
accountability 29, 39, 79, 17980, 481; chains of 202; for change decisions 403, 4034; delegating 154; project roles 210; RACI tables 182, 1823, 183; versus responsibility 180; for reviews 4356; single-point accountability 180

accounting systems 30, 354

activities (project) 2856, 288; activity list 299, 300; critical chains 3212; critical paths 2901, 3345; delayed 311, 311, 31820; float 2901, 3345; naming 492; network diagram 301, 334, 341, 343; precedence network 301; and preparation of project plan 224; versus procedures 495; safety 31819, 319; slippage reports 311, 311; splitting 335; supporting activities 495, 496; tracking progress 2923; update forms 305, 306

administration (project) 234

agile projects 147, 14750, 1523

agility (corporate) xxiii

APM Body of Knowledge 530

approval: versus authorization 353; of documents 454; review and approval record (documents) 450, 452, 453; review/approval requests 201; standard records 201

approvers 407, 456

assertiveness (leadership style) 178

Association for Project Management (APM) 1901, 530

attachments (to project plans) 2301

attraction (leadership style) 178

audience (stakeholders) 423, 427

authorization: versus approval 353; and change requests 4923; financial 28, 347, 350, 3523; and governance 190; points 190

authors (document) 456

AXELOS 524, 535

bar charts 303, 304, 309, 310

base estimates 350

baselines: changing 231; document 446; in governance 196; monitoring and control 247, 399; project setup 205

Belbin’s team roles 181

benchmark ing 30

benefit maps 2679, 268, 277

benefits (of projects) 25965; and business objectives 2623, 266, 278; efficiencies 262; estimates 270; financial benefits 264; net benefits 267; non-financial benefits 264; tangible and intangible benefits 2645; timing 2712

blueprints 109

boards: and corporate governance 188; project 197

bonus systems 30

brainstorming 541

breakdown structure see deliverable/ product breakdown structure report

bridging (leadership style) 178

British Standard on project management (BS6079 Part 1) 69, 521

BS6079 Part 1 Project management – Part 1 521

BT Olympic 2012 project 42

budgets 349

buffer reports 311, 321

buffers 320, 321, 3223

burn charts 313, 314

business cases 423, 44, 2723, 275, 279; and business objectives 273; definition 207, 208, 213, 235; document 109, 11011, 117, 3523; initial business case 103; lenses 273; project interdependency 1612; and project scope 154; for project setup 2067; sections 207; trial stage 123 see also change logs

business objectives 477; and business cases 273; and project benefits 2623, 266, 278, 433; in project closure report 466; and project sponsors 263

business plans 24, 25, 45, 275

business portfolios 7, 45, 46, 47

business projects 3941, 42, 55, 148

business strategy 1415

cash flow calculations 271, 272

Capability Maturity Model Integrated (CMMI) 533

chains (critical) 31922

change (managing) 6, 12, 53, 79

change control 231, 399405, 400, 409; accountability 403, 4034; approvers 407; impact levels 403, 403; and IT capabilities 409; process 404, 405; project managers 407; and risk management 369

change history (documents) 447, 448 see also version management (documents)

change logs 235, 399, 405, 406, 407

change proposals 404

change requests 390, 405, 407, 408

changes 230, 399, 401 see also change control

charitable sector 187

check lists 233

closed/traditional projects see “painting by numbers”

closing projects 25, 69, 130, 132, 465

closure meeting 4689

closure reports 25, 129, 4667, 468

closure statement 4667

coaching 91

commercial lens (business case) 273

commitments (costs) 354

communication: audience 423; company media 4267, 429; events 425; plans 423, 424, 428, 429; project teams 177, 181; questions 425, 425; versus reporting 422; with stakeholders 422, 4229

company media 4267, 429

complex projects 163

concurrent engineering 150, 1501

conditions of satisfaction 266, 270

constraints: in chains 3212; organizational 191; on project governance 1912; resource constraints 3279; time constraints 3279

contact lists 235

contingency (in cost estimates) 350, 351

contract baselines 196

contracting organizations 37, 3941, 42

contractors 39, 40

control cycles 246, 249; financial 248; project 18, 19, 57, 170, 349

controller (document) 457

controlling 2457, 246, 249

control systems 30

conventions: date 459; numbering/naming 458

corporate agility xxiii

corporate governance 1878, 199

cost performance index (CPI) 3601

costs: actual 354; committed 354; estimating 270, 3501; planning 13; project 349, 362; tracking (see financial management)

