2 Hyperarithmetic theory

In this chapter, we introduce the hyperarithmetic hierarchy and prove that the class of hyperarithmetic sets is precisely that of the image-sets. Hence the hyperarithmetic hierarchy provides the right framework for analyzing image and image-sets. This equivalence also allows one to perform transfinite induction over image-sets.

2.1 H-sets and image-singletons

2.1.1 H-sets

Definition 2.1.1.

The sequence image is defined by transfinite induction over image as follows.


A member of image is called an H-set. A real y is hyperarithmetic if yT Hn for some nimage. We use HYP to denote the collection of all hyperarithmetic sets.

Similarly, for any real x, the set image is defined for all nimage:


Clearly n <o m implies Hn <T Hm. In fact,

Lemma 2.1.2 (Kleene). There is a recursive function f such that for all n, m, n <o m implies image.

Proof. Let e0 be an index such that image and let p, q be recursive functions such that image implies image and image where 〈m, n〉 ∈ x. Fix a function g as in (i) of Theorem 1.3.4.

Define f by induction on <o. By the Recursion Theorem, we may assume that if n <o m then image for all m′ <o m. If m = 2m for some m′ ∈ image, then image. If m = 3 ⋅ 5i for some i, then a recursive search for a pair (m′, k) such that m′ = Φi(k) and nWg(m′) allows one to define image.

Lemma 2.1.2 remains valid for relativized H-sets. Thus there is a recursive function f such that for all x, if n <ox m then image.

2.1.2 image-singletons

Let x be the unique real satisfying a predicate in the class Γ. Then x is said to be a Γ-singleton. We have seen that every image-singleton is image and image is a image-singleton. In this section we will show that every H-set is a image-singleton.

Lemma 2.1.3. If x is a image-singleton, then xand any yT x is a image-singleton.

Proof. Let x be a image-singleton for the predicate R. Note that the set image is image for each e. Let e0 be an index such that image for all y. Then the predicate


is image. Note that x′ is the unique y such that Q(y) holds. If image and image then the predicate


is image and witnesses the uniqueness of y.

Theorem 2.1.4. There exists a image-predicate H such that for all reals y and image,


Hence every Hy-set is a image(y)-singleton.

Proof. By the Recursion Theorem, we may assume that there exists a image-predicate H(n, x, y) such that for each image is defined and image is the unique real y satisfying H(m′, y, x). If m = 2m, by Lemma 2.1.3 we may define image if and only if image. If m = 3 ⋅ 5k for some k, then define image if and only if image.

We remark that the condition image in Theorem 2.1.4 cannot be replaced by image. It is not difficult to show that every image-singleton in 2ω is recursive. On the other hand, every image-singleton in 2ω is Turing reducible to a image-singleton in ωω.

Proposition 2.1.5. If x ∈ 2ω is a image-singleton, then there is a image-singleton Tωω whose unique member y is Turing equivalent to x.

Proof. Suppose that x ∈ 2ω is a image-singleton. Then there is a recursive predicate R(n, σ) such that x is the unique real z satisfying (∀n)(∃m)R(n, zm). We may assume that (∀n)(∀σ)(R(n, σ) →|σ|≥ n). Let T be the set of y’s such that

If y(n) = σ then R(n, σ);

(∀τy(n))(¬R(n, τ)), and


Then T is a image-set. Furthermore, if yT then for each n, y(n) is the shortest initial segment σ of x satisfying R(n, σ). Hence if yT, then ⋃nω y(n) = x. It follows that y is the unique real in T.Clearly yT x.

2.1.3 Exercise

Exercise 2.1.1. Prove that every image-real x ∈ 2ω is a image-singleton but there is a image-real in 2ω which is not a image-singleton.

2.2 image-ness and hyperarithmeticity

In this section we prove the fundamental result that a set is image if and only if it is hyperarithmetic.

2.2.1 image-subsets of ω

Lemma 2.2.1. The following two predicates are image:


Proof. Note that image if and only if image ∧(∀z)(H(n, z, y) → kz), and image if and only if image ∧(∀z)(H(n, z, y) → k ∉ z). By Proposition 1.2.5 and Theorem 2.1.4, both are image.

Corollary 2.2.2 (Kleene [69]).

(i)If x is hyperarithmetic in y, then x is image(y).

(ii)The set {(x, y) | x ∈ HYPy} is image.

