Note that for each n and α < α′ < image, the number of splitting nodes along (xin, fin) in Ti[α] is greater than or equal to that in Ti[α′].

One may use T2[α] to define a Σ1(image-approximation image of image “from the left”: image (O) [α] ⌢…⌢ image(n)[α] is the leftmost string in T2[α] (it is possible that there exist only finitely many such n’s.). Then for α < image, image(0)[α] ≤ image(0). Suppose n > 0 and image(m)[α]= image(m) for all m < n. Then image(n)[α]≤ image(n), and limimage.

The algorithm we adopt for decoding proceeds as follows. Construct a sequence of ordinals {αs}s<ω which is Δ1-definable in image [x0x1] so that limsω αs = image, and use it as a parameter to decode the real z, and thereby conclude that x0x1h z.

Let ĝO,0(0)= image(0) and α0 = 0.

We say that x0x1 consistently computes fO up to j at stage α if for every k < j,

(1)τ1,k[α] agrees with that coded in x0 using σ0,k+1[α]. In other words, let image[α] be the shortest locally splitting node over (σ0,k[α], τ0,k[α]) in T0[α]. Then there is a image[α] which is the leftmost locally splitting node over (σ0,k[α], τ0,k[α]) extending image[α]i, for some i ∈ {0, 1}, Moreover, inductively for each l ∈ [1, n0k+1[α]] where n0k+1[α]=|Dom(τ1,k[α])| − |Dom(τ1,k−1[α])|, let σl0,k+1[α] be the leftmost locally splitting node over (σ0,k[α], τ0,k[α]) extending (image[α])1 in T0[α]. Then there are τ1,k[α](l +|Dom(τ1,k−1[α])|)-many locally splitting nodes over (σ0,k[α], τ0,k[α]) in T0[α] between image[α] and image[α];

(2)The approximation of image via T2 using image at stage α agrees with that via {σ0,l[α]}lk up to the decoding of imagek. In other words, let image [α] be the leftmost locally splitting node extending image [α])1 in T0[α] over (σ0,k[α], τ0,k[α]) so that there are image(k)[α]-many nodes which are locally splitting over (σ0,k[α], τ0,k[α]) in T0[α] between image [α] and image [α]. For i ≤ 1, let image [α] be the next local splitting node in T0[α] over (σ0,k[α], τ0,k[α]) extending image. Then σ0,k+1[α]= image [α], and

(3)τ0,k+1[α] agrees with that coded in x1 using σ1,k+1[α]. Thus inductively for each l ∈ [1, image[α]], where image[α]=|Dom(τ0,k+1[α])| − |Dom(τ0,k[α])|, let image[α] be the leftmost locally splitting node over (σ1,k[α], τ1,k[α]) extending image in T1[α] so that there are τ0,k+1[α](l+|Dom(τ0,k[α])|)-many locally splitting nodes over (σ1,k[α], τ1,k[α]) in T1[α] between image[α] and image[α]. For i ≤ 1, let image [α] be the next local splitting node over (σ1,k[α], τ1,k[α]) in T1[α]. Then image.

Note that at any stage α, we may assume that x0x1 always computes image consistently up to 0. Furthermore, for each α < image and jω, there is always an α′ ≥ α such that α′ < image and x0x1 consistently computes image up to j at stage α′.

Suppose that αt−1 is defined where t ≥ 1. Search for the least stage α > αt−1 so that x0x1 consistently computes image up to t at α. Let αt = α andĝO,t(j)= image(j)[αt] for each jt.

This completes the construction at step t.

We verify that the decoding construction yields an algorithm to hyperarithmetically compute z from x0x1.

Let image

Clearly image and is a limit ordinal. Furthermore image. We prove that image.

Suppose for the sake of contradiction that image. Using the fact that neither x0 nor x1 is hyperarithmetic, we will show that for i ≤ 1, each sequence of parameters image[αt], σi,t[αt] and τi,t[αt] introduced in the decoding procedure above eventually stabilizes as tω. Suppose this is false. Then there is a least j0 and a corresponding least t0 such that image is consistently computed up to j0 −1, but not j0, at αt for all tt0. We argue that such a situation does not occur.

The proof proceeds by induction in the order of the introduction of the parameters at stage αj0. For convenience, we only show that image reaches a limit after some t (essentially the same argument applies to show that the other sequences of parameters also stabilise). This means that image for at most finitely many t’s.

Assume that image does not change from stage image onwards image is as defined above before the decoding of imagek in (2)). If image changes infinitely often, then image for infinitely many t’s. Then by the decoding construction, we have the following claim.

