Upper-level ontologies

Liam Magee

Expressions which are in no way composite signify substance, quantity, quality, relation, place, time, position, state, action, or affection. To sketch my meaning roughly, examples of substance are ‘man’ or ‘the horse’, of quantity, such terms as ‘two cubits long’ or ‘three cubits long’, of quality, such attributes as ‘white’, ‘grammatical’. ‘Double’, ‘half’, ‘greater’, fall under the category of relation; ‘in the market place’, ‘in the Lyceum’, under that of place; ‘yesterday’, ‘last year’, under that of time. ‘Lying’, ‘sitting’, are terms indicating position, ‘shod’, ‘armed’, state; ‘to lance’, ‘to cauterize’, action; ‘to be lanced’, ‘to be cauterized’, affection (Aristotle 1994, p. 4).

This chapter provides a concrete case study of several overlapping ontologies with a particular field, that of ‘upper-level’, or foundational, ontologies. These ontologies aim to provide reliable and reusable definitions of abstract concepts and their relations: what, for instance, concepts like space, time, particular and quality mean, and how they relate. In the past ten years a number of upper-level ontologies have been developed to establish a set of concepts and definitions which could be shared by lower-level, domain ontologies. By establishing a core set of abstract concepts, use of an upper-level ontology by lower-level, domainlevel ontologies is at least some guarantee of a shared metaphysical orientation. For example, several upper-level ontologies surveyed below make a fundamental distinction between ‘endurants’ and ‘perdurants’, or, in another vocabulary, ‘occurrents’ and ‘continuants’. Roughly, this conceptual pair distinguishes things which take place in time—such as events—from those which exist through time—such as material objects. Domain-level ontologies which import an upper-level ontology making this conceptual distinction can be said to inherit the distinction too. So two such ontologies can at least be said to be commensurable insofar as their subordinate conceptual classes are distinguishable as either eventlike endurants or object-like perdurants. Use of the OWL syntactic imports construct to import an ontology does not guarantee that all— or even any—of its semantic commitments are inherited in this way, but does provide a starting point for domain-level ontologies to establish points of connectivity and interoperability.

Inevitably there has been competition in the development of upper-level ontologies. Rather than answer questions of compatibility and commensurability among domain-level ontologies, then, this has served to redirect these question towards the upper-level ontologies themselves. In a scenario where two domain-level ontologies import and use different upper-level ontologies, a matching task may need to establish concordance between the concepts specified in both the domain-level and upper-level ontologies. Moreover, precisely because of the abstraction of conceptualisations specified in the upper-level ontologies, these matches become considerably more difficult to establish, especially by purely algorithmic means.

The first part of the study below surveys five ontologies developed in OWL over the past decade, to examine what sorts of evaluation of commensurability can be made about them. As well as using the framework established in Chapter 12, ‘A framework for commensurability’, this study also makes use of some earlier comparative work by Oberle et al. (2007). All of the ontologies were developed by academic groups, with some level of industry and government input. One side-effect of this method of development, and of the relative obscurity of upper-level ontologies, is that while there are more or less corresponding academic publications for each of the ontologies, it is comparatively difficult to understand many of the motivations, reasons and processes by which the ontologies are developed. To date, the ontologies are not widely used either, making it difficult to understand how they are used in derivative domain-level ontologies. To combat this, the second part of the study also examines two public mailing lists (the Semantic Web and Ontolog Forumlists), where many of the issues relating to upper-level ontologies are debated, and several of the ontology authors themselves also appear. A series of quantitative and qualitative techniques are used to elicit clarification of several of the distinctions developed in the review of ontologies. The study then concludes with a general assessment of the commensurability of the ontologies, and some notes on potential implications for the overall model of commensurability developed thus far.

A survey of upper-level ontologies

The following survey describes the ontologies in terms of five specific features:

image background contextual information

image stated or implied methodologies

image explicitly stated assumptions

image structural features

image key concepts and categories.

The survey covers five published upper-level ontologies which have been expressed in the Ontology Web Language (OWL), version 1.0 (Hayes, Patel-Schneider and Horrocks 2004). These ontologies are: Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) (Grenon 2003a), PROTo ONtology (PROTON) (Terziev, Kiryakov and Manov 2004), General Formal Ontology (GFO) (Herre 2009), Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering (DOLCE) (Masolo et al. 2002) and Standard Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO) (Niles and Pease 2001).


The upper-level ontologies surveyed are developed within academic or joint academic-government initiatives, sometimes as part of larger projects. For example, the BFO ontology has been developed within the Institute for Formal Ontology and Medical Information Science (IFOMIS), utilising a grant to ‘develop a formal ontology that will be applied and tested in the domain of medical and biomedical information science’ (IFOMIS 2007). Similarly the DOLCE ontology has been developed as part of ‘EU 1ST integrated project Semantic Knowledge Technologies (SEKT)’, a project funded by the ‘EU 6 Framework programme’ (Semantic Knowledge Technologies 2007). Two of the ontologies—BFO and GFO—have been developed with specific focus on medical classification applications. The institutional nature of ontology engineering is common to domain-specific ontologies also, although several popular ontologies have been developed in the public domain, without any notable institutional involvement—the Friend of a Friend (FOAF) ontology is one such example (FOAF 2007).

