
Where possible, index entries are grouped logically and indicate primary references.



absolute magnitude 31
aesthetics 190
collimation 115
drift alignment 106, 108
EQMOD 114, 291
Paramount MX RA Scale 380
PolarAlign app 108, 381
polar alignment 106
Polaris hour angle 113
polar scope 25, 62, 64, 97, 105, 106, 112, 113, 114, 115, 291, 292, 309, 380, 381
polar scope calibration 113
polar scope reticule 107
PoleMaster 101
angular formats 28
degrees, minutes and seconds 28
radians 32
angular resolution 28
CCD 35
system resolution 32, 35, 36
apparent visual magnitude 30
Arduino 386
artificial stars 408
ASCOM 43, 53, 121, 123, 125, 181, 386
ASCOM driver 387, 394
ASCOM hubs 391
asteroids 20
astrometry (see also plate solving) 95, 125
astronomical unit (AU) 29
Anahory, Sam 245
Carboni, Noel 227
Dunn, Lawrence 356
Gendler, Robert 308
Legault, Thierry 15
Lunar Imaging 13
Metsävainio, J-P 226, 356
Peach, Damian 14, 119
atmospheric effects 34
astronomical seeing 33
light pollution 34
transparency 34, 105, 370
visual perception 31
atmospheric refraction 45, 85, 126
autoguiding 46, 85, 150
algorithms 163, 164
autoguider 85
autoguider min, focal length 86
autoguider rate equation 422
autoguiding sequence 151
backlash 165
calibration 158
cameras 152
DEC compensation 126, 162
dither 112, 126, 141, 161, 294
error threshold 166
exposure settings 156, 163
guider optics 85, 152
guide scope 85, 111
guide scope alignment 117
hot pixels 154
Lodestar 84, 152
Min and Max Movement 162
off-axis guider 53, 84, 152
overcorrection 373
PHD2 86, 159, 302, 303
PHD2 settings 159
seeing 156
setup 160, 166
software controls 160
ST4 interface 153, 161
star mass setting 163
stiction 165
tracking error 154
Bahtinov 146
Bahtinov grabber 146
Bahtinov mask 145
Bayer array 35, 53, 76, 78, 79, 214, 233
Bayer Drizzle 288
Bayer, Johann 23
best-fit modeling 345
bibliography 420
binary stars 18
cameras (see also sensors)
ASCOM control 78
Canon EOS 75
Carl Zeiss lenses 98
Color Filter Array (CFA) 285
comparisons 79
DC power supply 74
DMK (video) 80
DSLR 285
EOS 20Da 77
EOS 60Da 77, 351
for guiding 84
Fuji X-T1 98, 351
Live View 75
Nkon D810A 58
one-shot color (OSC) 79, 233
OSC 285
planetary 119
QSI683 244, 302, 308, 310, 314, 319, 324
remote release adaptors 75
SLR 74
SLR dark noise performance 77
Starlight Xpress 78, 82, 85, 86, 117, 291, 294, 298, 302, 328, 333, 379, 380
Toucam webcam 81
webcam 80
Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) palette 238
Charles Messier 17, 19, 23, 24, 81, 420
GSC 23, 122
Henry Draper 23
Herschel 24
John Dreyer 23
NGC 23
Patrick Caldwell Moore 24
Tycho-2 23
Cepheid variables 18
CFA 285
cloud detector 96
C-mount adaptor 85
collimation 395
alternatives 418
Cheshire sight 397
diffraction mask star-testing 414
GoldFocus 416
hall of mirrors 407
Hotech laser 406
image scale and mirror separation 417
laser 397
primary adjustments 403
process 399
star testing 410
Takahashi collimating scope 397
comets 21
comfort 41
automatic login 129
interface box (electronics hub) 375
interfaces 89
Microsoft remote desktop 129
serial (RS232) 23, 48, 89, 90, 122
SkyFi 122
USB extender over Cat 5 89, 90, 292
USB propagation delays 378
USB speed 90
virtual COM port 122
WiFi 122
comparison star 342
computers computing stick 103
Intel NUC 128
Laptops 91
MacBook Pro 41
netbook, limitations 91
OSX vs. Windows 91
constellations 17
coordinate systems 26
altitude 26
azimuth 27
celestial equator 28
declination 27
ecliptic 27
equatorial coordinates 26
horizontal coordinates 26
meridian 26, 28
right ascension 27
