Collimating a Ritchey Chrétien Telescope

A deep dive into collimation techniques, the principles of which apply, in part, to many other catadioptric and reflecting optics.




After publishing the first edition, I purchased a new 10-inch Ritchey Chrétien telescope (RCT), to image smaller galaxies and planetary nebula. The price of RCTs has plummeted over recent years and is an increasingly popular choice for imagers. My assortment of refractors all arrived with perfectly aligned optics. In contrast, the delivered condition of an RCT (or SCT) is seldom perfect and aligning the two mirrors, or collimation, is not a trivial task and carries some risk. If you are not entirely comfortable taking a wrench and screwdriver to your scope then it is better to be honest with yourself and avoid adjustments, as you may do more harm than good. For those of you with a mechanical ability and a steady hand, find a comfortable chair and read on.

What started out as a short evaluation of the few collimation techniques that I was aware of (from manufacturers instructions and other users) quickly mushroomed during the research and testing. Over this time I became more acquainted with my RCT than I had intended. By comparing the results and carefully considering the various tolerances, this chapter hopefully puts things into focus, literally and covers most of the common collimation techniques. Many concepts, with a little lateral thinking, equally apply to other reflectors.

Uniquely, a RCT comprises two adjustable hyperbolic mirrors facing one another. In comparison, a Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope (SCT), typified by the models from Meade and Celestron, is collimated solely by a secondary mirror adjustment. Unfortunately, many of the collimation processes are optimized for the more common SCT designs and need a re-think when applied to a RCT and its additional adjustable primary mirror, especially when they rely upon arbitrary mechanical properties of the assembly. When you consider these assembly tolerances, compared to the surface tolerances of the mirrors, it is quite obvious that the likely issues that one will experience will be with the mechanical adjustment of the mirrors in relation to themselves and to the camera. As Harold Suiter explains in his book, Star Testing Astronomical Telescopes, if an 8-inch primary mirror is enlarged to 1 mile in diameter the wavelength of light would be 0.17 inches and at this scale, the required surface tolerance would be 0.02 inches or less! No such equivalent precision exists in the mechanical domain with tubes, trusses, CNC machining and castings.


fig.1 This 10-inch RCT is fitted with an adjustable collimating focuser tube. The accessory Moonlight Instruments focuser also has a collimating device that ensures collimation for all angles of its rotation feature.

What becomes quickly apparent is that there is no guarantee that a telescope setup on the bench will perform in real life, either when it is moved to the mount or launched into space (sorry NASA). Whatever technique you use and whichever devices you employ in the process, perfect collimation cannot be guaranteed without optical testing. Those users who declare a particular bench technique was successful and did not require any further adjustment are either extremely lucky or the remaining aberrations in their system are masked by other issues such as binning, focusing, tracking and or seeing.

Successful collimation therefore mandates a two-pass approach; 90% through careful bench alignment and the remaining 10% by optical testing, using real or artificial stars. Optical testing is the ultimate judgement of an optical system. It is more sensitive to imperfections than most common artificial means and can detect minute errors in the optical surfaces’ orientation and within the tolerances of bench testing (with some proviso).

A perfect RCT has two perfectly polished hyperbolic mirrors, set at the correct distance apart, on a common optical axis. This axis is aligned with the focus extension, focuser, rotator and camera system. That alignment must remain consistent over all temperatures, after mechanical and thermal shock and for any celestial target. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? At first, that is what I thought too.

House of Cards or, Hide the Allen

All calibrations and adjustments are built upon assumptions; if those assumptions (or initial alignments) are incorrect, the result is not optimum, possibly even after optical testing. In the case of the Hubble Space Telescope the null-corrector plate, used in the alignment checking process, was incorrect. The trick to a smooth collimation procedure is to be aware of the possible problems and measure, adjust and verify each before touching the mirrors. That also includes checking the accuracy of the collimation aids. As the aperture of the RCT increases, so does its sensitivity to error and, irrespective of any advertisement to the contrary, even if it leaves the factory in perfect alignment, there is a high probability it will arrive in a different state. Price is not a guarantee either; my friend’s premium product arrived after it was hand-built and collimated. It bristled with QC stickers, but arrived with the opposing lock-screws loose, and required extensive collimation as a result. My unit arrived with the mirror spacing out by a few millimeters.

All is not lost if one takes a methodical view of things; although it looks intimidating, fig.2 shows the sources of error in a typical RCT and those variables used to compensate for them. Some of these errors are static, some change with time, handling and temperature and the remaining ones, more worryingly, vary with the system’s orientation. RCT models vary considerably in their facility for user adjustment. These differences force alternative collimation strategies and, since every variable is not necessarily adjustable, collimation is always a compromise that is, two wrongs almost make a right). The correct approach is also unavoidably iterative, since most adjustments interact with one another. If one is methodical, however, and base each on sound principles and careful measurement, convergence to a good collimation is significantly quicker. In the following, admittedly extensive instructions to compare and contrast approaches, it is important to realize that basic collimation is usually a one-time affair, followed by occasional fine-tuning, using an optical test with real or artificial stars.

Hyperbolae and Trigonometry

Understanding the best compromise requires an appreciation of geometry and optics. A hyperbolic mirror follows a mathematical function which has a more aggressive curve near the middle. In other words, in the center, the angle of the surface changes rapidly. In practical terms, when you consider the two mirrors, the secondary is very sensitive to its center position in relation to its optical axis, whereas the primary has a big hole in the middle where the light baffle passes through. Although the center of the secondary mirror is not used for imaging, it is used for setting up its initial collimation.

The second observation concerns angles and angular sensitivity. A 2-mm deflection of a laser beam on the secondary mirror, over a 1,000-mm path length can be caused by a focuser coupling plate, of 100-nun diameter, being tilted by 0.2 mm at one edge (a 7 arc-minute angular error). The image displacement increases with distance, a fact that can be used to our advantage during several alignment techniques and to select the right compromises. It is worth noting in this case, as the laser beam passes through the hole in the primary mirror, it is only displaced by about 0.1 mm, since the coupling plate’s pivot point is much closer to the primary mirror surface than it is to the secondary mirror surface. Flat surfaces can also be deceptive; what is flat anyway? Using a precision level I determined the back-plate of my 10-inch RCT, CNC-machined from 8-mm thick aluminum, is not perfectly flat and varies by a few arc minutes over its surface. Metal bends after all, and in addition to the usual machining tolerances and surface finish, I assume the stress of the truss and mirror attachments warp the metal too. The same holds true for the all-important mirror support inside the housing. When making adjustments with opposing set and lock screws, they should be torqued sufficiently to stop movement but not to the extent that they adversely deform the local metalwork.


fig.2 Assuming the primary mirror position defines the optical axis, this shows the static errors, the available adjustments to the user and the factors that cause the collimation to change over time. Not every error has a matching adjustment.

Breaking Convention

I said earlier that every collimation technique is built on assumptions. Unfortunately, a number of popular collimating techniques are based on unnecessarily optimistic ones. That is not to say they never work, only that, at best, they are taking a chance and at worse, potentially make the wrong one. For instance, the classic concentric circles alignment process, using the Takahashi Collimating Scope (Tak) shown in fig.4, with the center marking (donut) on the secondary mirror. This inserts an illuminated surface with a central hole into the focus tube. A magnified reflection of this surface from the secondary mirror is seen through the eyepiece. The secondary mirror is tilted until the reflected central hole of the Tak is centered with the donut marking on the secondary. It goes on to adjust the primary mirror to centralize the gap between primary and secondary baffle reflections (fig.6). for now, we are just going to consider the secondary mirror movements. This alignment technique is often cited, but it relies upon an assertion that the focuser tube assembly is aligned to the optical axis. (In some cases it is physically locked to the primary mirror support too.) It is most likely not aligned and easily demonstrated by using a laser. A good quality laser tool, accurately centered and inserted into the eyepiece tube identifies the axis of the focuser and camera. After making sure it is sitting squarely in the eyepiece tube (more on that later), the dot is visible on the secondary surface. More likely than not, it will not hit the center of the black donut. More interestingly, the reflection back to the source misses by several millimeters. At first this appears to be a head-scratcher; the reflection of the Tak is centralized but the laser is not? The difference is this; one is a simple reflection of an arbitrary surface and the other is a reflection of a directed collimated beam. Is the focuser aligned with the optical axis or is the donut not in the optical center of the mirror? Which do you trust?

When it is put like that, it is more likely that a focuser adjustment plate or assembly is out by -5 arc minutes (combined with the mirror’s mechanical assembly error on the end of a long tube or truss) than the center spot of a mirror, polished to a 1/4 wavelength, is out by 2 mm. RC Optical systems correctly pick-up on this in their instructions and use a laser to align the mirror and focuser axes before using the Tak to set the secondary mirror tilt. (It is worth noting that some RCTs have the focuser assembly bolted rigidly to the primary mirror support and cannot be independently collimated. All is well and good so long as they are aligned. If they are not, and you still have image tilt after collimation, it may be time to invest in an accessory collimating focus coupling plate.)


fig.3 A Cheshire combination sight tube. It has a cross hair at one end and a small peep hole at the other. A polished aluminum wedge illuminates the view.


fig.4 A Takahashi collimating scope. The Tak has a magnified image that can be selectively focused on the secondary mirror and reflections.


fig.5 The Howie Glatter laser, fitted with the standard 1-mm aperture, is a very useful tool for the initial alignment of both the secondary mirror and the focuser axis.


fig.6 The view through the Cheshire, Tak and with a laser collimator. The Cheshire eyepiece is a simple viewing hole, reflective surface and crosshair but you need good eyesight to use it accurately. The Tak magnifies the view and has a focus tube, so that you can confirm the various circular elements are concentric. Aiming the laser at the secondary is easy (especially if you use a piece of polyethylene bag over the mirror to see the beam location, as shown here) but requires some careful ingenuity to see the reflected beam back onto the face of the laser. I can see down the central baffle and view the beam and wear polarizing sunglasses to see the dots more clearly. Alternatively, you can use a laser that has an angled target, outside the focus tube, such as those from Baader Planetarium.

