
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


97-2003 Word Document format, Word’s Other File Formats
97-2003 Word Template Document format, Word’s Other File Formats
2003 XML Document format, Word’s Other File Formats
? wildcard, Miss the Find And Replace Dialog Box?
* wildcard, Miss the Find And Replace Dialog Box?


About This Sentence (grammar), Correct a Contextual Spelling Error
Add Text tool, Creating a Table of Contents
Adjustment handle (shapes), Draw a Shape
alignment, Setting Paragraph Alignment, Positioning Elements in a Table, Aligning a Table, Positioning Graphics on the Page, Positioning Graphics on the Page
of graphics to pages, Positioning Graphics on the Page
of paragraphs, Setting Paragraph Alignment
of pictures, Positioning Graphics on the Page
of tables, Aligning a Table
of text in tables, Positioning Elements in a Table
Allow Typing option, Reading a Document
Apply Styles window, Applying and Saving Styles
Arrange All function, Viewing Documents Side by Side
art borders around pages, Placing an Art Border Around a Page
Artistic Effects (pictures), Getting Artistic with Pictures
artistic text, creating, Creating Artistic Text
Aspect Ratio, setting, Size It
At Least option (paragraph formatting), Adjusting Paragraph Line Spacing
attachments to e-mails, displaying, Reading a Document
AutoCorrect feature, Correcting Text Automatically
AutoCorrect Options button, Create a Discontinuous Numbered List
automatic text correction, Correcting Text Automatically
automatically inserted hyperlinks, Adding Hyperlinks
autosaved documents, Recovering Unsaved Versions


cells, dividing (tables), Divide One Cell into Two
center alignment of text, Setting Paragraph Alignment
Change Styles tool, Changing Style Sets
character formatting, Formatting Text, Copying Your Formatting
applying, Formatting Text
copying, Copying Your Formatting
characters, Miss the Find And Replace Dialog Box?, Themes, Adjusting the Spacing Between Characters
adjusting space between, Adjusting the Spacing Between Characters
styling, Themes
wildcard, Miss the Find And Replace Dialog Box?
charts, SmartArt, Creating a Chart, Format the Chart
Chart tool, SmartArt
Chart Tools Design tab, Format the Chart
creating, Creating a Chart
Check For Updates function, Getting Help
Clear All option (Clipboard), Copy and Paste Multiple Items
Clear Formatting tool, Change the Font Size
clip art, A Quick Look at Word 2010 Illustrations, Adding Clip Art
Clip Organizer, Inserting a Picture
Clipboards, Windows & Office, Editing Your Way, Moving and Copying Text
co-authoring documents, A Quick Overview, Co-Authoring a Document
Collapse Subdocument function, Creating a Master Document
colors, Recolor a Picture, Customizing the Work Area
Color gallery, Recolor a Picture
Color Scheme, changing, Customizing the Work Area
columns and rows (tables), Adding or Deleting Rows and Columns in a Table, Change the Row or Column Size
adding/deleting, Adding or Deleting Rows and Columns in a Table
sizing, Change the Row or Column Size
columns, adding to documents, Adding Columns
command tabs, What’s Where in Word?
comparing changes in documents, Comparing Changes in a Document
compatibility, Converting Old Documents, Converting Old Documents, Changing the Location and Type of Saved Files, Set File Permissions
Compatibility Checker, Converting Old Documents
Compatibility Mode, Converting Old Documents, Set File Permissions
settings, Changing the Location and Type of Saved Files
compiling indexes, Compile the Index
conditional content, Mail Merge: The Power and the Pain, Add Conditional Content
form letters and, Add Conditional Content
setting (mail merge), Mail Merge: The Power and the Pain
contacting co-authors, Contacting Co-Authors
content, Adding Content, Create a Template from Scratch, Mail Merge: The Power and the Pain, Add Conditional Content
adding to documents, Adding Content
conditional (form letters), Add Conditional Content
content controls (fields), Create a Template from Scratch
setting conditional (mail merge), Mail Merge: The Power and the Pain
Contextual tab, What’s Where in Word?
converting, Converting Old Documents, Creating a Table from Text
documents between Word versions, Converting Old Documents
table text to regular text, Creating a Table from Text
copying paragraph formatting, Copying Your Formatting
copying/cutting/pasting text, Editing Your Way, Moving and Copying Text
cover pages, Inserting a Cover Page
cropping pictures, Changing the Size of a Picture
cross-references (indexes), Compile the Index
Ctrl key for hyperlinks, Link to a Different Document
customizing, A Quick Overview, Customizing a Bulleted or Numbered List, Customizing a Multilevel List, Customizing a Template, Set Up a Two-Sided Document, Customizing a Table Layout, SmartArt, Customizing the Ribbon, Rename and Add Tools to the Group, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar, Customizing the Work Area
bulleted/numbered lists, Customizing a Bulleted or Numbered List
charts, SmartArt
Custom Margins option, Set Up a Two-Sided Document
Customize Ribbon dialog box, Rename and Add Tools to the Group
multilevel lists, Customizing a Multilevel List
Quick Access Toolbar, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
ribbon, Customizing the Ribbon
table layouts, Customizing a Table Layout
templates, Customizing a Template
Word 2010, A Quick Overview
work area, Customizing the Work Area


Date And Time tool, Create a Template from Scratch
Decimal tab stop, Positioning Elements in a Table
decorative horizontal lines, Adding a Decorative Horizontal Line
deleting rows/columns, Delete Rows or Columns
designing templates, Designing a Template
Developer tab, adding to ribbon, Creating a Macro
diagrams, Inserting a Relational Diagram, Modify the Diagram
relational, Inserting a Relational Diagram
SmartArt, Modify the Diagram
dictionaries, spelling, Customizing Your Spelling Dictionaries
digital signatures, Set File Permissions
direct formatting, Direct Formatting, Setting Paragraph Alignment
defined, Direct Formatting
vs. styles, Setting Paragraph Alignment
discontinuous numbered lists, Create a Discontinuous Numbered List
Distribute Rows function (tables), Customizing a Table Layout
documents, Creating a New Document, Save the Document, Starting with a Template, Starting with a Template, Working with an Existing Document, Working with an Existing Document, Introducing Backstage View, Adding Content, Adding Content, Insert a Text File, Use Ink to Add Content, Adding Hyperlinks, Link to a Different Document, Printing a Document, Printing a Document, Navigating Through the Document, View Thumbnails, Converting Old Documents, Reading a Document, Navigate the Document, Formatting Documents with Themes, Styles, and Fonts, Laying Out the Page, Creating Sections, Inserting a Picture, Composing Different Types of Documents, Composing Different Types of Documents, Creating an Online Document, Including a File Within a File, Reorganizing a Document, Reorganizing a Document, Creating a Master Document, Inserting a Cover Page, Creating a Table of Contents, Creating an Index, Using the Word 2010 Web App, Open a Document in Windows Live SkyDrive, Co-Authoring a Document, Working with Revision Marks, Viewing Documents Side by Side, Finalizing Your Document, Prepare Your Document, Recovering Unsaved Versions
(see also )
adding content to, Adding Content
adding content with ink function, Use Ink to Add Content
adding hyperlinks to, Adding Hyperlinks
autosaved, Recovering Unsaved Versions
co-authoring, Co-Authoring a Document
composing different types of, Composing Different Types of Documents
converting old, Converting Old Documents
cover pages, Inserting a Cover Page
creating new, Creating a New Document
creating with templates, Starting with a Template
creating/posting online, Creating an Online Document
dividing into sections, Creating Sections
Document Inspector dialog box, Prepare Your Document
Document tab, View Thumbnails
finalizing, Finalizing Your Document
formatting with themes/styles/fonts, Formatting Documents with Themes, Styles, and Fonts
indexes, creating, Creating an Index
inserting files in, Including a File Within a File
inserting pictures in, Inserting a Picture
inserting text files in, Insert a Text File
linking, Link to a Different Document
master documents, Creating a Master Document
navigating, Navigating Through the Document, Navigate the Document
opening as copy, Working with an Existing Document
opening existing, Working with an Existing Document
opening existing as templates, Starting with a Template
opening in Windows Live SkyDrive, Open a Document in Windows Live SkyDrive
opening recently used, Introducing Backstage View
Outline view, Reorganizing a Document
page setup for electronic viewing, Composing Different Types of Documents
previewing, Printing a Document
printing, Printing a Document
reading through, Reading a Document
reorganizing, Reorganizing a Document
reviewing, Working with Revision Marks (see )
saving, Save the Document
saving to shared spaces, Using the Word 2010 Web App
setting margins, Laying Out the Page
table of contents, Creating a Table of Contents
viewing side by side, Viewing Documents Side by Side
Draft view, What’s Where in Word?, Checking Out Word Views, Creating Footnotes and Endnotes, Working with Revision Marks
drag and drop text function, Adding Content
drawing, Use Ink to Add Content, Adding Text Boxes, Divide One Cell into Two, Adding Shapes, Wrapping Text Around a Graphic, Arrange the Graphics, Positioning Graphics on the Page
content (ink function), Use Ink to Add Content
Draw Table tool, Divide One Cell into Two
drawing canvas, Wrapping Text Around a Graphic
Drawing Tools Format contextual tab, Arrange the Graphics
Drawing Tools Format tab, Positioning Graphics on the Page
shapes, Adding Shapes
text boxes, Adding Text Boxes
drop caps, creating, Creating a Dropped Capital Letter


