
Looking at the cover, you will see only two names, Manuel’s and mine, but there were so many wonderful people who contributed to our book, that it would be a shame to let them go unmentioned. First and foremost, thanks are due to the fine folks at Manning, most importantly Robin De Jongh, who believed that a book on Meteor was a good idea, and Ozren Harlovic, who made the first contact with me. Thanks also to our editors Sean Dennis and Dan Maharry, who helped turn our technical gibberish into intelligible words and graphics. Thanks to our copyeditor Liz Welch, who had to put up with dozens of faux amis du traducteur, and to our proofreader Barbara Mirecki, as well as to the many other folks at Manning who worked with us behind the scenes.

The Meteor community has been invaluable in the creation of this book. We’d like to thank all of the early (and latter-day) pioneers using Meteor and publishing articles on the web, writing packages, and pushing the boundaries of the platform. You know who you are!

Manning’s editorial, production, and technical staff were amazing to work with, even though they kept pushing us hard in order to make this book the best we could. We appreciate the pestering; it was worth it!

Many reviewers read the manuscript at various stages of its development, and we’d like to thank them for providing invaluable feedback: Carl Wolsey, Charlie Gaines, Cristian Antonioli, Daniel Anderson, Daniel Bertoi, David DiMaria, Dennis Hettema, John Griffiths, Jorge Bo, Keith Webster, Patrick Regan, Subhasis Ghosh, Tim Couger, and Touko Vainio-Kaila.

Thanks also to our technical development editor Kostas Passidis, who made sure that our technical explanations were both accurate and understandable, as well as to Al Krinker for his thorough technical review of the final manuscript shortly before it went to press. And special gratitude to Matt DeBergalis for contributing the foreword to our book.

A huge thank you goes out to you, our readers, especially those who believed in the book early on and joined the MEAP early access program when only a few chapters were available. Your input, interest, and encouragement kept us going!


I’d like to thank Said Seihoub for making me go to that Meteor meetup. Without him this book would have never been written. Huge thanks also to Manuel, who always knew an answer when I ran into problems. Writing is a lonesome business, so thanks also to the entire #meteor IRC channel who kept me company when I needed to procrastinate. Without you this book would probably have come out already in 2014!

Thanks also to Anton Bruckner, Johann Sebastian Bach, Joss Whedon, and Terry Pratchett for creating the right working atmosphere. Finally my thanks go out to my family, who showed a lot of patience when I told them once a month that I finished a chapter, only to return to the very same chapter the next week to rewrite and ‘finish’ it again.


Writing a book takes a lot more effort than I imagined, but it was a great journey that helped me to dig deeper into the details of Meteor. Thank you Stephan for getting me on board. As always, it was a pleasure working with you.

During the writing of this book I went on another journey as well, with my startup that took up just as much of my time. Christina, without your indulgence and patience and support I could not have worked on either project, so thank you for being as great as you are!

Having a family that is always behind you is a luxury that not everyone experinces. I know that and appreciate it very much—you give me peace of mind when things get difficult.

Last but not least, I thank everyone who is part of the group of people working on making the web more awesome every day. This includes not only the guys from Meteor itself, but also everyone who creates new packages, joins meetups, or is just starting to learn how to bring their ideas to the web. The web has given us freedom to learn and to explore, to work and to play—more freedom than we have ever known in the past. It is a playground in which you can even make a living. We invite you to play with us!

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