Appendix F. Packages used in this book

R derives much of its breadth and power from the contributions of selfless authors. Table F.1 lists the user-contributed packages described in this book, along with the chapter(s) in which they appear.

Table F.1. Contributed packages used in this book





AER Christian Kleiber and Achim Zeileis Functions, data sets, examples, demos, and vignettes from the book Applied Econometrics with R by Christian Kleiber and Achim Zeileis 13
Amelia James Honaker, Gary King, and Matthew Blackwell Amelia II: A program for missing data via multiple imputation 15
arrayImpute Eun-kyung Lee, Dankyu Yoon, and Taesung Park Missing imputation for microarray data 15
arrayMissPattern Eun-kyung Lee andTaesung Park Exploratory analysis of missing patterns for microarray data 15
boot S original by Angelo Canty. R port by Brian Ripley. Bootstrap functions 12
ca Michael Greenacre and Oleg Nenadic Simple, multiple and joint correspondence analysis 7
car John Fox and Sanford Weisberg Companion to Applied Regression 1, 8, 9, 10, 11
cat Ported to R by Ted Harding and Fernando Tusell. Original by Joseph L. Schafer. Analysis of categorical-variable datasets with missing values 15
coin Torsten Hothorn, Kurt Hornik, Mark A. van de Wiel, and Achim Zeileis Conditional inference procedures in a permutation test framework 12
corrgram Kevin Wright Plot a correlogram 11
corrperm Douglas M. Potter Permutation tests of correlation with repeated measurements 12
doBy SØren HØjsgaard with contributions from Kevin Wright and Alessandro A. Leidi. Group-wise computations of summary statistics, general linear contrasts and other utilities 7
effects John Fox and Jangman Hong Effect displays for linear, generalized linear, multinomial-logit, and proportional-odds logit models 8, 9
FactoMineR Francois Husson, Julie Josse, Sebastien Le, and Jeremy Mazet Multivariate exploratory data analysis and data mining with R 14
FAiR Ben Goodrich Factor analysis using a genetic algorithm 14
fCalendar Diethelm Wuertz and Yohan Chalabi Functions for chronological and calendarical objects 4
foreign R-core members, Saikat DebRoy, Roger Bivand, and others Read data stored by Minitab, S, SAS, SPSS, Stata, Systat, dBase, and others 2
gclus Catherine Hurley Clustering graphics 1, 11
ggplot2 Hadley Wickam An implementation of the Grammar of Graphics 16
glmPerm Wiebke Werft and Douglas M. Potter Permutation test for inference in generalized linear models 12
gmodels Gregory R. Warnes. Includes R source code and/or documentation contributed by Ben Bolker, Thomas Lumley, and Randall C Johnson. Contributions from Randall C. Johnson are Copyright (2005) SAIC-Frederick, Inc. Various R programming tools for model fitting 7
gplots Gregory R. Warnes. Includes R source code and/or documentation contributed by Ben Bolker, Lodewijk Bonebakker, Robert Gentleman, Wolfgang Huber Andy Liaw, Thomas Lumley, Martin Maechler, Arni Magnusson, Steffen Moeller, Marc Schwartz, and Bill Venables Various R programming tools for plotting data 6, 9
grid Paul Murrell A rewrite of the graphics layout capabilities, plus some support for interaction 16
gvlma Edsel A. Pena and Elizabeth H. Slate Global validation of linear models assumptions 8
hdf5 Marcus G. Daniels Interface to the NCSA HDF5 library 2
hexbin Dan Carr, ported by Nicholas Lewin-Koh and Martin Maechler Hexagonal binning routines 11
HH Richard M. Heiberger Support software for Statistical Analysis and Data Display by Heiberger andHolland 9
Hmisc Frank E Harrell Jr, with contributions from many other users Harrell miscellaneous functions for data analysis, high-level graphics, utility operations, and more 2, 3, 7
kmi Arthur Allignol Kaplan-Meier multiple imputation for the analysis of cumulative incidence functions in the competing risks setting 15
lattice Deepayan Sarkar Lattice graphics 16
latticist Felix Andrews GUI for exploratory visualization 16
lavaan Yves Rosseel Functions for latent variable models, including confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modeling, and latent growth curve models 14
lcda Michael Buecker Latent class discriminant analysis 14
leaps Thomas Lumley using Fortran code by Alan Miller Regression subset selection including exhaustive search 8
lmPerm Bob Wheeler Permutation tests for linear models 12
logregperm Douglas M. Potter Permutation test for inference in logistic regression 12
longitudinalData Christophe Genolini Tools for longitudinal data 15
lsa Fridolin Wild Latent semantic analysis 14
ltm Dimitris Rizopoulos Latent trait models under item response theory 14
lubridate Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham Functions to identify and parse date-time data, extract and modify components of a date-time, perform accurate math on date-times, and handle time zones and Daylight Savings Time 4