Interestingly, in dim lighting conditions, I discovered I did not need the Tak at all. The Howie Glatter laser (great name) is supplied with a 1-mm aperture, which generates faint but distinct diffraction rings around its central beam. These rings are reflected back to the white face of the laser module and can be seen circling the reflected beam. If you look carefully, there is a donut shaped shadow in the rings (my secondary’s donut marking is not reflective) whose position corresponds exactly with the view through the Tak (fig.6). When the donut, rings and beam are all concentric with the emitted beam, we are ready for the next step (figs.79). The Tak confirms this to be the case too and, just in case you are still doubtful and you do not own a laser, wiggle the Tak in the eyepiece tube whilst looking though it. The image remains aligned, proving it is insensitive to the angle of the Tak and hence, the focus-tube angle.

Without laboring the point, why is this a problem? The only point of reference in the entire system is the secondary donut. It may be a false premise, but it is normally possible to bench-set the secondary with more precision than the primary mirror. Since the secondary mirror is hyperbolic, both the incident beam and mirror angle are critical to its calibration. (If the secondary mirror was spherical, as in the case of SCTs, this would be less significant.) If there is a large error in both primary and secondary mirror attitudes, optical testing requires more iterations to converge on an optimum position. For example, it is possible to achieve good on-axis star collimation with two opposing mirror angle errors and convince oneself the entire image is good.


fig.7 With the laser inserted into the focuser and reflected off the secondary, this shows the view on the white face of the laser collimator before secondary (or focuser) alignment. Neither the focuser axis or the secondary are pointing towards each other; the laser misses the secondary donut and its reflection misses the laser origin. The faint diffraction rings do not reflect off the donut and a shadow is seen on the face of the laser. This donut shadow corresponds exactly with the view through the Tak.


fig.8 This view is typical from a laser collimator after just using a Takahashi collimation scope to align the secondary. Although the reflection of the secondary donut falls onto the laser origin, the laser beam will not necessarily aim at the center of the donut and its reflection will miss the laser origin. The off-axis reflected beam indicates the focuser axis does not point towards the center of the secondary.


fig.9 When everything is lined up, the bright central laser is reflected back on itself and is surrounded by faint diffraction rings (these are not the rings from the accessory holographic attachment). The dimmer circular patch, arising from the reflection from the secondary mirror donut, is centered. The donut shadow position corresponds exactly with the view through the Tak.

Euclid to the Rescue

The ancient Greeks knew a thing or two; not only did Euclid’s conic sections define the principal mirror shapes used for reflector telescopes, his book on mathematics and geometry ruled until the late 19th century. I was pondering (as you do) on whether I should have bought an RCT with a fully adjustable secondary that allowed for centering. What if my truss was distorted (sounds painful) and the secondary was not on the center-line? It then hit me. It was virtually irrelevant; if both mirrors are tilted so that its optical axis passes through the optical center of its opposing neighbor, then the mirrors are perfectly aligned, irrespective of their relationship to the mechanical mounting. The outcome, however, generates an optical axis that is tilted, displaces the image on the CCD and creates a slight focus-plane tilt. This issue is largely tuned out if one has an adjustable focus coupler, as the latest GSO truss-models offer. A residual error, of say a whopping 4-mm displacement of the secondary has a net result that the focussed image at the CCD is off center by just 0.2 mm (thanks to geometry) but perfectly coplanar with the CCD surface. Even if the bench testing method accidentally tries to forcibly misalign the optics, the subsequent optical testing will eventually align the mirrors back again.

Sensor tilt will, in itself, confuse the optical testing, so it is better to address this at the start of the collimation process and minimize it as much as possible by aligning the focuser/camera assembly.

Collimation Process

So, having outlined the case for change, the collimation workflow is summarized as follows:

Bench Testing – Preliminary Checks

1 Check and calibrate your test equipment (laser, collimation scope and precision level).

2 Check and square the focus adjustment assembly to its fixing thread (if possible).

3 Check and ensure any camera rotation device is square at all angles (if possible).

4 Check and square the focuser coupling plate with the back-plate of the telescope (if possible).

5 Check and square the primary mirror (optional).

6 Check and adjust the mechanical centering of the secondary mirror housing in the spider.

7 Confirm that all the mirror adjustments are at a nominal position (some primaries are shipped with the push-bolts loose and pull-bolts fully tight).

8 Prepare your Allen keys (hex wrenches); attach to a wrist strap or use T-handled version to avoid dropping them onto mirror surfaces. If the adjustment bolts are jerky, carefully lubricate them first with a high quality grease.

9 Tape over one set of primary adjusters and if the secondary does not have a central bolt, tape one of the secondary adjusters to avoid mirror-separation creep through repeated adjustments.

Bench Testing – Precision Focuser Centering

10 Using a laser mounted in the focus tube, adjust the camera rotation or focuser mechanism collimation so that their operation does not affect the beam position on the secondary.


fig.10 This precision level is designed for setting machine tools but has a useful calibrated bubble level in 0.03° increments.


fig.11 To align the focuser system without a laser, aim the telescope downwards and level the back-plate (N–S and E–W) and the focuser assembly coupler. With care, you can set angles to 0.01°. I place a thin glass over the 2-inch eyepiece adaptor and rest the level on that. In this orientation, one can also check the distance to the primary mirror support by removing each push-screw measure the depth with a Vernier caliper.


fig.12 The front of this truss RC shows three tilt adjusters, A, B & C with a central fixing bolt D. A, B and C tilt the assembly about the fixed central bolt; in this design, loosen one before tightening another.

Bench – Initial / Focuser

11 Use the laser in the eyepiece tube and center the beam on the donut, either by adjusting the spider or tilting the entire focuser assembly with the back-plate mounting (fig.12, 13). Do not tilt the secondary to center the beam!

12 the mirror tilt to reflect the beam back onto itself.

13 Repeat steps 11 and 12 to achieve initial focuser and mirror alignment.

Bench Testing – Initial Adjustment


14 (Alternative 1) Using a rear view, adjust the primary mirror tilt so that the mirror boundaries are concentric, and depending upon the viewing distance, the spider reflections align or any intrusion of the outer vane brackets are symmetrical.

(Alternative 2) Use laser beam reflections to confirm primary mirror alignment with the secondary, either using a holographic projection or centered beams on the rear target of the Hotech Advanced CT laser.

Bench Testing – Tuning Alignment


15 Using a front view, fine tune the secondary mirror position with “Hall of Mirrors” test (described later), tuning as necessary to align reflections (or use the SCT instructions with a Hotech Advanced CT laser).

16 Repeat 14 and 15 to converge on a good mirror alignment, ready for optical testing. (An interesting alternative is to confirm the mirror axes are common, using reflections of a crossed wire, especially on large truss-based

17 Check alignment holds at different telescope angles.

Optical Testing – Star Testing / Diffraction Testing


18 Using a CCD camera, alter the primary mirror tilt so an outside-of-focus star image, in the center of the field, is an evenly lit circular symmetrical annulus.

19 Similarly, alter the secondary tilt to ensure any residual aberrations in the outer field are radially symmetrical (balanced), or diffraction mask spikes of a near-focused star image, in the center of the field, have perfectly intersecting lines.

20 Repeat 18–19 to converge on the two mirror positions.

21 Focus the image, plate-solve and use the image scale to calculate the effective focal length and compare with the telescope specification.

22 Adjust the mirror separation, if necessary, assuming a 10:1 ratio (a 1-mm increase in mirror separation effectively reduces the focal length by ~10 mm) either by adjusting the secondary mirror position (fig.15), or for small changes, moving the three adjusters on the primary mirror to the same degree (a M6 bolt conveniently has a 1-mm pitch) (fig.14).

23 Confirm alignment with another star test (steps 18–22).

Bench Testing

Preliminary Checks (1–9)

Everything has a tolerance and a RCT is a sensitive beast. Any collimation device that inserts into an eyepiece tube is required to be perfectly centered. Putting aside the vagaries of the eyepiece clamp for a moment, the quickest way to verify device centering is to rotate it in a V-block. In its crudest form, a V-block is constructed from four three-inch nails, hammered into a piece of wood to form two V-shaped cradles. Lay the collimation scope, Cheshire eyepiece, laser or sighting tube body in the cradle and check its beam or image center is stationary as it is rotated. The greater the distance from the device to the convenient wall, the more obvious any error. The best lasers offer some means of adjustment, normally by three opposing grub screws. If yours does not and is not accurately centered, send it back. In the case of a precision level, the best devices have a bubble level with 0.03° markings which, with care, enable measurements to 0.01°, 10x more resolution than its digital readout. This is sensitive enough to detect a thin piece of paper placed under one end. To calibrate the level, place it on a smooth level surface, note the bubble position and ensure it is consistent when the device is turned around to face the other way. On the unit in fig.10 there are two tiny screws that tilt the phial. Armed with your calibrated devices, it is time to start checking and adjusting the mechanical system as much as possible.

The focuser system has a difficult job to remain orthogonal to its mounting. The nature of its construction translates microscopic errors in the draw tube into angular movement and, this is without swinging it around with a heavy camera on its end. All good models offer some form of tension adjustment that, at the same time, remove some flexure between the sliding parts. The better ones, like the large FeatherTouch and Moonlight Telescope Accessory models have collimating adjusters. In the absence of a laser, a precision level can be used to ensure the camera and focuser mounting flanges are parallel at all angles (figs.10, 11). This is most conveniently adjusted by placing the focuser assembly telescope-end down onto a flat horizontal surface. Place the level on the surface and adjust its level so that the bubble lies between the end-stops (within ±0.1° from horizontal) in both a conceptual E–W and N–S direction. Note the exact position in both instances. Then, place the focuser on the end of the focus draw-tube. Nominally assign one of the collimating screws to “North” and adjust the other two first, to achieve the same E—W level as the reading from the plate. Then, adjust the third one for N–S calibration. In this orientation, facing downwards, flexure is at a minimum and this adjustment represents the average position. If all is well and the focuser has a rotation feature, it will be consistent at all angles.

