Chapter 8. Leveraging and Optimizing Search in SharePoint 2013

One of the core strengths with SharePoint 2010 was its Enterprise Search capabilities—and this is ever more remarkable in SharePoint 2013. A considerable investment has been made by Microsoft into the native search capabilities within the tool, and new features and functionalities have positioned SharePoint’s Search as a robust and comprehensive search application for organizations of all sizes.

As the main step on this way of improvements, Microsoft has fully integrated the former FAST Search core into SharePoint, so that there’s one search core we have in SharePoint 2013, making the installation, administration, and maintenance much easier.

This chapter covers all the main deployment and configuration topics related to SharePoint 2013 Search. Discussed are the various options in each search component and how to configure and set up the optimal search solution. In addition, advanced customization and configuration scenarios are discussed.

Outlining the Capabilities of SharePoint 2013 Search

SharePoint has always been strong in its search capabilities, and SharePoint 2013 Search features improve the situation even more, both from an end-user perspective and for administrators.

The first and most important architectural change is that there’s only one single search core in SharePoint 2013: The separated product FAST Search for SharePoint does not exist anymore; it has been fully integrated into the SharePoint core. This means much easier installation, deployment, and administration and much less confusion on the end-user side. Powerful indexing, linguistics, extraction, and query expressiveness that are the heritage of FAST are now available as a part of SharePoint search, as shown in Figure 8.1.


FIGURE 8.1 Single search core in SharePoint 2013.

Of course, these architectural changes lead to a lot of functional changes and new capabilities:

Image User experience (UX) is totally renewed—not just because of general changes in SharePoint UX, but with deep refiners everywhere, display templates, better display results using result blocks, a hover panel with document previews, and much more.

Image On the query side, search scopes, federated locations, and best bets are now deprecated in favor of result sources, query rules, and result templates. As a result, we get much more effective query processing and search result presentation.

Image As for crawling, continuous crawling is a very important enhancement to get better content freshness. Also, content processing and linguistic capabilities are now very strong and extensible.

Image As a result of the changes in the general development model of SharePoint 2013, extending Search is much easier now.

SharePoint 2013 Search Architecture

Thanks to the new model, there’s one core and one integrated administration of Search in SharePoint 2013. This means a lot of improvements:

Image Search is fully integrated into SharePoint; there is no longer a separate FAST Search for SharePoint, and there is no longer a separate Search Server. To get a “Search Server” functionality, simply create a service farm on SharePoint 2013 that is used for search only.

Image There are four databases (DBs) for Search, each dependent on each other:

Crawl DB: Tracking information and details about crawled items.

Link DB: Information extracted by the content processing component. It also stores information about the number of times people have clicked a search result.

Analytics Reporting DB: The results of usage analytics and extracted information from the link database.

Search Administration DB: Search configuration data and the access control list (ACL) for the crawl component.

Image Every component can be scaled out for capacity and fault tolerance.

Image Search is multitenant and much more administration can be done at site, site collection, and tenant level.

You can see the components in Figure 8.2:

Image Crawler: This is the least changed component of SharePoint 2013 Search.

Image Content Processing: Processes crawled items (for example, document parsing, property mapping, language detection, entity extraction) and sends these items to the index component.

Image Index: A brand new next-generation search core. This receives processed items from the content processing component and writes those items to an index file stored on a disk.

Also receives queries from the query processing component and returns result sets.

The search index can be divided onto discrete partitions. Each index partition holds one or more index replicas. The search index is the aggregation of all index partitions.

Image Query Processing: Analyzes and processes queries and results to optimize precision, recall, and relevance. The processed query is submitted to the index component.


FIGURE 8.2 SharePoint 2013 Search architecture.

Image Analytics Processing: Analyzes crawled items (search analytics) and how users interact with search (usage analytics).

Image Search Administration: Runs the system processes for Search.

Deploying a Native SharePoint 2013 Search Service Application

In SharePoint 2013, Search is deployed as a service application, similar to the SharePoint 2010 services. The most important difference is that there is no option to choose the type of search service application (SharePoint Search, FAST Content, FAST Query) because of the architectural changes described earlier.

During the post-installation configuration steps, you can choose to use the automated wizard to deploy farm components. It automatically configures native SharePoint 2013 Search for you. Although this can be convenient, it doesn’t allow for control of the process, so it is recommended to deploy Search manually. To do this, you need to create a new Search Service Application, as follows:

1. Go to the SharePoint 2013 Central Administration site and choose Application Management, Service Applications, Manage Service Applications.

2. In the next dialog box, as shown in Figure 8.3, you can find the list of deployed service applications, modify their settings, or add a new one.


FIGURE 8.3 Service application management.

