Chapter 4

Setting Up Communications


In this chapter, you learn how to add your e-mail accounts to the Mail app, choose how and when your iPad gets your mail, and control how the messages appear. You also learn how to make your contacts appear the way you prefer, choose alert options for calendar events, and set your default account for notes.

Set Up Your Mail Accounts

Set Up an Exchange Server Account

Set Your Default Account and Create Signatures

Choose How Your iPad Gets Your E-Mail

Control How Your iPad Displays Your E-Mail

Organize Your E-Mail Messages by Threads

Add People to the VIP Inbox

Choose How Your iPad Displays Your Contacts

Choose Alert Options for Calendar Events

Choose Your Default Calendar and Time Zone

Choose Settings for Notes

Set Up Your Mail Accounts

You can set up your iCloud Mail account simply by setting up your iCloud account on your iPad. Beyond that, you can set up other e-mail accounts manually by working directly on the iPad, as explained in this section. To set up an e-mail account, you need to know the e-mail address and password, as well as the e-mail provider. You may also need to know the addresses of the mail servers the account uses. For Microsoft Exchange, you must know the domain name as well; see the next section, “Set Up an Exchange Server Account.”

Set Up Your Mail Accounts


001.eps Press Home.

The Home screen appears.

002.eps Tap Settings (image).

The Settings screen appears.

Note: If you have not yet set up an e-mail account on the iPad, you can also open the Add Account screen by tapping Mail (image) on the Home screen.

003.eps Tap Accounts & Passwords (image).

The Accounts & Passwords screen appears.

004.eps Tap Add Account.


Note: This example uses a Google account. Different account types require you to enter different information. For example, for some account types, you must type a description for the e-mail account and your name the way you want it to appear in outgoing messages.

The Add Account screen appears.

005.eps Tap the kind of account you want to set up.


The screen for setting up that type of account appears.

006.eps Type the e-mail address.

007.eps Tap Next.

008.eps When prompted, type your password and tap Next.

009.eps If another security screen appears, such as the 2-Step Verification screen for a Google account, enter the required information and tap Next.

Note: For some e-mail account types, you tap a different button than Next, such as Sign In.


The configuration screen for the account appears. The options vary depending on the account type.

010.eps Make sure the Mail switch is set to On (image).

011.eps Set the Contacts switch to On (image) or Off (image).

012.eps Set the Calendars switch to On (image) or Off (image).

013.eps Set the Notes switch to On (image) or Off (image).

Note: If the Reminders switch appears, set it to On (image) or Off (image), as needed.

014.eps Tap Save.

The account appears on the Accounts screen.

Set Up an Exchange Server Account

You can set up your iPad to connect to Microsoft Exchange Server or Office 365 for e-mail, contacts, calendaring, reminders, and notes.

Before setting up your Exchange account, ask an administrator for the details you need. They include your e-mail address, your password, the server name, and the domain name, if required. You may be able to set up the account using only the e-mail address and password, but often you need the server name and domain as well.

Set Up an Exchange Server Account


001.eps Press Home.

The Home screen appears.

002.eps Tap Settings (image).

The Settings screen appears.

003.eps Tap Accounts & Passwords (image).

The Accounts & Passwords screen appears.

004.eps Tap Add Account.

The Add Account screen appears.

005.eps Tap Exchange.


The first Exchange dialog opens.

006.eps Tap Email and type your e-mail address.

007.eps Tap Description and type a descriptive name for the account.

Note: The description is to help you identify the account easily.

008.eps Tap Next.

The Sign in to Your Exchange Account Using Microsoft? dialog opens.

009.eps Tap Sign In.


An untitled configuration dialog opens.

Note: If the second Exchange dialog opens at this point, go to step 14.

010.eps Tap Server and type the server’s address.

011.eps Tap Domain and type the domain, if it is needed.

012.eps Tap Username and type your username.

013.eps Tap Next.


The second Exchange dialog opens.

014.eps Set the Mail switch to On (image) or Off (image), as needed.

015.eps Set the Contacts switch to On (image) or Off (image), as needed.

016.eps Set the Calendars switch to On (image) or Off (image), as needed.

017.eps Set the Reminders switch to On (image) or Off (image), as needed.

018.eps Set the Notes switch to On (image) or Off (image), as needed.

019.eps Tap Save.

Set Your Default Account and Create Signatures

If you set up multiple e-mail accounts on your iPad, you need to set your default account. This is the account from which the Mail app sends messages unless you choose to use another account for a particular message.

