
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


curly braces { }, with MQL, MQL Interface
dollar sign ($), SPARQL query variables, SELECT Query Form
question mark (?), SPARQL query variables, SELECT Query Form


about attribute (RDFa), RDFa, RDFa
add() method, The add and remove Methods
addFile() method (Sesame), Using the Sesame Java API
adding triples to stores, The add and remove Methods
movie data example, Adding and Querying Movie DataAdding and Querying Movie Data
addString() method (Sesame), Using the Sesame Java API
_addToIndex() method, The add and remove Methods
addURI() method (Sesame), Using the Sesame Java API
AllegroGraph triplestore, Franz AllegroGraph (Commercial)
annotating XHTML pages (see RDFa)
anonymous nodes (see blank nodes)
application server, setting up (example), Serving the WebsiteMako Page Templates
applyinference() method, Inferring New Triples
artificial intelligence, A Word About “Artificial Intelligence”
ASK queries (SPARQL language), ASK and DESCRIBE Query FormsASK and DESCRIBE Query Forms
attributes, RDFa, RDFa, RDFa
autocomplete widget (Freebase), Interacting with Humans
average_clustering analysis (graphs), Graph Analysis of a Social Network


backward chaining reasoning, Consuming Linked Data
Bacon, Kevin, Six Degrees of Kevin BaconSix Degrees of Kevin Bacon
BBC (British Broadcasting Company), Consuming Linked Data
beer ontology, A Beer OntologyA Beer Ontology
behavior-oriented programming, RDFS Inferencing in Sesame
Berners-Lee, Tim, What Is RDF?
betweenness_centrality analysis (graphs), Graph Analysis of a Social Network
binding variables, Variable BindingVariable Binding
implementing with triplestores, Implementing a Query LanguageImplementing a Query Language
blank nodes, Blank Nodes
in RDF/XML notation, RDF/XML
representing in N3 notation, N3
when describing people, Are You Your FOAF file?
BOSS (Build Your Own Search Service), Graph Analysis of a Social Network
breadth-first crawling (FOAF files), Friend of a Friend (FOAF)
breadth-first searches, Searching for ConnectionsSix Degrees of Kevin Bacon
British Broadcasting Company (BBC), Consuming Linked Data
browsing Linked Data, RDFLib to Linked Data
business data
graphs for, BusinessBusiness
merging with place data, Example: Joining the Business and Places GraphsExample: Joining the Business and Places Graphs


camel-casing, Modeling Films
celebrity data, CelebritiesCelebrities
(see also movie data)
Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game, Six Degrees of Kevin BaconSix Degrees of Kevin Bacon
centrality of graph nodes, Graph Analysis of a Social Network
chains of inference rules, Chains of Rules, Reconciling Freebase Connections
CherryPy framework, CherryPy
Class class (OWL), Just Enough OWL
classes (in data models), Classes and PropertiesClasses and Properties
film data model example, Modeling FilmsModeling Films
naming, in ontologies, Modeling Films
classes, OWL, Just Enough OWL
comparing, Just Enough OWL
disjoint, Disjoint Classes
classification-based inference, Feed-Forward Inference
cliques (graphs), Graph Analysis of a Social Network
clouds of data, The Cloud of DataThe Cloud of Data
clustering, graph nodes, Graph Analysis of a Social Network
commons, semantic data as, Releasing Data into the Commons, License Considerations
community of semantic web, Participating in the Global Graph CommunityThe Data Cycle
Compact URIs (CURIEs), RDFa
compressed development cycles, “Perpetual Beta”
connections, searching for, Searching for ConnectionsSix Degrees of Kevin Bacon
CONSTRUCT queries (SPARQL language), CONSTRUCT Query FormCONSTRUCT Query Form, RDF/XML
using RDFLib, SPARQL Queries in RDFLib
consuming embedded semantic data (see Google’s rich snippets; Yahoo! SearchMonkey)
consuming Linked Data, Consuming Linked DataConsuming Linked Data
content attribute (RDFa), RDFa, RDFa
continuous change, bracing for, Bracing for Continuous Change
controlled vocabularies
for human input, Interacting with Humans
ontologies for, A Contract for Meaning
converting data into RDF, Dealing with Legacy DataLegacy Relational Data
Internet Video Archive (IVA), Internet Video ArchiveInternet Video Archive
RDFLib to Linked Data, RDFLib to Linked DataRDFLib to Linked Data
relational data, Legacy Relational DataLegacy Relational Data
tables and spreadsheet data, Tables and SpreadsheetsTables and Spreadsheets
copyright considerations, License Considerations
Creative Commons organization, License Considerations
CRM systems, Very Complicated Schemas
Crunchbase database, CrunchbaseCrunchbase
CSV files, legacy data in, Tables and SpreadsheetsTables and Spreadsheets
CURIEs (Compact URIs), RDFa
curly braces { }, with MQL, MQL Interface
Customer Relationship Management (see CRM systems)


