Customizing Specific Report Types

Of the five types of reports available in Microsoft Project (Task, Resource, Monthly Calendar, Crosstab, and Project Summary), the Task and Resource reports have the most options for customization. In each case, you can select the columns of information to be displayed, the filter to be applied, and the amount of supporting detail about the tasks or resources listed. The Crosstab reports allow you to select which task or resource detail you want to examine by given time period. Most of the Task, Resource, and Crosstab reports allow the addition of gridlines and gray bands.

The Monthly Calendar and Project Summary reports are very specific types of reports. Each is addressed separately in sections later in this chapter.

All reports allow you to use text formatting to modify the report for easier reading. You can edit reports to change the table and filter used and to change the details that are shown (for Task and Resource reports), the column and row information (for Crosstab reports), the sort order for presenting the details (for reports other than Calendar reports), and the use of border lines in the report.

Customizing the Project Summary Report

The Project Summary report is a specific predefined report listed under the Overview category, and it’s the only one of its kind. You cannot copy this report. The only change you can make to the Project Summary report is to change the appearance of the text.

To change the formatting of the text for the Project Summary report, choose the report name from the Reports list in the Custom Reports dialog box. Then click the Edit button. The Report Text dialog box is displayed (see Figure 22.22). Use the Item to Change drop-down list to choose the text you would like to format. Change the formats for the project name, company name, manager name, and details. Click the OK button to return to the Custom Reports dialog box.

Figure 22.22. Use the Report Text dialog box to format text styles in Project Summary report.

The report in Figure 22.23 uses 14-point Times New Roman text for the project name, 12-point text for the company name, and 10-point text for the project manager name and details.

Figure 22.23. The Project Summary report cannot be customized beyond changing text fonts, such as this title row formatting.

Customizing the Calendar Reports

There are two Calendar reports: Working Days in the Overview category and Base Calendar in the Custom category. They are in fact the same report. Normally a report that is listed in one of the special categories is also listed in the Custom category. However, the Working Days report does not appear in the Custom category. Instead, the Base Calendar report is listed there. These reports show the working days, nonworking days, and work hours for each base calendar defined for the current file. Each base calendar is printed on a separate page.

The Base Calendar report cannot be copied, nor can you use its format when creating a new report. The only option in the Base Calendar report that can be changed is the text formatting for the calendar name and details of the report. To edit the Base Calendar report, choose Base Calendar from the Reports list in the Custom Reports dialog box. Then click the Edit button and make the desired changes to the text formatting. After making changes, close the Edit box to return to the Custom Reports list.

To print the Base Calendar report, choose Print or Preview.

Customizing Task and Resource Reports

The majority of the provided reports in Project create lists of tasks or resources, with supporting information included in the lists. List-type reports include all reports that are not the Project Summary report, any Calendar report, or a Crosstab report. As discussed earlier in this chapter, a Task or Resource report is based on a table of fields from the Project database. A filter can be applied to narrow the focus of the report. Another option lets you group the listed tasks or resources by the time period in which they will have activity.

You can add an array of supporting details to list reports. For example, in a Task list report, it might be important to show where each task fits into the flow of the project. You can turn on the options in the report definition dialog box to show predecessor and successor details for each task. Task reports can also include resource assignment schedules and work summaries for each task. Starting with a Resource report, you can print details about each resource’s cost rates and any notes associated with the resource.

The two list-type Task and Resource reports are very similar, so the flowing sections discuss them together. Differences are described in the text.

Table 22.6 lists all the supplied Task reports, along with the underlying table of information used in the report, the applied filter, if any, and which supporting details are included in the report by default.

Table 22.6. Predefined Task Report Settings
Report Name Table Name Filter Default Details (If Any)
Budget Report Cost All Tasks Show totals
Completed Tasks Summary Completed Tasks None
Critical Tasks Entry Critical None
Earned Value Earned Value All Tasks Show totals
Milestones Entry Milestones Task notes
Overbudget Tasks Cost Cost Overbudget Show totals
Should Have Started Tasks Variance Should Start By… Task notes; successors
Slipping Tasks Variance Slipping Tasks Notes; successors
Task Entry All Tasks None
Tasks in Progress Entry In Progress Tasks Assignment schedule
Tasks Starting Soon Entry Date Range… Assignment schedule
To Do List Entry Using Resource… None
Top-Level Tasks Summary Top Level Tasks Task notes
Unstarted Tasks Entry Unstarted Tasks Task notes; assignment schedule

Table 22.7 summarizes the supplied Resource reports. The same key report definitions— underlying table of fields, applied filter, and supporting details included—are used in both Resource and Task list-type reports.

