4 The theory of image-sets

image-sets of reals are endowed with rich structural properties, including those that are best understood from the perspective of the constructible universe L. In this chapter a deeper analysis of such sets is presented to elucidate this point.

4.1 A image-basis theorem

4.1.1 Tree presentations for image-sets

Recall that given a image-set A ⊆ 2ω, there is a recursive predicate P ⊆ 2ω × ωω such that xA if and only if (∀f)(∃nP(xn, fn). In other words, xA if and only if the x-recursive tree Tx ={σ |(∀τ)(τ image σP(x ↾|τ|, τ))} is wellfounded under the Kleene–Brouwer ordering. Then there is a function px : Tximage with pximage[x] such that px is order preserving under the Kleene–Brouwer ordering.

Now let image be a set so that (σ, p) ∈ T if and only if p is an order-preserving finite function from {τ | τ ∈|σ|≤|σ| ∧(∀τʹ)(τʹ image τP(σ ↾|τʹ|, τʹ))} to ω1. Define (σʹ, pʹ) image (σ, p) if and only if σʹ image σ and pʹ extends p. Then T is a tree under ≻. Thus xA if and only if there is an f : Txω1 such that (x, f) is an infinite path in T, and this holds if and only if there is an f : Txω1 with fimage[x] such that (x, f) is an infinite path in T.

The advantage with a tree presentation is that the companion path f of x exists in image[x].

Given (σ, p), (σʹ, pʹ) ∈ 2<ω × image, we say that (σʹ, pʹ)<l (σ, p) if

either (σʹ, pʹ)≻(σ, p), or

there is an i such that σʹ(i) < σ(i) and for all j < i, σʹ(j)= σ (j), or

there is a νω<ω such that pʹ(ν) < p(ν) and for all νʹ <KB ν, νʹ ∈ Dom(σ)⇒ pʹ(νʹ)= p(νʹ).

An infinite path (x, f) in T is the leftmost path if there is no infinite path in {(σ, p)| (σ, p)<l (x ↾|σ|, f ↾Dom(p))}.

Lemma 4.1.1. Suppose that (x, f) is the leftmost path of T, then fimage[x].

Proof. Suppose that (x, f) is the leftmost path of T. Then f is the unique order-preserving function from the x-recursive tree Tx ={σ | P(x ↾|σ|, σ)} onto an initial segment of image. Since image[x] is admissible, by the Σ-induction Theorem (3.1.8), we have fimage[x].

4.1.2 A constructible basis theorem

Theorem 4.1.2 (Guaspari [42]). If A ⊆ 2ω is a nonempty image-set, then there is an xA such that ximage.

Proof. Let T be the tree presentation for A and (x, f) its leftmost path. We claim that ximage.

By Lemma 4.1.1, fimage[x]. Hence there is an ordinal α0 < image such that Rang(f)= α0. We define a tree Tα0 by replacing ω1 with α0 in T everywhere. Obviously Tα0Lγ0 for some γ0 < image and (x, f) is an infinite path in Tα0. Moreover, for any (σ, p)<l (x ↾ |σ|, f ↾ Dom(p)), there is no infinite path in image ={(σʹ, pʹ) ∈ Tα0 |(σʹ, pʹ) ≻ (σ, p)}. Otherwise, any such infinite path would also be in T and to the left of (x, f), which contradicts the choice of (x, f) in T. Then for any (σ, p)<l (x ↾|σ|, f ↾ Dom(p)), there exist ordinals α(σ, p) < image, β(σ, p) < α(σ, p) and a function g(σ, p)Lα(σ, p) such that g(σ, p) is an order-preserving function from image to β(σ, p). Moreover, the function from (σ, p)<l (x ↾|σ|, f ↾Dom(p)) to α(σ, p) < image is Σ1 in image[x]. Since the set {(σ, p, image)| (σ, p)<l (x ↾|σ|, f ↾ Dom(p))} is an element of image [x], there is a γ < image that bounds any α(σ, p) where (σ, p)<l (x ↾|σ|, f ↾Dom(p)).

We may assume that γ > α0. Now working in Lγ, we define an infinite path as follows:

(σ0, p0) = image.

(σi+1, pi+1) ≻ (σi, pi) in Tα0 is of length i + 1 so that

(1) for all (σ, p) <l (σi+1, pi+1) not extending (σi+1, pi+1), there is an order-preserving function g(σ, p)Lγ from image into an ordinal β(σ, p) < γ, and

(2) there is no order-preserving function gLγ from image into any ordinal β < γ.

