6.5 Axiom of determinacy

In this book our focus is mostly on low level definable sets of reals such as those that are image or image. To go “higher up”, one resorts to the use of games and strategies which lie at the heart of the Axiom of Determinacy. It turns out that this axiom is at its core a large cardinal axiom.

6.5.1 Games and strategies

Let Aωω. An infinite game GA with perfect information has two players labeled I and II. The game is played by choosing a natural number alternately between the two players and ends in ω-many steps. Each game generates a real x = (n0, m0,…, ni, mi,…) ∈ ωω where ni and mi are the numbers played by I and II respectively at step i. If xA, then I wins the game. Otherwise, II wins.

Definition 6.5.1. Given a set Aωω, I has a winning strategy image : ω<ωω for the game GA if for every gωω, the real imageg = (n0, g(0),…, ni, g(ni),… ) ∈ A where n0 = image(image) and ni = image((n0, g(0),…, ni−1, g(i − 1))) for i > 0. The string (n0, g(0),…, ni) is called a play at step i by I following image. II has a winning strategy image : ω<ωω for the game GA if for every fωω, the real fimage = (f(0), m0,…, f(i), mi,… ) ∉ A where m0 = image(f(0)) and mi = image((f(0), m0,, … , f(i))) for i > 0. The string (f(0), m0,…, mi) is called a play by II at step i following image. GA is determined if either of the two players has a winning strategy.

Definition 6.5.2. The Axiom of Determinacy (AD) states that for any Aωω, either I or II has a winning strategy for GA.

It is not difficult to see that AC contradicts AD. However, GA is determined whenever A is simply defined.

Proposition 6.5.3. If A is a closed set, then GA is determined.

Proof. Since A is closed, there is a tree Tω<ω such that A = [T]. Suppose that II has no winning strategy. We define a I-winning strategy image as follows:

Let image(image) be an n0 such that II has no winning strategy on G[T(n0)] where T(n0) = {τT | n0τ}, where n0 is the string of length 1 whose value at 0 is n0. Note that n0 exists by the assumption that II has no winning strategy.

By induction assume that image is defined for sequences of length up to i − 1, and II has no winning strategy on G[T(n0,m0,…,ni−1)] where

T(n0,m0,…,ni−1) = {τT |(n0, m0,…, ni−1) ⪯ τ},

for the sequence (n0, m0,…, mi) played by I following image. Then there is an ni such that II has no winning strategy on G[T(n0,m0,…,mi,ni)] where

T(n0,m0,…,mi,ni) = {τT |(n0, m0,…, mi−1, ni) ⪯ τ}.


image((n0, m0,…, mi−1)) = ni.

Then for any gωω and number k, imagegkT. Hence imagegA since A is closed.

It is not always true that if GA is determined, then so is GωωA (see Exercise 6.5.1). However, the next proposition implies that this complementation property holds when A is closed.

Proposition 6.5.4. Suppose that Γimage(ωω) so that for any AΓ and string σω<ω, the set Aσ = {x | σxA} ∈ Γ. If GA is determined for every AΓ, then so is GωωA for every AΓ.

Proof. Suppose that AΓ. Note that for any n, An = {x | nxA} ∈ Γ and so GAn is determined.

Case (1) There exists an n0 such that player II has a winning strategy image for GAn0. Let image(0) = n0. For any string (n0, m0,…, mi), let image((n0, m0,…, mi)) be image(m0,…, mi). Then image is a winning strategy for player I for GωωA.

Case (2) Otherwise. Then for every n, player I has a winning strategy imagen for GAn . Define image so that for each n, image(n) = imagen(image) and for any string (n0, m0,…, ni), image(n0, m0 …, ni) = imagen0((m0,…, ni)). Then image is a winning strategy for II for the game GωωA.

The optimal result on determinacy provable in ZF is due to Martin. Optimality here means that any stronger version is essentially a large cardinal axiom. Let DC denote the Axiom of Dependent Choice:

Theorem 6.5.5. (Martin [93]). ZF + DC ⊢ “Every Borel set is determined”.

Theorem 6.5.6. (Martin [92] and Harrington [45]). image-determinacy is equivalent to the existence of 0.

