List of Examples

Chapter 1. A better way to build apps

Listing 1.1. helloWorld template

Chapter 2. My fridge! A reactive game

Listing 2.1. General layout styles

Listing 2.2. Skeleton template structure

Listing 2.3. Looping through products in the productsList template with the each helper

Listing 2.4. Template for each productListItem

Listing 2.5. Looping through each product inside the fridge template

Listing 2.6. Declaring a products collection on the client and server

Listing 2.7. Setting up a products helper for the fridge template

Listing 2.8. Setting up a products helper for the productList template

Listing 2.9. Adding a defined dataset to the database upon server start

Listing 2.10. Loading jQuery-UI from a CDN

Listing 2.11. Declaring fridge as a droppable target and updating the product location

Listing 2.12. Declaring productList as a droppable target

Listing 2.13. Declaring productListItem as a draggable item

Chapter 3. Working with templates

Listing 3.1. Rendered HTML from template

Listing 3.2. Double-braced template tags

Listing 3.3. JavaScript code for a helper called name

Listing 3.4. Full profile page template

Listing 3.5. Splitting the profile page template

Listing 3.6. Inserting subtemplates dynamically with helpers

Listing 3.7. Using an if block

Listing 3.8. Using an unless block

Listing 3.9. Using else in an if block

Listing 3.10. Using the #each tag

Listing 3.11. Using the #with tag

Listing 3.12. A profile template using different local helpers

Listing 3.13. Using global helpers to determine array length

Listing 3.14. Custom block helpers with Template.contentBlock

Listing 3.15. Using Template.elseBlock

Listing 3.16. Moving template logic into a JavaScript helper

Listing 3.17. Event map for layout template

Listing 3.18. Listening for events in a subtemplate

Listing 3.19. Stopping event propagation within an event map

Listing 3.20. Preventing the browser’s default behavior

Listing 3.21. Initializing a jQuery plug-in to create a datepicker on an input element

Listing 3.22. The template life-cycle callbacks

Chapter 4. Working with data

Listing 4.1. Setting up a reactive context using template helpers

Listing 4.2. Basic template structure in client/templates.html

Listing 4.3. Collection declaration in collections/houses.js

Listing 4.4. Adding fixtures in server/server.js

Listing 4.5. Using the Session object

Listing 4.6. Drop-down list code in the selectHouse template

Listing 4.7. JavaScript code for selecting houses

Listing 4.8. Using Tracker.autorun() to print a Session variable to the console

Listing 4.9. Limiting the fields returned to the drop-down list

Listing 4.10. Returning a database document to a template based on ID

Listing 4.11. Template code for showing a house with all plants

Listing 4.12. Event map for watering the plants

Listing 4.13. Template helper for disabling the Done button

Listing 4.14. Extended event map for adding a last-visited date

Listing 4.15. Adding the lastvisit timestamp to the showHouse template

Listing 4.16. Adding new houses using a form

Listing 4.17. Event map for adding a new house

Listing 4.18. Adding a delete button to remove houses from the database

Listing 4.19. Event map for deleting a house

Chapter 5. Fully reactive editing

Listing 5.1. Setting up a local collection

Listing 5.2. Adding a house to the local staging collection using the change event

Listing 5.3. Global helper that returns the edit object

Listing 5.4. Setting the data context to the global selectedHouse helper using {{#with}}

Listing 5.5. Template code for displaying multiple plants in the HTML form

Listing 5.6. Using Underscore.js to add an index attribute to arrays of objects

Listing 5.7. Adding an index to plants using template helpers

Listing 5.8. Adding index information to the plantFieldset template

Listing 5.9. Wrapper function for performing updates to the LocalHouse collection

Listing 5.10. Event map for updating the house name

Listing 5.11. Event map for adding a new plant

Listing 5.12. Saving the staging document to the database with a timestamp

Listing 5.13. Event map for updating plant properties

Listing 5.14. Removing plants

Listing 5.15. Using a template for displaying notifications

Listing 5.16. Adding status to the update modifiers

Listing 5.17. Helper that displays notifications from a Session variable

Listing 5.18. Setting the notifications inside an autorun

Chapter 6. Users, authentications, and permissions

Listing 6.1. Adding loginButtons

Listing 6.2. A single user document stored inside the users collection

Listing 6.3. Configuring registration to ask for both username and email

Listing 6.4. Adding profile information to new users

Listing 6.5. Configuring an SMTP server in server/smtp.js

Listing 6.6. Sending verification emails upon user creation

Listing 6.7. Customizing the accounts email templates

Listing 6.8. Inserting Facebook OAuth configuration as a fixture in server/server.js

