

advanced features

about 97

creating shared-variable graphs with dynamic titles 99–109

customizing appearance of grouped data 116–122

customizing axes 109–116

Graph Reuse 98–99

advanced options 47

Advanced Options Dialog Box 48

appearance, customizing of grouped data 116–122

Assign Data Dialog Boxes

custom features of other 49–52

statistics data in 51–52

attributes, overriding 53

Auto Charts tool

about 85

example 87–88

window 86–87

automatic graphs 2–4


about 47

customizing 109–116

customizing properties 112–114

defined 15

modifying properties 68–69

axis tables

about 91

adding in separate cells 80–82

adding to graphs 91–94, 114–116

creating 91–94


Background Color and Outline tab (Graph Properties dialog box) 56

band plot 42–43

Bar chart 44

bar fills, changing 119–122

BarError chart 44

Batch mode, running graphs in 39

Block plot 44

Box plot 43

bulk generation, of charts 85

bulk graphs, generating 88–89


categorization plots 44

Cell Header 44–45

cell legend 30

Cell Properties dialog box 58–59


adding axis tables in separate 80–82

adding discrete legends to 77–78

adding horizontal box plots to empty 33–35

adding to graphs 101–103

defined 14

charts, bulk generation of 85

classification panels

about 61–63

creating 63–71

columns, adding 32

Common Column or Row Axis tab (Graph Properties dialog box) 56

confidence bands

for individuals 51

for the mean 51

Contour plot 44

copying and pasting graphs to other applications 36


data, assigning to histograms 23–24

data lattice 62

DATA= option 108

data panel 62

data set 46

Data Skin tab (Graph Properties dialog box) 56

dataSets=Y|N parameter 17

discrete legends

about 44–45

adding to cells 77–78

distribution plot 43

distribution plot example

about 19–20

adding horizontal box plots to empty cells 33–35

adding legends 30–32

adding plots to graphs 25–28

adding rows to graphs 32–33

assigning data to histograms 23–24

changing titles 24–25

copying and pasting graphs to other applications 36

creating graphs 20–39

creating histograms from Graph Gallery 20–22

modifying legends 30–32

removing footnotes 24–25

running graphs in Batch mode 39

saving graphs in Graph Gallery 37–39

saving graphs to files 37

setting plot properties 28–30

using a common X axis 35

viewing GTL code 36

DropLine plot 44

DYNAMIC statement 98, 108

dynamic titles

adding 105–106

creating shared-variable graphs with 99–109

dynamic usage 99


Edit menu 11

Elements pane 10, 12–13

Ellipse plot 43


Auto Charts tool 87–88

distribution plot 19–39

highlow plot 63–71

Metropolitan Relative Weight (MRW) 87–95

removing tick values from axis 109–116

survival plot 71–84


File menu 11

files, saving graphs to 37

Fill tab (Cell Properties dialog box) 59

fit plots 43, 50–51


defined 15

removing 24–25, 83–84

Format menu 11

fringe plot 25–28, 44


General Attributes tab (Graph Properties dialog box) 55

global legends 30, 78–79

Gradient Legend 44–45

Graph Gallery

about 11–12

creating histograms from 20–22

saving graphs in 37–39

Graph Properties dialog box 55–57

Graph Reuse 98–99

Graph Template Language (GTL)

about 6

creating graphs using 4–6

Graphs 2

viewing code 36

GraphAxisLines 52–53

GraphBackground 52–53

graphical user interface (GUI) 10–13


adding axis tables 91–94, 114–116

adding cells to 101–103

adding global legends to 78–79

adding plots to 25–28, 101–103

adding rows to 32–33

adding titles to 67–68

applying styles to 70–71, 74–75

assigning variables to 104–106

automatic 2–4

copying and pasting to other applications 36

creating 13–14, 15–16, 41–42, 64–66, 72–74, 89–91, 117–118

creating using different data 108–109

creating using Graph Template Language 4–6

creating using SAS ODS Graphics Designer 6–7

creating using SGDESIGN procedure 106–109

creating using Statistical Graphics (SG) procedures 6

customizing 89–95

defined 14

layouts of 16–17

multi-cell 71–84

multi-cell ad hoc 5

properties affecting 54–57

running in Batch mode 39

saving 105–106

saving in Graph Gallery 37–39

saving to files 37

single-cell 4

terminology 14–15

types of 16–17

value of 1–2

visual properties of 52

GraphTitleText 52–53

Group Attributes tab (Graph Properties dialog box) 55

group display 47

group variable example 116–122

grouped data, customizing appearance of 116–122


See Graph Template Language (GTL)

