1 An introduction to higher recursion theory

1.1 Projective predicates

1.1.1 Recursive and arithmetical predicates

A recursive predicate R on ω is a total recursive function Φ : ω → 2 such that R(n) ⇔ Φ(n) = 1. With a standard coding of ω<ω in ω, one may define recursive predicates on ω<ω. Similarly one may code ωn in ω to obtain recursive n-ary predicates on ω, as well as recursive predicates on (ω<ω)m × ωn. The class of arithmetical predicates on ωω × ω is now defined as follows:

Definition 1.1.1. A predicate R(x, n) on ωω × ω is partial recursive if there is a partial recursive function Φ(σ, n) on ω<ω × ω such that

(i)(∀σ)(∀τ)(∀n)[Φ(σ, n) ↓ ∧ σ image τ → (Φ(τ, n) ↓ ∧ Φ(σ, n) = Φ(τ, n))].

(ii)For any xωω and nω, R(x, n) if and only if (∃m)(Φ(xm, n) ↓ = 0).

A predicate R(x, n) on ωω × ω is recursive if the partial recursive function Φ above also satisfies the following property:

(iii)(∀x)(∀n)(∃m)(Φ(xm, n)↓).

Remark 1.1.2. We may similarly define recursive predicates on (ωω)n ×(ω<ω)m × ωk. In general, there is no effective enumeration of recursive predicates on ωω × ω.

The hierarchy image of arithmetical predicates is defined by induction on n < ω.

Definition 1.1.3.

(i)image = {P | P is a partial recursive predicate}.

(ii)P is image if {(x, m)|¬P(x, m)} is image.

(iii)P is image if there is a image-predicate R(x, 〈m, k〉) such that

P(x, m) ⇔ (∃k)R(x, 〈m, k〉).

(iv)P is image if it is image and image.

We say that a predicate P is arithmetical if Pimage for some n.

It follows from results in classical recursion theory that a predicate P(x, m) is image if and only if there is a recursive predicate R(x, m, n) such that P(x, m) ⇔ (∃n)R(x, m, n).

Fix an effective enumeration of partial recursive functions {Φe(σ, n)}e<ω which satisfies property (i) in Definition 1.1.1. For each real x, Φe(x, n) denotes Φe(xm, n) for the least m such that Φe(xm, n)↓ at stage m. If no such m exists, then Φe(x, n) is undefined. We say that Φe(x, n) is an x-partial recursive function. Hence there is a uniform enumeration of partial recursive functions {Φe(x, n)}e<ω with oracle x. In other words, the predicate P(e, x, n, m) ⇔ Φe(x, n) ↓ = m is image.

There is an obvious generalization of the above to allow parameters in ωω, yielding the class of image-predicates relative to a real or a finite set of reals.

Definition 1.1.4. Let aωω.

(i)A predicate Pa(y, m) is image(a) if there is a partial recursive predicate R(a, y, m) such that for all y and m, Pa(y, m) ⇔ R(a, y, m).

(ii)Pa(y, m) is image(a) if ¬Pa(y, m) is image(a).

(iii)Pa(y, m) is image(a) if there is a image(a)-predicate Ra(y, m, k) such that Pa(y, m) if (∃k)Ra(y, m, k).

(iv)Pa(y, m) is image(a) if it is image(a) and image(a).

Given a collection of predicates Γ, we say that a set aω (resp. Pωω) is a Γ-set, or a member of Γ, if maP(image, m) (resp. xPP(x, 0)) for some predicate P(x, m) ∈ Γ. For each n < ω, let image, image and image denote respectively the class of image, image and image-predicates. The following lemma is well known. A proof may be found in [53].

Lemma 1.1.5.

(i)Let n < ω. There is a image-set Uωω × ωω such that for each Pimage, P = {x | (x, y) ∈ U} for some y.

(ii)For each n, imageimageimage and imageimageimage.

In classical recursion theory, a set aω is image if and only if a is image(imagen). However, it is not generally true for sets of reals. For example, the set {image(ω)} is image but is not image(x) (as a singleton) for any xωω (see Exercise 1.1.5).

1.1.2 Analytical predicates

Definition 1.1.6.

(i)A predicate P(x, m) is image if it is image;

(ii)A predicate P(x, m) is image if ¬P(x, m) is image.

(iii)A predicate P(x, m) is image if there is a image-predicate R(x, y, m) ⊆ ωω × ωω × ω such that P(x, m) if and only if (∃y)R(x, y, m).