critical chain planning 3223

critical chains 31922

critical paths 2901, 311, 31819, 3345

Critical Success Factors (CSFs) 267

cross-functional projects 1112

cross-functional teams 202, 21, 28, 2931

culture 2931, 1757, 1789

customer intimacy 72

customer projects 37, 38, 389

date conventions 459

decision-making: cross-functional 202, 21; and project sponsors 80

decision points see gates

decisions: decision rights 1978; and governance 1945, 195; versus reviews 434 see also gates

delayed projects 146, 162, 31820

delegation (of tasks) 154, 1978

deliverable/product breakdown structure report 298, 298

deliverable reports 315, 316

deliverables 215, 494; agreement on 199200; deliverable reports 315, 316; and inter-project dependencies 296; and preparation of project plan 224, 2879; project files 236, 236; review/approval records 201; review/approval requests 201; shared 161 see also reports

detailed schedule plans 285

develop and test stage 11719, 118, 119

development gate 118, 1413

development processes 60

Dimension Four® method 261, 265

Dimension Four Recognition Events® 270

distribution (of documents) 455

document control: document control page 447, 448, 454; environment 455

document controller 457

document management 44550, 450, 462; key activities 4516; procedure 458; roles 4567; solution 45761

document managers 457

document register 459

document repositories 458, 45960, 461

documents 445; approvers 456; authors 456; baselines 446; blueprint 109; business case 109, 11011, 117, 3523; distribution 4545; document IDs 461; drafts 451; feasibility reports 109; features 447, 448; meta data 447; numbering and naming conventions 458; owners 457; permissions management 455, 459;

process 490; project management 488; project setup 2057, 208; proposals 97, 97; receipt 455; review and approval 201, 450, 452, 4534; reviewers 456; standard records 201; storage 4556; templates 447, 4513, 458, 488; types 487; version management 446, 448, 449, 459; withdrawal 455

earned schedule method 3624, 363

earned value management 35962, 361

economic lens (business case) 273

efficiencies (as benefit) 262

enabling projects 43, 154

engineering processes 151

estimates (cost) 270

exception management 143

exhaustible resources 329

extended project life cycles 1567, 157

facilitators see project coach

failure (of projects) 6, 7, 13

FAST (functional analysis systems technique) 269, 278

“fast-track” processes 1516, 24, 149

feasibility reports 109

feedback 468, 4834

feeder buffers 320, 321

financial authorization 3523

financial drivers 260

financial lens (business case) 273

financial management controls 348

financial plans 3478, 365

financial processes 289

financial progress reports 229, 229

financial reporting 235, 3558, 356, 358

float 2901, 3345

forecasts: of benefits and costs 2701; cost performance index (CPI) 3601; and financial reporting 3557, 356, 358; of profits and contributions 271; and progress reporting 227; from reports 251; “S-curves” 360

forecast update forms see schedule update forms

frameworks see project frameworks

functional analysis systems technique (FAST) 269, 278

functional organizations 223, 30

functions 567

funds: allocation 3523 see also authorization

Gantt charts see bar chart

GAPPS, Global Alliance for Project Performance Standards 535

gates 5860, 62, 63, 645, 199; and decision-making 59, 64, 71, 80; detailed investigation 110, 111, 144, 352, 437; development 118, 1413; and funds allocation 352; initial investigation 104, 105, 352; names for 669, 68; proposal 97; release for service (RFS) 130; and review points 2312; reviews 438 see also stages

goal directed 165, 165, 166

Goldratt, Eli: Critical Chain 318, 322; Theory of Constraints 262

governance 18799, 189; aspects 1923, 193; and authorization 190; baselines 196; corporate governance 1878, 199; and decisions 1945, 195; effective 188, 192; policies 191; project governance 18991; of project management 18990, 190; and project plans 1945; and project roles 1967; and risk 188; work breakdown structure (WBS) 1934, 194

heartbeat 165, 165, 166

Hodeidah Port project 41

impact assessment 408

impact levels 403, 403

information management 234

information systems (for documents) 445

initiatives: failing 6, 7, 13; problem-solving initiatives 56

interdependencies: network diagram 301, 302; plan bar charts 304; and preparation of project plan 224; between projects 296

interdependency (of projects) 1613

internal projects 37, 38, 389

investigation stages 61, 64, 69; blueprint 109, 110; business case 109, 11011, 3523; detailed investigation 10913, 111, 144, 352, 437; feasibility report 109, 110; initial business case 103; initial investigation 1036, 270, 352;

key deliverables plan 110; process steps 104, 105, 110; project plan 109

investment analyses 273

investment appraisals 353

ISO 21500 Guidance on project management 520, 535

ISO 31000:2009 Risk management 525

ISO 9000 family on quality management 525

ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015 Systems and software engineering – System life cycle processes 525