If the back-plate of your RCT is a flat aluminum panel, rather than a complex casting, it is easy to go further and confirm the focusing coupling plate is parallel to the panel. In this case, with the telescope pointing downwards, mount the (calibrated) focuser onto the mounting plate and confirm the panel and the camera mounting flange are parallel in N–S and E–W directions (fig.11). It is very useful to have a collimation coupling plate on the back of the telescope, especially if there are no centering adjustments on the secondary spider. On my 10-inch truss model, I decided to square the primary mirror, or more correctly, its housing. I carefully rested the scope on its front face (or you can mount it and point it downwards). I removed the smaller push-screws on my truss model and measured the depth of the hole to the outside housing. For this I used the depth gauge end of a Vernier caliper. They were in the range of 10–10.5 mm. I adjusted the pull-screws until the distance to the back of the mirror housing was exactly 10 mm (the back-plate is 8-mm deep). This is not essential but a useful reference if things go wrong. In my case, the black push-screws were rather short and only engaged the back-plate through half its depth. I also discovered that their flat ends would “corkscrew” and displace the mirror laterally. With the pull-bolts in place, I rested the RCT on its front face and replaced these grub screws with a longer pointed stainless-steel version. Not only are these easier to spot in the dark, but the longer thread engagement is more stable between the soft aluminium and stainless steel. Usefully, each point creates a small conical indentation in the softer aluminum and minimizes lateral movement during adjustment.


fig.13 The secondary and baffle, showing the central donut. The donut is not silvered and appears black. Initial collimation relies upon the fact that the manufacturer, after polishing a glass surface to 100 nm, is able to locate the center within 1,000,000 nm (more likely than relying on the baffle and mirror being accurately centered).


fig.14 On the back are the three primary push- and pull-bolts A, B & C. You can also see two focus-plate adjusters D & Eand the focuser collimating adjusters F & G. I changed my primary push grub screws to pointed stainless steel versions.


fig.15 The secondary mirror flange A is fixed to the spider tilt-mechanism. The mirror and baffle assembly C can be unscrewed to set the mirror distance and is locked in place by the knurled ring B. The pitch of the lock ring is about 0.75 mm.

High-end RCTs often have adjustable spiders. The current popular GS() derivatives have an assembly with no obvious method of centering the secondary mirror other than disassembly and experimentation. In my case, I used a Vernier caliper to confirm that the mounting boss was in the physical center of the front truss ring. It was within 0.1 mm of the physical center, but unfortunately one cannot infer that the front truss ring is aligned to the optical center of the primary mirror. If there is no easy way to adjust the secondary mirror position using the supporting spiders, it modifies the subsequent process used to the

Lastly, if your RCT has its mirror separation set up in the factory, tape over one of the primary mirror adjusters to prevent any accidental change to the mirror separation. Some larger RCTs have their primaries bolted down tight for transit and in these cases, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to set the initial primary position, normally by unscrewing the pull-bolts bolts by one or two turns. Similarly, if your secondary mirror is only attached with three pairs of opposing bolts, tape over one set. The lower-cost RCTs have a secured central fixing bolt that is used to set the distance of the secondary mirror base, rather than three sets of opposing bolts. In these designs, you need to use all three tilt adjusters, by easing and tightening in pairs, in that order, to rock around the central sprung bolt. It is not immediately apparent but the GSO-based RCTs have a very useful precision mirror separation adjustment (fig.15). The black knurled ring and secondary baffle unscrew, leaving the bolted back-plate untouched. This thread on my RCT has a pitch of 0.75 mm, enabling precision adjustment. As it happens, my RCT required a mirror separation reduction of about 2.5 mm, to increase the focal length to 2,000 mm, accomplished by unscrewing the baffle by ~3.3 turns and screwing up the knurled ring to lock it into position. (The secondary mirror appeared to remain perfectly centered but I checked its collimation after the adjustment with a laser and fine-tuned it with a star test to be sure.)

Precision Focuser (10)

To improve on the focuser assembly collimation requires a laser. (Please remember to observe the safety instructions that accompany a laser.) With the focuser fully assembled to the telescope, make adjustments to the focuser’s collimation (if it has that facility) so the laser dot remains stationary on the secondary mirror, as the focuser is rotated. (If your secondary mirror has a lens cap, one can make a simple target by making a reference dot on a small piece of masking tape to assist the assessment.) After removing the cap, if the laser is not incident on the middle of the donut, it implies the focuser axis is not aligned to the secondary. Something has to move; if there is no obvious spider centering method, center the beam using the focus-tube coupling-plate adjusters. This is a compromise that is discussed later in more detail. (If you are unable to clearly see the laser on the mirror surface, place a piece of clean polyethylene bag on the mirror surface, as in fig.6. It scatters the laser beam, making it visible but at the same time, you can still see the donut too.) At this point, do not use the secondary tilt adjustments to try and center the laser on the donut! For enclosed RCTs, it is necessary to make the equivalent of a dentist’s mirror and peak back at the secondary mirror.

To assess whether focuser sag is going to be an issue, push the focuser tube in different directions and notice if the beam moves about. If there is excessive play, the focuser mechanism may need a small adjustment, or more drastically, upgraded with a more robust unit.

Initial Secondary /Focuser Alignment (11–13)

The aim is to place the center of the secondary mirror on the main optical axis and set its tilt to align its optical axis using a laser in the focus tube. Once the laser beam is perfectly centered, initial alignment is complete when the beam reflects back on itself (figs.79).

That discussion on compromise is required here; the ideal solution is to align the focuser axis independently with the primary mirror’s optical axis and shift the secondary mirror laterally to center the beam on the donut. Without that centering facility, the alternative is to angle the focuser assembly to aim the laser at the secondary donut. This tilt moves the focuser axis with respect to both mirror optical centers. Although this is a compromise, since the secondary mirror is about 30x further away from the focuser adjuster’s tilt axis than the primary mirror, any de-centering with the primary mirror is minimal and the final alignment of both mirrors during optical testing reduces the error to a small (sub-millimeter) image displacement on the sensor.

In practice, carefully place the laser in the eyepiece tube, so it sits square, center the beam on the donut, either by adjusting one or more spiders (if your RCT has that facility) or by tilting the entire focuser assembly with its back-plate coupling. If your laser unit tips within the eyepiece coupling ring when the locking screws are tightened (a common issue with those units a single clamp or without a brass compression ring) point the telescope vertically downwards and let the laser unit simply rest on the eyepiece tube flange (assuming the flange is square). I achieve good alignment consistency by using a light touch on the clamp screws with metal-to-metal shoulder contact.

The next step is to adjust the secondary mirror tilt to reflect the beam back onto itself. (This involves minute adjustments. As delivered, the secondary mirror tilt-adjuster bolts on my RCT were stiff and jerky, making small adjustments impossible. I removed mine, one at a time, lubricated and replaced them before bench collimating.) On an RCT, this can be done by carefully peeking down the central baffle. (Since the laser is aimed at the secondary mirror, there is no risk of a direct incidence on your eye.) The outgoing and reflected beams can be quite bright and fuzzy and difficult to distinguish. I use a pair of polarizing sunglasses, and tilt my head to eliminate the glare, or reduce the power of the laser. This makes an accurate assessment considerably easier. Alternatively use a laser with an exposed target, like those from Baader Planetarium, or use the Tak in place of the laser and center the dot and donut, as in fig.6. These last two methods also work for those RCT derivatives, such as modified Dall-Kirkhams, that have refractive correction optics within the baffle. In the case of the RCT, the faint diffraction halo of the laser illuminates a considerable portion of the secondary mirror and is reflected back to the primary. If you look carefully at the white face of the laser, you will see a faint donut shadow on the laser’s target surface. When the mirror is properly centered, the laser beam, reflected beam and donut shadow are concentric (see figs.79). Since a change in mirror tilt has a minor effect on the donut position, repeat the mirror centering and tilt adjustment one more time (if required). Lasers are wonderful things and the donut shadow on the laser face is something I have not seen mentioned before. It is the equivalent of the view through the Tak and is a viable alternative.

The Fifth Dimension

The proof of bench testing is that, after doing several extended star tests, the optics still pass the bench test. In my case, this was not always so. In a few instances, the final alignment was indistinguishable from the bench setup and notably different in others. Bizarrely though, in every case bench alignment always needed a reasonable adjustment during star testing to achieve collimation. At the same time I would sometimes hear a creaking noise during adjustments during star testing. The cause was the primary mirror cell shifting laterally on its three mounting-bolts during adjustment. This is a common issue in some of the lighter designs. (It also accounts for some of the variations between user-experiences, with one method or another, and the reason that some of the more confident users insert a stiff elastomer to provide lateral support to the mirror cage.) I realized that during star testing near the Zenith, the act of adjustment was equally to do with re-centering the mirror. As a consequence, although I may assess the alignment of the RCT in a horizontal aspect, I always point to the zenith to make primary adjustments. My unit is light enough to rest on a table or up-end. Heavier units will require to be mounted and swung on the DEC axis. The bottom line; a laser-based adjustment is only as good as the primary mirror centering with the focuser and sensor axis.


fig.16 A classic Cheshire eyepiece, this one has a white rear face, typically used during Newtonian collimation process. This one is beautifully made and does not have an internal crosshair to obscure the view. Its color even matches the Paramount! A Takahashi scope extends the eyepiece outwards so that it can detect the thin gap between the mirror reflections. This eyepiece can do this too, if it is similarly extended with focuser extension tubes (providing the 200 mm or so extension does not introduce focuser tube sag).


fig.17 The view through the Cheshire, showing a marginal error, indicated by the spider clamp showing (A) and the slightly larger gap (B). As the eyepiece is moved further out, the gap (B) between the mirrors increases and it becomes considerably easier to perform the alignment. This image is taken at the normal focus position, but moving out another 200 mm with extension tubes and the focuser rack, makes it easier to see and equalize the thin annulus.