(iv)A predicate P(x, m) is image if it is both image and image.

(v)A predicate P is analytical if Pimage for some n.

As in Lemma 1.1.5, we have the following facts which are straightforward to verify.

Lemma 1.1.7.

(i)Let n < ω. There is a image-set U ⊆ ωω × ωω such that for each Pimage, P = {x | (x, y) ∈ U} for some y.

(ii)For each n, imageimageimage and imageimageimage.

(iii)Every arithmetical set is image.

More basic facts about analytical sets may be found in Jech [53]. For σω<ω, let [σ] denote the set of functions in ωω which extend σ. We say that a function f : ωωωω is in the class Γ if {(x, σ) ∈ ωω × ω<ω | xf−1([σ])} ∈ Γ. Note that every image-function is continuous.

The following proposition is immediate.

Proposition 1.1.8.

(i)If f : ωω is total, then fimagefimage.

(ii)A function f : ωωωω is image if and only if its graph Gf = {(x, y)| f(x) = y} is image; if f is image then Gf is image; if f is image then Gf is image.

(iii)If f is total, then Gf is image if and only if f is image.

(iv)If f : ωωωω is total, then fimagefimagefimage.

Proof. (i) is obvious. For (ii), note that (x, y) ∈ Gf if and only if (∀σ)(yσxf−1([σ])). Hence if f is image (resp. image) then Gf is image (resp. image). Moreover, if Gf is image, then xf−1([σ]) if and only if (∃y)(yσ ∧(x, y) ∈ Gf ). So f is image if and only if its graph Gf = {(x, y)| f(x) = y} is image.

(iii). If f is total, then xf−1([σ]) if and only if (∀τ)(τ | σxf−1([τ])).

(iv). If f is total, then xf−1([σ]) if and only if image. So if Gf is image, then f is image. By (iii), f is image.

Given σi and image in ω<ω, where in, we say that image is a substring of (σ0,…, σn) if image for each i. A tree Tω<ω × … × ω<ω (n-fold product) is assumed to have the property that if (σ0,…, σn) ∈ T then all of its substrings are in T. For our purpose, all trees grow downwards with root at the top. The following tree representation theorem provides a useful picture of image-sets of reals.

Proposition 1.1.9. A predicate P(x, m) is image if and only if there is a recursive sequence of recursive trees {Tm}m<ω such that Tmω<ω × ω<ω and

P(x, m) ⇔ (∃y)(∀n)((xn, yn) ∈ Tm).

Proof. A predicate P(x, m) is image if and only if there is a partial recursive function Φ(σ, τ, m) which satisfies properties (i)–(iii) of Definition 1.1.1, so that P(x, m) ⇔ (∃y)(∀k)(Φ(xk, yk, m)↓ → Φ(xk, yk, m) ≠ 0). At stage max{|σ|, |τ|}, put (σ, τ) in Tm if and only if Φ(σ, τ, m)↑ or Φ(σ, τ, m) ≠ 0. We leave it to the reader to verify that {Tm}mω satisfies the requirement.

1.1.3 image-sets of reals

A set of reals is image if there is a image-predicate P (possibly with a number parameter m) such that P(x, m) holds if and only if x belongs to the set. A set of reals is image if its complement is image. Both image and image-sets of reals play significant roles in higher recursion theory. In this section, we introduce some basic facts about these sets.

Recall that Pωω is perfect if it is a closed set with no isolated point. The next theorem shows that every uncountable image-set of reals has what may be described as the perfect set property.

Theorem 1.1.10 (Suslin [162]). If P is image and uncountable, then it contains a perfect subset.

Proof. Suppose P(x) is image (for simplicity assume that there is no number variable defining P). We give two proofs of Theorem 1.1.10. One is set-theoretic while the other is recursion-theoretic.

Set-theoretic proof. By Proposition 1.1.9, there is a recursive tree Tω<ω × ω<ω such that xP if and only if (∃y)(∀n)(xn, yn) ∈ T. Let T ʹ be a subtree of T such that

(σ, τ) ∈ T ʹ ⇔|{xσ | (∃yτ)(∀n)(xn, yn) ∈ T}| > ℵ0.


Q = {x | (∃y)(∀n)(xn, yn) ∈ T′}.

