


! operator
!= operator
# symbol
%a symbol
%A symbol
%B symbol
%b symbol
%d symbol
%m symbol
%Y symbol
%y symbol
* operator2nd
** operator
... option2nd
. symbol
/ operator
: symbol
? function
?? function
Λ operator2nd3rd
~ symbol
+ operator2nd
< operator
<<- operator
<= operator
== operator
> operator
>= operator
-1 symbol
3D pie charts
3D scatter plots


abline( ) function2nd
abs( ) function
absolute widths
acos( ) function
acosh( ) function
AER package
aggr( ) function, VIM package
aggregate( ) function2nd
aggregating data
AIC( ) function2nd
all subsets regression2nd
alpha option
alternative= option
Amelia package2nd3rd
analyses, excluding missing values from
analysis of variance (ANOVA)18th
  fitting models
    aov( ) function
    order of formula terms
    assessing test assumptions
    assessing test assumptions
    multiple comparisons
  one-way ANCOVA
    assessing test assumptions
    visualizing results
  as regression
  repeated measures
  terminology of
  two-way factorial
analytic packages, for large datasets
    See analysis of covariance.
ancova( ) function, HH package
AND operator
annotating datasets
    See analysis of variance.
anova( ) function2nd
Anova( ) function, car package2nd
aov( ) function
append option
apply( ) function
apropos( ) function
aq.plot( ) function, mvoutlier package
arithmetic operators
arrayImpute package2nd
arrayMissPattern package2nd
Arthritis dataset
as.character( ) function
ASCII file
as.datatype( )function
as.Date( ) function2nd
asin( ) function
asinh( ) function
aspect option
asypow package
at option
atan( ) function
atanh( ) function
attach( ) function2nd3rd
auto.key option
avPlots( ) function2nd
axes option
axis( ) function


background color (bg) option
backslash character2nd
bar plots
  fitting labels in
  for mean values
  stacked and grouped
barplot( ) function2nd
base package
batch processing
Beta distribution
bg option.
    See background color option.
bg parameter
biganalytics package
biglars package
bigmemory package
bigtabulate package
Binomial distribution
bitro.diameter variable
bivariate relationships
block comments
bmp( ) function
boot package
bootstrap package
box plots
  parallel, comparing groups with
  violin variation of
box type (bty) option
boxplot( ) function2nd
boxplots option
boxplot.stats( ) function
boxTidwell( ) function
Box-Tidwell transformations
breaks option
Brobdingnag package
bty option.
    See box type option.
bubble plots
by function
by option
byrow option
bzfile( ) function


c( ) function2nd3rd
ca package
car package2nd3rd4th5th
case identifiers2nd
case-wise deletion
cast( ) function
cat( ) function2nd
cat package2nd
categorical variables
Cauchy distribution
cbind( ) function2nd3rd4th
ceiling( ) function
cex ( ) option
cex parameter2nd
cex.axis parameter
cex.lab parameter
cex.main parameter
cex.names option
cex.sub parameter
    See confirmatory factor analysis.
character functions
character variables, converting date values to
Chi-square tests
Chi-squared (noncentral) distribution
class( ) function
cld( ) function
    See command-line interface.
close( ) function
cm.colors( ) function
cmdscale( ) function
code editors, list of
coefficients( ) function
coin package
col option2nd3rd4th5th6th7th
col.axis parameter
colClasses option2nd
col.corrgram( ) function
colfill vector
col.lab parameter
col.main parameter
color option2nd
colorRampPalett( ) function
colors, graphical parameters
colors( ) function
col.sub parameter
combine objects.
    See c( ) function.
combining graphs.
    See page arrangement of graphs.
command prompt
command-line interface (CLI)
command-line options
command-line prompt
comments, # symbol2nd
common factors
comparisons, multiple
complete( ) function
complete-case analysis
complete.cases( ) function2nd
comprehensive GUIs, for R
Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN)2nd
conditional execution
  if-else construct
  ifelse construct
  repetition and looping
  switch construct
conditioning variables2nd
confint( ) function2nd
confirmatory factor analysis (CFA)
constant residual variance
contrasts( ) function
contr.helmert function
control flow
contr.poly function
contr.SAS function
contr.sum function
contr.treatment function
conversions, type
Cook's distance2nd3rd4th
cooks.distance( ) function
cor( ) function
corrective measures
  deleting observations
    adding or deleting
corrgram( ) function, corrgram package
corrgram package2nd
corrperm package
cos( ) function
cosh( ) function
cov( ) function
cov2cor( ) function
Cox proportional hazards regression
cpairs( ) function
    See Comprehensive R Archive Network.
crimedat dataframe
crossval( ) function
crPlots( ) function2nd
curly braces
cut( ) function2nd3rd


