
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


$ (dollar sign) symbol, assigning objects to PowerShell variable using, Working with Windows PowerShell cmdlets
_app_bin folder, _app_bin
_vti_pvt folder, _app_bin
| (pipe) symbol, piping output object to cmdlet, Working with Windows PowerShell cmdlets


AAM (Alternate Access Mappings)
path-based site collections utilizing, Databases
zones and, Authentication zones
adding databases to SharePoint, How does it work?
backward compatibility of imported databases, Access Services 2010
supported databases for, Supported databases
Access Services web service application, How does it work?, Access Services 2010, PowerPivot database
ACS (Azure Access Control Service)
authorization server for cloud-hosted apps, App authentication
for SharePoint Online, Hybrid requirements
SSS and, Secure Store Service (SSS)
Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) 2.0, configuring SAML token-based authentication environments using, Forms-based authentication (FBA)
AD DS (Active Directory Domain Services)
Claims mode option allowing for implementation of, Authentication zones
password management and, SharePoint Managed Accounts
Windows authentication and, Anonymous authentication
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Share-Point.PowerShell cmdlet, Working with Windows PowerShell cmdlets
Add-SPDiagnosticsPerformanceCounter cmdlet, Monitoring performance counters
Add-SPServiceApplicationProxyGroupMember cmdlet, Discovering the service application components
Add-SPShellAdmin cmdlet, Windows PowerShell 3.0 enhancements
ADFS (Active Directory Federation Services) 2.0, configuring SAML token-based authentication environments using, Forms-based authentication (FBA)
ADMIN folder, SharePoint Root
admin.sitemap file, _app_bin
configuring anonymous policies, Application policies
configuring user policies across zones, Application policies
picking objects for web application policies, Application policies
site collection
granting user rights, Site collections
HTML field security, Site collections
picking objects for web application policies, Application policies
recycle bin, Restoring data using the Recycle Bin
search features for, Site collections
ADMISAPI folder, Bin
aliases, SQL Server, SQL aliases
“All users, All hosts” profile type, creating Windows PowerShell ISE, Selecting a profile to use in Windows PowerShell ISE
“All users, Windows PowerShell ISE” profile type, creating Windows PowerShell ISE, Selecting a profile to use in Windows PowerShell ISE
Alternate Access Mappings (AAM)
path-based site collections utilizing, Databases
zones and, Authentication zones
AlwaysOn Availability
protecting databases using, How it works
using SQL Server aliases in configurations, How it works
AlwaysOn Availability Groups
about, AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances
SQL Server support for, Designing for SharePoint storage requirements
AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances
about, AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances
SQL Server support for, Designing for SharePoint storage requirements
analytics processing component, of Search service application, How does it work?
Analytics Reporting database, SharePoint system databases, How does it work?, Search service application databases
analyzing performance of webpages using, Understanding SharePoint monitoring requirements
Anonymous Access option, Anonymous authentication
anonymous authentication, Converting Classic mode to Claims mode
anonymous policies, farm administrator configuring, Application policies
API, SharePoint, using in Central Administration, Databases
App authentication (see App model)
App for SharePoint service application, SharePoint service application databases
App Management database, Content database
App Management service application, SharePoint system databases
App model
about, Lists and libraries
authentication, SAML token-based authentication
joining farm and sandbox solutions, Feature Fallback behavior
AppFabric component, Virtual servers
Application Discovery and Load Balancer service, The Application Discovery and Load Balancer service
(see also Topology service)
Application Management service, Access Services
application policies, as AuthZ feature, Business Connectivity Services (BCS)
application pool, Web applications
application pool recycles, ASP.NET, Monitoring performance counters
application pools
maximum limit of, Installing SharePoint using least privileges
recommended, Installing SharePoint using least privileges
SSS recommendation for, Secure Store Service (SSS)
trusted subsystem model and, Mapping authentication and authorization to requirements
App_Browers folder, _app_bin
about, Verify farm contentment
about SharePoint pipeline, SharePoint service application databases
deployed solutions
about, Feature Fallback behavior
App model, Deployed solutions
farm solutions, Feature Fallback behavior
sandbox solutions, Feature Fallback behavior
farm components, Understanding the Microsoft SharePoint 2013 architecture
about, Understanding the Microsoft SharePoint 2013 architecture
databases, Databases
(see also SharePoint databases)
folders, Folders
libraries, Sites (webs)
lists, Sites (webs)
site collections, Databases
sites, Site collections
web applications, Exploring the SharePoint farm components
Feature Fallback infrastructure in, Feature Fallback behavior
file system
about, Folders
IIS files, Examining the SharePoint file system
service application
about, Understanding the service application model
databases, SharePoint system databases
key concepts of, Exploring the service application architecture
SQL Server aliases, SQL Server aliases, SQL aliases
inspecting network packets, Verifying Kerberos with Klist
testing environments (see testing environments)
verifying Kerberos with Klist, Verifying Kerberos with Klist, Verifying sites
verifying port allocation and web requests, Developer Dashboard
verifying working of farm, Verify farm contentment
arrows, associated with IIS files, Examining the SharePoint file system
.asmx pages, location of, Bin
application pool recycles, Monitoring performance counters
claims-based identity management system based on, Claims-based authentication
enabling FBA in web application using, Web applications
influencing performance of SharePoint, Putting it all together
requests queued, Monitoring performance counters
requests rejected, Monitoring performance counters
requests wait time, Monitoring performance counters
.aspx pages
location of, Bin
serving in decompile mode, Putting it all together
attach upgrade, Introducing upgrades
anonymous, Converting Classic mode to Claims mode
App model, SAML token-based authentication
Claims mode, Web applications, Web applications, Analyzing AuthN options, Configuring Kerberos in SharePoint, Authentication zones
about, Anonymous authentication
default, Analyzing AuthN options
NETBIOS user names and, S2S authentication
standards used in, Anonymous authentication
STS and, The Application Discovery and Load Balancer service
Classic mode, Web applications, Analyzing AuthN options, Configuring Kerberos in SharePoint, User Profile Service
Forms-Based Authentication, Claims-based authentication
impersonation/delegation, Mapping authentication and authorization to requirements
about, Claims encoding
alternate access mappings, Authentication zones
authentication zones and, Claims encoding
NTLM credentials, Basic, Creating a SQL Server maintenance plan
OAuth, Configuring Kerberos in SharePoint, SAML token-based authentication
options when configuring web application, Web applications
Server-to-server authentication, App authentication
trusted subsystem, Mapping authentication and authorization to requirements
upgrading to SharePoint 2013, Introducing upgrades
Basic protocol in, Analyzing AuthN options
configuring Kerberos, Negotiate (Kerberos)
Digest protocol in, Basic
Kerberos and Negotiate protocols, Negotiate (Kerberos)
Kerberos protocol, Negotiate (Kerberos)
NTLM credentials in, Basic
zones, Claims encoding
AuthN (authentication)
about, Mapping authentication and authorization to requirements
OAuth authentication protocol in, SAML token-based authentication
options, Mapping authentication and authorization to requirements
about, Self-Service Site Creation
BCS, Secure Store Service (SSS)
c2WTS, Self-Service Site Creation
SSS, Secure Store Service (SSS)
AuthZ (authorization)
application policies, Business Connectivity Services (BCS)
People Picker control, Application policies
sharing, Sharing
autocreate statistics, Additional SQL Server considerations
Autogrowth factor, SQL optimization
Availability Group Listener, How it works
Availability Group vs. database mirroring, How it works
available mbytes, of memory, Monitoring performance counters
Available Tests section, in New Load Test Wizard, Creating your load test
avg. disk queue length, Monitoring performance counters
Avg. Page Time, locating in New Load Test Wizard, Creating your load test
Avg. Response Time, locating in New Load Test Wizard, Creating your load test
Azure Access Control Service (ACS)
about, Deployed solutions
authorization server for cloud-hosted apps, App authentication
for SharePoint Online, Hybrid requirements
SSS and, Secure Store Service (SSS)
Azure Provisioned App deployment model
about, Deployed solutions


Backup and Restore Job Status link, Backup
backup compression, using, Proactively managing the growth of data and log files
backup features
about, Native backup and restore
native, Native backup and restore
Site-collection, Restore
Backup-SPFarm cmdlet, Backup
Backup-SPSite cmdlet, Site-collection backup
backward compatibility
maintaining, How does it work?
of Access web databases, Access Services 2010
backward-compatible event handlers, resource throttling, Resource throttling
baseline information, for farm, Shredded Storage in SharePoint 2013
Basic authentication, Analyzing AuthN options
BCM (Business Continuity Management), applying objectives, Planning your business continuity strategy
BCS (Business Connectivity Service)
authorization components of, Secure Store Service (SSS)
hybrid solution, When to consider SharePoint Online or hybrid architecture, When to consider SharePoint Online or hybrid architecture
SSS and, Secure Store Service (SSS)
BCS Runtime service
as hybrid architecture requirement in implementation project, Hybrid requirements
for SharePoint Online, Hybrid requirements
BDC (Business Data Connectivity) service, SharePoint service application databases, Access Services 2010, Publishing your service application
BI (Business Intelligence)
dashboards, The MMS application
requirements in implementation project, Understanding the security requirements
SQL Server
enabling, SQL Server storage and IOPS
support for, Database engine requirements for SharePoint 2013
Bin folder, _app_bin
Binary Large Object (BLOB)
Cache, Object Cache
in DocStreams table, Shredded Storage in SharePoint 2013, Site collections
BLOB (Binary Large Object)
Cache, Object Cache
in DocStreams table, Shredded Storage in SharePoint 2013
blocking SharePoint installations, Designing for platform security
browser, Scenario
(see also Internet Explorer (IE))
publishing within Excel documents within, Excel Services
refresting Visio diagrams in web browser, How does it work?
using Get-Help cmdlet to open topics in, Windows PowerShell 3.0 enhancements
Browser Mix, setting in New Load Test Wizard, Creating your load test
Buildversion.cnf files, _app_bin
Business Connectivity Service (BCS)
authorization components of, Secure Store Service (SSS)
hybrid solution, When to consider SharePoint Online or hybrid architecture, When to consider SharePoint Online or hybrid architecture
SSS and, Secure Store Service (SSS)
Business Connectivity Service (BCS) Runtime service
as hybrid architecture requirement in implementation project, Hybrid requirements
for SharePoint Online, Hybrid requirements
Business Continuity Management (BCM), applying objectives, Planning your business continuity strategy
business continuity strategy, planning
about, Planning your business continuity strategy
applying BCM objectives, Planning your business continuity strategy
avoiding service disruptions, Read-only improvements
backup and restore strategies
exporting site or list, Site-collection backup
native backup and restore, Native backup and restore
Read-only improvements, Restoring data using the Recycle Bin
recovering data from unattached content database, Import-SPWeb
Recycle Bin feature, Import-SPWeb
Site-collection backup, Restore
implementing network load balancing, How it works
protecting databases
about, Avoiding service disruptions
AlwaysOn Availability for, How it works
database mirroring for, Database mirroring
failover clustering for, Implementing various business continuity techniques
log shipping for, Disadvantages
understanding what to protect, Planning your business continuity strategy
Business Data Connectivity (BDC) service, SharePoint service application databases, Access Services 2010, Exploring service federation, Publishing your service application
Business Data Connectivity database, Content database
Business Intelligence (BI)
dashboards, The MMS application
requirements in implementation project, Understanding the security requirements
SQL Server
enabling, SQL Server storage and IOPS
support for, Database engine requirements for SharePoint 2013
business processes, identifying in implementation project, Planning the IA