ISOCHRON® 261, 265

issues 369, 36970, 390, 438; and change control 400, 4001; identifying 3901; key issues (in project plans) 230; management of 389; problems versus opportunities 389; recording 391; resolving 3901, 394, 3956; versus risks 389

issues log 392, 393

IT: for change control 409; development processes 60; projects 3940, 43, 1478, 156; shared software development 162

iterative processes 151

“just do it” projects 1456

key issues (in project plans) 230

key risks (in project plans) 230

leadership styles 176, 1778

legal frameworks 191

legislation 3279

legitimate projects 259

lenses (for business cases) 273

line management 278, 1756

line managers 278, 209

loose cannon projects see “just do it” projects

“making movies” 140

management approaches 7

management lens (business case) 273

management plans 234, 237

management procedures 4914

management summaries 307, 308

managers (document) 457

manpower planning 340

matrix organizations 223, 278

meetings 236, 253, 537

methods versus processes 491

milestones 229, 230, 230; burn charts 313, 314; and chain planning 322; and critical paths 291; milestone reports 312, 312; milestone slippage charts 317, 317; and preparation of project plan 224, 2879

milestone slippage charts 317, 317

minutes (to meetings) 236

monitoring: monitoring systems 13; project plans 2459; projects 17, 1820

Monte Carlo analysis 385

multi-project management 43

naming conventions 458

negative float 335

net benefits 267

network diagram 301, 302, 334, 341, 343

notifications 254

numbering conventions 458

Obeng, Eddie: All Change! The Project Leader’s Secret Handbook 139

objectives (organisational) 5

OECD (Principles of Corporate Governance) 187

Olympic 2012 project (BT) 42

open projects see “walking in the fog”

operational drivers 260

operational efficiencies 72, 192

opportunity matrix 377, 377

organizational contexts (for project management) 1213, 13

organizational structures 27, 27, 33, 164

organizations 47; consultancy-oriented 1718; contracting 37, 3941, 42; failing 6, 13; functional 223, 27; matrix 223, 278; and politics 79; project 27, 27, 77, 778, 209, 227, 233; promoting 37, 42

originators 78

outcomes (of a project) 266

outputs 267

“over the wall” approach 150, 1501

owners (document) 457

ownership (of projects) 3942

“painting by numbers” 139, 141, 142

people (as stakeholders) 152

“percentage complete” 2923

permissions management (documents) 455, 459

persuasion (leadership style) 177

phased programmes 163, 163

phases 65

plan bar charts 303, 304 see also management summaries

plans (project) see project planning

PMBOK® (A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge) 531, 535

policies (for governance) 191

politics (and organizations) 79

portfolios 65, 165, 165, 166

post-implementation review (PIR) 64, 69, 132, 1356, 439, 468

power-influence maps see stakeholder maps

power-support map see stakeholder maps

precedence network 301


problems 56, 7

procedures: versus activities 495; management 4914; project management 488, 489

process-driven rules 143

processes 4924; “fast-track” 1516, 24, 149; financial 289; iterative 151; versus methods 491; naming 492; process-driven rules 143; project management 1213, 27; versus stages 151

product development 1112

product leadership 71

programme management 7, 43, 457, 46; versus project management 164, 1645

programme managers 43, 65, 161, 164

programmes 37, 43, 456, 65, 165, 167; phased 163, 163; simple 161, 161, 164

progress bar charts 309, 310

progress checks: versus reviews 434

progress reporting 224, 2279, 229

progress reports 235

progress tracking 292; earned schedule method 3624, 363; earned value management 35962, 361; milestone reports 311; “percentage complete” 2923; “S-curves” 360; update forms 305, 306

project administration see administration

project approach 217

project balance 17

project boards 834, 93, 197

project buffers 320, 321

project champions 83

project closure 69, 129, 465, 470; checklist 471; meeting 4689; reports 25, 129, 4667, 468; review 439; statement 4667

project coaches 77, 901

project control: cycle 18, 19, 57, 170, 349; environment 170, 171

project costs 349

project definition 1534, 2078, 21320

project files 2356, 236

project frameworks 15, 601, 62, 63, 73, 73, 495; depicting 70, 701; designing 69, 72; project management 4915

project governance 18992

project health checks 4402

project life cycles 71, 17980, 495; and cost estimates 3501; development of 142; versus engineering processes 151; extended 1567, 157; and iterative processes 151; and phased programmes 163; and project management 494; tailoring 139

project logs/diaries 235

project management xxiv–xxv, 7, 37, 534; activities 492, 4924; defining 487; document-based 490; documents 488, 490; enterprise-wide 207, 234; governance of 18990, 190; versus line management 1756; methods 487, 526; multi-project management 43; organizational context 1213, 13; principles of 474; problems 33; procedures 488, 489; processes 1213; versus programme management 164, 1645; project frameworks 4915; and project life cycles 494; skills 18, 53; software packages 289, 2901, 334; standards 519; tailored 207; web-based 490

