7.9 Example: Expression Evaluator

In this section, we’ll build an evaluator for simple arithmetic expressions. We’ll use an interface, Expr, to represent any expression in this language. For now, this interface needs no methods, but we’ll add some later.

// An Expr is an arithmetic expression.
type Expr interface{}

Our expression language consists of floating-point literals; the binary operators +, -, *, and /; the unary operators -x and +x; function calls pow(x,y), sin(x), and sqrt(x); variables such as x and pi; and of course parentheses and standard operator precedence. All values are of type float64. Here are some example expressions:

sqrt(A / pi)
pow(x, 3) + pow(y, 3)
(F - 32) * 5 / 9

The five concrete types below represent particular kinds of expression. A Var represents a reference to a variable. (We’ll soon see why it is exported.) A literal represents a floating-point constant. The unary and binary types represent operator expressions with one or two operands, which can be any kind of Expr. A call represents a function call; we’ll restrict its fn field to pow, sin, or sqrt.

// A Var identifies a variable, e.g., x.
type Var string

// A literal is a numeric constant, e.g., 3.141.
type literal float64

// A unary represents a unary operator expression, e.g., -x.
type unary struct {
    op rune // one of '+', '-'
    x  Expr

// A binary represents a binary operator expression, e.g., x+y.
type binary struct {
    op   rune // one of '+', '-', '*', '/'
    x, y Expr

// A call represents a function call expression, e.g., sin(x).
type call struct {
    fn   string // one of "pow", "sin", "sqrt"
    args []Expr

To evaluate an expression containing variables, we’ll need an environment that maps variable names to values:

type Env map[Var]float64

We’ll also need each kind of expression to define an Eval method that returns the expression’s value in a given environment. Since every expression must provide this method, we add it to the Expr interface. The package exports only the types Expr, Env, and Var; clients can use the evaluator without access to the other expression types.

type Expr interface {
    // Eval returns the value of this Expr in the environment env.
    Eval(env Env) float64

The concrete Eval methods are shown below. The method for Var performs an environment lookup, which returns zero if the variable is not defined, and the method for literal simply returns the literal value.

func (v Var) Eval(env Env) float64 {
    return env[v]

func (l literal) Eval(_ Env) float64 {
    return float64(l)

The Eval methods for unary and binary recursively evaluate their operands, then apply the operation op to them. We don’t consider divisions by zero or infinity to be errors, since they produce a result, albeit non-finite. Finally, the method for call evaluates the arguments to the pow, sin, or sqrt function, then calls the corresponding function in the math package.

func (u unary) Eval(env Env) float64 {
    switch u.op {
    case '+':
        return +u.x.Eval(env)
    case '-':
        return -u.x.Eval(env)
    panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported unary operator: %q", u.op))

func (b binary) Eval(env Env) float64 {
    switch b.op {
    case '+':
        return b.x.Eval(env) + b.y.Eval(env)
    case '-':
        return b.x.Eval(env) - b.y.Eval(env)
    case '*':
        return b.x.Eval(env) * b.y.Eval(env)
    case '/':
        return b.x.Eval(env) / b.y.Eval(env)
    panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported binary operator: %q", b.op))

func (c call) Eval(env Env) float64 {
    switch c.fn {
    case "pow":
        return math.Pow(c.args[0].Eval(env), c.args[1].Eval(env))
    case "sin":
        return math.Sin(c.args[0].Eval(env))
    case "sqrt":
        return math.Sqrt(c.args[0].Eval(env))
    panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported function call: %s", c.fn))

Several of these methods can fail. For example, a call expression could have an unknown function or the wrong number of arguments. It’s also possible to construct a unary or binary expression with an invalid operator such as ! or < (although the Parse function mentioned below will never do this). These errors cause Eval to panic. Other errors, like evaluating a Var not present in the environment, merely cause Eval to return the wrong result. All of these errors could be detected by inspecting the Expr before evaluating it. That will be the job of the Check method, which we will show soon, but first let’s test Eval.