All of the ontologies have been developed in Europe, with the exception of SUMO, developed in the United States. Each of the ontologies have been presented at semantic web-related conferences—suggesting that, at the time of publication, upper-level ontologies generally have been of greater interest to academic communities than to either commercial or software engineering communities. In addition, there are numerous academic publications which cite these ontologies or the papers describing them, either in the context of ontology engineering specifically, or in relation to broader ontological questions.

Many of the authors of findings actively contribute to public domain mailing lists where ontology engineering issues are discussed. For example, Barry Smith and John Sowa have been actively involved in the construction of two of the featured ontologies (BFO and SUMO respectively), and also have contributed extensively to mailing lists analysed further on in this analysis. In spite of the lack of mailing lists or other discursive sources dedicated to the surveyed ontologies themselves, there is active online debate about the sorts of concepts and distinctions that feature in upper-level ontologies generally. An analysis of these mailing lists is presented in detail below.

At the time of writing it is difficult to measure the relative impact of the ontologies quantitatively. For the purpose of the survey, two sources have been used to indicate the impact:

image results from Swoogle, a semantic web search engine (Ding et al. 2004)

image citation counts from Google Scholar in relation to the titles of key papers presenting the ontologies.

Results have been collated from Swoogle and Google Scholar searches conducted in October 2007 and October 2009. They are presented in tables 9.1 and 9.2.

Table 9.1

Swoogle results for five search terms, 2007 and 2009


*The ‘search term’ is the actual text searched for, in order to disambiguate ontology names or acronyms from other names. In the case of ‘Proton’, for example, the ontology title is also the name of a physical object (positively sub-atomic particle).

Table 9.2

Google Scholar results for five search terms, 2007 and 2009


**In this case the ‘search term’ is the name of the main paper in which the ontology is presented. The same paper can be listed several times in results (for example, as both conference proceedings and technical reports); the citation counts have been totalled where this has occurred, and also where the citation count is greater than 1.

The comparison of the searches between Swoogle and Google Scholar show a positive correlation of 0.67 for the results in 2007, and a weaker correlation of 0.37 for those in 2009. With the exception of the large number of ontology references for BFO, DOLCE and SUMO have more ontology references and citations. This does not take into account private usage of these ontologies, but provides a useful heuristic of present adoption rates. It indicates also the increased use of upper-level ontologies over time, according to both of the metrics used, with numbers roughly doubling on average over the two-year period for all ontologies surveyed. As mentioned, the BFO ontology experienced a large surge in the number of ontology references—this abnormal jump appears to be the result of widespread references from newly developed biological ontologies housed by the OBO Foundry, which the BFO was designed to support (Grenon 2003a).

It is also worth noting that there have several prominent efforts at upper-level ontologies that predate the emergence of OWL as a standard for modelling ontologies:

image Cyc

image WordNet

image Standard Upper Ontology (SUO).

These are expressed in different formalisms, and so are not amenable to algorithmic comparison with those expressed in OWL. The SUMO ontology is explicitly indebted to the SUO ontology (Niles and Pease 2001), and most of the ontologies described have some level of mapping to Word Net, a publicly available online dictionary, which links words based on semantic relations (Miller 1995). Cyc is an older and well-established representation of upper-level and domain-level knowledge (Lenat 1995), developed privately by Cycorp. It is frequently cited in the literature on upper-level ontologies (and knowledge representation), but because of its proprietary nature and different formal structure it is not available for direct comparison.

Finally, as discussed at further length in the section ‘Assumptions’, below, several of the upper-level ontologies have been developed with awareness of competing ontologies, and so reference distinctions between them explicitly. For instance, the GFO ontology is compared with SUMO and DOLCE by its authors (Herre 2009); the BFO ontology is compared with DOLCE (Grenon 2003a); the PROTON ontology references WordNet and Cyc (Terziev, Kiryakov and Manov 2004); and the SUMO ontology, as mentioned, is itself compiled from SUO and a range of other sources:

The SUMO was created by merging publicly available ontological content into a single, comprehensive, and cohesive structure. This content included the ontologies available on the Ontolingua server, John Sowa’s upper level ontology, the ontologies developed by ITBM-CNR, and various mereotopological theories, among other sources (Niles and Pease 2001).

There has also been a certain amount of post facto literature comparing DOLCE and SUMO in particular, the innovatively entitled ‘DOLCE ergo SUMO’ (Oberle et al. 2007) and ‘OntoMap’ (Kiryakov, Simov and Dimitrov 2001) being two such examples. This activity suggests that ontology engineering is a highly dynamic social process, and at the present time, still far from finding agreement for the abstract concepts upper-level ontologies describe. The engagement with the mailing lists— the informal ‘chatter’ that sits behind the formal austerity of ontologies—explores this dynamic and dialogical process further.


The methodologies outlined in the literature surrounding upper-level ontologies vary from highly explicit (SUMO) to implicit (PROTON). Table 9.3 provides an overview of the methodological approach adopted—as best as can be inferred if not otherwise stated—and the degree of formality of process of ontology construction.

