Layer upon Layer (Defense in Depth)129
any way impact production; those decisions had to be thoroughly vetted with management.
We doubt anyone really knows what information was lost by the breach, but we can tell you
the cost of fi xing the problem was more than doubled because the security team did not have
the authority to isolate, update, or shut down systems. Yes, there is the potential they may
make a few bad decisions from time to time, but they’ll learn from them. It is always better
to be safe than sorry.
Defense-in-depth objectives for local enclaves tend to focus on boundary access points.  is
is perfectly reasonable, but it shouldn’t be the sole emphasis. Insider threats must also be taken
into consideration. Objectives must encompass technical, people, and operational elements.  is
includes the processes required to achieve operational excellence, high assurance identity manage-
ment, and timely incident response.  ese processes are supported by superior personnel super-
vision, and eff ective access, logging, and monitoring controls. Having an enclave under a single
governing authority is a big advantage because it facilitates rapid directed responses and can be
subject to direct supervision and monitoring.  e hosted and hybrid environments split these
functions among multiple authorities.
Shared-Risk Environments
Before moving on to hosted and hybrid environments, it is important to introduce the concept
of shared risk. Systems that connect across enclave boundaries (e.g., an in-house laptop connect-
ing to a hosted mail server) have a certain level of trust extended to them.  is trust is usually
extended by mutual agreement between the controlling security authorities of each enclave and is
typically based on an audit of each party’s security policies and practices.  e problem with this
arrangement is that audits are only a snapshot in time; the security state of systems is under con-
tinuous change as applications and updates are applied.  e possibility exists that at some point
in time, one or more of the systems involved in cross-enclave connections will develop a vulner-
ability that exposes the other interconnected systems to potential exploitation. When shared risk
exists in an environment, defense-in-depth objectives must address this exposure to ensure that
the protection level of one system is not compromised by vulnerabilities in one of the systems it
interconnects with.
Hosted Objectives
ere are two scenarios for hosted environments: consumer and provider.
Consumer Scenario
A fully hosted environment has no in-house enclave; all services are delivered to the consumer
(end user) through a networked connection. Microsoft’s Business Productivity Online Standard
Suite (BPOS) is an example of this type of service. Small and medium-size businesses can receive
e-mail, instant messaging, Web conferencing, and collaboration services via the Internet; no in-
house systems (other than end-user laptops or PCs) are required.  is simplifi es but does not
eliminate defense-in-depth objectives. Technological controls for host systems and applications,
personnel training, and contract management processes are still required. Additional objectives
may apply, depending on business type, data value, and applicable regulations, but the following
list is common.
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130Security Strategy: From Requirements to Reality
1. Limited and secured host access points
2. Limited and controlled application execution
3. Secure host operations
4. Excellence in service provider management
ese objectives address the people, technology, and operational aspects of this scenario.  e
primary emphasis is on the security of the end-user system, which includes a competent and
knowledgeable operator.
Limited/Controlled Host Access Points and Application Execution
e rst two objectives are technology based, so they will be covered together.
For the most part, the standard technological controls and control settings installed with the
operating system are su cient to limit and secure host access.  ese include:
Protocol-level protections against malformed packets, SYN, and fragmentation attacks
Port-level protections such as selective response, packet fi lters, and stateful fi rewalls
Socket-level protections such as IPSec and SSL
Application-level protections like data execution prevention, sandboxing, code signing, user
account control, fi le integrity checks, and fi le permissions
Some supplemental controls are warranted; antivirus and anti-spam controls are pretty stan-
dard.  e inclusion of other controls depends primarily on the value or sensitivity of the data
retained on the system. It is not unusual, for example, to include full-disk encryption on laptops
to guard against data loss from laptop thefts.
Secure access to hosted services is pretty much a standard feature in online products. Secure
Socket Layer with certifi cate authentication is typical.  e real challenge in this scenario (or for
that matter any of these scenarios) is the unlimited access systems have to other potentially dan-
gerous content.  ese include the threat of system compromise from malware in downloaded les
or message attachments, as well as code implanted by a hacker sponsored or compromised website.
e latter are commonly called attack sitessites that attempt to infect your system with malware
when you visit.  ese attacks are di cult to detect, and in many cases the owner of the site may
not be aware of the attack code.  e Storm worm was one of the fi rst pieces of malware to use this
technique, but many have followed suit, including the Beladen attack code (implanted on 40,000
websites), hacks to Facebook applications that redirect the user to an attack site, and the Nine Ball
attack code, which is also an attack site redirect.