GUI (graphical user interface) 10–13


Help menu 11

highlow plot example

about 63–64

adding highlow plots 64–66

adding titles to graphs 67–68

applying styles to graphs 70–71

creating classification panels 63–71

creating graphs 64–66

modifying axis properties 68–69

specifying panel variables 64–66

highlow plots, adding 64–66

Histogram plot 43


assigning data to 23–24

creating from Graph Gallery 20–22

horizontal box plots, adding to empty cells 33–35


image files 37

individuals, confidence bands for 51

Insert menu 11


about 12–13, 42

combining with plots 45

defined 15

types 44–45

Insets panel 13


kernel density curve 25–28

Kernel plot 43


layouts, of graphs 16–17

Legend Label tab (Cell Properties dialog box) 59


adding 30–32

defined 15

modifying 30–32

library 46

LIFETEST procedure 72

Loess plot 43, 50–51


main window 10–11

marker symbol, changing for scatter plots 75–76

mean, confidence bands for the 51

menu bar 10


about 11

data assignment from pop-up 48–49

right-click pop-up 13

Metropoliitan Relative Weight (MRW) example

about 87–95

adding axis tables to graphs 91–94

creating graphs 89–91

customizing graphs 89–95

customizing titles 94–95

generating bulk graphs 88–89

model band 51

More Variables Dialog box 47


See Metropolitan Relative Weight (MRW) example

multi-cell ad hoc graphs 5, 16

multi-cell classification panels 5, 17

multi-cell graphs

about 71

creating 71–84


name 47

needle plot 42–43

normal density curve 25–28

Normal plot 43


ODS destination, setting 106

ODS Graphics

on by default 3

off by default 4

outline color group attributes, outlining 119–122

Outline tab (Cell Properties dialog box) 59


panel variables 46, 64–66

Panels tab (Graph Gallery) 62–63

parameterized Line plot 44

parameters, available for SGDESIGN macro 17–18

PBSpline plot 43, 50–51

placeholder data 22

Plot Layers panel 13

Plot tab (Cell Properties dialog box) 58

plot variable tabs 46


about 12–13, 42

adding to graphs 25–28, 101–103

basic 42–43

categorization 44

combining with insets 45

data assignment when adding 45–48

defined 14

distribution 43

fit 43

fitting existing 50–51

properties of 57–59

setting properties 28–30

PNG format 37

pop-up menu, data assignment from 48–49

portNum=integer parameter 17

Prefer Binned Axis tab (Cell Properties dialog box) 58


affecting graphs 54–57

axis 68–69, 112–114

of plots 57–59

setting for plots 28–30


Ref plot 44

refresh=Y|N parameter 17

REG procedure 3

Regression plot 43, 50–51

right-click pop-up menus 13

rows, adding to graphs 32–33


SAS ODS Graphics Designer

creating graphs using 6–7

graphical user interface (GUI) 10–13

starting 9–10

SAS ODS Graphics Designer (SGD) format 37

scatter plot 42–43, 45–48, 75–76

series plot 42–43

SGD file 106–107

SGDESIGN macro, parameters available for 17–18

SGDESIGN procedure 39, 98, 99, 105–109

SGRENDER procedure 5, 36

shared-variable graphs

creating 99–100

creating with dynamic titles 99–109

single-cell graphs 4, 16

Size tab (Graph Properties dialog box) 56

skins 8

StackBlock plot 44

Statistical Graphic (SG) procedures, creating graphs using 6

statistics data, in Assign Data Dialog Boxes 51–52

step plot 42–43

Style tab (Graph Properties dialog box) 56

styles/style elements

about 52–53

applying to graphs 70–71, 74–75

commonly used 53–54

Subpixel tab (Graph Properties dialog box) 56

survival plot example

about 71–72

adding axis tables in separate cells 80–82

adding discrete legends to cells 77–78

adding global legends to graphs 78–79

applying styles to graphs 74–75

changing marker symbol for scatter plots 75–76

creating graphs 72–74

customizing titles 83–84

removing footnotes 83–84


TEMPLATE procedure 5, 36

Template tab (Graph Properties dialog box) 55

terminology 14–15

Text Entry 44–45


adding to graphs 67–68

changing 24–25

customizing 83–84, 94–95

defined 15

toolbar 10, 11

Tools menu 11

Transparency tab (Cell Properties dialog box) 59


underscore (_) 105

Use Data Skin tab (Cell Properties dialog box) 59


variables 46–47, 104–106

vector plot 42–43

View menu 11

visual properties, of graphs 52


window, Auto Charts tool 86–87

work area 11


X axis, using a common 35

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