Table 9.3

Ontology methodologies

Ontology Methodology Degree of formality
BFO Draws on an explicit account of philosophical ontology (BFO 2007; Smith 2004) Moderate
DOLCE Unknown (seems to rely on prior research) Moderate
GFO Draws on abstract conceptualisations presented in philosophical literature (Brentano, Husserl, Hartmann, Ingarden, Johansson, Searle) Moderate
PROTON Designed as a ‘light-weight’ ontology, modeled on ‘common sense’ (Terziev, Kiryakov and Manov 2004) Low
SUMO Identifies a range of prior ontologies, including SUO; ensures each identified ontology is syntactically compatible; performs a manual semantic merging of the ontologies High

The variance in methodology (in terms of the adopted approach itself, and the degree of explicitness about the approach) is one indicator about the degree of commensurability between upper-level ontologies. How concepts are selected and arranged can divulge further assumptions not explicit in the conceptualisation. However, even in the case of the SUMO ontology, little is stated about how one concept was chosen over another, what leads to a particular arrangement of concepts, beyond an acknowledgement of certain existential assumptions, and what degree of detail is suitable. Arguably the criterion of methodology is harder to apply to upper-level ontologies especially, given the abstractions of the concepts concerned. Subsequent discussion returns to this variance, since it has a bearing on what can be said about the commensurability of these ontologies.


None of the upper-level ontologies surveyed lay great pretensions towards definitiveness; the authors of DOLCE for instance state: ‘we do not intend DOLCE as a candidate for a “universal” standard ontology’ (Masolo et al. 2002). In the literature showcasing the ontologies, their designers are overtly aware of the assumptions which characterise their construction (Masolo et al. 2002). Nevertheless there are clear differences in these assumptions, in kind and degree. The following section examines what assumptions are employed, and how they compare.

Basic Formal Ontology (BFO)

The Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) is by far the most explicit about the assumptions the authors employ in its design. The three papers outlining the BFO are presented alongside six other papers authored or co-authored by Smith, heavily directed towards justification of a philosophical orientation of ‘realist perspectivalism’ (BFO 2007; Smith 2004). This is characterised by ‘the view that any given domain of reality can be viewed from a number of different ontological perspectives, all of which can have equal claim to veridicality’ (Smith and Grenon 2004). Realist perspectivalism avoids two key fallacies of ontology engineering, in Smith’s views: on the one hand, those inherited from ‘idealist, skeptical, or constructionist philosophy’, which ‘appear commonly in the wider world under the guise of postmodernism or cultural relativism’ (Smith 2004); and on the other, those incurred through too enthusiastic an adherence to predicate logic and the stark ontology of its formalism—a brand of philosophy described by Smith as ‘fantology’ (Smith 2005). This latter kind of fallacy has, for Smith, been perpetuated by logicians since

But [Frege’s] signal achievement was for a long time marred by its association with an overestimation of the power of a relatively simplistic type of logico-linguistic analysis to resolve ontological problems. Exposing some of the effects of this overestimation should allow us to understand the development of analytical philosophy in a new way, and to bring to light aspects of this development which are normally hidden (Smith 2005).

Smith’s alternative, which forms the guiding principle of the BFO’s construction, is admit perspectivalism only in veridical form, that is, only insofar as any given perspective is corroborated by natural science:

But perspectivalism is constrained by realism: thus it does not amount to the thesis that just any view of reality is legitimate. To establish which views are legitimate we must weigh them against their ability to survive critical tests when confronted with reality, for example via scientific experiments (Smith and Grenon 2004).

In this paper, the realist perspectivalist account is augmented with fallibilist and adequetist qualifiers. Smith names philosophical precursors to this account are Aristotle and Husserl—though, with similarities to the GFO assumptions discussed later, Husserl is mediated by Ingarden’s realist phenomenology.

A pivotal difference between the approach promulgated by Smith and Grenon in their introductory paper to the BFO, and the unified reductivist ontology they critique, concerns the treatment of time, or in the more particular words of the authors, different ‘Temporal Modes of Being’ (Smith and Grenon 2004). Smith and Grenon devote considerable attention to the distinction between 3D and 4D perspectives (which they translate into the more convenient monikers ‘SNAP’ and ‘SPAN’. According to the perspectivalist account, a generalised account must be capable of reflecting both perspectives (otherwise it falls on the side of a reductivist account, privileging a single perspective). The 3D/SNAP perspective treats entities in the world as continuant or endurant (entities which exist wholly at some point in time). The 4D/SPAN perspective treats entities as occurrent or perdurant (entities which exist only in part at any point in time). Each perspective is assumed to be valid and veridical, that is, verifiable via empirical evidence. Nevertheless ‘they are incompatible’ (Smith and Grenon 2004)—or in the terms familiar to this study, incommensurable. The authors deal with this troubling incompatibility by developing two ontologies, side by side, within the same overriding ontological scaffolding. The following quote highlights the role of this key assumption:

In order to do justice to the entities of each type, we need to have two distinct ontologies. The ontology adequate for 3-D entities is analogous to a snapshot of the world, it accounts for the entities as they are now. That adequate for 4-D entities is more analogous to a videoscopic view taken upon reality. Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) is the complete and adequate ontology of reality which is divided into the two aforementioned ontologies. More precisely, there is, on the one hand, a succession of ontologies for substances and like 3-D objects, namely, a series of snapshot ontologies of the world at any given instant of time (Smith and Grenon 2004).

This distinction is found in several of the other ontologies, and is further pursued in the analysis below.

Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering (DOLCE)

The Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering (DOLCE) ontology devotes several of its 38 pages of its accompanying introductory paper to discussing assumptions. Like the PROTON ontology, it takes what might be termed a ‘constructivist’ stance, in which categories are chosen for their proximation to ‘cognitive artifacts ultimately depending on human perception, cultural imprints and social conventions (a sort of “cognitive” metaphysics)’ (Masolo et al. 2002). Moreover the authors of DOLCE confess their ontology is not intended ‘as a candidate for a “universal” standard ontology’, but rather ‘has a clear cognitive bias, in the sense that it aims at capturing the ontological categories underlying natural language and human commonsense [sic]’ (Masolo et al. 2002). The philosophical antecedents of their approach are motivated in part by the work of Searle, and his notion of ‘deep background’ (Searle 1983).