The TestEval function below is a test of the evaluator. It uses the testing package, which we’ll explain in Chapter 11, but for now it’s enough to know that calling t.Errorf reports an error. The function loops over a table of inputs that defines three expressions and different environments for each one. The first expression computes the radius of a circle given its area A, the second computes the sum of the cubes of two variables x and y, and the third converts a Fahrenheit temperature F to Celsius.

func TestEval(t *testing.T) {
    tests := []struct {
        expr string
        env  Env
        want string
        {"sqrt(A / pi)", Env{"A": 87616, "pi": math.Pi}, "167"},
        {"pow(x, 3) + pow(y, 3)", Env{"x": 12, "y": 1}, "1729"},
        {"pow(x, 3) + pow(y, 3)", Env{"x": 9, "y": 10}, "1729"},
        {"5 / 9 * (F - 32)", Env{"F": -40}, "-40"},
        {"5 / 9 * (F - 32)", Env{"F": 32}, "0"},
        {"5 / 9 * (F - 32)", Env{"F": 212}, "100"},
    var prevExpr string
    for _, test := range tests {
        // Print expr only when it changes.
        if test.expr != prevExpr {
", test.expr)
            prevExpr = test.expr
        expr, err := Parse(test.expr)
        if err != nil {
            t.Error(err) // parse error
        got := fmt.Sprintf("%.6g", expr.Eval(test.env))
        fmt.Printf("	%v => %s
", test.env, got)
        if got != test.want {
            t.Errorf("%s.Eval() in %s = %q, want %q
                test.expr, test.env, got, test.want)

For each entry in the table, the test parses the expression, evaluates it in the environment, and prints the result. We don’t have space to show the Parse function here, but you’ll find it if you download the package using go get.

The go test command (§11.1) runs a package’s tests:

$ go test -v gopl.io/ch7/eval

The -v flag lets us see the printed output of the test, which is normally suppressed for a successful test like this one. Here is the output of the test’s fmt.Printf statements:

sqrt(A / pi)
    map[A:87616 pi:3.141592653589793] => 167

pow(x, 3) + pow(y, 3)
    map[x:12 y:1] => 1729
    map[x:9 y:10] => 1729

5 / 9 * (F - 32)
    map[F:-40] => -40
    map[F:32] => 0
    map[F:212] => 100

Fortunately the inputs so far have all been well formed, but our luck is unlikely to last. Even in interpreted languages, it is common to check the syntax for static errors, that is, mistakes that can be detected without running the program. By separating the static checks from the dynamic ones, we can detect errors sooner and perform many checks only once instead of each time an expression is evaluated.

Let’s add another method to the Expr interface. The Check method checks for static errors in an expression syntax tree. We’ll explain its vars parameter in a moment.

type Expr interface {
    Eval(env Env) float64
    // Check reports errors in this Expr and adds its Vars to the set.
    Check(vars map[Var]bool) error

The concrete Check methods are shown below. Evaluation of literal and Var cannot fail, so the Check methods for these types return nil. The methods for unary and binary first check that the operator is valid, then recursively check the operands. Similarly, the method for call first checks that the function is known and has the right number of arguments, then recursively checks each argument.

func (v Var) Check(vars map[Var]bool) error {
    vars[v] = true
    return nil

func (literal) Check(vars map[Var]bool) error {
    return nil

func (u unary) Check(vars map[Var]bool) error {
    if !strings.ContainsRune("+-", u.op) {
        return fmt.Errorf("unexpected unary op %q", u.op)
    return u.x.Check(vars)

func (b binary) Check(vars map[Var]bool) error {
    if !strings.ContainsRune("+-*/", b.op) {
        return fmt.Errorf("unexpected binary op %q", b.op)
    if err := b.x.Check(vars); err != nil {
        return err
    return b.y.Check(vars)

func (c call) Check(vars map[Var]bool) error {
    arity, ok := numParams[c.fn]
    if !ok {
        return fmt.Errorf("unknown function %q", c.fn)
    if len(c.args) != arity {
        return fmt.Errorf("call to %s has %d args, want %d",
            c.fn, len(c.args), arity)
    for _, arg := range c.args {
        if err := arg.Check(vars); err != nil {
            return err
    return nil

var numParams = map[string]int{"pow": 2, "sin": 1, "sqrt": 1}

We’ve listed a selection of flawed inputs and the errors they elicit, in two groups. The Parse function (not shown) reports syntax errors and the Check function reports semantic errors.

