actors, in experience ecosystems, 6061

Adaptive Path, 69, 188, 226, 298

AEIOU method, 37

agents, as actors in experience ecosystems, 61

agile, in crafting tangible vision, 240

air travel example, 259260, 276278

Airbnb, 171172, 180, 185, 247

Amazon channels, 51

Amazon Dash, 28

Amazon Marketplace, 58

Amazon Web Services (AWS), 182

Apple, 58

apprenticing, as research method, 126

artifacts, in experience ecosystems, 62

Automated Passport Control (APC) kiosks, 276278


backcasting for orchestrating experiences, 258261

backend, faking, 291292

baton, taking up, 281302

barriers to well-designed end-to-end experiences, 282

context of situation, 283

documenting the current state, 283284

identifying internal stakeholders, 284285

lean into journey framework, 295297

learning how stuff is made, 285287

orchestrating change, 287299

rough cutting, 292295

skills to build, 299301

spark change, 298

start small, 287292

taking it bird by bird, 302

behaviors (doing), as customer building block of end-to-end experiences, 100

Bird by Bird (Lamott), 302

Blecharczyk, Nate, 247

blueprints. See service blueprints

bodystorming, for idea generation, 211, 217219

boundaries, in experience ecosystems, 68

boundary constraints, with experience principles, 154

brainstorming, visual, for idea generation, 211, 212213, 216, 233235

brand principles, 164, 168

bridge, building, 288

bridge touchpoints, 2829, 35

business ecosystems, 5759

business metrics, for research, 128

business origami, 7778, 268


call center, channel data for research, 128

call center touchpoint, 3940

capabilities, 253254, 267

channel data, for research, 128

channels, 320

building an orchestra, 1819

changing channel-centric mindset, 1519

customers moving across, 912

defined, 4

defined as destinations, 13, 15, 18

defined by interactions, information, and context, 1213

as ecosystem entity in customer journey, 101

intent of touchpoints, 25

as moment enablers, 1315

in opportunity identification, 188

organizations structured by, 59

touchpoint consistency across, 289

in touchpoint workshop, 51

touchpoints by channel, 3233

types of, 45, 7

Chesky, Brian, 171, 247

co-value, 172173

commander’s intent, in crafting tangible vision, 239240

communication, visual, as skill to build, 300

competitive relationships, as type of experience ecosystem, 67

complementary relationships, as type of experience ecosystem, 67

concept cards, templated, 216


compared to opportunities, 175176

in idea generation, 209211


as building block of end-to-end experiences, 97, 102

channels defined by, 1213

research for experience map, 125127

contextual prototyping, 270271, 277

conversations as touchpoints, 39

cooperative relationships, as type of experience ecosystem, 67

creativity inspiration, with experience principles, 154

current-state service blueprints, 40, 76, 284

customer building blocks of end-to-end experiences, 97

doing (behaviors), 100

feeling (emotions), 9899

thinking (perceptions), 100

customer-centered approach, in ecosystem model, 71

customer journeys. See journeys, customer

customer relationship management (CRM), 22, 93


as actors in experience ecosystems, 60

learning their stories through research, 118130, 142143

moving across channels, 912

CVS, 3536, 286


data, using in customer relationships, 93

decision-making, with experience principles, 154

design principles, compared to experience principles, 150, 151

designing the moment, 265279

air travel experience example, 276278

contextual prototyping, 270271

horizontal vs. vertical prototypes, 267269

interactive vs. narrative prototypes, 273

macrointeractions and microinteractions, 266

prototype value proposition, 273275

prototyping options, 267273

technical vs. experiential prototypes, 271272

detailed touchpoint inventory, 4244

directed storytelling, in experience map, 124, 136137

DNA of the journey, 96