Project Management Institute 359, 531

project managers 6, 19, 278, 31, 92, 4823; accountability 17982, 482; attributes of 86, 867; competences

85; and cost estimates 350; and culture 29; as document manager 457; and governance 1967; and progress reporting 2279; and project closure 466; and project monitoring 2479; and project sponsors 812; and project teams 1767; report from team manager 231; role of 55, 77, 856; selecting 87 see also leadership styles

project monitoring see monitoring

project organization chart 227

project organizations: defining 227; structures 27, 27, 778, 209

project planning 18, 19, 104, 109, 117, 286, 28790, 31822, 336; baselines 196; chains 31823; critical paths 2901, 31819, 334; detailed 285; float 2901, 3345; format 224; and governance 1945; key deliverables plan 104; and monitoring 2479; preparing 22133, 222; project buffers 320, 3223; and resource planning 330; safety 31819, 319; schedule plans 225, 226, 2836, 286, 290, 341, 3424, 347; software packages 289, 2901, 334; stages 223; tracking progress 2923; trial stage 123 see also reports

project processes see processes

projects 496; assessing viability of 1617, 54, 54, 59, 59; business 3941, 42, 55, 148; and business strategy 1415; closed/ traditional 139; closing 25, 69, 130, 132, 465; complex 163; cross-functional 1112, 21; customer 37, 38, 389; delayed 146, 162, 31820; directing 493; enabling 43, 154; failing 6, 7, 13, 823; interdependency 1613; internal 37, 38, 389; IT 3940, 43, 1478, 156, 162; “just do it” projects 1456; legitimate 259; monitoring 17, 1820; ownership 3942; scope 154, 248, 296; screening strategies 1415; simple 144, 144, 145; staged approach 12, 1517, 234, 31, 5661, 57, 58, 6070; stand-alone 47; terminating 17, 436, 465; transfiguration 276; viability 402

project schedule plans 225, 226, 2836, 286, 341, 3424, 347

project setup 20510, 208

project sponsors 28, 33, 37, 39, 43, 456, 93; attributes of 80, 801; and business objectives 263; closure meeting 4689; and cost estimates 350; and decision making 80; and governance 196; and monitoring 2479; post-implementation review (PIR) 135; project assurance 8990; and project failure 823; and project managers 812; role of 55, 77, 7882, 164

project strategies 1415, 712

project structures 457, 46, 1545, 209

project summaries 235

project support 912

project teams 17581; communication 177, 181; meetings 21112; preparation of project plans 2213; and project managers 1767; setting up 20910; structure 209; successful 176; team profiling 181

project types 13943, 140, 141, 142

promoting organizations 37, 40, 41, 42

proposals 61, 97100; overview 97; process steps 98, 99; proposal document 97, 97, 100; and reviews 437

Pudar, Nick (General Motors) 197

“quests” 140, 147

RACI tables 182, 1823, 183

RAG reporting method 253

rapid projects see agile projects

ready for service (RFS) review 123, 291, 293

ready for trial review report 117

regulatory frameworks 191

release for service (RFS) gate 130

release stage 64, 125, 12931; key deliverables plan 129, 12930; overview 129; process steps 130, 131; release for service (RFS) gate 130

reorganization (of organizational structures) 33

replenishable resources 329

reporting 30, 2456, 247, 24952, 2556; analysing and forecasting 251; versus communication 422; financial 3558, 356, 358; frequency 249, 250; level of formality 251; RAG status 2534; templates 253

reports: activity list 299, 300; buffer reports 321; burn charts 313, 314; deliverable/ product breakdown structure 298, 298; deliverable reports 315, 316; management summaries 307, 308; milestone reports 312, 312; milestone slippage charts 317, 317; network diagrams 301, 302, 341; plan bar charts 303, 304; progress bar charts 309, 310; review report 436; rolling forecast reports 337, 338, 340; schedule 294, 295, 297, 297311; schedule update forms 305, 306; slippage reports 311, 311; usage and capacity reports 339