c2WTS (Claims to Windows Token Service), Self-Service Site Creation
.cab files, location of, Bin
faults/sec of memory, Monitoring performance counters
monitoring, Monitoring performance counters
Cache Host, repairing, Distributed Cache service
Caching Cluster, repairing, Distributed Cache service
caching, planning and configuring
BLOB Cache, Object Cache
Distributed Cache service, Virtual servers
Object Cache, Output Cache
Output Cache, Output Cache
capacity planning, database, Report Server Alerting
CAS (Code Access Security), Folders
CEC (Common Engineering Criteria), Microsoft, Introducing Windows PowerShell and SharePoint 2013 cmdlets
Central Administration
Configure Usage And Health Data Collection, Configuring usage and health provider settings
content database, Configuration database, SQL Server storage and IOPS
enabling c2WTS, Claims to Windows Token Service (c2WTS)
encrypting communications of, Putting it all together
extend web application feature, Claims encoding
files supporting, _app_bin
methods of, Databases
monitoring upgrade process using, Upgrading your production farm
over SSL, SharePoint Managed Accounts, Roles, Putting it all together
registering or deleting SharePoint Managed Accounts through, SharePoint Managed Accounts
setting permissions for Topology service, Configuring the topology service
Slowest Pages report, Monitoring performance counters
starting Request Management service in, Introducing Request Management
turning on Use Self-Service Site Creation right, Self-Service Site Creation
ULS logs in, Bin
View Analytics reports option, Configuring usage and health provider settings
web application
policies in, Business Connectivity Services (BCS)
showing current status of search topology, Putting it all together
Central Administration GUI
deploying service applications by, Exploring the service application architecture, Discovering the service application components
implementing service applications, Service application proxies
Certification Authorities (CA), obtaining, Certification Authorities (CAs)
change control, Understanding the benefits of Windows PowerShell
change log, resource throttling, Resource throttling
claims encoding, S2S authentication
Claims mode authentication, Web applications, Web applications, Configuring Kerberos in SharePoint, Authentication zones
Claims to Windows Token Service (c2WTS), Self-Service Site Creation
Claims-based authentication
about, Anonymous authentication
default, Analyzing AuthN options
NETBIOS user names and, S2S authentication
standards used in, Anonymous authentication
STS and, The Application Discovery and Load Balancer service
claims-based identity management system
Forms-Based Authentication as, Claims-based authentication
Classic mode authentication, Web applications, Analyzing AuthN options, Configuring Kerberos in SharePoint, User Profile Service
cliconfg.exe (SQL Client Configuration Utility), configure SQL Server aliases using, SQL aliases
client and server, encrypting communications between client and server, Certification Authorities (CAs)
Client folder, Bin
Client-Side Object Model (CSOM) pipeline, as hybrid architecture requirement in implementation project, Hybrid requirements
CLIs vs. GUIs, Brief history of Windows PowerShell
cloud-based services, ACS as trusted broker for, App authentication
cloud-hosted apps, utilizing in App authentication, App authentication
cluster mode, supporting unicast and multicast methods, Implementing network load balancing
cmd.exe (Windows Command Prompt), Understanding the benefits of Windows PowerShell
about, Brief history of Windows PowerShell
discovering SharePoint-specific PowerShell, Working with Windows PowerShell cmdlets
index of, Discovering SharePoint-specific Windows PowerShell cmdlets
learning about specific, Understanding the benefits of Windows PowerShell
running on server, Examining the Windows PowerShell management shells
working with PowerShell, Selecting a profile to use in Windows PowerShell ISE
Code Access Security (CAS), Folders
collation, SQL Server, AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances
Column default value settings feature, Folders
Command Add-Ons for Windows PowerShell ISE, Selecting a profile to use in Windows PowerShell ISE, Working with Windows PowerShell cmdlets
comments, using, SharePoint 2013 Search service application topology management
Common Engineering Criteria (CEC), Microsoft, Introducing Windows PowerShell and SharePoint 2013 cmdlets
components, service application, Exploring the service application architecture
concurrent users
about, Understanding SharePoint monitoring requirements
setting load test standards for peak user percentage of, Setting your load test standards
CONFIG folder, Bin
configuration content databases, Databases
configuration database, Databases, Configuration database, SQL Server storage and IOPS, Supported databases
configuration file hierarchy, Putting it all together
Configure Service Accounts, Claims to Windows Token Service (c2WTS)
Configure Usage And Health Data Collection, Configuring usage and health provider settings
Connect drop-down menu, Connecting to your service application
Connect-SPOService cmdlet, Configuring permissions for Windows PowerShell and SharePoint 2013
content database, Configuration database, SQL Server storage and IOPS, Shared Services Farm, Upgrading the Search Service application, Service application creation
content deployment source feature, Site collections
content processing component, of Search service application, How does it work?
Content Query Web Part, Object Cache
content type syndication hub, Site collections
content types
as implementation project deliverable, Taxonomy and metadata
in information architecture, Information architecture, Benefits of IA
in metadata architecture, Metadata architecture
Contoso-SQL1, server properties, SQL optimization
CONTROLTEMPLATES folder, SharePoint Root
Convert-SPWebApplication cmdlet, Converting Classic mode to Claims mode, Classic-mode authentication
Counter Sets, setting up in New Load Test Wizard, Creating your load test
crawl component, of Search service application, How does it work?
Crawl database, SharePoint system databases, How does it work?, Search service application databases
Create New Web Application form, Communication between the client and server
Create, Read, Update, Or Delete (CRUD) operations, BDC service allowing, Access Services 2010
cross-farm site permissions, Site collections
cross-list queries, Object Cache
cross-site collection publishing, Site collections
CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Or Delete) operations, BDC service allowing, Access Services 2010
CSOM (Client-Side Object Model) pipeline, as hybrid architecture requirement in implementation project, Hybrid requirements
“Current user, All hosts” profile type, creating Windows PowerShell ISE, Selecting a profile to use in Windows PowerShell ISE
“Current user, Windows PowerShell ISE” profile type, creating Windows PowerShell ISE, Selecting a profile to use in Windows PowerShell ISE
custom development code files, compiling of, _app_bin
custom web services, SSS and, Secure Store Service (SSS)
Custom zone, in web applications, Web applications, Claims encoding


daily time window for large queries, resource throttling, Resource throttling
DAS (Direct Attached Storage), SQL Server storage and IOPS
Dashboard, Developer, Setting up ULS Viewer
dashboards, business intelligence, The MMS application
Data Alerts for Reporting Services reports, Report Server Alerting
data files, shrinking, Measuring and reducing index fragmentation
database capacity planning, Report Server Alerting
Database Encryption Key (DEK), IPsec IKEv2
database layer, SharePoint, Designing for SharePoint storage requirements
database maintenance plan, defining and executing, SQL optimization
database mirroring
about, Database engine requirements for SharePoint 2013
protecting databases using, Database mirroring
SQL Server support for, Designing for SharePoint storage requirements
vs. Availability Group, How it works
about, Proactively managing the growth of data and log files
adding to SharePoint Access, How does it work?
engine requirements, Designing for SharePoint storage requirements
for integrating SharePoint with SSRS, PowerPivot database
for Search service application, How does it work?
managing growth of data, Windows PowerShell configuration of SQL Server client aliases
about, Avoiding service disruptions
AlwaysOn Availability for, How it works
database mirroring for, Database mirroring
failover clustering for, Implementing various business continuity techniques
log shipping for, Disadvantages
service applications and, Database(s) and service applications
shrinking, Measuring and reducing index fragmentation
databases, SharePoint
about, Databases, Proactively managing the growth of data and log files
Analytics Reporting, SharePoint service application databases, How does it work?, Search service application databases
App Management, Content database
attach upgrade of, Introducing upgrades
Business Data Connectivity, Content database
Central Administration content, Configuration database, SQL Server storage and IOPS
configuration, Configuration database, SQL Server storage and IOPS
content, Configuration database, SQL Server storage and IOPS, Shared Services Farm, Upgrading the Search Service application, Service application creation
Crawl, SharePoint service application databases, How does it work?, Search service application databases
Link, SharePoint service application databases, How does it work?, Search service application databases
Machine Translation Services, Social database
Managed Metadata, Social database
PerformancePoint services, PowerPivot database
PowerPivot, Social database
Profile, SharePoint system databases, How does it work?, Usage (and Health Data Collection) database, Microsoft Office Web Apps, Upgrading the remaining service applications
Search Administration, SharePoint system databases, How does it work?, Content database
Search service application, Content database
Secure Store, Search service application databases
Social, Social database, Microsoft Office Web Apps, Upgrading the remaining service applications
SQL Server aliases, SQL Server aliases, SQL aliases
State Service, Social database
Subscription Settings, Usage (and Health Data Collection) database
supported, Introducing upgrades
Synch, SharePoint system databases, How does it work?, Usage (and Health Data Collection) database, Microsoft Office Web Apps, Upgrading the remaining service applications
system databases, SQL Server aliases
unsupported, Supported databases
Usage, Usage (and Health Data Collection) database, Configuring usage and health provider settings, Monitoring performance counters
user credentials stored in LDAP, Claims-based authentication
DBCC CheckDB statement, Defining and executing a database maintenance plan
db_owner, SharePoint Managed Accounts
Debug Cache Information option, Output Cache
debugging, webpages using IE Dev Tools, Verifying port allocation and web requests
decompile mode, serving .aspx pages in, Putting it all together
Default zone, in web applications, Web applications, Claims encoding
deferred site collection upgrade, Deferred site collection upgrade
delegation, configuring server for, Negotiate (Kerberos)
deliverables, implementation project
about, Organizational objectives
content types, Taxonomy and metadata
functional requirements, Deliverables
governance plan (Internet usage policy)and documentation, Site structure
Nonfunctional requirements, Deliverables
site structure, Taxonomy and metadata
taxonomy and metadata, Taxonomy and metadata
usage scenarios, Deliverables
Deny All permissions, user permission policy and, Application policies
Deny Write permissions, user permission policy and, Application policies
deployed solutions
about, Feature Fallback behavior
App model, Deployed solutions
farm solutions, Feature Fallback behavior
sandbox solutions, Feature Fallback behavior
DesingHttpModule, Putting it all together
Developer Dashboard, SharePoint
about, Setting up ULS Viewer
analyzing performance of webpages using, Understanding SharePoint monitoring requirements
enabling/disabling, Monitoring page performance
monitoring page performance using, Monitoring performance counters
Digest authentication, Basic
Direct Attached Storage (DAS), SQL Server storage and IOPS
directory synchronization, in hybrid architecture, When to consider SharePoint Online or hybrid architecture, When to consider SharePoint Online or hybrid architecture
Disaster Recovery (DR) plan
about, Understanding the benefits of Windows PowerShell, Planning your business continuity strategy
applying BCM objectives, Planning your business continuity strategy
avoiding service disruptions, Read-only improvements
backup and restore strategies
exporting site or list, Site-collection backup
native backup and restore, Native backup and restore
Read-only improvements, Restoring data using the Recycle Bin
recovering data from unattached content database, Import-SPWeb
Recycle Bin feature, Import-SPWeb
Site-collection backup, Restore
implementing network load balancing, How it works
protecting databases
about, Avoiding service disruptions
AlwaysOn Availability for, How it works
database mirroring for, Database mirroring
failover clustering for, Implementing various business continuity techniques
log shipping for, Disadvantages
requirements for supported options using SQL Server, Designing for SharePoint storage requirements
understanding what to protect, Planning your business continuity strategy
disk subsystem performance analysis, Disk subsystem performance information
% free space, Monitoring performance counters
% idle time, Monitoring performance counters
avg. disk queue length, Monitoring performance counters
monitoring, Monitoring performance counters
pass-through, Virtual servers
disposable objects, working with, Working with SharePoint disposable objects
Dispose() method, Working with SharePoint disposable objects
Distributed Cache service, Virtual servers
DLL (Dynamic-Link Library) files, Microsoft.Office, _app_bin
.DLL files
custom development code files as, _app_bin
location of, Bin
DNS (Domain Name System)
URLs configured in, Web applications
DocumentTemplates folder, SharePoint Root
dollar sign ($) symbol, assigning objects to PowerShell variable using, Working with Windows PowerShell cmdlets
Domain CA
encrypting communications between client and server using, Certification Authorities (CAs)
using, Certification Authorities (CAs), Putting it all together
Domain Name System (DNS)
URLs configured in, Web applications
default external, Site collections
DR (Disaster Recovery) plan
about, Planning your business continuity strategy
applying BCM objectives, Planning your business continuity strategy
avoiding service disruptions, Read-only improvements
backup and restore strategies
exporting site or list, Site-collection backup
native backup and restore, Native backup and restore
Read-only improvements, Restoring data using the Recycle Bin
recovering data from unattached content database, Import-SPWeb
Recycle Bin feature, Import-SPWeb
Site-collection backup, Restore
implementing network load balancing, How it works
protecting databases
about, Avoiding service disruptions
AlwaysOn Availability for, How it works
database mirroring for, Database mirroring
failover clustering for, Implementing various business continuity techniques
log shipping for, Disadvantages
requirements for supported options using SQL Server, Designing for SharePoint storage requirements
understanding what to protect, Planning your business continuity strategy
Dynamic-Link Library (DLL) files, Microsoft.SharePoint, _app_bin


ECMAScript, within Excel Services application, Excel Services
email notifications, during upgrade to SharePoint 2013, Email notifications
encrypting communications
about, Encrypting communications
between client and server, Certification Authorities (CAs)
Central Administration communications, Putting it all together
enabling SSL encryption between applications and SQL Server, SSL and SQL Server
installing SharePoint using least privileges, Planning for and configuring SQL Server Transparent Data Encryption
obtaining Certification Authorities, Certification Authorities (CAs)
planning for configuring SQL Server TDE, IPsec IKEv2
server to server, Communication between the client and server
using IPsec and IKEv2, SSL and SQL Server
environment, SharePoint
maintenance cycle in, Maintaining and monitoring Microsoft SharePoint
about, Maintaining and monitoring Microsoft SharePoint
health of environment, Weekly processes
page performance, Monitoring performance counters
performance counters, Monitoring performance counters
SharePoint storage, Proactively managing the growth of data and log files, Monitoring page performance
setting up Online Management Shell environment, Configuring permissions for Windows PowerShell and SharePoint 2013
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting a SharePoint environment
turning and optimizing
fine-tuning network performance, Creating a SQL Server maintenance plan
planning and configuring caching, Virtual servers
Request Management service, BLOB Cache
resource throttling, Resource throttling
SQL optimization, SQL optimization
using database maintenance plan, SQL optimization
errors, during stress testing, Creating your stress test
evaluation site collections upgrade, Upgrade Evaluation Site collections
event viewer, browsing and managing event logs, Understanding SharePoint monitoring requirements
Excel Services application
about, Excel Services
c2WTS and, Self-Service Site Creation, Claims to Windows Token Service (c2WTS)
SSS and, Secure Store Service (SSS)
upgrading, Manually deployed code and updates
Excel, publishing within browser output from, Excel Services
.exe files, location of, Bin
Execution Groups, Request Management Configuration element, Introducing Request Management
export search configuration, search features for site collection administrators, Site collections
Export-SPWeb cmdlet, Exporting a site or list
exporting site or list, in BCM plan, Site-collection backup
external domains, allowed by default, Site collections
Extranet zone, in web applications, Web applications, Claims encoding


failover clustering
about, Database engine requirements for SharePoint 2013
protecting databases using, Implementing various business continuity techniques
requirement in HADRON, How it works
requirements for supported options using SQL Server, Designing for SharePoint storage requirements
about, Exploring the SharePoint farm components
baseline information for, Shredded Storage in SharePoint 2013
building services, Putting it all together
configuring, Key concepts
creating trust, Exploring service federation, Creating the farm trust, Upgrading the Search Center
determining capacity of, Setting your load test standards
implementing services, Exploring service federation
farm administrator
configuring anonymous policies, Application policies
configuring user policies across zones, Application policies
picking objects for web application policies, Application policies
farm components, Understanding the Microsoft SharePoint 2013 architecture
about, Understanding the Microsoft SharePoint 2013 architecture
databases, Databases
(see also SharePoint databases)
folders, Folders
libraries, Sites (webs)
lists, Sites (webs)
site collections, Databases
sites, Site collections
web applications, Exploring the SharePoint farm components
Farm Configuration database, Supported databases
farm configuration databases, Databases
Farm Configuration Wizard, SharePoint
deploying service applications using, Database(s) and service applications
for configuring usage and health provider settings, Monitoring the health of SharePoint
using, Understanding the benefits of Windows PowerShell
farm solutions, joining sandbox solutions and, Feature Fallback behavior
FAST Service, integration into Search service application, The Search service application
FBA (Forms-Based Authentication), Web applications, Claims-based authentication
feature fallback behavior, Deferred site collection upgrade
Feature Fallback infrastructure, Feature Fallback behavior
FEATURES folder, SharePoint Root
features vs. apps, Lists and libraries
federated Search farm, incorporating after SharePoint 2013, Upgrading sites
federated searches, in hybrid architecture, When to consider SharePoint Online or hybrid architecture, When to consider SharePoint Online or hybrid architecture
federating services, Exploring service federation, Upgrading the Search Center
Fiddler, Verifying port allocation and web requests
file system
about, Folders
IIS files, Examining the SharePoint file system
FileReadChunkSize property, Shredded Storage in SharePoint 2013
files, reducing size of, Proactively managing the growth of data and log files
FileWriteChunkSize property, Shredded Storage in SharePoint 2013
fill factor setting, Measuring and reducing index fragmentation
FIM service, How does it work?
configuration, Understanding the benefits of Windows PowerShell
page load performance, Creating your test plan
about, Folders
as method for organizing information in implementation project, Metadata architecture
Forms-Based Authentication (FBA), Web applications, Claims-based authentication
forms-based authentication claims
c2WTS and, Claims to Windows Token Service (c2WTS)
Foundation Subscription Settings service application, SharePoint service application databases
FQDNs (Fully Qualified Domain Names), configuring SPNs for, Configuring Kerberos in SharePoint
Full Control permissions configuration, user permission policy and, Application policies
Full Control right, App authentication
Full Read configuration, user permission policy and, Application policies
Full recovery mode, database mirroring in, How it works
Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs), configuring SPNs for, Configuring Kerberos in SharePoint
functional requirements, as implementation project deliverable, Deliverables