The status concerning AD is more complex. A detailed discussion would involve the notion of a Woodin cardinal which we will not define. Nonetheless, Woodin, Martin and Steel have shown that ZF + AD is equiconsistent with ZFC+ “There exist infinitely many Woodin cardinals”. Woodin also showed the following:

Theorem 6.5.7. (Woodin). The following are equivalent:

(i)ZF + DC + image-Determinacy is consistent;

(ii)ZF + DC + Analytical Determinacy is consistent;

(iii)ZFC + “There exists a Woodin cardinalis consistent.

Woodin as well as Martin and Steel [95] have also provided a level-by-level analysis of determinacy in the projective hierarchy (known as Projective Determinacy).

6.5.2 Exercise

Exercise 6.5.1. Assume ZFC. Prove that there is a set A such that GA is determined but GωωA is not.

6.6 Recursion-theoretic aspects of determinacy

The investigation of determinacy from the perspective of recursion theory was initiated by Martin. A natural starting point is to analyze the complexity of winning strategies.

6.6.1 Basis theorems for winning strategies

If A is image, then both the sets {image |(∀g)(imagegA)} and {image | (∀f)(fimageA)} are image. By Corollary 4.2.7, there is a image-winning strategy for either I or II. However, even for image-sets, it is not possible to improve the upper bound significantly.

Theorem 6.6.1. (Blass [7]). Suppose that A is Π01. If I has a winning strategy for GA, then I has a winning strategy recursive in image; if II has a winning strategy for GA, the II has a hyperarithmetic winning strategy.

Proof. Since A is image, there is a recursive tree Tω<ω such that A = [T]. Suppose that I has a winning strategy. Then the set

B = { image |(∀i)(∀σωi)((σ is a play at step i by I following image)→(∃x)(xσxA))}

is a nonempty image-set. By Gandy’s Basis Theorem (2.5.3), there is a image0T image in B. Obviously image0 is a winning strategy for player I.

Now suppose that I has no winning strategy. Let nimage image. Then image = {m | mo* n} is an r.e. set with an initial segment of order type image under the r.e. linear ordering relation <o*. Define an arithmetical set C of functions from ω<ω into image as follows: fC if and only if for any σ,

(i) if [σ] ⊆ [T], then f(σ) is undefined;

(ii) if [σ] ∩ [T] = image, then f(σ) = 1;

(iii) suppose σ satisfies neither (i) nor (ii). (a) If |σ| is even, then f(σ) = 2i if i = sup{k | k = f(σj)} exists where sup is in the sense of <o*; otherwise, f(σ) is undefined. (b) If |σ| is odd, then f(σ) = 2i if i = inf{k | k = f(σm)} exists where inf is in the sense of <o*; otherwise, f(σ) is undefined.

Since imageimage is the largest well-ordered segment of image, for any fC and σ, if f(σ) is defined then f(σ) ∈ image.

Claim 1. Suppose σ satisfies (iiia). If for any m, there is a hyperarithmetic partial function fmC such that fm(σm) is defined, then there is a hyperarithmetic partial function fC such that f(σ) is defined.

Proof of Claim 1. Define a image-relation Rω ×(ω × image) as follows: (m, (e, i)) ∈ R if and only if iimage and imageC so that image (σm) is defined. By Theorem 4.2.1, there is a image-function g : ωω × image uniformizing R. By the assumption, g is total and hence hyperarithmetic.

Define f to be a hyperarithmetic function such that for any m and τσm, f(τ) = image (τ) where g(m) = (m0, m1). Obviously fC. Moreover, since f is hyperarithmetic, sup{k | k = f(σm)} exists and so f(σ) is defined.

Claim 2. There exists a hyperarithmetic gC such that g(image) is defined.

Proof of Claim 2. Suppose not. We obtain a winning strategy image for I playing GA as follows:

By Claim 1, there is an m such that no hyperarithmetic function fC exists for which f(m) is defined. Let image(image) = m. Note that by (iiib), for any hyperarithmetic fC and number j, f(mj) is undefined.

By induction on k, for any play (i0, j0,…, ik) at step k by I following image, there is no hyperarithmetic fC such that f((i0, j0, …, ik)) is defined. Then for any jk and any hyperarithmetic fC, f((i0, j0,…, ik, jk)) is undefined. By Claim 1, there is a ik+1 for which there is no hyperarithmetic function fik+1C so that fik+1((i0, j0,…, ik, jk, ik+1)) is defined. Let image((i0, j0,…, ik, jk) = ik+1. Then image is a winning strategy for I, contradicting the assumption.