3. If you want to add a new search service application, choose the menu New, Search Service Application. You get a pop-up window with the required settings for your search service.

4. Give a name to your service—in this example, Search Service Application.

5. Select the search service account, a managed account for running the search service on your farm. It is highly recommended to use a dedicated user instead of the default one with high farm administration privileges.

6. Select or create a new application pool for the Search Admin web service.

7. Select or create a new application pool for the Search Query and Site Settings web service.

After completing these steps, your search service application is ready to be used in your web applications. But before starting to use that, you need to associate the proper search service application to your web applications. To do so, complete the following steps:

1. Go to the SharePoint 2010 Central Administration site. Open Application Management, Service Applications, Configure Service Application Associations.

2. On this page, you can find the web applications with the associated service applications. Click the name of the web application; you then see the list of all associated and disassociated services. If you want to change the associations, change the group default to custom.

3. Select the service applications you want to associate with the web application, as shown in Figure 8.4. Choose the one created earlier—in this example, the one named SharePoint Search Service.


FIGURE 8.4 Configuring service application associations.

Capturing Content

Capturing content is fundamental to search; if it’s not crawled and indexed, you can’t find it. The process of connecting to content sources, crawling them to get content, and making that content searchable is much more complex than most people realize.

The functions of crawler are as follows:

Image Connects to the content source

Image Maps the content

Image Feeds the Indexing engine

Image Finds any changes

Similar to SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2013 can crawl and index various types of contents. The crawled content sources can include the following types of sources:

Image SharePoint

Image HTTP (web crawler)

Image Business Data Connectivity (BDC) Framework, including (all built on the BDC Framework)

Image Exchange Public Folders Connector

Image Lotus Notes Connector

Image Documentum Connector

Image Taxonomy Connector: connects to the Managed Metadata Service (MMS)

Image People Profile Connector

Most parts and functions of the crawler component have been taken directly from SharePoint 2010, so they have few changes. However, these changes are still notable and important:

Image Anonymous crawl for HTTP

Image Asynchronous web part crawl

Image Continuous crawl (as discussed in the next section)

Continuous Crawl

Continuous crawl is a new way of crawling, which makes possible to have the most current data in your index. When you enable continuous crawls, a crawl schedule no longer applies; you are running crawls in parallel, and the crawler gets changes from SharePoint sites every N minutes. (By default, this interval is set to 15 minutes by default, but you can change this parameter by using PowerShell.) Continuous crawls do not stop for errors, but rather note the error and continue to crawl content. Continuous crawls can occur while other crawls are active or starting. With this capability, you can now keep content fresh and won’t experience mysterious delays when additional content sources are added.


Continuous crawl is available for SharePoint content only.

Content Sources

One of the first steps is to get SharePoint Search to index the local SharePoint sites. To do so, complete the following steps:

1. From SharePoint Central Administration, navigate to the administration page of your search service application and choose Content Sources from the Crawling group of the Quick Launch navigation bar.

2. Click New Content Source.

3. Enter a name for the new content source and choose SharePoint Sites as the type of the content source.

4. Type the start addresses for the SharePoint sites. By default, you have to type the following URLs. (In this example, the URL of the main SharePoint site is, and the My Site web application is for crawling the content

sps3:// for crawling people content

5. Choose one of the following options: Crawl Everything Under the Hostname for Each Start Address or Only Crawl the Site Collection of Each Start Address.

6. Define full crawl scheduling for the content source crawling. During the full crawling, all items of content source are crawled from scratch.

Also, select if you want to define a schedule for incremental crawl or if you prefer to enable continuous crawl, as in Figure 8.5.


FIGURE 8.5 Managing crawl schedules.

Schedules can be daily, weekly, or monthly; each of them can be configured granularly.

7. Select the priority of this content source. Content sources with high priority are processed over the content sources with normal priority during the crawling.

The settings of content sources can be modified later. Just click the name of the content source and select Edit Operation from its context menu, and you get the same configuration page.

Content Processing

The Content Processing component is brand new with SharePoint 2013. It takes content from the crawler and prepares it for indexing, as shown in Figure 8.6. With SharePoint 2013, there is also a new Analytics Processing component that feeds information into Content Processing.


FIGURE 8.6 Adding a new query rule.

The most important new features of Content Processing are as follows:

Image Linguistics (improved phonetic search for people names, cross-lingual name search, and so on)

Image Entity extraction (moved to the Term Store)

Image New format handlers in document parsing

Image Higher throughput

Image Automatic content-based file format detection, eliminating dependencies on file extensions

Image Improved content processing and error reporting

Result Sources and Federation

Federation is the ability to query remote indexes and present the results together with the local results. As a result, users don’t have to be aware of and use multiple search centers to search all content available in their organizations.

