7 Classification of jump operators

The Turing jump operator xx′ is degree invariant, i.e. if xT y then x′ ≡T y′. The property of degree invariance is a fundamental property of the operator that motivated the introduction of Martin’s conjecture (§ 6.6.5). In this chapter we discuss a stronger one called uniform degree invariance and give a classification of functions that satisfy this property.

7.1 Uniformly degree invariant functions

Definition 7.1.1.

If e = 〈e0, e1〉, we say that xT y via e if x = image and y = image;

a function F : 2ω → 2ω is uniformly degree invariant on a cone C = {x | xT z} with base z if there is a function t : ωω such that for any x, yT z with xT y via e, we have F(x)≡T F(y) via t(e).

Note that in the definition above, the value of t(e) is independent of the reals x, y.

In 1967, Sacks made a conjecture on the existence of a degree invariant function xWx for a general solution of Post’s problem. This conjecture contradicts Martin’s conjecture since the latter asserts that any such function must be at least as strong as the jump operator:

Conjecture 7.1.2 (Sacks[119]). There is a image-predicate W ⊆ 2ω × ω such that, if Wx = {n | W(x, n)}, then x <T Wx < xand for any yT x, WxT Wy.

In 1975, Lachlan [80] proved that this conjecture failed for uniformly degree invariant W.

7.1.1 Nonincreasing uniformly degree invariant functions

Uniformly degree invariant functions are well-behaved under ZF + DC + AD. The following theorem says that a uniformly degree invariant function is either a constant or increasing on a cone.

Theorem 7.1.3. (Slaman and Steel [142]). Assume ZF + DC + AD. If F is uniformly degree invariant and not increasing on a cone, then F is a constant on a cone.

We decompose the proof of Theorem 7.1.3 into a series of lemmas. Let F be uniformly degree invariant via t and not increasing on a cone.

Lemma 7.1.4. Assume ZF+DC+AD. If F is uniformly degree invariant and nonincreasing on a cone, then F(x) <T x on a cone.

Proof. Suppose that F is uniformly degree invariant and not increasing on a cone. Then the set {x | F(x) ≱T x} is cofinal in the Turing degrees. By Proposition 6.6.5, there is a pointed tree T such that F is uniformly degree invariant on T via a function t : ωω and F(x) ≱T x for any x ∈ [T].

Given x, let x+(i) = x(i + 1) for i < ω. Let Aωω be such that x = x0x1A if and only if either image ∉ 2ω or

image ∈ 2ω;

x0(0) = 〈e, n〉 for some e, n < ω;

either x0T x1 or F(image)(n) = 0 ⇔ x1(x1(0)) ≠ 0 and

image ∈ [T] ∧ image = x1.

Consider a two person game image played by I and II, choosing numbers alternately as usual. By AD, either I or II has a winning strategy for image. Suppose that I has a winning strategy image. We show that xT F(x) on the cone above Timage, which will give a

Let z0t Timage and image = mz0 for m < ω. Let image be the real in [T] played by I in response to II playing image, i.e. image(image) = 〈e0, n0image, where 〈e0, n0〉 codes the pair of numbers e0, n0 and image(image) = 〈e0, n0〉 is the first move dictated by image. Since I wins, xm = imageimageA for every m. As imageT image, we have imageT image. Then for every m,

F((image)+)(n0) = 0 ⇔ image(m) = 1.

Since image = image and image = mz0, there is an i such that image = (image for every m. Similarly, there is a j such that image = (image)+ for every m. Hence for each m, (image)+T (image via 〈i, j〉, and so F((image)+)≡T F((image) via t(i, j) = 〈i′, j′〉. Since F is degree invariant and z0T imageT (image)+, we have image = F((image)+) for some k. Let lm = F((image)+)(n0). Note that F((image)+) = image and F((image) = image. So {lm}mω is F(z0)-recursive. Note that z0(m) = image(m + 1) = 1 − lm+1. Thus z0T F(z0), a contradiction.

Hence II has a winning strategy image. We show that F(x)<T x on the cone above Timage. Fix a real x0 ∈ [T] so that x0T Timage. By the Recursion Theorem relativized to x0, there is an e0 such that image(〈e0, nx0)(m) = image(〈n, m〉) for every n, m. For each n, let image = image(〈e0, nx0). Since II wins, it must be the case that x0T image and F(image)(n) = image(image(0)). Then

F(image)(n) = image(image(0)) = image(〈n, image(〈n,0〉)〉)

and so F(x0) ≤T x0. Since F is degree invariant, we conclude that F(x) <T x on a cone.

