Chapter 5

Writing Secure Code

What's in This Chapter?

Running a Static Security analysis

Tracking the status of security problems throughout the life of a project

Understanding the programming practices that can leave your code vulnerable to attack

Many security threats take advantage of weaknesses introduced in programs written in C or C++. The weak type checking and the ability to write programs that directly access memory and hardware make it easy to write insecure programs. Most attacks fall into one of two categories:

  • Threats that crash or overwhelm an application
  • Threats that hijack the code path by inserting foreign code

The Intel compiler's Static Security analysis detects many of these code weaknesses, displaying the results in Intel Inspector XE. More than 250 different errors are detected in the following categories:

  • Buffer overflows and boundary violations
  • Uninitialized variables and objects
  • Memory leaks
  • Incorrect usage of pointers and dynamically allocated memory
  • Dangerous use of unchecked input
  • Arithmetic overflow and divide by zero
  • Dead or redundant code
  • Misuse of string, memory, and formatting library routines
  • Inconsistent object declarations in different program units
  • Incorrect use of OpenMP and Intel Cilk Plus
  • Error-prone C++ and Fortran language usage

This chapter discusses how to use Intel Parallel Studio XE to perform Static Security analysis on your code. The primary goal of Static Security analysis is to harden applications against security attacks, but it is also useful for detecting some programming errors.

A Simple Security Flaw Example

Listing 5.1 has security errors that could be used in an attack. An attacker could use the unchecked user input to create a buffer overflow.

listing Listing 5.1: A program with several security errors

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// user functions
int NotePad(){printf("    USER: here we launch notepad

"); return 0;}
int Exit(){ exit(0);}

// system functions
int Dir(){printf("    SYSTEM: here we launch dir

"); return 0;}
int Delete(){printf("    SYSTEM:  here we launch Del

"); return 0;}
int ReturnToMain(){return -1;}

int SystemMenu();
int MainMenu();

int (*user_table[])(void) = {NotePad, SystemMenu,Exit};
int (*system_table[])(void) = {Dir, Delete, ReturnToMain};

int SystemMenu()
  char password[20];
  int id;
  int ret = 0;
  printf("System Menu
  printf("Enter the Password before continuing!…
  if (strcmp(password, "PASSWORD") == 0)
    while (ret != -1)
      printf("Enter a number:
      printf("1: dir
      printf("2: delete everything
      printf("3: back to main menu
      ret = system_table[id-1]();
    printf("Invalid Password!
    return 0;
  return 0;

int MainMenu()
  int id;
  printf("What would you like to do?
  printf("Enter a number:
  printf("1: run Notepad
  printf("2: go to system menu
  printf("3: quit
  return user_table[id-1]();

int main ()
  int ret = 0;
  while( ret != -1)
    ret = MainMenu();
  return ret;

code snippet Chapter55-1.c

The program consists of two menus: a user menu and a system menu. When the program first starts, the MainMenu() function gives the user three choices:

What would you like to do?
Enter a number:
1: run Notepad
2: go to system menu
3: quit

The user input is captured using scanf(), which stores the result in id. The value in id (minus 1) is used as an index into the array user_table, which is an array of function pointers.

Choosing 1 calls the NotePad function; choosing 2 causes the SystemMenu() function to display the system menu; choosing 3 exits the program via the Exit() function.

The SystemMenu() function works in a similar way to MainMenu(), using the array system_table to jump to the Dir(), Delete(), and ReturnToMain() functions. Before the system menu is launched, the user is prompted for a password (PASSWORD). If the password is wrong, a message is displayed and control is returned to the MainMenu() calling function, which, in turn, returns zero to the while loop in main().

Choosing 2 from the user menu displays the password-controlled system menu. The following shows the menu after the correct password has been entered:

System Menu
Enter the password before continuing!…
Enter a number:
1: dir
2: delete everything
3: back to main menu

Understanding Static Security Analysis

It is difficult to anticipate how an attacker will attack a program. Attackers are cunning and devious, taking advantage of any weakness in your code. Writing a series of runtime tests or debugging an application will not help find many weaknesses. At best, using such methods, you can test only what is actually executed, with some kinds of threats being impossible to test for.

Static Security analysis differs from standard debugging in that it analyzes the code without executing it. Every possible code path is examined, even those that are never executed by any of your tests.

