List of Listings

Chapter 1. Beyond reporting: business analytics

Listing 1.1. Query for orders by city

Listing 1.2. Query for orders by customer

Chapter 2. Mondrian: a first look

Listing 2.1. Comparing quarters across years

Chapter 4. Multidimensional modeling: making analytics data accessible

Listing 4.1. Sales schema

Listing 4.2. Physical schema

Listing 4.3. Physical schema with columns

Listing 4.4. Calculated column with expressions for multiple SQL dialects

Listing 4.5. Table alias examples

Listing 4.6. Multiple uses of the same table

Listing 4.7. Customers hierarchy

Listing 4.8. Labeling a time dimension and its attributes

Chapter 5. How schemas grow

Listing 5.1. Schema containing Sales and Warehouse cubes

Listing 5.2. Sales and Warehouse cubes using shared dimensions

Listing 5.3. Sales cube with multiple measure groups

Listing 5.4. The Forecast measure group

Listing 5.5. MDX query on parent-child hierarchy

Listing 5.6. Calculated member defined in a cube

Listing 5.7. Calculated member defined in a cube using compact notation

Listing 5.8. Calculated member defined in an MDX query

Chapter 6. Securing data

Listing 6.1. Declaring roles

Listing 6.2. One-to-one role mapper configuration

Listing 6.3. Lookup-map role mapper configuration

Listing 6.4. User-session role mapper configuration

Listing 6.5. User-state role mapper

Listing 6.6. User-state role mapper configuration

Listing 6.7. Granting access to the entire schema

Listing 6.8. Granting access to none of the schema

Listing 6.9. Granting access to the entire cube

Listing 6.10. Granting access to none of the cube

Listing 6.11. Granting access to dimensions

Listing 6.12. Granting access to all of the hierarchy

Listing 6.13. Granting access to none of the hierarchy

Listing 6.14. Limiting access to certain levels of the hierarchy

Listing 6.15. Limiting access to specific members of the hierarchy

Listing 6.16. Example of restricting access to measures

Chapter 7. Maximizing Mondrian performance

Listing 7.1. Declaring an aggregation table

Listing 7.2. Conceptual segment structure

Listing 7.3. SERVERS and WEIGHTS configuration example

Listing 7.4. Hazelcast server showing two servers

Listing 7.5. MDX queries

Listing 7.6. XMLA cache web page

Listing 7.7. Execute MDX queries

Listing 7.8. JSP to flush the cache

Listing 7.9. Flush the entire schema cache

Listing 7.10. Flush a single cube’s cache

Listing 7.11. Flush the region of a cube

Chapter 8. Dynamic security

Listing 8.1. Setting user session values

Listing 8.2. Configuring the action sequence to run on session start

Listing 8.3. Virtual table using a query

Listing 8.4. Dynamic schema processor

Listing 8.5. Dynamic schema processor configuration

Listing 8.6. Predefined role

Listing 8.7. Custom MDX connect

Listing 8.8. Custom role delegate

Listing 8.9. Configure custom MDX connection

Chapter 9. Working with Mondrian and Pentaho

Listing 9.1. Annotating the month level for Analyzer

Listing 9.2. Annotating the state level for Analyzer

Listing 9.3. Annotating the latitude and longitude for Analyzer

Listing 9.4. Declaring a CDF dashboard

Listing 9.5. Defining a CDF dashboard with a pie chart

Listing 9.6. Declaring a CDA descriptor

Listing 9.7. Defining a CDF dashboard with a pie chart

Listing 9.8. Getting the territories for parameters

Listing 9.9. Restricting the territory with a parameter

Chapter 10. Developing with Mondrian

Listing 10.1. Basic SOAP message

Listing 10.2. Mondrian configuration in datasources.xml

Listing 10.3. Mondrian configuration in web.xml

Listing 10.4. HTML layout

Listing 10.5. Discover data sources query

Listing 10.6. Example XMLA error

Listing 10.7. Function to check for XMLA errors

Listing 10.8. Function to post XMLA SOAP messages via Ajax

Listing 10.9. Content of a discover response message

Listing 10.10. Callback function for handling discover data source messages

Listing 10.11. XMLA query to discover catalogs

Listing 10.12. XMLA response for discover DBSCHEMA_CATALOGS query

Listing 10.13. XMLA query to discover cubes for a given catalog

Listing 10.14. XMLA response for discover MDSCHEMA_CUBES query

Listing 10.15. Function to handle MDSCHEMA_CUBES response

Listing 10.16. Function to set the catalogs and cubes to select

Listing 10.17. Execute MDX query message

Listing 10.18. Execute MDX query

Listing 10.19. Class to parse XMLA response

Listing 10.20. XMLA response axis headers

Listing 10.21. Parse the row and column headers

Listing 10.22. Rotate the row headers

Listing 10.23. Find the right level

Listing 10.24. Parse the data

Listing 10.25. Show query results

Listing 10.26. Get catalogs and cubes

Listing 10.27. Execute the MDX query

Listing 10.28. Execute the MDX query

Listing 10.29. Parse field names

Listing 10.30. Parse individual field

Listing 10.31. Add results data

Listing 10.32. Create XMLA connection

Listing 10.33. Create Mondrian connection

Listing 10.34. Execute MDX query

Listing 10.35. Show the results of the query

Listing 10.36. Output of query results

Listing 10.37. Drilling through a cell

Listing 10.38. Cell drillthrough results

Chapter 11. Advanced analytics

Listing 11.1. [Gross Profit] MDX

Listing 11.2. [Gross Profit] at [Product Department] level

Listing 11.3. [Gross Profit Margin] MDX

Listing 11.4. [Sales % of Geography] MDX

Listing 11.5. [Prior Sales] MDX

Listing 11.6. [YTD Sales] MDX

Listing 11.7. Fixed-goal MDX

Listing 11.8. Trend-line MDX

Listing 11.9. Ranking in MDX

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