Physical Security Checklists
is appendix contains checklists of physical security requirements that organizations should con-
sider when evaluating or designing facilities.  e requirements are in the form of check sheets
governing campus considerations, exterior building characteristics, workspace characteristics,
building security management practices, and electronic control systems. Each check sheet item
should be evaluated based on these three primary physical security criteria:
1. Observability states that persons are less likely to commit a crime if they believe they will
be observed. It is facilitated by fi eld of view, lighting, and video surveillance.
2. Access control states that loss liability is reduced when access to valuable areas is limited. It
is facilitated by locks, barriers, and electronic access control systems.
3. Intrusion detection states that loss liability is reduced when behaviors that are not permit-
ted are reported and a response is initiated. It is facilitated by detectors, alarms, and traps.
By combining these criteria and the check sheets, organizations should be able to adequately
evaluate the physical security characteristics of the facilities they are considering leasing or
Campus Checklist
Resistant to natural disaster (fl oods, lightning strikes, etc.)
Away from manmade hazards (power lines, chemical plant, fi reworks, etc.)
Dual services available (power, telco, etc.)
Clear eld of view with no concealed approaches
Good perimeter controls (fences, walls, guard patrols, lighting)
Near re, police, and emergency services
In low-crime area
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Campus Checklist
Water sources available for fi refi ghting (hydrants, ponds, etc.)
Limited entry points
Entry points controlled w/EAC or guards
Building Exterior Checklist
Construction resistant to natural disaster (earthquakes, hurricanes, lightning)
Roof construction resistant to leakage, snow load, etc.
Low profi le—building does not stand out as a target
Attached devices (antennas, lightning rods, etc.) properly grounded
Landscaping does not provide concealment
Limited signage
Building protected against vehicle bashing
Building has no climbing points, ledges, or other staging areas
Exterior equipment is protected against tampering (HVAC, power, telco)
Trash bins are protected
Exterior regularly patrolled by guard service
Limited number of entrances
Single entrance for visitors
Entrances are constantly monitored (cameras, personnel)
Entrances resist piggybacking
Entrances are protected against vehicle bashing
Entrances are proper illuminated
Entrance doors and hardware are tamperproof
Entrance locking devices are tamperproof
Entrances have adequate access controls (card reader, guard, camera, etc.)
Entrances are not concealed from view by bushes, alcoves, recesses, etc.
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Building Exterior Checklist
Loading dock door and lock are tamperproof
Crawl space and basement accesses are secure
Other accesses secure (ventilation ducts, roof hatches, skylights, etc.)
Windows are placed high enough to resist bashing
Windows are placed high enough to resist viewing of interior
Window openings resist penetration (high off ground, small, narrow, etc.)
Windows resist breakage, pop-out, and tampering
Window hardware and locking device resist tampering
Windows provide an unobstructed view of exterior
Lighting is adequate to observe nighttime movement
Lighting overlaps so outages do not leave blind spots
Lighting is on redundant circuits and controls
Lighting levels are consistent (bright spots do not obscure dimmer lighting)
Lighting xtures are tamperproof and breakage resistant
Camera views cover entire exterior (no blind spots)
Camera housing conceals confi guration
Camera resolution is adequate
Camera sensitivity is matched to exterior lighting
Cameras are not blinded by bright exterior lighting
Camera housings resist wind and rain damage and resolution reduction
Building Interior Checklist
Entrances and reception areas are controlled (receptionist, guard)
Reception has unobstructed view of visitor entrance
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Building Interior Checklist
Guest access limited to reception area
Access to public areas (bathrooms, elevators, conference rooms) is monitored
Public area services (power, telco, LAN ) are isolated
Access to service closets (janitor, telco, power, elevator) is controlled
Wall penetration accesses are protected against
Under-fl oor access is protected against
Drop ceiling or ducting access is protected against
Interior corridors have good fi eld of view
Interior spaces have good fi eld of view
Interior lighting is adequate
Nighttime lighting provides adequate interior viewing for patrols
Interior spaces are regularly patrolled
All doors, entryways, etc., locked and controlled
Locking mechanisms are tamperproof
Hinges and door hardware is tamperproof
Windows provide an unobstructed view of exterior
Interior confi guration prevents exterior viewing of computer screens, etc.
Zoned display for fi re, ooding, etc., near main entrance
Secure waste disposal available (shredder, locked container, etc.)
Hardware and electronics key
Unique for each access areas
Securely stored in lockable container
Access to key container is controlled
Key distribution is controlled (especially master keys)
Key turn-in required when employees leave
Keys cannot be copied
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Building Interior Checklist
Electronic keys resist tampering
Electronic controls
Interior accesses properly controlled (no loopholes, bypasses, etc.)
Appropriate authentication required (single, dual, biometrics)
Controls resist piggybacking (turnstiles, mantraps, etc.)
Doors monitored with open/close switches
Audio alarm on door open or close
Devices (readers, etc.) resist tampering
Failed and successful accesses logged
Lockout on multiple failures
Alarms on multiple failures
Emergency exits have anti-tamper release bars
Emergency exits sound alarm
Emergency releases tamperproof
Exit button placed properly
Window breakage detected (tape or noise detection)
Motion detection covers appropriate areas
Detectors overlap so a failure does not create a blind spot
Detectors deploy dual detection methods (limit false positives)
Detectors cover under fl oor, ducts, and drop ceiling areas
Detectors cover wall penetrations
Detectors cover fl ooding and moisture
Automatic notifi cations generated (phone, e-mail, etc.)
Logs regularly reviewed
Camera placement provides adequate coverage
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