You can save time by using e-mail signatures. A signature is text that the Mail app automatically adds to each message you compose — for example, your name and contact information. The default iPad signature is “Sent from my iPad.”

Set Your Default Account and Create Signatures


001.eps Press Home.

The Home screen appears.

002.eps Tap Settings (image).

The Settings screen appears.

003.eps Tap Mail (image).

The Mail screen appears.

004.eps In the Composing section, tap Default Account.


The Default Account screen appears.

005.eps Tap the account you want to make the default.

006.eps Tap Mail (image).


The Mail screen appears again.

007.eps Tap Signature.


The Signature screen appears.

008.eps Tap All Accounts if you want to use the same signature for each e-mail account. Tap Per Account to use different signatures.

Note: If you do not want to use a signature, simply delete the default signature.

If you tap Per Account in step 8, a separate area appears for each account.

009.eps Type the text of the signature or signatures.

Note: To make your signatures easy to read, keep them to four lines or fewer and use plain text without formatting.

010.eps Tap Mail (image).

The Mail screen appears.

Choose How Your iPad Gets Your E-Mail

Your iPad can get your e-mail messages by using two different technologies, Push and Fetch. With Push, the e-mail server “pushes” your new messages to your iPad as soon as the server receives them. With Fetch, your iPad checks in periodically with the server and downloads any new messages.

Push is normally more convenient than Fetch, but if your e-mail provider does not support Push, use Fetch and set a suitable interval for checking for messages. You can also check manually for e-mail at any point.

Choose How Your iPad Gets Your E-Mail


001.eps Press Home.

The Home screen appears.

002.eps Tap Settings (image).

Note: Push uses more battery power, especially if you receive many messages or large attachments.

The Settings screen appears.

003.eps Tap Accounts & Passwords (image).

The Accounts & Passwords screen appears.

dga.eps The Fetch New Data button shows Push if Push is enabled or Off if Push is disabled.

004.eps Tap Fetch New Data.


The Fetch New Data screen appears.

005.eps To use Push for any of your e-mail accounts, set the Push switch to On (image).

Note: The Fetch New Data screen shows only the options that are available for the accounts.

006.eps To control how frequently Fetch runs, tap Automatically, Every 15 Minutes, Every 30 Minutes, Hourly, or Manually.

007.eps If you need to use different settings for an account, tap that account.


The account’s screen appears.

008.eps Tap Push, Fetch, or Manual, as needed.

Note: Push is not available for some types of accounts.

dgb.eps If the account displays the Pushed Mailboxes list, as iCloud and Exchange do, tap to select each mailbox you want to push.

009.eps Tap Fetch New Data (image).


The Fetch New Data screen appears.

010.eps Tap Accounts (image).

The Accounts & Passwords screen appears again.

Control How Your iPad Displays Your E-Mail

You can configure the Mail app to suit the way you work. You can choose how many lines to include in the message preview, decide whether to display the To/CC label, and control whether Mail prompts you before deleting a message.

To make messages easy to read, you can change the minimum font size. You can also choose whether to load remote images in messages and whether to increase the indentation on messages you reply to or forward to others.

Control How Your iPad Displays Your E-Mail


001.eps Press Home.

The Home screen appears.

002.eps Tap Settings (image).

The Settings screen appears.

003.eps Tap Mail (image).

The Mail screen appears.

004.eps Set the Show To/Cc Labels switch to On (image) or Off (image).

005.eps Set the Load Remote Images switch to On (image) or Off (image).

006.eps Tap Preview.


The Preview screen appears.

007.eps Tap the number of lines you want to see in previews.

008.eps Tap Mail (image).

The Mail screen appears again.

009.eps Tap Flag Style.


The Flag Style screen appears.

010.eps Tap Color or Shape to set the flag style.

011.eps Tap Mail (image).

The Mail screen appears again.

012.eps Tap Increase Quote Level.


The Increase Quote Level screen appears.

013.eps Set the Increase Quote Level switch to On (image) or Off (image).

014.eps Tap Mail (image).

The Mail screen appears again.

Organize Your E-Mail Messages by Threads

The Mail app gives you two ways to view e-mail messages. You can view the messages as a simple list, or you can view them with related messages organized into threads, which are sometimes called conversations.

Having Mail display your messages as threads can help you navigate your inbox quickly and find related messages easily. You may find threading useful if you tend to have long e-mail conversations, because threading reduces the number of messages you see at once.

Organize Your E-Mail Messages by Threads


Set Mail to Organize Your Messages by Thread

001.eps Press Home.

The Home screen appears.

002.eps Tap Settings (image).


The Settings screen appears.

003.eps Tap Mail (image).

