Hire a Hessian (Outsourcing)273
it to the provider. Company compliance requirements may involve data inputs from the service
provider; to avoid potential fi nes and liabilities, companies should specify compliance require-
ments and time frames in outsourcing contracts.  e providers standard security management
practices and controls are usually suffi cient to meet your legal, regulatory, and business security
requirements; the challenge is reconciling the di erences in grammar and terminology between
the parties.
Data protection risks are increased in security services outsourcing because the data is of a sen-
sitive nature, and sometimes vendors require elevated privileges to perform their tasks. Disclosure
of security information can lead to a number of fi nancial liabilities as well as damage to the com-
pany’s reputation and brand image. Increased vendor monitoring and accountability controls are
the best ways to deal with these risks.
e world continues to move toward specialization in just about every modern endeavor, the
IT world is no di erent. Outsourcing IT services to highly skilled and specialized service provid-
ers is a good tactic. It allows companies to focus on their core competencies while reducing costs
and improving performance. Understanding your objectives, compliance/security requirements,
and current (in-house) run costs are necessary to properly evaluate potential providers. Vetting is
the most critical piece of IT outsourcing; you must ensure that the provider is capable of meeting
all your critical requirements and that those requirements are accurately refl ected in the service
contract. Once contracted, vendor monitoring and excellence in service provider management are
crucial to the ongoing success of an outsourcing business partnership.
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