Spring equinox 27
zenith 26
Crescent Nebula 302
critical focus zone equation 422
decibel 36
deconvolution 218, 259
Deep Sky Survey (DSS) 347
de-mosaic (DeBayer) 286
dew management 47
DewBuster 72, 377
dew-heater 47
dew-heater controller 73, 377
dew-heater tapes 73
dew shield 47, 73
PWM power module 377
dew-point 47
diagnostics 368
diagonal 71
diffraction limit equation 33
diffuse nebulae 18
distance ladders 29
double stars 18
dust spot distance 208
early astronomers 8
eclipse 21
Eddington, Arthur 21
Einstein, Albert 21, 138
electroluminescent light panel 208, 382
electronics hub 89, 375
Elephant’s trunk nebula 362
equinox 22
equipment choices 60
exit pupil equation 72
exoplanet 337
exoplanets 337
Differential Photometry 338
The Transit Method 337
The Wobble Method 338
exposure (see also image capture) 139
Binning 80
eyepieces 71
field of view equation 72
Astrodon 81
Astronomik 81
dichroic filters 81, 82
filter wheel 53, 81, 82
Hubble Palette 79
IDAS LPS-P2 76, 99, 347
IR filter 76
light pollution 53
RGB 79
sizes 82
finder scope 71
finding North 375
FITS 76, 127, 212
Flamsteed, John 23
autofocus 89, 148
automated updates 148
Bahtinov grabber 146
Bahtinov mask 75, 145
binning 143
Crayford focuser 64, 87
Feather Touch focuser 89, 291
focusing accuracy 144
FocusMax 47, 299
GoldFocus 147
half flux density (HFD) 144
half flux radius (HFR) 144
Lakeside Astro 88
manual focus aids 146
mechanisms 87
MicroTouch focus 88
motor control 48
motorized focusing 88
rack and pinion 87
Rigel Systems 88
Robofocus 88
Sequence Generator Pro 148
Shoestring Astronomy 88
temperature compensation 89, 145
V-curve 47, 144, 148
full width half max (FWHM) 32, 33, 48, 50, 51, 52, 75, 84, 372, 426
galactic coordinates 28
galaxy types 19
GEM (see mounts) 64
globular cluster 17
glossary 425
GPS 26, 43, 49, 50, 89, 97, 108, 291
grey scale displacement mapping 361
ground spikes 291, 374
Halley, Edmond 21
Herschel, John 24
Hertzsprung-Russell diagram 16
Higgs Boson 20
hot Jupiters 337
Hubble Color Palette (HCP) 238
Hubble, Edwin 18, 19
Hubble Space Telescope 18, 23, 24, 30, 31, 55, 69, 70, 79, 192, 314, 426
hysteresis (see also backlash, play) 45, 302
image calibration 139, 203
bad pixel mapping 209
Bayer Drizzle 289
bias frames 204
cosmic rays 206
dark frames 204
deBayer 287
de-mosaic 286
dust 206
dust spots 208
fixing residual defect pixels 252
flat-darks 206
flat frames 205, 207
gain normalization equation 206
image calibration 53
image examples 205
master bias and darks 250
master calibration files 205
master flats 251
Maxim DL 206
Nebulosity 207
noise improvement equation 139
overview 203
pixel rejection 257
PixInsight 208
PixInsight batch calibration 210
process diagram 204
Superbias 250
Winsorized Sigma Clipping 310
image capture
binning advantage (CCD) 143
CMOS binning 143
combining images 37
exposure 293
exposure bookends 139
exposure judgement 141
filter sequence 293
signal makeup 142
video capture 127
image file formats 127
image integration combining images 212
different image scales 211
image assessment 210
registration 211
stacking 209
image processing
3-D 356
32-bit manipulation 193
advanced masks 301
aesthetics 190, 191
alternative color palettes 245
background gradient removal 215
basic activities 193
Bayer drizzle 288
CFA workflow 289
channel mixer 242, 243
color balance 220, 221
color contrast 316
colored star fringing 235
color management 214
color palettes 242
color saturation 228
combining L with RGB 229
combining RGB and narrowband 239
comets 326
correcting elongated stars 235
cropping 215