Federation has been available since Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007 SP2, but SharePoint 2013 improved the federation capabilities. Besides Open Search protocol, you can now federate results from remote SharePoint farms via result sources. This is a big help for distributed organizations.

Some limitations apply to using remote result sources. If you are using remote SharePoint protocol, it’s limited to SharePoint 2013 and requires all federated farms to be upgraded to SharePoint 2013. Results are still not interleaved; they’re displayed in result blocks. Refiners are also not combined.

Query Processing

In SharePoint 2013, by understanding the intent of the query, you can use a lot of techniques to reformulate the query (for example, where the query is from, who initiated the query, what concepts or entities can be recognized in the query).

Query Rules

Query rules are designed to provide control and configurability based on the intent of the query. Each query rule is defined by three features:

Image Query conditions: Define the conditions that fire this rule. Multiple conditions of different types can be defined for the same rule.


Every condition becomes false if the query is not a simple keyword query. (For example, it has quotes, property filters, parentheses, or special operators.)

Query Matches Keyword Exactly

Query Matches Action Term

Query Matches Dictionary Exactly

Query Commonly Used on Source

Result Type Commonly Clicked

Advanced Query Text Match

The queries also can be restricted on specific result sources (for example, media files or conversations).

Image Query actions: When a query rule fires, it can enhance search results in three ways. It can do the following:

Add promoted results above the ranked results.

Add blocks of additional results. Like normal results, these blocks can be promoted to always appear above ranked results or ranked so they only appear if highly relevant.

Change ranked results, such as tuning their ordering.

Image Publishing options: These settings control when the rule can fire. If the rule is not active, it never fires. The start date is when you want it to start firing. The end date is when you want it to stop firing. The review date is when you want the contact to review the rule.

Query Suggestions

Query suggestions enable users to ask better questions and make it simpler to search for information. Query suggestions now take on two forms, both helping the users to ask better questions by showing what others have asked before:

Image Pre-query suggestions: Includes a list of queries from other users and a list of items the current user has clicked before. Pre-query suggestions are displayed while typing the query, before it gets executed.


Suggestions with zero results are never provided by this feature.

Image Post-query suggestions: Are provided after a query is executed and results are displayed. They are based on the results that you have clicked at least twice. These suggestions can be tuned (inclusions, exclusions) on the search service application level.

Query Spell Correction

Query Spell Correction is a useful and needed feature because people have a habit of misspelling and fat-fingering. It’s managed in the Term Store, including both inclusions and exclusions.

Result Types

A result type is a set of rules that describe which of the items in the search results match that result type. When a user runs a query, the results come back and each result is evaluated against the rules in the result types. Then a display template (as discussed later in this chapter) is applied to the result based on the type that it matches.

Features in result types include the following:

Image Specify a rule based on a criterion.

Image Specify the managed properties to have returned when the rule conditions are met.

Image Specify the rendering template to be used. With this, you can define the display of requested properties, by using HTML and JavaScript.

Query Client Types

Client type identifies an application from which a search query is sent (for example, user interface [UI], ObjectModel, Alert). Applications are prioritized by tiers. The top tier has the highest priority. When the resource limit is reached, query throttling turns on and the search system processes the queries from top tier to bottom tier.

Delegated Administration

In SharePoint 2013, there’s an option to delegate some search administration tasks to site collection or even to site level. This feature can prove very useful because it makes the central search administrator’s life much easier and requires the local (site collection or site) administrators to take more responsibility for their search solutions.

Tasks that can be delegated to site collection and site admins include the following, as shown in Figure 8.7:

Image Create/override query rules, including promoted results

Image Create/override result types and display templates

Image Create/override result sources, either for remote locations or as a custom search “vertical”

Image Create managed properties in search schema (site collection level only!)

Image Create refiners

Image Start a local crawl (can even be done down to the list level)


FIGURE 8.7 Site and site collection level administration.

User Experience

SharePoint 2013 has a lot of overall UI enhancements and improvements provided via HTML, JavaScript, and AJAX style interactions. The same applies in terms of search experience: You now have a modern, cleaner, and more user friendly UI, as shown in Figure 8.8:

Image Hover panel for all types of results.

Image Document previews for Office documents.

Image Enhanced refiners and faceted navigation, with deep refiners everywhere.

Image Display templates offer control over many aspects of the Search UI: result types, refiners, hover panels, and so on. For example, if you want to extend your Contract search experience, you could create a refiner for Contractors Bar Graph template. Or, you could create a custom hover panel that surfaces even more properties that are specific to your Contracts.


FIGURE 8.8 Search user experience.