Since P is uncountable, Q is not empty. Obviously QP. Note that if (σ, τ) ∈ T′ then there exist k and k′ such that (σk, τk′) ∈ T′. We show that Q contains a perfect set. By induction on n, build a perfect tree S0 and a tree S1 with the following properties:

(i) S1T′;

(ii) let [S0] denote the set of infinite paths in S0. Then [S0] is contained in {x | (∃y)(∀n)(xn, yn) ∈ S1};

(iii) (∀(σ, τ) ∈ S1)(|{xσ | (∃yτ)(∀n)((xn, yn) ∈ T)}| > ℵ0).

We begin with setting S0 and S1 to be empty at level 0. Suppose we are at level n + 1. Let σS0 be defined at level n with |σ| = n. By induction, there is a τ such that (σ, τ) ∈ S1 was defined at level n and Qσ,τ = {xσ | (∃yτ)(∀n)((xn, yn) ∈ T)} is uncountable.

Claim. There exist incompatible extensions σ0, σ1 of σ such that Qσ0,τ and Qσ1,τ are both uncountable.

If the Claim is false, then there is a unique xσ such that if σ′ ≻ σ is incompatible with x, then Qσ′, τ is countable. But this would imply that image is countable, which is a contradiction.

Fix (σ0, σ1) as in the Claim. Then there exist τ0, τ1τ such that |{xσi | (∃yτi)(∀n)((xn, yn) ∈ T)}| > ℵ0 for i = 0, 1. Put σ0 and σ1 into S0 and (σi, τi), for i = 0, 1, into S1. This procedure is carried out for every σS0.Clearly S0 is a perfect tree and for each x ∈ [S0] there is a y such that (∀n)(xn, yn) ∈ S1. Since S1T′ ⊆ T, [S0] ⊆ QP.

Recursion-theoretic proof. As above, we have a recursive tree Tω<ω × ω<ω such that xP if and only if (∃y)(∀n)(xn, yn) ∈ T. We perform a Cantor–Bendixon style operation on the tree as follows:

At stage 0, let T0 = T.

At limit stage α, let Tα = ⋂β<α Tβ.

At successor stage α + 1, let

Tα+1 = {(σ, τ) ∈ Tα | (∃σ0σ)(∃τ0τ)(∃σ1σ)(∃τ1τ)((σ0, τ0) ∈ Tα∧ (σ1, τ1) ∈ Tασ0|σ1)}.

Observe that TαTβ for all αβ. Moreover, for any successor ordinal α + 1, if Tα+1Tα, then there is a (σα, τα) ∈ Tα Tα+1. Note that (σα, τα) ≠ (σβ, τβ) for any αβ if these are defined. Since the set ω<ω × ω<ω is countable, there is a least countable ordinal γ such that (σγ, τγ) does not exist. Then Tγ = Tγ+1 and so Tγ = Tα for any α ≥ γ. By replacing T′ in the set-theoretic proof above with Tγ, we conclude that P contains a perfect subset.

Remark 1.1.11.

(i)The proofs above raise two interesting questions. First, what is the complexity of the perfect subset obtained? Since the statement, “P is uncountable” is not second-order definable in arithmetic, the perfect subset defined is generally neither image nor image. However, we will show later by a more powerful recursion-theoretic argument that its complexity can be controlled (see Exercise 1.5.5). Second, what is the least ordinal γ for which Tγ = Tγ+1 ? We will give a calculation of this ordinal later (see Proposition 3.6.10).

(ii)In general, not every uncountable set has the perfect set property. In fact, “image-ness” is the best possible since it is not provable in ZFC that every image-set has the perfect set property (see Corollary 4.3.6).

Proposition 1.1.12. Suppose {Pi}i<ω is a sequence of sets of reals such that for any nonempty image-set A and i < ω, APi contains a nonempty image-set. Let P be image and nonempty. Then image.

Proof. By hypothesis, there is a nonempty image-set F0PP0. By Proposition 1.1.9, there is a recursive tree Tω<ω × ω<ω such that xF0 ⇔ (∃y)(∀n)((xn, yn) ∈ T). Fix such a pair (x, y) so that (∀n)(xn, yn) ∈ T. Define σ0 = x ↾ 1 and τ0 = y ↾ 1. Note that G0 = {xσ0 | (∃yτ0)(∀n)(xn, yn) ∈ T)} is a nonempty image-set. Assume by induction that for all i′ ≤ i, a pair (σi, τi) ∈ T and a nonempty image-set GiPi are defined such that


Since Gi is image, there is a nonempty image-set Fi+1Pi+1Gi. Furthermore, by (3) every xFi+1 extends σi and there is a yτi such that for all n, (xn, yn) ∈ T. Fix such a pair (x, y). Define σi+1 = x ↾(|σi|+ 1) and τi+1 = y ↾(|τi|+ 1). Let

Gi+1 = {xFi+1 | xσi+1 ∧(∃yτi+1)(∀n)((xn, yn) ∈ T)}.

