5 Recursion-theoretic forcing

Although historically Cohen introduced forcing for set-theoretic considerations, the method was adapted to study problems in recursion theory soon after by Feferman [25] (indeed, one detects a hint of Cohen forcing in the theorems of Post and Kleene on the structure of the Turing degrees proved in the 1950s). Here we study three classic examples of forcing (due to Cohen, Sacks and Steel respectively) and their applications in recursion theory. It turns out that the ramified analytical hierarchy provides an ideal platform for this purpose.

5.1 Ramified analytical hierarchy

5.1.1 The structure image

The ramified analytical hierarchy was introduced by Kleene [72] and forcing constructions over it goes back to Cohen [18] and continued in Feferman [25]. It may be viewed as an analog of the constructible hierarchy defined in the language of second order arithmetic, for the study of hyperarithmetic theory.

The language for the hierarchy, denoted image (image, ), consists of the following:

number variables: i, j, k, m, n,…

numerals: 0̄, 1̄, 2̄,…

set constants: , ,…

ranked set variables: xβ, yβ,… for β < image

unranked set variables: x, y,…

function and relation symbols: +, ⋅ (times),ʹ (successor) and ∈.

Formulas in this language are defined by induction in the usual way. As one might expect, the presence of ranked set variables implies that there is no recursive coding of image (image, ). Instead, coding is carried out in the countable admissible set image. First choose a image-path image1 through image which exists according to Theorem 2.6.4. Code the ranked set variable xβ by the number (2, n) where nimage1 and |n|= β. Other symbols are coded recursively. With this, formulas are coded in image. A formula is ranked if all of its set variables are ranked. A ranked formula φ has rank at most β if

for any γ, if xγ is a free variable occurring in φ, then γβ;

for any γ, if xγ is a bounded variable occurring in φ, then γ < β.

Note that

the set of Gödel number of formulas is image;

the set of Gödel numbers of ranked formulas of rank at most β is r.e. uniformly in the unique notation for β in image1.

By Theorem 1.3.4, there is a recursive function h such that for nimage1, Wh(n) is the set of Gödel numbers of ranked formulas of rank at most |n|.

We now define the structure image, where x is a real that interprets image is a collection of reals defined in an analogous way as Gödel’s L. The construction is completed in image-many stages. Any ranked set variable xβ is to be interpreted by a real in image. With this as our convention, the satisfaction relation imageφ is well defined for a ranked formula φ of rank at most β. We define image by induction on the recursive ordinals, as follows:


Suppose β > 0 and image(γ, x) is defined for all γ < β. Given a ranked formula φ(n) with rank at most β and whose only free variable is n, let


Let B be the collection of reals zφ for such φ’s. Set


Thus the reals constructed at stage β are precisely those arithmetically defined by the reals constructed at earlier stages.

For a formula φ, the satisfaction relation image(image, x) ⊨ φ is defined by induction:

if φ is ranked with rank at most β, then image(image, x) ⊨ φ if and only if ⋃γβ image(γ, x) ⊨ φ;

if φ is (∃z)ψ(z), then image(image, x) ⊨ φ if and only if there is a β < image and a zβ such that zβimage(image, x) and image(image, x) ⊨ ψ(zβ);

if φ is ¬ψ, then image(image, x) ⊨ φ if and only if image(image, x) ⊭ ψ.

A sentence φ in image (image, ) is image if it is ranked, or of the form (∃x1)…(∃xn)ψ for some formula ψ with no unranked set variables bounded by a quantifier. It is not difficult to see that the set of Gödel numbers of image-sentences is image. Let ⌜φ⌝ be the code of the formula φ.

Theorem 5.1.1 The set {(x, ⌜φ⌝) | φ is imageimage(image, x) ⊨ φ} is image.

Proof. By Σ-induction (Theorem 3.1.8) and the definition of image(image, x), there is a Σ1-formula ψ(u) such that 〈image [x], ∈〉 ⊨ ψ(⌜φ⌝) if and only if φ is ranked ∧ image(image, x) ⊨ φ. Hence by the Spector–Gandy Theorem (3.7.2), the set {(x, ⌜φ⌝) | φ is ranked ∧ image(image, x) ⊨ φ} is image. Now if φ is of the form (∃z)φ0(z), then image(image, x) ⊨ (∃z)φ0(z) if and only if there is an nimage1 such that image(image, x) ⊨ (∃z|n|)φ0(z|n|). It follows that the set {(x, ⌜φ⌝) | φ is imageimage(image, x) ⊨ φ} is image.