Claim 1. ĝO,t+1(j0)≥ĝO,t(j0) for any t > t0 + 1 and hence limtω image,t(j0) = +∞.

Proof. If we assign a new value k to image(j0) at some stage αt > αt0+1, it must be the case that image(0)image(j0 − 1)kT2[αt]. However,image(0)image(j0 − 1) ∈ T2[image] by the assumption on j0, so that k >ĝO,t−1(j0).

Claim 1 implies that at infinitely many t’s, left turns were selected at locally splitting nodes in T0[αt] during the decoding phase for the purpose of approximating image(j0).

Let image and image. Note that image. Define


If we let ̂p (T)={σ |∃τ(σ, τ) ∈ T} be a “local projection” of a tree Tω<ω × ω<ω, then it is not difficult to see that image is a tree (Note: image denotes the analog of image for T0[β]). Moreover,


In other words, X consists of all the reals x “potentially” with an accompanying witness f so that (x, f) is an infinite path in image. Note that since image, X is a image closed subset of 2ω.

Claim 2. x0 is the leftmost path in X.

Proof. Suppose not. Then there exist y0 and σ such that image, and image.

Now by Claim 1 let t1 > t0 be such that image for all tt1. Then there are τ, τ′ of length |σ| so that (x0 ↾|σ|+ 1, τ), (y0 ↾|σ|+ 1, τ′) ∈ T0[αt1+1]. However, since y0 is to the left of x0, the value of image coded by x0 is at most |σ|+ 1. Thus image ≤|σ|+ 1, a contradiction.

Claim 2 implies that x0 is hyperarithmetic which is a contradiction. Hence there is a t0 such that for any image and so image is a constant for all t > t0.

We leave it to the reader to verify the stabilization of the other sequences of parameters.

It follows that for each j, there is a tj such that image for ttj. Define image. Then image and image. Now ĝ is the leftmost path in image and so in T2 as well. Thus image. This contradicts the assumption that image. Hence image and so imageh x0x1.

Using this, one may decode the entire construction in Ti[image] and conclude that zh x0x1, completing the proof of the Theorem.

13.2.2 Exercise

Exercise 13.2.1. Prove that there exists an uncountable image-set A such that image for any x, yA.

13.3 Hyperarithmetic computation

In this section, we discuss some notions concerning effective bounding in the context of hyperarithmetic theory. The results will be applied to study higher randomness.

13.3.1 Hyperarithmetic domination

Definition 13.3.1. A real x is image-dominated if for any function f : ωω with fh x, there is a hyperarithmetic g such that (∀n)(g(n)> f(n))(written as g > f).

The first item to note is that there is an abundance of image-dominated reals.

Theorem 13.3.2 (Chong, Nies and Yu [12]). μ({x | x is image-dominated}) = 1.

Proof. We prove that for any rational number p,


This is achieved with the use of a fusion argument.

First we show that for any e, rational r, notation nimage and image-set A where p + r < μ(A), there is a hyperarithmetic function f such that


Note that the set image is image. Since A is image, Proposition 13.1.6 implies that the set


is image. Note that for each k, there is an m such that (k, m, k) ∈ C. Hence there is a image total function f such that for all k, (k, f(k), k) ∈ C. Define


Then the set {(k, x)| xBk} is image. Moreover, for every k, BkA and μ(Bk)> image. Hence image Bk is image and


Now for every xB, if image is total, then image < f . Thus we may construct an ω-sequence of image-sets {Be,n}e<ω,n ∈ O such that

(1)if 〈e, n〉>〈e′, n′〉, then Be,nBe′,n′〉;

(2)μ(Be,n)> p.



By Theorem 13.1.4, D ⊆{x|x is image-dominated} and μ(D)≥ p.

It is obvious that if x is image-dominated, then image = image. The converse is however false.

Proposition 13.3.3. There is an uncountable image-set A in which every x hyperarithmetically computes an f such that f > g for every hyperarithmetic function g.

Proof. It is immediate that there is a Turing oracle function Φ such that image dominates all the hyperarithmetic function. Let


By Corollary 2.2.12, A is image. Since imageA, by Lemma 2.5.4, A is uncountable. Hence by the Gandy Basis Theorem (2.5.3), we have the following conclusion.

Corollary 13.3.4. There is an x with image = image which is not image-dominated.

13.3.2 Traceability

Definition 13.3.5.

(i)Let h be a nondecreasing unbounded and hyperarithmetic function. A image-trace/ image-trace with bound h is a image/ image-set Tω × ω such that |Te|≤ h(e) for each e where Te ={k |(e, k) ∈ T}.