x % 2               unexpected '%'
math.Pi             unexpected '.'
!true               unexpected '!'
"hello"             unexpected '"'

log(10)             unknown function "log"
sqrt(1, 2)          call to sqrt has 2 args, want 1

Check’s argument, a set of Vars, accumulates the set of variable names found within the expression. Each of these variables must be present in the environment for evaluation to succeed. This set is logically the result of the call to Check, but because the method is recursive, it is more convenient for Check to populate a set passed as a parameter. The client must provide an empty set in the initial call.

In Section 3.2, we plotted a function f(x,y) that was fixed at compile time. Now that we can parse, check, and evaluate expressions in strings, we can build a web application that receives an expression at run time from the client and plots the surface of that function. We can use the vars set to check that the expression is a function of only two variables, x and y—three, actually, since we’ll provide r, the radius, as a convenience. And we’ll use the Check method to reject ill-formed expressions before evaluation begins so that we don’t repeat those checks during the 40,000 evaluations (100×100 cells, each with four corners) of the function that follow.

The parseAndCheck function combines these parsing and checking steps:

import "gopl.io/ch7/eval"

func parseAndCheck(s string) (eval.Expr, error) {
    if s == "" {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("empty expression")
    expr, err := eval.Parse(s)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    vars := make(map[eval.Var]bool)
    if err := expr.Check(vars); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    for v := range vars {
        if v != "x" && v != "y" && v != "r" {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("undefined variable: %s", v)
    return expr, nil

To make this a web application, all we need is the plot function below, which has the familiar signature of an http.HandlerFunc:

func plot(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    expr, err := parseAndCheck(r.Form.Get("expr"))
    if err != nil {
        http.Error(w, "bad expr: "+err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
    w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/svg+xml")
    surface(w, func(x, y float64) float64 {
        r := math.Hypot(x, y) // distance from (0,0)
        return expr.Eval(eval.Env{"x": x, "y": y, "r": r})
The surfaces of three functions: (a) sin(-x)*pow(1.5,-r);  (b) pow(2,sin(y))*pow(2,sin(x))/12; (c) sin(x*y/10)/10.

Figure 7.7. The surfaces of three functions: (a) sin(-x)*pow(1.5,-r); (b) pow(2,sin(y))*pow(2,sin(x))/12; (c) sin(x*y/10)/10.

The plot function parses and checks the expression specified in the HTTP request and uses it to create an anonymous function of two variables. The anonymous function has the same signature as the fixed function f from the original surface-plotting program, but it evaluates the user-supplied expression. The environment defines x, y, and the radius r. Finally, plot calls surface, which is just the main function from gopl.io/ch3/surface, modified to take the function to plot and the output io.Writer as parameters, instead of using the fixed function f and os.Stdout. Figure 7.7 shows three surfaces produced by the program.

Exercise 7.13: Add a String method to Expr to pretty-print the syntax tree. Check that the results, when parsed again, yield an equivalent tree.

Exercise 7.14: Define a new concrete type that satisfies the Expr interface and provides a new operation such as computing the minimum value of its operands. Since the Parse function does not create instances of this new type, to use it you will need to construct a syntax tree directly (or extend the parser).

Exercise 7.15: Write a program that reads a single expression from the standard input, prompts the user to provide values for any variables, then evaluates the expression in the resulting environment. Handle all errors gracefully.

Exercise 7.16: Write a web-based calculator program.

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