Corollary 5.1.2 For β < image, the set {(x, ⌜φ⌝) | rank(φ) is at most βimage(image, x) ⊨ φ} is image.

Proof. Note that the set {⌜φ⌝ | rank(φ) is at most β} is r.e. and hence image. By Theorem 5.1.1, both the sets {(x, ⌜φ⌝) | rank(φ) is at most βimage(image, x) ⊨ φ} and {(x, ⌜φ⌝) | rank(φ) is at most βimage(image, x) ⊨ ¬φ} are image and hence image.

5.1.2 Characterizing image

Proposition 5.1.3 For any real z, zimage(image, x) if and only if there is an mimage that image.

Proof. Suppose that zimage(image, x). Then there is a ranked formula φ(n) such that

nzimage(image, x) ⊨ φ(n).

By Corollary 5.1.2, the set C ={(x, n) | image(image, x) ⊨ φ(n)} is image. By the image-Uniformization Theorem (4.2.1), there is a total image and hence image-function f : 2ωω such that f(x) = m if and only if mimagex image. By relativized image-boundedness (Corollary 1.5.2), there is an ordinal β < image such that |f(x)|xβ for all x. Thus if zimage(image, x), then there is an mimage such that image.

For the other direction, suppose there is an mimage such that image. It suffices to prove that imageimage(|m| + 2, x). We show this by induction on |m|.

Suppose that m = 2n. Then ̂Hnimage(|m| + 1, x). So imageimage(|m| + 2, x).

Suppose that m = 3 ⋅ 5e and imageimage(image, x) for all n <o m. Then iimage if and only if


Thus imageimage(|m| + 2, x).

Theorem 2.3.3 and Proposition 5.1.3 immediately give the following

Corollary 5.1.4 Suppose that image = image. Then for any z, zimage(image, x) if and only if zh x. In particular, z is hyperarithmetic if and only if zimage(image, image).

5.1.3 image-comprehension

The image-comprehension scheme states:

(∀n)((∃z)φ(n, z)↔(∀z)ψ(n, z)) → (∃y)(∀n)(ny ↔(∃z)φ(n, z)),

where both φ(n, z) and ψ(n, z) are arithmetical. In forcing constructions, satisfying image-comprehension in image(image, x) is used to guarantee image = image, as shown by the following theorem.

Theorem 5.1.5 image = image if and only if image(image, x) satisfies the image-comprehension axiom.

Proof. If image = image, then by Corollary 5.1.4, for any real z, zimage(image, x) if and only if zh x. Now suppose that image(image, x) ⊨ (∀n)((∃z)φ(n, z) ↔ (∀z)ψ(n, z)). Then for each n, let f(n) be the <o-least mimage1 such that image(image, x) ⊨ (∃z|m|)(φ(n, z|m|)∨ ¬ψ(n, z|m|)). f is a total image, and hence image, function. It follows that there is an n0image1 such that f(n)<o n0 for all n. Let y be a real such that ny if and only if image(image, x) ⊨ ∃z|m0|(φ(n, z|n0|). Then yimage(image, x) and


Suppose that image(image, x) satisfies the image-comprehension axiom. For the sake of contradiction, assume that image > image. Let nimagex be such that n = 3⋅5e and |n|x = image.

Note that image for m <ox n. Let φ(n, z) be


If m <ox n, then image is the unique real z such that image. Thus.


Then by image-comprehension, there is a yimage(image, x) such that


Since image for m <ox n, we have y = image, contradicting Proposition 5.1.3.

Remark 5.1.6. The results above may be generalized. For example, one may introduce the language image (image, , ), define the structure image(image, x, z), and show that all the results above hold. Then {(x, ⌜φ⌝, z) | φ is imageimage(image, x, z) ⊨ φ} is image. Moreover, image(image, x, z) satisfies image-comprehension if and only if image(image, x, z) is precisely the collection of reals hyperarithmetic in xz, and if and only if image.

5.1.4 Exercise

Exercise 5.1.1. Prove that image(image, image) is the smallest ω-model satisfying the image-comprehension axiom.

5.2 Cohen forcing

Cohen’s original notion of forcing was defined over a structure similar to the ramified analytical hierarchy, although subsequent developments in set theory have since followed a different approach. For hyperarithmetic theory, this hierarchy is the most natural setting in which to study forcing.