converting to RDF (example), Converting to RDFConverting to RDF
introspecting objects from, Introspecting Objects from DataHow RDFObject Works
loading into Sesame (example)
additional datasets, Expanding the DataGeography, Economy, Demography
initial dataset, Job Listing DataLoading the Data into Sesame
from public sources, Getting Company DataReconciling Freebase Connections
metadata as, Metadata Is Data
models as, Models Are Data
publishing semantic data, Publishing Semantic DataRDFLib to Linked Data
job listing application (example), Publishing for OthersRDF/XML
legacy data, working with, Dealing with Legacy DataLegacy Relational Data
license considerations, License Considerations
releasing data into commons, Releasing Data into the Commons
understanding data cycle, The Data Cycle
using embedded semantics, Embedding SemanticsGoogle’s Rich Snippets
real-world, realities of, Are You Your FOAF file?
relationships in (see relational data)
sources of semantic data, Sources of Semantic DataInteracting with Humans
FOAF namespace, Friend of a Friend (FOAF)Graph Analysis of a Social Network
Freebase semantic database, Graph Analysis of a Social Network, FreebaseInteracting with Humans
Linked Data, Linked DataConsuming Linked Data, RDFLib to Linked DataRDFLib to Linked Data
not necessarily trusting, Are You Your FOAF file?
data clouds, The Cloud of DataThe Cloud of Data
data definitions, accessibility of, Metadata Is Data
data graphs (see graphs)
data integration across Web, Data Integration Across the WebData Integration Across the Web
data modeling, Traditional Data-Modeling MethodsGetting It Right the First Time, An Introduction to Data ModelingReifying Relationships
classes and properties, Classes and PropertiesClasses and Properties
evolving and refactoring schemas, Evolving and Refactoring SchemasEvolving and Refactoring Schemas
flexible schema extensions, Getting It Right the First TimeGetting It Right the First Time
models as data, Models Are Data
movie data (example), Modeling FilmsModeling Films
real-world schema construction, This Is Not My Beautiful Relational Schema!This Is Not My Beautiful Relational Schema!
reifying relationships, Reifying RelationshipsReifying Relationships
relational data, Relational DataRelational Data, Classes and Properties
tabular data, Tabular Data
very complicated schemas, Very Complicated SchemasVery Complicated Schemas
evolving and refactoring schemas, Evolving and Refactoring SchemasEvolving and Refactoring Schemas
legacy relational data, Legacy Relational DataLegacy Relational Data
relational, Relational DataRelational Data
similar to spreadsheets, Tabular Data
very complicated schemas, Very Complicated SchemasVery Complicated Schemas
datasets, querying multiple (example), Sophisticated QueriesSophisticated Queries
datatype attribute (RDFa), RDFa, RDFa
DatatypeProperty class (OWL), Just Enough OWL
DBpedia repository, Consuming Linked Data
defensive stance with data, Are You Your FOAF file?
degree analysis (graphs), Graph Analysis of a Social Network
deleting triples from stores, The add and remove Methods
demographic data, Geography, Economy, Demography
dereferencing URIs, Graph Analysis of a Social Network, Are You Your FOAF file?
for Freebase objects, RDF Interface
deriving information from triples (see feed-forward inference)
DESCRIBE queries (SPARQL language), ASK and DESCRIBE Query FormsASK and DESCRIBE Query Forms
deterministic inference, Feed-Forward Inference
developer toolbar, Freebase, MQL Interface
development cycles, rapid, “Perpetual Beta”
directed graphs, Expressing Meaning
Disco browser, RDFLib to Linked Data
disjoint classes, OWL, Disjoint Classes
dollar sign ($), SPARQL query variables, SELECT Query Form
domain property (rdf), Just Enough OWL
domains, Freebase, Freebase Schema
domains of properties, Classes and Properties
DOT files, Graphviz, A Beer Ontology


economic data, Geography, Economy, Demography
editing ontologies with Protégé, Editing an OntologyEditing an Ontology
Elmo, RDFS Inferencing in Sesame
embedded semantics, Embedding SemanticsGoogle’s Rich Snippets
Google’s rich snippets, Google’s Rich SnippetsGoogle’s Rich Snippets
microformats, MicroformatsMicroformats
Yahoo! SearchMonkey, Yahoo! SearchMonkeyYahoo! SearchMonkey
Enterprise Resource Planning (see ERP applications)
enumerations, for human input, Interacting with Humans
eRDF (embeddable RDF), RDFa
ERP applications, Very Complicated Schemas
events, microformat for, Microformats
evolving schemas, Evolving and Refactoring SchemasEvolving and Refactoring Schemas, .net, and .org sites, Classes and Properties
Excel spreadsheets, Tabular Data
legacy data in, Tables and SpreadsheetsTables and Spreadsheets
Exhibit project, SIMILE/ExhibitTimelines
job listings application (example), Visualizing the Job DataVisualizing the Job Data
linking to Sesame, Linking Up to SesameLinking Up to Sesame
searching, filtering, and customization, Searching, Filtering, and Prettier ViewsSearching, Filtering, and Prettier Views
timelines, TimelinesTimelines
Extensible Metadata Platform (see XMP standard)


F8 key, with Freebase, MQL Interface
facets, Exhibit, Searching, Filtering, and Prettier Views
feed-forward inference, Feed-Forward InferenceA Word About “Artificial Intelligence”, Consuming Linked Data
artificial intelligence, A Word About “Artificial Intelligence”
geocoding, GeocodingAdding a geocoding rule
inferring new triples, Inferring New TriplesInferring New Triples
searching for connections, Searching for ConnectionsSix Degrees of Kevin Bacon
using rules (see rule-based inference)
film data (see movie data)
FILTER clause, SELECT queries (SPARQL), OPTIONAL and FILTER ConstraintsOPTIONAL and FILTER Constraints
multiple graph patterns, Multiple Graph PatternsMultiple Graph Patterns
find_cliques analysis (graphs), Graph Analysis of a Social Network
flexibility of semantic data, Semantic Data Is Flexible
flexible schemas, Getting It Right the First TimeGetting It Right the First Time, This Is Not My Beautiful Relational Schema!
building for the unexpected, Building for the Unexpected
fn field (hCard specification), Microformats
FOAF (Friend of a Friend), A Graph of Friends, Friend of a Friend (FOAF)Graph Analysis of a Social Network
graph-analysis of social networks, Graph Analysis of a Social NetworkGraph Analysis of a Social Network
ontology of vocabulary for, Describing FOAF
real-world objects versus information resources, Are You Your FOAF file?Are You Your FOAF file?
fragment identifiers, Are You Your FOAF file?
Franz AllegroGraph triplestore, Franz AllegroGraph (Commercial)
Freebase semantic database, Graph Analysis of a Social Network, FreebaseInteracting with Humans
as identity database, An Identity Database
managing human input, Interacting with HumansInteracting with Humans library, Using the LibraryUsing the Library
MQL interface for, MQL Interface
RDF interface for, RDF Interface
reconciling connections, Reconciling Freebase ConnectionsReconciling Freebase Connections
schema of, Freebase SchemaFreebase Schema
Freebase Suggest, Interacting with Humans
Friend of a Friend (see FOAF)
friends, A Graph of Friends
functional properties (OWL), Functional and Inverse Functional Properties
future of semantic technologies, Bracing for Continuous Change