Initial Primary Adjustment

It is worth noting some of the variations between RCT models and their effect on the collimation process. The less expensive RCTs have the focuser assembly fixed directly to the primary mirror cell. Tilting this tilts the focuser assembly too. This is common on the smaller-aperture versions with closed tubes. This is not an issue if they are already accurately aligned but, judging from the recent flurry of accessory focuser collimation adaptors that attach between the RCT housing and the focuser assembly, this may not always be the case. In the case of the focuser assembly and primary-mirror cage being attached to a back-plate, mirror tilt and focuser tilt is independent. If the focuser assembly is rigidly attached to the mirror cell, any change in mirror tilt might need a subsequent focuser adjustment to square-up to the secondary mirror.

In my case, both the focuser and mirror cell are independently attached to an 8-mm deep aluminum back-plate. This is a favorable design since I use the back-plate as an initial “nominal”, from which I make adjustments. Setting up the primary is both critical and challenging, since there is no simple reference. If it is not aligned correctly, the other tests which fine-tune the secondary will not work. Some advanced products are designed for SCTs, in which the primary mirror is essentially already aligned and they are optimized for secondary adjustment. Some rely upon the centering of the baffles and those doubtful mechanical assembly tolerances, while others reflect a laser beam off a mirrored surface inserted into the focus tube. The simplest methods use the reflections between the mirrors, to ensure they are centered and coplanar and are insensitive to the focuser alignment. It is a case of the mirrors never lie! Two similar techniques line up the mirror reflections from the rear, at different operating distances. Both work on the premise that if the reflections between the mirrors line up in all axes, the mirrors are aligned. A third alternative employs a laser array and projects an image via two reflections:

Initial Primary Alignment (14) (sighting tube)

In this process I prefer to use an original Cheshire eyepiece (fig.16) or a simple viewing hole. I aim the RCT at an illuminated white wall (or you can place a diffuser over the end) to evenly illuminate the mirrors. I then look through the Cheshire and adjust the primary mirror so that the mirror and its reflections are concentric (fig.17).


fig.18 The view from the rear, through a camera, showing the concentric mirror outlines and aligned spiders. The camera is precisely centered on the collimated secondary mirror and the primary mirror is adjusted to align the spiders. This should be confirmed by concentric mirror reflections too, from their outside edges rather than their baffles. It is often confusing to work out what you are seeing in the reflections. A is the outer edge of the secondary mirror, 8 is the reflection down the focus tube, C shows the outer part of the spider vane and its double reflection (aligned) and D is the outer edge of the primary mirror baffle.

In particular, I look at the tiny gap between the inner and outer mirror reflections and at the same time, I also note the symmetry of the outer field. When my RCT primary is not aligned, I can just see the bulge of a spider’s outer support bracket at the outer edge. When it is aligned, all four spider brackets are hidden, unless I move my eye about and view obliquely through the eyepiece.

Initial Primary Alignment (14) (camera)

This process is a variation of the above one, except for enhanced accuracy, I use a camera, fitted with a telephoto lens and mounted on a tripod and aimed squarely at the secondary mirror, so the center of the camera lens is seen reflected in a mirror. Any misalignment is more obvious at longer viewing distances and I typically do this from about 5 m (15 ft). The spider and its reflection can be seen in the viewfinder (fig.18) and usefully, my Fuji X-T1 camera has an option to magnify the focus point when the manual focus ring is moved. By making small adjustments to the primary mirror, I align all four spiders with their reflection. This works on the assumption that if the two mirrors are not aligned, one or more of the vane images and their reflections will be disjointed. At the same time the correct primary setting is confirmed by concentric images of the two mirrors’ outer edges (not the baffles). In both processes, if one has already established the mirror separation for the right focal length, only use two of the three primary adjusters.

Initial Primary Alignment (14) (laser)

Throwing technology at the problem introduces other interesting possibilities; for example using SCT laser alignment tools on a RCT. One can either shine a laser onto the primary (from the front, as the Hotech advanced CT collimator) or from the rear onto the secondary (as the Howie Glatter holographic projection method). Both products are principally marketed for SCT and Newtonian users but can be used for RCTs too. This is because in their simplest deployment, they are used to adjust the secondary mirror and crucially, assume the primary mirror is fixed (aligned) and the focus tube is aligned on the optical axis of the primary mirror.

The Howie Glatter laser has a number of alternative attachments, one of which beams concentric rings (fig.19). One alignment technique relies upon the mirrors being filled with light rings (and concentric to the mirror edges) and beams them onto a nearby wall for closer examination. Alignment is tuned and confirmed by checking the concentricity of the central shadow. In practice, this test is very sensitive to the laser alignment onto the secondary and the secondary tilt. My holographic attachment, as supplied, projects an uneven pattern and central spot, hampering assessment. I remedied this by leaving the standard 1-mm aperture screwed in place and taping the holographic attachment back-to-back. Some on-line methods suggest to ensure the circular rings are concentric on both mirrors. In my old darkroom and even after a period of acclimatization, my pristine mirrors do not reveal the concentric rings incident on their surface. There is a degree of mix’n'match between methods; one method is to set up the secondary mirror to a collimated focuser with a simple laser and then using the holographic attachment to fine tune the result to centralize the projected rings.

As mentioned earlier, the laser must be precisely centered onto the secondary (a 1-mm error here equates to a quarter-turn on a primary mirror adjuster) and the secondary aiming squarely at the primary, or it adversely affects the outcome. As such, this test is also very useful as an independent method to confirm system alignment prior to optical testing and is most easily accomplished indoors, projected against a light colored wall.

In the case of the Hotech device, it uses the reflective properties of the two mirrors to ensure that three laser beams, parallel and equidistant to the primary mirror axis, are reflected back on paths that are equidistant from the optical axis. To do this, one first squares the primary mirror to the target and then adjusts the secondary. The reflections require an additional (semi-silvered) mirror to be inserted into the focus tube and the physics rely upon it being coplanar with the primary mirror (as assumed in the case of a SCT). Hotech have a unique 2-inch adaptor tube design with expanding rubber glands. These are designed to overcome de-centering issues in the simpler 2-inch eyepiece tubes. I am not enthusiastic about compliant rubber interfaces and in the case of the Moonlight focuser, with its close tolerance smooth bore, I achieved even better repeatability by pushing the attachment up against the metal collar and using minimum force on the three clamp screws.


fig.19 The projection from the RCT, fitted with a Howie Glatter laser and holographic attachment. Up close, the spacing between the ring atA and the central shadow is slightly than the spacing at B, indicating (assuming the laser is hitting the secondary square on and aligned to the optical center) that the secondary mirror is slightly misaligned. At the same time, the spacing between the outer ring and the edge of the diffuse background is equalized. It sometimes helps to attach a piece of paper to the wall and mark the positions, rather than judge by eye alone. As with other laser methods that rely upon the focuser alignment, if the primary mirror is not precisely centered with the focuser assembly, this will affect the accuracy of the final result.

The laser source and its circular target in effect ensure the mirrors are parallel using secondary adjustments (fig.20). With that accomplished, the rear target behind the semi-silvered mirror (inset) indicates if the primary mirror is tilted. When aligned, the three incident beams are symmetrically placed around the target crosshair. (As this target plane approaches the focus plane, the dots converge to a single bright dot.)

In fig.20, the Hotech unit is confirming RCT collimation, after classical star testing, back on the bench. In this case, it is very close to being fully aligned. The smallest change to any setting throws off this bench alignment, indicating its sensitivity is considerably higher than a simple single beam reflection method and arguably as accurate as classical star testing in typical seeing conditions. Indeed, the results from using this device to set up the secondary mirror correlate perfectly with the “hall of mirrors” test described below.

As mentioned before, all these alignments work best if both focuser tilt and centering errors have been minimized. That is not always mechanically possible, so the next best thing is to collimate the focuser assembly as best as one can, assuming an optical axis that runs through the secondary donut. If a device such as the Hotech is not available, the next best thing is to tilt the secondary to reflect a simple laser beam back on itself (as explained in the earlier sections) and then proceed with the primary mirror centering, viewing from the front or rear, to fine tune both mirrors.

Tuning Alignment (15–17) (Visual)

With one or both mirrors in its rough position, we use a sighting test from the front, suggested by Jared Wilson on the Cloudy Nights forum, dubbed the “hall of mirrors” test. This is best done by eye alone and is very sensitive to the relationship between the two mirrors. This can be used for setting either the secondary or primary as, ultimately, it is only the relationship between the two mirrors that is being evaluated. Crucially, it is independent of the focuser assembly but only confirms the mirrors are parallel. (They might not be necessarily on the same optical axis.) As such, it is best to adjust the mirror that is assumed to be the most out-of-alignment. In my case, after star testing my RCT and then returning the telescope to the optical bench, I found the secondary mirror still reflected an incident laser beam back on itself and used this visual test to modify the primary position.


fig.20 The Hotech Advanced CT laser is a very sensitive test due to the double reflections employed in its optical design. Excellent results are possible but only if close attention is paid to the initial setup; for instance, moving around on floorboards affects the laser trajectory. Conceptually, the front target confirms secondary alignment and the rear target confirms primary alignment.

