Lemma 14.3.6. If x is image-random and yh x, then there is a recursive ordinal γ such that yT ximage(γ).

Proof. Since x is image-random, we have image = image. Let yh x. Then there is a formula image with rank at most β0 < image such that


By Lemma 13.1.1, there is a recursive ordinal β > β0 such that


is recursive in image(β). By Lemma 13.1.10, there is a recursive ordinal β1β such that for any number i and formula ψ with rank β, there is a formula ψ′ with rank at most β1 such that {z | image(image, z) image ψ′} is a image(image(β1)-subset of {z | image(image, z) image ψ} with difference in measure less than 2i. Note that the search procedure for β1 from β0 is effective in image In this way one obtains a Δ1-sequence of ordinals β0 < β1 < … in image Let image. Then for any β < γ,

(i) the set


is recursive in image(γ), and

(ii) for any number i and formula ψ with rank β, there is a formula ψ′ with rank less than γ so that {z | image (image, z) image ψ′} is a image(image(β′))-subset of {z | image(image, z) image ψ} for some β′ < γ with difference in measure less than 2i.

Note that for any ranked formula ψ, if xPψ = {z | image(image, z) image ψ}, then Pψ has positive measure.

Since x is image-dominated, there is a hyperarithmetic function f : ωω such that for any e and nimage with |n| < γ such that image computes a tree Te,n, if x image [Te,n] then image.

Now recursively in ximage(γ)f , search for a formula ψ0 with rank less than γ such that S0 = {z | image(image, z) image ψ0} contains x, has positive measure, and is a closed subset of either {z | image(image, z) image φ(z, Ō)} or {z | image(image, z) image ¬φ(z, Ō)}. Since x is image-random, by (ii) there is such a ψ0. Note that one needs ximage(γ)f to decide if xS0. Inductively, for each n, search recursively in x⊕0(γ)f for a formula ψn+1 with rank less than γ such that Sn+1 = {z | image(image, z) image ψn+1} contains x, has positive measure, and is a closed subset of either image or image. Since x is image-random, by (ii), such a ψn+1 exists. This implies that yT ximage(γ)f

Since f is hyperarithmetic, there is a γ0 < image such that fT image( γ0). Without loss of generality, assume γ0γ (replacing γ with γ+ γ0 if necessary). Then yT ximage(γ) .

Corollary 14.3.7. If x is image-random and yh x, then there is a recursive ordinal β, a function fT image(β) and a recursive functional Ψ such that for every n, y(n) = Ψx⊕0(β)↾f(n)(n)[f(n)].

Proof. Suppose that x is image-random and yh x. By Lemma 14.3.6, there is a recursive ordinal γ and a recursive function Φ such that for every n, y(n) = Φx⊕0(γ)(n). Let g <h x be a function such that for every n, y(n) = Φx⊕0(γ)↾g(n)(n)[g(n)]. Since x is image-dominated, there is a hyperarithmetic function h so that for all n, h(n)> g(n).

Hence there is a sufficiently large recursive ordinal β such that both x and h are many-one reducible to image(β). It Is not difficult to define a function fT image(β) and a recursive function Ψ so that for every n, y(n) = Ψx⊕0(β)↾f(n)(n)[f(n)].

Theorem 14.3.8. If x is image-random and yh x is not hyperarithmetic, then there is a image-random zh y.

Proof. Suppose x is image-random and yh x is not hyperarithmetic. By Corollary 14.3.7, there is a recursive ordinal β, a nondecreasing function fT image(β) and a recursive function Ψ such that limn→∞ f(n) = ∞ and for every n,


For each u ∈ 2<ω, let




where τ < u means, as strings, τ is to the left of u.

One may view image as a “measure” for τ. For each n, let


Then lnln+1rn+1rn. Since y is not hyperarithmetic, it is not difficult to see that limn→∞ rn = 0. Hence there is a unique


Clearly zT yimage(β). We leave it to the reader to verify that yT zimage(β). Thus zh y.

Suppose that z is not image-random. Then there is a recursive ordinal γ < β and a image(γ)-ML-test {Vn}nω such that image. Let


Intuitively, {̂Vn}n<ω is a image-Martin-Löf test relative to the measure λ, where λ(σ) = ∑τC(σ) 2−|τ| for any σ ∈ 2<ω.

Since zVn, we have ŷVn for every n. Note that {̂Vn}n<ω is image(γ+1+β)-r. e.