(ii)x is image-traceable/image-traceable if there is an himage such that, for each fh x, there is a image-trace/image -trace T with bound h satisfying f(e) ∈ Te for each e.

It is not difficult to see that the bounding function h may be chosen to be any hyper-arithmetic function, for example h(e)= e for every e.

Proposition 13.3.6 (Chong, Nies and Yu [12]). If x is image-traceable, then x is image-traceable.

Proof. Firstly we show that image = image. It is sufficient to show that image is not image-traceable. Since each image-set is many-one reducible to image, there is a uniformly image-recursive list (Te)e<ω of all image-traces for the bound h(e)= e. Define fh image by


Then f does not have a image trace. Now given fh x, there is a image-trace (Te)e<ω such that f(e) ∈ Te for each e. Then there is a recursive function h : ω2ω such that kTe if and only if h(k, e) ∈ image. Define a image(x)-relation Rω × image by


Note that for each e, there is a notation nimage such that (e, n) ∈ R. By the image-Uniformization Theorem (4.2.1), there is a total image(x) (and hence image(x)) function g uniformizing R. Since image = image, there exists a notation n0image so that |g(e)| < |n0| for every e. Define a set image as follows:


By the definition of n0, f(e) ∈ image for all eω. Note that the relation nimage is image. Hence image is a image-trace for f . It follows that f is image-traceable.

There is also a plentiful supply of image-traceable reals. In fact every Sacks generic real is image-traceable.

Proposition 13.3.7. Every Sacks generic real is image-traceable.

Proof. Suppose x is Sacks generic. Then image = image. If fh x, then there is an e and a notation nimage such that image = f . Note that the ranked formula


defines the set image. For simplicity, we may view image as a ranked formula. Since image is total, by Lemma 5.3.6, there is a condition T ⊩ “image is total”. We show that for each condition ST, there is a condition QS such that


Then by the definition of forcing, there is a image function f such that for all i, image (i) ∈ Df(i) ∧|Df(i)|≤ 2i+1. Since T ⊩ “image is total”, S also forces the same sentence. We consider two cases.

Case 1. There is a condition RS such that for all i, j0, j1 and for all conditions P0, P1R, if P0image (i) = j0 and P1image (i) = j1 then j0 = j1. In this case define f(i) = j if and only if there exists a condition PR such that Pimage (i) = j (i) = j. Then f is a total image-function and hence image. This implies that Rf = image.

Case 2. Otherwise. Define a image-relation image as


By the image-Uniformization Theorem (4.2.1), there is a image-function F : 2ω × 2<ω → (ω)3 ×(2ω)2 such that image holds if and only if image.

Without loss of generality, we assume that if image then for all ki, image for some jk. Define by induction on ω a image-sequence of conditions image as follows:

Step 0. Let image = S.

Step n + 1. For each σ ∈ 2n, define image if image, Q0, Q1).

Let G(σ) = Pσ. Then G is a total image-function and so image. Note that for each σ, G(σ0)∩ G(σ1) = image and if σ image τ then G(σ)⊇ G(τ). Let


Then Q is a image-perfect set.

Define g : imageω such that g(i, σ) = k if σ ∈ 2i+1 and G(σ)⊩ image (i) = k. Hence g is a total image and therefore image-function. Define f(i) = j if j is the least number such that Dj ={g(i, σ)| σ ∈ 2i+1}. Then f is a image-function and |Df(i)|≤ 2i+1 for all i. Since for all i, image, it is easy to see that Qimage (i) ∈ Df(i). It follows that x is image-traceable.

We will see later (Theorem 14.6.8) that the collection of image-traceable reals is null.

By Theorem 5.3.12, there is an uncountable image-set of weakly-Sacks-generic reals in which every real x has the property image = image. By the proof of Proposition 13.3.7, it is easy to derive the following conclusion.

Corollary 13.3.8. There is an uncountable image-set of image-traceable reals.

13.3.3 Semitraceability

Definition 13.3.9.

(i)x ∈ 2ω is image-semitraceable if for each fh x, there is a image-function g such that, for infinitely many n, f(n) = g(n). We say that g semitraces f .

(ii)x ∈ 2ω is image-semitraceable if for each fh x, there is a partial image-function p such that for infinitely many n we have f(n) = p(n).

Lemma 13.3.10. x is image-semitraceable if and only if x is image-semitraceable.