GAC (Global Assembly Cache)
custom development code files deployed in, _app_bin
wpresources folder located in, _app_bin
gathering implementation project requirements
about, Importance of gathering requirements
business intelligence requirements, Understanding the security requirements
about, Organizational objectives
content types, Taxonomy and metadata
functional requirements, Deliverables
governance plan (Internet usage policy)and documentation, Site structure, Planning a successful SharePoint solution strategy
Nonfunctional requirements, Deliverables
site structure, Taxonomy and metadata
taxonomy and metadata, Taxonomy and metadata
usage scenarios, Deliverables
hardware and software requirements, Understanding system requirements
hybrid architectures
considerations, When to consider SharePoint Online or hybrid architecture
requirements, Hybrid requirements
identifying business processes, Planning the IA
identifying stakeholders, Metrics for success
information architecture, Information architecture, Planning a successful SharePoint solution strategy
logical architecture, Metadata architecture
mapping objectives to functionality, Organizational objectives
Office client role, Understanding the business intelligence requirements
organizational objectives, Identifying stakeholders
performance and reliability requirements, Understanding the business intelligence requirements
physical architecture, Physical architecture
planning strategy
about, When to gather requirements
for SharePoint solution, Hybrid requirements
prioritizing goals, Organizational objectives
questions to ask in, Metrics for success, Hybrid requirements
security requirements, Planning the IA
SharePoint Online
considerations, Minimum hardware and software requirements
requirements, Hybrid requirements
tools and process, Organizational objectives
understanding system requirements, Understanding system requirements
Get-Command cmdlet, Windows PowerShell 3.0 enhancements, Selecting a profile to use in Windows PowerShell ISE, Working with Windows PowerShell cmdlets
Get-Help cmdlet, Understanding the benefits of Windows PowerShell, Windows PowerShell 3.0 enhancements, Working with Windows PowerShell cmdlets
Get-SPAlternateUrl cmdlet, Cleaning up your environment
Get-SPAuthenticationProvider cmdlet, Cleaning up your environment
Get-SPClaimTypeEncoding cmdlet, Claims encoding
Get-SPContentDatabase cmdlet, Documenting current settings
Get-SPDatabase cmdlet, Documenting current settings
Get-SPDiagnosticPerformanceCounter cmdlet, Monitoring performance counters
Get-SPLogEvent cmdlet, Understanding the issues through logs
Get-SPManagedPath cmdlet, Documenting current settings
Get-SPShellAdmin cmdlet, Services upgrade and overview
Get-SPSite cmdlet, Upgrading sites
Get-SPUsageApplication cmdlet, Configuring usage and health provider settings
Get-SPUsageService cmdlet, Configuring usage and health provider settings
Get-SPUser cmdlet, Documenting current settings
Get-SPWeb cmdlet, Documenting current settings
Global Assembly Cache (GAC)
custom development code files deployed in, _app_bin
wpresources folder located in, _app_bin
global.asax file, _app_bin
goals of implementation project
mapping to functionality, Organizational objectives
prioritizing, Organizational objectives
governance plan (Internet usage policy ) and documentation
as implementation project deliverable, Site structure
planning strategy, Planning a successful SharePoint solution strategy
Gradual Site Delete timer job, Restoring data using the Recycle Bin
green zone
in setting load test standards, Setting your load test standards
setting threshold values, Creating your load test
group permissions, understanding, Roles
guidelines, for configuring SPNs, Configuring Kerberos in SharePoint
GUIs vs. CLIs, Brief history of Windows PowerShell


HA (High Availability)
option overview, Database engine requirements for SharePoint 2013
requirements for supported options using SQL Server, Designing for SharePoint storage requirements
HADRON (High Availability Disaster Recovery - AlwaysOn), How it works
hardware and software requirements, in implementation project, Understanding system requirements
HCCab folder, Bin
Health Analyzer, SharePoint
about, Understanding SharePoint monitoring requirements
correcting index fragmentation, Measuring and reducing index fragmentation
rules, Weekly processes, Defining and executing a database maintenance plan
troubleshooting using reports from, Putting it all together, Putting it all together
Health Logging Schedule, Configuring usage and health provider settings
health reports, viewing environment, Understanding SharePoint monitoring requirements
Help folder, Bin
High Availability (HA)
option overview, Database engine requirements for SharePoint 2013
requirements for supported options using SQL Server, Designing for SharePoint storage requirements
High Availability Disaster Recovery-AlwaysOn (HADRON), How it works
host header sites, Web applications
host headers, Web applications, Self-Service Site Creation
host root partition, in virtual servers, Virtual servers
host-named site, Databases
Hot standby redundancy method, How it works
“How to: Configure Network Emulation Using Test Settings in Visual Studio”, Creating your load test
HTML fields, security allowing inserting iFrames in, Site collections
HTTP modules
web applications modifying, Putting it all together
http request monitoring and throttling, resource throttling, Resource throttling
hybrid architectures, in implementation project
considerations for, When to consider SharePoint Online or hybrid architecture
requirements for, Hybrid requirements
hybrid BCS architecture, When to consider SharePoint Online or hybrid architecture


I/O (Input/Output) planning, Report Server Alerting
IA (Information Architecture), in implementation project, Information architecture, Planning a successful SharePoint solution strategy
Identity claim component, of SAML token-based authentication, Forms-based authentication (FBA)
Identity provider Security Token Service (IP-STS), Forms-based authentication (FBA)
IDisposable interface Dispose() method, Working with SharePoint disposable objects
IE (Internet Explorer)
enabling developer tools, Scenario
recording web sessions using, Creating your stress test
IE Dev Tools (Microsoft Internet Explorer Developer Tools)
debugging webpages using, Verifying port allocation and web requests
enabling, Creating your test plan
result codes in performance testing using, Creating your test plan
iFrames, security allowing inserting in HTML fields, Site collections
IIS (Internet Information Services)
files, Examining the SharePoint file system
folders, Bin
hosting WCF framework, Discovering the service application components
testing environment using logs from, Testing your environments
trusted subsystem model and application pools in, Mapping authentication and authorization to requirements
web application
making changes to web.config file, Authentication zones
creating web application and, Web applications
web applications hosted in, Web applications
IKEv2 (Internet Key Exchange version 2), IPsec and, SSL and SQL Server
IMAGES folder, SharePoint Root
impersonation/delegation authentication, Mapping authentication and authorization to requirements
implementation project requirements, gathering
about, Importance of gathering requirements
business intelligence requirements, Understanding the security requirements
about, Organizational objectives
content types, Taxonomy and metadata
functional requirements, Deliverables
governance plan (Internet usage policy)and documentation, Site structure, Planning a successful SharePoint solution strategy
Nonfunctional requirements, Deliverables
site structure, Taxonomy and metadata
taxonomy and metadata, Taxonomy and metadata
usage scenarios, Deliverables
hardware and software requirements, Understanding system requirements
hybrid architectures
considerations, When to consider SharePoint Online or hybrid architecture
requirements, Hybrid requirements
identifying business processes, Planning the IA
identifying stakeholders, Metrics for success
information architecture, Information architecture, Planning a successful SharePoint solution strategy
logical architecture, Metadata architecture
mapping objectives to functionality, Organizational objectives
Office client role, Understanding the business intelligence requirements
organizational objectives, Identifying stakeholders
performance and reliability requirements, Understanding the business intelligence requirements
physical architecture, Physical architecture
planning strategy
about, When to gather requirements
for SharePoint solution, Hybrid requirements
prioritizing goals, Organizational objectives
questions to ask in, Metrics for success, Hybrid requirements
security requirements, Planning the IA
SharePoint Online
considerations, Minimum hardware and software requirements
requirements, Hybrid requirements
tools and process, Organizational objectives
understanding system requirements, Understanding system requirements
implementation project SQL Server installation, AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances
import search configuration, search features for site collection administrators, Site collections
Import-SPWeb cmdlet, for import of sites and lists, Exporting a site or list
in-memory caching, Virtual servers
in-place upgrades, Introducing upgrades
index component, of Search service application, How does it work?
index fragmentation, measuring and reducing, Measuring and reducing index fragmentation
index of cmdlets, Discovering SharePoint-specific Windows PowerShell cmdlets
index performance, fine-tuning, Measuring and reducing index fragmentation
InfoPath Forms services
c2WTS and, Self-Service Site Creation, Claims to Windows Token Service (c2WTS)
upgrading, Manually deployed code and updates
Information Architecture (IA), in implementation project, Information architecture, Planning a successful SharePoint solution strategy
Information Technology (IT) department, role in implementation, Metrics for success
Input/Output (I/O) planning, Report Server Alerting
Input/Output operations per second (IOPS)
correlation between throughput and, Testing your SQL Server internal drives
SQL Server storage and, Report Server Alerting
installations SharePoint
preventing, Designing for platform security
reporting, Tracking SharePoint installations
tracking, Preventing SharePoint installations
Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE), Windows PowerShell
about, Introducing Windows PowerShell and SharePoint 2013 cmdlets, Examining the Windows PowerShell management shells
Command Add-Ons for, Selecting a profile to use in Windows PowerShell ISE, Working with Windows PowerShell cmdlets
integration with Microsoft products
OWA (Office Web Applications) server, Database(s) and service applications
Internet Explorer (IE)
enabling developer tools, Scenario
recording web sessions using, Creating your stress test
Internet Explorer Developer Tools (IE Dev Tools)
debugging webpages using, Verifying port allocation and web requests
Internet Information Services (IIS)
files, Examining the SharePoint file system
folders, Bin
hosting WCF framework, Discovering the service application components
testing environment using logs from, Testing your environments
trusted subsystem model and application pools in, Mapping authentication and authorization to requirements
web application
making changes to web.config file, Authentication zones
creating web application and, Web applications, Web applications
Internet Key Exchange version 2 (IKEv2), SSL and SQL Server
Internet usage policy (governance plan) and documentation
as implementation project deliverable, Site structure
planning strategy, Planning a successful SharePoint solution strategy
Internet zone, in web applications, Web applications, Claims encoding
Intranet zone, in web applications, Web applications, Claims encoding
IOPS (Input/Output operations per second)
correlation between throughput and, Testing your SQL Server internal drives
SQL Server storage and, Report Server Alerting
IP load balancer, with Windows NT Server 4.0, How it works
IP-STS (Identity provider Security Token Service), Forms-based authentication (FBA)
about, SSL and SQL Server
IKEv2 and, SSL and SQL Server
ISAPI folder, Bin
iSCSI attached storage, size recommendation of NIC for, Authentication
iSCSI network drives, testing, Testing your SQL Server internal drives
ISE (Integrated Scripting Environment), Windows PowerShell
about, Introducing Windows PowerShell and SharePoint 2013 cmdlets, Examining the Windows PowerShell management shells
Command Add-Ons for, Selecting a profile to use in Windows PowerShell ISE, Working with Windows PowerShell cmdlets
IT (Information Technology) department, role in implementation, Metrics for success


JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), using to establish ACS trust relationship, App authentication