e-mail addresses/links, adding, Creating an Online Document
editing, Editing Basics, Editing Your Way, Search and Find Text, Change the Running Heads, Editing and Formatting a Picture, Editing and Formatting a Picture, Specify the Data to Be Merged, Edit a Header and Footer, Limiting File Changes
Edit Header function, Change the Running Heads
Edit Recipient List (form letters), Specify the Data to Be Merged
Editing group (Home tab), Search and Find Text
headers and footers, Edit a Header and Footer
pictures, Editing and Formatting a Picture, Editing and Formatting a Picture
restrictions on, Limiting File Changes
summary of methods for, Editing Your Way
text, Editing Basics
Effects, Theme, Modify a Theme
electronic postage, Printing an Envelope
Enable Live Preview check box, Apply a Style from the Styles Palette
encrypted passwords, Password Protecting a File
endnotes, Creating Footnotes and Endnotes (see )
envelopes, printing, Printing an Envelope
Eraser tool, Divide One Cell into Two
Esc key, Use Keyboard Shortcuts
even-page headers and footers, Create Even-Page and Odd-Page Headers and Footers
Exactly option (paragraph formatting), Adjusting Paragraph Line Spacing
Excel 2010, Adding Content, Creating a Chart
dragging/dropping content from, Adding Content
inserting charts from, Creating a Chart
Expand Subdocuments function, Creating a Master Document
Export All Customizations function (ribbon), Rename and Add Tools to the Group


fields, template, Create a Template from Scratch
file formats, Inserting a Picture, Word’s File Formats
for pictures, Inserting a Picture
Word 2010, Word’s File Formats
files, Start Word and Enter Some Text, Save the Document, Save the Document, Working with an Existing Document, Working with an Existing Document, Working with an Existing Document, Introducing Backstage View, Introducing Backstage View, Adding Content, Adding Content, Adding Hyperlinks, Printing a Document, Printing a Document, Print the Document, Navigating Through the Document, Converting Old Documents, Reading a Document, Formatting Documents with Themes, Styles, and Fonts, Designing a Template, Including a File Within a File, Reviewing Shared File Information, Reviewing Shared File Information, Changing the Location and Type of Saved Files, Changing File Validation, Changing File Validation, Password Protecting a File, Limiting File Changes, Limiting File Changes, Recovering Unsaved Versions
(see also )
adding content to, Adding Content
adding hyperlinks to, Adding Hyperlinks
and folders, pinning, Introducing Backstage View
changing location/formats of saved, Changing the Location and Type of Saved Files
changing validation of, Changing File Validation
converting old, Converting Old Documents
creating within files (online), Including a File Within a File
designing templates based on existing, Designing a Template
File Block behaviors, Changing File Validation
File tab, Start Word and Enter Some Text, Working with an Existing Document, Printing a Document, Print the Document
formatting with themes/styles/fonts, Formatting Documents with Themes, Styles, and Fonts
limiting changes to, Limiting File Changes
naming, Save the Document
navigating through, Navigating Through the Document
opening, Working with an Existing Document
opening as copy, Working with an Existing Document
opening recently used, Introducing Backstage View
password protecting, Password Protecting a File
permissions, setting, Limiting File Changes
printing, Printing a Document
reading, Reading a Document
recovering unsaved, Recovering Unsaved Versions
reviewing shared file information, Reviewing Shared File Information
saving, Save the Document
shared (co-authoring), Reviewing Shared File Information
finalizing documents, Finalizing Your Document
Find And Replace dialog box, Miss the Find And Replace Dialog Box?
Find tool, Search and Find Text
First Line Indent marker, Indenting a Paragraph
fonts, Modify a Theme, Changing Character Font and Size, Adjusting the Spacing Between Characters
Font dialog box, Adjusting the Spacing Between Characters
formatting, Changing Character Font and Size
Theme Fonts, Modify a Theme
footers, Change the Running Heads (see )
footnotes and endnotes, Creating Footnotes and Endnotes
form letters, Creating a Form Letter
Format Horizontal Line dialog box, Adding a Decorative Horizontal Line
Format Painter tool, Direct Formatting, Copying Your Formatting
formats, file, Inserting a Picture (see )
formatting, Formatting Documents with Themes, Styles, and Fonts, Direct Formatting, Formatting Text, Formatting Text, Changing Character Font and Size, Formatting with Tabs, Copying Your Formatting, Formatting a Table, Editing and Formatting a Picture, Format a Picture, Format the Chart, Limiting File Changes
characters, Formatting Text
charts, Format the Chart
copying formatting, Copying Your Formatting
direct formatting, Direct Formatting
documents with themes/styles/fonts, Formatting Documents with Themes, Styles, and Fonts
fonts, Changing Character Font and Size
Format Shape button, Format a Picture
pictures, Editing and Formatting a Picture
restrictions on, Limiting File Changes
tables, Formatting a Table
text, Formatting Text
with tabs, Formatting with Tabs
Full Screen Reading view, What’s Where in Word?, Checking Out Word Views, Changing Your View, Reading a Document