The authors also make use of the distinction between endurant (or continuant) and perdurant (or occurrent), as well as several other ‘classical’ concepts, which have been part of philosophical ontology since Aristotle’s Categories (Aristotle 1994). Hence, categories like ‘universal’, ‘particular’, ‘physical’, ‘abstract’, ‘qualities’, ‘time’ and ‘space’ can be located within the upper taxonomic echelons in the ontology (Masolo et al. 2002).

General Formal Ontology (GFO)

The General Formal Ontology (GFO) is perhaps the easiest of the ontologies to examine in terms of assumptions, and they are discussed in section 2.1 of the GFO presentation. The authors initially take a ‘realist position in philosophy’, aware that ‘there is the need to clarify more precisely the term “realism”‘ (Herre 2009). However, the actual categories employed, presented in the following section (2.1.1), ‘are conceived in such a way that we are not forced to commit ourselves to realism, conceptualism, or nominalism’ (Herre 2009). This is yet further complicated by the brief discussion in section 2.1.2, entitled ‘Existence and Modes of Being’. It is worth quoting this section in full:

In [32] a classification of modes of existence is discussed that is useful for a deeper understanding of entities of several kinds. According to [32] there are—roughly—the following modes of being: absolute, ideal, real, and intentional entities. This classification can be to some extent related to Gracia’s approach and to the levels of reality in the spirit of Nicolai Hartmann [29]. But, the theory of Roman Ingarden is not sufficiently elaborated compared with Hartmann’s large ontological system. For Ingarden there is the (open) problem, whether material things are real spatio-temporal entities or intentional entities in the sense of the later Husserl. We hold that there is no real opposition between the realistic attitude of Ingarden and the position of the later Husserl, who considers the material things as intentional entities being constructed by a transcendental self. Both views provide valuable insights in the modes of being that can be useful for conceptual modelling purposes (Herre 2009; reference [32] in the text refers to Roman Ingarden. Der Streit um die Existenz der Welt I (Existentialontologie). Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 1964; reference [29] refers to Nicolai Hartmann. Der Aufbau der realen Welt. Walter de Gruyter and Co, 1964).

In contrast with other forms of realism related below, and with the exception of the BFO, this is a realism unusually highly inflected by the phenomenological tradition, established by Husserl, Ingarden, Hartmann and others.


Opposed to the BFO and GFO, the PROTON (formerly ‘BULO’) ontology authors employ what may best be described as relativist, constructivist and pragmatist assumptions about the world they set out to model. They happily confess, ‘Its common-sense basis is, of course, quite an arbitrary claim to deal with’ (Terziev, Kiryakov and Manov 2004). Moreover ‘the diversity of world knowledge… actually blur[s] the horizon of hope from a purely philosophical point of view if one wants an ontology that is. “compliant” with the common-sense of “everybody”‘ (Terziev, Kiryakov and Manov 2004). The authors are somewhat vague on the two pages on which they discuss the philosophical considerations of what constitutes the ‘common-sense basis’ of the ontology. The discussion presented concerns less the question of assumptions in the sense invoked here (what motivates the categories and distinctions of the ontology) than what might be termed a quasi-philosophical discourse on ‘logicalized’ ontology, existence, essence, meaning and cognition. For example, the authors claim ‘the end users of PROTON are also humans and therefore it is all about everyone’s personal cognition and perception of reality’ (Terziev, Kiryakov and Manov 2004). In fact, as discussed below, the formalisation of the ontology presented in the subsequent 50 or so pages is anything but ‘arbitrary’. The authors’ conclusion suggests the aim is indeed to describe the ‘very basic spatial, temporal, material (“physical”), and abstract concepts of world knowledge, which for the most part are independent of a particular problem or domain’ (Terziev, Kiryakov and Manov 2004). There is little else in the text that suggests what sorts of principles or assumptions might guide the selection of such ‘concepts’.

Suggested Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO)

The SUMO ontology is one of the two more widely used upper-level ontologies, and yet it is presented with minimal discussion of its assumptions. This is perhaps largely because of the syncretic nature of the ontologies; as the authors characterise its development, ‘This content included the ontologies available on the Ontolingua server, John Sowa’s upper level ontology, the ontologies developed by ITBM-CNR, and various mereotopological theories, among other sources’ (Niles and Pease 2001). The hybridisation of other ontologies suggests that SUMO must in some sense inherit the assumptions of its sources. This becomes a question of methodology, which the authors discuss at some length: ‘we were faced with the much more difficult task of the “semantic merge”—combining all of the various ontologies into a single, consistent, and comprehensive framework’ (Niles and Pease 2001). The difficulties of reconciling different assumptions are clear from a later section of the paper—again worth citing at length, since it highlights a key distinction, which is discussed further below:

Under the concept of ‘Physical’, we have the disjoint concepts of ‘Object’ and ‘Process’. The existence and nature of the distinction between these two notions was the subject of much heated debate on the SUO mailing list. According to those who adopt a 3D orientation (or ‘endurantists’, as they are sometimes called), there is a basic, categorial distinction between objects and processes. According to those who adopt a 4D orientation (the ‘perdurantists’), on the other hand, there is no such distinction. The 3D orientation posits that objects, unlike processes, are completely present at any moment of their existence, while a 4D orientation regards everything as a spacetime worm (or a slice of such a worm). On the latter view, paradigmatic processes and objects are merely opposite ends of a continuum of spatio-temporal phenomena. The current version of the SUMO embodies a 3D orientation by making ‘Object’ and ‘Process’ disjoint siblings of the parent node ‘Physical’ (Niles and Pease 2001).