D plots, Cook.
    See Cook's distance.
D values, Cook.
    See Cook's distance.
data( ) function
data frames2nd
  applying functions to
  attach( ), detach( ), and with( ) functions
  case identifiers
  using SQL statements to manipulate
data option2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th10th11th
data storage, outside of RAM
data structures
  data frames
    attach( ), detach( ), and with( ) functions
    case identifiers
data type, converting from one to another
database interface (DBI) related packages
database management systems (DBMSs), accessing
  DBI-related packages
  ODBC interface
data.frame( ) function
date( )function
date values
DBI related packages.
    See database interface related packages.
DBMSs, accessing.
    See database management systems, accessing.
deleting old versions of R
deletion, pairwise
demo( ) function
density( ) function
densityplot( ) function
dependent variable
detach( ) function2nd ) function ) function ) function2nd
dev.prev( ) function
dev.set( ) function
diagnostics, regression
  enhanced approach
  global validation of linear model assumption
  typical approach
diag.panel option
diff( ) function
difftime( )function
dim( ) function
  of an array
  of graphs and margins
dir.create( ) function
directory initialization file
distribution functions, normal
dmat.color( ) function, gclus package
doBy package
dollar sign character
dot plots2nd
dotchart( ) function
Durbin-Watson test
durbinWatsonTest( ) function2nd


echo option
edit( ) function
    See exploratory factor analysis.
effect( ) function2nd
  defined for ANOVA
  defined for chi-square tests
  defined for correlation
  defined for linear models2nd
  defined for test of proportions
  defined for t-test
  effect size
  effect size benchmarks
effects library
effects package2nd3rd
environment, customizing startup
environment variables
errors, independence of
escape character2nd
ES.w2( ) function
eval option
example( ) function
example.Rnw file
Excel, Microsoft
  accessing files with RODBC
  exporting data to spreadsheet
  importing data from
  missing values from analyses
exp( ) function
exploratory factor analysis (EFA)2nd
  deciding number of common factors to extract
  FactoMineR package
    extracting common
  FAiR package
  GPArotation package
  nFactors package
  other latent variable models
exponential distribution2nd
exponentiation operator
exporting data
  delimited text file
  Excel spreadsheet
  for statistical applications
expression( ) function
expression statement


F distribution
fa( ) function2nd3rd
facets, ggplot2 package
facets option
factanal( ) function
FactoMineR package2nd
factor( ) function2nd
factor intercorrelation matrix
factor pattern matrix
factor structure matrix
factorial ANOVA design
factor.plot( ) function2nd
fa.diagram( ) function2nd
FAiR package2nd
family parameter
fan plots
fan.plot( ) function
fa.parallel( ) function2nd3rd
fCalendar package2nd
ff package
fg parameter
fgui package
fig graphical parameter
fig option, in Sweave
figures, creating with fine control
file( ) function
filehash package
fill option
fine control, creating figure arrangements with
First( ) function
fit lines
fitted( ) function
fitting ANOVA models
  aov( ) function
  order of formula terms
fitting regression models, with lm( ) function
fix( ) function2nd3rd
FlexMix package
floor( ) function
fmi, fraction of missing information
font families
  examples on Windows platform
font parameter
font.axis parameter
font.lab parameter
font.main parameter
font.sub parameter
for loop
foreign package2nd3rd
format( ) function
formulas, in R2nd
frame.plot option
freq option
frequency tables
Friedman test


Gamma distribution
gap package
gclus package2nd3rd
gcolor option
genome-wide association studies (GWAS)
geom option
geometric distribution
geostatistical data
getwd( ) function2nd
GGobi program
ggplot2 package2nd
Gibbs sampling
glht( ) function, multcomp package
glm( ) function
glmPerm package
global validation, of linear model assumption
gls( ) function, nlme package
gmodels package
GPArotation package
gplots package2nd3rd4th
graph dimensions2nd
graphic output
graphic user interfaces (GUIs)2nd
  IDEs for
  for R
graphical parameters
  graph and margin dimensions
  reference lines
  symbols and lines
  text characteristics
  four systems of
  ggplot2 package
  interactive graphs
    identifying points
    iplots package
    latticist package
    playwith package
    rggobi package
    lattice package
    graphic parameters
    page arrangement
    panel functions
    variables, 2nd
gray( ) function
grep( ) function2nd
grid function
grid package2nd
grouped bar plots
grouping variables
groups option dot plots
  lattice package2nd
gsub( ) function
    See graphic user interfaces gvlma( ) function.
gvlma package2nd3rd
    See genome-wide association studies gzfile( ) function.