Addressing the malicious content issue is a two-edged sword. If the goal of a fully hosted envi-
ronment is to eliminate the need for in-house IT sta , adding site-fi ltering or health-monitoring
applications like Cisco’s NAC or Microsoft’s NAP to your end-user systems is not going to be
an acceptable solution.  e alternativecode execution controls, malware detection, and user
education—is somewhat less eff ective but doesnt require in-house sta either.
Many of the code execution controls are standard features of the operation system (OS); oth-
ers come standard with the applications. For example, beginning with Windows XP SP2, Data
Execution Prevention (DEP) became a standard feature of the OS. DEP uses a combination of
hardware and software technologies that prevent code execution in memory areas designated for data
storage. DEP primarily protects against bu er overfl ows and other types of attacks that attempt to
subvert the exception-handling processes in the OS. Most modern browser applications include code
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Layer upon Layer (Defense in Depth)131
execution protections as well.  e best known protection is the Java sandbox, which limits what Java
scripts downloaded to the browser are allowed to do. In Windows Vista, Microsoft introduced a sim-
ilar mechanism—Mandatory Integrity Control (MIC)—which deals with ActiveX-based malware.
MIC limits the execution privileges of code downloaded by the browserany code! It accomplishes
this by assigning a low integrity level to downloaded fi les. Low integrity fi les cannot modify fi les or
settings with higher integrity; like the Java sandbox, MIC allows the code to run but prevents it from
doing any damage. Unfortunately, these controls do not extend to other Internet-facing applications;
malicious code downloaded via an e-mail attachment or in Instant Messenger executes with full user
privilege, and if the user is logged in as administrator, it runs with full administrator privileges!
Secure Host Operations
is objective could just as easily be labeled “superior user training” because it is mostly about
training your personnel to use their computing resources securely. Users must be able to recog-
nize and deal appropriately with abnormal or suspicious behaviors.  is includes social engineer-
ing (e.g., phishing) attacks, malware proliferation, viruses, root kits, and so on. We suspect the
person who came up with the adage “You can’t fi x stupid” was a computer support professional.
Computers are tools to most people; they need them to get their work done. When computers
work well, the “if it aint broke dont fi x it” mentality usually prevails. When they dont work well,
people start looking for ways to fi x the problem, which usually includes altering or disabling sys-
tem or application security features. Your best defense against this type of behavior is education.
Smart users do not make dumb decisions. Teaching users how to securely operate their systems
should be one of your key defense-in-depth objectives.
Excellence in Service Provider Management
e previous topics have dealt with the security of information within your direct control. is
topic deals with data security and compliance issues for data that is outside your direct control
(i.e., stored at the service provider). Assuring compliance with organizational, regulatory, and
legal requirements for this data requires a well-defi ned and expertly administered service provider
management program. However, it is rare to nd such a program even among companies that have
been using outsourced services for some time. It is also rare to nd any security-related service
levels in hosted service contracts.
ere are a number of possible explanations for these issues.  e most obvious one is lack of
expertise or understanding. Computers, networks, services, and the like are complex; the ten-
dency, especially among small and medium-size businesses, is to simply trust the expertise of the
provider and to accept the audit reports the provider supplies as proof. Two other common causes
are time and the lack of contract management skills. Ensuring the security of off -premise data and
contracted services requires a consistent and thorough e ort, but most companies do not have
dedicated resources for the task. Instead, the task becomes an ancillary duty for someone (which
usually means it gets attention only when it needs attention). From an information security stand-
point, this is unacceptable. Regardless of the physical location of the data, it is still your data, and
you bear the ultimate responsibility for its security and compliance.
Its not just a matter of resources and time either; it’s also a matter of skills. Outsourced IT
services have some unique aspects to them; the people managing them need to be properly trained
to deal with these ambiguities. For example, how do you align and validate your security and
compliance requirements with those of your providers?
