2.5.2 Incomparable hyperdegrees

We apply the Gandy Basis Theorem to construct a pair of incomparable hyperdegrees.

Lemma 2.5.4. If A is a image-set containing a nonhyperarithmetic real, then A is uncountable.

Proof. Suppose that A is a countable image-set containing a nonhyperarithmetic real. Then the set B = {xA | xh image} is a nonempty image-subset of A. Hence there is a recursive tree T such that xB if and only if there exists a y satisfying for every n, (xn, yn) ∈ T. Let T′ = {(σ, τ) | (∃xσ)(∃yτ)(∀n)((xn, yn) ∈ T)} be a subtree of T.Obviously T′ is a image-tree. Moreover, for any (σ, τ) ∈ T′, there are σ0, σ1σ and τ0, τ1τ with σ0|σ1 so that (σi, τi) ∈ T′ for i ≤ 1. Otherwise, the image-set {x | (∃y)(∀n)(xσyτ ∧(x, y) ∈ T′)} ⊆ B contains a unique real which must be hyperarithmetic, contradicting the definition of B. Thus imitating the proof of Theorem 1.1.10, one shows that B contains a perfect subset.

Theorem 2.5.5 (Spector [155]). There exist reals x and y such that x ≰h y and y ≰h x.

In fact, there is a real xh image with image = image.

Proof. Let A = {x | xh image} be a nonempty image-set. By Theorem 2.5.3 and Corollary 2.4.11, the set B = {xA | image = image} is a nonempty image-set. By Lemma 2.5.4, B is uncountable. Since there are at most countably many reals hyperarithmetically reducible to image, there is areal xB such that xh image. Furthermore, xh image since image = image.

It should be pointed out that Spector’s original proof of Theorem 2.5.5 was quite different from the one given above. His proof involved a measure-theoretic argument and was nonconstructive. That idea will be explored in Chapter 14 on higher randomness.

2.5.3 Kreisel’s Basis Theorem

Theorem 2.5.6 (Kreisel [35]). If x is nonhyperarithmetic and Aωω is a nonempty image-set, then there is a y ∈ A such that xh y.

Proof. Suppose that x is nonhyperarithmetic and Aωω is a nonempty image-set. By Gandy’s Basis Theorem 2.5.3, the set image is a nonempty image-set.

For each pair (e, n) with nimage, let


We claim that for any nonempty image-set C, there is a nonempty image-set Q(e,n)CP(e,n). There are three cases to consider.

(1) There exist zC and iω such that image. Then let imagezC)}.

(2) Not Case (1) but there exist z0, z1C and iω such that image (i).

Then there is a k ≤ 1 such that image. Let Q(e,n) = {z |image (i)∧ zC)}.

(3) Neither (1) nor (2). Then the image-set {u | (∃z)(∀i)(zCu(i) = image (i))} contains exactly one real which must be hyperarithmetic. Let Q(e,n) = C.

By Proposition 1.1.12, there is a yB ∩ ⋂e<ω,n∈O P(e,n)A. By the definition of image. Note that image. Hence by Theorem 2.3.3, we conclude xh y.

Theorem 2.5.6 says that the cone of sets hyperarithmetically above one that is nonhyperarithmetic does not contain a nonempty image-subset. In particular, no cone above a nonhyperarithmetic set is image. From the model-theoretic point of view, the argument used in the proof of the theorem is a type-omitting argument. This will be used again later to construct nonstandard models for characterizing hyperarithmetic sets via the constructible hierarchy L.

2.5.4 Exercises

Exercise 2.5.1. Prove that for any real z, the set {(x, image) | x ∈ 2ω} is not image(z).

Exercise 2.5.2. Prove that there exist x, yh image such that x ≰h y and y ≰h x.

Exercise 2.5.3. Prove that there is a sequence of reals {xi}i<ω such that xi <h xi+1 <h image.

* Exercise 2.5.4 (Slaman [140]). Prove that there is no image-set Aωω such that every image-set is a continuous injective image of A.

* Exercise 2.5.5 (Hjorth [49]). Prove that every image-set is a continuous injective image of the image-set {image | xωω}.

Exercise 2.5.6. Prove that any nonempty image-set A contains an element x such that imageT image.

* Exercise 2.5.7 (Solovay [152]). Given functions f, g : ωω, we say that g dominates f if g(i)≥ f(i) for i < ω. Prove that a real x is hyperarithmetic if and only if there is a function fT x such that gT f whenever g dominates f.