By the assumption of γ, we have ⋃i<ω(σi, pi) = (x, f). Clearly the sequence {(i, σi, pi)}i<ω is an element of Lγ+ω. Hence (x, f) ∈ Lγ+ωimage, and so ximage.

We have as an immediate consequence of Theorem 4.1.2,

Corollary 4.1.3. If x is a image-singleton, then ximage.

4.1.3 Exercises

Exercise 4.1.1. Use Theorem 4.1.2 to prove Proposition 4.2.5.

Exercise 4.1.2. Prove that there is a nonconstructible real if and only if there is a nonempty image-set which does not contain a constructible real.

4.2 image-uniformization

4.2.1 Uniformizing image-relations

Given a relation R ⊆ 2ω × 2ω, arelation R0 is a uniformization of R if for any x and y, R0(x, y) implies R(x, y) and for any x, if there is a y such that R(x, y), then there is a unique y such that R0(x, y). Uniformization of R is in effect a choice function for R.

Theorem 4.2.1 (Kondô [74] and Addison [1]). Suppose that R ⊆ 2ω × 2ω is image. Then there is a image-relation R0 that uniformizes R.

Proof. Suppose that R ⊆ 2ω × 2ω is image. By Corollary 3.7.2, there is a Σ0-formula φ(u, v, w) such that


Define R0 ⊆ 2ω × 2ω so that (x, y) ∈ R0 if and only if


By Theorem 4.1.2, if there is a y such that (x, y) ∈ R, then there is one such that R0(x, y). By the definition of R0, R0 uniformizes R. Note that both (i) and (ii) above are Σ1-statements. By Proposition 3.3.3, (iii) is also a Σ1-statement. By Corollary 3.7.2, R0 is a image-relation.

There are a number of interesting applications of the image-Uniformization Theorem (4.2.1) which we now discuss:

Proposition 4.2.2 Given image-sets A0 and B0, there exist disjoint image-sets A1A0, B1B0 such that A0B0 = A1B1.

Proof. Let R ⊆ 2ω ×2 be a image-relation such that (x, i) ∈ R if and only if either i = 0 and xA0 or i = 1 and xB0. By Theorem 4.2.1, there is a image-relation R0 uniformizing R. Define xA1 if and only if (x, 0) ∈ R0 and xB1 if and only if (x, 1) ∈ R1. Then A1, B1 are as required.

Corollary 4.2.3. Given disjoint image-sets A0, B0, there exist disjoint image-sets A1, B1 such that A0A1, B0B1 and A1B1 = 2ω.

Proof. The hypothesis implies that 2ω A0 and 2ω B0 are image. By Proposition 4.2.2, there exist two image-sets A1B0, B1A0 such that A1 and B1 are disjoint and A1B1 = 2ω. Hence these sets are image.

4.2.2 Kreisel compactness

Kreisel’s Compactness Theorem is a generalization of the Compactness Theorem in model theory to image -logic. In this setting, “recursively enumerable” is image, and “finite” is image. It is a striking application of the image-Uniformization Theorem.

Theorem 4.2.4 (Kreisel). Let Aω × 2ω be a image-set such that for each n, An ={x | (n, x) ∈ A} is image. Let z be image. Ifn∈y Animage for every hyperarithmetic yz, then image.

Proof. Suppose not. Then z is properly image and ⋂nz An = image. Then for each x, there is an n such that xAn. Define a image-relation R ⊆ 2ω × ω such that R(x, n)⇔ nz ∧ x ∉ An. By the Uniformization Theorem (4.2.1), there is a total image-function f uniformizing R. Then the set


is contained in z and is image. If x ∈ ⋂ny An, then f(x) ∈ ω y. But no mω y belongs to f[2ω]. Thus ⋂ny An = image. By Corollary 4.2.3 restricted to ω, there is a image-real y0 with yy0z. Then ⋂ny0 An = image, which is a contradiction.

Theorem 4.2.4 was further generalized by Barwise [3] to countable admissible sets as a compactness theorem for infinitary logic.

4.2.3 image-singletons

Proposition 4.2.5 Every nonempty image-set of reals contains a image-singleton.

Proof. Suppose that A ⊆ 2ω is image and nonempty. Let (n, x) ∈ R if and only if xA. Then R is a image-relation. By Theorem 4.2.1, there is a image-relation R0 uniformizing R. Then the uniquereal x such that (0, x) ∈ R0 is a image-singleton.

By Proposition 4.2.5, we know that every nonempty image-set contains a image-singleton.

Proposition 4.2.6 The set {x | x is a image-singleton} is image.

Proof. Let Pω × 2ω be a universal image-set. By Proposition 4.2.5, there is image -set P0P uniformizing P. Let A ={x |(∃n)(n, x) ∈ P0}. Then A is a image set which contains precisely all the image-singletons.