G site, Using a free online geocoder
geocoding, GeocodingAdding a geocoding rule
geographic data
adding to job listings application (example), LocationsLocations
blank nodes for mailing addresses, Blank Nodes
graphs for, PlacesPlaces
merging with business data (example), Example: Joining the Business and Places GraphsExample: Joining the Business and Places Graphs
working with geocoordinates, GeocodingAdding a geocoding rule
__getattr__() method, RDFObject Framework
getConnection() method, Using the Sesame Java API
__getitem__() method, RDFObject Framework
_getProp() method, RDFObject Framework
Giant Global Graph, Linked Data, The Giant Global GraphBracing for Continuous Change
continuous change, Bracing for Continuous Change
participating in community of, Participating in the Global Graph CommunityThe Data Cycle
goal-driven inference, Consuming Linked Data
Google’s rich snippets, Google’s Rich SnippetsGoogle’s Rich Snippets
Graph class (RDFLib), Introducing RDFLib
query() method, SPARQL Queries in RDFLibSPARQL Queries in RDFLib
graph databases, How RDFObject Works
blank nodes in, Blank Nodes, N3
to describe people, Are You Your FOAF file?
representing in N3 notation, N3
representing in RDF/XML notation, RDF/XML
examples of, Other ExamplesBusiness
of friends, A Graph of Friends
merging, Merging GraphsMerging Graphs, Shared Keys and Overlapping GraphsQuerying the Joined Graph
persistent, Persistence with RDFLibPersistence with RDFLib
searching for connections, Searching for ConnectionsSix Degrees of Kevin Bacon
social networks, Graph Analysis of a Social NetworkGraph Analysis of a Social Network
visualizing, Basic Graph VisualizationDisplaying Query Results
job listings application (example), Visualizing the Job DataVisualizing the Job Data
viewing query results, Displaying Query Results
viewing sets of triples, Displaying Sets of Triples
Graphviz package, Graphviz
Graphviz, for beer ontology, A Beer OntologyA Beer Ontology
Guha, Ramanathan, What Is RDF?
GUIDs, Freebase, An Identity Database


hash (fragment) identifiers, Are You Your FOAF file?
hCalendar event microformat, Microformats
hCard microformat, Microformats
href attribute (RDFa), RDFa, RDFa
hResume microformat, Microformats
HTML templates, creating (example), A Generic ViewerThe Generic Template, Specialized ViewsSpecialized Views
HTTP redirect to information resources, Are You Your FOAF file?
human input, processing, Interacting with HumansInteracting with Humans
hype of semantic web, Vision, Hype, and RealityVision, Hype, and Reality


iCalendar interchange format, Microformats
identifiers for blank nodes, Blank Nodes, N3
to describe people, Are You Your FOAF file?
representing in N3 notation, N3
representing in RDF/XML notation, RDF/XML
identity, distributed approach to, The Cloud of Data
immutability of Freebase content, An Identity Database
in-memory triplestores (see triplestores)
indexes, Indexes
inference from triples (see feed-forward inference)
InferenceRule class, Inferring New Triples file, Inferring New Triples
infrastructure of Web, standardization of, Data Integration Across the Web
initNS keyword, query() method (RDFLib), SPARQL Queries in RDFLib
intelligence (artificial), A Word About “Artificial Intelligence”
Internet Video Archive (IVA), Internet Video ArchiveInternet Video Archive
RDFLib to Linked Data, RDFLib to Linked DataRDFLib to Linked Data
introspecting objects from data, Introspecting Objects from DataHow RDFObject Works
inverse functional properties (OWL), Functional and Inverse Functional Properties
inverse properties (OWL), Inverse Properties
isomorphic() method (Graph class), Introducing RDFLib
IVA (Internet Video Archive), Internet Video ArchiveInternet Video Archive
RDFLib to Linked Data, RDFLib to Linked DataRDFLib to Linked Data


JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), MQL Interface
Jena toolkit, Jena (Open Source)
job listing application (example), Tying It All TogetherFurther Expansion
step 1: loading datasets into Sesame, Job Listing DataLoading the Data into Sesame, Expanding the DataGeography, Economy, Demography
step 2: setting up web server, Serving the WebsiteMako Page Templates
step 3: creating HTML templates, A Generic ViewerThe Generic Template, Specialized ViewsSpecialized Views
step 4: expanding with public data, Getting Company DataReconciling Freebase Connections
step 5: republishing for other applications, Publishing for OthersRDF/XML
step 6: querying across datasets, Sophisticated QueriesSophisticated Queries
step 7: using Exhibit visualizations, Visualizing the Job DataVisualizing the Job Data
joining graphs, Shared Keys and Overlapping GraphsQuerying the Joined Graph
querying joined graphs, Querying the Joined GraphQuerying the Joined Graph
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), MQL Interface
judgmental inference, Feed-Forward Inference


