7.3.2 A transfinite Posner–Robinson Theorem

Theorem 7.3.1 may be iterated into the transfinite in several different ways. Here is the first version.

Theorem 7.3.2. (Slaman and Steel [142]). Let 0 < image and let z be a real such that image(γ) <T z for each γ<β. Then there is a g such that gzT g(β).

The rest of the section is devoted to a proof of Theorem 7.3.2.

Let aimage. The first step is to introduce an enumeration of arithmetical predicates indexed by |a|. By Theorem 1.3.4, the set {b | b <o a} is r.e. Applying the Recursion Theorem, we may assume that there is a partial recursive function Φ : ω2ω such that for each b <o a, {Φ(b, i)}i<ω is an enumeration of the set of Gödel numbers of “image-predicates”. To simplify notations, we identify a predicate with its Gödel number.

We introduce an enumeration of image-predicates by induction. The enumeration of image-predicates is standard. If b = 2cimage and b <o a, then a predicate P(x, n) is the i-th image-predicate, or P(x, n) = PΦ(b,i)(x, n), if P(x, n) ⇔ (∃mQ(x, 〈n, m〉) where Q(x, 〈n, m〉) is the i-th image-predicate.

If b = 3 ⋅ 5eimage and b <o a, then a predicate P(x, n) is the i-th image-predicate, or P(x, n) = PΦ(b,i)(x, n), if P(x, n) ⇔ PΦ(p(Φi(n)))(x, n), where p(Φi(n)) =(i0(n), i1(n)) so that i0(n)<o b for every n. The next lemma is proved by induction on the notation of b and is left to the reader.

Lemma 7.3.3. There exist recursive functions f : ωω and g : ωω2 such that for any b <o a,

(i)if b = 1 or 2c, then PΦ(b,f(b))T image via g(b);

(ii)if b = 3 ⋅ 5e <o a, then PΦ(b,f(b))T image via g(b).

We now define a notion of Cohen forcing over image-predicates for b <o a. If P(x, n) is a image-predicate, then there is a partial recursive function Φx(n) such that P(x, n) ⇔ Φx(n)↓. Define σP(x, n) if and only if Φσ(n)↓.

If b = 2cimage, b <o a, and P(x, n) is image, then P(x, n) ⇔ (∃mQ(x, 〈n, m〉). Define σP(x, n) ⇔ (∃m)(σQ(x, 〈n, m〉)).

If b = 3 ⋅ 5eimage, b <o a, and P(x, n) is a image-predicate, then P(x, n) ⇔ PΦ(p(Φi(n)))(x, n) for some i. Define σP(x, n) ⇔ σPΦ(p(Φi(n)))(x, n).

Given b <o a, if P(x, n) is a image-predicate, then σ ⊩¬P(x, n) ⇔ (∀τσ)(τ ⊭ P(x, n)).

The verification of the following lemma is also left to the reader.

Lemma 7.3.4. There is a partial recursive function h : ω2 × 2 → ω such that for any b <o a,

(i)if b = 1 or 2c, then (∀n)(∀m)((σPΦ(b,n)(x, m) ↔ image(σ, m) = 1) ∧ (σ ⊩¬PΦ(b,n)(x, m) ↔ image(σ, m) = 0));

(ii)if b = 3 ⋅ 5e, then (∀n)(∀m)((σPΦ(b,n)(x, m) ↔ image(σ, m) = 1) ∧ (σ ⊩¬PΦ(b,n)(x, m)↔ image(σ, m) = 0)).

A real g is a-generic if for any b <o a and image-predicate P(x, n) there is an m such that either gmP(x, n) or gm ⊩¬P(x, n). This yields the following truth lemma:

Lemma 7.3.5. Suppose that g is a-generic. For any m, n and b <o a, PΦ(b,n)(g, m) if and only if there is a k such that gkPΦ(b,n)(x, m), and ¬PΦ(b,n)(g, m) if and only if there is a k such that gk ⊩¬PΦ(b,n)(x, m).