This passage echoes in almost identical terms Kuhn’s concept of ‘paradigms’, describing the difficulties of assimilating two fundamentally distinct and incompatible ‘orientations’ towards the world. Unlike the BFO, SUMO’s authors assume paradigmatic incommensurability presents even co-location of 3D and 4D perspectives.

Smart Web Integrated Ontology (SWIntO)—taxonomising ontological assumptions

One effort to make sense of the medley of assumptions made by upper-level or foundational ontologies is represented by the work of Oberle et al. As part of a broader effort to develop a ‘demonstrator system which combines intelligent multimodal and mobile user interface technology with question-answering functionalities over both the open internet and specific thematic domains at the same time’ (Oberle et al. 2007), the authors discuss their efforts to construct a hybrid foundational ontology as the basis for subsequent domain-level ontologies. As part of this work, they consider ‘ontological choices’ or ‘meta-criteria’, against which they rate many of the ontologies canvassed here. The ‘choices’ consist of the following distinctions:

image Descriptive vs. revisionary—Descriptive aims to capture intuitionist, ‘common-sense’ categories; revisionary aims to describe the ‘intrinsic nature of the world’ (Oberle et al. 2007).

image Multiplicative vs. reductionist—Multiplicative allows for the possibility of multiple, potentially competing ontological points of view; reductionist aims to reduce such perspectives to a unifying, single point of view.

image Possibilism vs. actualism—Possibilism allows for possible as well as actual entities (and typically requires some form of modal logical distinction between necessity and possibility); actualism admits only actual entities.

image Endurantism vs. perdurantism—As previously discussed, endurantism considers entities as wholly ‘in time’; perdurantism considers entities as potentially containing temporal parts (and are therefore not ‘in time’, but persist ‘through time’).

Table 9.4 presents the assessment of Oberle et al. (2007) on foundational ontologies and their ontological choices. It is redacted here to eliminate other candidate ontologies not surveyed here, OpenCyc and OCHRE, neither of which is represented in OWL.

Table 9.4

Foundational ontologies and their ontological choices as assessed by Oberle et al. (2007)*


*All figures have been derived by using the OWLAPI library (Horridge, Bechhofer and Noppens 2007) and some custom scripts. These ontologies are split across a series of physical files, and figures have been collated from all of the files.

**Given the discussion above, it might be argued that the BFO is similarly multiplicative, although it does indeed aim to be ‘revisionary’ in the sense used here.

The authors proceed to develop a hybridised upper-level ontology based on DOLCE and SUMO, SmartSUMO (Oberle et al. 2007), using a similar grafting method to that described by the authors of SUMO itself. I return briefly to this development in the final section below.

Extending the taxonomy

Based on the brief review above, several further salient dimensions can be added to the model for comparison:

image Derived vs. original composition—SUMO is explicitly derived from several existing ontological sources; the other ontologies appear to be constructed originally, with reference to other systems.

image Realist vs. constructivist attitude—SUMO and DOLCE have some constructs for representing a subjective point of view within the ontology itself, suggesting they support a ‘constructivist’ or nominalist standpoint. BFO, by comparison, is stridently realist (though with complications). The GFO leans strongly towards realism also, while the PROTON ontology, as best can be divined, also adopts a more constructivist attitude.

image Home-grownvs. imported philosophy—DOLCE explicitly acknowledges the work of John Searle and others as guiding the development of the ontology, and in a general sense can be said to use an ‘imported’ philosophy. The authors of the BFO, at the other extreme, spend considerable time in various publications justifying a ‘home-grown’ take on various philosophical issues. The other ontologies sit somewhere in between these two extremes.

Structural features

The most evident structural difference between the ontologies is in size. Table 9.5 compares the number of classes, properties and individuals contained in each of the ontologies.

Table 9.5

Comparison of the number of classes, properties, concepts and ratios within ontologies


As indicated, the PROTON and DOLCE ontologies have been constructed as a series of smaller ontologies, which are linked together via the imports construct. In contrast, the other ontologies are contained within single files.

The PROTON ontology has been separated into three separate ontologies: system, top and upper. The upper imports the top ontology, which in turn imports the system ontology. The DOLCE ontology contains eight separate subsidiary and interconnected ontologies, yielding a more complex structure:

‒ SpatialRelations

‒ TemporalRelations

‒ ExtendedDnS

‒ ModalDescriptions

‒ FunctionalParticipation

‒ InformationObjects

‒ SocialUnits

‒ Plans

To use the SocialUnits ontology, for example, means to import the classes and properties from InformationObjects, ExtendedDnS, TemporalRelations, SpatialRelations and DOLCE-Lite ontologies.

It is also noticeable that the ontologies differ in the degree that they use classes over properties, expressed in the ratio figures above. In the case of DOLCE in particular, this suggests what might be termed a ‘functional’ or ‘attributive’ approach to the organisation of entities, since the majority of its conceptual constructs are properties rather than classes. This point is elaborated further in the discussion of categories below.