Proof. It is not difficult to see that if x is image-semitraceable, then image = image. Since xh image otherwise. Hence it suffices to show that image is not image-semitraceable. Let {ϕi}i<ω be an effective enumeration of partial recursive functions. Let image be the least k such that pj(i, k) ∈ image if it exists, and let it be 0 otherwise. Define a function gT image′ such that g(i) = ∑ji mij + 1. Note that for any image-partial function p, there is a partial recursive function pj such that for every pair n, m, p(n) = m if and only if pj(n, m) ∈ image. Then by the definition of g, forany i > j, g(k) ≠ = p(i). Hence g is not traced by p.

Suppose that x is image-semitraceable, image = image, and fh x. Fix a image-partial function p for f witnessing the semitraceability of x. Since p is a image-function, there is a recursive injection h such that p(n) = mh(n, m) ∈ image.

Let R(n, m) be a image(x)-relation such that R(n, m) if and only if there exists a k, where m > kn, so that f(k) = p(k). Then there is a total function g uniformizing R such that g is image(x), and hence image(x). Thus for every n there is an m ∈ [g(n), g(g(n))) such that f(m) = p(m). Let g′(0) = g(0), and g′(n + 1) = g(g′(n)) for all n < ω. Define a image(x)-relation S(n, m) such that S(n, m) if and only if m ∈ [g′(n), g′(n + 1)) and p(m) = f(m). Uniformizing S, we obtain a image(x)-function g″.

Let H ={h(m, k)|(∃n)(g″(n) = mf(m) = k)}. Then H is image(x) and since image = image, Himagen for some nimage. Since imagen is image, we may define a image-function image by setting image(i = j if h(j, j) ∈ imagen and image(i) = 1 otherwise. Then there are infinitely many i such that image(i) = image(i).

The following clarifies the relationship between traceability and semitraceability.

Proposition 13.3.11 (Kjos-Hassen, Nies, Stephan and Yu [68]). Every image-traceable real is image-dominated and image-semitraceable.

Proof. Clearly every image-traceable real is image-dominated. Let x be a image-traceable real and let f be a image(x)-function. Define g(n) =〈f(2n), f(2n + 2),..., f(2n+1 − 1)〉. Then there is a image trace T for g such that |Tn|≤ n for all n.

For 2n + 1 ≤ m ≤ 2n+1, let image(m) = the (m − 2n)-th entry of the tuple which is the (m − 2n)-th element of Tn if there exists such a tuple, and let image(m) = 1 otherwise. It is not difficult to see that for every n there is at least one m ∈ [2n, 2n+1) such that f(m) = image(m).

Corollary 13.3.12. A real x is image-traceable if and only if for every image hyperarithmetic in x, there is a hyperarithmetic f such that


Proposition 13.3.13. For any x, the following are equivalent.

(i)x is image-semitraceable and image-dominated;

(ii)For every function gh x, there exist an increasing image-function f and a image-function F : ωimage(ω) with |F(n)| ≤ n such that


Proof. (i) ⇒ (ii): Immediate because 1 ≤ n.

(ii) ⇒ (i). Suppose ĝh x. Without loss of generality, assume ĝ is nondecreasing. Let f and F be the corresponding image-functions. Let u(n) = ∑if(n+1)kF(i) k and note that u is a image-function dominating ĝ. Let


Then by assumption there are corresponding image-functions fh and Fh. For every n and m ∈ [2n, 2n+1), let g(m) = the (m − 2n)-th entry of the (m − 2n)-th element in Fh(n) if such an m exists, and let g(m) = 1 otherwise. Then g is a image-function semitracing ĝ.

To separate image-traceability from the conjunction of image-semitraceability and image-domination, one applies a modified Sacks forcing construction.

Definition 13.3.14.

(i)A image-perfect tree T ⊆ 2<ω fully splits at n if for every σT with |σ| ∈ [2n,2n+1), both σ0 and σ 1 are in T. Then n is said to be a fully splitting level of T.

(ii)A image-perfect tree T ⊆ 2<ω is clumpy if there are infinitely many n’s where T fully splits at n.

Let image = 〈F, ⊆〉 be the partial order of clumpy trees ordered under inclusion. Given a formula φ in the language image(image, ̇x) of ramified analytical hierarchy (§ 5.1.1), define the forcing relation Tφ as in Sacks forcing:

If φ is a ranked sentence and (∀xT)(image(image, x) image φ), then Tφ.;

if φ(y) is unranked and Tφ(y | ψ) for some ψ of rank at most β, then T ⊩ (∃yβ)φ(yα);

if T ⊩(∃yβ)φ(yα), then T ⊩(∃y)φ(y);

if φ(n) is unranked and Tφ(image) for some numeral image, then T ⊩(∃n)φ(n);

if φ and ψ are unranked, Tφ and Tψ, then Tφψ;

if φ is unranked and (∀P)(PT → P image φ), then T ⊩¬φ.