Lemma 7.3.6. If g is a-generic, then there is a partial recursive function r such that for any b <o a

if b = 1 or 2c, then image = image;

if b = 3 ⋅ 5e, then image = image.

Proof. We give the proof for the case when the notation of b is a successor, and leave the limit case to the reader.

If b = 1, then by Lemma 7.3.3, nimage if and only if PΦ(1,n)(g, n). By Lemma 7.3.5, there exists a k such that either gkPΦ(1,n)(g, n) or gk ⊩¬PΦ(1,n)(g, n). By Lemma 7.3.4, this is decidable by image(gk, n). Hence image = image for some i. Let r(1) = i.

If b = 2c, then by Lemma 7.3.3, nimage if and only if PΦ(b,n)(g, n). By Lemma 7.3.5, there exists a k such that either gkPΦ(b,n)(g, n) or gk ⊩¬PΦ(b,n)(g, n). Since PΦ(b,n)(g, n) ⇔ (∃m)PΦ(c,n)(g, n, m), we have

(∃m)(gkPΦ(c,n)(g, n, m))) ∨ (∀τgk)(∀m)(τ ⊭¬PΦ(c,n)(g, n, m))).

By Lemma 7.3.4, this is decidable by either gimage = gH2b (c = 2d for some d) or gimageT gH2b (c = 3 ⋅ 5e for some e). Hence image = image for some i, a number which may be effectively computed from b. Let r(b) = i.

We are now ready to prove Theorem 7.3.2. We establish the case where β is a successor ordinal and leave the limit case to the reader.

Let aimage so that |a|= β. Fix z >T Hb for all b <o a. We may assume that z is not r.e. in Hb for any b <o a. Given b <o a and i, j<ω, consider the following statement:


Since z is not r.e. in Hb for b <o a, by Lemma 7.3.4, (♯b,n) is true for every b <o a and n<ω. We construct g in stages as the union of the sequence {gs}s<ω ⊆ 2<ω with g0g1g2 ≺ ….

Let {〈bs, 〈is, js〉〉}s<ω be an enumeration of {b | b <o a} × ω2.

Stage 0: Let g0 = image.

Stage s + 1:

Substage 1. Define g(s, 1) = gsz(s)Ha(s).

Substage 2. Define g(s, 2) = g(s, 1)0b s ,〈is ,js〉〉1.

Substage 3.

Case (i): 2bsa. Define g(s, 3) = g(s, 2)0es 1 where es is an index so that image = image (bs = 2c for some c) or image = image (bs = 3 ⋅ 5e for some e).

Case (ii): 2bs = a. Let g(s, 3) = g(s, 2)0es 1 where es is an index such that image = image(bs = 2c for some c) or image = image (bs = 3 ⋅ 5e for some e).

Substage 4. Find the least n such that either

nzg(s, 3)0n1 ⊩¬PΦ(bs,is)(x, js)


n ∉ z ∧ (∃τg(s, 3)0n1)(τPΦ(bs,is)(x, js)).

By (♯bs,〈is,js), such a number n exists. If it satisfies the first half of the disjunction, define gs+1 = g(s, 3)0n1. Otherwise, select the lexicographically least τ such that τg(s, 3)0n1 and τPΦ(bs,is)(x, js)). Define gs+1 = g(s, 3)τ.

Let g = images<ω g.

It is clear that g is a-generic. By Lemma 7.3.6, imageT gHa. By Lemma 7.3.4, the construction can be decoded by gHa. So zgT gHaT image.

To prove that zgT image, it is sufficient to decode the construction by zg and compute Ha. To do this, we go through the same steps as in the proof of Theorem 7.3.1. Suppose we know gs. Then z(s + 1) = g(|gs| + 1) and Ha(s) = g(|gs|2). Then one obtains (bs, is, js) by calculating g(s, 2). By calculating g(s, 3), we find an es such that image computes the set {(σ, is, js)| σPΦ(bs,is)(x, js)}. To compute gs+1, search for the unique number n such that (g ↾|g(s, 3)|)0n1 ≺ g. By the construction, either

(1)nz or

(2)nz and there is a τg(s, 3)0n1(τPΦ(bs,is)(x, js)).