The preceding sections suggest the five upper-level ontologies employ somewhat different methods, assumptions and design strategies. How, then, do they compare in actual categorial or conceptual content? The following sub-section aims to compare only the most abstract, top-level concepts described in the ontologies. Diagrams of the top three or four graph layers (depending on visual clarity) of the five ontologies were generated using Protégé (Gennari et al. 2003) and the OWLViz plug-in (Horridge 2005)—these are shown in the appendix to this chapter. A subset of these graphs is presented for each of the ontologies below, showing the salient classes used in the following discussion.



‒ Continuant

‒ IndependentContinuant

‒ DependentContinuant

‒ SpatialRegion

‒ Occurrent

‒ ProcessualEntity

‒ SpatiotemporalEntity

‒ TemporalRegion



‒ spatio-temporal-particular

‒ endurant

‒ quality

‒ physical-realisation

‒ perdurant

‒ abstract

‒ region

‒ proposition

‒ set



‒ Item

‒ Individual

‒ Independent

‒ Dependent

‒ Abstract

‒ Concrete

‒ Discrete

‒ Continuous

‒ Category

‒ Set



‒ Object

‒ Statement

‒ Location

‒ Service

‒ Agent

‒ Product

‒ Abstract

‒ Language

‒ Topic

‒ Number

‒ GeneralTerm

‒ Contactlnformation

‒ Happening

‒ Timelnterval

‒ Event

‒ Situation



‒ Physical

‒ Process

‒ Object

‒ Abstract

‒ SetOrClass

‒ Quantity

‒ Attribute

‒ Relation

‒ Proposition

Even this schematic outline shows some initial points of similarity and difference between the five ontologies. Each starts with a common root concept, Entity, or its near-cognate: the DOLCE ontology has a root concept of particular, which it defines as ‘entities which have no instances’ (Masolo et al. 2002), distinguished from universals, which do not adhere to this constraint. The following conceptual distinctions, or near synonyms of them, are also common to at least three of the ontologies:

image Spatial-Temporal

image Abstract-Concrete

image Collective-Individual

image Continuant-Occurrent (or, alternatively, Endurant–Perdurant)

image Independent–Dependent

image Conceptual–Physical.

These distinctions can be mapped to specific concepts in each of the five ontologies; these are depicted in screen shots in the appendix to this chapter.

This comparison demonstrates that there is a high degree of overlap in the use of concepts across the ontology set and, equally, that these concepts are differently configured, so that establishing direct concordances between apparently synonymous concepts is risky. The interpretation of the above distinctions, when applied to particular ontologies, carry considerable ambiguity. For example, the Conceptual–Physical distinction aligns Concept (GFO), [GeneralTerm–Topic] (PROTON) and Proposition (SUMO, DOLCE) as all conceptual entities—clearly, however, they are not all synonymous terms. More tenuously, the meaning of Dependent might appear to be preserved by the [Relation— Attribute—Quantity] (SUMO) and quality (DOLCE) classes, since these have equivalently named terms in other ontologies which are subclasses of kinds of Dependent entities: the DependentContinuant and Dependent classes of BFO and GFO ontologies respectively. The Continuant–Occurrent distinction is also difficult to interpret consistently across the ontologies. Broadly, continuant entities are those which ‘are wholly present (all their parts are present) at any time at which they exist’ while occurrent entities are those ‘that extend in time and are only partially present for any time at which they exist because some of their temporal parts may be not present’ (Bazzanella, Stoermer and Bouquet 2008). The GFO ontology synonym for this distinction, the Continuous-Discrete pair, nevertheless contains a mixture of both object-like and process-like classes within each of the Continuous and Discrete super classes—and the ontology also contains a sibling Presential class, which appears a more natural synonym for Continuant. The BFO ontology subsumes TemporalRegion under Occurrent and SpatialRegion under Continuant classes, but also adds SpatiotemporalRegion as a subclass of Occurrent, with the following extended note:

An instance of the spatiotemporal region [span:SpatiotemporalRegion] is a part of spacetime. All parts of spacetime are spatiotemporal region [span:SpatiotemporalRegion] entities and only spatiotemporal region [span:SpatiotemporalRegion] entities are parts of spacetime. In particular, neither spatial region [snap:SpatialRegion] entities nor temporal region [span:TemporalRegion] entities are in BFO parts of spacetime. Spacetime is the entire extent of the spatiotemporal universe, a designated individual, which is thus itself a spatiotemporal region [span:SpatiotemporalRegion]. Spacetime is among occurrents the analogous of space among continuant [snap:Continuant] entities (Grenon 2003a).

This confirms the point made earlier: two ontological perspectives are supported by the BFO—one sharply distinguishing spatial and temporal, continuant and occurrent entities, the other collapsing within a general occurrent, spatio-temporal conceptual apparatus. Habituation of two fundamental perspectives within the one ontological housing creates a point of dissonance with other ontologies which maintain a single viewpoint, preserving ‘continuant’ and ‘occurrent’ entities as primordially distinct and mutually disjoint. The SUMO and DOLCE ontologies are largely consistent in maintaining this distinction, while the PROTON ontology seems idiosyncratically to treat JobPosition—arguably a continuous entity—as a kind of Happening, while Service (in the sense of a service rendered) is a kind of Object.