This test is conceptually simple: View down the end of the RCT from about 0.5 meters away, close to the center axis, so you can see the repeating reflections between the two mirrors. When the mirrors are parallel on that axis, the spider, its reflection and the reflection of your pupil in the primary mirror are aligned. At the same time, the repeating and diminishing reflections of the secondary baffle are symmetrical and the subsequent spider reflections are aligned too. After checking one axis, repeat for one of the adjacent spiders and confirm the collimation is true on that axis (see fig.21).

The multiple reflections make this test very sensitive to any misalignment and it can easily detect the smallest turn on a secondary or primary adjustment screw and obviously, is unaffected by seeing conditions. Usefully, it can be easily performed with the RCT in situ and does not require any equipment, though I do make the primary adjustments with the mirror in a horizontal position.

It does require a few tries to figure the relationship between the error and necessary adjustment. Again, it helps to take notes in case you need to retrace your steps and to become familiar with the effect of a push- or pull-adjustment.

I use the following process to rationalise the diagonal spider vanes with the two primary adjusters set 120° apart: First, I tilt a mirror left/right using equal and opposite adjustments to the two adjusters in the 4 and 8 o’clock positions, until the reflections (warts and all) of the two upper (or lower) spider vanes are mirror-images of each other. I then know that any remaining error is caused by an up or down misalignment. To correct this and to ensure that I do not introduce a lateral tilt I use all three secondary adjusters (or both primary adjusters) moving the two bottom adjusters by the same amount. As mentioned earlier, this new mirror position ensures both mirrors are approximately square-on but not necessarily aligned on the optical centers.

So, there are two approaches using the same technique: If one is more confident on the initial primary mirror position, use this secondary tuning step a few times to converge on the optimum position, and align the primary by repeating the rear sight test. If the primary tilt is less likely to be correct (and assuming the focuser alignment is accurate) the order of these alignments is logically reversed; the secondary alignment is solely accomplished using a laser reflection and the primary mirror is setup using the hall of mirrors or a holographic projection.

So, a good collimation satisfies the hall of mirrors test (confirming parallel mirrors), a simple laser fired at the center of the secondary will reflect back on itself (confirming secondary alignment) and at the same time the Howie Glatter holographic projection should be symmetrical. There is no single answer here on which road to travel, since every experience may differ and, if the primary tilt is incorrect, the end result will likely not be optimum. Ultimately, however, all roads lead to Rome.

The good news is that with care, the combination of these visual techniques consistently achieve a good alignment and subsequent optical testing demands the smallest of corrections. The last step is to confirm the bench alignment holds true for different orientations; the easiest way being to rotate the RCT through different angles and repeat the hall of mirrors assessment.

A Novel Alternative for Mirror Collimation

As an interesting aside, a Harvard University Education paper 1969, by J Krugler, describes the collimation of a professional observatory RCT. This proposes a novel solution for aligning the optical axes, by introducing an independent reference point. In an open-truss construction, they stretched two thin wires across the truss to create a crosshair in-between the mirrors. All other things being equal, if the optical axes of the two mirrors are coincident, the crosshair reflection in the secondary coincides with the actual crosshair and the reflection of the secondary mirror in the primary is concentric. In the paper, they employ a theodolite to align the reflections but a tripod, digital camera and a telephoto lens, mounted on a sturdy tripod is a good alternative, with a little imagination.

In an attempt to recreate this, I fastened a small circular flat mirror, removed from a bicycle accessory, to the back-plate of the focuser tube with double-sided sticky tape. The mirror was prepared by finding the middle and drawing a cross on the glass surface to facilitate centering. In my case, I placed the telescope on a table and aimed an APS-C camera (fitted with a telephoto zoom lens and mounted on a sturdy tripod) at the mirror. I made small adjustments to the camera so that I had a perfectly-centered reflection of the lens in the mirror at the center-mark of the viewfinder. I then removed the 2-inch adaptor and knew I was looking down the middle of the focus tube. I stretched two thin enameled-copper wires across the truss joints, holding them in place with masking tape. Using the focus ring and confirming by taking photographs at f/22, I made small changes to the secondary so I had coincident cross-hairs. I chose to alter the primary so that the reflections of the spider were aligned, on the basis of human perception of the vernier effect. In the event, I achieved reasonable alignment on the bench but with sub-optimal centering of the mirrors (fig.22). As an experiment it was interesting but relied upon the focuser tube being aligned to the secondary’s mechanical center, which in my case was not adjustable. The drawback of the original method on an amateur scope is one of scale; a minor displacement of the wire cross-hair in a small space introduces a large arbitrary optical axis angular error when its purpose is to define the optical axis to the secondary. Two other things came to mind; not everyone has an open-tube RCT and the focuser-mounted laser is a better way to define an optical axis to the center of the secondary. It was a useful exercise, however, and some of its lessons are blended into my collimation plan and echoes those parts of other techniques that align spider reflections.


fig.21 The view from the front, though a camera, showing the concentric mirror reflections and aligned spiders. This is sometimes referred to as the “hall of mirrors” test. The test is repeated for a second spider at 90°. To perform this check, sight down the telescope from a few feet away so that the spider and its reflection coincide. If the mirrors are aligned on this axis, the receding reflections of the secondary baffle will be symmetrical about the spider vane. Any small misalignment causes subsequent reflections to deviate further off center. Having confirmed it is aligned on this spider, repeat for its neighbor. It can be used to align either mirror to the other.


fig.22 This is the “theodolite” view from the back, with the fine crosshair and its reflection coincident in the secondary mirror. Here, you can see a small misalignment; although the spiders are aligned, the mirrors are not concentric. This arises due to a tiny displacement error on the crossed wires, which is more significant on a small RCT, such as this.


So how does each fare? To confirm the validity of each bench-testing technique, after optical testing I returned the collimated RCT to the bench and evaluated it with the various tests. Gratifyingly, they all confirmed collimation and did not suggest any significant “deviation”, unless the mirror had shifted laterally. This indicates the collimation setting is within the usable tolerance of each method and confirms bench testing for coarse adjustment and star testing as the fine tune. The tolerances of each method are different, however, and after doing some sensitivity analysis, working backwards from a perfectly collimated RCT, I was able to make a simple comparison, summarized in fig.36, at the end of the chapter.

Optical Testing

Optical testing completes the collimation process using CCD images. These tests detect small residual aberrations in the system, which can then be carefully tuned out with micro-tilt adjustments of the two mirrors. There are two methods to identify these aberrations, star testing with de-focused stars and using optimized diffraction masks on a near-focus star, each of which detect coma and astigmatism. Both techniques require a bright star(s) but before evaluating either process, we must examine the optimum star-testing parameters for real and artificial stars.

Artificial Stars

The universal law of stargazing applies; three months of cloud follow any significant astronomical purchase and obviously our thoughts then turn to using artificial stars for alignment. With an artificial source, the device is placed tens or hundreds of meters away and the telescope aimed at it (with mount tracking disabled). There are advantages and disadvantages of this approach:


1 The telescope is stationary, so tracking issues are eliminated.

2 Testing can be done in daytime or at night, within reason, depending on air turbulence.

3 The telescope is normally in a horizontal attitude, which challenges the mirror-support system on large aperture instruments, and may lead to unexpected results when the tube is later on.

4 A horizontal aspect is susceptible to near-ground air turbulence.

5 An artificial star needs to subtend a smaller angle than the telescope’s effective resolution.

6 The necessary small hole size (less than 0.5 mm) and long distances may be difficult to achieve in practice.

7 A starfield conveniently has many stars over the entire image, allowing simultaneous evaluation over the entire CCD image – something that is particularly useful for two-mirror systems. A single artificial star may take more time to evaluate for multiple positions.

8 Long focal length telescopes may not have sufficient focus extension to focus on a nearby artificial source and the additional focus extension may also change the focuser-tube alignment.

9 Reflecting telescope aberrations change at close focus distances and will impose a practical limit on the closest target placement. As such, an artificial source requires a little planning; its distance and size parameters are interlinked with the telescope specification and each user has to determine their own compromise.



fig.23 This commercial artificial star consists of a bright white-light LED behind a laser-cut pinhole. The pinhole is 0.1 mm diameter (100 micron) and is suitable for a range of popular RCTs, providing its distance is sufficient to create a pinhole angle that when subtended at the sensor, is less than the Airy disk radius of the telescope under test.

Alternative Artificial Star Sources

Two main sources are in common use; an illuminated pinhole and a specular reflection of a bright light source in a small spherical mirror. Commercial illuminated pinhole sources typically use a bright white LED behind a laser-cut hole. Some have an assortment of pinhole diameters from 0.05–0.25 mm, others concentrate the entire beam behind a single 0.1-mm diameter hole (fig.23). I have been making pinholes for my other passion, monochrome photography and although it is possible to carefully “drill” a piece of brass or aluminum foil, it is easier said than done to make a smooth hole of that size. Classical star testing uses a single on-axis star. That’s fine for some but only takes us so far when collimating a RCT. Multiple star positions are more convenient.

Another and perhaps more interesting idea is to bounce the Sun’s image off a reflective sphere. Ball bearings and Xmas tree decorations (of the aluminized blown-glass variety) are both popular candidates. Xmas tree baubles are useful as they come in a wide range of sizes, creating a range of apparent star sizes. They are fragile, however, and I prefer stainless-steel ball bearings. The Sun is a good light source during the day for visual assessment through an eyepiece and is usefully a consistent 0.5° wide. Its reflection in a small sphere is much smaller and its equivalent pinhole size is approximately 1/300th of the sphere’s diameter. When the Sun is close to the telescope axis and shining over your shoulder, this reduces to 1/450th. To create a 0.1 mm pinhole equivalent, requires a 30-mm diameter ball. The sun reflection is too bright for camera-based assessment, however, even with the facility to take sub 1-second exposures, a sensor is saturated by the reflection. For camera-based assessment I prefer to work at night and use a bright torch as the light source; there are fewer distractions and the illumination level supports exposures of several seconds. To ensure the effective “star” is small enough, I place the torch at a sufficient distance so its beam subtends 0.5 degrees or less. For a single star test, others use a laser to similar effect. I have, however, a practical solution in mind, in the form of a multiple ball tester that produces multiple reflections that does not require a laser.