Then {Un}n is image(γ+1+β)-r. e and image. Note that for every n,


Then {Un+1}n<ω is a image(γ+1+β)-ML-test. Hence x is not a image-random, a contradiction.

14.3.4 Exercises

Exercise 14.3.1 (Hjorth and Nies [51]). Prove that xy is image-random if and only if x is image-random and y is image(x)-random.

Exercise 14.3.2 (Yu [171]). For any zh image, there is a image-random xh z which is not image-ML random.

Exercise 14.3.3. Prove that if x is image-random, then for any image-set A of reals containing x,


Exercise 14.3.4. Prove that there is a image-set A and a image-ML random xA such that image.

Exercise 14.3.5. Prove that every x image HYP hyperarithmetically reducible to a image-random real is image-random relative to a continuous measure.

Exercise 14.3.6 (Kjos-Hanssen and Yu). Let Φ be a universal partial image-function from ω to 2, and assume that x(e) ≠ Φ(e, e) for each e. Show that x hyperarithmetically computes some member of a given nonempty image-closed subset of 2ω.

Exercise 14.3.7 (Greenberg, Montalbán and Slaman [39]; Kalimullin and Nies). Suppose that M is a structure such that the set A = {x |(∃imageT x)(imageimage)} has measure 1. Prove that every image-random real is in A.

Exercise 14.3.8 (Kripke [120]). If A is a nullset of hyperdegrees such that image, then the set image is also null.

14.4 image and image-randomness

14.4.1 image-randomness

Since there is a image-real which is image-random, image-randomness is strictly stronger than image-randomness. By Corollary 13.1.7 and Proposition 13.1.12, we have the following conclusion.

Proposition 14.4.1. Assume that image < ω1. Then image-randomness = image-ML randomness = image-randomness.

14.4.2 image-ML randomness

Let {φn(σ)}n<ω be a recursive enumeration of image-formulas. There is a Σ1-formula ψ(n, σ) (in set theory) such that


Let (n, σ)∈ U if and only if


One may view (n, σ) ∈ U as an enumeration of strings σ in U up to any stage coded by a image-singleton where the measure is less than 2n. We leave it to the reader to verify that U is image. Then the set {Un}n<ω, where Un = {σ |(n, σ)∈ U}, is a universal image-ML-test.

Hence there is a image-closed set P which contains only image-ML random reals. It follows that the leftmost path in P is image-equivalent to a image-real and so belongs to L.

By Proposition 4.4.6, every xPL satisfies image > image. This applies in particular to the leftmost path x in P. Hence if one stays within L, the situation that one normally sees in standard randomness theory no longer applies. Note that by applying a method similar to that in the proof of Theorem 14.2.10, one may separate image-ML randomness from image-randomness.

Proposition 14.4.2. If V = L, then every nonzero image-degree contains a image-ML random real.

Proof. First observe that the set P above can be presented by a image-tree T. By Proposition 4.4.6, T is image in every x ∈[T] and T has the least nontrivial image-degree. Hence the proposition follows.

14.4.3 image-randomness

Definition 14.4.3. We say that x is L-random if for any Martin-Löf test {Un}n<ω in L, image

L-randomness was essentially introduced by Solovay [150]. The following fact is immediate.

Proposition 14.4.4. The followings are equivalent:

(i)x is L-random;

(ii)x does not belong to any Borel nullset coded in L;

(iii)x is ℝ = 〈T, ≤〉-generic over L, whereis the notion of random forcing as defined in § 6.2.2.

Proof. Obviously (iii) ⇒ (ii) ⇔ (i). By Proposition 6.2.6, ℝ is c. c. c. Then it follows that for any dense subset image, image is a Borel co-nullset with a Borel code in L. Hence (ii) ⇒ (iii).

Theorem 14.4.5 (Solovay [150]). If the set of L-random reals has measure 1, then every image-set is measurable.

Proof. Suppose that A is a image-set of reals defined by a formula φ(x) in the language of set theory so that


Let image be a maximal antichain in L so that for any pimage, pφ(image). Then image is countable. Let image. Then R is a Borel set with a Borel code in L. If x is L-random, then x is an ℝ-generic real over L. Hence if x is L-random in R, then 〈L[x], ∈〉 image φ(x) and so x belongs to A. Note that image′ = {r |(∃pimage)(rp)∨(∀p)(∀q)(pimageqp → q image r)} is a dense set. Thus if xA, then xR so that for any L-random real x, xA if and only if xR. Since the set of L-random reals has measure 1, A is equal to R modulo a nullset. It follows that A is measurable.