Since there are only countably many image-singletons, there is a countable image-set which is a basis for image-sets of reals. This gives the following basis result for image-sets.

Corollary 4.2.7. Every nonempty image-set of reals contains a image-member.

Proof. Suppose A is a nonempty image-set of reals. Then xA if and only if (∃y)B(x, y) for some image-relation B. By Proposition 4.2.5, there is a image-singleton, and hence a image-real, (x0, y0) such that B(x0, y0). Then x0A is image.

By the proof of Corollary 4.2.7, we have the following characterization of image-reals.

Corollary 4.2.8. A real x is image if and only if x is recursive in a image-singleton. Hence the set of image-reals is image.

Corollary 4.2.9. (Shoenfield [129]).(i) If A ⊆ 2ω is nonempty and image, then there is an xAL recursive in a image-singleton.

(ii) Every image-real is constructible.

Proof. (i) If A ⊆ 2ω is a nonempty image-set, then there is a image-set B ⊆ 2ω × 2ω such that xA if and only if there exists a y such that B(x, y). By Proposition 4.2.5, there is a image-singleton B(x0, y0). By Corollary 4.1.3, (x0, y0) ∈ L. Thus x0A is a constructible real recursive in the image-singleton x0y0.

(ii) Immediate from (i), since every image-real is a image-singleton.

Corollary 4.2.9 (i) is known in the literature as the Shoenfield Absoluteness Lemma. There are many applications of this in set theory. For example, given a image-predicate P, one has 〈L, ∈〉 ⊨ P if and only if 〈V, ∈〉 ⊨ P.

4.2.4 Exercises

Exercise 4.2.1. Prove that there is a image-relation R ⊆ 2ω × 2ω which is not uniformizable by a Σ11-relation.

Exercise 4.2.2. Prove that there is no image-set ximage where <o restricted to x is a well-ordering of order type image and such that there is a partial recursive function p : ω2ω satisfying properties (i)–(iii) of Exercise 1.4.1.

Exercise 4.2.3. Prove Theorem 4.1.2 from Theorem 4.2.1.

4.3 Characterizing thin image-sets

A set is thin if it contains no perfect subset. There is a beautiful characterization of image-thin sets in terms of constructibility.

4.3.1 The largest thin image-set

Let image ={x | ximage}.

Lemma 4.3.1. image is a thin image-set.

Proof. ximage if and only if image. By Theorem 3.3.2 and Corollary 3.7.2, image is image.

Suppose image is not thin. Let

B ={T ⊆ 2<ω | T is a perfect tree in which every infinite path belongs to image.}

Then B is a image-set. By Theorem 4.1.2, there is a TB with image. By relativizing the Gandy Basis Theorem (2.5.3) to T, there is a real x ∈ [T] ⊆ image such that xh T and image. Hence ximage, a contradiction.

Lemma 4.3.2. (Mansfield [87], Solovay [149]). Let A ⊆ 2ω be image. If there is an xA such that ximage, then there is a perfect tree TL all of whose infinite paths belong to A.

Proof. Let image be defined as before. Suppose A ⊆ 2ω is image and there is an xA image. Let α0 be the least ordinal α such that α = image for some xA image.

Let T0 be a tree presentation of A and image be as defined in the proof of Theorem 4.1.2. Since image is a image-set, there is a recursive tree T1 ⊆ 2<ω × ω<ω such that x ∉ image if and only if (∃y)(x, y)∈[T1]. Now let T2 ⊆ 2<ω × αω<ω × 2<ω be a tree defined as follows: (σ, p, τ) ∈ T2 if and only if (σ, p) ∈ image and (σ, τ) ∈ T1. By assumption, there is an infinite path (x, f, y) in T2.

We claim that for any (σ, p, τ) ∈ T2, if there is an infinite path in T2,(σ, p, τ) = {(σʹ, pʹ, τʹ) ∈ T2 |(σʹ, pʹ, τʹ) ≻ (σ, p, τ)}, then there are (σ0, p0, τ0) and (σ1, p1, τ1) in T2,(σ, p, τ), with σ0 and σ1 incompatible, such that both T2,(σ0, p0, τ0) and T2,(σ1, p1, τ1) have infinite paths. Otherwise, fix a (σ, p, τ) ∈ T2 for which this is false. Then there is an infinite path (x, f, y) in T2,(σ, p, τ). Note that imageα0. By assumption, for any σʹ ≻ σ that is not an initial segment of x, the tree

T2, σʹ ={(σʺ, pʺ, τʺ) ∈ T2,(σ, p, τ) | σʹ ≻ σ}

is wellfounded. Then by the same proof as that of Theorem 4.1.2, there is a γ < image such that the set {σʹ | σʹ image x ∧(∃pʹ)(∃τʹ)(σʹ, pʹ, τʹ) ∈ T2,(σ, p, τ)} belongs to Lγ. Then xLγ+1image, contradicting the fact that ximage.

