12.3 Display, a Recursive Value Printer

Next we’ll take a look at how to improve the display of composite types. Rather than try to copy fmt.Sprint exactly, we’ll build a debugging utility function called Display that, given an arbitrarily complex value x, prints the complete structure of that value, labeling each element with the path by which it was found. Let’s start with an example.

e, _ := eval.Parse("sqrt(A / pi)")
Display("e", e)

In the call above, the argument to Display is a syntax tree from the expression evaluator in Section 7.9. The output of Display is shown below:

Display e (eval.call):
e.fn = "sqrt"
e.args[0].type = eval.binary
e.args[0].value.op = 47
e.args[0].value.x.type = eval.Var
e.args[0].value.x.value = "A"
e.args[0].value.y.type = eval.Var
e.args[0].value.y.value = "pi"

Where possible, you should avoid exposing reflection in the API of a package. We’ll define an unexported function display to do the real work of the recursion, and export Display, a simple wrapper around it that accepts an interface{} parameter:

func Display(name string, x interface{}) {
    fmt.Printf("Display %s (%T):
", name, x)
    display(name, reflect.ValueOf(x))

In display, we’ll use the formatAtom function we defined earlier to print elementary values—basic types, functions, and channels—but we’ll use the methods of reflect.Value to recursively display each component of a more complex type. As the recursion descends, the path string, which initially describes the starting value (for instance, "e"), will be augmented to indicate how we reached the current value (for instance, "e.args[0].value").

Since we’re no longer pretending to implement fmt.Sprint, we will use the fmt package to keep our example short.

func display(path string, v reflect.Value) {
    switch v.Kind() {
    case reflect.Invalid:
        fmt.Printf("%s = invalid
", path)
    case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
        for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
            display(fmt.Sprintf("%s[%d]", path, i), v.Index(i))
    case reflect.Struct:
        for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
            fieldPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", path, v.Type().Field(i).Name)
            display(fieldPath, v.Field(i))
    case reflect.Map:
        for _, key := range v.MapKeys() {
            display(fmt.Sprintf("%s[%s]", path,
                formatAtom(key)), v.MapIndex(key))
    case reflect.Ptr:
        if v.IsNil() {
            fmt.Printf("%s = nil
", path)
        } else {
            display(fmt.Sprintf("(*%s)", path), v.Elem())
    case reflect.Interface:
        if v.IsNil() {
            fmt.Printf("%s = nil
", path)
        } else {
            fmt.Printf("%s.type = %s
", path, v.Elem().Type())
            display(path+".value", v.Elem())
    default: // basic types, channels, funcs
        fmt.Printf("%s = %s
", path, formatAtom(v))

Let’s discuss the cases in order.

Slices and arrays: The logic is the same for both. The Len method returns the number of elements of a slice or array value, and Index(i) retrieves the element at index i, also as a reflect.Value; it panics if i is out of bounds. These are analogous to the built-in len(a) and a[i] operations on sequences. The display function recursively invokes itself on each element of the sequence, appending the subscript notation "[i]" to the path.

Although reflect.Value has many methods, only a few are safe to call on any given value. For example, the Index method may be called on values of kind Slice, Array, or String, but panics for any other kind.

Structs: The NumField method reports the number of fields in the struct, and Field(i) returns the value of the i-th field as a reflect.Value. The list of fields includes ones promoted from anonymous fields. To append the field selector notation ".f" to the path, we must obtain the reflect.Type of the struct and access the name of its i-th field.

Maps: The MapKeys method returns a slice of reflect.Values, one per map key. As usual when iterating over a map, the order is undefined. MapIndex(key) returns the value corresponding to key. We append the subscript notation "[key]" to the path. (We’re cutting a corner here. The type of a map key isn’t restricted to the types formatAtom handles best; arrays, structs, and interfaces can also be valid map keys. Extending this case to print the key in full is Exercise 12.1.)

Pointers: The Elem method returns the variable pointed to by a pointer, again as a reflect.Value. This operation would be safe even if the pointer value is nil, in which case the result would have kind Invalid, but we use IsNil to detect nil pointers explicitly so we can print a more appropriate message. We prefix the path with a "*" and parenthesize it to avoid ambiguity.

Interfaces: Again, we use IsNil to test whether the interface is nil, and if not, we retrieve its dynamic value using v.Elem() and print its type and value.