KDC (Key Distribution Center), Kerberos, Authentication
configuring, Negotiate (Kerberos)
enabling for SQL Server BI, Enabling SQL Server BI within SharePoint 2013
Key Distribution Center, Authentication
Negotiate and
about, Negotiate (Kerberos)
as recommended security configuration to use with Windows authentication, Web applications
pass-through authentication, Secure Store Service (SSS)
verifying using Klist, Verifying Kerberos with Klist, Verifying sites
vs. NTLM, Creating a SQL Server maintenance plan
Kerbtray, verifying Kerberos using, Verifying Kerberos with Klist
Key Distribution Center (KDC), Kerberos, Authentication
key stakeholders, Taxonomy and metadata, Site structure
key stakeholders, in implementation project, Deliverables
about, Verifying Kerberos with Klist
verifying Kerberos using, Verifying sites
Knowledge Base (KB), Microsoft articles
on supportability regarding SQL collation, AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances


landing page, creating for business continuity plan, Solution
language packs, upgrading to SharePoint 2013 and, Classic-mode authentication
languages, translating, How does it work?
large lists, Lists and libraries
Large Object Binary (LOB) data, Business Data Connectivity service and, Access Services 2010
LAYOUTS folder, SharePoint Root
layouts.sitemap file, _app_bin
LCIDSts folder, Bin
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocols) database, storing user credentials in, Claims-based authentication
least privileges, installing SharePoint using, Planning for and configuring SQL Server Transparent Data Encryption
libraries, Sites (webs)
Lightweight Directory Access Protocols (LDAP)
storing user credentials in, Claims-based authentication
Link database, SharePoint system databases, How does it work?, Search service application databases
list items
about, Folders
list unique permissions threshold, resource throttling, Resource throttling
list view lookup threshold, resource throttling, Resource throttling
list view threshold for auditors and administrators, resource throttling, Resource throttling
list view threshold, resource throttling, Resource throttling
about, Sites (webs)
export of, Exporting a site or list
import of, Exporting a site or list
Load Pattern, determining in New Load Test Wizard, Creating your load test
load testing environments
about, Creating your test plan
building demo, Creating your stress test
building load test, Creating your Performance Web Test, Create the performance test
creating Performance Web Test, Creating your Performance Web Test
determining capacity of farm, Setting your load test standards
notification when breaching thresholds, Creating your load test
options for, Creating your test plan
setting standards for, Setting your load test standards
setting up Visual Studio Ultimate 2012 in, Determining your farm’s capacity
Visual Studio Ultimate in, Creating your stress test
LOB (Large Object Binary) data, Business Data Connectivity service and, When to consider SharePoint Online or hybrid architecture, Access Services 2010
Log Collection, Configuring usage and health provider settings
log files, managing growth of data, Windows PowerShell configuration of SQL Server client aliases
Log Parser, Understanding the issues through logs
Log Parser Studio (LPS), setting up, Microsoft Log Parser
Log Parser, combing through IIS logs using, Inspecting your IIS logs
log shipping
about, Database engine requirements for SharePoint 2013
SQL Server support for, Designing for SharePoint storage requirements
log shipping, for protecting databases, Disadvantages
logical architecture, in implementation project, Metadata architecture
LOGS folder, Bin
logs, troubleshooting using, Troubleshooting a SharePoint environment
LPS (Log Parser Studio), setting up, Microsoft Log Parser
LUN activity, SQL optimization


Machine Pool, Request Management Configuration element, Introducing Request Management
Machine Translation service application, SharePoint service application databases, How does it work?, Exploring service federation, Social database
Machine Translation Services database, Social database
machine.config file, Putting it all together
maintenance cy4cle, turning and optimizing, SQL optimization
maintenance cycle
about, Maintaining and monitoring Microsoft SharePoint
monitoring environment
about, Maintaining and monitoring Microsoft SharePoint
determining health of environment, Weekly processes
page performance in, Monitoring performance counters
performance counters, Monitoring performance counters
SharePoint storage, Monitoring page performance
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting a SharePoint environment
turning and optimizing
fine-tuning network performance, Creating a SQL Server maintenance plan
planning and configuring caching, Virtual servers
Request Management service, BLOB Cache
resource throttling, Resource throttling
SQL optimization, SQL optimization
Maintenance Plan Wizard, Measuring and reducing index fragmentation
Manage right, App authentication
Managed Accounts, SharePoint
for application pool, Web applications
platform security and, SharePoint Managed Accounts
Managed Metadata database, Social database, Supported databases
Managed Metadata service (MMS) application, SharePoint service application databases, Excel Services, Exploring service federation
managed paths, site collections added using, Databases
Management Framework 3.0, Windows, Configuring permissions for Windows PowerShell and SharePoint 2013
management shell, PowerShell, Configuring permissions for Windows PowerShell and SharePoint 2013
mapping authentication
about, Claims encoding
alternate access mappings, Authentication zones
authentication zones and, Claims encoding
mapping objectives to functionality, in gathering implementation project requirements, Organizational objectives
Max Degree of Parallelism (MAXDOP), SQL optimization
Max Degree of Parallelism (MDOP), SQL Server, SQL Server MDOP
MDOP (Max Degree of Parallelism), SQL Server, SQL Server MDOP
available mbytes, Monitoring performance counters
cache faults / sec, Monitoring performance counters
monitoring, Monitoring performance counters
pages / sec, Monitoring performance counters
and taxonomy as implementation project deliverable, Taxonomy and metadata
architecture in completing information architecture, Benefits of IA
Microsoft Access
adding databases to SharePoint, How does it work?
backward compatibility of imported databases, Access Services 2010
Microsoft Common Engineering Criteria (CEC), Introducing Windows PowerShell and SharePoint 2013 cmdlets
Microsoft Excel, Excel Services
(see also Excel Services application)
publishing within browser output from, Excel Services
Microsoft Internet Explorer Developer Tools (IE Dev Tools)
debugging webpages using, Verifying port allocation and web requests
enabling, Creating your test plan
Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) article, on supportability regarding SQL collation, AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances
Microsoft Log Parser, combing through IIS logs using, Inspecting your IIS logs
Microsoft Management Console (MMC), configuring SQL Server instance to use SSL, SSL and SQL Server
Microsoft Message Analyzer (MMA), capturing network packets using, Microsoft Network Monitor
Microsoft Network Monitor (Netmon)
capturing network packets using, Microsoft Network Monitor
Visual Round Trip Analyzer and, Creating your test plan
Microsoft Office 365, SSL protocol on sites hosted by, Web applications
Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007, use of zones in, Claims encoding
Microsoft Office Web Apps
downloading, Database(s) and service applications
integration with Microsoft products, Database(s) and service applications
performance counters, Monitoring performance counters
Microsoft PowerShell, Introducing Windows PowerShell and SharePoint 2013 cmdlets
(see also PowerShell)
creating initial farm using, SQL Server aliases
launching SQL Server Client Network Utility, SQL Server aliases
Microsoft SharePoint
as trusted subsystem, Mapping authentication and authorization to requirements
pipeline, SharePoint service application databases
SQL Servers versions supported by new, Avoiding service disruptions
Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Subscription Settings service application, SharePoint service application databases
Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application (SPFWA) service, BLOB Cache
Microsoft SQL Server (see SQL Server)
AlwaysOn Availability feature of, How it works
versions supported by new SharePoint, Avoiding service disruptions
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), PowerPivot database, Understanding SharePoint monitoring requirements
Microsoft TechNet documentation, index of cmdlets, Discovering SharePoint-specific Windows PowerShell cmdlets
Microsoft TechNet Script Center, Discovering SharePoint-specific Windows PowerShell cmdlets
Microsoft Translator, How does it work?
Microsoft ULS Viewer, setting up, Setting up ULS Viewer
Microsoft Visio, How does it work?
(see also Visio Graphics service (VGS))
refresting diagrams in web browser, How does it work?
Microsoft Visual Studio (VS) Ultimate 2012
in load testing environments, Creating your stress test
setting up in testing environment, Determining your farm’s capacity, Setting up Visual Studio Ultimate 2010
Microsoft Visual Studio Team System (VSTS) 2008 Team Suite, using for demo test load, Creating your stress test
Microsoft Word, conversion of documents in, How does it work?
Microsoft.Office dynamic-link library file, _app_bin
Microsoft.SharePoint dynamic-link library file, _app_bin
Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowServices.Activities.dll file, SharePoint Root
MigrateUsers() method, Classic mode vs. Claims mode
MIIS key
exporting, User Profile Service
importing, User Profile Service
MMA (Microsoft Message Analyzer), capturing network packets using, Microsoft Network Monitor
MMC (Microsoft Management Console), configuring SQL Server instance to use SSL, SSL and SQL Server
MMS (Managed Metadata service) application, SharePoint service application databases, Excel Services, Exploring service federation
module autoloading, Windows PowerShell 3.0 enhancements
monitoring environment
about, Maintaining and monitoring Microsoft SharePoint
determining health of environment, Weekly processes
page performance in, Monitoring performance counters
performance counters, Monitoring performance counters
SharePoint storage, Proactively managing the growth of data and log files, Monitoring page performance
monthly processes, in monitoring environment, Weekly processes
MOSS (Microsoft Office SharePoint Server) 2007, use of zones in, Claims encoding
MSSQLSERVER properties, viewing protocols for, SSL and SQL Server
multi-tenancy, Self-Service Site Creation and, Site collections
Multicast method, Implementing network load balancing
My Site host, upgrading, Upgrade stages and responsibilities, Service application creation, Upgrading the content databases


NAS (Network Attached Storage), SQL Server storage and IOPS
native backup and restore, Native backup and restore
NDS (Novell Directory Services), Claims-based authentication
Negotiate, Kerberos and, Web applications, Negotiate (Kerberos)
.NET Framework
about, Windows PowerShell 3.0 enhancements
Claims-based authentication built on classes in, Anonymous authentication
.NET Framework Class Library (FCL), Understanding the benefits of Windows PowerShell
NetBIOS names, configuring SPNs for, Configuring Kerberos in SharePoint
NETBIOS user names, S2S authentication
Netmon (Network Monitor)
capturing network packets using, Microsoft Network Monitor
Visual Round Trip Analyzer and, Creating your test plan
fine-tuning performance of, Creating a SQL Server maintenance plan
troubleshooting, Verifying Kerberos with Klist
Network Attached Storage (NAS), SQL Server storage and IOPS
Network Emulation, setting up, Creating your load test
Network Interface Card (NIC)
monitoring, Monitoring performance counters
size recommendation of, Authentication
Network Load Balancer (NLB)
implementing, How it works
total requests per hour logs and, Setting up LPS
Network Load Balancing Manager, Implementing network load balancing
Network Mix, selecting network in New Load Test Wizard, Creating your load test
Network Monitor (Netmon)
capturing network packets using, Microsoft Network Monitor
Visual Round Trip Analyzer and, Creating your test plan
network packets, inspecting, Verifying Kerberos with Klist
New Load Test Wizard
in load testing
Available Tests section in, Creating your load test
determining Load Pattern, Creating your load test
locating Avg. Page Time in, Creating your load test
locating Avg. Response Time in, Creating your load test
Run Settings window in, Creating your load test
selecting Network Mix, Creating your load test
selecting Test Mix Model, Creating your load test
setting Browser Mix, Creating your load test
setting up Counter Sets, Creating your load test
Test Mix window in, Creating your load test
in stress testing
creating Test Mix Model, Creating your stress test
Step Load test settings, Creating your stress test
selecting Think Time Profile, Creating your load test
New-SPAuthenticationProvider cmdlet, Classic-mode authentication
New-SPClaimTypeEncoding cmdlet, Claims encoding
New-SPMetadataServiceApplication cmdlet, Services upgrade and overview
New-SPMetadataServiceApplicationProxy cmdlet, Services upgrade and overview, Upgrading the remaining service applications
New-SPSite cmdlet, Databases, Putting it all together
New-SPTrustedSecurityTokenIssuer cmdlet, App authentication
New-SPUsageApplication cmdlet, Configuring usage and health provider settings
New-SPWebApplication cmdlet, Classic-mode authentication
New-SPWebApplicationExtension cmdlet, Claims encoding
NIC (Network Interface Card)
monitoring, Monitoring performance counters
size recommendation of, Authentication
NLB (Network Load Balancer)
implementing, How it works
total requests per hour logs and, Setting up LPS
Nonfunctional requirements, as implementation project deliverable, Deliverables
Novell Directory Services (NDS), Claims-based authentication
Novell eDirectory, Claims-based authentication
NTLM (Windows NT LAN Manager) credentials
about, Web applications
credentials in Windows, Basic
pass-through authentication, Secure Store Service (SSS)
search crawl the web application with AD DS, Authentication zones
vs. Kerberos, Creating a SQL Server maintenance plan
NUMA nodes, Authentication


OAuth authentication
about, SAML token-based authentication
Claims mode and, Configuring Kerberos in SharePoint
cloud-hosted apps and, App authentication
S2S authentication using, App authentication
Object Cache, Output Cache
object model override, resource throttling, Resource throttling
objectives of implementation project
mapping to functionality, Organizational objectives
prioritizing, Organizational objectives
objects, working with disposable, Working with SharePoint disposable objects
ODATA (Open Data Protocol)
service head, Hybrid requirements
within Excel Services application, Excel Services
Office 365, SSL protocol on sites hosted by, Web applications
Office and SharePoint Products Network Monitor Parsers, Microsoft Network Monitor
Office Web Applications (OWA)
downloading, Database(s) and service applications
integration with Microsoft products, Database(s) and service applications
performance counters, Monitoring performance counters
Office, role in implementation project of, Understanding the business intelligence requirements, Site collections
one-way hybrid search architecture, When to consider SharePoint Online or hybrid architecture
one-way server-to-server trust, in hybrid architecture, When to consider SharePoint Online or hybrid architecture
Online Management Shell environment, SharePoint, setting up, Configuring permissions for Windows PowerShell and SharePoint 2013
Online Secure Store service, SharePoint
for SharePoint Online, Hybrid requirements
Open Data Protocol (ODATA)
service head, Hybrid requirements
within Excel Services application, Excel Services
Operations Manager, with System Center Management Pack, Understanding SharePoint monitoring requirements
optimizing, SQL Server
about, Shredded Storage in SharePoint 2013
initial optimization and configuration of, AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances
about, AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances
autocreating statistics, Additional SQL Server considerations
dedicated server, Additional SQL Server considerations
managing growth of data and log files, Windows PowerShell configuration of SQL Server client aliases
monitoring storage and performance, Proactively managing the growth of data and log files
using aliases, SQL aliases
optimizing, turning and, environment
fine-tuning network performance, Creating a SQL Server maintenance plan
planning and configuring caching, Virtual servers
Request Management service, BLOB Cache
resource throttling, Resource throttling
SQL optimization, SQL optimization
(see also optimizing, SQL Server)
using database maintenance plan, SQL optimization
organizational objectives, in gathering implementation project requirements, Identifying stakeholders
Output Cache, Output Cache
OWA (Office Web Applications)
downloading, Database(s) and service applications
integration with Microsoft products, Database(s) and service applications
performance counters, Monitoring performance counters