Thus there is a hyperarithmetic function gC such that g(image) ∈ image. We define a hyperarithmetic strategy imageg for II as follows: For each n, let imageg(n) = m where g(m)<o* g(image). For each k and σω<ω with even length, let imageg(σk) = m where g(σkm)<o* g(σ) (if it exists).

We claim that imageg is II’s winning strategy. To see this, for any hωω, g(himageg ↾ 2k + 2)<o g(himageg ↾2k) for any k with g(himageg ↾2k) ≠ 1. Since g(image) ∈ image, there is a k such that g(himageg ↾2k) = 1. Thus himagegωω A.

A general basis theorem for the analytical hierarchy is the following Third Periodicity Theorem due to Moschovakis.

Theorem 6.6.2. (Moschovakis [107]).

(i)Suppose that every image-set is determined. If I has a winning strategy for GA where A is image, then I has a image-winning strategy.

(ii)Suppose that every image-set is determined. If I has a winning strategy for GA where A is image, then I has a image-winning strategy.

6.6.2 Cones of Turing degrees

A set A of Turing degrees is a cone if there exists a z such that A = {x | xz}. We say that z is the base of A.

Proposition 6.6.3. Assume ZF + AD. For any set A of Turing degrees, either A or its complement contains a cone of Turing degrees.

Proof. Let A = {x | deg(x) ∈ A}. Suppose that I has a winning strategy image for GA. Then for any gT image, imagegT g. Thus gA. Hence A contains a cone of Turing degrees.

If II has a winning strategy image for GA, then by the same argument, the complement of A contains a cone of Turing degrees.

Although the proof of Proposition 6.6.3 looks straightforward, it reveals the remarkable fact that the global structure of the Turing degrees may be sensitive to set-theoretic assumptions.

Definition 6.6.4.

Aωω is cofinal if for every x there is a yA such that yT x.

A tree Tω<ω is pointed if T is perfect and for any x ∈[T], xT T.

A pointed tree T is uniformly pointed if there exists an e such that for any x ∈[T], T = image.

Proposition 6.6.5. (Martin [91]). ZF + DC + AD implies that every cofinal set of reals has a uniformly pointed subtree.

Proof. Suppose that Aωω is cofinal. Let Bωω be such that z = xyB if and only if either

x ≰T y; or

xT y and yA.

By AD, GB is determined. Suppose that I has a winning strategy image. Let yA so that yT. Then imagey = yx for some xT y. Hence imageyB.

Thus II has a winning strategy image. Let T0 ⊆ 2<ω be a uniformly pointed tree such that T0T image (see Exercise 6.6.1). Let T1 be defined such that (n0,…, ni) ∈ T1 if and only if there exists a finite string (m0,…, mi) ∈ T0 such that (m0, n0,…, mi, ni) is a play by II at step i following image. Clearly T1T image. Since image is II’s winning strategy, for any y ∈ [T1], there is an x ∈ [T0] such that y = ximage and imageT xT y. Moreover T1 is a perfect tree: Every τ = (n0,…, ni) ∈ T1 that is the image of a σ = (m0,…, mi) ∈ T0(i.e. a play by II of (m0, n0,…, mi, ni) at step i following image) has a pair of (immediate) incompatible extensions τ1 and τ2 in T1 so that there exist x1, x2σ with x1imageτ1 and x2imageτ2, since otherwise there is a unique y such that for any xσ in [T0], xT ximage = y and this would imply that there are uncountably many reals recursive in y, which is a contradiction. We conclude that T1 is a pointed subtree of A.

We follow the idea in [58] to construct a subtree T2 of T1 so that T2 is uniformly pointed. Define a sequence of trees T1 = imageimageimage … which are recursive in T1 as follows:

Stage e:

Case (1) There is an n such that imageT1(n) for some σimage. Let image = {τ | τimage ∧ (τστσ)} and proceed to the next stage.

Case (2) Otherwise.