Running a Static Security analysis on Listing 5.1 reports the following error messages. The problems could be used as a vehicle for a security attack.

  • main.c(28): error #12329 — specify field width in format specifier to avoid buffer overflow on argument 2 in call to scanf.
  • main.c(38): error #12305 — unvalidated value is received from call to an external function at (file:main.c line:37), which can be used in index expression of system_table.
  • main.c(59): error #12305 — unvalidated value is received from call to an external function at (file:main.c line:58), which can be used in index expression of user_table.

Someone could attack the code as follows:

  • By using invalid user input to bypass the system menu password — If you enter a number higher than 3 in the user menu, the functions from the system menu are executed. A password is not even requested!
What would you like to do?
Enter a number:
1: run Notepad
2: go to system menu
3: quit
    SYSTEM:  here we would launch Del
This happens because the arrays user_table and system_table are next to each other in memory. The user_table array has three entries. Using an index of 4 means that a function pointer gets constructed from memory that is beyond the end of the array, reading the first entry in the system_table array.
By using invalid user or system input to cause the program to crash or to execute random code — If you enter a very high number for the menu choice, the program will start executing code at an address not taken from either of the arrays. If you are lucky, the code will be harmless or will simply crash. In the worst case, you could start executing some valid and dangerous code.
By passing in a very long password to cause the application to crash — The variable password can hold 20 characters. The following example uses a password that is much longer. When scanf is called, the extra characters corrupt the stack, causing the program to crash.
What would you like to do?
Enter a number:
1: run Notepad
2: go to system menu
3: quit
System Menu
Enter the Password before continuing!…
Invalid Password!
 . . .               (program crashes after this)

False Positives

Not all the threats that Static Security analysis reports will be real problems — these are called false positives.

In the following code, the Static Security analyzer is not smart enough to know that the false part of the first if statement and the true part of the second if statement will never be executed together:

int y;
if ((x & 1) == 0) {
  y = 0;
if (x == ((x >> 1) << 1)) {
  z = y; // is y always zero here, or can it be uninitialized?

The first if statement checks if bit 0 in variable x is set to 1. If it is not, y gets initialized to zero.

The second if statement compares the variable x to the value of y, which has been shifted right by one and then shifted left by one. This shifting has the effect of clearing the lowest bit.

So, if x holds the value 0, the first test will evaluate to true and y will get initialized to 0; the second test will also evaluate to true, and the line z = y will be executed.

If x holds the value 1, both the first and second tests will evaluate to false, so the code y=0 and z=0 will not be executed.

Despite this, the analysis will report a “possible uninitialized variable,” which is a false positive.

Static Security Analysis Workflow

The central activity when working with the results of Static Security analysis is to investigate the potential security problems that were reported and decide whether they need to be fixed. You record the results of your investigation as state information attached to the diagnostic. Typically, you would mark genuine errors as “Confirmed” and false positives as “Not a problem.” You should log confirmed issues in whatever bug-tracking system you normally use for later correction.

Static Security analysis works on the whole program. This means that every file in the program is analyzed together. Because of the time it takes to run a whole program analysis, running the analysis each time you fix a problem is not a practical way forward, unless the program is small. Rather, it is better to run the Static Security analysis periodically.

Conducting a Static Security Analysis

The Intel compiler runs in a special mode to perform a Static Security analysis. In this mode, the compiler skips generating any instructions (see Figure 5.1). The compiler first processes the source files, generating a collection of pseudo-object files that contain analysis information. At link time these pseudo-object modules are combined and analysis is done. During this final analysis step, errors that span function and file boundaries are detected. The results are stored in XML format, which can be viewed and manipulated by Inspector XE. When the results are viewed in Inspector XE, its engine (represented by inspxe in the diagram) updates the states of the new results.

Figure 5.1 How Static Security analysis works


If you want the sources of a library to be part of the analysis, you must first perform the analysis on the library sources and build the library from the resulting pseudo-object modules. For example, in Figure 5.1, the contents of lib-a will participate fully in the error analysis, but lib-b, which might be a third-party library or some other library whose sources have not been analyzed, will not participate.

You can use either the GUI or the command-line version of Inspector XE to view or manage the results.