Proof. If x is hyperarithmetic in y, then there is an Hy-set image such that xT image for some image. Hence image for some e. Then both the predicates




are image(y) by Lemma 2.2.1.

Now image image image where H is as in Theorem 2.1.4. Thus the set {(x, y) | x ∈ HYPy} is image.

For each image, define image.

Lemma 2.2.3. The following predicates are image:


Proof. By Theorem 1.3.4, define a image-predicate P(x, y) to be the conjunction of the following three sentences:




Define a image-set A = {〈m, n, y〉| (∀z)(P(z, y) → 〈m, n〉 ∈ z)}. It is easy to see that


The argument for (ii) is similar and is left as an exercise.

Lemma 2.2.4. There is a recursive function g such that for all image.

Proof. We prove the unrelativized version. By the Recursion Theorem, we may assume that image for all m <o n.

If n = 2m, define


where f is the function in (i) of Theorem 1.3.4. Note image. If m ≠ 1 and mimage, then


Thus image2m may be computed by H2n via an oracle Turing machine whose index can be effectively obtained from g(m). Set the index to be g(n). Then image.

If n = 3 ⋅ 5e, then


By Lemma 2.1.2, H2Φe(k) may be computed by Hn, and hence by H2n uniformly. Thus imagen is image over Hn and so recursive in H2n. Moreover, the computation from H2n is uniform. Hence the index i of the oracle Turing machine computing imagen from H2n can be obtained effectively. Set g(n) = i. Then image.

Corollary 2.2.5. If x is image(y), then x is hyperarithmetic in y.

Proof. If x is image(y), then there is recursive function f such that nxf(n) ∈ imagey. The set A = {f(n) | nx} is image(y). By Spector’s Boundedness Theorem (1.5.5), there is a number mimagey such that image. Then image. Hence image by Lemma 2.2.4.

We have as a consequence the following characterization due to Kleene.

Theorem 2.2.6 (Kleene [69]). A real x is image(y) if and only if it is hyperarithmetic in y.

The following corollary says that image-sets are strongly reducible to H-sets.

Corollary 2.2.7. Every image-real is many-one reducible to an H-set.

Proof. By Theorem 2.2.6, if x is image then it is Turing reducible to Hn for some nimage.

Then x is many-one reducible to H2n =(Hn)′.

2.2.2 image-sets of reals

There is a subtle point regarding uniformity when it comes to defining the notion of hyperarithmetic sets of reals. For this, we define ̂Hx-sets by induction on image rather than on image:




Definition 2.2.8. A set of reals A is hyperarithmetic if there is a number nimage and an index e such that for all image.

Hence if A is hyperarithmetic, then there exist n and e such that




It follows that Lemma 2.2.1 remains true for such ̂Hx-sets and so A is image.

Conversely, assume A is image. According to the discussion in § 1.5.1, there are two numbers k0 and k1 such that xAk0imagek1image. By relativizing Corollary 1.5.4, there is a recursive function p such that min{|k0|x, |k1|x}≤|p(k0, k1) |x for all x. Let n = 2p(k0, k1). Note that nimage for all x and so nimage = image. Since Lemma 2.2.4 remains true, image for all x. Hence there is a recursive function h such that image for all n, giving image. Thus we arrive at the following conclusion.

Theorem 2.2.9. A set of reals is hyperarithmetic if and only if it is image.

Hyperarithmeticity also provides a scheme for inductive analysis of image-sets of reals. We will show how this is implemented after introducing the ramified analytical hierarchy in § 3.8. The notion of a hyperarithmetic code, to be introduced in § 2.7, will also provide a powerful tool for the study of image-sets of reals. The next proposition sets an effective bound on |n|x if nimage for all x.

Proposition 2.2.10. If nimage for all x, then there is a recursive ordinal β such that |n|x < β for all x.

Proof. If not, m ∈ WF0 ⇔ (∃f)(∃x)(∀i)(∀j)(Rm(i, j) → 〈f(i), f(j)〉 ∈ image) where g is the recursive function in (ii) of Theorem 1.3.4. So WF0 is image, a contradiction.

It also follows from the discussion above that image = image if and only if every yh x is recursive in image for some nimage.

2.2.3 Parametrization of image-sets

As a first application of the results above, we demonstrate a parametrization of image-reals.

Proposition 2.2.11. There is a partial function D : ω × ωω with a image-graph GD such that for all x, ximage ⇔ (∃m)(∀i)(∀j)(x(i) = j ↔(m, i, j) ∈ D).