Subcase (i) (∀n)(∀σimage)(∃τσ)(τimageimage(n)[|τ|] ↓). Then it is not difficult to define a T1-recursive perfect tree imageimage such that for every x ∈ [image], we have image = T1. In this case, terminate the construction since imageT T1 and image is a uniformly pointed tree.

Subcase (ii) Otherwise. Then there exist n0 and σ0image such that for every τσ0 in image, image(n)[|τ|] ↑. Let image = {τ | τimage ∧ (τσ0τσ)}. Proceed to the next stage.

If the construction does not terminate at any stage e, then there is a real ximagee[image]. By the definition of the sequence {image}, we have imageT1, which contradicts the fact that T1 is a pointed tree. Thus the construction must terminate at some stage e where Subcase (i) holds. Let T2 = image.

6.6.3 Exercise

Exercise 6.6.1. Prove that for any real z, there is a uniformly pointed tree T ⊆ 2<ω such that TT z.

6.6.4 Turing determinacy

Definition 6.6.6.

Turing determinacy (TD) states that any set of Turing degrees either contains or is disjoint from a cone.

If Γ is a class of sets of Turing degrees, then Γ-Turing determinacy states that every set in Γ either contains or is disjoint from a cone.

Turing determinacy plays a significant role in descriptive set theory, as shown by the following theorems which are stated without proof:

Theorem 6.6.7. (Harrington [45]). ZFC + image-determinacy is consistent if and only if ZFC + image-Turing determinacy is consistent.

Theorem 6.6.8. (Woodin).

(i)For any n ≥ 2, ZFC + image-determinacy is consistent if and only if ZFC + image-Turing determinacy is consistent.

(ii)ZF + DC + AD is consistent if and only if ZF + DC + TD is consistent.

6.6.5 Martin’s conjecture

A function F : 2ω → 2ω is degree invariant on a cone (of reals) C = {x | xT z} for some z if any x, yT z in C of the same Turing degree satisfy F(x)≡T F(y). F is increasing on a cone C if F(x)≥T x for xC. If F and G are degree invariant on a cone, write FM G if F(x)≤T G(x) for all xC. Martin made the following conjecture.

Conjecture 6.6.9. Assume ZF + AD + DC.

1.Every degree invariant function that is not increasing on a cone is a constant on a cone;

2.M prewellorders the degree invariant functions which are increasing on a cone. Furthermore, if theM-rank of F is α, then FhasM-rank α + 1, where F′(x) = (F(x))′, the Turing jump of F(x).

Martin’s conjecture is one of the deepest conjectures in recursion theory. Essentially it says that the only “natural unsolvable problem” is the halting problem. We will take up this topic in detail in Chapter 7.

6.6.6 Exercises

Exercise 6.6.2 (Blass [7]). Prove that for any hyperarithmetic real x, there is a image-set A such that II has a winning strategy for GA but has no winning strategy recursive in x.

Exercise 6.6.3. Suppose that A is a image-set such that for any Turing degree x, xAimage. Then there is a pointed tree T so that [T] ⊆ A.

Exercise 6.6.4 (Blass [7]). Prove that there is a image-set A such that I has a winning strategy but has no hyperarithmetic winning strategy for GA.

Exercise 6.6.5. Prove that there exists a Turing degree a such that


for any Turing degree ba, where image(≤ a) = {c | ca}.

Exercise 6.6.6. Assume ZF + PD. Prove that there exists a Turing degree a such thatimage(≥ a), ≤〉 ≡ 〈image(≥ b), ≤〉 for any Turing degree ba, where image(≥ a) = {c | ca}.

Exercise 6.6.7 (Jockusch and Soare [59]). Prove thatimage, ≤〉 ≢ 〈image, ≤〉 where image is the set of Turing degrees of arithmetical sets.

Exercise 6.6.8. Assume ZFC. Prove that there is a sequence {fn}n<ω of functions such that fn+1 <M fn for all n.

Exercise 6.6.9 (Simpson [138]). Assume ZF + image-determinacy. Prove that there is an x such that for any yh x, the hyperdegree of y is a minimal cover.

*Exercise 6.6.10 (Harrington and Kechris [46]). Let P ⊆ 2ω be a image-set that is cofinal with respect to the Turing degrees of hyperarithmetic sets, i.e. for any x ∈ HYP there is a yP such that yT x. Prove then any xT image is Turing equivalent to a yP.

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