By Lemma 7.1.4, fix x0 such that F(x) <T x on the cone {x | xT x0}. Then there is an e0 such that the set C = {x | image0 = F(x) ∧ xT x0} is cofinal. By Proposition 6.6.5, there is a perfect tree T0 and a number i such that [T0] ⊆ C and T0 = image for every x ∈ [T0].

Lemma 7.1.5. There exists a perfect tree T1T0 such that T1T T0 and F is either injective or a constant on [T1].

Proof. If there exists a σT0 such that image0 = image for all x, y ∈ [T0] ∩ [σ], then let T1 = T0 ∩ {τ ∈ 2<ω | τσ}. Obviously F is a constant on [T1]. Otherwise, T0-recursively finds a perfect subtree T1T0 such that F is injective on [T1].

By Lemma 7.1.5, we may assume that F is injective on T0.



Then S0 is a T0-recursive perfect tree so that Φe0 is a homeomorphism from [T0] to [S0].

Since T0 is perfect, let p : 2<ωT0 be an order-preserving, T0-recursive bijection. Then p may be viewed as a homeomorphism from 2ω to [T0]. Let π : 2<ω → 2<ω be a recursive function such that for any σ and i < 2, π(σi) = π(σ)i if σ ≠ image and σ(j) = 1 for some j <|σ|; else π(σi) = σ(1 − i) . Then π can be viewed as a homeomorphism from 2ω to 2ω by letting π(x) = imagen π(xn). Let

p0 = pπp−1.

Then p0 is a homeomorphism from T0 to T0. We leave it to the reader to verify the following lemma.

Lemma 7.1.6. For any σ, {π(n)(σ)}n<2|σ| is a permutation of 2|σ|.

Let p1 = Fp0F−1 be a homeomorphism from [S0] to [S0] and fix an x0 ∈ [T0]. Since T0 is uniformly pointed, there is a pair (i0, j0) such that for any n, image(x0) ≡T image(x0) via (i0, j0). Then F(image(x0)) ≡T F(image(x0)) via (i1, j1) = t(i0, j0). Note that for any n, F(image(x0)) = image(F(x0)). So the real ⊕n<ωimage(F(x0)) is recursive in image(x0) = F(x0).

Given a perfect tree T and a number n, we say that a finite tree ST codes a 2n copy of T if

S is isomorphic to 2n;

for any τT S, there exists an end node σS such that τσ.

Lemma 7.1.7. S0 is recursive in F(x0).

Proof. Note that we may view F : [T0] → [S0] as a homeomorphism. Hence for any σ, there is an m such that p−1(F−1((F(x0)↾ m))) is of length 2|σ|. By Lemma 7.1.6, {π(n)(p−1(F−1((F(x0)↾ m))))}n<2|σ| is a permutation of 2|σ|. Since both F and p are homeomorphisms, the finite tree


codes a 2|σ| copy of S0.

Thus σS0 if and only if σimage. Obviously image can be effectively computed from {image(F(x0))}n<2|σ|. Hence S0T F(x0).

This shows that S0 is a pointed tree. Then there exists an x1 ∈ [S0] such that T0S0T x1. Since Φe0 is a homeomorphism from T0 to S0, it is not difficult to see that the unique real y ∈ [T0] such that image = x1 is recursive in x1. In other words, F(y) = x1T y, a contradiction.

7.1.2 Exercise

Exercise 7.1.1. Prove Lemma 7.1.6.

7.2 Martin’s conjecture for uniformly degree invariant functions

The results discussed in this section are due to Steel [159].

Lemma 7.2.1. Assume ZF + AD + DC. ThenM is a linear ordering on the collection of functions which are increasing and uniformly degree invariant.

Proof. Suppose that F and G are increasing uniformly degree invariant functions via t on a cone {x | xT z0}. Define a set Aωω so that x0x1A if and only if either image ∉ 2ω or

image ∈ 2ω;

image = image where x0(0) = 〈e0, n0〉, and

either imageimage or n0F(image) ⇔ n1G(image) where x1(0) = 〈e1, n1〉.