doing (behaviors), as customer building block of end-to-end experiences, 100

Doman, Brandon, 301

dot-voting, 166167, 235


Eames, Charles, 175

ecosystem maps

for idea generation, 220

modeling an ecosystem, 7073

in opportunity identification, 173, 180, 186, 189

other approaches, 7478

as tool for strategy and design, 7374

uncovering the components, 69

ecosystems, 5586

as building block of end-to-end experiences, 97, 101102

business ecosystems, 5759

experience ecosystems, 5968. See also experience ecosystems

mapping, 6973

modeling, 7073

workshop on landscape alignment, 8086

efficiency, with experience principles, 154

emotional relationships, as type of experience ecosystem, 67


as customer building block of end-to-end experiences, 9899

value in journeys, 94


journeys as hub of empathy and understanding, 9497

as skill to build, 299, 301

end-to-end experiences

ambiguous intent, in crafting tangible vision, 240241

barriers to well-designed, 282

building blocks of, 97102

optimizing, with opportunities, 176179, 184

environmental changes, as factor of experience ecosystems, 62

evolution maps, 256263

backcasting for orchestrating experiences, 258261

communication of evolutionary pathway, 261263

determining evolutionary path, 257261

experience blueprinting, 249

experience continuity, 94

experience ecosystems, 5968

actors in, 6061

artifacts in, 62

boundaries in, 68

factors of, 62

interactions in, 65

places in, 6263

relationships in, 6667

roles, 61

experience maps, 107148

communication of research findings, 132137

defined, 108109

documenting current state, 284

finding patterns in research, 131

hypothesis workshop, 116117

mapping rules, 110118

in opportunity identification, 187188, 194

qualitative research, 69, 118127, 135

quantitative research, 128129

stakeholder involvement, 114115, 129130

workshop, 138148

experience orchestration, 287

experience principles, 149168

crafting for adoption and impact, 157160

defined, 150

design principles compared to, 151, 152

documenting current state, 283284

example set of, 151

in idea generation, 210, 220

identifying draft principles, 154157

in opportunity identification, 173

playing together like jazz ensemble, 152154

for prototype value proposition, 274, 278

workshop, 162168

experiential prototypes, 272


face-to-face customer research, 122125

facilitation, as skill to build, 300

factors, of experience ecosystems, 62

faking the backend, 291292


in idea generation, 210211, 225

of technical prototypes, 271272

featured touchpoints, 28, 253

feeling (emotions), as customer building block of end-to-end experiences, 9899

filmmaking, 292293

first-person documentation, 127

Fitbit, 271

forced provocation, 74

future-state service blueprints, 248

future-state touchpoint inventory, 254255


gallery tour, 130, 148

Gebbia, Joe, 171

good, defined, 150, 153

Google, technical prototyping, 271

government agencies, as actors in experience ecosystems, 61

granularity of channels, 17


Hamel, Gary, 238

handoffs, 2829

happy paths, 251

Home Depot, 65

HomePlus, 64, 74, 182

horizontal prototypes, 267269

horizontal servitude, 5

“How Might We?” prompts, 183184, 196198, 220, 250

hub of empathy and understanding, journeys as, 9497

hypothesis workshop for experience map, 116117

hypothesizing an ecosystem, 70


idea generation, 205236

bodystorming, 211, 217219

crafting stories, 211, 214216, 236

evaluation and prioritization, 219, 222227

expression and form, 211219

forced provocation, 74

improvisation, 217219, 235236

inputs and constraints, 209211

leading the hunt for ideas, 206207

prioritizing, 225, 226227

structure and focus, 207209

value and feasibility ratings, 225, 226227

visual brainstorming, 211, 212213, 216, 233235

workshop, from ideas to narratives, 230236

workshops, going beyond, 220221

workshops, remote, 229

ideation kits, 220221

impact vs. complexity prioritization method, 184