Gabriola font, Adjusting the Spacing Between Characters
gallery example (illustration), What’s Where in Word?
General tab, Customizing the Work Area
Go To Footer tool, Change the Running Heads
grammar, Correcting Your Spelling and Grammar, Correct a Contextual Spelling Error
correcting, Correct a Contextual Spelling Error
Grammar checker, Correcting Your Spelling and Grammar
graphics, A Quick Look at Word 2010 Illustrations, A Quick Look at Word 2010 Illustrations, A Quick Look at Word 2010 Illustrations, SmartArt, SmartArt, SmartArt, Inserting a Picture, Changing the Size of a Picture, Adding Clip Art, Adding Shapes, Editing and Formatting a Picture, Getting Artistic with Pictures, Removing Picture Backgrounds, Wrapping Text Around a Graphic, Arranging Multiple Graphics, Positioning Graphics on the Page, Creating Artistic Text, Inserting a Relational Diagram, Creating a Chart
arranging multiple, Arranging Multiple Graphics
Artistic Effects, Getting Artistic with Pictures
Chart tool, SmartArt
charts, Creating a Chart
clip art, A Quick Look at Word 2010 Illustrations, Adding Clip Art
picture backgrounds, removing, Removing Picture Backgrounds
Picture tool, A Quick Look at Word 2010 Illustrations
pictures, changing size of, Changing the Size of a Picture
pictures, editing/formatting, Editing and Formatting a Picture
pictures, inserting, Inserting a Picture
positioning on pages, Positioning Graphics on the Page
relational diagrams, Inserting a Relational Diagram
screenshots, SmartArt
shapes, A Quick Look at Word 2010 Illustrations, Adding Shapes
SmartArt, SmartArt
WordArt, Creating Artistic Text
wrapping text around, Wrapping Text Around a Graphic
green squiggles, Correct a Contextual Spelling Error
Grid Setting (Align button), Positioning Graphics on the Page
gridlines, Changing Your View, Divide One Cell into Two, Positioning Graphics on the Page
Group tool, Arrange the Graphics
groups (custom tabs), Rename and Add Tools to the Group
Grow Font tool, Change the Font Size
gutters, Laying Out the Page


illustrations, What’s Where in Word?, Checking Out Word Views, Creating a New Document, Save the Document, Starting with a Template, Working with an Existing Document, Introducing Backstage View, Adding Content, Insert a Text File, Use Ink to Add Content, Adding Hyperlinks, Link to a Different Document, Printing a Document, Getting Help, Editing Basics, Changing Your View, Navigating Through the Document, View Thumbnails, Search and Find Text, Convert the Document, Reading a Document, Moving and Copying Text, Paste the Cut or Copied Text, Copy and Paste Multiple Items, Replacing Text, Inserting Building Blocks, Correcting Your Spelling and Grammar, Correct a Contextual Spelling Error, Correcting Text Automatically, Researching a Subject, Translating Your Text, Use the Mini Translator, Formatting Documents with Themes, Styles, and Fonts, Themes, Direct Formatting, Choosing and Changing Themes, Applying and Saving Styles, Changing Style Sets, Formatting Text, Creating a Bulleted or Numbered List, Create a Discontinuous Numbered List, Customizing a Bulleted or Numbered List, Change the Numbering Scheme, Creating a Multilevel List, Customizing a Multilevel List, Changing Character Font and Size, Adjusting Paragraph Line Spacing, Adjusting the Spacing Between Characters, Setting Paragraph Alignment, Indenting a Paragraph, Formatting with Tabs, Modify the Tabs, Adding Text Boxes, Adding Text Boxes, Link Text Box Text, Creating a Dropped Capital Letter, Copying Your Formatting, Placing a Line Border Around a Page, Placing an Art Border Around a Page, Adding a Decorative Horizontal Line, Adding a Border or Shading to a Paragraph, Customizing a Template, Designing a Template, Laying Out the Page, Changing Page Orientation, Changing Margins in a Document, Fine-Tuning Your Layout, Adjust Hyphenation, Creating Sections, Change the Running Heads, Adding Columns, Creating a Table from Scratch, Using a Predesigned Table, Creating a Table from Text, Adding or Deleting Rows and Columns in a Table, Positioning Elements in a Table, Customizing a Table Layout, Change the Row or Column Size, Divide One Cell into Two, Aligning a Table, Moving a Table, Formatting a Table, Creating a Table Style, Insert a Picture, Changing the Size of a Picture, Adding Clip Art, Adding Shapes, Editing and Formatting a Picture, Getting Artistic with Pictures, Removing Picture Backgrounds, Wrapping Text Around a Graphic, Arranging Multiple Graphics, Positioning Graphics on the Page, Creating Artistic Text, Inserting a Relational Diagram, Creating a Chart, Composing Different Types of Documents, Creating an Online Document, Writing and Publishing a Blog, Printing an Envelope, Creating a Form Letter, Creating Headers and Footers, Organizing Your Information, Reorganizing a Document, Creating a Master Document, Inserting a Cover Page, Creating Footnotes and Endnotes, Creating a Table of Contents, Creating an Index, Using the Word 2010 Web App, Open a Document in Windows Live SkyDrive, Co-Authoring a Document, Working with Revision Marks, Comparing Changes in a Document, Viewing Documents Side by Side, Finalizing Your Document, Customizing the Ribbon, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar, Customizing the Work Area, Changing the Location and Type of Saved Files, Customizing Your Spelling Dictionaries, Creating a Macro, Changing File Validation, Choosing What’s Displayed in Protected View, Password Protecting a File, Limiting File Changes, Recovering Unsaved Versions
art borders around pages, Placing an Art Border Around a Page
artistic text, creating, Creating Artistic Text
automatic text correction, Correcting Text Automatically
Backstage view, Introducing Backstage View
borders/shading, adding to paragraphs, Adding a Border or Shading to a Paragraph
building blocks, inserting, Inserting Building Blocks
bulleted and numbered lists, Creating a Bulleted or Numbered List
character fonts/sizes, changing, Changing Character Font and Size
character formatting, copying, Copying Your Formatting
charts, creating, Creating a Chart
co-authoring documents, Co-Authoring a Document
columns, adding to documents, Adding Columns
columns/rows, sizing, Change the Row or Column Size
composing types of documents, Composing Different Types of Documents
content, adding with Ink function, Use Ink to Add Content
converting old documents, Convert the Document
copying/moving text, Moving and Copying Text
copying/pasting multiple items, Copy and Paste Multiple Items
cover pages, inserting, Inserting a Cover Page
customizing bulleted/numbered lists, Customizing a Bulleted or Numbered List
customizing multilevel lists, Customizing a Multilevel List
decorative horizontal lines, Adding a Decorative Horizontal Line
direct formatting, Direct Formatting
discontinuous numbered lists, Create a Discontinuous Numbered List
dividing table cells, Divide One Cell into Two
document sections, Creating Sections
documents, comparing changes in, Comparing Changes in a Document
documents, creating new, Creating a New Document
documents, finalizing, Finalizing Your Document
documents, opening, Working with an Existing Document
documents, opening in Live SkyDrive, Open a Document in Windows Live SkyDrive
documents, reorganizing, Reorganizing a Document
documents, saving, Save the Document
documents, saving to shared spaces, Using the Word 2010 Web App
documents, viewing side by side, Viewing Documents Side by Side
drag and drop text, Adding Content
drop caps, Creating a Dropped Capital Letter
File Block settings, Changing File Validation
file locations/formats, changing, Changing the Location and Type of Saved Files
file permissions, setting, Limiting File Changes
finding/inserting Clip Art, Adding Clip Art
footnotes and endnotes, Creating Footnotes and Endnotes
form letters, Creating a Form Letter
formatting text, Formatting Text
formatting with tabs, Formatting with Tabs
grammar, correcting, Correct a Contextual Spelling Error
graphics, positioning on pages, Positioning Graphics on the Page
headers and footers, Creating Headers and Footers
hyperlinks, adding to documents, Adding Hyperlinks
hyphenation, adjusting, Adjust Hyphenation
indenting paragraphs, Indenting a Paragraph
indexes, creating/compiling, Creating an Index
laying out pages, Laying Out the Page
line borders around pages, Placing a Line Border Around a Page
linking documents, Link to a Different Document
linking text box text, Link Text Box Text
list numbering schemes, changing, Change the Numbering Scheme
macros, creating, Creating a Macro
margins in documents, changing, Changing Margins in a Document
master documents, creating, Creating a Master Document
Mini Translator, Use the Mini Translator
multilevel lists, Creating a Multilevel List
multiple graphics, arranging, Arranging Multiple Graphics
navigating through documents, Navigating Through the Document
online documents, creating, Creating an Online Document
page orientation, changing, Changing Page Orientation
paragraph alignment, Setting Paragraph Alignment
paragraph line spacing, adjusting, Adjusting Paragraph Line Spacing
password protecting files, Password Protecting a File
pasting text, Paste the Cut or Copied Text
picture backgrounds, removing, Removing Picture Backgrounds
pictures, applying Artistic Effects to, Getting Artistic with Pictures
pictures, changing size of, Changing the Size of a Picture
pictures, editing/formatting, Editing and Formatting a Picture
pictures, inserting in documents, Insert a Picture
predesigned tables, Using a Predesigned Table
predesigned text boxes, Adding Text Boxes
printing documents, Printing a Document
printing envelopes, Printing an Envelope
Protected View settings, Choosing What’s Displayed in Protected View
Quick Access Toolbar, customizing, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
reading documents, Reading a Document
relational diagrams, inserting, Inserting a Relational Diagram
researching subjects, Researching a Subject
revision marks, Working with Revision Marks
ribbon, customizing, Customizing the Ribbon
running heads, Change the Running Heads
shapes, drawing, Adding Shapes
spacing between characters, Adjusting the Spacing Between Characters
spelling dictionaries, customizing, Customizing Your Spelling Dictionaries
spelling errors, correcting, Correcting Your Spelling and Grammar
style sets, changing, Changing Style Sets
styles, applying/saving, Applying and Saving Styles
styles, types of, Themes
tab stops, modifying, Modify the Tabs
table of contents, creating, Creating a Table of Contents
table rows/columns, adding/deleting, Adding or Deleting Rows and Columns in a Table
table styles, creating, Creating a Table Style
tables and lists, sorting, Organizing Your Information
tables, aligning, Aligning a Table
tables, creating, Creating a Table from Scratch
tables, creating from text, Creating a Table from Text
tables, formatting, Formatting a Table
tables, moving, Moving a Table
tables, positioning elements in, Positioning Elements in a Table
tables, sizing, Customizing a Table Layout
templates, choosing, Starting with a Template
templates, customizing, Customizing a Template
templates, designing, Designing a Template
text boxes, Adding Text Boxes
text files, inserting, Insert a Text File
text flow, adjusting, Fine-Tuning Your Layout
text, replacing, Replacing Text
text, searching/finding, Search and Find Text
text, selecting/modifying, Editing Basics
text, translating, Translating Your Text
text, wrapping, Wrapping Text Around a Graphic
themes, formatting documents with, Formatting Documents with Themes, Styles, and Fonts
themes, previewing/choosing, Choosing and Changing Themes
thumbnails, viewing, View Thumbnails
unsaved files, recovering, Recovering Unsaved Versions
views, setting, Changing Your View
Word 2010 views, Checking Out Word Views
Word 2010 window, What’s Where in Word?
Word Help, Getting Help
work area, customizing, Customizing the Work Area
writing/publishing blogs, Writing and Publishing a Blog
Illustrations group, A Quick Look at Word 2010 Illustrations
Include Content From Office Online check box, Customizing a Bulleted or Numbered List
Increase Text Size option, Reading a Document
indent markers, What’s Where in Word?
indenting paragraphs, Indenting a Paragraph
indents, adjusting list, Choose a Multilevel List Style
indexes, creating, Creating an Index
Info tab, Introducing Backstage View, Convert the Document
information, organizing with tables/lists, Organizing Your Information
ink function, Use Ink to Add Content
inserting, Insert a Text File, Link to a Different Document, Inserting Building Blocks, Adding Text Boxes, Creating a Table from Scratch, A Quick Look at Word 2010 Illustrations, Insert a Picture, Insert a Picture, Adding Clip Art, Inserting a Relational Diagram, Creating a Chart, Including a File Within a File, Create a Blog Entry, Personalizing a Form Letter, Inserting a Cover Page
building blocks, Inserting Building Blocks
charts from Excel, Creating a Chart
Clip Art, Adding Clip Art
cover pages, Inserting a Cover Page
files in documents, Including a File Within a File
Insert Category button (Blogs), Create a Blog Entry
Insert Hyperlink dialog box, Link to a Different Document
Insert Merge Field dialog box (mail merge), Personalizing a Form Letter
Insert tab, A Quick Look at Word 2010 Illustrations, Insert a Picture
pictures in documents, Insert a Picture
predesigned text boxes, Adding Text Boxes
relational diagrams, Inserting a Relational Diagram
tabs in table cells, Creating a Table from Scratch
text files, Insert a Text File