The difficulty of drawing synonymous relations across ontologies is more notable still in a comparison of the summative effect of multiple conceptual distinctions. For example, while each of the ontologies has classes to represent the Spatial-Temporal and Continuant-Occurrent conceptual pairs, how these distinctions are organised differs markedly. The BFO ontology makes a primary distinction between Continuant and Occurrent classes. The distinction between spatial and temporal entities is then a subordinate one—more formally, the pair [SpatialRegion/TemporalRegion] is subordinate to the pair [Continuant/Occurrent]. The GFO ontology treats these distinctions as equivalent—both [Discrete/Continuous] and [Space_time/Space and Space_time/Time] class pairs are subsumed by the Entity/Item/Individual class. The PROTON ontology follows the BFO organisation: the pair [Object/Location and Happening/Timelnterval] is subordinate to the [Object/Happening] pair. Meanwhile, the SUMO ontology has an orthogonal relation between the equivalent pairs: while Object/Region is clearly subordinate to Object, the nearest temporal synonym, TimeMeasure, is treated as a kind of Quantity, not a subordinate of Process—the nearest SUMO synonym to the Occurrent concept used by the BFO. The DOLCE ontology pairs both sets of conceptual classes: the Continuant-Occurrent distinction is matched by the near-synonymous pair [endurant/perdurant], while the Spatial-Temporal distinction is matched by the [space-region/temporal-region] pair of classes. However, the latter pair is subordinate to a higher level class, abstract, which is distinguished from the spatio-temporal-particular class. Instances of the spatio-temporal-particular class (whether members of an endurant, perdurant, or of another class) are bound to space or time regions via properties, rather than through direct class subsumption relations. This suggests conversion between DOLCE and other ontologies would need to interpret and transform other kinds of relations into class subsumption ones.

Similar complexities can be found in other conceptual overlays. The BFO ontology has no class pair corresponding to the Abstract-Concrete distinction, yet synonymous class pairs are primary distinctions for the PROTON, SUMO and DOLCE ontologies (and a more subordinate distinction for the GFO ontology). Only one of the ontologies, DOLCE, reinforces this conception distinction with a logical constraint: the abstract class is declared logically disjoint from endurant, perdurant and quality subclasses of the spatio-temporal-particular class, and further annotates the abstract class: ‘The main characteristic of abstract entities is that they do not have spatial nor temporal qualities, and they are not qualities themselves’ (Gangemi 2006).

The five ontologies also have clear conceptual areas of what might be termed ‘perspectival specialisation’—areas in which they move beyond upper-level abstractions towards domain-level specificity. The BFO ontology, with 36 classes and no properties, contains only abstract physical classes, roughly representative of the distinctions introduced above (Continuant–Occurrent, Dependent–Independent, Collective-Individual). The emphasis on supporting the mutually exclusive three-and four-dimensional perspectives is the main unusual feature of its categorial structure—although this feature is also supported by DOLCE and SUMO ontologies within a single perspectival view. The GFO ontology uses a number of specialised terms further down the class hierarchy which indicate a scientific or technical orientation: Chronoid (‘Every chronoid has exactly two extremal and infinitely many inner time boundaries which are equivalently called time-points’), Topoid (‘connected compacted regions of space’), Configuroid (‘integrated wholes made up of material structure processes and property processes’) and Situoid (‘processes whose boundaries are situations and which satisfy certain principles of coherence, comprehensibility, and continuity’) are examples (Herre 2009). The PROTON ontology contains Product, Service, Document, JobPosition and Contactlnformation, which relate more specifically to organisational or commercial fields (Terziev, Kiryakov and Manov 2004). Moreover PROTON makes a first-order distinction between Entity, LexicalResource and EntitySource, suggesting a primary demarcation between entities in the world, and their discursive description and provenance.

The SUMO ontology explicitly incorporates the intentional or constitutive standpoint of an agent—a large number of agent actions, including Guiding, Classifying, Listening, Looking and Meeting, are subsumed within an intentionalProcess class. These total 114 classes, or 20 per cent of the number of classes in the ontology as a whole, which is suggestive of an internalist or subjectively-oriented perspective towards ontological entities. Finally, the DOLCE ontology largely mirrors the kinds of distinctions maintained by SUMO, but models these as object properties between classes, rather than as class inheritance. Thus it sees entities as bound by mereological and functional, rather than by subsumption relations. This formalist perspective is mirrored by object property names such as parameterises, postconditions, preconditions, deputes and interprets. The SUMO ontology has a similarly large number of object properties, but uses more colloquial and lay terms such as causes, employs, larger and uses.

Table 9.6 summarises these underlying differences in orientation. These qualitative distinctions could be used to further form the basis of a set of quantitative valuations against the dimensions introduced in the commensurability framework chapter, as well as refinement of what those dimensions, in the case of the five upper-level ontologies, should be; at this stage, it is enough to demonstrate the utility of the kind of interpretative analysis employed here for teasing out what some of the salient distinctions between the ontologies are. The next section examines the sociological context in which these distinctions are voiced and debated, through an online content analysis of two mailing lists. This analysis also brings forward further suggestive extrinsic or social distinctions which mark these ontologies.

Table 9.6

Summary of ontology orientaion

Ontology Orientation
BFO Minimalist; supports mutually exclusive 3D/4D physical perspectives; continuant/occurrent distinction fundamental; scientific naturalist epistemology
DOLCE Constructivist; scientific; theoretical; functional/attributive
GFO Naturalist epistemology; uses scientific over ‘folk’ terms
PROTON Focus on commercial/industrial terms; pragmatic
SUMO Intentional; constructivist epistemology; pragmatic

A dialogical account of ontology engineering

I think we’re arguing about the definitions of our terms, here. My use of the term ‘Truth’ causes cognitive dissonance for you.