packet tracing, Verifying Kerberos with Klist
page load performance, fine-tuning, Creating your test plan
Page Output Cache, Output Cache
page performance, monitoring, Monitoring performance counters
pages / sec, of memory, Monitoring performance counters
paging file
% used and % used peak, Monitoring performance counters
monitoring, Monitoring performance counters
total bytes /sec, Monitoring performance counters
parallel site collection upgrades, limiting downtime using, Parallel site upgrades
Parser Profiles, Microsoft Network Monitor
pass-through authentication, in BCS, Secure Store Service (SSS)
pass-through disks, in virtual servers, Virtual servers
adding to web test fixed, Creating your Performance Web Test
managing through SharePoint Managed Account, SharePoint Managed Accounts
path-based site collections, Web applications, Databases
path-based sites, Authentication zones
peak concurrent user percentage, in setting load test standards, Setting your load test standards
% free space, disk, Monitoring performance counters
% idle time, disk, Monitoring performance counters
% processor time, Monitoring performance counters, Monitoring performance counters
People Picker control
about, Application policies
SPTrustedClaimProvider handling, SAML token-based authentication
performance counters, monitoring, Monitoring performance counters
Performance Monitor (PerfMon), SQL optimization
performance testing environments, Setting up LPS, Setting up Visual Studio Ultimate 2010
Performance Web Test, creating, Creating your Performance Web Test
PerformancePoint service (PPS) application, The MMS application
PerformancePoint service application, SharePoint service application databases
PerformancePoint services
c2WTS and, Self-Service Site Creation, Claims to Windows Token Service (c2WTS)
database, PowerPivot database
SSS and, Secure Store Service (SSS)
configuring user, Windows PowerShell 3.0 enhancements
configuring user policies across zones, Application policies
managing app, App authentication
setting for service applications, Connecting to your service application
turning on Use Self-Service Site Creation right, Self-Service Site Creation
understanding group permissions, Roles
Peschka, Steve, Forms-based authentication (FBA)
physical architecture, in implementation project, Physical architecture
physical spindle activity, SQL optimization
pipe (|) symbol, piping output object to cmdlet, Working with Windows PowerShell cmdlets
pipebinding, Working with Windows PowerShell cmdlets
platform security
about, Designing for platform security
encrypting communications
about, Encrypting communications
between client and server, Certification Authorities (CAs)
Central Administration communications, Putting it all together
enabling SSL encryption between applications and SQL Server, SSL and SQL Server
obtaining Certification Authorities, Certification Authorities (CAs)
planning for configuring SQL Server TDE, IPsec IKEv2
server to server, Communication between the client and server
using IPsec and IKEv2, SSL and SQL Server
installing SharePoint using least privileges, Planning for and configuring SQL Server Transparent Data Encryption
SharePoint installations
preventing, Designing for platform security
reporting, Tracking SharePoint installations
tracking, Preventing SharePoint installations
SharePoint Managed Accounts and
about, SharePoint Managed Accounts
understanding roles and group permissions, SharePoint Managed Accounts
user accounts and, User accounts, Site collections
Policy folder, Bin
port allocation, verifying, Developer Dashboard
port numbers, reusing for web applications, Web applications
ports and protocols chart for SharePoint 2013, SSL and SQL Server
ports critical to SharePoint servers, Communication between the client and server
database, Social database
using with PPS, The MMS application
about, Introducing Windows PowerShell and SharePoint 2013 cmdlets
associating security certificate using, Communication between the client and server
backup farm cmdlet, Backup
benefits of, Brief history of Windows PowerShell
blocking SharePoint installations using, Designing for platform security
changing search service topology, Putting it all together
configuration of SQL Server aliases, SQL Server Configuration Manager configuration of SQL Server client aliases
configuring People Picker control, Application policies
configuring ReadOnlyMaintenanceLink, Restoring data using the Recycle Bin
configuring user permissions, Windows PowerShell 3.0 enhancements
converting Classic to Claims authentication mode, Classic mode vs. Claims mode
creating Foundation Subscription Settings service application, SharePoint service application databases
creating initial farm using, SQL Server aliases
creating web application using FBA, Forms-based authentication (FBA)
deploying service applications by, Exploring the service application architecture, Discovering the service application components
deploying service applications into production environment, Database(s) and service applications
discovering SharePoint-specific cmdlets, Working with Windows PowerShell cmdlets
disposal of objects, Working with SharePoint disposable objects
enabling c2WTS, Claims to Windows Token Service (c2WTS)
enabling RevertToSelf, Business Connectivity Services (BCS)
enhancements, Windows PowerShell 3.0 enhancements
exporting trust certificates, Creating the farm trust
health-focused cmdlets, Understanding SharePoint monitoring requirements
implementing service applications, Service application proxies
index of cmdlets, Discovering SharePoint-specific Windows PowerShell cmdlets
launching SQL Server Client Network Utility, SQL Server aliases
management shell, Configuring permissions for Windows PowerShell and SharePoint 2013
managing users in WSS_SHELL_ACCESS database role, SharePoint Managed Accounts
provisioning Usage and Health Data Collection service application, Monitoring the health of SharePoint
registering or deleting SharePoint Managed Accounts through, SharePoint Managed Accounts
reporting SharePoint installations using, Tracking SharePoint installations
role of, Introducing Windows PowerShell and SharePoint 2013 cmdlets
scheduling background jobs, Windows PowerShell 3.0 enhancements
syntax of, Brief history of Windows PowerShell
tracking SharePoint installations using, Preventing SharePoint installations
troubleshooting using, Understanding the issues through logs
updating cmdlet help references, Working with Windows PowerShell cmdlets
upgrading My Site host, Upgrade stages and responsibilities, Service application creation, Upgrading the content databases
using comments, SharePoint 2013 Search service application topology management
using in Central Administration, Databases
working with cmdlets, Selecting a profile to use in Windows PowerShell ISE
% used and % used peak, paging file, Monitoring performance counters
PowerShell for SharePoint Command Builder, Windows, Discovering SharePoint-specific Windows PowerShell cmdlets
PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE)
about, Introducing Windows PowerShell and SharePoint 2013 cmdlets, Examining the Windows PowerShell management shells
Command Add-Ons for, Selecting a profile to use in Windows PowerShell ISE, Working with Windows PowerShell cmdlets
PPS (PerformancePoint service) application, The MMS application
% processor time, Monitoring performance counters
working set, Monitoring performance counters
% processor time, Monitoring performance counters
monitoring, Monitoring performance counters
Products Configuration Wizard, SharePoint 2013, Understanding the benefits of Windows PowerShell
Profile database, SharePoint system databases, How does it work?, Usage (and Health Data Collection) database, Supported databases, Microsoft Office Web Apps
profiles, selecting for Windows PowerShell ISE, Selecting a profile to use in Windows PowerShell ISE
Project Server 2013, SharePoint service application databases
proxies, service application, Key concepts, Discovering the service application components
$PSModuleAutoLoadingPreference variable, Windows PowerShell 3.0 enhancements


query processing component, of Search service application, How does it work?
questions to ask in gathering implementation project requirements, Metrics for success, Hybrid requirements
quota templates, in site collections, Site collections


RBS (Remote BLOB Storage), Content database, SQL Server storage and IOPS, Managing customizations, Planning your business continuity strategy
Read Only status bar, Email notifications
Read-only mode
limiting downtime using, Classic-mode authentication, Validating your test upgrade
using in upgrading service application upgrades, Upgrading the Search Service application
Read-Only right, App authentication
ReadOnlyMaintenanceLink property, Solution
ReadOnlyMaintenanceLink, configuring, Restoring data using the Recycle Bin
Realm component, of SAML token-based authentication, Forms-based authentication (FBA)
Recovery Point Objectives (RPO)
about, Planning your business continuity strategy
in failover clustering, Implementing various business continuity techniques
Recovery Time Objectives (RTO)
about, Planning your business continuity strategy
in failover clustering, Implementing various business continuity techniques
Recycle Bin feature, Import-SPWeb, Solution
red zone
in setting load test standards, Setting your load test standards
setting threshold values, Creating your load test
Remote BLOB Storage (RBS), Content database, SQL Server storage and IOPS, Managing customizations, Planning your business continuity strategy
RemoteSigned permissions policy, Configuring permissions for Windows PowerShell and SharePoint 2013
Remove-SPDiagnosticsCounter cmdlet, Monitoring performance counters
Remove-SPShellAdmin cmdlet, Roles
replication support, Designing for SharePoint storage requirements
Report Server Alerting database, Report Server Alerting
Report Server Catalog database, PowerPivot database, Report Server Alerting
creating deploying and managing, Understanding SharePoint monitoring requirements
Site Settings Storage Metrics report, Monitoring SharePoint storage
Slowest Pages report, Monitoring performance counters
troubleshooting using Health Analyzer, Putting it all together, Putting it all together
View Analytics reports option, Configuring usage and health provider settings
viewing health reports, Understanding SharePoint monitoring requirements
Reporting Server TempDB, PowerPivot database
Request Management (RM) service
about, BLOB Cache
configuration elements, Introducing Request Management
issues concerning configuring of, Putting it all together
SPRequestModule handling, Putting it all together
Requests Per Second (RPS)
calculating number of, Setting up LPS
in setting load test standards, Setting your load test standards, Determining your farm’s capacity
monitoring, Understanding SharePoint monitoring requirements, Understanding SharePoint monitoring requirements
requests queued, ASP.NET, Monitoring performance counters
requests rejected, ASP.NET, Monitoring performance counters
requests wait time, ASP.NET, Monitoring performance counters
requirements, gathering implementation project
about, Importance of gathering requirements
business intelligence requirements, Understanding the security requirements
about, Organizational objectives
content types, Taxonomy and metadata
functional requirements, Deliverables
governance plan (Internet usage policy)and documentation, Site structure, Planning a successful SharePoint solution strategy
site structure, Taxonomy and metadata
taxonomy and metadata, Taxonomy and metadata
usage scenarios, Deliverables
hardware and software requirements, Understanding system requirements
hybrid architectures
considerations, When to consider SharePoint Online or hybrid architecture
requirements, Hybrid requirements
identifying business processes, Planning the IA
identifying stakeholders, Metrics for success
information architecture, Information architecture, Planning a successful SharePoint solution strategy
logical architecture, Metadata architecture
mapping objectives to functionality, Organizational objectives
Office client role, Understanding the business intelligence requirements
organizational objectives, Identifying stakeholders
performance and reliability requirements, Understanding the business intelligence requirements
physical architecture, Physical architecture
planning strategy
about, When to gather requirements
for SharePoint solution, Hybrid requirements
prioritizing goals, Organizational objectives
questions to ask in, Metrics for success, Hybrid requirements
security requirements, Planning the IA
SharePoint Online
considerations, Minimum hardware and software requirements
requirements, Hybrid requirements
tools and process, Organizational objectives
understanding system requirements, Understanding system requirements
resource throttling
backward-compatible event handlers, Resource throttling
change log, Resource throttling
daily time window for large queries, Resource throttling
http request monitoring and throttling, Resource throttling
list unique permissions threshold, Resource throttling
Resources folder, Bin
restore features
about, Native backup and restore
native, Backup
recovering data from unattached content database, Import-SPWeb
Recycle Bin, Import-SPWeb
Restore-SPSite cmdlet, Site-collection backup
Restore-SPDeletedSite cmdlet, Restoring data using the Recycle Bin
Restore-SPSite cmdlet, Site-collection backup
Restricted permissions policy, Configuring permissions for Windows PowerShell and SharePoint 2013
result codes, in performance testing using IE Dev Tools, Creating your test plan
result types, search features for site collection administrators, Site collections
.resx entries, _app_bin
ReuseThread option, Selecting a profile to use in Windows PowerShell ISE
RevertToSelf authentication, in BCS, Business Connectivity Services (BCS)
Review Problems And Solutions screen, Monitoring the health of SharePoint
RM (Request Management) service
about, BLOB Cache
configuration elements, Introducing Request Management
issues concerning configuring of, Putting it all together
SPRequestModule handling, Putting it all together
roles, understanding, SharePoint Managed Accounts
routers, configuring, Authentication
Routing Machines, Request Management Configuration element, Introducing Request Management
Routing Rules, Request Management Configuration element, Introducing Request Management
Routing Targets (Servers), Request Management Configuration element, Introducing Request Management
RP-STS (Relying Party Security Token Service), Forms-based authentication (FBA)
RPO (Recovery Point Objectives)
about, Planning your business continuity strategy
in failover clustering, Implementing various business continuity techniques
RPS (Requests Per Second)
calculating number of, Setting up LPS
in setting load test standards, Setting your load test standards, Determining your farm’s capacity
monitoring, Understanding SharePoint monitoring requirements
RTO (Recovery Time Objectives)
about, Planning your business continuity strategy
in failover clustering, Implementing various business continuity techniques
Run Settings window, in New Load Test Wizard, Creating your load test