Proof. Define D = {(〈n, e〉, i, j) |nimageimage is total ∧ image (i) = j}. By Theorem 2.2.6, for all x, ximage ⇔ (∃m)(∀i)(∀j)(x(i) = j ↔(m, i, j) ∈ D)).Moreover, (〈n, e〉, i, j) ∈ Dnimage ∧(∀z)(H(n, z)∧ image is total → image(i) = j), where H is as defined in § 2.1.2. Hence GD is image.

Proposition 2.2.11 may be applied to reduce certain image-predicates to image.

Corollary 2.2.12. For any image-predicate P(x, y), the predicate Q(y) ⇔ (∃ximage)(P(x, y)) is image.

Proof. By Proposition 2.2.11, Q(y) ⇔ (∃ximage)P(x, y) is equivalent to


Note that for each m, if (∀i)(∃j)((m, i, j) ∈ D), then the predicate (m, i, j) ∈ D is image. Hence Q is image.

One may relativize the above proposition to the statement “for any image-predicate P(x, y), the predicate Q(y) ⇔ (∃ximage(y))P(x, y) is image”, which is used to derive a classical result in descriptive set theory:

Corollary 2.2.13. If the function f : ωωωω is image and one-one, then f(A) is image for any image-set A.

Proof. If f is image and total, by Proposition 1.1.8, Gf is image. Hence f −1({y}) is image(y) for any y. Since f is one-one, by Proposition 1.1.15, the unique real f −1(y) is image(y). So yf(A) ⇔ (∃ximage(y))(yA ∧(x, y) ∈ Gf) ⇔ (∃x)(xA ∧(x, y) ∈ Gf). By relativizing Corollary 2.2.12 to y, one concludes that f(A) is image.

Thus we obtain a characterization of image-sets of reals:

Corollary 2.2.14. A set of reals A is image if and only if there is a image-set B and a recursive function f : ωωωω such that f(B) = A and f is one-one on B.

Proof. If there is a image-set B and a one-one recursive function f : ωωωω such that f(B) = A, then, by Corollary 2.2.13, one easily verifies that A is image.

If Aωω is image, then there is a recursive function g such that xAg(x) ∈ WO1 and, by the discussion in § 1.5.2, there is a recursive well-ordering z such that xA ⇔|g(x) | ≤ |z|. Define P(x, y) if and only if y is an isomorphism from ≤g(x) to an initial segment of ≤z. Since z is recursive, P(x, y) is image and xA ⇔ (∃!y)P(x, y). Hence there is a recursive predicate R such that P(x, y) ⇔ (∀n)(∃m)R(x, y, n, m). Uniformize P by defining a image-set B = {x0x1x2 | (∀n)(R(x1, x2, n, x0(n)) ∧ (∀m < x0(n))¬R(x1, x2, n, m))}. Define a recursive function f such that f(x) = x1 if x = x0x1x2.Obviously f is one-one on B.

In certain situations, Corollary 2.2.14 enables one to reduce a construction over a image-set to one that is over a image-set. Additionally, Theorem 2.2.9 provides a parametrization of image-sets of reals.

Proposition 2.2.15. There is a image-set Aω × ωω with the property that for any set B of reals, B is image if and only if there is an n such that B = An = {x | (n, x) ∈ A}.

Proof. Define image. By Theorem 2.2.9, A is as required.

2.2.4 Exercises

Exercise 2.2.1. Complete the proof of Lemma 2.2.3.

Exercise 2.2.2. Prove that for any nimage, there exists an uncountable image-set P ⊆ 2ω in which every real recursive in Hn is recursive.

Exercise 2.2.3. Prove that there is a Bimage such that <o is a well-ordering on B of order type image.

2.3 Spector’s Uniqueness Theorem

Since the H-sets are generated by a image-singleton process (cf. Theorem 2.1.4), they provide a way of carrying out transfinite induction over hyperarithmetic sets. We make this observation precise by noting Corollary 2.3.2, the Spector Uniqueness Theorem, which implies that induction over H-sets is degree-theoretic invariant.

Theorem 2.3.1 (Spector [153]). There is a recursive function h such that


Proof. We prove this by induction on the well-ordering < of image2:


There are four cases to consider.

(1) n = 1. Set h(1, m) = c1 so that image for all x.