Joyce, Jerry, What’s New in Word 2010?
justifying paragraphs, Setting Paragraph Alignment


Labels tab (mailing), Printing a Mailing Label
Landscape Orientation, Laying Out the Page, Changing Page Orientation
languages, translation, Translating Your Text
layouts, page, Set Up a Two-Sided Document (see )
leaders for tab stops, Modify the Tabs
Left Indent marker, Indenting a Paragraph
legal blacklining, Comparing Changes in a Document
letters, form, Creating a Form Letter (see )
lines, What’s Where in Word?, Adjusting Paragraph Line Spacing, Set the Line Spacing Between Paragraphs, Set the Line Spacing Between Paragraphs, Placing a Line Border Around a Page, Adding a Decorative Horizontal Line, Fine-Tuning Your Layout
decorative horizontal, Adding a Decorative Horizontal Line
Line And Page Breaks tab, Fine-Tuning Your Layout
line borders around pages, Placing a Line Border Around a Page
Line Spacing tool, Set the Line Spacing Between Paragraphs
line status bar, What’s Where in Word?
spacing between paragraphs, Set the Line Spacing Between Paragraphs
spacing within paragraphs, Adjusting Paragraph Line Spacing
linking, Link to a Different Document, Themes, Link Text Box Text, Insert a Picture, Link and Unlink Headers and Footers, Link and Unlink Headers and Footers
documents, Link to a Different Document
headers and footers, Link and Unlink Headers and Footers
Link To File function, Insert a Picture
Link To Previous tool, Link and Unlink Headers and Footers
linked styles, Themes
text box text, Link Text Box Text
lists, Themes, Creating a Bulleted or Numbered List, Create a Discontinuous Numbered List, Customizing a Bulleted or Numbered List, Creating a Multilevel List, Sort a List
bulleted/numbered, Creating a Bulleted or Numbered List, Customizing a Bulleted or Numbered List
discontinuous numbered, Create a Discontinuous Numbered List
list styles, Themes
multilevel, Creating a Multilevel List (see )
sorting, Sort a List
Live Preview feature, Apply a Style from the Styles Palette