importance vs. satisfaction prioritization method, 185186


for idea generation, 217219, 235236

as skill to build, 300

influencer relationships, as type of experience ecosystem, 67

information, channels defined by, 1213

innovation, in opportunity identification, 180183, 186


ambiguous intent and experience design, 240241

commander’s intent and agile, 239240

in experience map, 110111

importance in vision, 238241

strategic intent and lean management, 238239

of touchpoints, 2526


channels defined by, 1213

in experience ecosystems, 65

macrointeractions and microinteractions, 266

in moments made of journeys, 8990

interactive prototypes, 273

interactive voice response (IVR) system, 39

intercepts, as research method, 126127

interviews, in call centers, 40

invitation stems, 183184


jazz, compared to experience principles, 152153

job titles, 296, 299

journey framework, mapping projects to, 296

journey map, 109

journeys, customer, 87103

as building block of end-to-end experiences, 97, 98

defined, 23, 30, 8889

end-to-end experiences, 97102

getting started, 102

as hub of empathy and understanding, 9497

made of moments, 8990

in opportunity identification, 173, 179180, 187188

stage definition in touchpoint workshop, 5152

stages of, 3031, 33

types of, 9092

value of, 9294


key moments, 31


lab research with customers, 122123

Lamott, Anne, 302

landscape alignment, ecosystem workshop, 8086

lean into journey framework, 295297

lean management, in crafting tangible vision, 239

lean touchpoint inventory, 4143

leverage point, 289290

libraries, 26, 38, 63

Lowe’s Home Improvement, 56, 6566


macrointeractions, 266

maps. See ecosystem maps; evolution maps; experience maps; stakeholder maps

marketing, structured by channels, 7

marketing data, for research, 128

McMullin, Jess, 77

meet and greet, with stakeholders, 285

microinteractions, 266

Milan, Matthew, 258

mindset, channel-centric, 1519

mobile analytics, channel data for research, 128

mobile app touchpoint, 3637

mobile customers, adapting to, for value in journeys, 93

modeling ecosystems

current-state service blueprints, 76

ecosystem mapping, 6973

origami, 7778, 268

stakeholder maps, 75

moment enablers, channels as, 1315

moments, customer

add or resequence in process design, 290291

designing. See designing the moment

journeys made of, 8990, 98

research for experience map, 125127, 145146

touchpoint creation of, 2628

touchpoints by moment, 3032

moments of truth, 31

Monarth, Harrison, 243

Moore, James, F., 5758

MoSCoW method, 184


narrative prototypes, 273

Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys, 99

Nordstrom Innovation Lab, 270271

North Star, 242, 246, 256, 287, 288


observation, as research method, 126

opportunities, 169201

ability and resolve to change, 175176

communicating and documenting, 187189, 198199

defined, 171176

identifying, 183, 195196

innovation, 180183, 186

labeling with “How Might We?” prompts, 183184, 196198

multiple possible futures, 174

optimizing the end-to-end experience, 176179, 184

prioritizing, 184186, 199201

reimagining experiences, 179180, 184, 185

solutions, are not, 170

value alignment, 172173, 199

workshop, 190201

opportunity cards, 187, 198

opportunity map, 188

Opportunity Scoring, 185186

orchestra, shifting channels as destinations to moment enablers, 1819

organizational charts, 89


cross-functional interaction with customers, 12

experience map involvement, 112115

structured by channels, 59

origami, modeling ecosystems, 7778, 268

Outcome-Driven Innovation, 185


pain points, and opportunity, 177

Palm Pilot, 272273

Parnes, Sydney J., 183

passport control example, 276278

password example, 1112

people. See also customers

as ecosystem entity in customer journey, 101

experience map involvement, 112115

training others, 298

perceptions (thinking), as customer building block of end-to-end experiences, 100