(2) n = 2im = 2j. Fix a recursive function g so that for any e, x and y, x = image implies image. Set h(n, m) = g(h(i, j)).

(3) n = 3 ⋅ 5k. Set h(n, m) = c3 so that image is the characteristic function of {〈i, j〉| image.

(4) n = 2km = 3 ⋅ 5l. This is the most difficult case. By Lemma 2.2.4, we may Hm-recursively search for an i such that image and image. By Lemma 2.1.2, there is a recursive function f so that image. By induction, Hn = image. Then there exists a c4 with image. Set h(n, m) = c4.

Note that these cases can be identified recursively. Hence h is a recursive function.

Thus we have the following uniqueness theorem.

Corollary 2.3.2 (Spector). If n, mimage, then |n| = |m| implies HnT Hm.

In particular, for any recursive ordinal β, the“β-th Turing jump”, denoted image(β), may be taken to be Hn for any nimage with |n| = β. There is a parallel result for ̂Hx-sets with exactly the same proof as that of Theorem 2.3.1. We leave it to the reader as an exercise.

Theorem 2.3.3. There is a recursive function h such that for any real x,


2.3.1 Exercise

Exercise 2.3.1. Prove Theorem 2.3.3.

2.4 Hyperarithmetic reducibility

2.4.1 image-reducibility

Definition 2.4.1. x image y if x is image(y). In particular, xh y if x image y.

Proposition 2.4.2 (Shoenfield). If x image y and y image z, then x image z.

Proof. If x image y, then there is a image-predicate R such that nxR(n, y).

If y image z, then there is a image-predicate S such that nyS(n, z).



Thus x image z.

Reals x, y are said to have the same image-degree if x image y and y image x. If n = 1, then we also say that they have the same hyperdegree. By Theorem 2.2.6, xh y if and only if there is an nimage and an e such that image. The hyperjump of x is defined to be the set image.

The h-reduction relation xh y suggests another reason for introducing the ̂Hx-sets. One of the problems with h-reducibility is that, unlike the case of Turing reducibility where one examines a fixed recursive list of possible reduction algorithms (independently of the sets x and y being considered), there is no uniform procedure to search for an algorithm that h-reduces x to y. The reduction depends on what can be Turing computed by the Hy-sets and this involves ordinal notations for y. Different reals y have different ordinal notations. In certain cases the notations may be markedly different since image is unbounded in ω1. The use of ̂Hy-sets circumvents this difficulty. If image, then the sets Turing computable by the ̂Hy-sets are precisely the image(y)-sets. Hence while it is not true in general, for reals y with image,one does have a uniform reduction.

2.4.2 The partial order of hyperdegrees

The Turing jump operator is order preserving on the Turing degrees. This remains true for the hyperjump operator which preserves order on the hyperdegrees.

Proposition 2.4.3. xh yimagem image.

Proof. First of all image is image(x). If xh y, then as in the proof of Proposition 2.4.2 image is image(y). By Theorem 1.5.1, imagem image.

If imagem image, then xm imagem image. So x is image(y). Since imageωx is image(x), ω xm imageωxm imagem image. Then ω x is image(y) and this implies that xh y.

One of the most basic theorems in classical recursion theory is the Friedberg–Mučnik Theorem ([28] and [109]) which asserts the existence of two incomparable r.e. Turing degrees. Since image-sets are seen as analogs of r.e. sets in the higher setting, the following result shows that there is a fundamental difference between the two notions of reducibility.

Theorem 2.4.4 (Spector [153]). If x, yimage and y ∉ HYP, then xh y.

Proof. We show that imageh y. By Theorem 1.5.1, there is a recursive function f such that nyf(n) ∈ image. Since y ∉ HYP, by Lemma 2.2.4, sup{|f(n) |ny} is image. Then




By Lemma 2.2.3, imageh y.

Remark 2.4.5. Theorem 2.4.4 prompted Kreisel to suggest that h-reduction was not the “correct” notion of reducibility for higher recursion theory. This led to the introduction of the notion of metarecursive reducibility in metarecursion theory. It is shown in Sacks [118] that there exist two image-sets with incomparable metadegrees.

There is a tight link between image and the h-degree of x, as illustrated in the following proposition:

Proposition 2.4.6 (Spector [153]). image.

Proof. Since xh y, every x-recursive well-ordering relation Rω2 is image in y. By relativizing Proposition 1.5.6 to y, R has order type < image. Hence imageimage.