macros, Word’s File Formats, Word’s File Formats, Creating a Macro
creating, Creating a Macro
Macro-Enabled Document format, Word’s File Formats
Macro-Enabled Template Word Document format, Word’s File Formats
magnifying text with Zoom control, Creating a New Document
Mail Merge, Mail Merge: The Power and the Pain
mailing labels, printing, Printing a Mailing Label
Mailings tab, Printing an Envelope, Mail Merge: The Power and the Pain, Specify the Data to Be Merged
Manage Accounts button (Blogs), Create a Blog Entry
Manage Versions (Backstage view), Find File and Program Information
manual breaking, defined, Fine-Tuning Your Layout
manual column breaks, Adding Columns
manual page breaks, Adjust Hyphenation
margins, What’s Where in Word?, Laying Out the Page, Changing Margins in a Document
changing in documents, Changing Margins in a Document
markers, What’s Where in Word?
setting in documents, Laying Out the Page
Mark Entry tool (indexes), Creating an Index
Mark Index Entry dialog box, Compile the Index
marked up inserted text (illustration), What’s Where in Word?
markup area (illustration), What’s Where in Word?
master documents, creating, Creating a Master Document
Match Destination Formatting (pasting), Paste the Cut or Copied Text
Merge Formatting (pasting), Paste the Cut or Copied Text
merging, Divide One Cell into Two, Mail Merge: The Power and the Pain, Combining Reviews
(see also )
cells (tables), Divide One Cell into Two
documents (reviewing), Combining Reviews
Microsoft Graph, Creating a Chart
Microsoft Office 2010 Upload Center, Windows Live SkyDrive
Microsoft Office Picture Manager, Inserting a Picture
Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010, Working Collaboratively with Word 2010
Microsoft Windows 7 Plain & Simple, What’s New in Word 2010?
Microsoft Works database, Mail Merge: The Power and the Pain
Mini toolbar (selected text), Changing Character Font and Size
Mini Translator, Use the Mini Translator
Mirror Indents option, Indenting a Paragraph
modifying, Modify a Theme, Modify the Template, Changing the Location and Type of Saved Files
Modify Location dialog box, Changing the Location and Type of Saved Files
templates, Modify the Template
themes, Modify a Theme
Moon, Marianne, What’s New in Word 2010?
Move pointer, Change the Row or Column Size
moving, Move a Paragraph, Move a Section
paragraphs, Move a Paragraph
sections (text), Move a Section
multilevel lists, Creating a Multilevel List, Choose a Multilevel List Style, Customizing a Multilevel List
creating, Creating a Multilevel List
customizing, Customizing a Multilevel List
styles, choosing, Choose a Multilevel List Style
multiple graphics, arranging, Arranging Multiple Graphics
Multiple Pages settings, Set Up a Two-Sided Document
Multiply option (paragraph formatting), Adjusting Paragraph Line Spacing
My Templates icon, Starting with a Template


Object tool (Text group), Including a File Within a File
odd-page headers and footers, Create Even-Page and Odd-Page Headers and Footers
odd-page section breaks, Change the Running Heads
Office 2010, Convert the Document, Moving and Copying Text, Understanding Security in Office 2010
Clipboard, Moving and Copying Text
Compatibility pack, Convert the Document
security in, Understanding Security in Office 2010
Office Clipboard, Editing Your Way
Office Marketplace, Set File Permissions, Starting with a Template, Customizing a Bulleted or Numbered List
OneNote notebooks, Printing a Document, Print the Document
online documents, Creating an Online Document, Including a File Within a File
creating, Creating an Online Document
including files within files, Including a File Within a File
opening, Working with an Existing Document, Introducing Backstage View, Customizing a Template, Open a Document in Windows Live SkyDrive
documents in Live SkyDrive, Open a Document in Windows Live SkyDrive
existing documents, Working with an Existing Document
recently used files, Introducing Backstage View
templates, Customizing a Template
OpenType settings, Adjusting the Spacing Between Characters
orientation of pages, Changing Page Orientation
Orientation option (pages setup), Laying Out the Page
orphans, defined (text), Fine-Tuning Your Layout
outline of this book, A Quick Overview
Outline view, What’s Where in Word?, Checking Out Word Views, Reorganizing a Document, Creating Footnotes and Endnotes, Creating a Table of Contents
Outlining tab, Creating a Master Document
Outlook Contacts list (form letters), Creating a Form Letter
Overtype mode (text), Editing Basics