Theorem 14.4.6 (Stern [161]). For any real x, x is image-random and image = image if and only if x is L-random.

Proof. Let x be image-random such that image = image. If x is not L-random, then let


be a nonempty image(x)-set. Then there is an r image x so that ximage , a contradiction.

Conversely, let x be L-random. Then x is image-random. Suppose that image > image. Then there are image-formulas φ(x, m, n) and ψ(x, m, n) defining an rL coding a well-ordering greater than image. By Corollary 4.2.9, image. By (iii) in Proposition 14.4.4, there is a condition pTL such that


Then for any L-random real zp, r image z. Applying Levy collapse image over V, in V[G] the set of L-random reals is of measure 1. It follows that in V[G], the set


has positive measure. By Theorem 14.4.5 and Proposition 13.1.9, r is image in V[G] and so in V, a contradiction.

Note that the set of L-random reals is image. Thus if the measure of non-L-random reals is 0, then every image-random real is L-random.

Theorem 14.4.7 (Stern [161]). Assume that the set of L-random reals has measure 1. Then the set of non-L-random reals is the largest null image-set and so image-randomness is equivalent to L-randomness.

Proof. For a contradiction, suppose that A is a null image-set containing an L-random real x. Then there is a formula φ defining A such that 〈L[x], ∈〉 image φ(x). By Proposition 14.4.4, there is a condition pTL such that pφ(image). Hence for any random real yp, we have 〈L[y], ∈〉 image φ(y). Thus φ(y) holds for any yp. Since the set of L-random reals has measure 1, it follows that μ(A) > 0, a contradiction.

Hence if (ω1)L < ω1, then image-randomness is strictly stronger than image-ML randomness. Indeed, the conclusion is provable in ZFC.

Proposition 14.4.8. There is a image-ML random real which is not image-random.

Proof. Let T ⊆ 2<ω be a image-tree containing only image-ML random reals. Then by a method similar to that used in the proof of Lemma 14.2.12, replacing image with image, one is able to show that the leftmost path of T is covered by a image-nullset. We leave it to the reader to fill in the details.

One may also introduce the notion of strong image-ML randomness by considering reals that avoid all generalized image-ML tests. Then Proposition 14.4.8 says that strong image-ML randomness is different from image-ML randomness. Note that every generalized image-ML test {Un}n<ω is a member of L, and by Corollary 13.1.7, 〈L, ∈〉 image μ(∩n<ωUn) = 0. Hence there is a real in L which is strongly image-ML random. It follows that if the set of constructible reals is null, then strong image-ML randomness is strictly weaker than image-randomness.

14.4.4 Exercises

Exercise 14.4.1. Separate image-ML randomness from image-randomness.

Exercise 14.4.2. Every image-set is measurable if and only if almost every real is L-random.

Exercise 14.4.3. Assume V = L. Prove that there is no largest image-nullset.

Exercise 14.4.4. Complete the proof of Proposition 14.4.8.

Exercise 14.4.5 (Stern [161]). Prove that it is consistent with ZFC that (ω1)L = ω1 and almost every real is L-random.

Exercise 14.4.6. Assume V = L. Show that every nontrivial image-degree contains a strongly image-ML random real.

Exercise 14.4.7. Let r be random over L. Show that in L[r], there is no real which is Cohen generic over L.

Exercise 14.4.8. Let g be Cohen generic over L. Show that in L[g], the set of constructible reals is null but no real is L-random.

14.5 Kolmogorov complexity and randomness

14.5.1 The Kolmogorov complexity of image-random reals

Proposition 14.5.1. The following are equivalent:

(i)x is image-random.

(ii)For any z ∈ HYP which is Martin-Löf random,


(iii)For any z ∈ HYP which is Martin-Löf random,


Proof. (i) ⇔ (ii). By Proposition 14.2.2, x is image-random if and only if for any hyperarithmetic z, x is Martin-Löf random relativized to z. By Theorem 12.1.10, this is equivalent to stating that for any hyperarithmetic Martin-Löf random z, x is Martin-Löf random relativized to z. By van Lambalgen’s Theorem 12.1.7, this is in turn equivalent to saying that for every hyperarithmetic Martin-Löf random z, xz is Martin-Löf random which, by Theorem 12.2.11, is equivalent to “for any hyperarithmetic Martin-Löf random z, (∃c)(∀n)(K(xn)≥ 2nC(zn)− c)”.