If (1) holds, then gs+1 = (g ↾|g(s, 3)|)0n1. If (2) holds, then there is a unique τg(s, 3)0n1such that τPΦ(bs,is)(x, js). We may use image to find the τ. Then gs+1 = τ and we conclude that zgT Ha.

7.3.3 Further generalizations

Another generalization of the Posner–Robinson Theorem (7.3.1) into the transfinite is as follows:

Theorem 7.3.7. (Shore and Slaman [134]). For any recursive ordinal β, if x ≰T image(γ) for γ < β, then there is a g such that xgT g(β).

Theorem 7.3.7 is proved by a forcing argument (Kumabe–Slaman forcing) different from Cohen forcing, and is used to show the definability of the complete Turing degree 0′ (see Exercise 7.3.3). On the other hand, it is possible to extend Theorem 7.3.1 beyond recursive ordinals. This was shown by Woodin using a set-theoretic argument:

Theorem 7.3.8. (Woodin [169]). If z is not hyperarithmetic, then there is a g such that zgT imageg.

7.3.4 Exercises

Exercise 7.3.1. Prove Lemma 7.3.3 and Lemma 7.3.4.

Exercise 7.3.2. Prove, without using Theorem 7.3.8, that if x >T image(β) for β < image, then there is a g such that xgT g(β) for all β < image.

Exercise 7.3.3 (Shore and Slaman [134]). Using Theorem 7.3.7, prove that if for some n > 1, the function xx(n) is definable inimage, ≤〉 where image is the collection of Turing degrees, then the function xxis also definable inimage, ≤〉.

7.4 Classifying order-preserving functions on 2ω

We say that f : 2ωω1 is degree invariant if xT y implies f(x) = f(y).

Lemma 7.4.1. Suppose that f : 2ωω1 is degree invariant and f(x) < image on a cone. Then f is a constant on a cone.

Proof. Suppose that f : 2ωω1 is Turing invariant and f(x) < image on {x | xT z0}. For any e, let Ae = {x | xT z0image is a well-ordering of order type f(x)}. Then there is an e0 such that Ae0 is cofinal. By Proposition 6.6.5, there is a pointed tree T0 such that xAe0 for x ∈ [T0]. We claim that there is a countable ordinal α0 such that f(x) < α0 for x ∈ [T0]. Otherwise for any x, x ∈ WO1 if and only if there exists a y ∈ [T0] and an order-preserving function f from x into image. In other words, WO1 is image(T0), a contradiction.

By Proposition 6.6.5 again, there is a pointed tree T1T0 and a countable ordinal α1 < α0 such that f(x) = α1 for any x ∈ [T1].

If F : 2ω → 2ω is degree invariant, then it is order preserving if for any xT y, F(x) ≤T F(y).

Theorem 7.4.2. (Slaman and Steel [142]). Assume ZF+AD+DC. Suppose that F : 2ω → 2ω is order preserving and increasing on a cone. Then either

(i)there is an α<ω1 such that on a cone, F(x)≡T x(α), or

(ii)on a cone, F(x) <T x(α) for any α < image.

Proof. Assume that F is increasing on the cone C. If (ii) is not true for F, then by Lemma 7.4.1 and Proposition 6.6.5, there exists an ordinal α < ω1 such that x(α) ≮T F(x) on a cone C1C. Let α0 be the least such ordinal. Then F(x)>T x(β) for any β < α0. We may assume that image > α0.

Let x0C1. By relativizing Theorem 7.3.2 to x0, there is a yT x0 such that yF(x0) ≡T y(α0). Since F is order preserving and increasing, F(y) ≥T yF(x0) ≡T y(α0). Thus F(y) ≡T y(α0). It follows that the set {x | F(x)≡T x(α0)} is cofinal. By Proposition 6.6.5 again, F(x) ≡T x(α0) on a cone.