Artificial Star Size and Distance

There are some other considerations to take into account, which we take for granted with real stars. If one considers distance first, there are two bookends; the closest focus distance that is achievable (governed by the available RCT focus extension and close-focus optical aberrations) and, at the other extreme, the furthest distance one can practically test over (determined by logistics and light intensity). Clearly, as the distance is doubled, the star’s effective angular “size” halves. This size needs to be less than the angular resolution of the RCT but not so small that there is insufficient light with which to conduct the test. Suiter suggests that the minimum distance to the artificial star should be at least 20x the telescope’s focal length to avoid optical aberrations affecting the outcome. For a multiplier of x, the focus extension is given by the equation:



In the case of a 10-inch f/8 RCT, it requires two of its four 25-mm extension rings to achieve focus at infinity onto the sensor (with minimal focuser-tube extension). Assuming we use the other 2 for the star test, we have up to 75 mm to play with. The equation above implies the artificial star can be no closer than 25x the focal length, at ~50 m (160 ft). A small grassy area with an unobstructed view for 50 m, is an ideal testing ground.

Size Is Important

The other unique aspect of an artificial star is its apparent size; the diameter of the artificial source should be no larger than the resolution of the RCT. Suiter suggests the maximum diameter of the pinhole should be set to the Airy disk radius, extended to the star’s distance, which ensures this condition is met. This can be written:



So, in the continuing example, the Airy disk radius is 5.4 microns that, when extended by 25x focal lengths, enlarges to 134 microns, slightly more than the Astrozap 100-micron diameter artificial star. Even so, when it comes to testing the CCD periphery, one has to move the telescope slightly to place the star in different positions to evaluate the balance of aberrations. This is where my novel 9-ball tester may help.

9-Ball Tester

It occurred to construct a multiple-star target, using 8 balls mounted in a circle and with a central ball. In that way, these allow simultaneous assessment of central and peripheral aberrations with ease. At 25x the focal length, and with a KAF8300 APS-C CCD, it requires the target to be a little less than 350-mm (14-inches) square. In one of those scrap-heap-challenge moments, I found a black plastic seed tray, approximately 400 mm square and mounted nine ball bearings in a 300-mm diameter circle with bathroom sealant (fig.24). This size will suit a APS-C chip user at 25x the focal distance. Other assumptions facilitate other setups; one might add more balls inside the outer circle to work with a smaller chip size and so on. At night, I use a white LED torch, with a 50-mm diameter reflector. I diffuse its flat lens with a piece of tissue paper and point it towards the balls from about 6 m (18 feet) away, to subtend 0.5°, as the Sun does. I do get some weird looks from my neighbors, but they are used to me and my mad experiments now. An alternative to this Heath-Robinson method is to make use of any calibrated telescope jog commands in your telescope driver. I use TheSkyX Pro and apply a 10 arc-minute jog setting to move a central star to the cardinal points within the image frame. Since the Paramount has very little backlash, I am able to precisely move a single star around in a repeatable manner around the frame, without resorting to analog slew methods using sustained button-presses on a handset.


fig.24 My9-ball star tester. The nice thing about this is its repeatability; there is no need to find a good patch of equally bright stars. Their placement allows one to quickly assess the balance of aberrations around the optical axis. Here the diameter of the array is about 300 mm, suitable for a APS-C sensor placed at a 25x focal-length distance.

Classical Star Testing

Star testing lays bare the optical performance of any optical system. Used properly, it can distinguish minute aberrations in an out-of-focus image that would otherwise be visually indistinguishable in the diffuse blob of an in-focus image. Used properly it is very revealing; for instance, it is easy to fear the worst and believe one has pinched optics when focused stars are irregular in shape, when in fact a de-focused image identifies it as coma, arising from misaligned mirrors.

In the case of a RCT, one prominent method consists of two cyclic events; removing coma on a central, de-focused star using primary mirror adjustments and subsequently balancing the astigmatism in the surrounding image area using small adjustments to the secondary mirror tilt. The two adjustments interact to some extent and a couple of iterations are normally required to create symmetrical aberrations. Star testing is very sensitive to any number of aberrations and is a substantial subject in its own right. The ultimate guide is the book Star Testing Astronomical Telescopes by Harold Suiter. Although RCTs are only mentioned in passing, there are many examples of other optical configurations with central obstructions, but not necessarily aligning dual, curved mirrors. The book has an excellent section on the use of artificial stars, either illuminated pinholes or reflections off shiny spheres as substitutes on a cloudy night. The prior parameters for star testing are derived from his recommendations. These involve a star test of a single star, which makes perfect sense for many optical configurations with a plane mirror or with few adjustments. In the case of the RCT, the primary mirror is often adjusted to optimize the appearance of a central star but in addition, uses multiple star positions to confirm the optical balance in the image periphery, largely determined by the secondary mirror alignment.

The following star-testing process is a slight adaptation of that suggested by Rich Simons of Deep Sky Instruments in their support documentation and uses the imaging CCD camera to confirm the results, rather than an eyepiece. In doing so, it avoids the complications of further focus extension, or the use of a diagonal, and follows the following iterative process applied after bench alignment:


1 Center a star and alter the primary mirror tilt so an outside-of-focus star is an evenly lit circular annulus (i.e. remove on-axis coma).

2 Balance the image, with small adjustments to the secondary mirror tilt, so that the aberrations in the image periphery (mostly astigmatism) are radially symmetrical.

3 (Optional) If the optimum mirror separation has not yet been established, before fine-tuning with a second iteration of 1 and 2, focus the image, plate-solve and use the image scale to calculate the effective focal length and compare with the telescope specification. At the same time, check for extreme field curvature and tilt with a program such as CCDlnspector. (Field curvature is sometimes confused for aberrations in the image corners. This can be a symptom of an incorrect mirror separation; as the mirrors become closer, the field has more spherical aberration correction). If these two test results correlate, adjust the mirror separation.

4 Repeat 1, 2 and 3 until you have an evenly lit circular annulus in the center of field, with a balanced outer field, such that any astigmatism is evenly distributed and astrometry confirms the correct focal length.

5 Give a gentle thump with the heel of your hand to the RCT back-plate, and flip the telescope, to relieve the stresses and check the collimation is still true. (If you have ever built or trued up a bicycle wheel, you bounce it to relieve the torsional stresses in the spokes.)


Just before we move on, now is the time to tape over one set of primary adjustment screws (and secondary adjusters, if there is no central bolt) to prevent mirror-separation creep.

Star Testing Parameters – De-focus

Successful star testing requires stable atmospheric conditions. The best target is a bundle of bright(ish) stars at high altitude that fill the CCD sensor, say a loose cluster, and on a night of good seeing. You need a good central star and ones around the periphery to conduct the full alignment. The star test is conducted outside of focus, in that, having focused the image, the CCD is moved outboard, or, if you employ a secondary focuser, the secondary is moved away from the primary mirror. With a large secondary obstruction, the focuser should be moved a distance of about 5–8 aberration wavelengths (n). To equate that to a stepper motor offset, requires the aperture ratio and the following equation from Suiter’s book:



where F is the focal ratio, n is the number of aberration wavelengths and X is the wavelength (assumed 550 nm). Fig.25 compares the out of focus star appearance for a range of aberration wavelength positions.

For n = 5, my f/8 RCT requires a 1.4-mm outboard movement. Its Lakeside focus motor has a step size of 3.7 µm, so evaluations take place after moving outwards by about 380 steps. Incidentally – this same equation gives an indication of the depth of focus, using n= ±0.25 wavelengths as the criteria. In the above example, the equation simplifies to:



For the RCT used in the example above, the depth of focus is about 140 µm, or about ±15 steps.


fig.25 This series shows a bright central star that is progressively de-focused. In this case, the focuser was moved outwards by 100 ticks between each image. For this 10-inch f/8 RCT, 100 ticks represents about 1.3 aberration wavelengths. The dark hole is a feature of the central obstruction of the secondary mirror and as the star energy is spread over a wider number of pixels, the overall intensity reduces. As you move further out, it is easier to see the slight on-axis coma. The ring is slightly fatter and dimmer in the lower left hand quadrant. The push adjuster nearest this position was screwed in by about 1/8th turn in this case. Typical evaluations take place for n = 5–8 aberration wavelengths.

Testing Times

It pays dividends to be patient and do star-testing when the conditions are optimum. At night, choose a high-altitude star, with the RCT pointing up, to avoid mirror shift issues and to minimize air turbulence. Use a red filter too, as long wavelengths are refracted less by the atmosphere (and hence by turbulence). For artificial stars, ground turbulence in daylight hours is best in the early morning and over grass rather than concrete. I have had success for a short time around sunset too, before night-time cooling accelerates ground turbulence.

Star-Testing Exposure Time

An optimum exposure renders the star annulus without distortion (from atmospheric seeing or tracking errors) and produces bright mid-tones, so any variations in illumination are easy to evaluate. My Paramount MX tracks well without autoguiding (PE is about 1” peak to peak) and I found exposures between 10 and 30 seconds were optimum. Over that time any effects of seeing conditions are averaged out, just as with autoguiding exposures. For exposures under a few seconds, non-ideal seeing conditions confuse the interpretation (which is easily confirmed by comparing repeated exposures). Some texts suggest to use Polaris (with an apparent magnitude 2), since it is immune to tracking issues. I find this to be too bright and, to avoid saturation, requires a 0.1-second exposure. Apart from seeing issues, not all CCDs can achieve short exposures, especially those with mechanical shutters. I suggest to accurately polar align, to avoid drift, locate a loose cluster with magnitude 5–6 stars and then one can image comfortably with 5- to 20-second exposures, without resorting to a severe screen-stretch to enhance their visibility.