As you investigate the results using Inspector XE, record your conclusions by assigning state information to diagnostics. You can mark a problem as Confirmed, meaning it is a real issue that needs to be fixed, or as Not a problem, meaning the issue described in the diagnostic does not require fixing. This state information is carried forward from the previous result automatically when a new result is first loaded into Inspector XE.

When new results are loaded, Inspector XE constructs a problem-by-problem correspondence between the old and the new results. The correspondence engine is quite intelligent and is able to match problems between the old and new results, even if the sources have been moved around. Thanks to the correspondence engine, you should not have to reinvestigate old problems as your code grows and changes.

The steps for conducting a Static Security analysis are as follows:

  • If you are building inside Visual Studio
1. Select the projects or solution that you want to analyze.
2. Invoke the menu item in the Build menu named Build Solution for Intel Static Security Analysis.

The first time you do this, a new build configuration, Intel_SSA, is created. The analysis session then commences by building this configuration.

  • If you are not using Visual Studio
1. Create a new build configuration specifically for the analysis. This should be based on a debug build.
2. Adjust the settings for the new configuration, adding the compiler and linker options that enable Static Security analysis (see Table 5.1).
  • Build the Intel_SSA configuration of the project. This causes the analysis to run.
    You can view the results with the GUI version of Inspector XE with the command inspxe-gui <directory where result is>. If the analysis is run from Visual Studio, Inspector XE launches automatically. Figure 5.2 shows the summary screen.
    Each problem is given a weight, a state, and a category, with the problems initially sorted in weight order. The errors with the highest weight are considered to be the most dangerous.

Table 5.1 Options to Enable Static Security Analysis

Option Description
 (linux -diag-enable:sc …)
Enables Static Security analysis. The number specifies the severity level of diagnostics reported, as follows:
 1 — Only critical errors
 2 — All errors
 3 — All errors and warnings
 (linux -diag-enable:sc-include)
Analyzes include files as well as source files. By default, apparent errors in include files are not reported.

Figure 5.2 The summary screen


Investigating the Results of the Analysis

Once you have the list of problems, the next step is to investigate each issue and assign a state:

1. Choose a problem and investigate it. Examine the source locations associated with the problem. When you have understood the implications of the problem, change its state accordingly. You should handle confirmed problems using your normal bug-tracking process. You can manipulate the states via a context menu (see Figure 5.3). To display the menu, highlight a message and click the right mouse button.
The next section describes the significance of each state in more detail.
2. Keep working on the problems (that is, repeat step 1).
You can use filters to reduce the number of errors that are displayed or to focus in on a particular kind of problem. The problems can be filtered in or out, based on the Severity, Problem, Source, State, Category, and so on (see Figure 5.4). One particularly useful choice is to filter to “Not investigated” problems, which causes problems to disappear after you have investigated them.
The left-hand portion of Figure 5.4 shows the view without any filters applied, and the right-hand portion shows the content being filtered by source file. The set of problems shown in the summary window are reduced accordingly.
3. If you don't understand the meaning of a problem, use the context menu to read an explanation (see Figures 5.5 and 5.6).
4. At some point you will want to stop analyzing the results and start modifying the application sources to fix the problems that were found (or to analyze a newer source version). Go back to step 3 and analyze the updated sources.
5. Repeat all the steps you have just done, starting at step 3 from the previous section, “Conducting a Static Security Analysis,” until no problems remain to be investigated.

Figure 5.3 Changing the state of a problem


Figure 5.4 The one-click filters


Figure 5.5 Choosing Explain Problem from the context menu


Figure 5.6 An example explanation


You can try these steps for yourself in Activity 5-1.

Working with Problem States

Problems will be in one of six states (see Figure 5.7).

Figure 5.7 Tracking the investigation status


A typical workflow would be as follows:

  • The tool sets initial state = New
  • You decide: does it need fixing?
    • No: set state = Not a problem
    • Yes: set state = Confirmed
  • When you fix a Confirmed issue, set state = Fixed
    • If the tool sees a New issue again, state = Not fixed
      This means it's still uninvestigated, just not new.
    • If the tool sees a Fixed issue again, state = Regression
      This means your fix didn't work.
    • Each problem is either Investigated or Not investigated.
    • You will never come to a point where no problems exist. For example, there will always be false positives that you mark as Not a problem.
    • The goal is to have all problems Investigated.
    • When viewing the results in Inspector XE, it is good practice to filter the results so that only the Not investigated problems are displayed.