legacy data, Dealing with Legacy DataLegacy Relational Data
Internet Video Archive (IVA), Internet Video ArchiveInternet Video Archive
RDFLib to Linked Data, RDFLib to Linked DataRDFLib to Linked Data
relational data, Legacy Relational DataLegacy Relational Data
table and spreadsheet data, Tables and SpreadsheetsTables and Spreadsheets
license considerations, License Considerations
LIMIT modifier (SPARQL queries), Useful Query Modifiers
link tags, for Exhibit, A Simple Exhibit Page
Linked Data, Linked DataConsuming Linked Data
browsing, RDFLib to Linked Data
consuming, Consuming Linked DataConsuming Linked Data
outputting as, from RDFLib, RDFLib to Linked DataRDFLib to Linked Data
Linking Open Data (LOD), Linked Data
literal values, in RDF, Literal Values
load() method, The add and remove Methods
loading data into Sesame
additional datasets (example), Expanding the DataGeography, Economy, Demography
initial dataset (example), Job Listing DataLoading the Data into Sesame
from public sources (example), Getting Company DataReconciling Freebase Connections
LOD (Linking Open Data), Linked Data


_maketriples() method, Inferring New Triples
make_foaf_graph() method, Friend of a Friend (FOAF)
Mako templating language, Mako Page Templates
MCF (Meta Content Framework), What Is RDF?
meaning, Expressing MeaningBusiness
building schemas, in real world, This Is Not My Beautiful Relational Schema!This Is Not My Beautiful Relational Schema!
building triplestores, Building a Simple TriplestoreQuerying
deriving from triples (see feed-forward inference)
flexibility of semantic data, Semantic Data Is Flexible
graph representation examples, Other ExamplesBusiness
graph visualization, Basic Graph VisualizationDisplaying Query Results
job listings application (example), Visualizing the Job DataVisualizing the Job Data
viewing query results, Displaying Query Results
viewing sets of triples, Displaying Sets of Triples
merging graphs, Merging GraphsMerging Graphs
ontology and, A Contract for Meaning, Keepin’ It Real
searching for connections, Searching for ConnectionsSix Degrees of Kevin Bacon
MediaWiki, Tables and Spreadsheets
MemoryStore class (Sesame), Using the Sesame Java API
merging graphs, Merging GraphsMerging Graphs, Shared Keys and Overlapping GraphsQuerying the Joined Graph
querying joined graphs, Querying the Joined GraphQuerying the Joined Graph
Meta Content Framework (MCF), What Is RDF?
metadata, as data, Metadata Is Data library, Using the LibraryUsing the Library
microformats, MicroformatsMicroformats
Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, Tabular Data
legacy data in, Tables and SpreadsheetsLegacy Relational Data
modeling data, methods for, Traditional Data-Modeling MethodsGetting It Right the First Time
(see also data modeling)
evolving and refactoring schemas, Evolving and Refactoring SchemasEvolving and Refactoring Schemas
flexible schema extensions, Getting It Right the First TimeGetting It Right the First Time
relational data, Relational DataRelational Data
tabular data, Tabular Data
very complicated schemas, Very Complicated SchemasVery Complicated Schemas
movie data, An Example: Movie DataAn Example: Movie Data
(see also celebrity data)
data model for, Modeling FilmsModeling Films
Internet Video Archive (IVA), Internet Video ArchiveInternet Video Archive
RDFLib to Linked Data, RDFLib to Linked DataRDFLib to Linked Data
OWL schema definition for, Just Enough OWL
querying using SPARQL, SPARQLUseful Query Modifiers
RDFObject example, RDFObject ExamplesRDFObject Examples
representation of (example)
adding and querying data, Adding and Querying Movie DataAdding and Querying Movie Data
Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game, Six Degrees of Kevin BaconSix Degrees of Kevin Bacon
Movies API (Internet Video Archive), Internet Video Archive
MQL interface for Freebase, MQL Interface
MQL query language, MQL Interface
Mulgara triplestore, Mulgara (Open Source)
MusicBrainz music metadata project, Consuming Linked Data


N-Triple serialization, N-Triples
N3 serialization, N3N3
Namespace class (RDFLib), Introducing RDFLib
namespaces for URIs, Resources
naming classes and properties, in ontologies, Modeling Films
NetworkX package, Graph Analysis of a Social Network
new triples, inferring, Inferring New TriplesInferring New Triples
nodes (graphs), analyzing, Graph Analysis of a Social NetworkGraph Analysis of a Social Network
normalization, flexibility versus, Getting It Right the First Time
.nt files, N-Triples