2.6 More on image

2.6.1 A nonstandard image

We construct a nonstandard image which shares many properties with image. The following lemma says that there is an r.e. set whose field is an end extension of image.

Lemma 2.6.1. There is an r.e. set x and an r.e. partial ordering relation <x defined on x such that

(i)The conditions (i)–(iv) in § 1.2.1 hold for <x;


(iii)<o is the restriction of <x to image; and

(iv)if m <x n and nimage, then mimage.

Proof. We build <x by effective transfinite induction. Define a recursive function h as follows:


By the Recursion Theorem, there is a constant c such that Φh(c) = Φc. Set g = Φc to be a partial recursive function. Hence


Define m <x n if and only if g(〈m, n〉) = 1. Set x = {m | (∃n)(m <x n}. It is straightforward to verify that the field of <x satisfies (i)–(iv).

Note that given nx, <x restricted to the set {m | m <x n} is not necessarily linear. We introduce the following modification. Define zx to be such that iz if and only if ix and <x restricted to {m | m <x i} is linear. Then z is an arithmetical set. It is obvious that <x restricted to z is a partial ordering, imagez and the conditions (i)–(iv) hold for <x restricted to z.

Now for any nimage, let zn be a hyperarithmetic set such that izn if and only if iimage22n or there exists jimage22n image2n satisfying j <x i and iz. Inother words, zn is obtained by “cutting off” those nodes in z not above image22n. Hence zn has image22n as an “ initial segment”. Note that <x restricted to zn also satisfies conditions (i)–(iv).

Definition 2.6.2. Let image* = ⋂ A where

A = {y | yx is hyperarithmetic ∧ Conditions (i)–(iv) in § 1.2.1 hold for <x restricted to y}.

Denote by <o* the ordering <x restricted to image*. Note that znA for all nimage. Moreover imageimage* by the definition of image. Since conditions (i)–(iv) in § 1.2.1 are arithmetical statements, by Corollary 2.2.2 it follows that O* is image.

2.6.2 A image-path through image

Since image* is image, there must be an iimage* image. Note that for every nimage, izn imagen. Hence for every nimage, there is an inimage22n image2n such that in <x i and thus in <o* i. Let image. Then jimage if and only if jimagej <x i. Hence imageimage is a image-set.

Lemma 2.6.3. <o restricted to image is a well-ordering of order type image.

Proof. Obviously <o restricted to image is a well-ordering. Suppose that the order type of <o restricted to image is less than image. Then there is an nimage such that imageimagen. Then for any kimage22n image2n, k ≮o* j. Hence j ∉ zn, a contradiction.

Thus imageimage is a image-path through image, yielding the following theorem.

Theorem 2.6.4 (Feferman and Spector [26]). There is a image-set image1image such that <o restricted to image1 is a well-ordering of order type image.

The proof of Theorem 2.6.4 is essentially model-theoretic. A purely recursion-theoretic proof can be found in Sacks [123]. The results in this section may also be uniformly relativized. Namely, there is a image-set {(x, imagex,*) | x ∈ 2ω} such that for each x, imagex,* is a proper end extension of image (a nonstandard image).

2.6.3 A regular path through image

Despite the apparent complexity of the partial ordering on image, there is a image-path through it in which every proper initial segment is recursive. This indicates that there exists certain regularity hidden within <o.

Theorem 2.6.5 (Jockusch [56]). There is set Oimage such that

<o (Definition 1.2.1) is a well-ordering of order type image on O;

O is <o-downward closed, and

for any nO, {m | m <o n} is recursive.

Proof. First, observe that by the Padding Lemma in classical recursion theory, we may assume that


By the s-m-n Theorem, there is a recursive function g0 such that for every m,


Define a recursive function h0 as follows:


By the Recursion Theorem, there is a constant c such that Φh0(c) = Φc. Then Φc is total on image. Note that Φc(1) = 1, Φc(2n) = 2Φc(n), and if n = 3 ⋅ 5k, then Φc(n) = 3 ⋅ 5w where Φw(0) = Φc(Φk(0)) and Φw(j+1) = Φw(j) +o Φc(Φk(j+1)). Φc follows the format set in (i)–(iv) of § 1.2.1 with the additional property that for n = 3 ⋅ 5k, Φc(n) gives an index w of a recursive function that is recursively defined from Φk. Thus intuitively one may view this as a version of image on the range of Φc. Let iimage* image. We claim that the set


is as required. We first leave it as an exercise to verify that

(1)Φc is strictly increasing in the sense of <o;

(2)for each j0 and m, if Φw(j0) ≤o m <o Φw(j0 + 1), then there is a j1image such that m = Φc(j0) +o j1.