Table 5.2 describes each state.

Activity 5-1: Running a Static Security Analysis
In this activity you run a Static Security analysis session either from within Visual Studio or from the command line. The command-line version can be run on Windows or Linux.
Choose which environment you want to use, and then jump to the appropriate section:
  • For Visual Studio IDE, start at step 1.
  • For the command prompt, start at step 9.

Creating a Project (Visual Studio)

Begin by performing the following steps:
1. Open Visual Studio.
2. Create a new console application.
3. Ensure the project is empty and does not use precompiled headers (just a personal preference of the author).
4. Add two new files, main.c and test.c, to the project.
5. Copy the source code from Listings 5.2 and 5.3 (at the end of the chapter) into the two empty files.

Creating a Dedicated Build and Running the Analysis (Visual Studio)

When performing Static Security analysis, you should always create a specific build configuration dedicated to the analysis activity. This will keep the pseudo-objects separate from your regular build objects.
6. Highlight the project and select Build ⇒ Build Solution for Intel Static Security Analysis.
The resulting dialog asks permission to prepare the project so that the Intel compiler can build a configuration. Note that this dialog will not appear if you are using Visual Studio 2010. 7.
Click the Prepare project(s) and Continue button. The resulting dialog shows the settings that will be used for Static Security analysis and offers to create a build configuration. Accept the default settings.
8. Select the Create Configuration and Build for SSA button.
A configuration file named Intel_SSA is created and built. When the analysis is complete, Inspector XE automatically opens the results of analysis.
Visual Studio users should now jump to step 14 to continue the activity.

Creating a Project (Command Prompt)

Begin by performing the following steps:
9. Copy the contents of Listing 5.2 and Listing 5.3 into the separate source files.
10. Copy the Makefile from Listing 5.4. If you are using Linux, you will need to comment out the Windows-specific variables at the beginning of the Makefile and uncomment the Linux variables.
11. Open a command prompt or shell:
  • On Windows, open an Intel compiler command prompt. The path to the command prompt will be similar to the following. (The exact names and menu items will vary, depending on which version of Parallel Studio and Visual Studio you have installed.)
    Start ⇒ All Programs ⇒ Intel Parallel Studio XE 2011 ⇒ Command Prompt ⇒ Intel64 Visual Studio Mode
  • On Linux, make sure the compiler variables have been sourced:
    $ source /opt/intel/bin/ intel64
If you are running a 32-bit operating system, the parameter passed to the file should be ia32.

Creating a Dedicated Build and Running the Analysis (Command Prompt)

When performing Static Security analysis, you should always create a specific build configuration dedicated to the analysis activity. This will keep the pseudo-objects separate from your regular build objects.
12. Build the application enabling Static Security analysis:
  • Linux
    make clean
    make CFLAGS="-diag-enable sc3" LFLAGS="-diag-enable sc3"
  • Windows
    nmake clean
    nmake CFLAGS= /Qdiag-enable:sc3 LFLAGS=/Qdiag-enable:sc3
The results will be placed in a folder called r000sc in the current working directory.
13. Start the GUI version of inspector to view the results:
inspxe-gui r000sc
Remember that each time you run an analysis session, the compiler generates a folder named r xxx sc for the results, incrementing the xxx part of the name on each analysis. If you have run the analysis more than once, the folder name you use will be different.

Fixing the Errors

14. For each problem reported:
a. Decide if the errors are genuine and not false positives.
b. Mark any false positives as Not a problem.
c. Mark those that are errors as Confirmed.
15. Set the filter to show only problems in the Confirmed state.
16. For each Confirmed problem:
a. Implement a solution in the source.
b. Mark each diagnostic as Fixed.
17. Run the analysis again using step 6 (Visual Studio) or step 12 (command prompt).
18. View the new results as before. This time the results folder will be r0001sc:
inspxe-gui r000sc
This time the problems you fixed should not appear. If any of your fixes failed to repair the problem, those diagnostics will appear in a Regression state.