By the claim, one may carry out the first construction of Theorem 1.1.10 to obtain a perfect tree all of whose paths belong to A. Thus the set {T | T is perfect ∧[T]⊆ A} is a nonempty image-set. By Theorem 4.1.2, there is a perfect tree TL such that [T]⊆ A.

By Lemma 4.3.1 and Lemma 4.3.2, we have the following characterization of the largest thin image-set.

Theorem 4.3.3. image is the largest thin image-set.

4.3.2 Some properties of image

Since every image-set of reals contains an ximage that is also a image-singleton, one may ask if every real in image is a image-singleton. This is false since image is uncountable in L.

Proposition 4.3.4 For any real xL, there is a zimage such that zT x.

Proof. Let xL. By Corollary 3.3.8, xJα+1 Jα for some α <(ω1)L. Then x is Σn(Jα+1) for some n. By Theorem 3.4.11, there is a real zJα+1 Jα which is a Σn-master code. Thus image = ω. By the definition of Σn-master code, there is a z-recursive well-ordering of α. In other words, image > α. Thus zimage and xT z.

Proposition 4.3.5. There is an ximage in which every image-singleton is recursive.

Proof. By Proposition 4.1.3, every image-singleton is in L. Since 〈L, ∈〉 ⊨ ZFC, the statement “there are only countably many image-singletons” is true in L. Hence there is a real yL in which every image-singleton in L is recursive. By Proposition 4.3.4, yT z for some zimage.

Corollary 4.3.6.

(i)image is the largest countable image-set of reals if and only if (ω1)L < ω1.

(ii)There is an uncountable thin image-set if and only if (ω1)L = ω1.

Proof. (i) By Proposition 4.3.4, if image is countable, then L ∩ 2ω is countable. So (ω1)L is countable.

Suppose that (ω1)L is countable. Then by Proposition 4.3.2, every image-countable set of reals is a subset of image. By Corollary 3.3.8, image is countable.

(ii) follows from (i).

4.3.3 Exercise

Exercise 4.3.1. Show that if ω1 =(ω1)L, then there is no largest countable image-set of reals.

4.4 image-sets

image-sets and image-sets of reals are similar in several respects. We list some of them here.

Corollary 4.4.1. 2ωL is image.

Proof. By Proposition 4.3.4, xL if and only if there is a yimage such that yT x.

Proposition 4.4.2 x L y is a image-relation.

Proof. xL y if and only if x, yL and there is a binary relation Eω such that

ω, E〉 is wellfounded;

ω, E〉 ⊨ V = L + KP;

ω, E〉 ⊨ xL y.

Thus the relation xL y is image.

The following is an analog of the Spector–Gandy Theorem for image-sets.

Proposition 4.4.3 A set A ⊆ 2ω is image if and only if there is a Σ1-formula φ such that


Proof. Suppose that A ⊆ 2ω is image. Then there is a image-relation B ⊆ 2ω × 2ω such that

xA ⇔ (∃y)B(x, y).

By Corollary 3.7.2, there is a Σ1-formula ψ such that


Since for every x, Bx ={y | B(x, y)} is image(x), by relativizing Theorem 4.1.2 there is a yBx such that image



Now let φ be


By Theorem 3.3.2, φ is Σ1. By the discussion above, xA if and only if 〈L[x], ∈〉 ⊨ φ if and only if 〈L(ω1)L[x] [x], ∈〉 ⊨ φ

For the other direction, suppose there is a Σ1-formula φ such that xA ⇔ 〈L[x], ∈〉 ⊨ φ. Then for each x, there is a cardinal κ such that xA ⇔〈Lκ[x], ∈〉 ⊨ φ. By the Condensation Theorem (3.3.7), there is a countable admissible ordinal α such that xA ⇔〈Lα[x], ∈〉 ⊨ φ. Since φ is Σ1, we have xA ⇔〈L[x], ∈〉 ⊨ φ ⇔ 〈L(ω1)L[x] [x], ∈〉 ⊨ φ.