Star-Testing Procedure

As outlined previously, in the case of a RCT, star testing consists of two cyclic events; removing coma on a central, de-focused star, using primary mirror adjustments and subsequently balancing the astigmatism in the surrounding image area, using small adjustments to the secondary mirror tilt. These two adjustments interact and a couple of iterations are normally sufficient to create symmetrical aberrations. For a small collimation error, it is almost impossible to distinguish between a primary or secondary misalignment and confusingly, a small adjustment in one will appear to cancel out the issues introduced by the other. Before you start, ensure your mount is aligned accurately to the Celestial Pole and choose a bright star near the Zenith. (Although the test exposures are short, poor tracking will hamper star evaluation.) Rotate your camera so that its horizontal axis is parallel to the dovetail bar (DEC axis) and focus and align the mount so the star is in the center of the image. De-focus by 5–8 aberration wavelengths by extending the focus tube. Next, establish an exposure that renders the star annulus clearly, with a mild screen stretch, and so the illumination levels are not clipped (like those in figs.25, 26). Depending on the star’s magnitude and with a clear or red filter in place, an exposure of about 10 seconds is normally about right. Evaluate the image with a screen zoom level of 100–200%.

Fine Primary Adjustment (18)

To correct on-axis coma, make tiny adjustments (typically 1/8–1/32 turn) to the primary-mirror adjusters to even the illumination and thickness of the annulus of the de-focused star. This unevenness is caused by residual coma that causes the diffractions rings to lose concentricity (fig.26). On my RCT, the three primary adjusters are in the 12, 4 and 8 o’clock position. I alter the 4 and 8 o’clock adjusters, in pairs. In that way I think of them logically as up/down and left/right controls; up/down by tightening or loosening them equally and left/right by loosening one and tightening the other in equal measure. There are other logical methods, but for me, I find thinking in an orthogonal sense is easier to relate to the CCD image.


fig.26 On the left is a central star with bad coma. Its annulus is narrower and brighter on the left and the primary mirror requires pushing on the right and pulling on the left in equal measure. The middle image is an improvement. The image on the right is cropped from the center of a full-frame image of a loose cluster, de-focused by 10 aberration wavelengths, showing good out-of-focus symmetry.


fig.27 These three figures show a balanced set of aberrations, since all of the de-focused stars are radially symmetrical around the middle of the image. Deep Sky Instruments, in their own collimation instructions for their RCTs, explain the process very well and usefully classify the elongated star shapes: A “pointy” star has its major axis pointing towards the image center and a “flat” star’s major axis is tangential. The figure on the left shows under-correction (pointy stars) which is often an indication of the mirrors being too far apart. The figure in the middle is a perfect scenario and the one on the right shows over-correction (flat stars), normally as a result of the mirror separation being too small. There is always some field curvature with an RCT and the likely outcome is mild under-correction in the corners of the image. For larger sensors, a field flattener is required. The trick with collimation is to identify the dominant ‘pointy’ stars and make secondary mirror adjustments to make them flatter, so that the degree of elongation is equal at all points in a circle, and at the same time, radially symmetrical.

To save time, the first thing one should do is to understand the relationship of the adjusters to the image, which is made easier from one session to the next if the camera angle is consistent. In my setup, with the off-axis guider port uppermost, I push the mirror on the “dim” side, to make the annulus thinner and brighter. I also follow an adjustment regime: The push- and pull-screws have different pitches, so I always use the push (grub) screw, with its finer thread, to set the primary mirror position and the coarser pull-screw to secure the mirror. This either means I back off the push-screw first and then tighten the pull screw, or in the case of pushing the mirror out, say by 1/4 turn, back off the pull-screw by half a turn, tighten the push-screw by 1/4 turn and then tighten the pull-screw to secure the mirror. This helps to achieve a consistent tension and is especially useful if you are trying to undo a prior change. Even so judging precise adjustments is tricky and if it helps, mark the wrench position with some sticky tape next for the two primary adjusters on the back-plate. A change to the primary mirror tilt shifts the star position on the sensor and, for an accurate assessment, it needs to be close to the center. Re-center the star and repeat the process until you have an evenly lit and symmetrical annulus. TheSkyX and SGP have useful center commands to accomplish that in under a minute.

Since the two mirrors interact, it is a first-order simplification to suggest that each mirror only affects either on-axis or off axis aberrations. If the bench alignment was not accurate, the primary mirror had shifted laterally or the secondary was a long way off, it is difficult to achieve circular disks in the center of the image, or they may appear almost circular but with the Poisson spot (Argo spot) off-center. A central spot is another indicator that the primary mirror is in its optimum position. It may take a few iterations of adjusting primary and secondary mirrors to converge on an optimum adjustment. (In a perfectly collimated system, you might also discern the Airy disk of a focused bright star.)

Fine Secondary Adjustment (19–20)

Once this central star looks even, it is time to move onto tuning the secondary mirror. If the primary mirror is centered on the focuser assembly, a laser alignment of the secondary is often close to optimum and needs the tiniest of adjustment to achieve a good balance of aberrations around the image center. Good balance may not necessarily result in perfectly round donuts all over; looking at fig.27, one can see, dependent upon mirror separation, that the outer stars may be rendered as oblongs, indicating astigmatism. In fact, a RCT has field curvature and the star donuts will be slightly elongated towards the corners.


fig.28 These three figures show various unbalanced aberrations, requiring secondary mirror adjustment. The image on the left shows distinct elongation (pointy stars) in the top left corner, requiring adjustment, the middle image is the same, in this case the pointy star is opposite the flat star in the bottom right, requiring a lesser adjustment to balance the aberrations in the same direction. The image on the right is almost there, with less distinct orientations requiring an even smaller adjustment.

The trick is to make this elongation radially symmetrical about the center. (This is quite difficult to judge and I found myself increasingly relying upon the hall of mirrors test to adjust the secondary to the new primary position and then confirming collimation with a star test of a loose cluster.

These final adjustments need a steady hand and preferably a T-handled Allen key or hex wrench to apply small and precise movements. (If you are concerned about dropping a wrench onto the primary mirror, why not attach it to a wrist strap?) The best seeing conditions are near the Zenith and if you do not relish the prospect of balancing on a ladder in the dark, choose the highest altitude setting that still allows you to reach the secondary adjusters with one’s feet on terra firma.

The process begins with an image of some bright stars; a loose cluster or the 9-ball tester is ideal. This image uses the same focus position used for the primary adjustment. The stars donuts will likely be a range of circles and oblongs as you scan around the image. The trick is to identify where they are most “pointy”. This term is coined by Deep Sky Instruments in their on-line RCT collimation guideline. They define pointy stars as those whose major (long) axis point towards the image center, or in cases where there are none, opposite those oblongs stars whose minor (short) axis is pointing towards the center (fig.27), which they term “flat” stars. Again, in my setup, the adjustment convention is to “pull” or loosen the secondary bolt closest to the pointy star (as viewed from the rear of the scope) but please realize your orientation may differ. Having made a tiny adjustment, re-assess a new image and continue to tune out the imbalances. If the central stars show signs of elongation, repeat the primary adjustment process and then check the image balance once more. As you approach collimation, the differences are subtle and may require several image downloads to be sure of the necessary (if any) adjustment. The example image in fig.29 is almost perfectly balanced. There are some slight asymmetries, that suggest a need to loosen the top adjuster a fraction, and tighten the other two.

Diffraction Mask Star-Testing

The most difficult aspect of classic star testing is assessing the balance of aberrations around the image periphery. The hall of mirrors test provides an excellent alternative or you can use a diffraction mask applied to a bright star. A Bahtinov mask can detect de-focus but the focus/collimation mask manufactured by GoldAstro is cleverly designed for a dual task. It has 9 groups of gratings (fig.30) orientated to provide 3-axis de-focus information that is analyzed by the accompanying software to imply focus and collimation errors in addition to their orientation. The software locates the diffraction line intersects in the CCD image and provides a numerical value for aberration in pixels (and focus) rather than a subjective assessment (fig.33). The software evaluates the geometry of these diffraction spikes and stacks successive images to reduce its susceptibility to seeing conditions and image noise. It can take several minutes to acquire enough exposures to generate a stable reading. It is a very sensitive test, however, that detects the compound errors of both mirrors and with the prescribed procedure can set both mirrors within two or three iterations. For best results, set the exposure so that it is just sufficient to saturate the core of the image (fig.31) and show bright “petals” in an un-stretched screen image. The software automatically detects the relative positions of the faint diffraction spikes which, after some image stretching, appear as fig.32. These signals are affected by seeing and image noise and I typically stack 10–15 frames to obtain an average reading. Making adjustments to either mirror affects focus but usefully, the collimation readout is largely unaffected by a small amount of de-focus.


fig.29 A full frame image of a loose cluster, after an initial star calibration. It is almost there but some of the de-focused stars are slightly elliptical and the yellow lines indicate their major axis. There is some field curvature in a RCT and one will not get perfect circular disks in the corners. Their major axes are not quite radial though, although the central stars are very close to being perfectly circular. In this case, the secondary mirror requires a miniscule downwards tilt to balance the image. A good indicator that you are getting there, seen here in the brighter stars, is the presence of a Poisson spot (or Arago spot) at the precise center of the disk.