curve adjustments 231
DDP 224
deconvolution 217, 218
deringing 218
Digital Development Processing (DDP) 213
enhancing image structures 226, 232
faint nebulosity 235
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) 219
generic workflow 200
HDR Toning 232
histogram stretch 225
Hα contrast enhancement 240
image repairs 234
Kernel filter 219
LAB color 228
layer blending modes 232
lighten blend mode 239
linear image workflow 213
luminance mask 216
luminance noise reduction 219
luminance sharpening 219
manipulation (definition) 193
masked stretching 225
masking 37, 217
narrowband 238
narrowband enhanced RGB 238
narrowband processing workflow 241
neutral background 221
noise reduction 222, 230, 274, 275
non-linear workflow 224
one-shot color (OSC) 233
Photoshop 193, 224, 232
Photoshop blending mode math 240
PixInsight 195
processing guidelines 193
proportional combine 240
PSF model 299
removing dark pixels 237
removing green pixels 222
selection 248
Selective Color tool (Photoshop) 243
sharpening 224, 231
sharpening tools 279
soft light blending mode (Photoshop) 228
software choices 193
star quality (see also diagnostics) 210
star reduction and removal 225, 317
star substitution 365
Straton 226
stretching 223, 281
superLum 334, 348
superRed 348
synthetic green 306
synthetic luminance 233
wavelet filter 220
images for publishing 214
imaging record 423
imaging resolution 35
inferior conjunction 22
Internet resources 421
invisible spider cabling 381
iPad 42, 43, 49, 50, 94, 97, 108, 381
Julian Dates 26
Jupiter 14, 19, 20, 22, 68, 105, 120, 127
Kepler space telescope 337
key events in astrophotography 10
Keyspan USB to serial 48
leg clashes 63
Leonids (meteor shower) 20
light years 29
location 39
logbook 423
Losmandy plate 62, 99
magnification equation 72
magnitude 30
main sequence 16
Mars 14, 19, 20, 22
mechanical backlash / flexure 45, 64, 82, 85, 125
Melotte 15 314
meridian 26
meridian flip 63, 112, 125, 126, 149, 211
Messier 17, 19, 23, 24, 52, 81, 420
meteorites 20
meteor showers 20
Microsoft Visual Studio 390
min. exposure equation 140
Model Maker (10Micron) 172, 173
monitor calibration 214
Moore, Sir Patrick 13, 24
mosaics 183, 346
combination and blending 188
DNA Linear Fit 349
planning 183
planning aids 184
registration 186
star canvas 186
mounts 62
10Micron 64, 291
AstroPhysics 64
AstroTrac 100
Avalon 64, 103, 166
balancing 111
belt drive systems 292
fork mount 65
Gemini 64
German equatorial 62
home position 114, 115
imbalance and backlash 112
iOptron IEQ30 100
Losmandy 64
Meade LX200 46, 64
meridian flip 303
Mesu 64
model comparisons 66
mount setup 105
mount specifications 66
Paramount 64, 291, 302
payload 44, 66
pier extension 63
RA scale 114
shaft encoders 64
SkyWatcher NEQ6 48, 292, 294
slew limits 118
Takahashi 64
wedge 65
AstroTrac 100
narrowband imaging
blending modes 240
LRGBHα 308, 319
narrowband and RGB 238
narrowband imaging 241
NarrowBandRGB 240
OIII 302
SII 302
North Celestial Pole (NCP) 25, 113
Nyquist criterion 35, 426
observatory control 179, 384, 387
power control 394
observatory flat panel 382
open cluster 17, 298
opposition 22
optical gain equation 30
optimum exposure equation 140
overall noise equation 138
Paramount polar scope 380
parsecs 29
periodic error correction 45, 157
PECPrep 155
PEMPro 157
periodic error (PE) 150
Perseids (meteor shower) 20
photosites 35, 76, 137, 138, 139, 143, 425, 427
PixInsight tools
AdaptiveContrastDrivenNoiseReduction (ACDNR) 230, 295
AnnotateImage 357
ATrousWaveletTransform (ATWT) 230, 295, 307
AutoHistogram (AH) 284