Consider a two person game image played by I and II on A, with I playing 〈e0, n0〉 as the first move. Suppose that I has a winning strategy image for image. Fix areal yT imagez0t. By the Recursion Theorem relativized to y, for any number m, there is an image such that image = (image(image))+ where image = (〈image, m〉)y. Note that the function mimage is recursive. Let image = image(image) and image(0) = 〈image, image〉. Note that the function m ↦〈image, image〉 is y-recursive (actually a constant function). Since image is a winning strategy for I, image = y and


Note that (image)+T y via (image, image), and so we have F((image)+) ≡T F(y) via t(image, image) = (image, image). Since F(y) ≥T y, tT y and m ↦ (image, image) is y-recursive, the function m ↦ (image, image) is F(y)-recursive. Then for any m, we may F(y)-recursively find image and image such that image(image) = F((image)+)(image) = 1 − G(y)(m). Hence G(y) ≤T F(y) and so GM F.

If II has a winning strategy, then by a similar argument one shows that FM G. Given x and y, we say that xm y via (e0, e1) if there are two recursive functions Φe0 and Φe1 such that for any n,

nyΦe0(n) ∈ x; and

nxΦe1(n) ∈ y.

Lemma 7.2.2. Assume ZF+AD+DC. If F and G are increasing uniformly degree invariant functions via t such that F <M G, then F′ ≤M G.

Proof. Suppose that F <M G on the cone {x | xT z0} but F′ ≰M G. Let p : 2<ωω be a recursive bijection and for any x, let G1(x) = y where

y = {n |(∀m)(p(G(x)↾ m) ≠ n)}.

Then for each x, G1(x) ≡T G(x). Moreover, since G is uniformly degree invariant, so is G1.

We apply the same method as that in Lemma 7.2.1. Define Aωω such that x0x1A if and only if either image ∉ 2ω or

image ∈ 2ω

image = image where x0(0) = 〈e0, n0〉, and

either imageimage or n0F′(image) ⇔ n1G1(image), where x1(0) = 〈e1, n1〉.

A game image is played by the two players I and II. As in Lemma 7.2.1, if II has a winning strategy for image, then F′ ≤M G1 which is a contradiction.

Hence I has a winning strategy image for image. Fix yT imagez0t. By the Recursion Theorem relativized to y, for each m there is an image such that image = (image(image))+ where image = 〈image, my. Note that the function mimage is recursive. Let image = image(image) and image(0) = 〈image, image〉. The function m ↦〈image, image〉 is y-recursive. Since image is a winning strategy for I, image = y and


Note that (image)+T y via (image, image). We then have F((image)+) ≡T F(y) via t(image, image) = (image, image). Since tT y and m ↦ (image, image) is y-recursive, the function m ↦ (image, image) is y-recursive as well. Hence there is a y-recursive function m ↦ (jm0, jm1) such that F′((image)+) ≡m F′(y) via (image, image). Thus for any m, one may y-recursively find image and an image such that


Since F(y) ≥T y, the set E1 = {m | F′(y)(image(image)) = 1} is infinite and F(y)-r.e. Let E2E1 be infinite F(y)-recursive. Then for any mE2, there is an nm such that p−1(m) = G1(y)↾ nm. Thus G(y)≤T F(y) and so GM F, contradicting the hypothesis. We conclude that F ′ ≤M G.

Now suppose that there is a ≤M-sequence {Fn}n<ω such that for each n,

(a)Fn is uniformly degree invariant via tn, and

(b)Fn+1 <M Fn on the cone {x | xT zn}.

Let z = ⊕n<ωzn and t(n, e0, e1) = tn(e0, e1). For each n, we define sets An and Bn for the pair (Fn+1, Fn) to be the corresponding set A in Lemma 7.2.1 and Lemma 7.2.2 respectively. Then for every n, I has a winning strategy imagen for image and II has a winning strategy imagen for image. Let y = zt ⊕ (⊕n<ω imagen) ⊕ (⊕nω imagen). Then as in the proof of Lemma 7.2.1, there is a y-arithmetical relation P(x0, x1) such that for any n, Fn+1(y) is the unique real x for which P(x, Fn(y)) holds. Note that by Lemma 7.2.2, Fn+1(y)≤T Fn(y) for every n.