The collection P of forcing conditions we consider here are relatively simple, such as finite binary strings or hyperarithmetically encoded perfect sets. A forcing relation ⊩ is a binary relation that is a subset of P×{⌜φ⌝| φ is a formula in image (image, )}. The objective is to make ⊩ as simply defined as possible. For example, to be hyperarithmetic when the formula φ being forced is ranked, or image when φ is image. The generic set x will be a real that is obtained from a collection of pairwise compatible conditions through a union or intersection operation. The model image(image, x) is then a generic extension of image(image, image). We always make image(image, x) satisfy image-comprehension so that image = image. With this, one can construct generic x’s with a prescribed property.

5.2.1 Cohen forcing

A Cohen condition p is a finite string σ ∈ 2<ω which may be identified with the basic open set [σ]. Define a partial ordering ≤ such that pq if and only if p image q.

Given formulas φ(x) and ψ(n), denote by φ(x | ψ) the formula obtained upon replacing every occurrence of nx in φ with ψ(n) and every occurrence of n ∉ x in φ with ¬ψ(n).

For a sentence φimage (image, ), define pφ by induction on the complexity of φ:

p if and only if p(n) = 1;

pt1 = t2 if and only if image(image, 0) ⊨ t1 = t2, where t1, t2 are terms involving only numerals and arithmetic operations;

pt if and only if image(image, 0) ⊨ t = for some n and p, where t is a term involving only numerals and arithmetic operations;

p ⊩(∃n)φ(n) if and only if pφ() for some nω;

p ⊩(∃zβ)φ(zβ) if and only if pφ(zβ | ψ) for some ranked formula ψ( ) with rank at most β;

p ⊩(∃z)φ(z) if and only if p ⊩(∃zβ)φ(zβ) for some β < image;

pφψ if and only if pφ and pψ;

p ⊩¬φ if and only if ∀qp(q ⊮ φ).

The following basic facts are easy to verify.

Proposition 5.2.1. For any formula φ,


Theorem 5.2.2 The set {(p, ⌜φ⌝) | pφφ is image} is image.

Proof. Note that the set of image-sentences is image, and if (∃x)θ(x) is image where θ(x) is arithmetical, then p ⊩(∃x)θ(x) if and only if there exists an nimage1 such that pθ(x|n|). By the Σ-Induction Theorem (3.1.8) and the definition of forcing, there is a Σ1-formula ψ(u, v) in the language of set theory such that for a image-sentence φ, 〈image, ∈〉 ⊩ ψ(p, ⌜φ⌝) if and only if pφ. By the Spector–Gandy Theorem (3.7.1), the set {(p, ⌜φ⌝) | pφφ is image} is image.

A set D ⊆ 2<ω is dense if for any p ∈ 2<ω, there is a qD such that qp. Given a sentence φ, let Dφ = {p | pφp ⊩¬φ}. The next lemma follows from (ii) of Proposition 5.2.1.

Lemma 5.2.3. Given a formula φ, Dφ is dense.

A real x is Cohen generic if for any sentence φ there is an n such that xnφ or xn ⊩ ¬φ. By Lemma 5.2.3 and induction on the set of Gödel numbers of formulas, it is an easy exercise to show that a Cohen generic real exists. The following theorem states that for a generic real, forcing equals truth.

Theorem 5.2.4 Suppose that x is Cohen generic. Then for any sentence φ, image(image, x) ⊨ φ if and only if there is an n such that xnφ.

Proof. Either direction of the theorem may be proved by induction on the complexity of formulas. We show the nontrivial case when φ is of the form ¬ψ.

Suppose that there is an n such that xn ⊩ ¬ψ. We claim that image(image, x) ⊭ ψ. Otherwise, by induction, there is an m such that xmψ. By Lemma 5.2.1, x ↾(m + n)⊩ ψ ∧¬ψ, contradicting Lemma 5.2.1. Hence image(image, x) ⊨ ¬ψ, i.e. image(image, x) ⊨ φ.

Assume that image(image, x) ⊨ ¬ψ. By induction, x ↾ n ⊮ ψ for any n. Since x is Cohen generic, there exists an m such that xmψ or xm ⊩ ¬ψ. Hence xm ⊩ ¬ψ.

Theorem 5.2.5 If x is Cohen generic, then image(image, x) satisfies image-comprehension.