Then Gi+1 is a nonempty image-subset of Fi+1 and hence of Pi+1. Let x(i) = m if and only if σi+1(i) = m and y(i) = m if and only if τi+1(i) = m. Then for all i, xGi and for all n, (xn, yn) ∈ T. Hence xP ∩ ⋂i<ω Pi.

As a consequence of Proposition 1.1.12, we may define the Gandy topology as follows.

Definition 1.1.13. The Gandy topology on ωω is the topology generated by taking all image-sets as basic open sets.

Proposition 1.1.12 implies that the Gandy topology satisfies the Baire category theorem: The intersection of a countable collection of dense open sets is dense.

1.1.4 image-sets of reals

By Proposition 1.1.9, we have the following:

Proposition 1.1.14. A predicate P(x, m) is image if and only if there is a recursive sequence of recursive trees Tmω<ω × ω<ω such that P(x, m) ⇔ (∀y)(∃n)((xn, yn) ∉ Tm).

For each real x, define a binary relation ≤x on ω such that mx n if and only if x(〈m, n〉) = 1. Define

WF1 = {xωω |≤x is a wellfounded relation}.

Then x ∈ WF1 if and only if


so that WF1 is a image-set of reals. Fix a standard effective enumeration {σn}n<ω of ω<ω. We say that x codes a tree relation if


Now let P be a image-set of reals and let T be a recursive tree such that xP ⇔ (∀y)(∃n)((xn, yn) ∉ T). Define Tx = {σ | (x ↾|σ|, σ) ∈ T}. Then xP if and only if Tx is wellfounded. Define the Kleene–Brouwer ordering <KB on strings so that for any σ, τω<ω, σ <KB τ if and only if


In other words, σ <KB τ whenever either σ extends τ or σ is “to the left” of τ. Then for each x, x codes a wellfounded tree if and only if x codes a well-ordering under <KB.

Let Tω<ω × ω<ω be a recursive tree which witnesses P being image. Thus xP if and only if (∀y)(∃n)(xn, yn) ∉ T. Define f(x) = z if and only if z is the unique real coding the tree Tx. Obviously f is a well-defined recursive function. Furthermore, P(x) if and only if f(x) ∈ WF1.


WO1 = {x | x codes a well-ordering}.

Then x ∈ WO1 if and only if x ∈ WF1 ∧(∀n)(∀m)(nx mmx n). Hence WO1 is image. Then for each image-set P, there is a recursive function f such that xP if and only if f(x) ∈ WO1.

Let {Re}e<ω be an effective enumeration of recursively enumerable (r.e.) binary relations. Then the set

WF0 = {e | Re is wellfounded}

is image. Let xω be a image-set and Tω<ω × ω be a recursive tree such that nx if and only if (∀y)(∃m)(ym, n) ∉ T. Clearly there is a recursive function f such that for any n, Tn = {σ | (σ, n) ∈ T} = Rf(n). Then nx if and only if Rf(n) is a wellfounded binary relation. In other words, x is many-one reducible to WF0. By the same argument above, every image-set of numbers is many-one reducible to the image-set WO0 = {e | Re is a well-ordering}.

Note that the ordinal height of WF1 may be as high as ω1. An interesting question is the ordinal height of WF0. In other words, what is the least ordinal which is not the ordinal of a wellfounded recursive tree? We shall see that this ordinal, denoted image, is a countable ordinal.

The following proposition provides an interesting connection between image-sets of reals and image-subsets of ω.

Proposition 1.1.15 (Spector [153]). Suppose P is a image-set of reals. Then

(i)xP x is a image-set of integers.

(ii)If P has a unique element x, then x is image.

Proof. For (i): n ∈ ⋂xP x ⇔ (∀x)(P(x) → nx).

For (ii): nx ⇔ (∀y)(P(y) → ny) ↔ (∃y)(P(y) ∧ ny).

Proposition 1.1.15 is very useful. First, (i) says that one obtains a image-set by taking the intersection of a image-condition. Second, (ii) provides a link between sets of numbers and sets of reals. The unique real in (ii) is called a image-singleton. By (ii), each image-singleton is image. As we will see (cf. Proposition 1.2.5), this is the best possible. In general, the link between sets of numbers and sets of reals in terms of singleton sets is weak. For example, it will be shown that a image-singleton may itself have a definition much more complex than image (see also Exercise 1.1.5).