Activity 5-1 Summary

In this activity you ran a Static Security analysis twice — the first time to find any problems, and the second time to confirm that the problems had been fixed. Between the two runs you modified the state of each problem as it was being investigated and fixed.
You could have run the analysis after every fix, but the better way is to first investigate a number of problems, fix the problems, and then rerun the analysis.
Although the programming errors in the sample code are rather trivial and obvious, in a real program these kinds of errors could be easily missed and become a security risk.
Some errors are genuine programming errors, whereas others, from a programming point of view, are correct. Both kinds of errors pose a security risk.

Note for Visual Studio Users

You can also change the options for Static Security analysis by modifying the properties for the Intel_SSA configuration. To do this, you can use the following property pages:
C/C ⇒ Diagnostics ⇒ Level of Static Security Analysis
C/C ⇒ Diagnostics ⇒ Analyze Include Files
C/C++ ⇒ Diagnostics ⇒ Analysis results container (The default location is My Inspector XE Results-<product name<directory in the project root directory.)

Table 5.2 Problem States

State Description Classification
New A new problem. This state is set by the analysis tool and not the user. Not investigated
Not fixed A problem from a previous analysis, either New or Not fixed. This state is set by the analysis tool, not the user. Not investigated
Not a problem A problem is not really a problem (for example, it might be a false positive). This state is set by the user. Investigated
Fixed The problem has been fixed. This state is set by the user. Investigated
Confirmed A problem is confirmed to be a problem. This state is set by the user. Investigated
Regression A problem previously marked as being Fixed still exists. This state is set by the analysis tool, not the user. Not investigated

The Build Specification

The recommended first step in doing Static Security analysis is to create a new build configuration that is dedicated just to the analysis. If you do not build under Visual Studio and your build environment makes it difficult to create a new build configuration, you can create a build specification file.

A build specification file holds all the commands necessary for performing a Static Security analysis build, and can be launched from a command-line utility.

You can create a build specification file in two ways: by injection and by wrapping. Both methods are supported by utilities that come with the Intel compiler.

When using injection, the utility inspxe-inject launches your normal build and captures a history of the compilation, librarian, or linker steps. This information is stored in a build specification file.

Wrapping involves manually inserting a call to the utility inpsxe-wrap around every compilation, librarian, or linker step in your build scripts. When you run the instrumented build script, the wrap utility executes the wrapped commands and then adds them to the build specification file.

Creating a Build Specification File by Injection

The inspxe-inject utility automatically recognizes the Intel C++ compiler, Intel Fortran compiler, Microsoft C compiler, and the GNU GCC compiler. Figure 5.8 shows how the injection works.

Figure 5.8 Command injection


The inspxe-inject utility launches a build. Each invocation of the compiler, linker, or librarian is recorded in a build specification file.

After creating the build specification file, you can use it to run an analysis. Start the analysis by calling the utility inpxe-runsc. This replays every action in the build specification file, but uses the Intel compiler and adds the options to enable Static Security analysis. This has the benefit that your main build could use another compiler, for example GCC, but the Intel compiler would still be used to perform the Static Security analysis. The results are placed in the folder specified on the command line (test1 in this example).

You can either view the results from the GUI version of Inspector XE or query them from the command-line version of Inspector XE. When the results are first loaded into Inspector XE, each problem found is given a state.

Following is an example call to the inspxe-inject utility All the options after the -- are the build commands. In this example, make is called to perform a build:

inspxe-inject -save-spec myfile.spec -- make

After creating the specification file, use inpxe-runsc to launch an analysis:

inspxe-runsc -spec-file myfile.spec  -r test1

Utility Options

Table 5.3 shows the command-line options available with the inspxe-inject utility.

Table 5.3 Injection and Wrapping Tool Options

Option Description
-?, -h, -help Displays brief tool description and usage
-V, -version Displays version information
-option-file=<string> Specifies the file that contains a list of tool options
-tmp-dir=<string> Uses the specified directory to store temporary files
-log-dir=<string> Uses the specified directory to store log files
-v, -verbose Prints additional information
-q, -quiet Suppresses nonessential messages
-save-spec=<string> Specifies the file for storing the build specification

The Directory Structure of the Results

Figure 5.9 shows how the results are stored. Each time you run an analysis session, the compiler generates a folder named r xxx sc for the results, incrementing the xxx part of the name on each analysis.

Figure 5.9 The directory structure of the results


The folder structure is the same whether you are running on Windows or Linux so that results generated on a Linux machine can be read on a Windows platform and vice versa.