Table 22.7. Predefined Resource Report Settings
Report Name Table Name Filter Default Details, If Any
Resource Entry All Resources None
Resource (material) Entry-Material Resources Resources—Material None
Resource (work) Entry-Work Resources Resources—Work None
Over-allocated Resources Usage Overallocated Resources Show totals; assignment schedule
Overbudget Resources Cost Cost Overbudget Show totals
Who Does What Usage Resources—Work Assignment schedule

There are other similarities between Task and Resource list-type reports. Tips and techniques discussed in the section “Using the Common Customization Controls,” apply to both types of reports. Essentially, the differences in the reports lie in the choices of supporting details available: Task reports can include both task and resource details in the list; Resource reports focus on resource- and assignment-level details for the particular resource.

You can directly modify Project’s existing list reports. The steps to customizing the predefined reports are described earlier in this chapter, in the section “Customizing an Existing Report .” You can also copy and then modify reports, as discussed in the section “Creating a New Report Based on an Existing Report.” You can choose to create a new Task or Resource report and provide your own report definition. See the section “Designing a New Report,” earlier in this chapter, for detailed instructions on creating a new report.

In each of these three methods, you will open a dialog box to be used for editing the report. Figure 22.24 shows the dialog box used for editing a Task report. For both task and resource reports, this dialog box includes three tabs:

Figure 22.24. The report definition dialog box is named for the type of report being edited; this dialog box is called Task Report.

  • Definition— This tab is for setting the overall report definition, such as table, filter, and time period grouping.

  • Details— Beyond the basic report definition, a wide assortment of drill-down information can be printed. The Details tab provides different options for task and resource reports.

  • Sort— You can use this tab to rearrange the list in an order that you prefer. (See “Changing the Sort Order for a Report,” earlier in this chapter, for specific information.)

Changing the Definitions for a Custom Task List Report

You can select the Definition tab of the report editing dialog box to see the current settings for the basic content of the report (that is, the table, filter, and time periods). You have the option of grouping tasks or resources by time interval, but the default is to show the entire project with no intervals listed. To change the time period in the report, choose the Period box and choose Years, Half Years, Quarters, Months, Thirds of Months, Weeks, or Days. You also can indicate how frequent the interval should be. You use the Count box to indicate whether each list item (that is, task or resource) should be displayed every other interval, every third interval, and so on. For example, the time grouping might be useful if resources are paid every two weeks. In that case, you might want a list of the related task assignments grouped by pay periods. Specifically, you need to set Period to Weeks and also set the Count box to 2. Figure 22.25 shows an example of the settings for a biweekly grouping.

Figure 22.25. This Task report definition creates a biweekly listing of a single resource’s tasks.

To change the columns of data to be displayed to the right of a line item in a report, select the Table box and choose one of the tables from the drop-down list. The Table drop-down list displays all the standard task tables, as well as any tables you have created by using the View, Tables command.

→ For a list of the standard task tables and the fields these tables display, seeThe Task Tables,” p. 765.

→ For help in creating your own custom tables, see “Using and Creating Tables,” p. 841.

Any filter that has been applied to the view onscreen has no impact on the filter that is used with the report. To filter the report list, choose the Filter drop-down list and make a selection. Remember that if you want to use a custom filter, you must create it first, by using the Project, Filtered For command. If you choose an interactive filter, the interactive prompt appears each time you print or preview the report. As shown in Figure 22.25, the interactive Using Resource… filter is run when this task report is created.

To use the filter as a highlight filter only, select the Highlight check box. List items that meet the filter criteria are shaded. To display only the filtered list of tasks or resources, clear this check box.