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132Security Strategy: From Requirements to Reality
Service providers achieve profi tability by delivering commoditizing services to a large audi-
ence.  e approach leaves little room for customization, especially when customer-speci c security
requirements are involved. Nonetheless, it is your responsibility to prove that the contracted ser-
vice complies with your requirements. e simplest way to do this is to map your requirements to
the practices and audit requirements of the provider. For example, if your security policy requires
failed logons to be logged: (1) Does the provider log failed authentications? (2) Is this functionality
regularly audited to prove it works properly? (3) Can you get a copy of the audit report? (4) Can
you get a report of the logged events for compliance reporting purposes? Chances are the provider
already does all four things:  e terminology may not be the same, and the methodology may be a
little diff erent, but the net result is the same: What they do meets your compliance requirements.
e only remaining caveat is whether or not you can get that information when you need it, and
that requirement should be part of your service-level agreement with your provider.
Defense-in-depth objectives for consumers of hosted services are focused on two things: the end-
user device and service provider contract management. Standard operating system and applica-
tion security controls are usually su cient to secure locally stored data, provided users are trained
in secure computer operations. Ensuring the security and compliance of information processed,
transferred, and stored by a service provider requires well-de ned service-level requirements and a
consistent, thorough service contract management program.
Provider Scenario
e provider’s environment is an in-house enclave (it is an environment under the control of a
single authority) with an interesting twist. In addition to the in-house objectives, the provider
must include objectives for application, data transit, and data storage security. Application objec-
tives are required because the consumer is authorized direct access to the application and for
all practical purposes bypasses perimeter, network, and host protections.  e provider must also
guard against unauthorized data exchanges (leakage) between service consumers and deal with
shared-risk threats from vulnerable (improperly secured) end-user systems. Finally, the providers
must be able to prove they are meeting their security Service Level Agreement (SLA).
Before discussing speci c service provider security objectives, it’s important to di erentiate
between the various types of services.  is section discusses two principal service environments:
shared and dedicated. In a shared service environment, services are provided to customers through
a common set of resources. Customer data is processed, transported, and stored on systems that
are used by any number of other customers. Web conferencing is an example of a shared service.
Customers may have an individually assigned conference center, but they are using the same appli-
cation, network facilities, and storage all the other customers are using. By contrast, a dedicated
service provides a mixture of applications, networking, and storage services for a single customer.
Traditional hosting services are a good example; the systems at the service provider are primarily
an extension of the customer’s network that is operated and maintained by the service provider. In
a fully dedicated environment, the applications, networking, and storage involved are dedicated
to a single customer; they are not shared across multiple customers.  e only thing that is shared
are support services (trouble ticketing, monitoring, backup, etc.). Fully dedicated environments
are not the norm; they are typically reserved for sensitive or high security applications, such as
nancial services and the military. Most dedicated services provide a dedicated application that
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Layer upon Layer (Defense in Depth)133
shares network and storage facilities with other customers—for example, a dedicated mail server
that shares network and SAN storage with other dedicated customer servers. (See Figure 8.3.)
In the case of Web applications, the customer may share the Web service as well.  e distin-
guishing attribute is addressing; dedicated services are extensions of the customer’s network and
therefore provide network addressing that is either on the customer’s network or in the customer’s
name space. With these distinctions in mind, let’s move on to the defense-in-depth objectives that
are unique to service providers.
ese additional defense-in-depth objectives might be expressed as
1. Uncompromising application security
2. Exceptional customer data isolation
3. Shared-risk mitigation
4. Superior accountability
ese objectives address the technology and operations aspects that are unique to this scenario.
e primary emphasis is on data security for shared services.  ere simply cannot be any data
disclosure across customer boundaries, and the provider must be able to prove there wasnt in the
event an accusation be raised.
Uncompromising Application Security
Becoming an authorized user on a system is one of the most productive ways to attack it. ere’s
no need to overcome external network and host protections; your identity gives you direct access
Customer A
application servers
Customer B
application servers
Customer C
application servers
Storage area network
Figure 8.3 Shared storage scenario.
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