object-oriented (OO) programming, Models Are Data
ObjectProperty class (OWL), Just Enough OWL
objects, introspecting from data, Introspecting Objects from DataHow RDFObject Works
objects, viewing with HTML templates (example), A Generic ViewerThe Generic Template, Specialized ViewsSpecialized Views
objects of triples, Expressing Meaning
RDFa notation, RDFaRDFa
serialization formats, RDF Serialization FormatsRDF/XML
_objects() method (RDFObjectGraph), RDFObject Framework
ODE (OpenLink Data Explorer) extension, RDFLib to Linked Data
OFFSET modifier (SPARQL queries), Useful Query Modifiers
On-To-Knowledge project, Sesame
online services, Feed-Forward Inference
geocoders, Using a free online geocoder
ontologies, What Do You Mean, “Ontology”?This Is Not My Beautiful Relational Schema!
building real-world schemas, This Is Not My Beautiful Relational Schema!This Is Not My Beautiful Relational Schema!
as data model, Models Are Data
deciding what to exclude, Keepin’ It Real
existing, examples of, Some Other OntologiesA Beer Ontology
introspecting objects from data, Introspecting Objects from DataHow RDFObject Works
language for (see OWL)
meaning and, A Contract for Meaning
property and class naming, Modeling Films
Protégé tool for, Using ProtégéEditing an Ontology
creating new ontology, Creating a New Ontology
editing ontologies, Editing an OntologyEditing an Ontology
open() method, Persistence with RDFLib
open-ended, semantic models as, This Is Not My Beautiful Relational Schema!
OpenLink Data Explorer (ODE) extension, RDFLib to Linked Data
OpenLink Virtuoso system, OpenLink Virtuoso (Commercial and Open Source)
OPTIONAL clause, SELECT queries (SPARQL), OPTIONAL and FILTER ConstraintsOPTIONAL and FILTER Constraints
Oracle Spatial module, Oracle (Commercial)
ORDER BY modifier (SPARQL queries), Useful Query Modifiers
org field (hCard specification), Microformats
overlapping graphs, merging (see merging graphs)
overlapping graphs, querying, Querying the Joined GraphQuerying the Joined Graph
OWL (Web Ontology Language), N3, Just Enough OWLJust Enough OWL, Just a Bit More OWLKeepin’ It Real
comparing classes, Just Enough OWL
disjoint classes, Disjoint Classes
example ontologies, Some Other OntologiesA Beer Ontology
functional and inverse properties, Functional and Inverse Functional Properties
introspecting objects from data, Introspecting Objects from DataHow RDFObject Works
OWL DL sublanguage, Just Enough OWL
OWL Full sublanguage, Just Enough OWL
OWL-Lite sublanguage, Just Enough OWL
Protégé tool for, Using ProtégéEditing an Ontology
creating new ontology, Creating a New Ontology
editing ontologies, Editing an OntologyEditing an Ontology
owl:Class class, Just Enough OWL
owl:DatatypeProperty class, Just Enough OWL
owl:ObjectProperty class, Just Enough OWL
owl:sameAs statements, The Cloud of Data
owl:Thing class, Just Enough OWL, Editing an Ontology


parse() method (Graph class), Introducing RDFLib, Friend of a Friend (FOAF)
perpetual beta, “Perpetual Beta”
persistent graphs, Persistence with RDFLibPersistence with RDFLib
place data
adding to job listings application (example), LocationsLocations
blank nodes for mailing addresses, Blank Nodes
geocoding, GeocodingAdding a geocoding rule
graphs for, PlacesPlaces
merging with business data (example), Example: Joining the Business and Places GraphsExample: Joining the Business and Places Graphs
POST method, Loading the Data into Sesame
predicates of triples, Expressing Meaning
RDFa notation, RDFaRDFa
serialization formats, RDF Serialization FormatsRDF/XML
_predicates() method (RDFObjectGraph), RDFObject Framework
PREFIX declarations (SPARQL), SELECT Query Form
properties (in data models), Classes and PropertiesClasses and Properties
film data model example, Modeling FilmsModeling Films
naming, in ontologies, Modeling Films
properties, Freebase, Freebase Schema
properties, OWL, Just Enough OWL
functional and inverse, Functional and Inverse Functional Properties
property attribute (RDFa), RDFa, RDFa, RDFa, RDFa
Protégé tool, Using ProtégéEditing an Ontology
creating new ontology, Creating a New Ontology
editing ontologies, Editing an OntologyEditing an Ontology
viewing beer ontology, A Beer OntologyA Beer Ontology
public data
license considerations, License Considerations
releasing data into commons, Releasing Data into the Commons, The Data Cycle
public data, adding to dataset (example), Getting Company DataReconciling Freebase Connections
publishing semantic data, Publishing Semantic DataRDFLib to Linked Data
job listing application (example), Publishing for OthersRDF/XML
legacy data, working with, Dealing with Legacy DataLegacy Relational Data
Internet Video Archive (IVA), Internet Video ArchiveInternet Video Archive, RDFLib to Linked DataRDFLib to Linked Data
relational data, Legacy Relational DataLegacy Relational Data
tables and spreadsheet data, Tables and SpreadsheetsTables and Spreadsheets
license considerations, License Considerations
releasing data into commons, Releasing Data into the Commons
understanding data cycle, The Data Cycle
using embedded semantics, Embedding SemanticsGoogle’s Rich Snippets
Google’s rich snippets, Google’s Rich SnippetsGoogle’s Rich Snippets
microformats, MicroformatsMicroformats
Yahoo! SearchMonkey, Yahoo! SearchMonkeyYahoo! SearchMonkey
pysqlite interface, Persistence with RDFLib


QNames (XML Qualified Names), RDFa
queries, SPARQL (see SPARQL query language)
query() method, Graph class (RDFLib), SPARQL Queries in RDFLibSPARQL Queries in RDFLib
query language (abstracted), A Simple Query LanguageImplementing a Query Language
variable binding, Variable BindingVariable Binding
implementing, Implementing a Query LanguageImplementing a Query Language
query modifiers (SPARQL), Useful Query ModifiersUseful Query Modifiers
querying datasets, multiple (example), Sophisticated QueriesSophisticated Queries
querying triplestores, Querying
displaying query results, Displaying Query Results
in joined graphs, Querying the Joined GraphQuerying the Joined Graph
inferring new triples, Inferring New TriplesInferring New Triples
movie data example, Adding and Querying Movie DataAdding and Querying Movie Data
query language for (abstracted), A Simple Query LanguageImplementing a Query Language
querytodot() method, Displaying Query Results
question mark (?), SPARQL query variables, SELECT Query Form