For Task reports, you can select the Show Summary Tasks check box if you want to have each detail task shown with its summary tasks. This is useful if the detail task names are general, similar, or duplicated within the same schedule. Having detail tasks associated with a descriptive summary task explains them more fully for the reader of the report. Resource list reports do not include this option.

You can select the Gray Bands check box if you want gray horizontal lines to separate the time periods.

Figure 22.25 shows the Task Report dialog box with customized Definition options. Figure 22.26 displays the resulting Task report.

Figure 22.26. This preview of the customized task report for Mary Logan’s tasks uses the settings selected in Figure 22.25.

Changing the Details for a Custom List Report

Because the Project database tracks distinctly different task and resource fields, it’s logical that there are differences in the types of supporting information available through Task and Resource reports. The Details tabs of the task and resource edit dialog boxes are where you decide what and how much specific information to include in your reports.

You can use some simple keystrokes to add details about tasks to a report. The Details tab of the Task Report definition dialog box (see Figure 22.27) includes several categories of details that you can select via check boxes. (Depending on the period indicated on the Definition tab, some of the detail options might not be available.) These categories are as follows:

Figure 22.27. You can include additional information in a report by using the options on the Details tab of the Task Report dialog box.

  • Under the Task heading, you can select any of four boxes:

    • Select Notes to include text you have entered in the Notes field for any of the tasks.

    • Select Objects if you want to include objects you have created using another Windows application, such as Microsoft Word or Excel.

      → For additional information on inserting objects, seePlacing Objects into Microsoft Project,” p. 712.

    • Select Predecessors if you want to include a list of the predecessor task information under each task.

    • Select Successors if you want to include a list of the successor task information under each task.

  • Under the Assignment heading, you can display many kinds of details about assigned resources by selecting any of the check boxes. Three fields always appear with the subcharts for the Schedule, Cost, and Work detail subcharts: Resource ID, Resource Name, and Units (of Resource Assigned). The following list shows the rest of the fields for each subchart:

    Subchart Fields
    Notes Assignment Notes
    Schedule Work (Scheduled Work)


    Start (Scheduled)

    Finish (Scheduled)
    Cost Cost (Scheduled Cost)

    Baseline Cost

    Actual Cost

    Remaining (Scheduled Cost)
    Work Work (Scheduled Work)

    Overtime Work

    Baseline Work

    Actual Work

    Remaining Work (Scheduled)

    If you choose two or three details for the subchart, Project combines the fields into one table if the report has landscape as the orientation in the Setup options. The Work field is not repeated if the Schedule and Work tables are combined.

  • You can add notes to an assignment to keep track of information that is specific to that assignment, such as the rate of work or scheduling assumptions. Notes must be added in Task Usage or Resource Usage views. These notes are separate from and not related to the notes that are added to tasks or resources.

  • If you want the detail subchart to be enclosed in border lines, select the Border Around Details check box.

  • If you want to see gridlines between tasks, select the Gridlines Between Details check box.

  • Select the Show Totals check box if you want to show totals at the bottom of the report for all columns in the table that contain numeric information.


When a report is displaying the details, it is easiest to read if a border surrounds the details; select the Border Around Details option to display the border.

Figure 22.28 shows the Cost details surrounded by a border for all the tasks in the project.

Figure 22.28. Task reports can be customized to show a subchart such as these Costdetails.

Changing the details included in a custom Resource report is much like changing details in a custom Task report. The Details tab of the Resource Report definition dialog box gives you many options. Figure 22.29 shows the Resource Report dialog box, with the Details tab selected and all the options at their default settings.

Figure 22.29. You use the Details tab of the Resource Report dialog box to select additional information that you want to appear in the report.


Unless you selected the time period Entire Project on the Definition tab, the following check boxes on the Details tab are dimmed: Resource Notes and Objects; Assignment Notes, Cost, and Work; and Show Totals.

Under the Resource heading, you can select one of four boxes:

  • Select Notes to include notes that you have entered in the Notes area for any of your resources.

  • Select Objects if you want to represent data you have created using another Windows application, such as Microsoft Word or Excel. An example of an object might be a Microsoft Excel graph of work hours assigned for a group of resources assigned to a group of tasks.