Proposition 7.2.3. (Steel [157]). Let R ⊆ 2ω × 2ω be an arithmetical relation. If {xn}n<ω is a sequence of reals such that xn+1 is the unique y satisfying R(y, xn), then for some n, imageT xn.

Proof. Suppose for the sake of contradiction that imageT xn for each n. Define


By assumption on the sequence {xn}n<ω, for any n we have

(∀i)(∀j)(P(xn, i, j) ⇔ (∃k > j)(i ∉ (xn+k)(j+1))).

Since P is arithmetical, there exist m and e such that


Then for any n, i, j,


Setting j = m, there is an e0 such that for every i,


When i = e0, we have for any n,


Thus e0 ∈ (x0)(m+1) if and only if (∃k0 > m+1)(e0 ∉ (xk0)(m+1)), and e0 ∈(xk0)(m+1) if and only if(∃k1 > m + 1)(e0 ∉ (xk0+k1)(m+1)). Then e0 ∈ (x0)(m+1) if and only if e0 ∈ (xk0+k1)(m+1). By the equivalence above again, e0 ∈ (x0)(m+1) if and only if e0 ∉ (x0)(m+1), a contradiction.

Relativizing Proposition 7.2.3 to y, there is an n such that Fn+1(y)′ ≰T Fn(y), which contradicts our assumption on the sequence {Fn}n<ω and Lemma 7.2.2. We therefore have:

Lemma 7.2.4. Assume ZF+AD+DC, the partial orderM on increasing uniformly degree invariant functions is well-ordering.

In conclusion, we have the following theorem.

Theorem 7.2.5. (Steel [159], Slaman and Steel [142]). Assume ZF + AD + DC, Martin’s conjecture (6.6.9) holds for uniformly degree invariant functions.

Remark 7.2.6. H. Friedman [30] proved that there is a hyperarithmetic predicate R and a sequence {xn}n<ω such that imageT xn and xn+1 is the unique y satisfying R(y, xn).

7.2.1 Exercises

Exercise 7.2.1. Prove that there exists an arithmetical predicate P such that for any n > 0, there exists a sequence {xj}in satisfying: (i) for any i<n, imageT xi, (ii) P(xi+1, xi) and (iii) if P(y, xi) then y = xi+1.

Exercise 7.2.2. Prove that there is an arithmetical predicate R and a <h-descending sequence {xn}n<ω such that for any n, xn+1 is the unique real y satisfying R(y, xn).

7.3 The Posner–Robinson Theorem

7.3.1 The original Posner–Robinson Theorem

Theorem 7.3.1. (Posner and Robinson [114]). For any nonrecursive xT image′, there is a g such that xgT g′ ≡T image′.

Thus given a nonrecursive image-real x, Theorem 7.3.1 says that there is a g relative to which x is its Turing jump.

Proof. To prove this, we use a method due to Jockusch and Shore [57]. Fix x >T image to be image. We may assume that x is not r.e. For every e, consider the following statement:


Since x is not r.e., (♯e) is true for every e. We construct g by induction.

Step 0: Define g0 = image.

Step s + 1:

Substep 1. Define g(s, 1) = image.

Substep 2. Find the least n such that either




By (♯s), such an n exists. In the first case, define gs+1 = g(s, 1)0n1. In the second case, select the lexicographically least τ such that τg(s, 1)0n1(image(s)[|τ|] ↓). Define gs+1 = g(s, 1)τ.

Let g = images<ω gs. Note that the construction is uniformly ximage′-recursive. Hence image′ ≥T gx. We show that image′(s) and gs are uniformly gx-recursive. Suppose we have computed gs and image′(s). Then image′(s + 1) = g(|gs|+ 1). To compute gs+1, search for the unique n such that (g ↾|gs|+ 1)0n1 ≺ g. By the construction, either

(1)nx or

(2)nx and there is a τ ⪰(g ↾|gs|+ 1)0n1 such that τg and image(s)[|τ|] ↓.

If (1) holds, then g(s + 1) =(g ↾|gs|+ 1)0n1. If (2) holds, then there is a unique τ ⪰ (g ↾|gs|+ 1)0n1 such that τg and image(s)[|τ|] ↓. It follows that gs+1 = τ.

Thus image′ ≡T gx.

To prove g′ ≤T gimage′, observe that for every e there is an n such that either Φgne(e)↓ or image(e)↑ for any τgn. Using this, one verifies immediately that g′ ≤T gimage′.

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