range property (rdf), Just Enough OWL
ranges of properties, Classes and Properties
rapid development cycles, “Perpetual Beta”
RDF (Resource Description Framework), What Is RDF?Useful Query Modifiers
converting data into (example), Converting to RDFConverting to RDF
converting legacy data into, Dealing with Legacy DataLegacy Relational Data
Internet Video Archive (IVA), Internet Video ArchiveInternet Video Archive, RDFLib to Linked Data
relational data, Legacy Relational DataLegacy Relational Data
tables and spreadsheet data, Tables and SpreadsheetsTables and Spreadsheets
data model for, The RDF Data ModelLiteral Values
defined, What Is RDF?
query language for (see SPARQL query language)
serialization formats, RDF Serialization FormatsRDFa
RDF interface for Freebase, RDF Interface
RDF Schema (RDFS), Just Enough OWL
RDF stores, Other RDF StoresOracle (Commercial)
(see also Sesame framework)
RDF/XML serialization, RDF/XMLRDF/XML
job listing application (example), RDF/XMLRDF/XML
rdf:domain property, Just Enough OWL
rdf:range property, Just Enough OWL
rdf:subClassOf property, Just Enough OWL
rdf:type property, Just Enough OWL
rdf:XMLLiteral class, Just Enough OWL
attributes, list of, RDFa
consumed by Google’s rich snippets, Google’s Rich SnippetsGoogle’s Rich Snippets
consumed by Yahoo! SearchMonkey, Yahoo! SearchMonkeyYahoo! SearchMonkey
job listing application (example), RDFaRDFa
reading, challenges with, RDFa
serialization with, RDFaRDFa
attributes, list of, RDFa
RDFLib library, Introducing RDFLibPersistence with RDFLib
outputting as Linked Data, RDFLib to Linked DataRDFLib to Linked Data
persistent graphs with, Persistence with RDFLibPersistence with RDFLib
SPARQL queries in, SPARQL Queries in RDFLibSPARQL Queries in RDFLib
RDFObject framework, Introspecting Objects from DataHow RDFObject Works, Loading the Data into Sesame
film data example, RDFObject ExamplesRDFObject Examples
RDFObjectFactory class, RDFObject Examples
RDFObjectGraph class, RDFObject Examples
RDFObjectGraphFactory class, RDFObject Framework
RDFS inferencing in Sesame, RDFS Inferencing in SesameRDFS Inferencing in Sesame
realities of real-world data, Are You Your FOAF file?
reality of semantic web, Vision, Hype, and RealityVision, Hype, and Reality
reconciliation, Reconciling Freebase ConnectionsReconciling Freebase Connections
reconciling identity, The Cloud of Data
redirect (HTTP) to information resources, Are You Your FOAF file?
Redland libraries, Redland (Open Source)
refactoring schemas, Evolving and Refactoring SchemasEvolving and Refactoring Schemas
reifying relationships (data modeling), Reifying RelationshipsReifying Relationships
rel attribute (RDFa), RDFa, RDFa, RDFa, RDFa
relational data, Relational DataRelational Data, Classes and Properties
legacy, working with, Legacy Relational DataLegacy Relational Data
reifying relationships, Reifying RelationshipsReifying Relationships
relational databases
evolving and refactoring schemas, Evolving and Refactoring SchemasEvolving and Refactoring Schemas
very complicated schemas, Very Complicated SchemasVery Complicated Schemas
relational schemas (see schemas)
releasing data into commons, Releasing Data into the Commons
remove() method, The add and remove Methods
_removeFromIndex() method, The add and remove Methods
removing triples from stores, The add and remove Methods
republishing data (see publishing semantic data)
resource attribute (RDFa), RDFa, RDFa
Resource Description Framework (see RDF)
resources, RDF, ResourcesResources
REST API, with Sesame, REST APIREST API, Loading the Data into Sesame
resumes, microformat for, Microformats
rev attribute (RDFa), RDFa, RDFa, RDFa
RFCs (Requests for Comments), Data Integration Across the Web
rich snippets (Google), Google’s Rich SnippetsGoogle’s Rich Snippets
rule-based inference, Feed-Forward Inference, Inferring New Triples
(see also feed-forward inference)
chains of rules, Chains of Rules, Reconciling Freebase Connections
geocoding, Adding a geocoding rule