As you load a new set of results into Inspector XE, Inspector looks at the previous set of results and assigns a state to all the problems found in the current set. The highest-level directory (test3) is user defined; the My Inspector XE Results folder is defined by the inspxe-runsc utility, which adds the name of the executable (main.exe) to the folder name.

Activity 5-2: Using Build Configurations
In this activity you use the inspxe-inject utility to create a build configuration file. The activity is intended to be run from the command prompt or shell.

Building the Program

To start:
1. Copy Listings 5.2 to 5.4 (from the end of the chapter) into a new directory.
2. Call make to ensure the program builds
  • Linux
make clean
  • Windows
nmake clean
3. Run the program. Even though the code built okay, it's quite likely that the program will abort at run time due to the programming errors. On Linux, your run time errors message may look like this:
[sblairch@localhost ssa]$ ./main
Start of application
*** glibc detected *** ./main: double free or corruption (top):
    0x0000000007078010 ***
On Windows, the application will just run for an unduly long time.

Creating a Build Specification Using Injection

Do the following:
4. Clean the build and call the make file using the inspxe-inject utility:
  • Linux
make clean
inspxe-inject -save-spec myspec01.spec -v -- make
  • Windows
nmake clean
inspxe-inject -save-spec myspec01.spec -v -- nmake
You add the -v (verbose) option so that you can see which actions are being carried out.
5. Open the specification file myspec01.spec with a text editor and see if you can understand the contents.
6. Use the specification file to run the Static Security analysis:
inspxe-runsc -spec-file myspec01.spec -r test1
The utility will report where the results have been stored. You should copy this for use in the next step. 7.
Open the results in the GUI version of Inspector XE:
inspxe-gui "<path to the results folder from step 7>"
8. Explore the results, and then close Inspector XE.

Other Activities

If you want:
9. Correct all the errors reported.
10. Rerun the analysis.

Activity 5-2 Summary

You created a build specification file using injection. The injection method is fairly automatic, requiring few or no changes to the build environment. However, you do need to regenerate the build specification file each time the project changes (for example, if a new source file is added).
Occasionally, the injection method may capture commands that are not required to perform the analysis. When first running a Static Security analysis session, it is prudent to examine the contents of the specification file to make sure it has the expected contents. You can delete unwanted commands in the file using a text editor.

Using Static Security Analysis in a QA Environment

Some developers and managers use Static Security analysis for regression testing and metrics tracking, often in an automatic or a scripted environment.

Regression Testing

The main goal of regression testing is to track the status of a project to ensure that no new problems are introduced when adding code changes to an application. The steps might be as follows:

1. Analyze the application (the base line).
2. Make some source changes/updates.
3. Reanalyze the application. This could be part of a nightly build.
4. Look for new problems that appear.

Steps 1 and 2 are carried out by the developer as part of his or her usual schedule; steps 3 and 4 are for regression testing using the command-line version of Inspector XE, and could be carried out by the developer or a quality assurance engineer. The output from step 3 (reanalyze, etc.) will look similar to this when new errors have been found:

inspxe-cl –user-data-dir "QA1/My Inspector XE Results - main" -report problems 
–filter-include state=New

The sample output:

Problem P1: New Error: Double free
main.cpp(14): error #12294: memory pointed by "pGlobal" was already deallocated at
  (file:main.cpp line:13)
X1: Deallocation site: main.cpp(13): Function main
X2: Deallocation site: main.cpp(14): Function main: Variable Name pGlobal

The command assumes that a set of results is already available from a previous analysis. The location of the results will change with each analysis, and take the form rxxxsc, where xxx is a number that is incremented each time the analysis is run. The –user-data-dir switch selects as input the highest-numbered (latest) result.

You can detect new problems by filtering the report so that only problems in a “new” state are reported. The results can then easily be mailed to the author of the most recent change.

Metrics Tracking

Project managers can use metrics to track a team's progress in investigating the results of analysis. For example, you can track the percentage of problems that have been investigated or fixed over a period of time.

1. Developer analyzes code using the GUI, changing the states of the problems detected as he investigates them (similar to Activity 5-1).
2. Developer makes source changes.
3. Developer repeats steps 1 and 2.
4. On a less frequent basis than the developer, the project manager runs the command-line version of Inspector XE to capture the status.
5. Over a period of time, the manager repeats step 4 and records the status. He might use the ratio of problems investigated versus problems not investigated as a “% investigated” metric.