Since n <o m implies Φc(n) <o Φc(m), <o is a well-ordering on O. Note that for any nimage, |n| ≤ |Φc(n) |. Hence Φc : {nimage | n <o* i} → O is an embedding and hence <o is a well-ordering of order type image on O. By performing induction over the standard ordinal notations <o* below i, one easily sees that O is <o-downward closed.

By Theorem 1.3.4, there is a recursive function g1 such that Wg1(n) = {j | j <o n} for any nO. We claim that Wg1(n) is a recursive set when restricted to nO. It will then follow that the set {〈j, k〉| j <o k <o n} is recursive as well.

By an effective transfinite induction together with an application of the Recursion Theorem, we will define a partial recursive function q such that Wq(n) = ω Wg1(n) for nO. The case n = 2k and Φc(n) = 2Φc(k) is left to the reader as an exercise ( Exercise 2.6.1). Suppose n = 3 ⋅ 5k and Φc(3 ⋅ 5k) = 3 ⋅ 5w, where w is as defined earlier, and e is given such that Φe(Φw(j)) is defined for each j < ω. First note that an induction on j shows that Φw(j) ≥ j. If for each j, WΦe(Φw(j)) = ω Wg1(Φw(j)), then we claim


The proof of the claim from right to left is immediate. For the other direction, let j0 be such that Φw(j0) ≤o m <o Φw(j0 + 1). Then by (2) there is a j1image such that Φw(j0) +o j1 = m. This implies that j0Φw(j0) ≤ m. Since mo Φw(j0 + 1), we have proved the Claim.

Hence ⋃j<ω Wg1(Φw(j)) = ωj<ω WΦe(Φw(j)) is recursive. Now this calculation is uniform, and hence there is a recursive function g2 such that if WΦe(Φw(j)) = ω Wg1(Φw(j)) for every j, then Wg2(e,w) = ⋂j<ω WΦe(Φw(j)). Let g3 be a recursive function such that Wg3(e,w) = We {w}. Recall that if Φc(3 ⋅ 5k) = 3 ⋅ 5wO, then Φw(j + 1) = Φw(j) +o Φc(Φk(j + 1)). Let Wc1 = ω.

Define a recursive function h1 as follows:


By the Recursion Theorem, there is a d such that Φh1(d) = Φd. Let q = Φd. Then q is as required.

2.6.4 Exercises

Exercise 2.6.1. Complete the inductive argument for the case n = 2k and Φc(n) = 2Φc(k) in Theorem 2.6.5.

Exercise 2.6.2. Prove that for any iimage* image, <o* is not a well-ordering on the set {j | image*j <o* i}.

Exercise 2.6.3. Prove (1) and (2) in Theorem 2.6.5.

Exercise 2.6.4. Prove that there are 20-many paths through image.

Exercise 2.6.5. Prove that there is no partial recursive function p : ω2ω satisfying properties (1)–(3) in Exercise 1.4.1 upon replacing x with image1.

2.7 Codes for sets

In § 2.2.3, a method of coding image-sets was introduced. However, the method does not provide an effective way of tracking the construction of image-sets. Here we discuss the method of hyperarithmetic coding which serves as a useful tool for performing inductive analysis of image-sets of reals.

2.7.1 Borel codes

Throughout this section, fix an effective enumeration {σi}i<ω of ω<ω.

For each x ∈ 2ω, define (x)n = {m | 2n ⋅ 3mx}. Define a sequence {Σβ}β<ω1 of sets of reals as follows:

β = 0: Let Σ0 = {x | x(0) = 0}.

β > 0: Let Σβ = {x ∈ 2ω Σ0 | (∀n)(∃γ < β)((x)nΣγ)}.

Let BC = ⋃β<ω1 Σβ be the set of Borel codes. For each x ∈ BC, define Ax to be:


β > 0 and xΣβ: Ax = ⋃n(ωω A(x)n ).

If σ is the empty string, let (y)σ = y. For each σω<ω, define


Given a real y, we define a tree TyT y over ω<ω as follows:


For any σTy, if (y)σΣ0 then σ will have no extension in Ty.Otherwise, σnTy for every n.