The Mail screen appears.

004.eps Set the Organize by Thread switch to On (image).

005.eps Set the Collapse Read Messages switch to On (image) if you want Mail to collapse read messages in the thread.

006.eps Set the Most Recent Message on Top switch to On (image) if you want the newest message in each thread to appear at the top of the screen. This option is often helpful for keeping up with your messages.

007.eps Set the Complete Threads switch to On (image) if you want each thread to show all its messages, even if you have moved some to other mailboxes. This option is usually helpful.


Read Messages Organized into Threads

001.eps Press Home.

The Home screen appears.

002.eps Tap Mail (image).

The Mailboxes screen appears.

003.eps Tap the mailbox.

The inbox for the account appears.

dga.eps Two chevrons on the right (image) indicate a threaded message.

004.eps Tap the threaded message.


dgb.eps The threaded messages appear in the right pane, with just the new part of each message displayed.

dgc.eps You can tap See More to display the entire message. Tap Done to return to the thread view.

Add People to the VIP Inbox

The Mail app includes an inbox named VIP for collecting your most important messages so that you do not miss any. Mail automatically monitors your incoming messages and adds those from your designated VIPs to the VIP inbox.

To start using your VIP inbox, you must add people to the VIP list. You can add people either from your Contacts list or from e-mail messages you receive. You can configure VIP notifications in Settings to enable you to distinguish incoming VIP messages from other messages.

Add People to the VIP Inbox


001.eps Press Home.

The Home screen appears.

002.eps Tap Mail (image).


The Mailboxes screen appears.

003.eps Open the VIP list as follows:

dga.eps If Information (image) appears on the VIP button in the Mailboxes list, tap Information (image). Your VIP list already contains VIPs, so tapping the VIP button opens the mailbox rather than the VIP list.

dgb.eps If Information (image) does not appear, tap VIP.

The VIP List pane appears.

004.eps Tap Add VIP.


The Contacts list opens in the left pane. If All Contacts appears at the top, you are viewing all your contacts. If Contacts appears at the top, you are viewing only some groups.

dgc.eps You can change the groups displayed by tapping Groups, making your choices on the Groups screen, and then tapping Done.

005.eps Tap the contact you want to make a VIP.

dgd.eps The VIP List pane appears again, with the contact now added.

dge.eps You can tap Add VIP and repeat step 5 as needed to add all your VIPs to the VIP list.

006.eps Tap VIP Alerts.


The VIP pane in Settings appears.

007.eps Tap Sounds, tap the sound on the Sounds screen, and then tap VIP to return to the VIP screen.

008.eps Set the Badge App Icon switch to On (image) to display a badge on the Mail icon.

009.eps Set the Show on Cover Sheet switch to On (image) to display VIP messages on Cover Sheet.

010.eps Set the Show in History switch to On (image) to include VIP messages in History.

011.eps To display banners for VIP messages, set the Show as Banners switch to On (image) and then tap Temporary or Permanent, as needed.

012.eps Tap Show Previews and choose which previews to display.

013.eps Tap Mail.

The VIP List screen in the Mail app appears.

Choose How Your iPad Displays Your Contacts

You can set your iPad to sort and display the contacts in your preferred order for easy browsing. You can sort contacts either by first name or by last name; you can display contacts either by first name or last name; and you can choose whether and how to shorten last names — for example, by using the first initial and last name.

You can also control whether iOS displays suggested contacts it has found in other apps. See the tip for details.

Choose How Your iPad Displays Your Contacts


001.eps Press Home.

The Home screen appears.

002.eps Tap Settings (image).

The Settings screen appears.

003.eps Tap Contacts (image).

The Contacts screen appears.

004.eps Tap Sort Order.


The Sort Order screen appears.

005.eps Tap First, Last to sort by first name and then last name, or tap Last, First to sort by last name and then first name.

006.eps Tap Contacts (image).

007.eps On the Contacts screen, tap Display Order.

008.eps On the Display Order screen, tap First, Last to display the first name and then the last name, or tap Last, First to display the last name and then the first name.

009.eps Tap Contacts (image).

010.eps On the Contacts screen, tap Short Name.


The Short Name screen appears.

011.eps Set the Short Name switch to On (image) if you want to use name shortening.

012.eps Tap your preferred means of shortening names: First Name & Last Initial, First Initial & Last Name, First Name Only, or Last Name Only.

013.eps Set the Prefer Nicknames switch to On (image) if you want Contacts to display nicknames instead of proper names.

014.eps Tap Contacts (image).

The Contacts screen appears again.

015.eps Tap Default Account.