resistance (of stakeholders) 421, 421

resource constraints 3279

resource levelling 3324, 333, 335

resource loading 331, 3312, 332

resource planning 13, 3301, 3346, 3414; manpower 340; with project and schedule planning 330; reports 33740, 338

resources: allocating 223, 23, 30, 59; as constraint 3279; efficiency 335; exhaustible 329; managing 30; replenishable 329; reusable 329; ring fencing 22; types 329

responsibility versus accountability 180

reusable resources 329

review and approval record (documents) 450, 452

reviewers 4356

review points (and gates) 2312

review reports 436

reviews 236, 4335; accountability 4356; business objectives 433; and detailed investigation gate 437; documents 4534; at gates 437, 438; post-implementation review 439; and preparation of project plan 224; during the project 438; project closure review 439; project health checks 4402; and proposals 437; review/ approval record (documents) 450, 452, 453; review/approval requests 201; review comments 453; standard records 201

reward systems 2930

ring fencing (resources) 22

risk events 380

risk logs 373, 380

risk management 13, 18, 56, 369, 36982, 386

risk matrix 372, 373

risks 369, 369, 370, 390, 438; assessing 3713, 3813; business versus delivery 371; and change control 400, 400; corporate attitude to 29; versus issues 389; key risks (in project plans) 230; monitoring 380; reducing 152; threats 371, 3756

risk simulation 384

roles: definition of 28; descriptions 20910; document management 4567; project 30, 1967, 20910

rolling forecast reports 337, 338, 340

rules (process-driven) 143

safety (in project planning) 31819, 319

scenario analysis 353, 383, 3834

schedule planning 330

schedule reports 294, 295, 297, 297311

schedules 235, 2836, 364; critical paths 2901; float 2901, 3345; schedule control cycle 292; software packages 2901; tracking progress 2923; updating 293 see also project planning

schedule update forms 305, 306

“scope creep” 20, 401, 402

scope reserves 350

screening strategies 1415

“S-curves” 360

“self-service” management 153

semi-closed projects see “ quests”

semi-open projects see “making movies”

sensitivity analyses 353, 3823, 383

simple programmes 161, 161, 164, 164

simple projects 144, 144, 145

simulations see risk simulation

simultaneous engineering see concurrent engineering

single-point accountability 180

slippage reports 311, 311

solution baselines 196

sponsors see project sponsors

“stage-gates” 701, 71

stages 12, 1517, 31, 567, 57, 58, 601, 62, 63, 646; early stages 234; and financial management 348; and phased

programmes 163, 163; and preparation of project plan 223; versus processes 151; and risk management 18; simple versus normal projects 144, 144, 145; “stage-gates” 701, 71; stage names 667, 678

stakeholder landscape 415, 416, 417

stakeholder management 41315

stakeholder maps 416, 41719, 418

stakeholder relationship maps 418, 419

stakeholders 152, 238, 413, 41920, 480, 482; audience 423, 427; communication 422, 4229; engagement 420; identification and analysis 413, 41420; influence mapping 240, 2412; involvement of 1718, 2389; motivations 414; post-implementation review 439; resistance 421, 421; roles 241

stand-alone projects 47

standard solutions 192

storage (of documents) 455

strategic lens (business case) 273

strategic misrepresentation 274

structures see organizational structures; project structures

subcontracts 39, 40

subprojects 154, 155, 1556

summary schedule plans 285, 2889

sustainability drivers 260

tailoring 13943, 478, 47880, 479, 494

team managers 494; and governance 197; reporting to project manager 231

team profiling 181

teams: cross-functional 202, 21, 28, 2931; team managers 77, 879, 92, 934; team members 878, 92, 93, 94

templates: document 447, 4513, 458, 488; reporting 253

termination (of projects) 465

testing 64

test results 117

Theory of Constraints (TOC) 322

threats (risks) 371, 3756, 382

time constraints 3279

transfiguration projects 276

trial plans 117

trial results 123

trials 152

trial stage 64, 712, 120, 1235; business case 123; key deliverables plan 124; overview 123; process steps 1245, 125; project plan 123; ready for service (RFS) review 123, 291, 293; trial results 123

two-stage trials 152

UK government’s project delivery standard (GovS 002) 524

usage and capacity reports 339

validation see trial stage

value drivers 25962

Value Flashpoints® 270

values (shared) 210, 21112

variance calculations 360

version management (documents) 446, 448, 449, 459

viability (of projects) 402

“walking in the fog” 1401

withdrawal (of documents) 455

work breakdown structure (WBS) 154, 161, 180, 347, 350; and governance 1934, 194

work packages 1545, 155; and preparation of project plan 224, 284, 296

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