phone-voice touchpoint, 3740

physical store touchpoint, 37

Pinterest, 6566


as context in customer journey, 102

in experience ecosystems, 6263

Prahalad, C. K., 238

“Predators and Prey: A New Ecology of Competition” (Moore), 57

principles. See experience principles


of capabilities, 254

and evaluation for idea generation, 219, 222227

journey framework for cross-channel blueprint, 296297

methods for opportunity identification, 184186, 199201

process maps, for calls, 40

product design, and prototyping, 271272

product quarterbacks, 295


as actors in experience ecosystems, 61

as ecosystem entity in customer journey, 101

vs. services, 8

prototype value proposition, 273275

prototyping options, in designing the moment, 267273

contextual prototyping, 270271

horizontal vs. vertical prototypes, 267269

interactive vs. narrative prototypes, 273

technical vs. experiential prototypes, 271272


qualitative research

on customer emotions, 99

for experience maps, 69, 118127, 135

synthesizing data, 127

quality control, with experience principles, 154

quantitative research, for experience maps, 128129

question map, 130


Rail Europe, 34, 41, 129, 178179

regulations, as factor of experience ecosystems, 62

regulatory relationships, as type of experience ecosystem, 67


as ecosystem entity in customer journey, 102

in experience ecosystems, 6667

repair/recovery touchpoints, 2829


beginning, 18

crafting experience principles in place of, 154155

learning customer stories for experience map, 118130

origami in, 78

using existing knowledge, 115

retail industry, virtual shopping in South Korea, 64

ride-a-longs, as research method, 126127

roadmaps, 285

Robinson, John B., 258

roles, in experience ecosystems, 61

rough cutting, 292295


Saffer, Dan, 266

Samsung, 58

satisfaction vs. importance prioritization method, 185186

scarcity formula, 226

Schauer, Brandon, 177

secure authentication example, 1112

sequence, as context in customer journey, 102

service anticipation gap, 177

service blueprints

in crafting tangible vision, 247252

current-state, 40, 76

documenting current state, 284

for idea generation, 222

toolkit to spark change, 298

touchpoint inventory framework, 32

service design, 22

Uber innovation, 181

service modeling, 268269

service origami, 77

service safari, 284

service storming, 217


as actors in experience ecosystems, 61

as ecosystem entity in customer journey, 101

vs. products, 8

side-by-sides, in call centers, 40

South Korea virtual supermarket, 64

spreadsheets, for idea generation, 223224

stages of journey, 3031, 33, 98

staging experiences, not selling products and services, 9293

stakeholder maps, 75, 285


as actors in experience ecosystems, 6061

experience map involvement, 114115, 129130

idea generation, strategic engagement for, 209, 225

identifying, 284285

standards, compared to experience principles, 150


crafting for idea generation, 211, 214216, 236

from the future, in crafting tangible vision, 243247

sharing to spark change, 298


in crafting tangible vision, 243, 247

experience principles in, 160

in rough cutting, 293294

templates for idea generation, 215216, 236


directed, in experience map, 124, 136137

as skill to build, 300, 301

Strangers Project (Doman), 301

strategic intent, in crafting tangible vision, 238239

strategic planning, from customer journey, 9697

supportive relationships, as type of experience ecosystem, 67

survey data, for research, 128


tangible vision. See vision, crafting a tangible

Target, 3537, 286

technical prototypes, 271272, 277

technology trends, as factor of experience ecosystems, 62

thinking (perceptions), as customer building block of end-to-end experiences, 100

throughline, 274

time, as context in customer journey, 102

timeboxed rounds, 212

toolkits for teaching, 298

touch, 22

touchpoint heuristics, for prototype value proposition, 274

touchpoint inventory

of customer experience, 32, 34

documenting current state, 283

future-state, 254255

lean vs. detailed, 4144

in opportunity identification, 173, 188

workshop, 4654

touchpoint name, 43

touchpoint type, for prototype value proposition, 274

touchpoints, 2154

cataloging and communicating, 4144

consistency across channels, 289

customer journeys, 23, 3031

customer moments, 2628

defined, 7, 2223, 25

as ecosystem entity in customer journey, 101

framework, by channel, 3233

framework, by moment, 3032

identifying, 3341

intent, 2526

measuring value in journeys, 93

reporting and evaluating, 2930

roles of, 2829

workshop, 4654

traceability, 273

training others, 298

transactional relationships, as type of experience ecosystem, 67

transcripts of calls, 40

travel experience, 9192, 96

Twain, Mark, 106


Uber/UberEats, 180181, 185, 186

Ulwick, Anthony, 185

urgency vs. value prioritization method, 184185, 199201, 226


value alignment, in defining opportunity, 172173, 199

value rating, in idea generation, 225, 226227

value stream mapping, 172

value vs. urgency prioritization method, 184185, 199201, 226

vertical ownership, 5

vertical prototypes, 267, 269, 272, 277

video research with customers, 122123

virtual supermarket, in South Korea, 64

vision, crafting a tangible, 237264

ambiguous intent and experience design, 240241

capabilities, 253254

commander’s intent and agile, 239240

defining the vision, 241255

evolutionary pathways, 256263

future-state touchpoint inventory, 254255

intent, importance of, 238241

service blueprints, 247252

stories from the future, 243247

strategic intent and lean management, 238239

visual brainstorming, for idea generation, 211, 212213, 216, 233235

visual communication, as skill to build, 300

Voice of the Customer reports, 99

voice touchpoint, 39


web analytics, channel data for research, 128

website touchpoint, Target and CVS, 3536

Wizard of Oz prototype, 272


ecosystems, landscape alignment, 8086

experience mapping, 138148

experience principles refinement, 162168

idea generation, from ideas to narratives, 230236

idea generation, going beyond, 220221

idea generation, remote, 229

opportunity identification and prioritization, 190201

touchpoint inventory, 4654


Young, Indi, 299


zoom level

in ecosystem model, 7273

in experience map, 111112

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