14.6.2 Lowness for image-randomness

Theorem 14.6.8. The following are equivalent for a real x.

(i)x is image-traceable;

(ii)Every image(x)-nullset is contained in a image-nullset;

(iii)x is low for image-randomness;

(iv)Every image-ML random real is image(x)-random.

Proof. (i) → (ii): Assume that x is image-traceable. Let image be a image(x)-nullset. By Proposition 14.2.2 relativized to x, there is a image(x)-ML test {Un}n<ω such that μ(Un) = 2n for each n and image. Let {Se}e<ω be a recursive enumeration of all finite subsets of 2<ω. There is a function fh x such that [Sf(〈n,s〉)] = Un,s satisfies Un,sUn,s+1, image, and μ(Un,s) > 2n(1 − 2s).

Let T = (Te)e<ω be a image-trace for f . We may choose T such that in addition |Te|≤ e for each e > 0.

We now define a subtrace ̂T of T, i. e. ̂Tn,sTn,s for each n, s. The objective is to define open sets Vn via ̂T (in a way to be specified) small enough to give us a image-nullset image, yet large enough as to keep all “relevant” reals out of Tn,ŝTn,s, so that image.

Let ̂Tn,s be the set of eTn,s such that 2n(1 − 2s) ≤ μ([Se]) ≤ 2n and [Se] ⊇ [Sd] for some d ∈ ̂Tn,s−1〉 (where ̂Tn,−1〉 = ω). Note that f(〈n, s〉) ∈ ̂Tn,s. Let


Then μ(Vn) ≤ 2n|̂Tn,0〉|+ ∑s<ω 2s2n|̂Tn,s|. Since |̂Tn,s| ≤ |Tn,s| ≤ 〈n, s〉 for 〈n, s〉 ≠ 0, and 〈n, s〉 has only polynomial growth in n and s, it is clear that limn image, and hence limn μ(Vn) = 0. Then image is a image-nullset and image.

(ii) ⇒ (iii) and (iii) ⇒ (iv) are immediate.

(iv) ⇒ (i). The proof is identical to the proof in [67]. We leave it to the reader.

By Theorem 13.3.18, lowness for image-randomness is different from that for image-Kurtz randomness.

14.6.3 Lowness for image-ML randomness

Theorem 14.6.9 (Hjorth and Nies [51]). Every real low for image-ML randomness is hyperarithmetic.

Proof. We give a sketch. Suppose that x is low for image-ML randomness. Then it is not difficult to verify that image = image and that there is a image(x)-ML random yh x. In fact, one may use a image-version of Turing reduction, termed ≤fin−h and introduced in [51], to argue that xfin−h y. In other words, there is a consistent image-partial map Φ : 2<ω → 2<ω such that X = ∪n<ωΦ(Yn). Applying the method in [48] it can be shown that x is image-trivial, where image is an analog of Kolmogorov complexity in the image-setting. It follows as in [51] that every image-trivial real is either hyperarithmetic or is hyperarithmetically equivalent to image. Since image = image, x has to be hyperarithmetic.

14.6.4 Lowness for image-randomness and strong image-ML randomness

Theorem 14.6.9 raises the natural question of characterizing reals that are low for image-randomness – in particular whether there is one that is not hyperarithmetic. The answer to the latter is in the negative. Proposition 14.6.10 gives a characterization of such reals. We say that x is non-image-random cuppable if image for all image-random y. It Is immediate that if x is low for image-randomness then image = image.

Proposition 14.6.10 (Harrington, Nies and Slaman [12]). A real x is low for image-randomness if and only if x is low for image-randomness and non-image-random cuppable.

Proof. If x is low for image-randomness, then every image-random real is image(x)-random. Note that by relativizing Theorem 13.1.4, the image(x)-set {y | yxh image} is null since x image image. Thus x is non-image-random cuppable.

Suppose y is image-random. If y is not image(x)-random, then there is a image(x)-nullset A containing y. By Proposition 14.2.3, the set image is image} is a image-nullset. Now yA B. Hence A B is a nonempty image(x)-set. By the Gandy Basis Theorem (2.5.3), there is a zA B such that image = image = image. By Corollary 14.3.2, z is image-random but not image(x)-random, a contradiction.

Conversely, suppose x is low for image-randomness and non-image-random cuppable. Then x image image. Let z be a image random real. Relativizing the proof of Theorem 14.3.1, the largest image(x)-nullset image(x) is a union of countably many image(x)-null sets imagen(x) and the image(x)-nullset {y | yxh image}. Since x is low for image-randomness, image Since x is non-image-random cuppable, z ⊕ x image image. Hence z is image(x)-random. We conclude that x is low for image-randomness.

Proposition 14.6.11. There is a image-traceable x which is image-random cuppable.

Proof. By Corollary 13.3.8, there is an uncountable image-set A containing only nonhyperarithmetic image-traceable reals. Let image be the largest image-nullset. By Theorem 13.2.1, there exist xA and y ∉ image. such that xyh image.

Corollary 14.6.12.

(i)Lowness for image-Kurtz randomness is different from image-Kurtz randomness;

(ii)Lowness for image-randomness is different from image-randomness.

Proof. To prove (i), note that by Theorem 14.6.8 and 14.6.6, every image-traceable real is low for image-Kurtz randomness. By Proposition 14.6.11, there is an x which is low for image-Kurtz randomness for which there is a image-random y satisfying xyh image. We claim that x is not low for image-Kurtz randomness. Let e < ω and nimage such that y = image.