safe CURIEs (RDFa), RDFa
sameAs statements, The Cloud of Data
save() method, The add and remove Methods
schema, Freebase, Freebase SchemaFreebase Schema
schema migration, Evolving and Refactoring Schemas
building for the unexpected, Building for the Unexpected
building, in real world, This Is Not My Beautiful Relational Schema!This Is Not My Beautiful Relational Schema!
evolving and refactoring, Evolving and Refactoring SchemasEvolving and Refactoring Schemas
flexible, Getting It Right the First TimeGetting It Right the First Time, This Is Not My Beautiful Relational Schema!
very complicated, Very Complicated SchemasVery Complicated Schemas
script tags, for Exhibit, A Simple Exhibit Page
search, semantic, Graph Analysis of a Social Network
searching for connections, Searching for ConnectionsSix Degrees of Kevin Bacon
SearchMonkey (Yahoo!), Yahoo! SearchMonkeyYahoo! SearchMonkey
seeAlso property, Friend of a Friend (FOAF)
SELECT queries (SPARQL language), SELECT Query FormMultiple Graph Patterns
multiple graph patterns, Multiple Graph PatternsMultiple Graph Patterns
OPTIONAL and FILTER clauses, OPTIONAL and FILTER ConstraintsOPTIONAL and FILTER Constraints
self-describing data, Metadata Is Data
semantic data, cycle of, The Data Cycle
semantic data, flexibility of, Semantic Data Is Flexible
semantic data, publishing, Publishing Semantic DataRDFLib to Linked Data
job listing application (example), Publishing for OthersRDF/XML
legacy data, working with, Dealing with Legacy DataLegacy Relational Data
Internet Video Archive (IVA), Internet Video ArchiveInternet Video Archive, RDFLib to Linked DataRDFLib to Linked Data
relational data, Legacy Relational DataLegacy Relational Data
tables and spreadsheet data, Tables and SpreadsheetsTables and Spreadsheets
license considerations, License Considerations
releasing data into commons, Releasing Data into the Commons
understanding data cycle, The Data Cycle
using embedded semantics, Embedding SemanticsGoogle’s Rich Snippets
Google’s rich snippets, Google’s Rich SnippetsGoogle’s Rich Snippets
microformats, MicroformatsMicroformats
Yahoo! SearchMonkey, Yahoo! SearchMonkeyYahoo! SearchMonkey
semantic data, sources of, Sources of Semantic DataInteracting with Humans
FOAF namespace, Friend of a Friend (FOAF)Graph Analysis of a Social Network
graph-analysis of social networks, Graph Analysis of a Social NetworkGraph Analysis of a Social Network
Freebase semantic database, Graph Analysis of a Social Network, FreebaseInteracting with Humans
as identity database, An Identity Database
managing human input, Interacting with HumansInteracting with Humans library, Using the LibraryUsing the Library
MQL interface for, MQL Interface
RDF interface for, RDF Interface
schema of, Freebase SchemaFreebase Schema
Linked Data, Linked DataConsuming Linked Data
browsing, RDFLib to Linked Data
consuming Linked Data, Consuming Linked DataConsuming Linked Data
data clouds, The Cloud of DataThe Cloud of Data
outputting as, from RDFLib, RDFLib to Linked DataRDFLib to Linked Data
real-world objects versus information resources, Are You Your FOAF file?Are You Your FOAF file?
not necessarily trusting, Are You Your FOAF file?
Semantic MediaWiki (SMW), Tables and Spreadsheets
semantic models, building, This Is Not My Beautiful Relational Schema!This Is Not My Beautiful Relational Schema!
semantic pseudocode, Classes and Properties
semantic relationships, Semantic Relationships
semantic search, Graph Analysis of a Social Network
semantic web community, Participating in the Global Graph CommunityThe Data Cycle
Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities (SIOC), Legacy Relational Data
semantics, defined, Why Semantics?
serialization formats, RDF, RDF Serialization FormatsRDFa
N-Triple notation, N-Triples
N3 notation, N3N3
RDFa notation, RDFaRDFa
Turtle notation, RDFa
server, setting up (example), Serving the WebsiteMako Page Templates
serving a web application (example), Serving the WebsiteMako Page Templates
servlet container for Sesame server, A Servlet Container for the Sesame ServerA Servlet Container for the Sesame Server
Sesame framework, SesameREST API
adding data to repository, Adding Data
installing as web application, Installing the Sesame Web Application
linking Exhibit project to, Linking Up to SesameLinking Up to Sesame
loading additional datasets (example), Expanding the DataGeography, Economy, Demography
loading data from public sources (example), Getting Company DataReconciling Freebase Connections
loading initial dataset (example), Job Listing DataLoading the Data into Sesame
RDFObject Framework with, RDFObject Framework
RDFS inferencing in, RDFS Inferencing in SesameRDFS Inferencing in Sesame
REST API, REST APIREST API, Loading the Data into Sesame
SPARQL queries, SPARQL Queries
as standalone server, A Servlet Container for the Sesame ServerA Servlet Container for the Sesame Server
using Java API for, Using the Sesame Java APIUsing the Sesame Java API
workbench (interface), The WorkbenchThe Workbench
__setattr__() method, RDFObject Framework
shared keys, Shared Keys and Overlapping GraphsQuerying the Joined Graph
SIMILE projects, SIMILE/Exhibit
simple inference, Feed-Forward Inference
SimpleGraph class (Sesame), Using the Sesame Java API
Sindice search engine project, Graph Analysis of a Social Network
SIOC (Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities), Legacy Relational Data
Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game, Six Degrees of Kevin BaconSix Degrees of Kevin Bacon
smushing identity, The Cloud of Data
social contract, vocabulary as, A Contract for Meaning
social networks
FOAF files for, Friend of a Friend (FOAF), Friend of a Friend (FOAF)
graph analysis of, Graph Analysis of a Social NetworkGraph Analysis of a Social Network
sources of semantic data, Sources of Semantic DataInteracting with Humans
FOAF namespace, Friend of a Friend (FOAF)Graph Analysis of a Social Network
graph-analysis of social networks, Graph Analysis of a Social NetworkGraph Analysis of a Social Network
Freebase semantic database, Graph Analysis of a Social Network, FreebaseInteracting with Humans
as identity database, An Identity Database
managing human input, Interacting with HumansInteracting with Humans library, Using the LibraryUsing the Library
MQL interface for, MQL Interface
RDF interface for, RDF Interface
schema of, Freebase SchemaFreebase Schema
Linked Data, Linked DataConsuming Linked Data
browsing, RDFLib to Linked Data
consuming Linked Data, Consuming Linked DataConsuming Linked Data
data clouds, The Cloud of DataThe Cloud of Data
outputting as, from RDFLib, RDFLib to Linked DataRDFLib to Linked Data
real-world objects versus information resources, Are You Your FOAF file?Are You Your FOAF file?
not necessarily trusting, Are You Your FOAF file?
SPARQL query language, SPARQL
ASK and DESCRIBE queries, ASK and DESCRIBE Query FormsASK and DESCRIBE Query Forms
using RDFLib, SPARQL Queries in RDFLib
queries in RDFLib, SPARQL Queries in RDFLibSPARQL Queries in RDFLib
query modifiers, list of, Useful Query ModifiersUseful Query Modifiers
SELECT queries, SELECT Query FormMultiple Graph Patterns
multiple graph patterns, Multiple Graph PatternsMultiple Graph Patterns
OPTIONAL and FILTER clauses, OPTIONAL and FILTER ConstraintsOPTIONAL and FILTER Constraints
with Sesame workbench, SPARQL Queries
SPARQL XML output, SPARQL Queries in RDFLib
Spatial module (Oracle), Oracle (Commercial)
spreadsheets, Tabular Data
legacy data in, Tables and SpreadsheetsTables and Spreadsheets
SQLite package, Persistence with RDFLib
src attribute (RDFa), RDFa, RDFa
standardized infrastructure of Web, Data Integration Across the Web
strong identifiers, Are You Your FOAF file?
in Freebase, An Identity Database
URIs as, Resources
subClassOf property (rdf), Just Enough OWL
_subjects() method (RDFObjectGraph), RDFObject Framework
subjects of triples, Expressing Meaning
RDFa notation, RDFaRDFa
serialization formats, RDF Serialization FormatsRDF/XML