S2S (Server-to-server) authentication
about, App authentication
encrypting, Communication between the client and server
using STS, How does it work?
Samaj, Marek, SharePoint server communications
SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language)
authentication, Forms-based authentication (FBA)
c2WTS and, Claims to Windows Token Service (c2WTS)
sticky sessions and, Claims-based authentication
token-based authentication, Forms-based authentication (FBA)
SAML Token 1.1, Anonymous authentication
sample site (site collection), creating, Putting it all together
SAN storage
monitoring capabilities of specific, SQL optimization
support for, SQL Server storage and IOPS
testing network drives, Testing your SQL Server internal drives
sandbox solutions
about, Deployed solutions
extending rights within site collections to, Site collections
joining farm solutions and, Feature Fallback behavior
SCSI disks, using virtual, Virtual servers
search administration component, of Search service application, How does it work?
Search Administration database, SharePoint system databases, How does it work?, Content database, Upgrading the Search Service application
Search Center, upgrading, Upgrading the Search Service application
Search farm, incorporating after SharePoint 2013 federated, Upgrading sites
Search Index database, Supported databases
search query rules, search features for site collection administrators, Site collections
search result sources, search features for site collection administrators, Site collections
search schema, search features for site collection administrators, Site collections
Search service application, Database(s) and service applications, The Search service application, Exploring service federation
Search service application, SharePoint 2013, Understanding the benefits of Windows PowerShell, Putting it all together, Content database, Upgrading the Search Service application
search settings, search features for site collection administrators, Site collections
search topology, showing current status of, Putting it all together
secondary stakeholders, Taxonomy and metadata
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
Central Administration over, SharePoint Managed Accounts, Roles, Putting it all together
certificates, Certification Authorities (CAs), Communication between the client and server
configuring web application to use, Web applications
enabling encryption between applications and SQL Server, SSL and SQL Server
Secure Store database, Search service application databases, Supported databases
Secure Store Service (SSS) application
about, SharePoint system databases
BCS and, Secure Store Service (SSS)
mapping as hybrid architecture requirement in implementation project, Hybrid requirements
service federation and, Exploring service federation
Secure Token Service (STS)
as WCF service endpoint, Discovering the service application components, The Application Discovery and Load Balancer service
consuming federation metadata endpoint in JSON format, S2S authentication
user authentication using, The Application Discovery and Load Balancer service
for lists, Lists and libraries
about, Designing for platform security
enabling SSL encryption between applications and SQL Server, SSL and SQL Server
encrypting Central Administration communications of, Putting it all together
encrypting communication between client and server, Certification Authorities (CAs)
encrypting communication server to server communication, Communication between the client and server
encrypting communication using IPsec and IKEv2, SSL and SQL Server
installing SharePoint using least privileges, Planning for and configuring SQL Server Transparent Data Encryption
obtaining Certification Authorities, Certification Authorities (CAs)
planning for configuring SQL Server TDE, IPsec IKEv2
preventing SharePoint installations, Designing for platform security
reporting SharePoint installations, Tracking SharePoint installations
SharePoint Managed Accounts and, SharePoint Managed Accounts
tracking SharePoint installations, Preventing SharePoint installations
understanding roles and group permissions, SharePoint Managed Accounts
user accounts and, User accounts
Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)
authentication, Forms-based authentication (FBA)
claims and c2WTS, Claims to Windows Token Service (c2WTS)
token-based authentication and sticky sessions, Claims-based authentication
security requirements, in implementation project, Planning the IA
SecurityTokenServiceApplicationPool, Installing SharePoint using least privileges
Self-Hosted App deployment model, Deployed solutions
Self-Service Site Creation (SSSC) feature, enabling, Self-Service Site Creation
Self-Service Site Creation feature, Site collections
Self-Signed Certificate, Certification Authorities (CAs)
Server-to-server (S2S) authentication
about, App authentication
encrypting, Communication between the client and server
using STS, How does it work?
servers, SharePoint
accessing SharePoint Management Shell, Examining the Windows PowerShell management shells
configuring for delegation, Configuring Kerberos in SharePoint
encrypting communications, Communication between the client and server
encrypting communications between client and, Certification Authorities (CAs)
IPsec encrypting traffic to and from, SSL and SQL Server
ports critical to, Communication between the client and server, SSL and SQL Server
running cmdlets on, Examining the Windows PowerShell management shells
Service Account, changing, Distributed Cache service
service accounts, Central Administration’s Configure, Claims to Windows Token Service (c2WTS)
service application endpoints, STS as WCF, Discovering the service application components, The Application Discovery and Load Balancer service
service application proxy, Exploring the service application architecture
service applications
about, Exploring the service application architecture
Access Services web service application, How does it work?, Access Services 2010
Application Management, Access Services
application pool for, Web applications
about, Understanding the service application model
key concepts of, Exploring the service application architecture
Business Data Connectivity (BDC) service, SharePoint service application databases, Access Services 2010
communication sites for, Key concepts
components of, Exploring the service application architecture
databases and, Database(s) and service applications
databases for, SharePoint system databases
Excel Services, Excel Services
exploring service federation for, Exploring service federation
implementing, Service application proxies
Machine Translation, How does it work?
Managed Metadata, Excel Services
mapping to proxy groups, Key concepts, Discovering the service application components
Office Web Applications server and, Database(s) and service applications
PerformancePoint service, The MMS application
provisioning and publishing, Publishing your service application
Search, The Search service application
Secure Token, The Application Discovery and Load Balancer service
setting permissions for, Connecting to your service application
Topology, The Application Discovery and Load Balancer service
upgrading, Upgrade stages and responsibilities, Services upgrade and overview, Upgrading the Search Service application, Federating the Search service
User Profile Application, SSS
Visio Graphics, How does it work?
web content applications and, Web applications
Word Automation, How does it work?
Work Management, How does it work?
workflows for, How does it work?
service consumer, Exploring the service application architecture
service machine instance, Exploring the service application architecture
Service Master Key, IPsec IKEv2
Service Principal Names (SPNs), guidelines for configuring, Configuring Kerberos in SharePoint
service proxy groups, Exploring the service application architecture
Service-Level Agreements (SLAs), Planning your business continuity strategy, Putting it all together
about, Exploring the service application architecture
configuring, Key concepts
deploying, Exploring the service application architecture
services farm
building, Putting it all together
implementing, Exploring service federation
services.cnf files, _app_bin
Set-SPCentralAdministion cmdlet, Putting it all together
Set-SPFarmConfig cmdlet, Tracking SharePoint installations
Set-SPRequestManagementSettings cmdlet, Introducing Request Management
Set-SPUsageApplication cmdlet, Configuring usage and health provider settings
Set-SPUsageService cmdlet, Configuring usage and health provider settings
Shared Services Farm, upgrading to SharePoint 2013, Services upgrade and overview
about, Gathering requirements
as trusted subsystem, Mapping authentication and authorization to requirements
hardware and software requirements in implementation project, Understanding system requirements
preventing, Designing for platform security
reporting, Tracking SharePoint installations
tracking, Preventing SharePoint installations
Operating Systems versions supported by new, Avoiding service disruptions
pipeline, SharePoint service application databases
ports and protocols chart, SSL and SQL Server
SharePoint 2013 PowerShell cmdlets, Introducing Windows PowerShell and SharePoint 2013 cmdlets
SharePoint 2013 Products Configuration Wizard, Understanding the benefits of Windows PowerShell
SharePoint 2013 Search service application, Understanding the benefits of Windows PowerShell, Putting it all together, Database(s) and service applications, The Search service application, Exploring service federation, Content database
SharePoint API, using in Central Administration, Databases
SharePoint App model
about, Lists and libraries, Deployed solutions
joining farm and sandbox solutions, Deployed solutions
SharePoint Central Administration v4 application pool, Installing SharePoint using least privileges
SharePoint databases, Proactively managing the growth of data and log files
(see also databases)
about, Databases
Analytics Reporting, SharePoint service application databases, How does it work?, Search service application databases
App Management, Content database
attach upgrade, Introducing upgrades
Business Data Connectivity, Content database
Central Administration content, Configuration database, SQL Server storage and IOPS
configuration, Configuration database, SQL Server storage and IOPS
content, Configuration database, SQL Server storage and IOPS, Shared Services Farm, Upgrading the Search Service application, Service application creation
Crawl, SharePoint service application databases, How does it work?, Search service application databases
Link, SharePoint service application databases, How does it work?, Search service application databases
Machine Translation Services, Social database
Managed Metadata, Social database
PerformancePoint services, PowerPivot database
PowerPivot, Social database
Profile, SharePoint system databases, How does it work?, Usage (and Health Data Collection) database, Microsoft Office Web Apps, Upgrading the remaining service applications
Search Administration, SharePoint system databases, How does it work?, Content database
Search service application, Content database
Secure Store, Search service application databases
Social, Social database, Microsoft Office Web Apps, Upgrading the remaining service applications
SQL Server aliases, SQL Server aliases, SQL aliases
State Service, Social database
Subscription Settings, Usage (and Health Data Collection) database
supported, Introducing upgrades
Synch, SharePoint system databases, How does it work?, Usage (and Health Data Collection) database, Supported databases, Microsoft Office Web Apps, Upgrading the remaining service applications
system databases, SQL Server aliases
unsupported, Supported databases
Usage, Usage (and Health Data Collection) database, Configuring usage and health provider settings, Monitoring performance counters
user credentials stored in LDAP, Claims-based authentication
SharePoint Developer Dashboard
about, Setting up ULS Viewer
analyzing performance of webpages using, Understanding SharePoint monitoring requirements
enabling/disabling, Monitoring page performance
monitoring page performance using, Monitoring performance counters
SharePoint Farm Configuration Wizard
for configuring usage and health provider settings, Monitoring the health of SharePoint
using, Understanding the benefits of Windows PowerShell
SharePoint farms (see farm)
SharePoint Foundation 2013
about, Proactively managing the growth of data and log files
Analytics Reporting, SharePoint service application databases, How does it work?, Search service application databases
App Management, Content database
Business Data Connectivity, Content database
Central Administration content, Configuration database, SQL Server storage and IOPS
configuration, Configuration database, SQL Server storage and IOPS
content, Configuration database, SQL Server storage and IOPS, Shared Services Farm, Upgrading the Search Service application, Service application creation
Crawl, SharePoint service application databases, How does it work?, Search service application databases
Link, SharePoint service application databases, How does it work?, Search service application databases
Search Administration, SharePoint system databases, How does it work?, Content database
Search service application, Content database
Secure Store, Search service application databases
Subscription Settings, Usage (and Health Data Collection) database
Usage, Usage (and Health Data Collection) database, Configuring usage and health provider settings, Monitoring performance counters
SharePoint Foundation Subscription Settings service application, SharePoint service application databases
SharePoint Foundation Web Application (SPFWA) service, BLOB Cache
SharePoint Health Analyzer
about, Understanding SharePoint monitoring requirements
correcting index fragmentation, Measuring and reducing index fragmentation
rules, Weekly processes, Defining and executing a database maintenance plan
troubleshooting using reports from, Putting it all together, Putting it all together
SharePoint Managed Accounts, for application pool, Web applications
SharePoint Online Management Shell environment, setting up, Configuring permissions for Windows PowerShell and SharePoint 2013
SharePoint Online Secure Store service, Hybrid requirements
SharePoint Online, in implementation project
considerations for, Minimum hardware and software requirements
requirements, Hybrid requirements
SharePoint Products and Configuration Wizard, creating initial farm using, SQL Server aliases
SharePoint Products Network Monitor Parsers, Office and, Microsoft Network Monitor
SharePoint Root folder, IIS folders located in, Bin
SharePoint Search service application, databases for, SharePoint system databases
SharePoint Secure Store application pool, Installing SharePoint using least privileges
SharePoint Server 2010
upgrading to SharePoint 2013
about, Upgrading your SharePoint 2010 environment
attach upgrade, Introducing upgrades
authentication upgrade, Introducing upgrades
Classic mode authentication, User Profile Service
cleaning content databases, Shared Services Farm
cleaning environment, Cleaning up your content databases
content database upgrade, Shared Services Farm, Upgrading the Search Service application, Service application creation
deferred site collection upgrade, Deferred site collection upgrade
deploying .wsp files, Service application creation
documenting current settings, Cleaning up your environment
documenting environment, Cleaning up your environment
documenting environment settings, Documenting current settings
documenting service settings, Documenting current settings
documenting services, Manually deployed code and updates
email notifications during, Email notifications
evaluation site collections upgrade, Upgrade Evaluation Site collections
feature fallback behavior, Deferred site collection upgrade
federating search services, Upgrading the Search Center
finding .wsp files, Managing customizations
implementing upgrade, Validating your test upgrade
in-place upgrades, Introducing upgrades
language packs and, Classic-mode authentication
learning from deployment, Validating your test upgrade
limiting downtime during, Classic-mode authentication, Validating your test upgrade
managing customizations, Customizations
manually deploying code and updates, Managing customizations
monitoring upgrade process, Upgrading your production farm
process overview of, Email notifications
RBS and, Managing customizations
Search Center upgrade, Upgrading the Search Service application
service application upgrades, Services upgrade and overview, Upgrading the Search Service application, Federating the Search service
Shared Services Farm and, Services upgrade and overview
Site Collection Health Check, Deferred site collection upgrade, Upgrading My Site content
Site Collection Upgrade Throttling, Upgrade Evaluation Site collections
stages and responsibilities, Upgrade stages and responsibilities
System Status Bars, Site collection upgrade throttling
testing upgrade, Parallel site upgrades, End goal
third-party products and, Managing customizations
troubleshooting upgrade, Validating your upgrade
ULS logging format support, Email notifications
upgrading production farm, Upgrading your production farm
validating upgrade, Validating your upgrade
Visual upgrade, Deferred site collection upgrade
SharePoint Server 2013
about, Proactively managing the growth of data and log files, Usage (and Health Data Collection) database
Analytics Reporting, SharePoint service application databases, How does it work?, Search service application databases
App Management, Content database
attach upgrade of, Introducing upgrades
Business Data Connectivity, Content database
Central Administration content, Configuration database, SQL Server storage and IOPS
configuration, Configuration database, SQL Server storage and IOPS
content, Configuration database, SQL Server storage and IOPS, Shared Services Farm, Upgrading the Search Service application, Service application creation
Crawl, SharePoint service application databases, How does it work?, Search service application databases
Link, SharePoint service application databases, How does it work?, Search service application databases
Machine Translation Services, Social database
Managed Metadata, Social database
PerformancePoint services, PowerPivot database
PowerPivot, Social database
Profile, Usage (and Health Data Collection) database, Microsoft Office Web Apps, Upgrading the remaining service applications
Search Administration, SharePoint system databases, How does it work?, Content database
Search service application, Content database
Secure Store, Search service application databases
Social, Social database, Microsoft Office Web Apps, Upgrading the remaining service applications
State Service, Social database
Subscription Settings, Usage (and Health Data Collection) database
supported, Introducing upgrades
Synch, SharePoint system databases, How does it work?, Usage (and Health Data Collection) database, Supported databases, Microsoft Office Web Apps, Upgrading the remaining service applications
Synchronization, Usage (and Health Data Collection) database
unsupported, Supported databases
Usage, Usage (and Health Data Collection) database, Configuring usage and health provider settings, Monitoring performance counters
upgrading to
attach upgrade of, Introducing upgrades
authentication upgrade, Introducing upgrades
Classic mode authentication, User Profile Service
cleaning content databases, Shared Services Farm
cleaning environment, Cleaning up your content databases
content database upgrade, Shared Services Farm, Upgrading the Search Service application, Service application creation
deferred site collection upgrade, Deferred site collection upgrade
deploying .wsp files, Service application creation
documenting current settings, Cleaning up your environment
documenting environment, Cleaning up your environment
documenting environment settings, Documenting current settings
documenting service settings, Documenting current settings
documenting services, Manually deployed code and updates
email notifications during, Email notifications
evaluation site collections upgrade, Upgrade Evaluation Site collections
feature fallback behavior, Deferred site collection upgrade
federating search services, Upgrading the Search Center
finding .wsp files, Managing customizations
implementing upgrade, Validating your test upgrade
in-place upgrades, Introducing upgrades
language packs and, Classic-mode authentication
learning from deployment, Validating your test upgrade
limiting downtime during, Classic-mode authentication, Validating your test upgrade
managing customizations, Customizations
manually deploying code and updates, Managing customizations
monitoring upgrade process, Upgrading your production farm
process overview of, Email notifications
RBS and, Managing customizations
Search Center upgrade, Upgrading the Search Service application
service application upgrades, Services upgrade and overview, Upgrading the Search Service application, Federating the Search service
Shared Services Farm and, Services upgrade and overview
Site Collection Health Check, Deferred site collection upgrade, Upgrading My Site content
Site Collection Upgrade Throttling, Upgrade Evaluation Site collections
stages and responsibilities, Upgrade stages and responsibilities
supported databases, Introducing upgrades
System Status Bars, Site collection upgrade throttling
testing upgrade, Parallel site upgrades, End goal
third-party products and, Managing customizations
troubleshooting upgrade, Validating your upgrade
ULS logging format support, Email notifications
unsupported databases, Supported databases
upgrading production farm, Upgrading your production farm
validating upgrade, Validating your upgrade
SharePoint servers
accessing SharePoint Management Shell, Examining the Windows PowerShell management shells
configuring for delegation, Configuring Kerberos in SharePoint
encrypting communications, Communication between the client and server
encrypting communications between client and, Certification Authorities (CAs)
IPsec encrypting traffic to and from, SSL and SQL Server
ports critical to, SSL and SQL Server
running cmdlets on, Examining the Windows PowerShell management shells
SharePoint snap-in, loading, Examining the Windows PowerShell management shells
SharePoint ULS Log Viewer, Understanding the issues through logs
SharePoint Web Content Default application pool, Installing SharePoint using least privileges
SharePoint Web Services Default, application pool, Installing SharePoint using least privileges
SharePoint-Hosted App deployment model, Deployed solutions
SharePoint14Module, Putting it all together
SharePoint_Config database, SQL Server aliases
SharePoint_Content_Admin database, SQL Server aliases
SharePoint_Shell_Access role, adding user to, Windows PowerShell 3.0 enhancements
sharing feature, AuthZ, Sharing
Show-Command cmdlet, Working with Windows PowerShell cmdlets
Shredded Storage, Enabling SQL Server BI within SharePoint 2013, Shredded Storage in SharePoint 2013, Managing customizations
shrink operation, SQL Server, Measuring and reducing index fragmentation
SignInURL parameter, SAML token-based authentication
Single Sign On (SSO) feature, When to consider SharePoint Online or hybrid architecture, When to consider SharePoint Online or hybrid architecture
site architecture, in implementation project, Benefits of IA
site collection (sample site), creating, Putting it all together
Site Collection Administration options, Site Settings Storage Metrics report in, Monitoring SharePoint storage
site collection administrator
granting user rights, Site collections
HTML field security, Site collections
picking objects for web application policies, Application policies
recycle bin, Restoring data using the Recycle Bin
search features for, Site collections
Site Collection Health Check, Deferred site collection upgrade, Upgrading My Site content
Site Collection Recycle Bin, Import-SPWeb
Site Collection Upgrade Throttling, Site collection upgrade throttling
site collections
about, Databases
host headers, Web applications, Self-Service Site Creation
path-based, Web applications
quota templates in, Site collections
sites and, Site collections
users rights to, Site collections
Site Pages library, creating landing page, Solution
Site Settings Storage Metrics report, Monitoring SharePoint storage
site structure
as implementation project deliverable, Taxonomy and metadata
in information architecture, Information architecture
Site-collection backup feature, Restore
Site/Site collection, as hybrid architecture requirement in implementation project, Hybrid requirements
sites (webs)
export of, Exporting a site or list
import of, Exporting a site or list
in site collection, Site collections
vs. site collections, Sites (webs)
SiteTemplates folder, SharePoint Root, Site collections
SLAs (Service-Level Agreements), Planning your business continuity strategy, Putting it all together
Slowest Pages report, Monitoring performance counters
snap-in, SharePoint, loading, Examining the Windows PowerShell management shells
Social database, Social database, Supported databases, Microsoft Office Web Apps
Social Tagging database, SharePoint system databases, How does it work?
software and hardware requirements, in implementation project, Understanding system requirements
spAdmin, user account, User accounts
spC2WTs, user account, User accounts
spConten, user account, User accounts
spCrawl, user account, User accounts, User accounts
spFarm, user account, User accounts, User accounts
spInstall, user account, User accounts, User accounts
SPNs (Service Principal Names), guidelines for configuring, Configuring Kerberos in SharePoint
SPRequest objects, Working with SharePoint disposable objects
SPRequestModule, Putting it all together
spServices, user account, User accounts, User accounts
SPSite objects, disposal of, Working with SharePoint disposable objects
spSSS, user account, User accounts
spSuperReader, user account, User accounts
spSuperUser, user account, User accounts
SPTrustedClaimProvider, handling People Picker control, SAML token-based authentication
SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer component, of SAML token-based authentication, Forms-based authentication (FBA)
SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer, diagram of object, SAML token-based authentication
spUnattend, user account, User accounts, User accounts
spUPS, user account, User accounts
SPWeb objects, disposal of, Working with SharePoint disposable objects
SQL Client Configuration Utility (cliconfg.exe), configure SQL Server aliases using, SQL aliases
SQL databases, prerequisites for Access Services web service application, Access Services
SQL folder, SharePoint Root
SQL Server
aliases, SQL Server aliases, SQL aliases
AlwaysOn Availability feature of, How it works
business intelligence
enabling, SQL Server storage and IOPS
support for, Database engine requirements for SharePoint 2013
creating Foundation Subscription Settings service application, SharePoint service application databases
database mirroring, Web applications
enabling SSL encryption between applications and, SSL and SQL Server
HA/DR options using, Designing for SharePoint storage requirements
initial optimization and configuration of
about, AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances
autocreating statistics, Additional SQL Server considerations
collation, AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances
managing growth of data and log files, Windows PowerShell configuration of SQL Server client aliases
monitoring storage and performance, Proactively managing the growth of data and log files
using aliases, SQL aliases
installation for implementation project, AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances
IPsec encrypting traffic to and from, SSL and SQL Server
maintenance plan, Measuring and reducing index fragmentation
optimization of, SQL optimization
performance counters, Monitoring performance counters
planning for configuring transparent data encryption on, IPsec IKEv2
shrinking data files on, Measuring and reducing index fragmentation
storage and IOPS, Report Server Alerting
stress testing drives on, Stress testing your SQL Server drives
tempdb database, Report Server Alerting
testing drives on, Testing your SQL Server drives from SharePoint
testing internal drives, Introducing SQLIO
using aliases, SQL Server Configuration Manager configuration of SQL Server client aliases
versions supported by new SharePoint, Avoiding service disruptions
versions supported by SharePoint, Designing for SharePoint storage requirements
SQL Server BI (Business Intelligence)
enabling, SQL Server storage and IOPS
support for, Database engine requirements for SharePoint 2013
SQL Server Client Network Utility, launching, SQL Server aliases
SQL Server Configuration Manager
configure SQL Server alias using, SQL Server Configuration Manager configuration of SQL Server client aliases
viewing protocols for MSSQLSERVER properties, SSL and SQL Server
SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), testing aliases using, SQL Server Configuration Manager configuration of SQL Server client aliases
SQL Server PowerPivot service application, SharePoint service application databases, Social database
sqlInstall, user account, User accounts
about, Introducing SQLIO
analyzing I/O subsystem using, Report Server Alerting, SQL optimization
stress testing SQL Server drives, Stress testing your SQL Server drives
testing iSCSI network drives, Testing your SQL Server internal drives
testing SQL Server drives, Testing your SQL Server drives from SharePoint
testing SQL Server internal drives, Introducing SQLIO
sqlService, user account, User accounts
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
Central Administration over, SharePoint Managed Accounts, Roles, Putting it all together
certificates, Certification Authorities (CAs), Communication between the client and server
configuring web application to use, Web applications
enabling encryption between applications and SQL Server, SSL and SQL Server
SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio), testing aliases using, SQL Server Configuration Manager configuration of SQL Server client aliases
SSO (Single Sign On) feature, When to consider SharePoint Online or hybrid architecture, When to consider SharePoint Online or hybrid architecture
SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services), Microsoft, PowerPivot database, Understanding SharePoint monitoring requirements
SSRS Report Server Catalog database, PowerPivot database
SSS (Secure Store Service) application
about, SharePoint service application databases, Exploring service federation
BCS and, Secure Store Service (SSS), Secure Store Service (SSS), Business Connectivity Services (BCS)
mapping as hybrid architecture requirement in implementation project, Hybrid requirements
service federation and, Exploring service federation
SSSC (Self-Service Site Creation) feature, enabling, Self-Service Site Creation
stakeholders, identifying implementation, Metrics for success
standard SSL certificates, Certification Authorities (CAs)
Start-SPAssignment -Global cmdlet, Working with SharePoint disposable objects
State service application, SharePoint service application databases, Monitoring the health of SharePoint
State Service database, Social database
Step Load test settings, in New Load Test Wizard, Creating your stress test
Stop-SPAssignment –Global cmdlet, Working with SharePoint disposable objects
storage, SharePoint, monitoring, Proactively managing the growth of data and log files, Monitoring page performance
stress testing environments
about, Creating your load test
creating, Creating your stress test
error in, Creating your stress test
STS (Secure Token Service)
as WCF service endpoint, Discovering the service application components, The Application Discovery and Load Balancer service
consuming federation metadata endpoint in JSON format, S2S authentication
user authentication using, The Application Discovery and Load Balancer service
stsadm.exe command-line utility, Introducing Windows PowerShell and SharePoint 2013 cmdlets, Understanding the benefits of Windows PowerShell
Subscription service application, Monitoring the health of SharePoint
Subscription Settings database, Usage (and Health Data Collection) database
Sun ONE, Claims-based authentication
switches, configuring, Authentication
Synchronization (SYC) database, SharePoint system databases, How does it work?, Usage (and Health Data Collection) database, Supported databases, Microsoft Office Web Apps, Upgrading the remaining service applications
Synchronization Connections, Putting it all together
syntax, of cmdlets, Brief history of Windows PowerShell
System Center 2012, Understanding SharePoint monitoring requirements
System Center Management Pack, Operations Manager with, Understanding SharePoint monitoring requirements
system requirements, understanding in implementation project, Understanding system requirements
System Status Bars and notifications, Site collection upgrade throttling