Listing 6.9. The user document when signing up via Facebook

Listing 6.10. Adding Facebook information to the user profile

Listing 6.11. Using allow for a Messages collection

Listing 6.12. Allowing logged-in users to insert new messages

Listing 6.13. deny inserts with missing or additional fields

Listing 6.14. Deny message removal for everyone but the recipient

Listing 6.15. Enabling users to remove their account

Chapter 7. Exchanging data

Listing 7.1. A simple server-side publication

Listing 7.2. Using a template-level subscription with a loading indicator

Listing 7.3. Adding parameters to a publication

Listing 7.4. Subscribing to a publication with parameters

Listing 7.5. Adding an event handler to increase the limit by 10

Listing 7.6. Aggregation inside a publication

Listing 7.7. Observing changes in a collection

Listing 7.8. Using observeChanges to update aggregated data

Listing 7.9. Sending only the data a user is allowed to see

Listing 7.10. Aggregation of a user’s documents

Listing 7.11. A method call from the client

Listing 7.12. Using a method to create a new document

Listing 7.13. Console message for unchecked values in methods

Chapter 8. Routing using Iron.Router

Listing 8.1. Initial templates for the community application

Listing 8.2. Setting up different routes

Listing 8.3. Moving layout-specific markup into a common layout template

Listing 8.4. Setting a layout inside the route function

Listing 8.5. Rendering a template inside a named yield with template helpers

Listing 8.6. Rendering a template inside a named yield using JavaScript

Listing 8.7. Setting the data context with Iron.Router

Listing 8.8. Publishing the profiles collection with a one-second delay

Listing 8.9. Defining a route’s behavior by options only

Listing 8.10. Subscribing based on a route

Listing 8.11. Waiting on individual profile subscriptions

Listing 8.12. Using named routes

Listing 8.13. Using the linkTo block helper to render anchor elements

Listing 8.14. A global template helper that highlights an active link

Listing 8.15. Waiting for external libraries to load

Listing 8.16. Using an Iron.Router controller

Listing 8.17. Routes declaration using controllers

Listing 8.18. Adding a hook to a RouteController

Listing 8.19. Requiring a logged-in user for a specific route

Listing 8.20. Creating a reusable Iron.Router plug-in

Listing 8.21. Simple server-side route

Listing 8.22. RESTful routes

Chapter 9. The package system

Listing 9.1. Adding npm packages via packages.json

Listing 9.2. Using the gravatar npm module from a Meteor method

Listing 9.3. Defining the notifications package

Listing 9.4. Defining unit tests for the notifications package

Listing 9.5. Template code for the notifications package

Listing 9.6. Template helpers and events for the notifications package

Listing 9.7. Exposing package functionality via the Notifications global

Listing 9.8. Adding a notification via the notifications package

Listing 9.9. Testing Notification.setError with tinytest

Chapter 10. Advanced server methods

Listing 10.1. Blocking synchronous code in methods

Listing 10.2. Nonblocking method with simulated delay

Listing 10.3. The pyramid of doom

Listing 10.4. Using fibers to avoid the pyramid of doom

Listing 10.5. Calling a function using wrapAsync

Listing 10.6. Sequentially executing methods

Listing 10.7. Using unblock to let other functions continue

Listing 10.8. Using Meteor.userId() in a callback for a method

Listing 10.9. Using Meteor.userId() in a bound callback for a method

Listing 10.10. Querying an external API using a synchronous method

Listing 10.11. Dedicated function for asynchronous API calls

Listing 10.12. Updated method for making asynchronous API calls

Listing 10.13. Template for making API calls and displaying errors

Listing 10.14. Template helpers for making API calls

Listing 10.15. Template code for uploading files

Listing 10.16. Code for publishing and subscribing to a single file

Listing 10.17. Using FileReader to upload a file

Listing 10.18. saveFile method for storing files in a collection

Chapter 11. Building and debugging

Listing 11.1. Sample style file using the LESS preprocessor

Listing 11.2. Registering a build plug-in with CoffeeScript support in package.json

Listing 11.3. Skeleton for transpiling TypeScript to JavaScript during the build

Listing 11.4. Setting breakpoints using debugger;

Listing 11.5. Setting configuration options for applications via settings.json

Listing 11.6. Using Meteor.settings with values from a JSON configuration file

Listing 11.7. Sample for a mobile app

Listing 11.8. Setting up icons and launch screens in mobile.config.js

Listing 11.9. Declaring URL access rules in mobile.config.js

Listing 11.10. Configuring app behavior and Cordova plug-ins

Listing 11.11. Adding the Cordova dialogs plug-in to a change event

Chapter 12. Going into production

Listing 12.1. mup.json configuration

Appendix C. Setting up nginx

Listing C.1. nginx site configuration

Listing C.2. Location for request forwarding in nginx

Listing C.3. SSL setup for nginx

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