hat statistic
HDF5 files.
    See Hierarchical Data Format files.
hdf5 package2nd
head( ) function
header value
heat.colors( )function
height variable
height vector
heights option
help ( ) or ? function
help facilities2nd ) or ?? function
help.start( ) function
hexbin( ) function
hexbin package2nd
HH package2nd3rd
Hierarchical Data Format (HDF5) files
high-density scatter plots
high-leverage observations
hist( ) command
hist( ) function
  of bootstrapped statistics
  in ggplot2 plots
  in iplots
  in lattice plots2nd
  in scatterplot matrices
  of studentized residuals
history( ) function
Hmisc package2nd3rd4th
horiz option
hsv( ) function
hypergeometric distribution
hypothesis testing


I( ) operator2nd
ibar( ) function
ibox( ) function
identify( ) function
id.method option2nd
IDPmisc package
if-else construct
ifelse construct
if-else control structure
ihist( ) function
imap( ) function
imosaic( ) function
incomplete data.
    See missing data.
independence, of errors2nd3rd
index.cond option
indices in R
influencePlot( ) function2nd
influential observations2nd3rd
installations, updating
installed.packages( ) function2nd3rd
install.packages( ) function2nd3rd
integrated development environments (IDEs)
interaction2wt( ) function, HH package
interaction.plot( ) function2nd
interactions, multiple linear regression with
interactive graphs
  identifying points
  iplots package
  latticist package
  playwith package
  rggobi package
intermediate graphs
  bubble plots
  line charts
  mosaic plots
  scatter plots
ipairs( ) function, IDPmisc package
ipcp( ) function
iplot( ) function2nd
iplots package2nd
is.datatype( ) function
is.infinite( ) function ) function2nd
is.nan( ) function
isoMDS( ) function
isTRUE( ) operator


JGR/Deducer GUI
jpeg( ) function


kernel density estimation
kernel density plots2nd
key (or auto.key) option
keyboards, entering data from
k-fold cross-validation
kmi package2nd
Kruskal-Wallis test


labels, fitting in bar plots
labels option2nd3rd
lapply( ) function
las option
Last( ) function
latent variable models2nd
LaTeX documents, R code + (Sweave package)
lattice package2nd4th11th
  graphic parameters
  graphs types
  page arrangement
  panel functions
latticist package2nd
lavaan package2nd
layout( ) function
layout option
lcda package2nd
lcm( ) function
lcmm package
leadership data frame
leaps package2nd
legend( ) function2nd
legend option
legend.plot option
  in bar plots
  in kernel density plots
  in lattice plots
  in line plots
  in mosaic plots
  in scatter plots2nd
legend.text parameter
length( ) function2nd3rd4th
level option, cld( ) function
leverage value, of observations
.libPaths( ) function2nd
library( ) function
line( ) function
line charts
  graphical parameters
lines( ) function2nd3rd
link function
list( ) function
list-wise deletion
listwise deletion
lm( ) function2nd
lme4 package
lmer( ) function, lme4 package
lmfit list object
lmPerm package
load( ) function2nd
loadhistory( ) function
location option2nd
locator() function
loess( ) function
log( ) function
log10( ) function
logical operators
logistic regression2nd3rd4th
  interpreting parameters
lognormal distribution
logregperm package
long data format
longitudinalData package2nd
looping, repetition and
lower.panel option
lowess( ) function
ls( ) function2nd
lsa package2nd
.ls.objects( ) function
ltm package
lty option2nd
lty parameter
lty.smooth option2nd
lubridate package2nd
lwd option
lwd parameter