Lemma 2.7.1. y ∈ BC if and only if Ty is a wellfounded tree. Hence BC is image. Moreover yΣβ if and only if |Ty|≤ β + 1.

Proof. If Ty is wellfounded, then one may show by induction on the rank of σ, for σTy, that (y)σ belongs to BC.

If y ∈ BC, then for any τσ in Ty there exists a γ < β such that (y)τΣγ and (y)σΣβ. Thus Ty is a wellfounded tree.

Since TyT y uniformly and y ∈ BC if and only if Ty is wellfounded, we conclude that BC is image. We leave the verification of the last statement of the lemma to the reader.

2.7.2 Hyperarithmetic codes

A hyperarithmetic code is a real in HYP ∩ BC. Let BC(HYP) denote the collection of hyperarithmetic codes. By Corollary 2.2.2 and Lemma 2.7.1, BC(HYP) is image.

Since TxT x, if x ∈ BC(HYP) then by Lemma 2.7.1 and the discussion above, |Tx| < image. Thus BC(HYP)⊆ image.

Theorem 2.7.2 (Kleene [70]). The following statements are equivalent:

(i) A = Az for some z ∈ BC ∩ image.

(ii)A = Az for some z ∈ BC(HYP).

(iii)A is image.

Proof. Obviously, (i) ⇒ (ii). For (ii) ⇒ (iii), suppose A = Az for some z ∈ BC(HYP). We define a image-relation Rzω<ω × ωω as follows. Rz will decode Az from Tz, and retraces the steps that constructed Tz from Az:

(1) (∀τ ∉ Tz)(∀yRz(τ, y);

(2) (∀τTz)(∀y)(τ has no extensions → (Rz(τ, y) ↔ (∃n)(yσn ∧ (z)τ(n) = 1)));

(3) (∀τTz)((∃n)(τnTz) → (∀y)(Rz(τ, y)↔(∃mRz(τm, y))).

It is obvious that Rz is unique and well defined. Moreover, for any z ∈ BC, mω, and yωω, Rz(imagem, y) if and only if R(z)m (image, y). We make the following claim.

Claim. Rz(image, y) if and only if yAz.

Proof of Claim. We prove this by induction. First assume that zΣ0. Then Tz consists only of the empty string and so by (2) Rz(image, y) if and only if yAz. Suppose the Claim holds for all Σγ-codes where γ < β. Let zΣβ. If Tz(image, y) then by (3) for some m, ¬Rz(0m, y). Then by induction yA(z)m, hence yAz. Conversely, if yAz then there is an m such that yA(z)m. Now (z)mΣγ for some γ < β. By induction, ¬R(z)m (0, y). Thus Rz(image, y) by (3), proving the Claim.

The Claim implies that Az is image(z). By a similar argument, one shows that the complement of Az is also image(z). Hence Az is image(z). Since z ∈ HYP, Az is image.

We now show (iii) ⇒ (i). Suppose that A is image. Then both A and B = ωω A are image. So there are two recursive trees S and T such that




Define R = ST as follows:

(σ, τ, ν) ∈ R ⇔ (σ, τ) ∈ S ∧(σ, ν) ∈ T.

Define (σ, τ, ν) < (σ′, τ′, ν′) if σσ′, ττ′ and νν′. Since AB = image, R is a wellfounded tree under <. We construct a hyperarithmetic code z so that BAz and AzA = image. Then Az = B.

We define a recursive function h : ωω such that for some c, Φh(c)(n, image, image, image) is a hyperarithmetic code for A.

For (σ, τ, ν) such that |σ| = |τ| = |ν|, there are three cases to consider:

(1) (σ, τ, ν) ∉ R and (σ, ν) ∈ T. Define Φh(e)(0, σ, τ, ν) = 0 and Φh(e)(n, σ, τ, ν) = 1 for all n > 0.

(2) (σ, τ, ν) ∉ R and (σ, ν) ∉ T. Define Φh(e)(n, σ, τ, ν) = 0 for all n.

(3) (σ, τ, ν) ∈ R. For (i, j, k, l), we define a recursive function g determined by the following four subcases:

3(i) i = k and (σi, τj, νl) ∈ R. Define g(e, i, j, k, l, n) = Φe(n, σi, τj, νl).