page layouts, Starting with a Template, Laying Out the Page, Set Up a Two-Sided Document, Set Up a Two-Sided Document, Changing Page Orientation, Changing Page Orientation, Changing Margins in a Document, Fine-Tuning Your Layout, Adjust Hyphenation, Creating Sections, Change the Running Heads, Adding Columns, Aligning a Table, Working with Revision Marks
bound documents, Set Up a Two-Sided Document
changing page orientation, Changing Page Orientation
columns, adding, Adding Columns
hyphenation, Adjust Hyphenation
margins, Changing Margins in a Document
Page Layout view, Working with Revision Marks
page orientation, Changing Page Orientation
running heads, Change the Running Heads
sections, creating, Creating Sections
standard page setup, Laying Out the Page
tables, Aligning a Table (see )
templates, Starting with a Template (see )
text flow, adjusting, Fine-Tuning Your Layout
two-sided document setup, Set Up a Two-Sided Document
page numbers (illustration), What’s Where in Word?
pages, Printing a Document, Modify the Tabs, Placing a Line Border Around a Page, Placing a Line Border Around a Page, Placing an Art Border Around a Page, Laying Out the Page, Adjust Hyphenation, Positioning Graphics on the Page
art borders around, Placing an Art Border Around a Page
line borders around, Placing a Line Border Around a Page
page borders, creating, Placing a Line Border Around a Page
page breaks, manual, Adjust Hyphenation
Page Setup dialog box, Printing a Document, Modify the Tabs, Laying Out the Page
positioning graphics on, Positioning Graphics on the Page
paragraphs, What’s Where in Word?, Themes, Adjusting Paragraph Line Spacing, Set the Line Spacing Between Paragraphs, Setting Paragraph Alignment, Indenting a Paragraph, Modify the Tabs, Copying Your Formatting, Adding a Border or Shading to a Paragraph, Add Shading, Composing Different Types of Documents, Move a Paragraph
adding borders to, Adding a Border or Shading to a Paragraph
adding shading to, Add Shading
copying paragraph formatting, Copying Your Formatting
indenting, Indenting a Paragraph
moving in Outline view, Move a Paragraph
Paragraph dialog box, Modify the Tabs
paragraph marks, What’s Where in Word?, Composing Different Types of Documents
paragraph styles, Themes
setting alignment of, Setting Paragraph Alignment
setting line spacing between, Set the Line Spacing Between Paragraphs
setting line spacing within, Adjusting Paragraph Line Spacing
password protecting files, Password Protecting a File
pasting, Moving and Copying Text, Paste the Cut or Copied Text, Copy and Paste Multiple Items
multiple items, Copy and Paste Multiple Items
Paste with Live Preview function, Moving and Copying Text
text, Paste the Cut or Copied Text
permissions, Introducing Backstage View, Co-Authoring a Document, Limiting File Changes
setting, Introducing Backstage View
setting co-author, Co-Authoring a Document
setting for files, Limiting File Changes
personalizing form letters, Personalizing a Form Letter
pictures, What’s Where in Word?, Customizing a Bulleted or Numbered List, A Quick Look at Word 2010 Illustrations, Inserting a Picture, Inserting a Picture, Inserting a Picture, Changing the Size of a Picture, Changing the Size of a Picture, Size It, Editing and Formatting a Picture, Editing and Formatting a Picture, Getting Artistic with Pictures, Getting Artistic with Pictures, Recolor a Picture, Removing Picture Backgrounds, Positioning Graphics on the Page, Set Up Your Blog
aligning, Positioning Graphics on the Page
Artistic Effects, Getting Artistic with Pictures
changing size of, Changing the Size of a Picture
editing/formatting, Editing and Formatting a Picture
inserting in documents, Inserting a Picture
Picture Bullet dialog box, Customizing a Bulleted or Numbered List
picture file formats, Inserting a Picture
Picture Manager, Microsoft Office, Inserting a Picture
Picture Options dialog box, Set Up Your Blog
Picture tool, A Quick Look at Word 2010 Illustrations
Picture Tools contextual tab, What’s Where in Word?
Picture Tools Format tab, Changing the Size of a Picture, Size It, Editing and Formatting a Picture
recoloring, Recolor a Picture
removing backgrounds from, Removing Picture Backgrounds
Reset Picture button, Getting Artistic with Pictures
pinning files/folders, Introducing Backstage View
Plain Text Document format, Word’s Other File Formats
Play feature (translations), Use the Mini Translator
points, defined (fonts), Adjusting Paragraph Line Spacing
Popular Commands list, Rename and Add Tools to the Group
Portrait Orientation, Laying Out the Page, Changing Page Orientation
positioning graphics on pages, Positioning Graphics on the Page
predesigned tables, Using a Predesigned Table
predesigned text boxes, Adding Text Boxes
previewing, Printing a Document, Choosing and Changing Themes, Personalizing a Form Letter
documents, Printing a Document
Preview Results button (form letters), Personalizing a Form Letter
themes, Choosing and Changing Themes
printing, What’s Where in Word?, Checking Out Word Views, Printing a Document, Printing a Document, Moving a Table, Printing an Envelope, Printing a Mailing Label, Creating Headers and Footers, Inserting a Cover Page, Set the Outline Text
documents, Printing a Document
envelopes, Printing an Envelope
mailing labels, Printing a Mailing Label
Print Layout view, What’s Where in Word?, Checking Out Word Views, Moving a Table, Creating Headers and Footers, Inserting a Cover Page, Set the Outline Text
Print Preview, Printing a Document
Proofing Errors icon, Correct a Contextual Spelling Error
Proofing option (Word Options dialog), Add Other Entries
Protect Document function, Finalizing Your Document
Protect Document settings, Set File Permissions
Protected View, Understanding Security in Office 2010, Changing File Validation
publishing blogs, Writing and Publishing a Blog
pull quotes, Adding Text Boxes


read-only files, Working with an Existing Document, Limiting File Changes
reading documents, Reading a Document
Recent Documents list, Recovering Unsaved Versions
Recent tab, Introducing Backstage View
Recent Templates icon, Starting with a Template
Recheck Document button, Correct a Contextual Spelling Error
recoloring pictures, Recolor a Picture
Recover Draft Versions function, Find File and Program Information
recovering unsaved files, Recovering Unsaved Versions
References tab, Change the Reference Mark, Set the Outline Text, Compile the Index
relational diagrams, Inserting a Relational Diagram
Remove Background command (pictures), Removing Picture Backgrounds
Remove Space After Paragraph option, Set the Line Spacing Between Paragraphs
Remove Space Before Paragraph option, Set the Line Spacing Between Paragraphs
renaming new tabs (ribbon), Customizing the Ribbon
reorganizing documents, Reorganizing a Document
Replace Text As You Type check box, Add Other Entries
replacing text, Replacing Text
Research tool, Researching a Subject
researching subjects, Researching a Subject
Reset Picture function, Getting Artistic with Pictures
resizing, Change the Font Size (see )
Restrict Permission by People option, Set File Permissions
reviewing documents, What’s Where in Word?, Use Ink to Add Content, Researching a Subject, Work with a Co-Author, Reviewing Shared File Information, Working with Revision Marks, Working with Revision Marks, Review a Document with Tracked Changes, Comparing Changes in a Document, Combining Reviews
basics, Working with Revision Marks
combining reviews, Combining Reviews
comparing changes in document, Comparing Changes in a Document
Review tab, Use Ink to Add Content, Researching a Subject, Work with a Co-Author, Working with Revision Marks
reviewer comment (illustration), What’s Where in Word?
reviewing shared file information, Reviewing Shared File Information
with Tracked Changes, Review a Document with Tracked Changes
revision marks (Tracked Changes), Working with Revision Marks
ribbon, What’s Where in Word?, Changing Your View, Changing the Size of a Picture, Customizing the Ribbon, Show or Minimize the Ribbon
customizing, Customizing the Ribbon
illustration, What’s Where in Word?
showing/minimizing, Show or Minimize the Ribbon
Size section, Changing the Size of a Picture
tools (illustration), Changing Your View
Rich Text Format (RTF), Word’s Other File Formats
Right Indent marker, Indenting a Paragraph
Rotate button, Format a Picture
Rotation handle (shapes), Draw a Shape
rows and columns, adding/deleting, Adding or Deleting Rows and Columns in a Table
rulers, What’s Where in Word?, Changing Your View, Indenting a Paragraph, Formatting with Tabs, Customizing a Table Layout
illustrations, What’s Where in Word?, Changing Your View
Ruler check box, Formatting with Tabs
setting indents with, Indenting a Paragraph
showing distance between cell boundaries with, Customizing a Table Layout
Rules tool, Mail Merge: The Power and the Pain
running heads, Change the Running Heads