7.4.1 Exercise

Exercise 7.4.1. Assume ZF + AD + DC. Suppose that F is order preserving and increasing on a cone. Then either

(i)(∃α<ω1)(F(x)≡T x(α)) on a cone, or

(ii)F(x) ≥T imagex on a cone.

7.5 Pressdown functions

A function F : 2ω → 2ω is pressdown on a cone C if F(x) <T x for xC. By Theorem 7.1.3, every uniformly degree invariant function that is pressdown on a cone is a constant on a cone. We prove in this section a stronger result.

Theorem 7.5.1. (Slaman and Steel [142]). Assume ZF+AD+DC. If F is a degree invariant pressdown function on a cone, then F is constant on a cone.

Proof of Theorem 7.5.1. Suppose that F is a degree invariant pressdown function on a cone C = {x | xT z} for some z. By Proposition 6.6.5, there is an e0 and a pointed tree T such that F(x) = image0 for all x ∈ [T]. By Lemma 7.1.5, we may assume that Φe0 is a homeomorphism from [T] to a perfect set [S].

Without loss of generality, we may assume that for any splitting node σT, image is incompatible with image. The plan is to find two reals x0, x1T T in [T] such that imageimageT T. Since F is degree invariant and T is pointed, F(x0x1) ≡T F(x0) ≡T F(x0) ⊕ F(x1) ≥T TT x0x0. Then we have a contradiction to the assumption that F(x) <T x on C. The following lemma says that for x ∈ [T], the growth rate of any function hT x is controlled by F(x).

Lemma 7.5.2. Suppose that x ∈ [T] and hT x. For each e, let le be a function recursive in image so that

le(0) = 0



Then there is an e such that le is total and (∃m)(∀nm)(h(le(n)) < le(n + 1)).

Proof. Without loss of generality, we may assume that h is increasing. Suppose that the lemma is false. We construct a real yT x in [T] such that imageT image. By shrinking T if necessary, we may assume that xT T. Since T is pointed, we have yT x but imageT image, a contradiction.

The construction is by full approximation recursive in x. We shall construct an x-recursive sequence σ0σ1 … and let y = images<ω σs. At any stage s, we may declare a number e to be discarded.

Let σ0 = image.

At stage s + 1, let τσs be the immediate splitting node in T so that image(ks)↓ ≠ image(ks)↓ for some ks. For i ≤ 1, let τiτi be the next immediate splitting node in T so that imageimagefor some image > ks.

Search for the least es which has not been discarded and


If there exists such an e, then let σs+1 = τi where i is the least number such that


and discard e. Otherwise, let σs+1 = σs.

Clearly yT x. Suppose that image = image for some e. By the assumption, for any m there exists an nm such that h(le(n)) ≥ le(n + 1). Let s0 be a stage large enough so that no e′ ≤ e is discarded after s0. Then there is a least n >|σs0|+ s0 such that h(le(n)) ≥ le(n + 1). Let s1 be the largest stage ≥ s0 so that ks1le(n). Then at stage s1 + 1, either image or image is greater than le(n). Hence |τ0|+|τ1|> le(n). Since ks+1le(n + 1), we have image (ks)[h(|τ0| + |τ1|)] ↓. In other words, e is discarded at stage s1 + 1.

Let t be a T-recursive increasing function such that for any k and σ ∈ 2t(k)T, |image| = k. Let π : ω<ωT be a function defined by induction as follows:

π(image) = σ where σ is the splitting node in T such that every τT is compatible with σ;

(∀σ)(π(σi) = π(σ)τ), where π(σ)τ is a splitting node in T for which there is a finite sequence π(σ) = σ0σ1σt(i)τ such that for each jt(i), σj is the immediate splitting node extending σj−10in T and τ is the next immediate splitting node in T extending σt(i)1.