MASS S original by Venables and Ripley. R port by Brian Ripley, following earlier work by Kurt Hornik and Albrecht Gebhardt. Functions and datasets to support Venables and Ripley’s Modern Applied Statistics with S (4th edition) 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12
mlogit Yves Croissant Estimation of the multinomial logit model 13
multcomp Torsten Hothorn, Frank Bretz Peter Westfall, Richard M. Heiberger, and Andre Schuetzenmeister Simultaneous tests and confidence intervals for general linear hypotheses in parametric models, including linear, generalized linear, linear mixed effects, and survival models 9, 12
mvnmle Kevin Gross, with help from Douglas Bates ML estimation for multivariate normal data with missing values 15
mvoutlier Moritz Gschwandtner and Peter Filzmoser Multivariate outlier detection based on robust methods 9
ncdf, ncdf4 David Pierce Interface to Unidata netCDF data files 2
nFactors Gilles Raiche Parallel analysis and non graphical solutions to the Cattell scree test 14
npmc Joerg Helms and Ullrich Munzel Nonparametric multiple comparisons 7
OpenMx Steven Boker, Michael Neale, Hermine Maes, Michael Wilde, Michael Spiegel, Timothy R. Brick, Jeffrey Spies, Ryne Estabrook, Sarah Kenny, Timothy Bates, Paras Mehta, and John Fox Advanced structural equation modeling. 14
pastecs Frederic Ibanez, Philippe Grosjean, and Michele Etienne Package for the analysis of space-time ecological series 7
piface Russell Lenth, R package interface by TobiasVerbeke Java applets for power and sample size assessment 10
playwith Felix Andrews A GTK+ graphical user interface for editing and interacting with R plots 16
poLCA Drew Linzer and Jeffrey Lewis Polytomous variable latent class analysis 14
psych William Revelle Procedures for psychological, psychometric, and personality research 7, 14
pwr Stephane Champely Basic functions for power analysis 10
qcc Luca Scrucca Quality control charts 13
randomLCA Ken Beath Random effects latent class analysis 14
Rcmdr John Fox, with contributions from Liviu Andronic, Michael Ash, Theophilius Boye, Stefano Calza, Andy Chang, Philippe Grosjean, Richard Heiberger, G. Jay Kerns, Renaud Lancelot, Matthieu Lesnoff, Uwe Ligges, Samir Messad, Martin Maechler, Robert Muenchen, Duncan Murdoch, Erich Neuwirth, Dan Putler, Brian Ripley, Miroslav Ristic, and PeterWolf. R Commander, a platform-independent basic-statistics graphical user interface for R, based on the tcltk package 11
reshape Hadley Wickham Flexibly reshape data 4, 5, 7
rggobi Duncan Temple Lang, Debby Swayne, Hadley Wickham, and Michael Lawrence An interface between R and GGobi 16
rgl Daniel Adler and Duncan Murdoch 3D visualization device system (OpenGL) 11
RJDBC Simon Urbanek Provides access to databases through the JDBC interface 2
rms Frank E. Harrell, Jr. Regression modeling strategies - about 225 function that assist with and streamline regression modeling, testing, estimations, validation, graphics, prediction, and typesetting 13
robust Jiahui Wang, Ruben Zamar, Alfio Marazzi, Victor Yohai, Matias Salibian-Barrera, Ricardo Maronna, Eric Zivot, David Rocke, Doug Martin, Martin Maechler, and Kjell Konis A package of robust methods 13
RODBC Brian Ripley and Michael Lapsley ODBC database access 2
ROracle David A. James and Jake Luciani Oracle database interfacefor R 2
rrcov Valentin Todorov Robust location and scatter estimation and robust multivariate analysis with high breakdown point 9
sampling Yves Tillé and Alina Matei Functions for drawing and calibrating samples 4
scatterplot3d Uwe Ligges Plots a three dimensional (3D) point cloud 11
sem John Fox with contributions from Adam Kramer and Michael Friendly Structural equation models 14
SeqKnn Ki-Yeol Kim and Gwan-Su Yi, CSBio lab., Information and Communications University Sequential KNN imputation method 15
sm Adrian Bowman and Adelchi Azzalini. Ported to R by B. D. Ripley up to version 2.0, version 2.1 by Adrian Bowman and Adelchi Azzalini, version 2.2 by Adrian Bowman. Smoothing methods for nonparametric regression and density estimation 6, 9
vcd David Meyer, Achim Zeileis, and Kurt Hornik Functions for visualizing categorical data 1, 6, 7, 11, 12
vegan Jari Oksanen, F. Guillaume Blanchet, Roeland Kindt, Pierre Legendre, R. B. O’Hara, Gavin L. Simpson, Peter Solymos, M. Henry H. Stevens, and Helene Wagner Ordination methods, diversity analysis, and other functions for community and vegetation ecologists 9
VIM Matthias Templ, Andreas Alfons, and Alexander Kowarik Visualization and imputation of missing values 15
xlsx Adrian A. Dragulescu Read, write, and format Excel2007 (xlsx) files 2
XML Duncan Temple Lang Tools for parsing and generating XML within R andS-Plus 2
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