12.7 Accessing Struct Field Tags

In Section 4.5 we used struct field tags to modify the JSON encoding of Go struct values. The json field tag lets us choose alternative field names and suppress the output of empty fields. In this section, we’ll see how to access field tags using reflection.

In a web server, the first thing most HTTP handler functions do is extract the request parameters into local variables. We’ll define a utility function, params.Unpack, that uses struct field tags to make writing HTTP handlers (§7.7) more convenient.

First, we’ll show how it’s used. The search function below is an HTTP handler. It defines a variable called data of an anonymous struct type whose fields correspond to the HTTP request parameters. The struct’s field tags specify the parameter names, which are often short and cryptic since space is precious in a URL. The Unpack function populates the struct from the request so that the parameters can be accessed conveniently and with an appropriate type.

import "gopl.io/ch12/params"

// search implements the /search URL endpoint.
func search(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
    var data struct {
        Labels     []string `http:"l"`
        MaxResults int      `http:"max"`
        Exact      bool     `http:"x"`
    data.MaxResults = 10 // set default
    if err := params.Unpack(req, &data); err != nil {
        http.Error(resp, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) // 400

    // ...rest of handler...
    fmt.Fprintf(resp, "Search: %+v
", data)

The Unpack function below does three things. First, it calls req.ParseForm() to parse the request. Thereafter, req.Form contains all the parameters, regardless of whether the HTTP client used the GET or the POST request method.

Next, Unpack builds a mapping from the effective name of each field to the variable for that field. The effective name may differ from the actual name if the field has a tag. The Field method of reflect.Type returns a reflect.StructField that provides information about the type of each field such as its name, type, and optional tag. The Tag field is a reflect.StructTag, which is a string type that provides a Get method to parse and extract the substring for a particular key, such as http:"..." in this case.

// Unpack populates the fields of the struct pointed to by ptr
// from the HTTP request parameters in req.
func Unpack(req *http.Request, ptr interface{}) error {
    if err := req.ParseForm(); err != nil {
        return err

    // Build map of fields keyed by effective name.
    fields := make(map[string]reflect.Value)
    v := reflect.ValueOf(ptr).Elem() // the struct variable
    for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
        fieldInfo := v.Type().Field(i) // a reflect.StructField
        tag := fieldInfo.Tag           // a reflect.StructTag
        name := tag.Get("http")
        if name == "" {
            name = strings.ToLower(fieldInfo.Name)
        fields[name] = v.Field(i)

    // Update struct field for each parameter in the request.
    for name, values := range req.Form {
        f := fields[name]
        if !f.IsValid() {
            continue // ignore unrecognized HTTP parameters
        for _, value := range values {
            if f.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
                elem := reflect.New(f.Type().Elem()).Elem()
                if err := populate(elem, value); err != nil {
                    return fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", name, err)
                f.Set(reflect.Append(f, elem))
            } else {
                if err := populate(f, value); err != nil {
                    return fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", name, err)
    return nil

Finally, Unpack iterates over the name/value pairs of the HTTP parameters and updates the corresponding struct fields. Recall that the same parameter name may appear more than once. If this happens, and the field is a slice, then all the values of that parameter are accumulated into the slice. Otherwise, the field is repeatedly overwritten so that only the last value has any effect.

The populate function takes care of setting a single field v (or a single element of a slice field) from a parameter value. For now, it supports only strings, signed integers, and booleans. Supporting other types is left as an exercise.

func populate(v reflect.Value, value string) error {
    switch v.Kind() {
    case reflect.String:

    case reflect.Int:
        i, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 64)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    case reflect.Bool:
        b, err := strconv.ParseBool(value)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        return fmt.Errorf("unsupported kind %s", v.Type())
    return nil

If we add the server handler to a web server, this might be a typical session:

$ go build gopl.io/ch12/search
$ ./search &
$ ./fetch 'http://localhost:12345/search'
Search: {Labels:[] MaxResults:10 Exact:false}
$ ./fetch 'http://localhost:12345/search?l=golang&l=programming'
Search: {Labels:[golang programming] MaxResults:10 Exact:false}
$ ./fetch 'http://localhost:12345/search?l=golang&l=programming&max=100'
Search: {Labels:[golang programming] MaxResults:100 Exact:false}
$ ./fetch 'http://localhost:12345/search?x=true&l=golang&l=programming'
Search: {Labels:[golang programming] MaxResults:10 Exact:true}
$ ./fetch 'http://localhost:12345/search?q=hello&x=123'
x: strconv.ParseBool: parsing "123": invalid syntax
$ ./fetch 'http://localhost:12345/search?q=hello&max=lots'
max: strconv.ParseInt: parsing "lots": invalid syntax

Exercise 12.11: Write the corresponding Pack function. Given a struct value, Pack should return a URL incorporating the parameter values from the struct.

Exercise 12.12: Extend the field tag notation to express parameter validity requirements. For example, a string might need to be a valid email address or credit-card number, and an integer might need to be a valid US ZIP code. Modify Unpack to check these requirements.

Exercise 12.13: Modify the S-expression encoder (§12.4) and decoder (§12.6) so that they honor the sexpr:"..." field tag in a similar manner to encoding/json (§4.5).

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