Hence π induces a T-recursive continuous injection from ωω to [T] so that for each hωω, π(h) ≡T Th.

By Lemma 7.5.2, for each h, there is a least eh for which one chooses the least mh such that

(∀nmh)(h(leh (n)) < leh (n + 1)).

Note that the function h ↦ (eh, mh) is image(T). Thenforeachpair (e, m), the set

He,m = {h |(eh, mh) =(e, m)}

is a Borel set and therefore has the Baire property. Then there is a pair (e1, m1) such that He1,m1 is not meager. In other words, there is a uω<ω such that for any τu, there is an hHe1,m1 with hτ. Now for any σω<ω, we T-recursively define a finite function lσ so that

lσ(image) = 0



For hωω, let lh(n) = k if there exists an m such that lhm(n) = k. The proof of the following lemma is straightforward.

Lemma 7.5.3.

(i)(∀σ)(∀i)(∀k)(|σ|> kk = lσ(i) ⇒ lσk(i) = k);

(ii)(∀τu)(∀n)(nm1lτ(n)≥|τ| ⇒ n + 1 ∉ Dom(lτ)).

Proof. (i) If |σ|> k and k = lσ(i), then |π(σ)| ≥ t(|σ|) ≥ t(k). Then |image| = k. Thus lσk(i) = k.

If (ii) is not true, then there exists a τu and nm1 such that lτ(n)≥|τ| and lτ(n + 1) is defined. Then τ(lτ(n)) is undefined. By the assumption on u, there is an hτ in He1,m1 such that h(lh(n)) > lτ(n + 1) = lh(n + 1), a contradiction.

Let xT T, m2m1 and hu so that lh(m2) is defined. Let τ0 = τ1 = hlh(m2). By Lemma 7.5.3, lτ0(m2) is defined and |τ0| = lτ0(m2) (so lτ0(m2 + 1) is undefined). We T-recursively construct two sequences τ0 = imageimage … and τ1 = imageimage … as follows.

At stage s + 1, suppose that image (m2 + s) is defined and |image| = image (m2 + s) (hence image (m2 + s + 1) is undefined) for i = 0, 1.

Case 1. x(s) = 0. Then by the assumption on u and Lemma 7.5.3, let imageimage so that image (m2+s+1) is defined and |image| = image(m2+s). Let τ = (image)(image(m2+s+1)+1). By the assumption on u and Lemma 7.5.3 again, let imageτ so that image(m2 + s + 1) is defined and |image| = image(m2 + s + 1). Note that by the assumption on u, there is an himage in He1,m1. Hence by Lemma 7.5.3,

image(m2 + s + 1) = lh(m2 + s + 1)≥ h(m2 + s + 1) = image(m2 + s + 1)+ 1 > image(m2 + s + 1).

Case 2. x(s) = 1. Do the same construction as in Case 1 but replace 0 by 1. We have


Let hi = images image and xi = π(hi) ∈ [T] for i ≤ 1. Then x0T x1T T. Let li be le1 for xi as defined in Lemma 7.5.2. Then liT image for i ≤ 1. Moreover,

(∀i)((l1(m + i + 1)> l0(m + i + 1) ⇔ x(i) = 0) ∧ (l1(m + i + 1) < l0(m + i + 1) ⇔ x(i) = 1)).

Hence TT xT imageimage.

The completes the proof of Theorem 7.5.1.

7.5.1 Exercises

Exercise 7.5.1. Prove that in Lemma 7.5.2 there is a pointed tree T1T such that for any x ∈ [T1], F(x)≥T image(α) if α is recursive.

Exercise 7.5.2 (Slaman and Steel). Suppose that F : 2ω → 2ω is a pressdown degree invariant function. Then there exists a z0 such that for any z1, there is an xT z1 such that F(x) ≱T z0.

Exercise 7.5.3 (Slaman). There is a continuous injection F : 2ω → 2ω such that for every xT image, F(x)′ ≡T x and for any x = y, F(x)≡T F(y), where = denotes the finite difference relation.

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