C Notations and symbols

A real x is a member of 2ω or ωω. A string is a member of either 2<ω or ω<ω. Strings are denoted σ, τ etc.

If x is a real, then xn is a finite string σ of length n such that for all i < n, σ(i)= x(i).

If σ is a finite string, then |σ| is its length.

xσ means x ↾|σ|= σ.

[σ]={x | xωωxσ}.

If f is a function, then Dom(f) denotes the domain of f, and Rang(f) its range. Dom(σ) and Rang(σ) carry the obvious meaning where σ is considered as a finite function.

If T is a tree, then [T]={x | xωω ∧(∀n)(xnT)}.

Given a set A, image(A)={B | BA} is the power set of A.

T denotes Turing reduction.

x′ is the Turing jump of x.

xy is the real z such that z(2n)= x(n) and z(2n + 1)= y(n).

〈⋅, ⋅〉 is a recursion bijection from ω2 to ω.

For any n and x ∈ 2ω, x[n] ={m | 〈n, m〉 ∈ x}.

If A is a set, then image(A) denotes the power set of A.

A ⊆ 2ω or ωω is image or image (resp. image or image) if it is image or image (resp. image or image definable with real number parameters.

Given a partial ordering 〈P, ≤〉, p|q means p and q are incomparable, i.e. p image q and q image p.

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