Now that our Display function is complete, let’s put it to work. The Movie type below is a slight variation on the one in Section 4.5:

type Movie struct {
    Title, Subtitle string
    Year            int
    Color           bool
    Actor           map[string]string
    Oscars          []string
    Sequel          *string

Let’s declare a value of this type and see what Display does with it:

strangelove := Movie{
    Title:    "Dr. Strangelove",
    Subtitle: "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb",
    Year:     1964,
    Color:    false,
    Actor: map[string]string{
        "Dr. Strangelove":            "Peter Sellers",
        "Grp. Capt. Lionel Mandrake": "Peter Sellers",
        "Pres. Merkin Muffley":       "Peter Sellers",
        "Gen. Buck Turgidson":        "George C. Scott",
        "Brig. Gen. Jack D. Ripper":  "Sterling Hayden",
        `Maj. T.J. "King" Kong`:      "Slim Pickens",

    Oscars: []string{
        "Best Actor (Nomin.)",
        "Best Adapted Screenplay (Nomin.)",
        "Best Director (Nomin.)",
        "Best Picture (Nomin.)",

The call Display("strangelove", strangelove) prints:

Display strangelove (display.Movie):
strangelove.Title = "Dr. Strangelove"
strangelove.Subtitle = "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb"
strangelove.Year = 1964
strangelove.Color = false
strangelove.Actor["Gen. Buck Turgidson"] = "George C. Scott"
strangelove.Actor["Brig. Gen. Jack D. Ripper"] = "Sterling Hayden"
strangelove.Actor["Maj. T.J. "King" Kong"] = "Slim Pickens"
strangelove.Actor["Dr. Strangelove"] = "Peter Sellers"
strangelove.Actor["Grp. Capt. Lionel Mandrake"] = "Peter Sellers"
strangelove.Actor["Pres. Merkin Muffley"] = "Peter Sellers"
strangelove.Oscars[0] = "Best Actor (Nomin.)"
strangelove.Oscars[1] = "Best Adapted Screenplay (Nomin.)"
strangelove.Oscars[2] = "Best Director (Nomin.)"
strangelove.Oscars[3] = "Best Picture (Nomin.)"
strangelove.Sequel = nil

We can use Display to display the internals of library types, such as *os.File:

Display("os.Stderr", os.Stderr)
// Output:
// Display os.Stderr (*os.File):
// (*(*os.Stderr).file).fd = 2
// (*(*os.Stderr).file).name = "/dev/stderr"
// (*(*os.Stderr).file).nepipe = 0

Notice that even unexported fields are visible to reflection. Beware that the particular output of this example may vary across platforms and may change over time as libraries evolve. (Those fields are private for a reason!) We can even apply Display to a reflect.Value and watch it traverse the internal representation of the type descriptor for *os.File. The output of the call Display("rV", reflect.ValueOf(os.Stderr)) is shown below, though of course your mileage may vary:

Display rV (reflect.Value):
(*rV.typ).size = 8
(*rV.typ).hash = 871609668
(*rV.typ).align = 8
(*rV.typ).fieldAlign = 8
(*rV.typ).kind = 22
(*(*rV.typ).string) = "*os.File"
(*(*(*rV.typ).uncommonType).methods[0].name) = "Chdir"
(*(*(*(*rV.typ).uncommonType).methods[0].mtyp).string) = "func() error"
(*(*(*(*rV.typ).uncommonType).methods[0].typ).string) = "func(*os.File) error"

Observe the difference between these two examples:

var i interface{} = 3

Display("i", i)
// Output:
// Display i (int):
// i = 3

Display("&i", &i)
// Output:
// Display &i (*interface {}):
// (*&i).type = int
// (*&i).value = 3

In the first example, Display calls reflect.ValueOf(i), which returns a value of kind Int. As we mentioned in Section 12.2, reflect.ValueOf always returns a Value of a concrete type since it extracts the contents of an interface value.

In the second example, Display calls reflect.ValueOf(&i), which returns a pointer to i, of kind Ptr. The switch case for Ptr calls Elem on this value, which returns a Value representing the variable i itself, of kind Interface. A Value obtained indirectly, like this one, may represent any value at all, including interfaces. The display function calls itself recursively and this time, it prints separate components for the interface’s dynamic type and value.

As currently implemented, Display will never terminate if it encounters a cycle in the object graph, such as this linked list that eats its own tail:

// a struct that points to itself
type Cycle struct{ Value int; Tail *Cycle }
var c Cycle
c = Cycle{42, &c}
Display("c", c)

Display prints this ever-growing expansion:

Display c (display.Cycle):
c.Value = 42
(*c.Tail).Value = 42
(*(*c.Tail).Tail).Value = 42
(*(*(*c.Tail).Tail).Tail).Value = 42
...ad infinitum...

Many Go programs contain at least some cyclic data. Making Display robust against such cycles is tricky, requiring additional bookkeeping to record the set of references that have been followed so far; it is costly too. A general solution requires unsafe language features, as we will see in Section 13.3.

Cycles pose less of a problem for fmt.Sprint because it rarely tries to print the complete structure. For example, when it encounters a pointer, it breaks the recursion by printing the pointer’s numeric value. It can get stuck trying to print a slice or map that contains itself as an element, but such rare cases do not warrant the considerable extra trouble of handling cycles.

Exercise 12.1: Extend Display so that it can display maps whose keys are structs or arrays.

Exercise 12.2: Make display safe to use on cyclic data structures by bounding the number of steps it takes before abandoning the recursion. (In Section 13.3, we’ll see another way to detect cycles.)

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