

Starting the Journey at the Edge of the Forest

Seeing the wood despite the trees: Difficulties along the way

Understanding the journey of a lifetime

Keeping a Journal to Strengthen Your Practice

Writing a journal to help your mindfulness practice

Using the journal to monitor your progress

Enjoying the Vital Support of Other People

Asking family members to cooperate

Gaining group support

Part III: Applying mindfulness every day for anxiety

Chapter 8: Living Mindfully Day-to-Day

Engaging in Daily Mindfulness Meditations

Drinking tea mindfully

Making time for mindfulness in a busy lifestyle

Incorporating mindful eating into everyday life

Cultivating a joyful commute

Maintaining Positive Relationships

Being with friends and family

Sustaining positive relationships with colleagues

Dealing with Difficult Relationships

Handling problems with a significant other

Managing a daily workload mindfully

Chapter 9: Changing Unhealthy Habits to Healthy Ones to Combat Anxiety

Cutting Down on Stimulants and Certain Drugs

Reducing caffeine intake with mindfulness

Reducing the use of harmful nonprescription drugs

Choosing to drink less alcohol

Looking after Yourself Physically

Moving your body mindfully

Creating a healthy diet

Getting into a regular sleeping pattern

Avoiding Overuse of Technology at Home

Not watching TV last thing before bed

Turning off your computer and mobile phone early

Motivating Yourself to Meditate

Taking things one breath at a time

Forgiving yourself for the occasional slip

Rewarding yourself every so often

Chapter 10: Taking the Next Step in Your Mindfulness Practice

Determining Whether Your Anxiety Needs Medical Attention

Looking at the length of time

Considering the level of intensity

Investigating the impact on your life and behaviour

Engaging in an Eight-Week Mindfulness Course

Discovering the eight-week course

Practising the course alone

Finding a course to join

Locating a mindfulness coach or therapist to guide you

Using Mindfulness with Other Forms of Therapy

Changing how you think: Benefits of CBT for anxiety

Managing the use of prescribed medication with mindfulness

Expanding Your Mindfulness Practice

Taking mindful retreats to move forward

Discovering other helpful organisations

Part IV: The Part of Tens

Chapter 11: Ten Simple Mindfulness Exercises for Managing Anxiety

Being Mindful in Nature

Carrying out a Mini Body Scan Meditation

Trying out a Mini Sitting Meditation

Breathing Mindfully

Practising a Mini Loving-Kindness Meditation

Listening Mindfully

Cooking Mindfully

Walking Mindfully

Stretching Mindfully

Cleaning Mindfully

Chapter 12: Ten Mindful Attitudes for Easing Anxiety

Practising Present-Moment Awareness

Helping Your Beginner's Mind to Blossom

Spotting Your Tendency to Judge

Considering Curiosity

Opening up to Anxiety

Developing Self-Compassion

Pursuing Patience – without Rushing

Operating with Optimism

Generating Gratitude

Allowing Acceptance to Grow


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