  • Select Calendar if you want to include resource calendars in the report.

  • Select Cost Rates if you want to see the cost rate tables for each resource. Refer to Chapter 8, “Defining Resources and Costs,” for more information on how cost rate tables are used.

The Assignment section in the Resource report includes the same four options as in the Task report details. Mark the Notes, Schedule, Cost, and Work check boxes to show details of the task assignments for the resource. The fields for each task assigned are the same as those listed under the resource details on the Task reports.

Remember that the assignment notes keep track of information that is specific to an assignment, such as the rate of work or scheduling assumptions. These must be added in Task Usage or Resource Usage views. They are a separate set of notes, not related to notes added to tasks or resources.

As with task list reports, you can add borders around resource details, use gridlines for easier viewing, and include totals for numeric columns in the report.

Changing the Text Formatting in a Task or Resource Report

You can access the Text button from any of the tabs in the edit report dialog boxes. The Text Styles dialog box allows you to select special formatting for a category of tasks and resembles the Text Styles dialog box that you access by selecting Format, Text Styles from the main menu. You can use this dialog box to make certain types of information stand out in a report by changing the size, font, or formatting of categories of text. The categories of text types available for special formatting in task reports are as follows:

  • All (the default category)

  • Noncritical Tasks

  • Critical Tasks

  • Milestone Tasks

  • Summary Tasks (the default is bold)

  • Marked Tasks

  • Highlighted Tasks (shaded)

  • Column Titles (the default is bold 9-point type)

  • External Tasks

  • Task Details (the default is italic 7-point type)

  • Totals

The categories of text types available for special formatting in resource reports are as follows:

  • All (the default category)

  • Allocated Resources

  • Overallocated Resources

  • Highlighted Resources (shaded)

  • Column Titles (the default is bold 9-point type)

  • Resource Details (the default is italic 7-point type)

  • Totals

The default format of each category is 8-point type with no distinguishing characteristics, unless another default is specified in parentheses.

You can find more specific information about formatting text in a report in the section “Formatting Text in a Report,” earlier in this chapter.

Sorting Tasks in a Resource Report

The Sort tab on the Resource Report dialog box is identical for all custom reports. See the section “Changing the Sort Order for a Report,” earlier in this chapter, for more information.

After you have made the custom changes you want, click OK on any of the dialog box’s three tabs to return to the Custom Reports dialog box. From there, you can preview or print the report.

Customizing Crosstab Reports

Crosstab reports show cost amounts or work hours by task or resource in a grid format by selected time period. Table 22.8 lists the predesigned crosstab reports that are available for customizing and the data they include.

Table 22.8. Predefined Crosstab Report Settings
Report Name Row Setting Data Values
Crosstab (Tasks or Resources) None
Who Does What When Resources Resources—Work
Cash Flow Tasks Cost
Resource Usage Resources Work
Resource Usage (material) Resources—Material Work
Resource Usage (work) Resources—Work Work
Task Usage Tasks Work

You can customize a report either from the specific category the report belongs to or under the Custom category. From the Custom category list, select the Crosstab report you would like to customize and choose Edit, or make a copy. The Crosstab Report dialog box appears. There are three tabs in this dialog box: Definition, Details, and Sort. Not all options in the dialog box are available for all reports.

Changing the Definitions for a Custom Crosstab Report

You select the type of information to be displayed in a Crosstab report through the Definition tab of the Crosstab Report dialog box (see Figure 22.30). The Definition tab allows you to indicate whether you want to list tasks or resources down rows by selecting one of the two in the Row box.

Figure 22.30. The Definition tab on the Crosstab Report dialog box provides a unique way to display project information.

