Organization of the Book

We assume that you have programmed in one or more other languages, whether compiled like C, C++, and Java, or interpreted like Python, Ruby, and JavaScript, so we won’t spell out everything as if for a total beginner. Surface syntax will be familiar, as will variables and constants, expressions, control flow, and functions.

Chapter 1 is a tutorial on the basic constructs of Go, introduced through a dozen programs for everyday tasks like reading and writing files, formatting text, creating images, and communicating with Internet clients and servers.

Chapter 2 describes the structural elements of a Go program—declarations, variables, new types, packages and files, and scope. Chapter 3 discusses numbers, booleans, strings, and constants, and explains how to process Unicode. Chapter 4 describes composite types, that is, types built up from simpler ones using arrays, maps, structs, and slices, Go’s approach to dynamic lists. Chapter 5 covers functions and discusses error handling, panic and recover, and the defer statement.

Chapters 1 through 5 are thus the basics, things that are part of any mainstream imperative language. Go’s syntax and style sometimes differ from other languages, but most programmers will pick them up quickly. The remaining chapters focus on topics where Go’s approach is less conventional: methods, interfaces, concurrency, packages, testing, and reflection.

Go has an unusual approach to object-oriented programming. There are no class hierarchies, or indeed any classes; complex object behaviors are created from simpler ones by composition, not inheritance. Methods may be associated with any user-defined type, not just structures, and the relationship between concrete types and abstract types (interfaces) is implicit, so a concrete type may satisfy an interface that the type’s designer was unaware of. Methods are covered in Chapter 6 and interfaces in Chapter 7.

Chapter 8 presents Go’s approach to concurrency, which is based on the idea of communicating sequential processes (CSP), embodied by goroutines and channels. Chapter 9 explains the more traditional aspects of concurrency based on shared variables.

Chapter 10 describes packages, the mechanism for organizing libraries. This chapter also shows how to make effective use of the go tool, which provides for compilation, testing, benchmarking, program formatting, documentation, and many other tasks, all within a single command.

Chapter 11 deals with testing, where Go takes a notably lightweight approach, avoiding abstraction-laden frameworks in favor of simple libraries and tools. The testing libraries provide a foundation atop which more complex abstractions can be built if necessary.

Chapter 12 discusses reflection, the ability of a program to examine its own representation during execution. Reflection is a powerful tool, though one to be used carefully; this chapter explains finding the right balance by showing how it is used to implement some important Go libraries. Chapter 13 explains the gory details of low-level programming that uses the unsafe package to step around Go’s type system, and when that is appropriate.

Each chapter has a number of exercises that you can use to test your understanding of Go, and to explore extensions and alternatives to the examples from the book.

All but the most trivial code examples in the book are available for download from the public Git repository at Each example is identified by its package import path and may be conveniently fetched, built, and installed using the go get command. You’ll need to choose a directory to be your Go workspace and set the GOPATH environment variable to point to it. The go tool will create the directory if necessary. For example:

$ export GOPATH=$HOME/gobook            # choose workspace directory
$ go get         # fetch, build, install
$ $GOPATH/bin/helloworld                # run
Hello, Image

To run the examples, you will need at least version 1.5 of Go.

$ go version
go version go1.5 linux/amd64

Follow the instructions at if the go tool on your computer is older or missing.

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