The Default Account screen appears.

016.eps Tap the account to use for new contacts by default.

017.eps Tap Contacts (image).

The Contacts screen appears again.

Choose Alert Options for Calendar Events

Your iPad enables you to sync your calendars via iCloud and other online services. To help keep on schedule, you can set default alert times for calendar events. You can set a different alert time for each type of event — for example, 15 minutes’ notice for a regular event and a week’s notice for a birthday. You can also turn on the Time to Leave feature to make the Calendar app allow travel time based on your location, the event’s location, and current traffic.

Choose Alert Options for Calendar Events


001.eps Press Home.

The Home screen appears.

002.eps Tap Settings (image).

The Settings screen appears.

003.eps Tap Calendar (image).

The Calendar screen appears.

004.eps Tap Sync.


The Sync screen appears.

005.eps Tap the period of events you want to sync. For example, tap Events 1 Month Back.

006.eps Tap Calendar (image).

The Calendar screen appears again.

007.eps Tap Default Alert Times.


The Default Alert Times screen appears.

008.eps Set the Time to Leave switch to On (image) to have your iPad use your location to determine a suitable departure time for events.

009.eps Tap the event type for which you want to set the default alert time. For example, tap Events.


The corresponding screen appears — the Events screen, the Birthdays screen, or the All-Day Events screen.

010.eps Tap the amount of time for the warning. For example, for an event, tap 15 minutes before.

011.eps Tap Default Alert Times (image).

The Default Alert Times screen appears again, and you can choose default alert times for other event types if you wish.

012.eps Tap Calendar (image).

The Calendar screen appears again.

Choose Your Default Calendar and Time Zone

When you use multiple calendars on your iPad, you should set your default calendar. This is the calendar that receives events you create outside any specific calendar. For example, if you have a Work calendar and a Home calendar, you can set the Home calendar as the default calendar.

If you travel to different time zones, you may need to specify which time zone to show event dates and times in. Otherwise, Calendar uses the time zone for your current location.

Choose Your Default Calendar and Time Zone


001.eps Press Home.

The Home screen appears.

002.eps Tap Settings (image).

The Settings screen appears.

003.eps Tap Calendar (image).

The Calendar screen appears.

004.eps Tap Time Zone Override.


The Time Zone Override screen appears.

005.eps Set the Time Zone Override switch to On (image).

006.eps Tap Time Zone.


The Time Zone screen appears.

007.eps Type the first letters of a city in the time zone.

008.eps Tap the search result you want.

The Time Zone Override screen appears again.

009.eps Tap Calendar (image).

The Calendar screen appears again.

010.eps Tap Default Calendar.


The Default Calendar screen appears.

011.eps Tap the calendar you want to make the default.

012.eps Tap Calendar (image).

The Calendar screen appears again.

Choose Settings for Notes

As described earlier in this chapter, you can set up multiple e-mail accounts on your iPad. Each e-mail account can synchronize notes if the e-mail service supports them.

You can choose whether to store notes directly on your iPad as well as — or instead of — in online accounts. You can set the default account for notes you create using Siri. You can also choose other settings, such as the default style for the first line of new notes and the grid or lines in the background of notes.

Choose Settings for Notes


001.eps Press Home.

The Home screen appears.

002.eps Tap Settings (image).

The Settings screen appears.

003.eps Tap Notes (image).

The Notes screen appears.

004.eps Set the “On My iPad” Account switch to On (image) if you want to be able to store notes on your iPad instead of in online accounts. See the second tip.

005.eps Set the Save to Photos switch to On (image) if you want photos and videos you take in Notes to appear in Photos.

006.eps Tap Default Account.


The Default Account screen appears.

007.eps Tap the account in which you want to store new notes you create using Siri or the Notes widget in Today View.

008.eps Tap Notes (image).

009.eps Tap Sort Notes By to display the Sort Notes By screen; tap Date Edited, Date Created, or Title; and then tap Notes (image).

010.eps Tap New Notes Start With.


The New Notes Start With screen appears.

011.eps Tap Title, Heading, or Body to specify the style to use for the first paragraph of each note.

012.eps Tap Notes (image).

The Notes screen appears again.

013.eps Tap Lines & Grids, tap your preferred line or grid format, and then tap Notes (image).

014.eps Tap Access Notes from Lock Screen.


The Access Notes from Lock Screen screen appears.

015.eps Tap Off, Always Create New Note, Resume Last Note Created on Lock Screen, or Resume Last Note Viewed in Notes App, as appropriate.

016.eps Tap Notes (image).

The Notes screen appears again.

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