The mean and phenomenon going on within sub populations

In relation to the first reason, we can consider studies about customers behavior and, particularly, buying habits. I should have a spreadsheet somewhere on my desktop which looks similar to the following table:

Customer June July August September
1 200 150 190 195
2 1050 1101 975 1095
3 1300 1130 1340 1315
4 400 410 395 360
5 450 400 378 375
6 1125 1050 1125 1115
7 1090 1070 1110 1190
8 980 990 1200 1001
9 600 540 330 220
10 1130 1290 1170



From this table, you can compute the following averages by month:

June July August September
average 832.5 813.1 821.3 817.6


These averages would probably lead you to the conclusion that no big change is occurring within your sales figures. But, if we add one more attribute, which is the cluster of the age of the customer, we can gain a better understanding of our numbers:

Customer Age cluster June July August September
1 young 200 150 190 195
2 adult 1050 1101 975 1095
3 adult 1300 1130 1340 1315
4 young 400 410 395 360
5 young 450 400 378 375
6 adult 1125 1050 1125 1115
7 elder 1090 1070 1110 1190
8 elder 980 990 1200 1001
9 young 600 540 330 220
10 elder 1130 1290 1170 1310


I am sure you are already spotting some differences between Age clusters, but let's try to summarize these differences by computing the total sales by category:

Age cluster June July August September
young 1650 1500 1293 1150
adult 3475 3281 3440 3525
elder 3200 3350 3480 3501


Can you see it? Behind a substantially stable average, three completely different stories were hiding: the company is losing ground in the young field, is remaining stable within the adult cluster, and is gaining heavily with the elder segment. This is a simple and yet useful example to understand why the average, while being a synthetic way to describe an entire population, can also be unable to properly describe that population. If we had computed, for instance, the interquartile range of this population for the same four months, we would have found the following numbers :

June July August September
IQR 628,75 650,75 776,5 807,5


This would have shown us, in a clear way, that our population was diverging in some way, and becoming less homogeneous.

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