Sample Templates icon, Starting with a Template
saving, Save the Document, Save the Document, Convert the Document, Applying and Saving Styles, Insert a Predesigned Text Box, Save as a Web Page, Using the Word 2010 Web App, Password Protecting a File, Recovering Unsaved Versions
documents, Save the Document
documents as Web pages, Save as a Web Page
documents to shared spaces, Using the Word 2010 Web App
recovering unsaved files, Recovering Unsaved Versions
Save As command, Convert the Document
Save As dialog box, Save the Document, Password Protecting a File
styles, Applying and Saving Styles
text boxes as default, Insert a Predesigned Text Box
Scale box (character spacing), Adjusting the Spacing Between Characters
scaling documents for printing, Print the Document
screenshots, SmartArt
ScreenTip button (hyperlinks), Adding Hyperlinks
ScreenTip dialog box, Link to a Different Document
searching text, Search and Find Text
sections (text), Creating Sections, Move a Section
dividing documents into, Creating Sections
moving, Move a Section
security, Understanding Security in Office 2010, Working with the Trust Center, Changing File Validation, Changing File Validation, Choosing What’s Displayed in Protected View, Password Protecting a File, Limiting File Changes
File Block behaviors, Changing File Validation
file validation, Changing File Validation
in Office 2010, Understanding Security in Office 2010
limiting changes to files, Limiting File Changes
password protecting files, Password Protecting a File
Protected View settings, Choosing What’s Displayed in Protected View
Trust Center, Working with the Trust Center
Select Recipients button (form letters), Creating a Form Letter
selecting, Editing Your Way, Insert a Predesigned Text Box
text, Editing Your Way
text boxes, Insert a Predesigned Text Box
Set As Default Text Box option, Insert a Predesigned Text Box
sets, style, Changing Style Sets
shading, Add Shading, Formatting a Table
adding to paragraphs, Add Shading
for cell grouping, Formatting a Table
shapes, A Quick Look at Word 2010 Illustrations, Adding Shapes
shared files (co-authoring), Reviewing Shared File Information
SharePoint Workspaces 2010, A Quick Overview
Show Comments And Changes option, Reading a Document
Show Document option (master documents), Creating a Master Document
Show One/Two Page(s) options, Reading a Document
Show Printed Page option, Reading a Document
Show/Hide function (Paragraph group), Changing Margins in a Document
Show/Hide tool, Start Word and Enter Some Text, Changing Page Orientation
showing/minimizing ribbon, Show or Minimize the Ribbon
Shrink Font tool, Change the Font Size
sidebars, Adding Text Boxes
Single File Web Page Document format, Word’s Other File Formats
sizing, Change the Font Size, Customizing a Table Layout, Change the Row or Column Size, Changing the Size of a Picture, Draw a Shape
fonts, Change the Font Size
pictures, Changing the Size of a Picture
Sizing handle (shapes), Draw a Shape
table rows/columns, Change the Row or Column Size
tables, Customizing a Table Layout
SmartArt, Convert the Document, SmartArt, Inserting a Relational Diagram
sorting, Organizing Your Information, Sort a List, Sort a List
lists, Sort a List
Sort Text dialog box, Sort a List
tables, Organizing Your Information
space between characters, Adjusting the Spacing Between Characters
space mark (illustration), What’s Where in Word?
spacing lines within/between paragraphs, Adjusting Paragraph Line Spacing
spelling and grammar, What’s Where in Word?, Correcting Your Spelling and Grammar, Customizing Your Spelling Dictionaries
customizing spelling dictionaries, Customizing Your Spelling Dictionaries
Spelling and Grammar checker, Correcting Your Spelling and Grammar
status icon (illustration), What’s Where in Word?
splitting cells (tables), Divide One Cell into Two
squiggles, Correct a Contextual Spelling Error
status bar, Customizing the Work Area
styles, Themes, Choosing and Changing Themes, Applying and Saving Styles, Applying and Saving Styles, Apply a Style from the Styles Palette, Apply a Style from the Styles Palette, Changing Style Sets, Choose a Multilevel List Style, Changing Character Font and Size, Setting Paragraph Alignment, Creating a Table Style
applying and saving, Applying and Saving Styles
applying from styles palette, Apply a Style from the Styles Palette
applying to tables, Creating a Table Style
choosing from gallery, Applying and Saving Styles
for multilevel lists, Choose a Multilevel List Style
of fonts, Changing Character Font and Size
style sets, changing, Changing Style Sets
Styles gallery, themes and, Choosing and Changing Themes
Styles Pane Options dialog box, Apply a Style from the Styles Palette
types of, Themes
vs. direct formatting, Setting Paragraph Alignment
subdocuments, opening from master document, Creating a Master Document
subjects, researching, Researching a Subject
Symbol dialog box, Customizing a Bulleted or Numbered List
Synchronous Scrolling, Viewing Documents Side by Side


table of contents, Creating a Table of Contents
tables, Themes, Formatting with Tabs, Formatting with Tabs, Using a Predesigned Table, Using a Predesigned Table, Creating a Table from Text, Adding or Deleting Rows and Columns in a Table, Positioning Elements in a Table, Customizing a Table Layout, Change the Row or Column Size, Divide One Cell into Two, Divide One Cell into Two, Divide One Cell into Two, Aligning a Table, Aligning a Table, Aligning a Table, Moving a Table, Formatting a Table, Formatting a Table, Creating a Table Style, Organizing Your Information
aligning, Aligning a Table
anatomy of, Using a Predesigned Table
applying styles to, Creating a Table Style
cells, dividing, Divide One Cell into Two
creating from text, Creating a Table from Text
customizing layout of, Customizing a Table Layout
for aligning text in columns, Formatting with Tabs
formatting, Formatting a Table
moving, Moving a Table
nesting, Aligning a Table
positioning elements in, Positioning Elements in a Table
rows and columns, adding/deleting, Adding or Deleting Rows and Columns in a Table
rows/columns, sizing, Change the Row or Column Size
sorting, Organizing Your Information
styles, Themes
Table Tools Design tab, Divide One Cell into Two, Formatting a Table
Table Tools Layout tab, Divide One Cell into Two, Aligning a Table
using predesigned, Using a Predesigned Table
vs. tab stops, Formatting with Tabs
tabs, What’s Where in Word?, What’s Where in Word?, What’s Where in Word?, Start Word and Enter Some Text, Start Word and Enter Some Text, Working with an Existing Document, Introducing Backstage View, Introducing Backstage View, Use Ink to Add Content, Printing a Document, Print the Document, Changing Your View, Navigating Through the Document, View Thumbnails, Search and Find Text, Control the Corrections, Researching a Subject, Change the Theme, Modify a Theme, Placing a Line Border Around a Page, Adding a Decorative Horizontal Line, Changing Page Orientation, Fine-Tuning Your Layout, Creating Sections, Change the Running Heads, Formatting a Table, A Quick Look at Word 2010 Illustrations, Insert a Picture, Changing the Size of a Picture, Size It, Editing and Formatting a Picture, Arrange the Graphics, Positioning Graphics on the Page, Format the Chart, Printing a Mailing Label, Specify the Data to Be Merged, Reorganizing a Document, Creating a Master Document, Compile the Index, Customizing the Ribbon, Customizing the Work Area, Creating a Macro
AutoCorrect, Control the Corrections
Chart Tools Design, Format the Chart
command tabs, What’s Where in Word?
Contextual, What’s Where in Word?
creating/renaming new, Customizing the Ribbon
Developer, Creating a Macro
Document, View Thumbnails
Drawing Tools Format, Positioning Graphics on the Page
Drawing Tools Format contextual, Arrange the Graphics
File, Start Word and Enter Some Text, Working with an Existing Document, Printing a Document, Print the Document
General, Customizing the Work Area
Header & Footer Tools Design, Change the Running Heads
Home, What’s Where in Word?, Start Word and Enter Some Text, Search and Find Text
Info, Introducing Backstage View
Insert, A Quick Look at Word 2010 Illustrations, Insert a Picture
Labels, Printing a Mailing Label
Line And Page Breaks, Fine-Tuning Your Layout
Mailings, Specify the Data to Be Merged
Outlining, Reorganizing a Document, Creating a Master Document
Page Layout, Change the Theme, Modify a Theme, Placing a Line Border Around a Page, Adding a Decorative Horizontal Line, Changing Page Orientation, Creating Sections
Picture Tools Format, Changing the Size of a Picture, Size It, Editing and Formatting a Picture
Recent, Introducing Backstage View
References, Compile the Index
Review, Use Ink to Add Content, Researching a Subject
Table Tools Design, Formatting a Table
View, Changing Your View, Navigating Through the Document
tabs, text, What’s Where in Word?, Creating a Multilevel List, Formatting with Tabs, Formatting with Tabs, Positioning Elements in a Table
Decimal tab stop, Positioning Elements in a Table
formatting with, Formatting with Tabs
setting, Formatting with Tabs
Tab key, Creating a Multilevel List
tab stops, What’s Where in Word?
templates, Starting with a Template, Customizing a Template, Designing a Template, Create a Template from Scratch, Word’s File Formats, Personalizing a Form Letter
creating documents with, Starting with a Template
creating from scratch, Create a Template from Scratch
customizing, Customizing a Template
designing from existing files, Designing a Template
for form letters, Personalizing a Form Letter
Template Document format, Word’s File Formats
text, Creating a New Document, Adding Content, Insert a Text File, Adding Hyperlinks, Editing Basics, Editing Basics, Use Keyboard Shortcuts, Editing Your Way, Text-Selection Methods, Search and Find Text, Moving and Copying Text, Moving and Copying Text, Paste the Cut or Copied Text, Replacing Text, Correcting Text Automatically, Correcting Text Automatically, Translating Your Text, Formatting Text, Fine-Tuning Your Layout, Creating a Table from Text, Creating a Table from Text, Positioning Elements in a Table, Set the Text Direction, Aligning a Table, Moving a Table, Wrapping Text Around a Graphic, Creating Artistic Text, Creating Artistic Text
adjusting flow of, Fine-Tuning Your Layout
aligning in tables, Positioning Elements in a Table
automatic correction of, Correcting Text Automatically
converting table text to regular text, Creating a Table from Text
copying/moving, Text-Selection Methods, Moving and Copying Text
correcting automatically, Correcting Text Automatically
creating artistic, Creating Artistic Text
creating tables from, Creating a Table from Text
cutting/copying, Moving and Copying Text
drag and drop function, Adding Content
editing basics, Editing Basics
entering sample, Creating a New Document
files, inserting in documents, Insert a Text File
formatting, Formatting Text
keyboard shortcuts for editing, Use Keyboard Shortcuts
methods for editing, Editing Your Way
pasting, Paste the Cut or Copied Text
replacing, Replacing Text
searching, Search and Find Text
selecting/modifying, Editing Basics
Text Direction tool, Set the Text Direction
Text Effects gallery, Creating Artistic Text
Text Wrapping section, Aligning a Table
translating, Translating Your Text
using as hyperlinks, Adding Hyperlinks
wrapping, Moving a Table
wrapping around graphics, Wrapping Text Around a Graphic
text boxes, Adding Text Boxes, Adding Text Boxes, Adding Text Boxes, Insert a Predesigned Text Box, Link Text Box Text
drawing, Adding Text Boxes
inserting predesigned, Adding Text Boxes
linking text between, Link Text Box Text
saving, Insert a Predesigned Text Box
Text Box gallery, Adding Text Boxes
themes, Formatting Documents with Themes, Styles, and Fonts, Choosing and Changing Themes, Modify a Theme
choosing and changing, Choosing and Changing Themes
defined, Formatting Documents with Themes, Styles, and Fonts
modifying, Modify a Theme
thumbnails, viewing, View Thumbnails
Time And Date tool, Create a Template from Scratch
tools, Navigate the Document, Rename and Add Tools to the Group
renaming and adding to groups, Rename and Add Tools to the Group
Tools menu, Navigate the Document
Track Changes function, Working with Revision Marks
translating text, Translating Your Text
Trust Center, Working with the Trust Center
two-sided documents, Set Up a Two-Sided Document