Task Scheduler tasks, Windows PowerShell 3.0 enhancements
and metadata as implementation project deliverable, Taxonomy and metadata
in information architecture, Information architecture
TDE (Transparent Data Encryption), planning for configuring SQL Server, IPsec IKEv2
tempdb database, SQL Server, Report Server Alerting
TEMPLATE folder, Bin
test farm, upgrading, Parallel site upgrades
Test Mix Model, selecting in New Load Test Wizard, Creating your load test, Creating your stress test
Test Mix window, in New Load Test Wizard, Creating your load test
Test-SPContentDatabase cmdlet, Shared Services Farm, Upgrading the Search Center, Service application creation, Upgrading My Site content
iSCSI network drives, Testing your SQL Server internal drives
SQL Server drives, Testing your SQL Server drives from SharePoint
SQL Server internal drives, Introducing SQLIO
upgrade to SharePoint 2013, Parallel site upgrades, End goal
testing environments, Microsoft Network Monitor
about, Microsoft Network Monitor
documenting effectiveness of changes, Documentation
IIS logs
combing through, Inspecting your IIS logs
inspecting, Testing your environments
about, Creating your test plan
building demo, Creating your stress test
building load test, Creating your Performance Web Test, Create the performance test
creating Performance Web Test, Creating your Performance Web Test
determining capacity of farm, Setting your load test standards
notification when breaching thresholds, Creating your load test
options for, Creating your test plan
setting standards for, Setting your load test standards
setting up Visual Studio Ultimate 2012 in, Determining your farm’s capacity
Visual Studio Ultimate in, Creating your stress test
performance, Setting up LPS, Setting up Visual Studio Ultimate 2010
about, Creating your load test
creating, Creating your stress test
error in, Creating your stress test
verifying sites, Scenario
THEMES folder, SharePoint Root
Think Time Profile, selecting in New Load Test Wizard, Creating your load test
Throttling Rules, Request Management Configuration element, Introducing Request Management
throttling, resource, Resource throttling
Throttling, Site Collection Upgrade, Site collection upgrade throttling
timer jobs, Understanding SharePoint monitoring requirements
Timings window, in performance testing, Creating your test plan
Token-signing certificate component, of SAML token-based authentication, Forms-based authentication (FBA), SAML token-based authentication
Topology serv2ice, Configuring the topology service
Topology service, The Application Discovery and Load Balancer service
total bytes /sec, paging file, Monitoring performance counters
total user count, in setting load test standards, Setting your load test standards
Transparent Data Encryption (TDE), planning for configuring SQL Server, IPsec IKEv2
help with VSTS, Visual Studio Team System 2008 Team Suite
Kerberos tickets, Verifying Kerberos with Klist
SharePoint environment, Troubleshooting a SharePoint environment
upgrading to SharePoint 2013, Validating your upgrade
Usage And Health Data Collection Service application, Setting up ULS Viewer
using Fiddler, Verifying port allocation and web requests
trust, creating between farms, Exploring service federation, Creating the farm trust, Upgrading the Search Center
Trusted Identity Provider authentication, Web applications
trusted subsystem authentication, Mapping authentication and authorization to requirements
turning and optimizing environment
fine-tuning network performance, Creating a SQL Server maintenance plan
planning and configuring caching, Virtual servers
Request Management service, BLOB Cache
resource throttling, Resource throttling
SQL optimization, SQL optimization
(see also optimizing, SQL Server)
using database maintenance plan, SQL optimization
two-way hybrid search architecture, When to consider SharePoint Online or hybrid architecture
two-way server-to-server trust, in hybrid architecture, When to consider SharePoint Online or hybrid architecture, When to consider SharePoint Online or hybrid architecture