mad( ) function
mai parameter
main option2nd
Mallows Cp statistic
    See multivariate analysis of covariance Mann-Whitney U test.
    See multivariate analysis of variance.
manova( ) function
    See missing at random.
mar parameter
margin dimensions
marginplot( ) function, VIM package
MASS package2nd3rd4th
math annotations
mathematical functions
  applying functions to
  matrix algebra with R
  of scatter plots
matrix function
matrixplot( ) function, VIM package
max( ) function
    See missing completely at random.
md.pattern( ) function, mice package
    See multidimensional scaling.
mean( ) function2nd3rd4th
mean substitution
mean values, bar plots for
median( ) function
melt( ) function
merging datasets
  adding columns
  adding rows
metafile format, Windows
method option
mfrow parameter
    See multiple imputation mi package.
mice( ) function
mice package2nd3rd4th
Microsoft Excel, importing data from
min( ) function
minor.tick( ) function
minus sign
missing at random (MAR)
missing completely at random (MCAR)
missing data
  approaches for dealing with incomplete data
  complete-case analysis
  exploring patterns
    exploring missing data visually
    missing values, 2nd
  multiple imputation
  pairwise deletion
  rational approaches for correcting
  simple imputation
  steps in dealing with
  understanding sources and impact of
missing values
  excluding from analyses
  recoding values to missing
mix package
mixed-model ANOVA design
mlogit package
mode( ) function
MODULUS operator
mosaic( ) function, vcd library
mosaic plots
mosaicplot( ) function
mtcars data frame2nd3rd
mtext( ) function2nd
multcomp package2nd3rd
multidimensional scaling (MDS)
multiline comments
multiple comparisons
    one-way ANCOVA
    one-way ANOVA
multiple graphs per page.
    See page arrangement of graphs.
multiple imputation (MI)2nd
multiple linear regression2nd3rd
multiple regression
multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA)
multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA)2nd
  assessing test assumptions
multivariate normal data, generating
multivariate regression
mvnmle package2nd
mvoutlier package2nd
mvrnorm( ) function


    See not available.
names( ) function2nd
names.arg argument
    See not a number.
na.omit( ) function2nd
na.rm option
ncdf package2nd3rd
ncdf4 package2nd3rd
nchar( ) function
ncvTest( ) function2nd
netCDF files.
    See network Common Data Form files netCDF library, Unidata.
network Common Data Form (netCDF) files
new option
nFactors package2nd
    See null hypothesis significance testing.
nlme package
    See not missing at random.
nonlinear model, versus linear model
nonlinear regression
nonparametric regression
nonparametric tests
nonstochastic imputation
no.readonly option
normal data, generating multivariate
normal distribution functions
normal Q-Q plot
not a number (NaN)2nd
not available (NA)2nd
not missing at random (NMAR)
notched box plots
noweb file2nd
npmc package
nrows option
null hypothesis significance testing (NHST)


obcConnectExcel( ) function
oblique rotation2nd
ODBC interface.
    See Open.
  Database Connectivity
odbcConnect( ) function
    See Open Documents Format odfTable( ) function.
odfWeave package
OLS regression.
    See ordinary least squares regression.
one-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA)
  assessing test assumptions
  visualizing results
one-way between-groups ANOVA design
one-way within-groups ANOVA design
Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) interface
Open Documents Format (ODF)
openMx package2nd
OpenOffice documents, creating reports with odfWeave package
OpenOffice ODT file
options( ) function2nd
OR operator
order( ) function2nd
order of formula terms2nd
order.clusters( ) function
ordered factor
order.single( ) function, gclus package
ordinary least squares (OLS) regression
  fitting regression models with lm( ) function
  multiple linear regression
  multiple linear regression with interactions
  polynomial regression
  regression diagnostics
  simple linear regression
  variable (model) selection
  variable importance
orthogonal rotation2nd
outlier observation
outlierTest( ) function2nd3rd
  using as input