validation of files, Changing File Validation
variable headers and footers, Creating Variable Headers and Footers
viewing, Changing Your View, Navigating Through the Document, View Thumbnails, Reading a Document, Viewing Documents Side by Side, Viewing Documents Side by Side
documents side by side, Viewing Documents Side by Side
thumbnails, View Thumbnails
View options menu, Reading a Document
View tab, Changing Your View, Navigating Through the Document, Viewing Documents Side by Side
views, What’s Where in Word?, What’s Where in Word?, What’s Where in Word?, What’s Where in Word?, What’s Where in Word?, Checking Out Word Views, Checking Out Word Views, Checking Out Word Views, Checking Out Word Views, Checking Out Word Views, Starting with a Template, Introducing Backstage View, Changing Your View, Changing Your View, Reading a Document, Divide One Cell into Two, Creating Headers and Footers, Creating Footnotes and Endnotes, Creating Footnotes and Endnotes, Creating Footnotes and Endnotes
Backstage, Starting with a Template, Introducing Backstage View
Draft, What’s Where in Word?, Checking Out Word Views, Creating Footnotes and Endnotes
Full Screen Reading, What’s Where in Word?, Checking Out Word Views, Changing Your View
Outline, What’s Where in Word?, Checking Out Word Views, Creating Footnotes and Endnotes
Print Layout, What’s Where in Word?, Checking Out Word Views, Creating Headers and Footers
setting, Changing Your View
View Gridlines function, Divide One Cell into Two
View Options menu, Reading a Document
Web Layout, What’s Where in Word?, Checking Out Word Views, Creating Footnotes and Endnotes


Web Layout view, What’s Where in Word?, Checking Out Word Views, Creating Footnotes and Endnotes
Web Page Document format, Word’s Other File Formats
Web pages, saving documents as, Save as a Web Page
widows, defined (text), Fine-Tuning Your Layout
wildcard characters, Miss the Find And Replace Dialog Box?
Windows Clipboard, Moving and Copying Text
Windows Live, A Quick Overview
Windows Live Sign-In Assistant, Open a Document in Windows Live SkyDrive
Windows Live SkyDrive, A Quick Overview, Windows Live SkyDrive, Open a Document in Windows Live SkyDrive
opening documents in, Open a Document in Windows Live SkyDrive
overview, A Quick Overview, Windows Live SkyDrive
Windows Split bar, Viewing Documents Side by Side
Windows Vista Plain & Simple, What’s New in Word 2010?
windows, Word 2010, What’s Where in Word?
Word 2010, No Computerspeak!, A Quick Overview, A Quick Overview, What’s New in Word 2010?, What’s Where in Word?, Checking Out Word Views, Creating a New Document, Link to a Different Document, Getting Help, Designing a Template, Create a Template from Scratch, Word’s File Formats, Word’s File Formats, Word’s File Formats, Word’s File Formats, Word’s File Formats, Word’s File Formats, Control the Customization, Working with the Trust Center
customizing, A Quick Overview
file formats, Word’s File Formats
launching, Creating a New Document
location of tools in window, What’s Where in Word?
Macro-Enabled Document format, Word’s File Formats
Macro-Enabled Template Document format, Word’s File Formats
new features in, A Quick Overview
overview of this book, No Computerspeak!
Template Document format, Word’s File Formats
Trust Center, Working with the Trust Center
views summary, Checking Out Word Views
visual appearance of, What’s New in Word 2010?
Word Document format, Word’s File Formats
Word Help dialog box, Getting Help
Word Options dialog box, Link to a Different Document, Create a Template from Scratch, Control the Customization
Word Template Save As type, Designing a Template
XML Document format, Word’s File Formats
Word 2010 Web App, Working Collaboratively with Word 2010, Using the Word 2010 Web App
overview, Working Collaboratively with Word 2010
saving documents to shared spaces, Using the Word 2010 Web App
word count (illustration), What’s Where in Word?
WordArt, Creating Artistic Text
work area, customizing, Customizing the Work Area
Works 6.0-9.0 Document format, Word’s Other File Formats
wrapping text, Moving a Table, Wrapping Text Around a Graphic
writing/publishing blogs, Writing and Publishing a Blog


XML Word Document format, Word’s File Formats
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