One proves similarly that (i) ⇔ (iii).

Corollary 14.5.2. image-randomness is upward closed for both K- and C-degrees.

14.5.2 The Kolmogorov complexity of image-random reals

Proposition 14.5.3. For any image-random x, if either xK y or xC y, then y is image-random.

Proof. Suppose that x is image-random and xK y (resp. xC y). By Corollary 14.5.2, y is image-random. Note that {z | xK z} (resp. {z | xC z}) is image(x). By Theorem 12.2.14 and Lemma 2.5.4 relativized to x, yh x and so image = image. Then by Corollary 14.3.2, y is image-random.

One may also show that image-randomness is both K-and C-upward closed. By Theorem 14.4.7, if (ω1)L < ω1, then image-randomness is upward closed for both ≤K and ≤C. It is not known if image-ML randomness is upward closed for either of these reducibilities.

14.5.3 Exercise

Exercise 14.5.1. Prove that there is no function f such that x is image-random if and only if (∃c)(∀n)(K(xn)≥ n + f(n)− c).

14.6 Lowness for randomness

Lowness notions for higher randomness generally parallel those for randomness over the natural numbers. In this section, we omit proofs about lowness properties which are minor modifications of those for the latter. The reader is referred to the relevant books or papers for details.

14.6.1 Lowness for higher Kurtz randomness

Lemma 14.6.1. If x is image-dominated and image-semitraceable, then x is low for image-Kurtz tests.

Proof. Suppose x is image-dominated and image-semitraceable. Let U be a image(x) open set with measure 1. Then there is a yh x such that U is image(y). Let Φ be a Turing reduction so that the domain of Φy is U. Write Uz for the domain of Φz for any z. Note that U = Uy.

Define a image(x) function ̂f by: ̂f (n) is the shortest string σy with μ(Uσ[σ]) > 1 − 2n. By the hypothesis of the theorem, there is an increasing image-function g and a image-function f such that for every n, there is an m ∈[g(n), g(n + 1)) with f(m) = ̂f(m). Without loss of generality, we may assume that μ(Uf(m)[m]) > 1 − 2m for every m.

Define a image-open set V such that σV if and only if there exists an n so that image. By the property of f and g, VUy = U. But for every n,




This implies that x is low for image-Kurtz tests.

Lemma 14.6.2. If x is low for image-Kurtz randomness, then x is image-dominated.

Proof. We first show that if x is low for image-Kurtz tests, then x is image-dominated.

Suppose fh x is an increasing function. Let Sf = {z | (∀n)(z(f(n)) = 0)}. Obviously Sf is a image(x)-closed nullset. Hence there is a image-closed nullset [T] ⊇ Sf where T ⊆ 2<ω is a image-tree. Define


Since μ([T]) = 0, g is image. We claim that g dominates f .

For every n, Sf(n) = {σ ∈ 2f(n) | (∀in)(σ(f(i)) = 0)} has cardinality 2f(n)−n. However, if g(n)≤ f(n) then applying S ⊆ [T] one has


This is a contradiction. Hence x is image-dominated.

Now suppose x is not image-dominated witnessed by an fh x. Then Sf is not contained in any image-closed nullset. Indeed it is not difficult to see that for any σ with [σ]∩ Sf ≠ 0, [σ]∩ Sf is not contained in any image-closed nullset (otherwise, as proved above, one shows that f is dominated by a image-function). Then by induction, one constructs a image-Kurtz random zSf as follows:

Let P0, P1, … be an enumeration of the image-closed nullsets. First choose the least τ such that [τ]∩ Sf ≠ 0 but [τ]∩ SfP0 = 0. Let l0 = |τ| and zl0 = τ. Suppose that at stage n + 1, zln is defined so that [z]↾ ln] ∩ Sf ≠ ≠. Then there is τzln such that [τ] ∩ Sfimage but [τ] ∩ SfPn = image. Choose the least such τ and let ln+1 = |τ| and zln+1 = τ. Then zSf is image-Kurtz random. Thus x is not low for image-Kurtz randomness.

The proof of the following lemma is left to the reader.

Lemma 14.6.3 (Kučera [76]). Suppose T ⊆ 2<ω and Pω<ω are image-trees with μ([T]) > 0. Then there is a image-tree ST and a constant c such that for any e, if [Pe] ⊆ S is not empty, then μ([Pe]) > 2ec, where Pe = {σ |(e, σ) ∈ P}.