Proof. Suppose that x is Cohen generic and


where both φ(n, z) and ψ(n, x) are arithmetical. Then


By Theorem 5.2.4, there exists a p ≺ x such that


By the definition of forcing,






By the image-Uniformization Theorem (4.2.1), there is a total image and so image-function f : {q | qpωω such that f(q, n) = m if and only if mimage1 and there is an rq with r ⊩ (∃z|m|)(φ(n, z|m|)∨¬ψ(n, z|m|)). Let S be the range of f.

By Theorem 5.2.2, f is a well-defined image-function. Since f is total on its domain, it is image. By Corollary 1.5.2, there is an n0O1 such that for any mS, m <o n0. Then




and so


Since xp, by Theorem 5.2.4,


Let y be such that ny if and only if image. Then yimage(image, x). Now if ny, then image(image, x) ⊨ (∃z)φ(n, z). If ny, then image. Then by assumption, image(image, x) ⊨ (∀zφ(n, z). Thus image(image, x) satisfies image-comprehension.

Corollary 5.2.6 If x is Cohen generic, then

(i)image = image.

(ii)For any real yh x, there is an nimage such that yT xHn.

Proof. Theorem 5.2.5 and Theorem 5.1.5 give (i) as an immediate consequence.

For (ii), suppose yh x. Then by Corollary 5.1.4 and (i), yimage(image, x). By Theorem 5.2.4, there is a ranked formula φ such that for any k, y(k)= 1 ⇔ (∃m)(xmφ(k)) and y(k)= 0 ⇔ (∃m)(xm ⊩ ¬φ(k)). By Theorem 5.2.2,


is image. Since image is image-complete (Theorem 1.5.1), there is a recursive function f : 2<ω × ω × 2 → ω such that f(p, k, i)∈ image if and only if R(p, k, i)holds.

Define Rxω × 2 × image so that Rx(k, i, n) if and only if nimage and there is an m with f(xm, k, i)= n. Then Rx is image(x). By Theorem 4.2.1, there is a total image(x), hence image(x), function h : ω → 2 × ω uniformizing Rx. Thus Range(h) is a image(x)-set. By (i) and Corollary 1.5.2, there is an n0image such that Range(h) ⊆ 2 × imagen0). Hence for any k, y(k)= 1 ⇔ (∃m)(f(xm, k, o)∈ imagen0), and y(k)= 0 ⇔ (∃m)(f(xm, k,0) ∈ imagen0). It follows that image and hence there is an nimage such that image.

From the topological point of view, a Cohen generic real is one which meets all definable dense open sets. Thus the set of such reals is co-meager. In Chapter 14, we will develop a parallel notion of forcing based on the co-null property.

5.2.2 Applications to hyperdegrees

We now use Cohen forcing to study the structure of hyperdegrees.

Proposition 5.2.7. If z is not hyperarithmetic, then there exists an x such that xh z and xh z.

Proof. Assume that z is not hyperarithmetic. Fix an enumeration {zi}i<ω of reals hyperarithmetic in z and an enumeration {φi}i<ω of all formulas.

We define a sequence image = p0p1 ≥ … of conditions as follows:

Suppose that pi is defined. At stage i + 1, first let imagepi so that there exists a j with image(j) ≠ zi(j). Then let imageimage so that imageDφi. This is possible according to Lemma 5.2.3.

See if φi(n, k) is ranked and whether for all n, there exists an rimage and k such that rφi(n, k). If not, let pi+1 = image and go to next stage. Otherwise, see if for all n and rimage, if rφi(n, k) then k is unique. If this is so, let pi+1 = image and go to next stage. If not, let pi+1image so that there exists an n with pi+1φ(n, k) for some k ≠ z(n).

Let x = ⋃i<ω pi. Then x is Cohen generic and x ≰h z. By Corollary 5.2.6, image = image. If xh z, then by Corollary 5.1.4, there is a ranked formula φi(n, k) in the enumeration list such that z(n)= k if and only if image(image, x) ⊨ φi(n, k). By Theorem 5.2.4, for each n, there exist k and m such that xmφi(n, k). Then by the construction at stage i + 1, it must be the case that for every n and rimage, there is a unique k satisfying rφi(n, k). Define ̂z(n)= k if and only if there is an rimage with rφi(n, k). By Theorem 5.2.2, ̂zis image and hence hyperarithmetic. But z = ̂z, a contradiction.