By Theorem 5.1.1, we have the following.

Lemma 13.3.15. The set


is image.

Lemma 13.3.16.

(i)Let {φi}i<ω be a hyperarithmetic sequence of image-sentences. Suppose that for every i and QT, there exists an RQ such that Rφi. Then there exists an RT such that Rφi for every i.

(ii)(∀φ)(∀T)(∃QT)(QφQ ⊩¬φ).

Proof. Using the notation Pn ={τ ∈ 2n | τP}, define a image-relation image by


Then image is uniformized by a partial image-function F : F × ω × 2<ωF. Using F, a hyperarithmetic family {Pσ | σ ∈ 2<ω} may be defined by recursion on σ.

Let P0 = T. If σ image Pσ, let image. If log |σ|− 1 is not a fully splitting level of Pσ, set Pσ⌢0, Pσ⌢1 = Pσ. Otherwise, image |σ|={τ | τσ} and Pσ⌢0, Pσ⌢1 ⊩ ⋀ji φj where log |σ|− 1 is the i-th fully splitting level of T.

Let image. Then RF. It is routine to verify that Rφi for every i.

The proof of (ii) is similar to the proof of Lemma 5.3.4.

A real x is generic if for every dense set imageF arithmetical in image, there is a Timage such that x ∈ [T]. One can show as in the proof of Lemma 5.3.6 that for every sentence φ and generic x,


Lemma 13.3.17. If x is generic, then

(i)image(image, x) satisfies image-comprehension. Hence image = image;

(ii)x is image-dominated and image-semitraceable;

(iii)x is not image-traceable.

Proof. The proof of (i) is the same as that of Lemma 5.3.7 and is left to the reader.

For (ii), by Proposition 13.3.13, it suffices to show that for every function gh x, there exist an increasing image-function f and a image-function F : ωω<ω such that

(1) |F(n)| ≤ n;

(2) every interval [f(n), f(n + 1)) captures an m with g(m) ∈ F(m).

Since gh x and image = image, there is a ranked formula φ such that for every n, g(n) = m if and only if image(image, x) image φ(n, m). Hence there is a condition S ⊩ (∀n)(∃!m)φ(n, m). Let TS. As in the proof of Lemma 13.3.16, one can build a hyperarithmetic sequence image of conditions such that


where σPσ and log |σ|− 1 is a fully splitting level of Pσ. Let Q be as defined in the proof of Lemma 13.3.16. Let f be the image-function such that f(0) = 0, and f(n + 1) is the least number k > f(n) so that mσ is defined for some σ with f(n)<|σ|< k. Let F(n) ={0}∪{mσ ||σ|= n}, and note that F is a image-function. Then


This implies that


Since T is an arbitrary condition stronger than S, one has


Since xS,


Thus x is image-dominated and image-semitraceable.

For (iii), suppose f : ωω is a image-function such that for every n, there is an m ∈ [2n,2n+1) with f(m) = x(m). Then there is a ranked formula φ such that f(n) = mimage(image, x) image φ(image). Moreover, image(image, x) image (∀n)(∃m ∈ [2n,2n+1))(φ(m, x(m))). Hence there is a condition T which forces (∀n)(∃m ∈ [2n,2n+1))(φ(m, ̇x(m))) and xT. Let n be such that T is fully splitting at level n and let σ ∈ 22n−1 be a string in T. Let ν be a string such that ν(m) = 1− f(m +2n −1). Define S ={σντ | σντT}⊆ T. Then S ⊩(∀m ∈ [2n,2n+1))(¬φ(m, x(m))). But S is stronger than T, which is a contradiction. By Corollary 13.3.12, x is not image-traceable.

We may now separate image-traceability from the conjunction of image-semitraceability and image-dominability.

Theorem 13.3.18 (Kjos-Hanssen, Nies, Stephan and Yu [68]). There are image many image-dominated and image-semitraceable reals which are not image-traceable.

Proof. This is immediate from Lemma 13.3.17. Note that there are image many generic reals.

By exactly the same argument as in the proof of Theorem 5.3.12, we have the following.

Proposition 13.3.19. There exists an uncountable image-set which contains only image-dominated and image-semitraceable reals.

13.3.4 Exercises

Exercise 13.3.1. Prove that no Cohen generic real is image-dominated.

Exercise 13.3.2. Prove that every Cohen generic real is image-semitraceable.

Exercise 13.3.3. Prove Proposition 13.3.19.

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