With perfect collimation, a central star’s readout is (0,0,0) and the readouts, at three symmetrical peripheral positions, switch values and read (A,B,C), (B,A,C) and (C,B,A). Due to the slight field curvature and off-axis astigmatism of the RCT design, A = B = C = zero will not occur. The preferred collimation procedure is not something you would work out for yourself and is better than using the collimation readouts as a direct substitute for classical star testing (earlier). When one follows the instructions, it takes about an hour to achieve excellent collimation. For convenience and speed, it helps if your imaging software can both download sub-frames and has a repeatable jog command for the mount, as TheSkyX does.

In essence, the calibration process kicks off after a rough collimation from using star testing or bench methods. A bright star is focused, centered and the secondary mirror is adjusted to get close to a (0,0,0) readout. The star is then jogged to three positions, say 10 arc minutes from center, along each of the mirror adjustment axes (in my case 4, 8 and 12 o’clock positions). After more image downloads at each position, use the Gold Focus software to analyze the collimation errors at each of these positions and in particular note the 4, 8 and 12 o’clock readout for the respective positions. These (the “A” readings in fig.34) are used to calculate the next adjustment. In the case of perfect collimation, these readouts will be identical. If there is a slight collimation error, these will all have different values but their mean will be similar to the “perfect” value. The axis with the biggest error from the mean is noted, along with its error value. For example, if the 12, 4 and 8 o’clock readouts are 1, 0.5 and 0.3 respectively, the mean is 0.6 and the biggest error is +0.4 at the 12 o’clock position. The star is then slewed to the center of the image and this “error” is added to the prior central readout value (in fig.34, A = 0). This becomes the target value for the second adjustment. Running the image acquisition program again and using just one adjuster, corresponding to the offending axis, the primary mirror is moved until the readout for that axis matches the target value of +0.4. After checking the star is still central, acquire more images again and adjust the secondary mirror once more until the center readings return to (0,0,0). (A perfect result is often difficult to obtain in the presence of normal seeing conditions and I aim to get them within the range −0.2 to +0.2.) At first glance this may not seem an intuitive process but when one appreciates the interaction of optical aberrations caused by small movements in either mirror, it does have a logic. I found one iteration produced an acceptable result, while a second iteration, starting with a second analysis of peripheral star readouts and ending with a final secondary adjustment on a central star improved things further. Using this collimation setting and producing an out of focus star image, as fig.29, it was just possible to detect a small imbalance in the donut illumination when the seeing conditions were good.


fig.30 The GoldFocus focus and collimation mask, seen here fitted to the front of the RCT, is a novel variation of the Bahtinov mask principle. It requires a repeatable orientation as that creates a consistent relationship between readouts and adjustments.


fig.31 In the case of a RCT, for primary mirror adjustment, the brightest star should be placed in the middle of the image. The exposure should be sufficient to create a “daisy” with a bright center (with a few saturated pixels) and 6 petals that are not quite saturated.


fig.32 As fig.31 but with a moderate image stretch, showing the faint diffraction spikes. The dynamic range is huge and it requires several stacked exposures to minimize the effects of noise and achieve stable results, even with an exposure that potentially saturates the core.

The benefit of this technique though is that it does not require a subjective assessment of star shapes and even illumination and the end result is more robust to the presence of atmospheric seeing. For best results, start off with a reasonable collimation, good polar alignment and carry out in steady conditions. Give yourself time to orient oneself with the test and adjustments (which change with mask orientation) and make notes for next time. In that way it is much easier to recall which way to move an adjuster to change the readout value. It is also a good idea to use a reference mark or locator for the mask, so it is easy to align precisely with the three adjustment axes.

The mask has a dual-purpose as a focus aid. The GoldFocus software also acts as an accurate “Bahtinov Grabber” and outputs a pixel error that correlates directly to a focus offset in motor steps via its calibration routine. The software can also control an ASCOM focuser and this calibrated “gain” setting enables a highly accurate single-step autofocus system. In my system, it can discriminate a few focuser steps (about 1/10th of the depth of focus). The focus module would be even more useful if it included a standard set of in and out controls, improved its ASCOM focuser handling and more significantly, added backlash control (currently V4.0.0.24). I have made these suggestions to the developer and it may be updated by the time of publishing. In a system that has automatic sequenced autofocus, the introduction of a mask is a manual intrusion, unless its deployment and program can be scripted and employ a mechanical means to swing the mask in and out of place and temporarily slew to a lone bright star. Even so, in an otherwise automated imaging system, it is a useful tool if you wish to quickly and accurately assess the focus offsets for each filter or to determine the temperature / focus relationship of a RCT or any other type of telescope. GoldAstro also manufacture an alternative mask design that is optimized for even greater focus accuracy but this version does not support collimation measurements.


fig.33 The GoldFocus software in action, here the autofocus routine has completed and the collimation errors are shown in the three boxes. The three readings around the circumference give an indication of the balance of aberrations. Ideally, the secondary should be adjusted so a centrally-placed star reads zero for all values. Away from the center, these will likely be non-zero and the trick is to ensure the readings are symmetrical about the center position (A=A=A in fig.34). If you follow the comprehensive collimation instructions, with stable conditions, excellent collimation is achievable within an hour.

Image Scale and Mirror Separation (21–23)

Mirror separation is something that is often taken for granted. One authoritative text evaluated mirror separation by comparing Strehl ratios at different mirror separations. That measurement is an overall assessment and not the most critical assessment of stars in the image periphery. The distance, and hence the focal length, has a big effect on aberration on stars around the periphery. Thankfully, plate-solving not only returns the image center coordinates, but also the pixel scale, to three decimal places. If the pixel size is known too, an accurate assessment of the effective focal length is a short equation away:




fig.34 This shows what to look for when balancing aberrations with the GoldFocus system. Each of the red squares represents a GoldFocus readout as in fig.33, for each of four star positions, placed at 120° intervals (conveniently using a mount’s jog commands from a center position).

After initial star testing, I had what seemed to be poor field curvature (fig.35). The initial star test confirmed an image scale of 0.564”/pixel without binning, which with a 5.4 µm pixel size indicated a focal length of 1975 mm. The focal length increases with reduced mirror separation and the estimated separation error was about 2.5 mm too far apart. The stars in the image corners were obviously elongated along a radial axis, indicating under-correction. As mirror separation is reduced, the degree of spherical aberration correction is increased. The configuration is also very sensitive; when the mirror separation reduces by 1 mm the focal length increases by about 9 mm.

In theory one can move either mirror; but it is preferable to adjust the secondary position. (Extending the primary mirror fixing bolts makes it more vulnerable to lateral forces.) I unscrewed the secondary lock ring and baffle by about 3.5 turns and then gently tightened up the lock ring (fig.15). The flange between the lock ring and the secondary baffle facilitated an exact measurement using a Vernier caliper. After two successive adjustments, a plate-solve confirmed an image scale of 0.577”/pixel equating to a focal length of 2,000 mm (as per the optical design). This has a considerably flatter field, indicated on the right-hand image of fig.35. Remember, a RCT design has a curved field and some degree of of axis astigmatism is to be expected. My 10-inch RCT has acceptable field curvature when used with an APS-C sensor but it is advisable to use a field flattener for high quality images when imaging onto larger sensors.


fig.35 These CCDlnspector plots show the field curvature of my RCT before and after an initial alignment. A test of the image scale revealed the focal length was 1,975 mm. The image on the right shows the field curvature after the RCT was adjusted to a focal length of 2,000 mm. The image has better correction but the RC design inherently has some field curvature.


fig.36 This chapter deliberately evaluates many alternative techniques, some of which overlap on purpose. To summarize, this table outlines my experience of their practical capability and how they may potentially be combined. The popularity of affordable RCTs will encourage further developments over the years and application of current SCT collimating products to RCTs. In these pages 1 have avoided any methods that remove the secondary mirror altogether and shine a laser through the central fixing hole; it potentially voids the manufacturer’s warranty and is also too intrusive if one is only wanting to update an otherwise roughly collimated scope. Clearly one does not have to use all procedures to collimate a scope but choose a coarse (or medium) and fine adjustment process from each column. Some limitations are a function of the RCT’s mechanical tolerances. My preferred methods for collimating my RCT are highlighted with a red border. There are many more combinations that are equally valid.

Summing Up

This started off as a short chapter but it soon became considerably more complicated as my research uncovered an amazing diversity of collimation methods. To avoid the “what about method x, it always works for me” retort, mandated a broader study that compared and contrasted popular collimation methods. One size does not fit all, especially when the variation in RCT construction is taken into account. In an attempt to rationalize many different methods, fig.36 summarizes the different tools, what they are principally used for and a general indication of their robustness in the presence of realistic mechanical tolerances. I had to re-assess these ratings when I realized that the focuser-mounted laser methods rely upon the focuser and primary mirror being accurately centered: During several tests, my mirror shifted on its mounting bolts and although I achieved perfect star-test and images, the laser tests suggested otherwise. As a result I only adjust the primary mirror when the OTA is in a vertical attitude.

My assessment of star-testing accuracy assumes optimum seeing conditions too; in poor conditions, this assessment is about the same as the better bench collimation methods. In fig.36, the trick is to select a few processes (highlighted in red) that address each of the adjustments and include a high-accuracy method for the mirrors. My preferred combination of methods are highlighted with red borders. Although this chapter has concentrated on RCT collimation, with minor adaptation, it can be used to assess secondary mirror adjustments on a non-adjustable primary SCT design and additionally can highlight if an instrument has issues with its primary mirror alignment that requires an adjustment by the original manufacturer.

A cluster like the one in fig.37, or a star-field, is a perfect target to check the final collimation, as well as focus and tracking accuracy. When it is done, resist the temptation to improve further but monitor the collimation from time to time. In this case, the final outcome of this marathon undertaking can be seen in several new practical examples within First Light Assignments.


fig.37 This loose cluster is an ideal subject to verify the overall collimation of a RCT. The image processing for this was basic; exposure integration, registration, RGB combine and a touch of deconvolution before basic non-linear stretching.

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