Deep Refiners and Item Counts

As an inheritance of FAST Search for SharePoint 2010, all refiners used in SharePoint 2013’s faceted navigation are deep refiners, so there are no gaps caused by a missed item in the deeper result set.

But the refiner UI might be surprising at first sight because we don’t have the item counts displayed, despite the deep refiners, as shown in Figure 8.9.


FIGURE 8.9 Out-of-the-box search refiners.

The reason for this behavior is that the item count is simply hidden by default. To display it, complete these steps:

1. Open the page for editing and go to the Refinement Panel web part’s properties.

2. Click the Choose Refiners button. This wizard opens, as shown in Figure 8.10.


FIGURE 8.10 Refinement configuration.

What we have here are the following:

Image The top half of this wizard is a visual control for selecting the refiners you need on your Search page. You don’t need to do more XSLT magic for configuring the refinement panel.

Image On the left side, there’s the list of available refiners (managed properties). On the right side, you can see your current selections. Of course, you can add and remove as well as reorder the refiners here.

When you select a refiner in the list, you see its configuration in the bottom half of the screen. You can configure the following here:

Image Display name

Image Display template (as discussed later)

Image Sort by

Image Sort direction (ASC/DESC)

Image Max number of refiner values

By default, there are two display templates defined for refiners: Refinement Item and Multi-value Refinement Item, but the item counts are hidden in both cases.

If you want to display the item counts, you have two options:

Image Modify the existing Refiner Item display template.

Image Create a custom display template.

In the first case, you modify the default behavior of your refiners. In the second case, you have the option to choose whether to display the item counts.

To create a new display template or modify the existing one, follow these steps:

1. Open Design Manager from the Site Settings menu.

2. Select Upload Design Files from the left-side navigation.

3. On this page, you can map the Master Page gallery as a network drive, where the display templates are. It looks like Figure 8.11.


FIGURE 8.11 Design Manager.

4. When you have the Windows Explorer opened with your Master Page gallery, open the Display Templates/Filters folder.


It’s worth mapping this location as a network drive, to make the navigation easier in the future.

5. Locate the file named Filter_Default.html. This file contains the display template named Refiner Item we found in the Refiner Wizard earlier.


To figure out which file contains what kind of display template, open the Design Manager and select Edit Display Templates from the left-side navigation. This opens the list of existing display templates with both titles and filenames. You can also do some operations here, like download the files (for further processing) and so on.

6. If you want to modify the default behavior of your refiners, open the file Filter_Default.html.

7. If you want to create your own display template for refiners with item counts, copy the file Filter_Default.html and give it a name like Filter_Default_with_ItemCounts.html.

8. Open the file with any HTML editor and locate these lines:

this.Options = {
ShowClientPeoplePicker: false,
ShowCounts: false

Here, note the parameter ShowCounts. This is what you have to change to true.


If you’re going to create a new display template instead of modifying the existing one, it’s better to change its title too, in order to give it a unique name (for example, <title>Refinement Item with Counts</title>).

9. Save your file to the Master Page gallery.


There’s a .js file for each design template HTML file. At this moment, don’t worry about it even if you’re going to create your new custom display template; this JavaScript is created when you create (or upload) the HTML file.

That’s it. Just go back to your Search page. If you have just modified the default display template, you should see the item counts for each refiner. Anyway, if you created a new display template, open the Refiner Panel’s properties and go back to the Display Template drop-down. At this point, you’ll see the third one with the title Refiner Items with Counts (see Figure 8.12).


FIGURE 8.12 Using the new display template.

After you select the proper display template here, you’re done. Save your settings; the item counts are displayed with the refiners, as shown in Figure 8.13.


FIGURE 8.13 Deep refiners with item counts.


As shown in this chapter, Search has been improved significantly in SharePoint 2013 with features such as Crawl, Query, User Experience, and Analytics. As a result, the new platform is clean, fast, and easy to use. It makes creating search-based applications simpler than ever. It’s also straightforward to install, administer, and scale.

If you want to leverage SharePoint 2013 Search’s benefits but cannot or do not want to migrate your full SharePoint infrastructure to the new version, consider setting up a service farm first that hosts Search only and provides a “search first” solution to your users.

Best Practices

The following are best practices from this chapter:

Image Consider the use of a dedicated Service Application farm that handles Search and that content farms can then utilize. This is particularly the case if you want to take advantage of SharePoint 2013’s Search capabilities without immediately upgrading a SharePoint 2010 Farm.

Image Manually install the Search Service Application, either via PowerShell or via SharePoint Central Administration. Do not rely on the Automated Wizard to perform the process.

Image Utilize continuous crawl for SharePoint content to maintain fresh search results.

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