BackgroundNeutralization (BN) 220, 306
BatchPreProcessing (BPP) 296
BatchPreprocessor (BPP) 287
Bayer Drizzle 289
Blink 249
Catalog Star Generator 187, 348
changing hue (curves) 318
ChannelCombination 220, 229
ChannelExtraction 221, 323
CloneStamp 296, 317
ColorCalibration 222
ColorCombine 295
ColorSaturation 243, 244, 295, 307
CosmeticCorrection 209, 237, 253
CurvesTransformation (CT) 223, 228, 244, 284, 296, 307, 313
dark scaling 335
deconvolution 306
DefectMap 253
DNA Linear Fit 187, 349
DrizzleIntegration 211, 289
DynamicBackgroundExtraction (DBE) 215, 294, 300, 321
DynamicPSF 217, 306
ExtractorWaveletLayers 274
GradientMergeMosaic (GMM) 187, 254, 349
HDRComposition (HDRC) 310, 321
HDRMultiscaleTransform (HDRMT) 227, 231, 277, 295
HistogramTransformation (HT) 223, 281, 295, 317
ImageIntegration 315
ImageSolver 186, 357
LinearFit (LF) 219, 229, 281, 295, 306
LocalHistogramEqualization (LHE) 231, 235, 282, 300, 312, 317, 322
LRGBCombination 229, 230, 296, 312
MaskedStretch (MS) 225, 282, 300, 323
master dark calculation 296
MorphologicalTransformation (MT) 225, 235, 307
MultiscaleLinearTransform (MLT) 227, 230, 274
MultiscaleMedianTransform (MMT) 218, 225, 276, 296, 307, 313, 317
MureDenoise 273, 320
NarrowBandRGB 240
NBRGB script 246
PixelMath 217, 236, 239, 296, 305
PixInsight desktop 197
PixInsight semantics 198
PixInsight tool descriptions 201
PixInsight user interface 196
PreviewAggregator 312
ProcessContainer 363
RangeSelection 236
removing stars 317
ScreenTransferFunction (STF) 224, 229, 311
SelectiveColorNoiseReduction (SCNR) 222
SHO-AIP script 246, 364
StarAlignment 254
StarMask 218, 236, 306
structures 220
SubframeSelector 249, 310
TGVDenoise 222, 276, 296, 307, 311, 317, 322
UnsharpMask 277
Warren Keller 195
wavelet transform principles 220
planetarium 19, 20, 23, 24, 48
planetary nebulae 18
planetary targeting 119
PlateSolve2 56, 95
plate-solving (see also astrometry) 50, 125
pointing models 169
astrometry 171
atmospheric refraction 173
TheSkyX 174
TPoint 169, 170
polar drift rate equation 422
polar error equation 422
Polaris 25, 27, 381
polar scope 25
iOptron 101
PoleMaster 101, 150
polar scope reticule 380
PoleMaster 102
48-volt DC supply module 379
batteries 40, 41, 74, 75
battery life 41, 90, 91
DC power supply 292
power 39, 40, 78, 224, 377, 379, 427
powering on 110
safety checks 379
USB hubs 40
precession 25, 28, 107, 113
problem solving 368
Prolific USB to serial 48
rain detector 389
RAW files 75, 76, 95
Rayleigh Criterion equation 33
RDF 71
red dot finder 71
relative humidity 72
remote control 180
shutdown and restart 129
roll-off roof 384
Rosse, Earl of 294
RS232 (see also communications) 23, 48, 90, 122
safety 40
earth leakage current breaker 40
mains power 40
satellites 20
Hipparcos 29
Scagell, Robin 60
scripting 177, 180
ADC 36
advantages of CCDs 77
binning and pixel SNR 143
bit depth 36
CCD 51, 74, 75
CCD alignment jig 379
CCD cooling 78
CCD interface 78
CCD parameters 78
CCD resolution equation 35
CMOS 74, 75
dynamic range 36, 37, 232
full well capacity 36
Ha sensitivity 52
improving dynamic range 37
Kodak KAF8300 208, 291, 294, 298, 302, 308, 314, 319, 324, 328, 333
Lodestar 84, 291
minimum exposure 139
noise 137
noise equation 140
Peltier cooler 80
pixel size 52
QSI cameras 291
read noise 37, 139
read noise and dynamic range 36
read noise density 422
sensitivity 52
sensor noise 52
shot noise 138
size 51, 81
Sony ICX694AL 291
thermal noise 52, 77
sequencing and automation 177, 384
ACP 177
CCDAutopilot 178
CCDCommander 179
MaxPilote 180