By Theorem 3.3.4, 〈L(ω1)L[x] [x], ∈〉 ⊨ φ if and only if there is a countable transitive wellfounded model 〈M, ∈〉 ⊨ KP + “V = L[x]” + φ. Hence 〈L(ω1)L[x] [x], ∈〉 ⊨ φ if and only if

(∃E)(〈ω, E〉 codes a wellfounded transitive model ∧〈ω, E〉 ⊨ KP + “V = L[x]” + φ).

By Proposition 3.6.2, the set {x | 〈L(ω1)L[x] [x], ∈〉 ⊨ φ ={x |〈L[x], ∈〉 ⊨ φ} is image.

Thus one may regard Lω1 as the structure where image-sets are based. In a way, image-ness draws the boundary between recursion theory and set theory. Within ZFC, it is not possible to generalize results in the previous sections to a level beyond image. One needs additional set-theoretic assumptions for this. How this is to be implemented is a major subject in descriptive set theory. From this perspective, higher recursion theory serves as a launch pad for the study of descriptive set theory beyond the level of image. Let




Proposition 4.4.4 δ = image.

Proof. If α < δ, then there is a image-singleton xLδ Lα. Since ximage and image is a image(x) well-ordering, α < image < image. Hence δimage.

If α < image, then there is a image well-ordering relation Rω × ω of order type α. Then there exist arithmetical relations S, T ⊆(ωω)2 × ω2 such that


Define image-sets

R0 ={(h, 〈n, m〉) | h(0)= 0 ∧(∃f)(∀g)S(f, g, n, m)∧(∀n)(f(n)= h(n + 1)))}


R1 ={(h, 〈n, m〉) | h(0)= 1 ∧(∃f)(∀g)T(f, g, n, m)∧(∀n)(f(n)= h(n + 1)))}.

By the image-Uniformization Theorem (4.2.1), the two relations may be uniformized by partial image-functions pR0 and pR1 : ωωω. Let p = pR0pR1. Then p is a total image-function and may be viewed as a image-singleton. Then R is arithmetical in p and hence α < image < δ. Thus image = δ.

This gives a finer version of the Spector–Gandy Theorem for image-sets:

Proposition 4.4.5 A real x is image if and only if x is Σ1-definable overimage, ∈〉.

Proof. Suppose that x is image. Then there is a Σ0-formula φ(n, y) such that


By Corollary 4.2.9 and Proposition 4.4.4, we have


Assume image and fix such a real y. Then image Hence nx. Thus x is Σ1-definable over 〈image, ∈〉.

Conversely, suppose that x is Σ1-definable over 〈image, ∈〉 via the formula φ(n). By Proposition 4.4.4, we have nx if and only if there exists a zimage such that 〈image, ∈〉 ⊨ φ(n). Thus x is image.

It is possible to relativize “image-ness” in the obvious way and define the relation “x is image in y” and thereby introduce the notion of a image-degree. Let image be the supremum of all well-orderings of ω that are image in x. The following result says in a strong way that Post’s problem has a negative solution for the image-degrees.

Proposition 4.4.6

(i)If x is constructible and not image, then image > image.

(ii) Assume V = L. Then image is a well-ordering of the image-degrees and its order type is ω1. Moreover, if image then image.

Proof. (i) Let

A ={r | r codes a well-ordering of ωxL|r|},

where |r| denotes the order type of r as a well-ordering. Then A is image(x). Let rA. Since x is not image we must have |r|> image. Hence image > image.

(ii) If V = L, then by Proposition 4.4.2, ≤L is a image well-ordering of the reals. Suppose that xL y. Then by the proof of (i), there is a image(y)-real r coding a well-ordering of ω such that yL|r| and so xL|r|. Then image and hence xh r image y. Thus x image y. So image is a well-ordering of image-degrees and its order type is ω1. If x image y, then by the same argument as that in (i) but relativized to y, we have image.

Proposition 4.4.6 indicates that while L is an appropriate ground model for hyperarithmetic theory, it is less so for a image-theory as the well-ordering of the image relation makes the structure of the corresponding degrees relatively simple and hence less interesting.

4.4.1 Exercises

Exercise 4.4.1 (Solovay [149] and Mansfield [87]). Prove that every image-set of reals containing a nonconstructible real has a perfect subset.

Exercise 4.4.2. 2ωL is the largest countable image-set of reals if and only if (ω1)L < ω1.

Exercise 4.4.3. If ω1 =(ω1)L, then there is no largest countable image-set of reals.

Exercise 4.4.4. Prove that there is a real x and a nonempty image-set P ⊆ 2ω such that image > image but there is no real zP such that z image x.

Exercise 4.4.5. Suppose that image is a countable language and T is a consistent theory of image. Then T has, up to elementary equivalence, either ≤ℵ0 or 20 -many countable models.

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