3(ii) i ≠ k. Define g(e, i, j, k, l, n) = m for all n > 0 and g(e, i, j, k, l,0) = 0, where m is a code such that σm = σk.

3(iii) i = k and (σi, τj) ∉ S. Define g(e, i, j, k, l, n) = 1 for all n > 0 and g(e, i, j, k, l,0) = 0.

3(iv) i = k and (σi, τj) ∈ S but (σi, νl) ∉ T. Define g(e, i, j, k, l, n) = 0 for all n.

Intuitively, g is a hyperarithmetic code for a set Ai,j,k,l disjoint from [S(σi,νj)], but covers [T(σ⌢k,ν⌢l)], where




The plan is to define Φh(e)(n, σ, τ, ν) to code the set C = ⋃k,li,j Ai,j,k,l. Then C ⊇ [T(σ,ν)] and C ∩ [S(σ,τ)] = image. Define a recursive function image such that image(0) = 1 and image(2i,j ⋅ 3n) = 1 if and only if g(e, i, j, k, l, n) = 1. Then image will code the set ⋃i,j(ωω Ai,j,k,l).

Define a recursive function p2 so that p2(0) = 1 and p2(2k,l ⋅ 3n) = 1 if and only if image(n) = 1. Then p2 is a code for ⋃k,l(ωωi,j(ωω Ai,j,k,l)) = ⋃k,li,j Ai,j,k,l.

Let Φh(e)(n, τ, ν0, ν1) = 1 if and only if p2(n) = 1. By the Recursion Theorem, there is a fixed point c such that Φh(c) = Φc.

Let z(n) = 1 ⇔ Φc(n, image, image, image) = 1. By an easy transfinite induction along < on R, one shows that for any (σ, τ, ν) ∈ R, z(σ,τ,ν) = {n | Φc(n, σ, τ, ν) = 1} is a recursive Borel code such that Az(σ,τ,ν) ⊇ [T(σ,ν)] and Az(σ,τ,ν) ∩ [S(σ,τ)] = image. In particular, z* = z(image,image,image) is a recursive Borel code such that AAz* = A∩ [Simage,image] = image and [T(image,image)] = BAz*. Thus z* is a recursive Borel code for B.

Note that more was proved in the theorem above. Recall (see § 1.5.1) that there is a image-set Aω × ωω such that every image-set B is of the form B = ¬An = {x | (n, x) ∉ A} for some n. These n’s are called image-codes. Then Theorem 2.7.2 may be strengthened to: There is a recursive function f : ω × ωωω such that if n, m are image-codes and (2ω An) ∩ (2ω Am) = image, then f(n, m) ∈ BC ∩ image, (2ω Af(n,m)) ∩ (2ω An) = image, and (2ω Am) ⊆ (2ω Af(n,m)). This is an effective separation theorem which is a central result in effective descriptive set theory. We will discuss related facts in the sequel.

Remark 2.7.3. One may wonder how recursive codes are able to code the same sets as those coded hyperarithmetically. The answer is that there is a trade-off in the number of induction steps used. For example, a hyperarithmetic open set can be coded by a hyperarithmetic code in one step but any recursive code for it will be in some Σβ where β is a possibly large recursive ordinal.

We say that Aω<ω is Σβ(HYP) if A = Ax for some hyperarithmetic xΣβ. Louveau [85], using Gandy forcing, proved the following result.

Theorem 2.7.4 (Louveau [85]). If A, B are image and separated by Ax for some xΣβ, then A is separable from B by Ay for some yΣβimage. Hence if A is image and Σβ, then A is Σβ(HYP).

Theorem 2.7.2 yields another parameterization of image-sets of reals.

Corollary 2.7.5. There is a image-set Aω × ωω such that

(∀n)(An = {y | (n, y) ∈ A}∈ image),

(∀C)(∃n)(CimageC = An).

Proof. By Proposition 2.2.11, there is a partial function D : ω × ωω with a image-graph parameterizing image-reals. Define (n, y) ∈ A if and only if


Note that if (∀i)(∃j)(n, i, j) ∈ D, then the predicate (n, i, j) ∈ D is image. So A is image. Obviously each image-set C is An for some n, and An codes a real in BC(HYP). For each n, either An = image or An = Ax for some x ∈ BC(HYP). Hence A is as required.

2.7.3 Exercises

Exercise 2.7.1. Prove Lemma 2.4.8.

Exercise 2.7.2. Prove that yΣβ if and only if |Ty|≤ β + 1.

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