You can find the status of each problem with the following command:

inspxe-cl –r "DEV1/My Inspector XE Results - main/r001sc" -report status

The results might look like this:

196 problem(s) found
2 Investigated
194 Not investigated
Breakdown by state:
1 Confirmed
1 Fixed
194 New

You can parse the results using either a Perl script or a shell script.

Activity 5-3 gives an example of how to use Static Security analysis in regression testing and metric tracking.

Activity 5-3: Regression Testing
In this activity you run a Static Security analysis session from the command line and track the results. This activity will be of special interest to those who want to incorporate Static Security analysis in their QA or regressions testing, where semiautomatic, batch-driven testing is the norm.

Building the Program and Running an Analysis

If you haven't already done so:
1. Do Activity 5-2.
2. Run the command-line version of Inspector, asking for a report on errors:
  • Linux
inspxe-cl -r "test1/My Inspector/ XE/ Results/ - main/r000sc"
–report problems –filter-include state=New
  • Windows
inspxe-cl -r "test1My Inspector XE Results - main
-report problems –filter-include state=New

Changing the State Implicitly

3. Rerun the specification file:
inspxe-runsc -spec-file myspec03.spec -r test3
This should result in all the new files becoming “Not fixed.”
4. Look at the results again:
  • Linux
inspxe-cl -r "test1/My Inspector/ XE/ Results/ - main/r001sc"
-report problems –filter-include state=New
  • Windows
inspxe-cl -r "test1My Inspector XE Results - main
-report problems –filter-include state=New
No new problems should be reported.

Adding a New Error

5. Edit the test.c file to introduce a new error:
void test(int num)
  int i;
  pBuff[0] = num/i;
6. Clean the application and then run the specification file (Windows users use nmake):
make clean
inspxe-runsc -spec-file myspec03.spec -r test3
7. Run the command-line version of Inspector, asking for a report on the problems detected:
inspxe-cl -r "test1/My Inspector XE Results - main/r002sc"  
-report problems –filter-include state=New
You will now see that there is a mixture of “new” problems and “Not fixed” problems.

Activity 5-3 Summary

The analysis carried out was run from the command line, with the results being filtered so that just new problems were reported. Each time a set of results is loaded into Inspector XE, the problems are assigned a state. In the first analysis, all the problems were reported as new. When the analysis was rerun and reloaded into Inspector XE, the previously found problems had their state changed to “Not fixed.” In regression testing, it is the “new” problems that are of interest.

Source Code

Two files, main.c and test.c, are used in the hands-on activities. Each of the source files has some silly and obvious mistakes. The Makefile in Listing 5.4 is used for Activity 5-2 and Activity 5-3.

listing Listing 5.2: main.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
extern test();
char *pBuff;
int main()
    int not_used;
    printf("Start of application
    pBuff = malloc(100);  
    free (pBuff);
    free (pBuff);
    return (int)pBuff;

code snippet Chapter5main.c

listing Listing 5.3: test.c

#include <stdlib.h>
void test(int num);
extern int *pBuff;

void test(int num)
    pBuff[0] = num;

code snippet Chapter5 est.c

listing Listing 5.4: Makefile

## TODO: EDIT next set of lines according to OS

## WINDOWS OS specific vars.

# LINUX SPECIFIC, uncomment these for LINUX
# CC=icc
# DEL=rm -Rf
# OBJ=o

## -------------- DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE -------------

OBJS = main.$(OBJ) test.$(OBJ)
TARGET = main
      $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $<

$(TARGET).exe:$(OBJS)  Makefile
      $(LD) $(LFLAGS) $(OBJS) $(LIBS) -o $@

      $(DEL) $(OBJS)
      $(DEL) $(TARGET).exe

code snippet Chapter5Makefile


Writing code that is secure and not vulnerable to attack is important. By performing a Static Security analysis on your source code, you can identify and fix many of the potential problems. Many of the vulnerabilities are caused by common programming errors or misuse of standard libraries. Using the Intel compiler and Inspector XE together is an effective method of identifying these vulnerabilities.

Chapter 6, “Where to Parallelize,” introduces the first of a four-step process for making code parallel. The chapter shows how to spot regions of your code that are suitable for making parallel.

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