UCC Certificates, Certification Authorities (CAs)
ULS (Unified Logging Service) logs
about format, Email notifications
in Central Administration, Bin
troubleshooting using, Putting it all together
using Developer Dashboard with, Monitoring page performance, Setting up ULS Viewer
viewing, Verify farm contentment
ULS Log Viewer, Understanding the issues through logs
unattached content database, recovering data from, Import-SPWeb
Unicast method, Implementing network load balancing
UPA (User Profile Application)
about, SSS
as hybrid architecture requirement in implementation project, Hybrid requirements
database, SharePoint system databases
dependency of S2S on, App authentication
service application as, Database(s) and service applications
service federation and, Exploring service federation
Update-Help cmdlet, Windows PowerShell 3.0 enhancements, Working with Windows PowerShell cmdlets
Update-SPDistrub cmdlet, Distributed Cache service
Upgrade Available status bar, Site collection upgrade throttling
Upgrade Evaluation Site Collection status bar, Email notifications
Upgrade In Progress status bar, Email notifications
Upgrade-SPSite cmdlet, Upgrading My Site content
upgrading to SharePoint 2013
about, Upgrading your SharePoint 2010 environment
attach upgrade, Introducing upgrades
authentication upgrade, Introducing upgrades
Classic mode authentication, User Profile Service
cleaning content databases, Shared Services Farm
cleaning environment, Cleaning up your content databases
deferred site collection upgrade, Deferred site collection upgrade
current settings, Cleaning up your environment
environment, Cleaning up your environment
environment settings, Documenting current settings
service settings, Documenting current settings
services, Manually deployed code and updates
email notifications during, Email notifications
evaluation site collections upgrade, Upgrade Evaluation Site collections
feature fallback behavior, Deferred site collection upgrade
federating search services, Upgrading the Search Center
implementing upgrade, Validating your test upgrade
in-place upgrades, Introducing upgrades
language packs and, Classic-mode authentication
learning from deployment, Validating your test upgrade
limiting downtime during, Classic-mode authentication, Validating your test upgrade
managing customizations
about, Customizations
content database upgrade, Shared Services Farm, Upgrading the Search Service application, Service application creation
deploying .wsp files, Service application creation
finding .wsp files, Managing customizations
manually deploying code and updates, Managing customizations
RBS and, Managing customizations
third-party products and, Managing customizations
monitoring upgrade process, Upgrading your production farm
process overview of, Email notifications
Search Center upgrade, Upgrading the Search Service application
service application upgrades, Services upgrade and overview, Upgrading the Search Service application, Federating the Search service
Shared Services Farm and, Services upgrade and overview
Site Collection Health Check, Deferred site collection upgrade, Upgrading My Site content
Site Collection Upgrade Throttling, Upgrade Evaluation Site collections
stages and responsibilities, Upgrade stages and responsibilities
supported and unsupported databases, Introducing upgrades
System Status Bars, Site collection upgrade throttling
testing upgrade, Parallel site upgrades, End goal
troubleshooting upgrade, Validating your upgrade
ULS logging format support, Email notifications
upgrading production farm, Upgrading your production farm
validating upgrade, Validating your upgrade
UPN (User Principal Name), c2WTS and, Self-Service Site Creation
UPS (User Profile Service)
importing .bin file and, User Profile Service
upgrading, Microsoft Office Web Apps
application pool and, Web applications
host headers allowing for specification of, Web applications
in web application, Web applications
Usage And Health Data Collection Service application, SharePoint system databases, Usage (and Health Data Collection) database, Monitoring the health of SharePoint, Setting up ULS Viewer
Usage database, Usage (and Health Data Collection) database, Configuring usage and health provider settings, Monitoring performance counters
usage scenarios
as implementation project deliverable, Deliverables
in information architecture, Information architecture
Use Self-Service Site Creation right, turning on, Self-Service Site Creation
user accounts
platform security and, User accounts
recommended, User accounts
user authentication, Converting Classic mode to Claims mode
(see also authentication)
using STS, The Application Discovery and Load Balancer service
user credentials, storing in LDAP database, Claims-based authentication
user permission policy, allowing configuring of user policies across zones, Application policies
user permissions, verifying, How does it work?
User Principal Name (UPN), c2WTS and, Self-Service Site Creation
User Profile Application (UPA)
about, SSS
as hybrid architecture requirement in implementation project, Hybrid requirements
database, SharePoint system databases
dependency of S2S on, App authentication
service application as, Database(s) and service applications
service federation and, Exploring service federation
Synch database, Usage (and Health Data Collection) database
User Profile Service (UPS)
importing .bin file and, User Profile Service
upgrading, Microsoft Office Web Apps
User Profile Synchronization Server, importing .bin file and, User Profile Service
UserAccountDirectoryPath, The People Picker
UserCode folder, SharePoint Root
usernames, adding to web test fixed, Creating your Performance Web Test
users rights, to site collections, Site collections
users, training user on metadata, Metadata architecture


View Analytics reports option, Configuring usage and health provider settings
Virtual Machines (VMs), as web servers, Authentication
virtual servers, Authentication
refreshing diagrams in web browser, How does it work?
Visio Graphics service (VGS)
about, How does it work?
c2WTS and, Self-Service Site Creation, Claims to Windows Token Service (c2WTS)
SSS and, Secure Store Service (SSS)
Visual Round Trip Analyzer (VRTA), Creating your test plan
Visual Studio (VS) Ultimate 2012
in load testing environments, Creating your stress test
setting up in testing environment, Determining your farm’s capacity, Setting up Visual Studio Ultimate 2010
Visual Studio Team System (VSTS) 2008 Team Suite, using for demo test load, Creating your stress test
Visual upgrade, SharePoint Server 2010, Deferred site collection upgrade
VMs (Virtual Machines), as web servers, Authentication
VRTA (Visual Round Trip Analyzer), Creating your test plan
VSTS (Visual Studio Team System) 2008 Team Suite, using for demo test load, Creating your stress test


Warm standby redundancy method, How it works
WAS (Word Automation Service) application, SharePoint service application databases, How does it work?
WAWS (Windows Azure Workflow Server), How does it work?, How does it work?
WCF service endpoint, STS as, Discovering the service application components, The Application Discovery and Load Balancer service
web application policies, SharePoint, Business Connectivity Services (BCS)
web applications
about, Exploring the SharePoint farm components
adding content databases, Configuration database
configuring SPNs for, Configuring Kerberos in SharePoint
databases, Databases
in business intelligence dashboards, The MMS application
modifying HTTP modules, Putting it all together
proxy groups assigned through service applications to, Key concepts, Discovering the service application components
site collections, Databases
web browser, Scenario
(see also Internet Explorer (IE))
publishing within Excel documents within, Excel Services
refresting Visio diagrams in web browser, How does it work?
using Get-Help cmdlet to open topics in, Windows PowerShell 3.0 enhancements
web content applications, service applications and, Web applications
web parts, query to find, Putting it all together
web requests, verifying, Developer Dashboard
web servers, virtual machines as, Authentication
web service applications
Access Services, How does it work?
Office Web Applications server, Database(s) and service applications
web sessions, recording, Creating your stress test
web.config files
about, _app_bin
changing, Examining the SharePoint file system
importance of, SharePoint service application databases
in WebServices folder, SharePoint Root
making changes in IIS web application zone, Authentication zones
WebClients folder, SharePoint Root
analyzing performance of, Understanding SharePoint monitoring requirements
debugging webpages, Verifying port allocation and web requests
webs (sites)
export of, Exporting a site or list
import of, Exporting a site or list
in site collection, Site collections
vs. site collections, Sites (webs)
WebServices folder, SharePoint Root
.webtest files, Creating your Performance Web Test
weekly processes, in monitoring environment, Daily processes
WIF (Windows Identity Foundation)
about, Anonymous authentication
c2WTS as feature to extract UPN of, Self-Service Site Creation
wildcard SSL certificates, Certification Authorities (CAs)
Wilén, Wictor, S2S authentication
WinDiff, Managing customizations
Windows authentication
AD DS and, Anonymous authentication
Basic protocol, Analyzing AuthN options
Windows Azure Access Control Service (ACS)
about, Deployed solutions
authorization server for cloud-hosted apps, App authentication
for SharePoint Online, Hybrid requirements
SSS and, Secure Store Service (SSS)
Windows Azure Workflow Server (WAWS), How does it work?, How does it work?
Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe), Understanding the benefits of Windows PowerShell
Windows Event Log, troubleshooting using, Putting it all together
Windows Identity Foundation (WIF)
about, Anonymous authentication
c2WTS as feature to extract UPN of, Self-Service Site Creation
Windows Management Framework 3.0, Configuring permissions for Windows PowerShell and SharePoint 2013
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), Understanding SharePoint monitoring requirements
Windows NT LAN Manager (NTLM) credentials
about, Web applications
credentials in Windows, Basic
pass-through authentication, Secure Store Service (SSS)
search crawl the web application with AD DS, Authentication zones
vs. Kerberos, Creating a SQL Server maintenance plan
Windows NT Server 4.0, IP load balancer with, How it works
Windows Operating Systems, versions supported by SharePoint 2013, Avoiding service disruptions
Windows PowerShell
about, Introducing Windows PowerShell and SharePoint 2013 cmdlets
associating security certificate using, Communication between the client and server
benefits of, Brief history of Windows PowerShell
blocking SharePoint installations using, Designing for platform security
changing search service topology, Putting it all together
configuration of SQL Server aliases, SQL Server Configuration Manager configuration of SQL Server client aliases
configuring People Picker control, Application policies
configuring ReadOnlyMaintenanceLink, Restoring data using the Recycle Bin
configuring user permissions, Windows PowerShell 3.0 enhancements
converting Classic to Claims authentication mode, Classic mode vs. Claims mode
creating Foundation Subscription Settings service application, SharePoint service application databases
creating web application using FBA, Forms-based authentication (FBA)
deploying service applications by, Exploring the service application architecture, Discovering the service application components
deploying service applications into production environment, Database(s) and service applications
discovering SharePoint-specific cmdlets, Working with Windows PowerShell cmdlets
disposal of objects, Working with SharePoint disposable objects
enabling c2WTS, Claims to Windows Token Service (c2WTS)
enabling RevertToSelf, Business Connectivity Services (BCS)
enhancements, Windows PowerShell 3.0 enhancements
exporting trust certificates, Creating the farm trust
health-focused cmdlets, Understanding SharePoint monitoring requirements
implementing service applications, Service application proxies
index of cmdlets, Discovering SharePoint-specific Windows PowerShell cmdlets
management shell, Configuring permissions for Windows PowerShell and SharePoint 2013
managing users in WSS_SHELL_ACCESS database role, SharePoint Managed Accounts
New-SPTrustedSecurityTokenIssuer cmdlet, App authentication
New-SPWebApplicationExtension cmdlet, Claims encoding
provisioning Usage and Health Data Collection service application, Monitoring the health of SharePoint
registering or deleting SharePoint Managed Accounts through, SharePoint Managed Accounts
reporting SharePoint installations using, Tracking SharePoint installations
role of, Introducing Windows PowerShell and SharePoint 2013 cmdlets
scheduling background jobs, Windows PowerShell 3.0 enhancements
syntax of, Brief history of Windows PowerShell
tracking SharePoint installations using, Preventing SharePoint installations
troubleshooting using, Understanding the issues through logs
updating cmdlet help references, Working with Windows PowerShell cmdlets
upgrading My Site host, Upgrade stages and responsibilities, Service application creation, Upgrading the content databases
using comments, SharePoint 2013 Search service application topology management
using in Central Administration, Databases
working with cmdlets, Selecting a profile to use in Windows PowerShell ISE
Windows PowerShell for SharePoint Command Builder, Discovering SharePoint-specific Windows PowerShell cmdlets
Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE)
about, Examining the Windows PowerShell management shells, Examining the Windows PowerShell management shells
Command Add-Ons for, Selecting a profile to use in Windows PowerShell ISE, Working with Windows PowerShell cmdlets
Windows Script Host (WSH) scripts, Understanding the benefits of Windows PowerShell
Windows Task Scheduler, calling Windows PowerShell scripts, Backup
wkpstd.aspx page, SharePoint Root
WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation), Understanding SharePoint monitoring requirements
WMS (Work Management service) application, How does it work?
Word Automation Service (WAS) application, SharePoint service application databases, How does it work?
Word Conversion database, SharePoint service application databases
Word, conversion of documents in, How does it work?
Work Management service (WMS), How does it work?
components, Examining the changes in workflows
service, How does it work?
WorkflowActivities folder, SharePoint Root
working set, processing, Monitoring performance counters
wpresources/_wpresources folders, _app_bin
Wreply parameter, SAML token-based authentication
Write right, App authentication
WS-Federation 1.1, Anonymous authentication
WS-Federation Passive Requestor Profile (WS-F RPR), in SAML token-based authentication, Forms-based authentication (FBA)
WS-Trust 1.4, Anonymous authentication
.wsp files
deploying, Service application creation
exporting, Managing customizations
WSS_ADMIN_WPG group, Roles
WSS_Admin_WPG group, add user to, Windows PowerShell 3.0 enhancements
WSS_Content database, SQL Server aliases
WSS_CONTENT_APPLICATION_POOLS database role, SharePoint Managed Accounts
WSS_SHELL_ACCESS database role, SharePoint Managed Accounts
WSS_WPG group, Roles


Young, Shane, exporting .wsp files, Managing customizations, Site collections, Site collections


zones, SharePoint
alternate access mappings and, Authentication zones
associated to web application, Web applications
authentication, Claims encoding
configuring user policies across, Application policies
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