Sequence Generator Pro 179
signal to noise ratio (SNR) 37, 141, 143, 156, 239, 240, 311, 371, 372
software 43, 48
32-bit or 64-bit OS? 122
ACP (automation) 96
APT 146
ASCOM 49, 91, 123
ASCOM hubs 391
ASCOM Web 59
AstroArt 97, 193
AstroPlanner 42, 92, 94, 126, 302
AstroTortilla plate-solve 95
autoguiding setup 126
BackyardEOS 56
BackyardNikon 56
C# 388
CCDAutoPilot (automation) 96
CCDInspector 83, 314
Connectify 134
control and acquisition 95
debugging and compiling 393
Elbrus (plate solving) 95
EQMOD (EQ mount interface) 49, 94
Equinox Pro (OSX planetarium) 292
FITSLiberator 126
FocusMax (autofocus) 43, 47, 94, 95, 123, 144
Fusion 8 357
GIMP (processing) 193, 223
Good Night System 96
GradientXTerminator 216
image processing 97
Inno Setup 393
installation 121
inter-connectivity 123
Maxim DL (acquisition and processing) 91, 160, 193, 292
MaxPoint (model making) 292
meridian flips 125
Nebulosity (acquisition and processing) 95, 193, 215, 221, 231
PHD2 (guiding) 309
Photoshop 50, 91, 97, 122, 223, 231
PinPoint (plate-solving) 122
PixInsight (image processing) 97
planetariums 94
plate-solving (see also PinPoint, astrometry) 124
Registax (video processing) 93, 421
Scope Nights (weather) 34
scripting 96
Sequence Generator Pro (acquisition) 125
setup data 124
SkySafari (planetarium) 41
Skytools (planning) 94
Starry Night Pro (planetarium) 94, 292
TeamViewer (remote control) 90
TheSkyX (planetarium and acquisition) 50, 91, 95, 126, 148, 157, 158
TPoint (model making) 292
utilities 97
Visual Studio 390
Winclone (windows clone in OSX) 121
X2 driver (for TheSkyX) 91
solar system 19
solstices 22
star naming systems 17
stars (definition) 16
startup sequence 43
sequencing 293
structured problem solving (8D) 368
Suiter, Harold 395
superior planets 19
supernova 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 24, 29, 31, 50, 95
supernova remnants 18
levelling 105
paving slabs 374
pier 65
pillar extension 44, 119
stability 44
tripod alignment 105
tripods 44, 65
wedge 64
system choice 61
T-adaptor (also T2 and T-thread adaptor) 54, 80
telescopes (optics) 54
achromatic refractor 67
alignment 115
apochromatic refractors 31, 54, 66, 67, 83
assembly and couplings 109
astrograph 68, 84, 314
Barlow lens 80
Celestron 69
cleanliness 50
collimation 117
diffraction performance 34, 35
field curvature 373
field-flattener 44, 54, 74, 83
folded telescope designs 69
Harmer Wynne 70
Maksutov Cassegrain 69, 70
Maksutov Newtonian 67
Meade 69, 291
Newtonian 35, 66
off-axis pickup 110
RCT 70, 395
reducing field-flattener 83, 308
refractors 68
Ricardi Honders 70
Ritchey Chretien 55, 69
Schmidt Cassegrain 35, 55, 69, 70
Schmidt Newtonian 67
sensor alignment 117
sensor spacing 83, 84
system resolution 35
T2 shims 118
time systems
atomic time 26
Barycentric (Heliocentric) time 26
Coordinated Universal Time 25
epoch 26
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) 25
J2000 (epoch) 26
JNow (epoch) 26
Julian Dates 26
local sidereal time (LST) 26
local time (LT) 25, 27
universal time (UT) 25
Zulu time (GMT) 25
tonal resolution 75
bearing preload 164
DEC backlash 373
oscillation 373
periodic error 45, 114, 126
periodic error correction (PEC) 157, 158
periodic error (PE) rate of change 46
ProTrack 169, 176
system instability 373
tracking model 169, 176
transit curve 339
transits 22
USB extender over CAT5 128
USB hubs 128, 378, 379
variable stars 18
visibility 31
Visual Micro 390
Vixen plate 62
weather forecasting 39, 42, 422 57
webcam 120
X2 387
XISF 57, 285
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