  analytic, for large datasets
  description of
  function of
  list of
page arrangement of graphs
  with base graphics
  with lattice graphs
pairs( ) function
pairwise deletion
pamm package
pan package
panel functions2nd
panel option2nd
panel.abline( ) function
panel.ellipse option
panel.grid( ) function
panel.lmline( ) function
panel.loess( ) function
panel.minmax option
panel.pie option
panel.pts option
panel.rug( ) function
panel.shade option
panel.txt option
panel.xyplot( ) function2nd
par( ) function2nd3rd4th5th6th
parallel analysis approach
parallel box plots, comparing groups with
parameters, graphic
paste( ) function2nd
pastecs package
    See principal components analysis.
pch parameter
pdf( ) function
pedantics package
period character
PHYS variable
pie charts
pie3D( ) function
piface package2nd
pin parameter
playwith package2nd
plot( ) function2nd3rd4th
plot3d( ) function, rgl package
plotmath( ) function
plotmeans( ) function, gplots package2nd ) function
plotrix package
plots, power analysis
plotting symbols, with pch parameter
    See predictive mean matching.
png( ) function
points, identifying
poisson regression2nd
  interpreting parameters
  with varying time periods
poLC package
poLCA package
polygon( ) function
polynomial regression2nd3rd4th
pool( ) function
pos option2nd
position option
postscript( ) function
power analysis13th
  hypothesis testing
  implementing with pwr package
    Chi-square tests
    effect size benchmarks
    linear models
    tests of proportions
  specialized packages
powerGWASinteraction package
powerpkg package
powerSurvEpi package
predict( ) function
predictive mean matching (pmm)
pretty() function
primary variables, in lattice functions
principal( ) function2nd3rd
principal components analysis (PCA)
  other latent variable models
  principal components
    obtaining scores
  selecting number of
    components to extract
princomp( ) function
print( ) statement
probability functions
  generating multivariate normal data
  setting seed for random number generation
profr package
prooftools package
proportions, tests of
ps parameter
pseudo-random numbers
  multivariate normal
  probability distributions
  setting the seed
psych package2nd
pundat dataframe
pwr package, implementing power analysis with
  Chi-square tests
  effect size benchmarks
  linear models
  tests of proportions
pwr.2p2n.test function
pwr.2p.test( ) function2nd
pwr.anova.test( ) function2nd3rd
pwr.chisq.test( ) function2nd
pwr.f2.test( ) function2nd
PwrGSD package
pwr.p.test function
pwr.r.test( ) function2nd3rd
pwr.t2n.test function2nd
pwr.t.test( ) function


q( ) function2nd
qcc package
qplot( ) function
qqPlot( ) function
quadratic regression
quantile( ) function2nd
quartzFonts( )function


R AnalyticFlow GUI
R CMD BATCH statement
R code + LaTeX documents (Sweave package), typesetting with
R Commander GUI
R Data Import/Export manual
.R extension
R GUI Generator (RGG)
R GUI Projects page
R icon
R programming, common mistakes in
R statements
R_HOME value
R_HOME/etc directory
R2HTML package
rainbow( ) function2nd
Random Access Memory (RAM), storing data outside of
random number generation, setting seed for
random samples
randomized block design
randomLCA package2nd
range( ) function
Rattle (for data mining) GUI
rbind( ) function2nd3rd
Rcmdr package2nd
Rcpp package
RCurl package
.RData file
readLines( ) function
read.spss( ) function
read.ssd( ) function
read.table( ) function2nd
read.xlsx( ) function
recode( ) function
recodevar( ) function
recoding, values to missing
reference lines
  ANOVA as
  corrective measures
    deleting observations
    enhanced approach
    global validation of linear model assumption
    typical approach
  measuring performance
    relative importance
    fitting regression models with lm( ) function
    multiple linear regression
    polynomial regression
    simple linear regression
  selecting model
    comparing models
    variable selection
  unusual observations
    high leverage
  varieties of
regression diagnostics
regsubsets( ) function
relaimpo package
relative importance, of variables
relative weights
relative widths
relweights( ) function
rename( ) function
rep( ) function
repeated measures, ANOVA2nd
repetition, and looping
resampling statistics2nd
reshape package2nd5th
residplot( ) function
residual versus leverage plot
residuals( ) function
results option, Sweave
    See R GUI Generator rggobi package.
rgl package2nd
.Rhistory file
RJDBC package
Rkward GUI
rm( ) function2nd3rd
rms package
RMySQL package2nd
robust MANOVA
robust package
Robust regression
RODBC package2nd
ROracle package2nd
  3D scatter plots
  principal components
round( ) function
.Rout extension
row.names option2nd
rows, adding
RPostgreSQL package2nd
Rprof( ) function
.Rprofile file file2nd
rrcov package2nd
RSiteSearch( ) function
RSQLite package2nd
R-square statistic
rug plots2nd
runif( ) function