The information that is available for inclusion in the grid for the row information varies depending on whether you are working with tasks or resources. You can use the following options for tasks:

  • Actual Cost

  • Actual Overtime Work

  • Actual Work

  • ACWP (Actual Cost of Work Performed)

  • Baseline Cost

  • Baseline Work

  • BCWP (Budgeted Cost of Work Performed)

  • BCWS (Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled)

  • Cost (Scheduled)

  • Cumulative Cost (Scheduled, Time-phased)

  • Cumulative Work (Scheduled, Time-phased)

  • CV (Cost Variance)

  • Fixed Cost

  • Overtime Work (Scheduled)

  • Regular Work (Scheduled)

  • SV (Schedule Variance)

  • Work (Scheduled)

You can use the following options for resources:

  • Actual Cost

  • Actual Overtime Work

  • Actual Work

  • ACWP (Actual Cost of Work Performed)

  • Baseline Cost

  • Baseline Work

  • BCWP (Budgeted Cost of Work Performed)

  • BCWS (Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled)

  • Cost (Scheduled)

  • Cumulative Cost (Scheduled, Time-phased)

  • Cumulative Work (Scheduled, Time-phased)

  • CV (Cost Variance)

  • Overallocation

  • Overtime Work (Scheduled)

  • Peak Units

  • Percent Allocation

  • Regular Work (Scheduled)

  • Remaining Availability

  • SV (Schedule Variance)

  • Unit Availability

  • Work (Scheduled)

  • Work Availability

After you select the information to appear in the Row and Column fields, you can also set the time period represented by each column in the grid with the Column section. Figure 22.31 shows a Crosstab report that lists monthly cumulative work by resources.

Figure 22.31. This Crosstab report shows monthly values for cumulative work by resource and their task assignments.

As with Resource and Task reports, you can select a filter for a Crosstab report. If you choose to list tasks as the row information, you are presented with a list of task filters in the Filter box. If you choose to list resources as the row information, you see a list of resource filters in the Filter box. Remember that if you want to use a custom filter, you must create it first, by using the Project, Filtered For command.

→ For additional information on creating your own filters, seeCreating Custom Filters,” p. 860.

If you are listing resources in rows and want to include details on assigned tasks for each resource, select the And Task Assignments check box in the Crosstab Report dialog box. The box label changes to And Resource Assignments if you choose Tasks as the row information, and it lists all assigned resources for the tasks listed in the report. Figure 22.31 shows monthly cumulative work by resources, with task assignments included.

Changing the Details for a Custom Crosstab Report

You add details to a custom Crosstab report by using the Details tab in the custom report dialog box, just as you do for Task and Resource reports. However, the details you add to a Crosstab report differ somewhat from those for Task and Resource reports because the type of information shown in a Crosstab report is primarily numeric rather than descriptive. Figure 22.32 shows the Details tab for a Crosstab report.

Figure 22.32. The Details tab of the Crosstab Report dialog box is notably different from the Task Report and the Resource Report dialog boxes.

The Details tab options are as follows:

  • The Show section allows you to print row totals and column totals by checking the appropriate boxes. If both boxes are checked, an overall total is printed at the lower-right corner intersection of the row and column totals. If you chose to list tasks as the Row information, you have the option of showing summary tasks. If you select resources for the row information, the Summary Tasks option is unavailable. Summary task information includes information from all detail tasks, even if they are not displayed on the report (see Figure 22.33).

    Figure 22.33. A Crosstab report can show scheduled weekly work.

  • You can show horizontal gridlines between tasks or resources by clicking the appropriate box in the Gridlines section.

  • The Show Zero Values box allows you to show or, for a cleaner look, suppress 0s for the grid box representing a time period when the time period’s value is 0.

  • You should select the Repeat First Column on Every Page option when the Crosstab report extends to more than one page horizontally and you want the row titles in the first column to repeat on every page.

  • The Date Format box allows you to specify the date as it will appear along the top of the grid, representing the time period.

Changing the Text Formatting and Sorting in a Crosstab Report

You can access the Text button on any of the tabs in the Crosstab Report dialog box. The Text Styles dialog box allows you to select special formatting and resembles the Format, Text Styles dialog box from the main menu. Use formatting to make certain types of information stand out in a report by changing the size, font, or formatting certain categories of text. The default format of each category is 8-point type with no distinguishing characteristics, unless specified in parentheses. You choose Item to Change to select the text you want to format. (The “Formatting Text in a Report” section, earlier in this chapter, covers specific steps to format the text.)