table data, legacy, Tables and SpreadsheetsTables and Spreadsheets
tabular data, Tabular Data
Tabulator plug-in, RDFLib to Linked Data
tel field (hCard specification), Microformats
Thing class (OWL), Just Enough OWL, Editing an Ontology
timelines, Exhibit, TimelinesTimelines
toolkits, Overview of ToolkitsTimelines
continuous change in, Bracing for Continuous Change
Exhibit project, SIMILE/ExhibitTimelines
job listings application (example), Visualizing the Job DataVisualizing the Job Data
linking to Sesame, Linking Up to SesameLinking Up to Sesame
searching, filtering, and customization, Searching, Filtering, and Prettier ViewsSearching, Filtering, and Prettier Views
timelines, TimelinesTimelines
Sesame, SesameREST API
adding data to repository, Adding Data
installing web application, Installing the Sesame Web Application
RDFS inferencing in, RDFS Inferencing in SesameRDFS Inferencing in Sesame
REST API, REST APIREST API, Loading the Data into Sesame
SPARQL queries, SPARQL Queries
as standalone server, A Servlet Container for the Sesame ServerA Servlet Container for the Sesame Server
using Java API for, Using the Sesame Java APIUsing the Sesame Java API
workbench (interface), The WorkbenchThe Workbench
triples, Expressing Meaning
building stores of, Building a Simple TriplestoreQuerying
deriving information from (see feed-forward inference)
expressing data models using (see RDF)
graphs of (see graphs)
inferring new, Inferring New TriplesInferring New Triples
searching for connections, Searching for ConnectionsSix Degrees of Kevin Bacon
sets of, visualizing, Displaying Sets of Triples
triples() method, Querying
triplestores, Building a Simple TriplestoreQuerying
adding and removing triples, The add and remove Methods
indexes for, Indexes
querying, Querying
abstracted language for, A Simple Query LanguageImplementing a Query Language
displaying query results, Displaying Query Results
inferring new triples from, Inferring New TriplesInferring New Triples
in joined graphs, Querying the Joined GraphQuerying the Joined Graph
movie data example, Adding and Querying Movie DataAdding and Querying Movie Data
searching for connections, Searching for ConnectionsSix Degrees of Kevin Bacon
tuplePattern() method, Using the Sesame Java API
Turtle serialization, RDFa
type property (rdf), Just Enough OWL
typeof attribute (RDFa), RDFa, RDFa
types, Freebase, Freebase, Freebase Schema


unexpected, building for, Building for the Unexpected
UNION keyword, SELECT queries (SPARQL), Multiple Graph Patterns
URI fragment identifiers, Are You Your FOAF file?
URI references (URIrefs), Resources
URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers), URIs As Strong KeysResources
blank nodes, Blank Nodes, N3
to describe people, Are You Your FOAF file?
representing in N3 notation, N3
representing in RDF/XML notation, RDF/XML
relative, with N3 notation, N3
as strong identifiers, Resources
url field (hCard specification), Microformats
URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), Resources, Are You Your FOAF file?


value() method, Querying
variable binding, Variable BindingVariable Binding
implementing with triplestores, Implementing a Query LanguageImplementing a Query Language
vCard interchange format, N3, Microformats
very complicated schemas, Very Complicated SchemasVery Complicated Schemas
viewing objects with HTML templates (example), A Generic ViewerThe Generic Template, Specialized ViewsSpecialized Views
Virtuoso system, OpenLink Virtuoso (Commercial and Open Source)
vision of semantic web, Vision, Hype, and RealityVision, Hype, and Reality
visualizing graphs, Basic Graph VisualizationDisplaying Query Results
of beer ontology, A Beer OntologyA Beer Ontology
job listings application (example), Visualizing the Job DataVisualizing the Job Data
viewing query results, Displaying Query Results
viewing sets of triples, Displaying Sets of Triples
vocabularies, controlling
for human input, Interacting with Humans
ontologies for, A Contract for Meaning


web application server, setting up (example), Serving the WebsiteMako Page Templates
web architecture standards, Data Integration Across the Web
Web Ontology Language (see OWL)
WHERE clause, SELECT queries (SPARQL), SELECT Query Form
Wikipedia, Consuming Linked Data
workbench for Sesame, The WorkbenchThe Workbench


XHTML pages, annotation with RDF (see RDFa)
XML output of SPARQL queries, SPARQL Queries in RDFLib
XMLLiteral class, Just Enough OWL
XMP standard, Building for the Unexpected
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