The following lemma is essentially due to Joseph Miller.

Lemma 14.6.4. For any non-image-semitraceable real x and image-tree T ⊆ 2<ω with μ([T]) > 0, there exist z ∈[T] and yh x such that yz and |{n | y(n) = 1}| = ℵ0.

Proof. Let x be non-image-semitraceable and let T ⊆ 2<ω be a image-tree with μ(T)> 2k for some k > 0. By Lemma 13.3.10, there is a function fh x such that for any partial image-function p : ω × 2<ωω, there are at most finitely many (n, σ)’s satisfying f(n, σ) = p(n, σ).

Let Pω × 2<ω be a universal image-tree, i. e. P is a image-tree and for any image-tree Q ⊆ 2<ω, there is an e such that Pe = Q. We may assume that there is a recursive function h such that for any 〈e0, e1〉, Ph(〈e0,e1〉) = Pe0Pe1.

Let ST be as in Lemma 14.6.3. Let S = Pe0 for some e0. We may also assume that there is a recursive function g : 2<ωω such that Pg(σ) = {τ | τPe0 ∧(∀n)(σ(n) = 1 → τ(n) = 1)}. For σ ∈ 2<ω, let


Then the set {(σ, Aσ)| σ ∈ 2<ω} is a image-set. Moreover, if [Pg(σ)] ≠ 0, then


Thus |A|≤ h(i(σ)) + c. It follows that there is a partial image-function p : ω × 2<ωω such that for any n, if p(n, σ) = k then

kAσ, and

(∀m < n)(∃k′)(k′ ≠ kp(m, σ) = k′).

Hence {p(n, σ)}nh(i(σ))+c is a one-one enumeration of Aσ. Note that


Hyperarithmetically in x compute a k such that k ∉ Aσ and k > |σ| as follows. Fix a recursive bijection q : ωω<ω. We may assume that f(n, σ) ≠ q(p(n, σ))(n) for all n and σ. Define g1 :2<ωω<ω hyperarithmetically in x such that g1(σ) is a finite string in ωh(i(σ))+c and


Hence if [Pi(σ)] ≠ image, then g1(σ) ≠ p(n, σ) for all nh(i(σ)). For such a σ, q−1(g1(σ)) ≠ p(n,σ) for all n. Thus q−1(g1(σ)) ∉ Aσ and so image Without loss of generality, we may assume that q−1(g1(σ))>|σ|.

Using q−1g1, starting with σ0 = image, hyperarithmetically in x construct a sequence σ0σ1 ≺ … of strings such that for each n,

image and

σn+1 = σn ∪{q−1(g1(σn))}.

Hence image and for any image, the real image is a subset of z.

Corollary 14.6.5. If x is not image-semitraceable, then x is not low for image-Kurtz randomness.

Proof. Suppose that x is not image-semitraceable. Let T be a image-tree so that μ([T]) > 0 and [T] contains only image-ML random reals. Then by Lemma 14.6.4, there is a z ∈[T] and a yh x such that z is a member of the image(x)-closed nullset {r | yr}. Hence x is not low for image-Kurtz randomness.

This leads us to the following theorem.

Theorem 14.6.6 (Kjos-Hanssen, Nies, Stephan and Yu [68]). For any x ∈ 2ω, the following are equivalent:

(i)x is low for image-Kurtz tests;

(ii)x is low for image-Kurtz randomness;

(iii)x is image-dominated and image-semitraceable.

It is not known if there exists a nonhyperarithmetic real which is low for image-Kurtz randomness. However, we can prove the following set inclusion.

Proposition 14.6.7 (Kjos-Hanssen, Nies, Stephan and Yu [68]). If x is low for image-Kurtz randomness, then x is low for image-Kurtz randomness.

Proof. Assume that x is low for image-Kurtz randomness, y is image-Kurtz random and there is a image(x)-closed nullset A with yA. By Proposition 14.1.2, the set


is a image-nullset. Then A B is image(x). Since y is image-Kurtz random, y ∉ B. Hence yA B and so A B is image(x) and nonempty. Thus there is a zA B with ωz1 = image = image. Since z ∉ B, z is image-Kurtz random. By Proposition 14.1.4, z is image-Kurtz random. This contradicts the fact that x is low for image-Kurtz randomness.

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