The converse of Proposition 2.4.6 does not hold in general. However, there is an important partial result which characterizes image.

Theorem 2.4.7 (Sacks). image > image if and only if xh image.

We decompose the proof into two lemmas, with the following left as an exercise:

Lemma 2.4.8 (Sacks). Suppose xT y. Then there is a recursive function f such that

(i)(∀n)(∀m)(n <ox mf(n) <oy f(m)),

(ii)(∀n)(nimage →|n|x = |f(n) |y).

Lemma 2.4.9 (Spector [153]).


Proof. (i) <ox is image(x) and hence is recursive in image. Thus by Proposition 2.4.6, image < image.

(ii) If xh y, then xT image for some nimage. Let f be as in Lemma 2.4.8. Since image < image, by Proposition 2.4.6, image. Hence there is a number image such that for all i, image. Thus image.

Proof of Theorem 2.4.7. If image, then by (ii) of Lemma 2.4.9, imageh x.

If imageh x, then by (i) of Lemma 2.4.9, image < image.

The following corollary says that each h-degree not above the hyperjump is GL1. This is in sharp contrast to Turing reducibility where there exist reals image such that image:

Corollary 2.4.10. image.

Proof. If imageh ximage, then x <h imageh x ⊕ image. Hence xh image. Conversely, if xh image, then by Theorem 2.4.7, image. By (ii) of Lemma 2.4.9, imageh ximage.

Corollary 2.4.11. The set {x | image = image} is image.

Proof. By Proposition 1.2.5, image is a image-singleton. Then xh image if and only if (∃nimage, which is a image-statement. By Theorem 2.4.7, the set {x | image = image} is image.

2.4.3 Exercises

Exercise 2.4.1. Prove Lemma 2.4.8.

Exercise 2.4.2. Prove that the set {x | image = image} is image(image).

2.5 Some basis theorems and their applications

2.5.1 Gandy’s Basis Theorem

A set of reals A is a basis for a collection of sets P of reals if for any nonempty PP, PAimage. Basis theorems are very important in recursion theory. They are used among other things to pin down the complexity of predicates. For example, let {Ti}i<ω be an effective enumeration of recursive trees in 2<ω. The index set N = {i | Ti contains an infinite path} appears to be image. But one can show that every recursive tree in 2<ω containing an infinite path must contain an infinite path recursive in image′ (see Exercise 1.5.3). So N is an arithmetical set.

Lemma 2.5.1. Suppose that Tω<ω is a recursive tree with an infinite path. There is an infinite path x ∈ [T] recursive in image.

Proof. Suppose that Tω<ω is a recursive tree with an infinite path. Note that the set S = {σT | (∃yσ)(∀n)(ynT)} ⊆ T is a nonempty image-tree without dead ends and so recursive in image. Since T has an infinite path, so does S. Hence, the leftmost infinite path x in S is recursive in image.

Thus the collection of reals recursive in image is a basis for recursive trees in ω<ω, while the set of hyperarithmetic reals is not:

Proposition 2.5.2. There is a recursive tree Sω<ω with uncountably many infinite paths but without a hyperarithmetic infinite path.

Proof. By Corollary 2.2.2, the set A of non-hyperarithmetic reals is image. Then there is a recursive tree T ⊆ 2<ω × ω<ω such that for any x ∈ 2ω, xA if and only if there exists a y satisfying (∀n)((xn, yn) ∈ T). Let Sω<ω be a recursive tree such that σS if and only if (σ0, σ1) ∈ T where σ0(n) = σ(2n) and σ1(n) = σ(2n + 1) for all n which makes sense for the σi’s. Then for any infinite path x ∈ [S], x = x0x1 so that x0A. In other words, every infinite path in S Turing computes a nonhyperarithmetic real. Moreover, by the definition of A, every nonhyperarithmetic real is recursive in an infinite path in S. Hence S contains uncountably many infinite paths.

Theorem 2.5.3 (Gandy [33]). If A is image and nonempty, then A contains a real x such that ωx1 = image and xT image.

Proof. By Corollary 2.2.2, the set B = {xy | y ≰h xxA} is also a image nonempty set. By Lemma 2.5.1, there is a real xyB and xyT image. Hence xA is recursive in image. Since yh x, we have xh image. By Theorem 2.4.7, image = image.

Theorem 2.5.3 is known as the Gandy Basis Theorem.

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