
  • 10 000 Year Watch
  • A Good Year
  • Acorns app
  • advertisements
  • agriculture
    • mental health of workers in
    • suicide rates of workers in
    • technological advancement and
  • AIA Australia
  • Air New Zealand
  • Airbnb
  • Amazon Echo
  • analogue vs digital cochlear implants and 95 building brand loyalty using 207 Pokémon Go and surgery and
  • Andersen, Hans Christian
  • Anderson, Dr Wendy
  • Andersson, Chris
  • Arrogant Frog
  • artificial intelligence see also Watson artificial intelligence
  • As It Is in Heaven
  • Aurelius, Marcus
  • aviation industry
  • Ballard, Barclay
  • banking industry, digital disruption and
  • Barbour
  • Bedát, Maxine
  • Bergslagens Brygghus
  • Best, Jo
  • Bezos, Jeff
  • blogs as inbound marketing
  • Bloodline
  • Blue Ocean Strategy
  • Blumenthal, Neil
  • Boardwalk Empire
  • Bostrom, Nick
  • Bowie, David
  • Brand, Stewart
  • brands
    • customer experience and
    • differentiation of 24 future of
    • identities of
    • power of regional see also heritage
  • Brooks, David
  • Brown, Tim
  • Bruehl, Daniel
  • Brynjolfsson, Erik
  • Buckley, David
  • bull sharks
  • Burning Man
  • Butler, Will
  • butterfly effect
  • Capone, Al
  • Carlyle, Thomas
  • The Castle
  • change
    • Oscar Jacobson and
    • resistance to see also futurephobia technology and
  • Cialdini, Robert
  • Clifford, Ruth
  • Cmiique Iitom language
  • Conniff, Richard
  • conscious consumerism
  • Crowe, Russell
  • D'arco, Clementine
  • da Vinci Surgical System
  • Daesh/ISIL/ISIS, futurephobia and
  • Darabi, Soraya
  • Das Kapital
  • depression, experience of
  • Descartes, René
  • design, human-centred
  • Diamond, Jared
  • Digilogue
  • digital storytelling, GoPro and
  • disruption, industries that are ripe for
  • District Vision
  • diversity, loss of
  • Djurgårdens IF
  • Dodge Ram Trucks
  • dressing for the occasion
  • driving, machine vs human abilities
  • dynamics
    • gender
    • intergenerational
    • mother–son
    • of family businesses
  • East Germany
  • Edison, Thomas
  • Elsener, Carl
  • Elvina Bay
  • The Emperor's New Clothes
  • Ephemera
  • Eton
  • Eugene Goostman
  • The Experience Economy
  • eyeglasses
  • Facebook
  • Family Business Network (FBN)
  • family businesses
    • burden of legacy in
    • dynamics in
    • emotional toll of
    • friction in
    • gender dynamics in
    • history as baggage in intergenerational conflict in
    • pros and cons of
    • rivalry in
    • role of values in
    • staffing issues in
    • succession planning and
    • survival of
    • value of outside advice in
    • work ethics in
  • farmers
  • fast fashion
  • finance industry, digital disruption and
  • Florence
  • fools' errands
  • friction points
    • in the airline industry
    • in wardrobe culling
  • Funke, Stefan
  • Further Future
  • Future Shock
  • futurephilia friction with futurephobia
  • futurephobia friction with futurephilia Daesh/ISIL/ISIS and
  • generation Y attitudes towards personal finance of sustainable consumer practices of
  • Georg Sörman & Sons
  • Georg Sörman implementation of
  • Georg Sörman
    • brand identities of
    • brand partnerships of
    • brand renaissance of
    • commercial rent agreement of
    • early days of
    • initial business model of
    • logo of
    • market niche of
    • publicity and
    • reinvention plan of
    • shop locations of
    • transformation industry and
    • use of Facebook by
    • values of
    • VIP nights of
  • Gibson, William
  • Gilboa, Dave
  • Gilmore, James
  • Good Bye, Lenin!
  • Google Glass
  • GoPro Hero
  • Gordon, Beverly
  • Guerre, Karl-Edwin
  • guilt, family business and
  • Guns, Germs and Steel
  • Hallgren, Frida
  • Halligan, Brian
  • Harpham, Aaron
  • Harpham, Emma
  • Harpham, Max
  • Hästens
  • Hayzlett, Jeffrey
  • hearing impairment, analogue vs digital technologies and
  • heartbreak, experience of
  • Hedberg, Fredrik
  • Hendren, Sarah
  • Her
  • heritage brands, challenges of
  • Hermann Brain Dominance Instruments
  • hero's journey
    • Nike's use of
    • Pixar's version of the
    • step 1
    • step 2
    • step 3
    • step 4
    • step 5
    • step 6
    • step 7
    • step 8
    • step 9
    • step 10
    • step 11
    • step 12
  • Hillis, Danny
  • Hilton, seamless experience and
    • HHonors app
  • Holiday, Ryan
  • Hubbard, L. Ron
  • HubSpot
  • The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared
  • Hunt, Andrew
  • influence, principles of
  • Influence: The psychology of persuasion
  • Instagram, use of by Georg Sörman
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • ISIS, futurephobia and
  • Jähkel, Lennart
  • Järild, Anton
  • Jean-Claude Mas
  • Jennings, Ken
  • Jeopardy!