sample( ) function
sample size quantity
samples, random
sampling package
sapply( ) function2nd
sas.get( ) function
save( ) function
savehistory( ) function
save.image( ) function
scalar values
scale( ) function2nd3rd
scales option
scan( ) function
scatter plots
scatter3d( ) function, Rcmdr package
scatterplot( ) function2nd3rd
scatterplot3d( ) function, scatterplot3d package
scatterplot3d package2nd
scatterplotMatrix( ) function2nd3rd4th
scores option
scree( ) function
sd( ) function
search( ) command
seed, setting for random number generation
SELECT statements2nd
    See structural equation modeling sem package.
seq( ) function
SeqKnn package2nd
sequence, in for statements
set.seed( ) function
setwd( ) function
Sexpr statement
shadow matrix
shape option
show.settings( ) function
shrinkage( ) function
side option2nd
signif( ) function
significance levels
simple imputation
simple linear regression2nd3rd
simulate option
sin( ) function
singer dataset
sinh( ) function
sink( ) function2nd
site initialization file
size option, in ggplot2
sm packages2nd ) function2nd
smoothScatter( ) function, base package2nd
software, updating
sorting, data management
source( ) function
speedglm package
spine( ) function
spinning 3D scatter plots
split( ) function, in bigtabulate package
split option, in lattice plots2nd
splitting output
spread option2nd
spreadLevelPlot( ) function2nd3rd
SPSS datasets.
    See Statistical Package for the Social Sciences datasets, importing data from spss. get( ) function.
    See Structured Query Language sqldf( ) function.
sqldf package
sqlDrop( ) function
sqlFetch( ) function
sqlQuery( ) function
sqlSave( ) function
sqrt( ) function
ssize.fdr package
stacked bar plots
standardizing data
startup environment customizing
statements, in R
state.x77 dataset
Statistical Analysis System (SAS) datasets, importing data from
statistical applications, exporting data for
statistical functions
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) datasets, importing data from
Stat/Transfer application, importing data via
stepAIC( ) function
stepwise regression
stop( ) function
storage, outside of RAM
str( ) function2nd
stringsAsFactors option
strip option
strsplit( ) function2nd
structural equation modeling (SEM)
Structured Query Language (SQL)
sub( ) function
sub option
subset( ) function
subsets( ) function
subsetting datasets
  selecting observations
  selecting variables
  subset( ) function
substr( ) function
sum( ) function2nd3rd
sum of squares
  Type I (sequential)
  Type II (hierarchical)
  Type III (marginal)
summary( ) function2nd3rd
summary.aov( ) function
summaryRprof( ) function
Sweave( ) function2nd
Sweave package (R code + LaTeX documents), typesetting with
switch construct
  graphical parameters
  plotting with pch parameter
  in R formulas
symbols( ) function
Sys.Date( ) function
Sys.getenv( ) function
system.time( ) function


t( ) function
tab-delimited files
table( ) function2nd
tabulating missing values
tail( ) function
tan( ) function
tanh( ) function
tapply( ) function
tck option
terrain.colors( )function
Test of proportions
TeX file
text( ) function
text characteristics, graphical parameters
text output
text.col ( ) option
text.panel option
tick marks
tiff( ) function
time-series regression
time-stamping data
title( ) function2nd3rd
title option
tolower( ) function
topo.colors( )function
toupper( ) function
transform( ) function
transformations, of variables
transmission disequilibrium test (TDT)
trellis.par.get( ) function
trellis.par.set( ) function
trt2times variable
trunc( ) function
twiddler package
two-way ANOVA design
two-way factorial ANOVA2nd
type conversions
Type I (sequential) approach
Type II (hierarchical) approach
Type III (marginal) approach
type option


unbalanced design
Unidata netCDF library
unz( ) function
update( ) function
update.packages( ) function2nd
updating installations
upper.panel option
url( ) function
user-written functions2nd


validation, of linear model assumption
value labels
var( ) function
variable <- expression statement
variable labels
variable[condition] <- expression statement
variance inflation factor (VIF)
varimax rotation
varwidth option
vcd package2nd3rd4th5th
vcov( ) function
vegan package
    See variance inflation factor.
vif( ) function2nd
vignette( ) function
VIM package2nd3rd
violin plots
vioplot( ) function
vioplot package


warning( ) function
which( )function
while loop
widths option
Wilcoxon rank sum test
Wilks.test( ) function, rrcov package
Windows metafile format
windowsFont( ) function
win.metafile( ) function
with( ) function2nd3rd4th
within( ) function
write.foreign( ) function
write.table( ) function
write.xlsx( ) function


xaxt option
xfig( ) function
xlab option2nd3rd
xlim option2nd
xlsx package2nd3rd
XML files, importing data from
XML package2nd
xtable( ) function2nd
xtable package
xyplot( ) function
xzfile( ) function


yaxt option
ylab option2nd3rd
ylim option2nd

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