Remember that the text formatting you have altered in the view is not related to the text formatting in the report. You need to format the text separately for each individual Crosstab report and separately from the text format showing in the current view.

The Sort tab for the Crosstab Report dialog box is identical for all custom reports. See the section “Changing the Sort Order for a Report,” earlier in this chapter, for more information.

After you have made the custom changes you want, click OK on any of the dialog box’s three tabs to return to the Custom Reports dialog box. From there you can preview or print the report.

Customizing the Monthly Calendar Type Report

Microsoft Project offers the option of a Monthly Calendar report for those who want to report task information in a calendar format. This report is not available in any category except Custom, and it must be designed from scratch.

The Monthly Calendar report offers fewer formatting options than the Calendar view, but it can be customized to print any individual’s resource calendar (which the Calendar view cannot do). You can customize the resource calendar for each individual resource through the Tools, Change Working Time command from the menu.

→ For help with changing a resource’s available time, seeWorking Time,” p. 308.

You access the Monthly Calendar report by clicking the New button from the Custom Reports dialog box. After that, select Monthly Calendar from the Define New Report dialog box and then click OK (see Figure 22.34).

Figure 22.34. The Define New Report dialog box is the only place you can find the Monthly Calendar report.

The Monthly Calendar Report Definition dialog box offers choices for filtering, for choosing which base or resource calendar to display, and for displaying and labeling tasks (see Figure 22.35).

Figure 22.35. The Monthly Calendar Report definition dialog box differs from other report type dialog boxes.

You can choose any base or resource calendars to use for displaying the working and nonworking days on the report. The advantage of the Monthly Calendar report over the Calendar view is that it prints any individual’s resource calendar, reflecting his or her working and nonworking days. To select the calendar to use for the report, choose the Calendar box and then choose one of the base or resource calendars from the drop-down list.

You can apply one of the filters from the Filter drop-down list to limit the tasks displayed. You might apply the Using Resource filter, for example, to print a calendar to distribute to a certain resource, showing the tasks and dates when the resource is scheduled to work on the project.

To make the filter a highlight filter only, select the Highlight check box. When you do this, all tasks are displayed, and the filtered tasks are displayed with the format chosen for highlighted tasks. If you select an interactive filter, the interactive prompt appears each time you preview or print the report.

The remaining options on the Monthly Calendar Report Definition dialog box allow you to regulate the display of the data, as follows:

  • To distinguish working and nonworking days on the calendar, select the Gray Nonworking Days check box.

  • If you decide to display bars for the tasks, you can choose to display breaks in the bars (from one week or month to the next) with dotted or solid lines at the bar ends. Select the Solid Bar Breaks check box if you want solid lines. For dotted lines, leave the check box unselected.

  • select the Print Gray Bands check box if you want a gray band to separate the dates in the list that is printed at the end for any tasks that couldn’t fit onto the calendar display.

  • To show tasks as bars or lines that stretch across the calendar for the duration of the task, select the Bars or Lines option. To show the scheduled start and stop dates for tasks on the calendar, select the Start/Finish Dates option.

  • Mark the check boxes for ID number, Name, and Duration if you want to include these field values in the label for the task. You can use any combination of these three values.

  • If more tasks are assigned on a day than will fit on the calendar, an asterisk is displayed beside the day number, and the unprinted tasks appear in a list at the end of the report. The list is sorted by date.

  • Click the Text button to designate different text formats for parts of the report. You can select unique formats for different kinds of tasks (noncritical, critical, milestone, summary, marked, and highlighted) and for the labels in the calendar.

After you finish defining the Monthly Calendar report, click the OK button to return to the Custom Reports dialog box. You can then print or preview the report immediately or click the Close button to save the list of reports and print later.

Figure 22.36 shows an example of the settings in the Monthly Calendar Report Definition dialog box for a Monthly Calendar report filtered to show only the tasks assigned to Mary Logan. The report also is defined to use the resource calendar for Mary Logan. Figure 22.37 shows the resulting report, previewing the month of October 2002.

Figure 22.36. The Monthly Calendar report definition can be customized to filter for a particular resource and show her calendar.

Figure 22.37. An individual resource is the focus of this Monthly Calendar report.

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