Thus x ≰h z and xh z.

5.2.3 Exercises

Exercise 5.2.1. Prove that there exists a Cohen generic xT image(ω)

Exercise 5.2.2. Prove that there is a sequence {xi}i of reals such that for each j, xj ≰h {〈i, n〉| nxi ∧ i ≠ j}.

Exercise 5.2.3. Prove that any countable partial ordering is embeddable into the set of hyperdegrees.

Exercise 5.2.4. Prove that the Σ1-theory of the hyperdegrees as a partial ordering is decidable.

Exercise 5.2.5. Prove that for any nonhyperarithmetic x, the set {y | y ≱h x ∧ y ≰h x} is co-meager.

5.3 Sacks forcing

The notion of forcing with perfect sets over the ramified analytical hierarchy was introduced by Gandy and Sacks [36] in their construction of a set with minimal hyperdegree. The origin of perfect set forcing, however, traces back to Spector’s proof of the existence of a minimal Turing degree [154]. As will be seen, the construction of a minimal hyperdegree is much more intricate as it requires a detailed analysis of the complexity of the forcing relation ⊩.

5.3.1 Perfect set forcing over the ramified analytical hierarchy

Let image be the collection of hyperarithmetic perfect sets. Each Simage is a condition for Sacks forcing. Given two conditions S, Timage, we say that ST if ST.

Let φ be a sentence in the language of ramified analytical hierarchy image (image, ). Define Tφ as follows.

If φ is ranked, then Tφ if (∀xT)(image(image, x) ⊨ φ);

if φ(y) is unranked and Tφ(y | ψ) for some ψ of rank at most β, then T ⊩ (∃yβ)φ(yβ);

T ⊩(∃y)φ(y) if and only if T ⊩ (∃yβ)φ(yβ) for some β < image;

if φ(n) is unranked and Tφ() for some number m, then T ⊩ (∃n)φ(n);

if φ and ψ are unranked, Tφ and Tψ, then Tφψ;

if φ is unranked and (∀S)(ST → ¬Sφ), then T ⊩ ¬φ.

Note that while the definition of Cohen forcing for ranked sentences is by induction on the complexity of the sentence, that of Sacks forcing is given directly. This immediately implies the following.

Lemma 5.3.1. If Tφ and ST, then Sφ.

By Theorem 5.1.1 and the definition of forcing, we have

Lemma 5.3.2. The set

{(T, ⌜φ⌝) | φ is imageTφ}

is image

Lemma 5.3.3. (Fusion Lemma) Let T be a condition and {(i, φi)}i<ω be a hyperarithmetic set of image-formulas. Assume that


Then (∃ST)(∀i)(Sφi).

Proof. Using the notation Pn = {τ ∈ 2n | τP}, define image by


Note that image is a image-relation. Then image may be uniformized by a partial image-function F : ω×2<ω ×imageimage. By assumption, for any RT, σR and iω, F(R, i, σ) is defined. Using F, a hyperarithmetic family {Pσ | σ ∈ 2<ω} is defined by recursion on σ:


If σ ∉ Pσ, let image = image = image. Otherwise let image and image be disjoint conditions stronger than (i.e. contained in) Pσ and image ↾|σ|, image ↾|σ| = {τ | τσ} so that image.

Let Q = ⋂n|σ|= n Pσ. Then Qimage.

For each i and σ ∈ 2i+1, we have either Pσ = image or Pσφi. Suppose that φi is of the form (∃z)ψi(z) for some ranked ψi(z). Then image for some βσ whenever Pσ ≠ image. Let image. By the definition of the forcing relation, we have image

Hence for every i, Qφi.

Lemma 5.3.4. For any sentence φ and condition T, there is an ST such that either Sφ or S ⊩¬φ.

Proof. If φ is unranked, then the lemma follows immediately from the definition. For φ of rank β, we prove the lemma by induction on β. Without loss of generality, assume that φ is of the form (∃xβ)ψ(xβ) for some ψ with rank less than β. Let {̂ϕi(n)}i<ω be a hyperarithmetic enumeration of all the formulas of rank at most β whose only free variable is n. If there is an i and ST such that Sψ(xβ | ̂ϕi), then we are done. Otherwise, by Lemma 5.3.3 and the inductive hypothesis, there is an ST such that S ⊩¬ψ(xβ | ̂ϕi) for every i. Then S ⊩ ¬φ.

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