  • Johansson, Anna
  • John Deere
  • journeys, effects of
  • Karlsson, Annelie
  • Katter, Bob
  • Kennett, Jeff
  • Kim, W Chan
  • Kjellén, Daniel
  • Klarna
  • Kodak
  • Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park
  • KuȠchen, Maria
  • Kurzweil, Ray
  • Kutner, Max
  • Lake Malaren
  • language diversity
  • Languedoc-Roussillon
  • Ledbury
  • legacies, burden of in family businesses
  • Lomax the Songhunter
  • Long Now Foundation
  • Lorenz, Edward
  • Ludd, Ned
  • Luddites
    • see also neo-Luddites
  • Luxottica
  • machine learning
  • Mackmyra
  • Madrigal, Alexis C.
  • Magikarp
  • marketing
    • content
    • inbound
    • omnichannel
    • provenance
    • psychographic approach to
    • resistance to
  • Markowitz, Dr Harry
  • Marx, Karl
  • Maslow's needs hierarchy, textiles and
  • Mauborgne, Renée
  • McAfee, Andrew
  • McGrath, Gai
  • Mehta, Deepak
  • mental
    • depression
    • farmers and
    • perseveration
  • Metaphor Map
  • metaphor
    • text and textiles
  • micro-investing apps
  • Mitchell, Victoria
  • Moberg, Per
  • Monocle
  • Movado watch
  • Murakami, Haruki
  • Narvelo, Martin
  • National Geographic, preservation of language and
  • neo-Luddites
  • Nest Learning Thermostat
  • Nike
  • Nilsson, Lars-Olof
  • Nintendo
  • North Face
  • nostalgia
  • Novak, Matt
  • nudge theory
    • use of by brands
  • Nyqvist, Michael
  • obstacles, dealing with
  • ordinary world
  • Orwell, George
  • Oscar Jacobson
  • Otto, Beatrice K
  • Patel, Hema
  • perseveration
  • Pettersson, Mats
  • Picasso, Pablo
  • Pierson, Dean
  • Pine II, Joseph
  • Pitti Immagine
  • Pitti Uomo
  • Pixar studios
  • Plato
  • Plouffe, David
  • Pokémon Go
  • Pollak, Kay
  • pop-up
    • use of by Capo Nord
    • use of by Zady
  • precision farming
  • psychographics
  • Rag Bag
  • Raider, Jeffrey
  • Rayapura, Aarthi
  • The Republic
  • resistance
  • retronyms
  • Ricardo, David
  • Rohrsheim, David
  • Ronn, Karl
  • Rosetta project
  • Rosling, Dr Hans
  • Rosmann, Michael
  • Roxette
  • Rutter, Brad
  • Rymer, Russ
  • Säby Säteri
  • Safire, William
  • Saint James
  • Sakashita, Yuko
  • Samoa, left-side driving and
  • The Sartorialist
  • Saß, Katrin
  • scams, Nigerian
  • Schmidt, Eric
  • Schuman, Scott
  • Scientology
  • Scott, Ridley
  • seamlessness
    • customer experience, Warby Parker and
  • self-actualisation, textiles and
  • self-improvement industry
  • Shah, Dharmesh
  • Sherman, Lauren
  • Siemiatkowski, Sebastian
  • Simon, Maria
  • singularity
  • Sjöholm, Helen
  • slow fashion
  • smart homes
  • The Social Animal
  • social interaction, technology and
  • social media, use of by Georg Sörman
  • social responsibility, brand value and
  • Sorman-Nilsson, Birgitta (Mamma)
    • as exchange student
    • business management style of
    • hero's journey of
    • letter from
    • perfectionism and
    • purchase of Georg Sörman by
    • resistance and
    • use of Facebook by
    • visit to Tokyo
  • Sorman-Nilsson, Gustaf
  • Sörman, Georg
  • Sörman, Grandma Ingrid
  • Sörman, Per management style of
  • Spaletto, Todd
  • Springsteen, Bruce
  • Star Wars IV: A New Hope, hero's journey and
  • Starbucks, branding and
  • status quo in the hero's journey
  • Stevens, Cat
  • Stoicism
  • storytelling
    • see also digital storytelling
  • suicide, rates of among agriculture workers
  • sustainability, consumerism and
  • sustainable fashion
  • Sweden, clothing and weather in
  • TED
  • Tedeschi, Bob
  • terroir
  • text and textiles metaphor
  • textiles
    • as metaphor
    • Maslow's needs hierarchy and
  • thermostats
  • Thinque Digital
    • omnichannel campaign for Georg Sörman
  • Thinque Funky
  • Tink app
  • Tjernberg, Roger
  • Toffler, Alvin
  • Tokyo
  • tradition, preservation of
  • traditional medicine
  • transformation economy
  • Travels in Textiles blog
  • Turing test
  • Turing, Alan
  • Tuvan language
  • Uber
  • unemployment, technological advancement and
  • Uniforms For The Dedicated
  • University of Glasgow
  • University of Sydney Global Executive MBA
  • Vallot, Max
  • Välsytt Herrnytt
  • Victorinox
  • Vinge, Vernor
  • Vitality app
  • Warby Parker
  • wardrobe culling
  • Watson artificial intelligence system
  • wellness tourism
  • Westpac
  • wine, marketing of
  • Wood, Graeme
  • Work, Ritual, Biography
  • Wyatt, Jocelyn
  • Yellow Tail
  • Zady
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