
Rob Pike and Russ Cox, core members of the Go team, read the manuscript several times with great care; their comments on everything from word choice to overall structure and organization have been invaluable. While preparing the Japanese translation, Yoshiki Shibata went far beyond the call of duty; his meticulous eye spotted numerous inconsistencies in the English text and errors in the code. We greatly appreciate thorough reviews and critical comments on the entire manuscript from Brian Goetz, Corey Kosak, Arnold Robbins, Josh Bleecher Snyder, and Peter Weinberger.

We are indebted to Sameer Ajmani, Ittai Balaban, David Crawshaw, Billy Donohue, Jonathan Feinberg, Andrew Gerrand, Robert Griesemer, John Linderman, Minux Ma, Bryan Mills, Bala Natarajan, Cosmos Nicolaou, Paul Staniforth, Nigel Tao, and Howard Trickey for many helpful suggestions. We also thank David Brailsford and Raph Levien for typesetting advice, and Chris Loper for explaining many mysteries of e-book production.

Our editor Greg Doench at Addison-Wesley got the ball rolling originally and has been continuously helpful ever since. The AW production team—John Fuller, Dayna Isley, Julie Nahil, Chuti Prasertsith, and Barbara Wood—has been outstanding; authors could not hope for better support.

Alan Donovan wishes to thank: Sameer Ajmani, Chris Demetriou, Walt Drummond, and Reid Tatge at Google for allowing him time to write; Stephen Donovan, for his advice and timely encouragement; and above all, his wife Leila Kazemi, for her unhesitating enthusiasm and unwavering support for this project, despite the long hours of distraction and absenteeism from family life that it entailed.

Brian Kernighan is deeply grateful to friends and colleagues for their patience and forbearance as he moved slowly along the path to understanding, and especially to his wife Meg, who has been unfailingly supportive of book-writing and so much else.

New York
October 2015

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