11.5 Profiling

Benchmarks are useful for measuring the performance of specific operations, but when we’re trying to make a slow program faster, we often have no idea where to begin. Every programmer knows Donald Knuth’s aphorism about premature optimization, which appeared in “Structured Programming with go to Statements” in 1974. Although often misinterpreted to mean performance doesn’t matter, in its original context we can discern a different meaning:

There is no doubt that the grail of efficiency leads to abuse. Programmers waste enormous amounts of time thinking about, or worrying about, the speed of noncritical parts of their programs, and these attempts at efficiency actually have a strong negative impact when debugging and maintenance are considered. We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil.
Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%. A good programmer will not be lulled into complacency by such reasoning, he will be wise to look carefully at the critical code; but only after that code has been identified. It is often a mistake to make a priori judgments about what parts of a program are really critical, since the universal experience of programmers who have been using measurement tools has been that their intuitive guesses fail.

When we wish to look carefully at the speed of our programs, the best technique for identifying the critical code is profiling. Profiling is an automated approach to performance measurement based on sampling a number of profile events during execution, then extrapolating from them during a post-processing step; the resulting statistical summary is called a profile.

Go supports many kinds of profiling, each concerned with a different aspect of performance, but all of them involve recording a sequence of events of interest, each of which has an accompanying stack trace—the stack of function calls active at the moment of the event. The go test tool has built-in support for several kinds of profiling.

A CPU profile identifies the functions whose execution requires the most CPU time. The currently running thread on each CPU is interrupted periodically by the operating system every few milliseconds, with each interruption recording one profile event before normal execution resumes.

A heap profile identifies the statements responsible for allocating the most memory. The profiling library samples calls to the internal memory allocation routines so that on average, one profile event is recorded per 512KB of allocated memory.

A blocking profile identifies the operations responsible for blocking goroutines the longest, such as system calls, channel sends and receives, and acquisitions of locks. The profiling library records an event every time a goroutine is blocked by one of these operations.

Gathering a profile for code under test is as easy as enabling one of the flags below. Be careful when using more than one flag at a time, however: the machinery for gathering one kind of profile may skew the results of others.

$ go test -cpuprofile=cpu.out
$ go test -blockprofile=block.out
$ go test -memprofile=mem.out

It’s easy to add profiling support to non-test programs too, though the details of how we do that vary between short-lived command-line tools and long-running server applications. Profiling is especially useful in long-running applications, so the Go runtime’s profiling features can be enabled under programmer control using the runtime API.

Once we’ve gathered a profile, we need to analyze it using the pprof tool. This is a standard part of the Go distribution, but since it’s not an everyday tool, it’s accessed indirectly using go tool pprof. It has dozens of features and options, but basic use requires only two arguments, the executable that produced the profile and the profile log.

To make profiling efficient and to save space, the log does not include function names; instead, functions are identified by their addresses. This means that pprof needs the executable in order to make sense of the log. Although go test usually discards the test executable once the test is complete, when profiling is enabled it saves the executable as foo.test, where foo is the name of the tested package.

The commands below show how to gather and display a simple CPU profile. We’ve selected one of the benchmarks from the net/http package. It is usually better to profile specific benchmarks that have been constructed to be representative of workloads one cares about. Benchmarking test cases is almost never representative, which is why we disabled them by using the filter -run=NONE.

$ go test -run=NONE -bench=ClientServerParallelTLS64 
    -cpuprofile=cpu.log net/http
BenchmarkClientServerParallelTLS64-8  1000
   3141325 ns/op  143010 B/op  1747 allocs/op
ok      net/http       3.395s

$ go tool pprof -text -nodecount=10 ./http.test cpu.log
2570ms of 3590ms total (71.59%)
Dropped 129 nodes (cum <= 17.95ms)
Showing top 10 nodes out of 166 (cum >= 60ms)
    flat  flat%   sum%     cum   cum%
  1730ms 48.19% 48.19%  1750ms 48.75%  crypto/elliptic.p256ReduceDegree
   230ms  6.41% 54.60%   250ms  6.96%  crypto/elliptic.p256Diff
   120ms  3.34% 57.94%   120ms  3.34%  math/big.addMulVVW
   110ms  3.06% 61.00%   110ms  3.06%  syscall.Syscall
    90ms  2.51% 63.51%  1130ms 31.48%  crypto/elliptic.p256Square
    70ms  1.95% 65.46%   120ms  3.34%  runtime.scanobject
    60ms  1.67% 67.13%   830ms 23.12%  crypto/elliptic.p256Mul
    60ms  1.67% 68.80%   190ms  5.29%  math/big.nat.montgomery
    50ms  1.39% 70.19%    50ms  1.39%  crypto/elliptic.p256ReduceCarry
    50ms  1.39% 71.59%    60ms  1.67%  crypto/elliptic.p256Sum

The -text flag specifies the output format, in this case, a textual table with one row per function, sorted so the “hottest” functions—those that consume the most CPU cycles—appear first. The -nodecount=10 flag limits the result to 10 rows. For gross performance problems, this textual format may be enough to pinpoint the cause.

This profile tells us that elliptic-curve cryptography is important to the performance of this particular HTTPS benchmark. By contrast, if a profile is dominated by memory allocation functions from the runtime package, reducing memory consumption may be a worthwhile optimization.

For more subtle problems, you may be better off using one of pprof’s graphical displays. These require GraphViz, which can be downloaded from www.graphviz.org. The -web flag then renders a directed graph of the functions of the program, annotated by their CPU profile numbers and colored to indicate the hottest functions.

We’ve only scratched the surface of Go’s profiling tools here. To find out more, read the “Profiling Go Programs” article on the Go Blog.

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