1.1.5 Relativization

As in classical recursion theory, all the results above may be relativized to a real x. We use boldface symbols with tilde image and image to denote the corresponding sets (of numbers or reals) relativized to a real. A set is projective if it belongs to image for some n.

1.1.6 Exercises

Exercise 1.1.1. Prove that a set P ⊆ 2ω is image if and only if it is defined by a recursive predicate.

Exercise 1.1.2. Prove that there is a image-total function which is not image.

Exercise 1.1.3. Prove that every closed uncountable set Pωω can be decomposed into the union of a countable set and a perfect set.

Exercise 1.1.4. Prove that every uncountable set Pωω can be decomposed into the union of a countable set and a set without isolated members.

Exercise 1.1.5. Prove that image(ω) ∈ 2ω is a image-singleton but not a image(x)-singleton for any image.

1.2 Ordinal notations

A key goal in descriptive set theory is to investigate properties of real numbers and sets of real numbers within the system ZFC. However, many statements about complexity classes above the image-level are independent of ZFC. Hence it is natural to study in greater depth properties of image-sets. Higher recursion theory provides an ideal platform as well as powerful tools for this purpose. In this section, we introduce the notion of a recursive ordinal and an ordinal notation which is at the heart of analysis of image-sets. The recursive ordinals allow one to carry out effective transfinite induction over the ordinal image similar to what is done over ω1 for transfinite induction.

1.2.1 Kleene’s image

Let 〈, 〉 : ω × ωω be a recursive bijection. Define an arithmetical set P ⊆ 2ω such that xP if and only if x satisfies the following conditions:

(i)〈1, 2〉 ∈ x;

(ii)(∀m)(∀n)(〈m, n〉 ∈ x → 〈n, 2n〉 ∈ x);

(iii)(∀e)((∀n)Φe(n)↓∧(∀n)〈Φe(n), Φe(n + 1)〉 ∈ x) → (∀n)(〈Φe(n), 3 ⋅ 5e〉 ∈ x));

(iv)(∀n)(∀m)(∀k)(〈n, m〉 ∈ x ∧〈m, k〉 ∈ x → 〈n, k〉 ∈ x).

Thus (i) implies that x is nonempty; (ii) says that x is “closed under successor”, and (iii) that it is “closed under limit”; (iv) asserts that x defines a transitive relation. We introduce the following notations.

Definition 1.2.1. <o= ⋂xP x.

image = {n | (∃m)(n <o m)}.

By Proposition 1.1.15, <o is a image-relation and image is image. We define a set a by induction: Stage 0. Put 〈1, 2〉 into a0.

Stage β + 1. Put 〈n, 2n〉 and 〈m, 2n〉 into aβ+1 if 〈m, n〉 ∈ aβ at stage β.

Stage λ, for λ a limit ordinal. For each e such that Φe is total and (∀n)(∃β < λ)(〈Φe(n), Φe(n+1)〉 ∈ aβ), put 〈Φe(n), 3⋅5e〉 into aλ for each n. Furthermore, if 〈m, Φe(n)〉 ∈ aβ for some β < λ, then 〈m, 3 ⋅ 5e〉 ∈ aλ.

Let a = ⋃β aβ.

It is straightforward to verify that aP and for each xP, ax. Hence a = <o.

Define a function image such that |1|=0 and |n| is the least ordinal β for which there is a number m with 〈m, n〉 ∈ aβ. If nimage, then n is said to be a notation for the ordinal |n|. An ordinal β is constructive if β =|n| for some nimage. Obviously m <o n implies |m| < |n|. Hence <o is a wellfounded partial ordering.

Definition 1.2.2. image = the least ordinal α greater than |n| for every nimage.

By induction on ordinals β < image, it is easy to see that for each image is a linear ordering under <o.

Remark 1.2.3.

(i)A path ximage is a set such that


An interesting question is whether every path can be extended to one whose ordinal height is image. Such a path is necessary for carrying out effective transfinite induction. However, this is in general not true. Note that there are many possible choices of notations at a limit stage β below image. If every path up to β were extendible to one of ordinal height image, then there would be 20 many sets of notations. Hence to obtain a path through <o, one must choose the notations judiciously. We will show that there exists a “well-behaved” image-path through <o.

(ii)It is not difficult to see that the set of constructive ordinals forms an initial segment, and hence is equal to image.

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