Hence y is a image(x)-singleton and so non-image(x)-random. Note that (ii) follows immediately from Proposition 14.6.10 and 14.6.11.

We now show that no nonhyperarithmetic real is low for image-random. Let ℙ = 〈P, ≤〉 be a notion of forcing, where

P = {P | P is nonempty and image-closed containing only image-ML random reals}.

For P, QP, define PQ if and only if PQ. Note that μ(P)> 0 for each P.

Let {(φi, ψi)}i<ω be a recursive enumeration of arithmetical formulas. For each i, let


Define an approximation of Ai at j as


and for nimage, set


Suppose xAi. Then for each j, there is an n such that xAi,j,n. Uniformly for each j < ω and nimage, apply a “dual form” of Lemma 13.1.10 obtained by replacing m, n there respectively with l and the Gödel number of “¬(∀kj)(∃y|n|)(φi(k, y|n|)∨¬ψi(k, y|n|))”. We then have a image-function pi : ω2 ×imageω such that for j, l < ω and nimage,


is a image-open cover of Ai,j,n, with μ(Ui,j,l,n Ai,j,n) < 2jnl. Then Ui,j,l = ⋃n∈O Ui,j,l,n

is a image-open set. Note that Ai,jUi,j,l and


Let GiAi be the image-set defined as image. Let


Lemma 14.6.13. image1 is dense for each i.

Proof. Let P be a condition. There are two cases to consider:

Case 1. μ(P Gi)> 0. Then there is a k such that image. Let image. Then image.

Case 2. μ(P Gi) = 0. By Lemma 13.1.10, there exists a image-closed set FGi such that μ(FP)> 0. Let Q = PF. Then QP.

Theorem 14.6.14 (Monin [105]). If g is a ℙ-generic real meeting all imagei’s, then image = image.

Proof. Let g be ℙ-generic. It is sufficient to prove that image(image, g) image image-comprehension.

Let P be a condition such that gP. If PGi = image, then PAi = image. It follows that there is a k such that image(image, g) image (∀y)(¬φi(k, y)∧ ψi(k, y)).

Otherwise PGi. By (topological) compactness, for any j and l there is an n such that PUi,j,l,n. It follows that there is a total image –hence image – function f : ω2image such that for any j, l, f(j, l)∈ image and PUi,j,l,f(j,l). Hence there is an mimage such that |f(j, l)| < |m| for any j, l. Then image is a image-nullset. Since g is image-ML-random, g ∉ Ci. Then for any j, there is an l such that gAi,j,f(j,l). Thus image(image, g) image (∀k)(∃y|m|)(φi(k, y|m|)∨¬ψi(k, y|m|)) and so image(image, g) image image-comprehension.

Theorem 14.6.15 (Greenberg and Monin). Every low for image-random real is hyperarithmetic.

Proof. Suppose that x is not hyperarithmetic. By Theorem 14.6.9, x is not low for image-ML randomness. Let image be a universal image(x)-ML test. We claim that for any n and PP, image ∩ P ≠ image. Otherwise, Pimage = image for some n. Then every real zP is image(x)-ML random. However, for any image-ML random y, by Proposition 14.2.7, there is a zP such that y = z. Hence y is also image(x)-ML random. In other words, x is low for image-ML random, a contradiction.

Since P contains only image-ML random reals, Pimageimage implies that there is a condition QPimage.

Let imagen = {PP | Pimage}. Then imagen is dense for each n. If g is ℙ-generic meeting each imagei and imagen, then g is image-random and image. In other words, g is not image(x)-ML random and hence not image(x)-random.

By the proof of Theorem 14.6.15, for any x if every image-random real is image(x)-ML random, then x must be hyperarithmetic.

Corollary 14.6.16. A real x is low for strongly image-ML random if and only if it is hyperarithmetic.

Proof. Obviously every hyperarithmetic real is low for strongly image-ML random. Now suppose that x is low for strongly image-ML random. Then every image-random real is strongly image(x)-ML random and so image(x)-ML random. So x must be hyperarithmetic.

14.6.5 Lowness for image-and image-randomness

One may also introduce the notion image-traceability as for image-traceability. However, this notion is vacuous under V = L in view of Proposition 14.4.2. Thus we have the following conclusion

Proposition 14.6.17. If V = L, then

Lowness for image-ML randomness = Lowness for image-randomness.

In the case of lowness for image-randomness, one may apply Theorem 14.4.7 to obtain a characterization. Finally, it is possible to introduce the notion of constructible traceability in the obvious way and use it to study lowness property for image-randomness under additional set-theoretic assumptions. This will involve the use of some sophisticated techniques in set theory. The interested reader may consult [2].

14.6.6 Exercises

Exercise 14.6.1. Prove Lemma 14.6.3.

Exercise 14.6.2. Prove that x is image-semitraceable if and only if every image-ML random real is image(x)-Kurtz random.

Exercise 14.6.3. Prove that there exist two uncountable image-sets A, B such that for any xA, yB and recursive ordinal, image.

Exercise 14.6.4 (Bienvenu, Greenberg and Monin). Let {Gi}iω be as defined as before. Prove that a image-random x is image-random if and only if for any i, either xGi or ximage.

Exercise 14.6.5 (Monin [105]). Prove that the set of image-random reals is image but not image

Exercise 14.6.6 (Greenberg and Monin). Prove that if x is low for image-random but not hyperarithmetic, then x is image-random cuppable.

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