Well, you haven’t actually defined it: but I think I get your drift. It doesn’t cause me cognitive dissonance (if it did, I might be more inclined to agree with it): I just think its mistaken (Ontolog Forum 2010, message 188).

The analysis of the five ontologies suggests that to some degree ontology development takes place in isolated engineering teams, drawing on disparate sources of inspiration, with different goals and perhaps some level of collegial overlap. In practice, this picture is distorted by the presence of public social media through which researchers openly debate many aspects of ontology design. These represent a fascinating insight of how debate and dialogue around ontologies take place.

The following sections present a brief analysis of some of the discussion on these lists in relation to upper-level ontologies. The Semantic Web Interest Group and Ontolog Forum mailing lists (hereafter referred to as Semantic Web Interest Group and Ontolog Forum) are reviewed in detail, since these include messages from a number of researchers who have worked on the ontologies listed above, or who contribute to the broader academic discussion around formal ontologies. Both lists are publicly available, and anyone can request subscription. In the case of the Semantic Web Interest Group, subscription is automatic (via http://www.w3.org/Mail/Request); Ontolog Forum requires an email request be sent to the forum convenor (via http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WikiHomePage#nid1J). The two lists have different objectives, and consequently different kinds of communities. The Semantic Web Interest Group covers all topics related to the semantic web, usually with a technological rather than philosophical focus. Subjects include discussion of semantic web architecture, terminology, application and specific ontologies, as well as frequent conference announcements and job advertisements. Ontolog Forum, by comparison, is concentrated on the construction of upper-level ontologies, with considerable reference to technological and philosophical aspects of this task. Both lists are attended by prominent contributors to academic and practical ontology engineering, and comprise what might be termed ‘expert communities of practice’ in these fields.

Analysis of mailing lists

To analyse the lists, a small software script was developed to harvest the contents of emails from their publicly available archives (Ontolog Forum 2010; W3C 2010). The script retrieved posts since their inception (March 2000 for the Semantic Web Interest Group and May 2002 for Ontolog Forum) until 18 May 2009. Mailing list archives typically employ the following structure:

image main index page, containing the months the list has been running, with links to posts listed by dates or by thread (subject)

image date pages, containing a list of posts for the month, organised by day

image thread pages, containing a list of posts for the month, organised by thread (subject)

image individual posts, containing the contents of a single message, including subject, date, author and message contents.

The script exploits this common structure (at least for the two archives in question) and, starting with the index page, follows links to the date and message pages automatically. On each of these pages it parses the contents for common elements, such as the date, author, subject and contents of the message. Importantly, message ‘threads’ retain the same subject heading for the most part, permitting analysis of common topics and keywords. The script then captures unique authors, subjects, messages and individual words in a database system. Care has been taken to ensure accuracy in the results; however, for various reasons, it is difficult to gain precision with subject, author and word counts—continuous subjects can be arbitrarily varied by authors or their mail clients; authors can post from different mail accounts, with different names or variants; word morphographic variants, aside from plurals, can be difficult to correlate automatically; email thread subject headings can be renamed by correspondents, to follow new ‘threads’ of conversation; and mailing lists can allow for the possibility of ‘spoofing’, faking email contents, due to lack of rigorous authentication methods. The last concern, given the specialised nature of these lists, is a relatively low risk in these particular cases.

Quantitative analysis

Table 9.7 summarises the number of messages received on the Semantic Web Interest Group and Ontolog Forum between 2000 and 2009. These figures show that there has been a rising interest in the forums in recent years—the Semantic Web list grew rapidly in 2005, the Ontolog Forum grew in 2007. The total number of messages is comparable, with indications in 2009 that Ontolog Forum experienced roughly twice the amount of activity.

Table 9.7

Messages received on the Semantic Web Interest Group and Ontolog Forum, 2000 to May 2009 (survey conducted on 19 May 2009)

Year Semantic Web Ontolog Forum
2000 26 N/A
2001 14 N/A
2002 11 220
2003 29 589
2004 52 577
2005 1,705 517
2006 2,072 619
2007 2,743 3,708
2008 2,962 2,548
2009 (to 18 May) 965 1,891
Total 10,579 10,669

A count of authors and subjects suggests that Ontolog Forum has a smaller and more focused community than the Semantic Web Interest Group (Table 9.8). These numbers indicate that each author contributes on average approximately 23 messages across the entire period surveyed (2000 through to May 2009), and each subject receives four messages on

Table 9.8

Author and subject counts on the Semantic Web Interest Group and Ontolog Forum, 2000 to May 2009

Semantic Web Ontolog Forum
Total messages 10,579 10,699
Total authors 1,361 461
Total subjects 4,487 2,649
Messages per author 7.77 23.12
Messages per subject 2.36 4.04

Ontolog Forum, compared with approximately eight and two messages respectively received on the Semantic Web list. This is confirmed by an analysis of the top 20 authors and subjects, which show higher message-to-author and message-to-subject ratios for Ontolog Forum.

Although the five ontologies and two comparative studies (OntoMap and SWIntO) analysed above are products of private development, and consequently do not have mailing lists or other public fora, several of the contributing authors featured in the lists surveyed. Table 9.9 shows each of the contributors featuring in the lists, along with the number of messages posted.

Table 9.9

Joint contributors to the ontologies surveyed, and the Semantic Web Interest Group and Ontolog Forum


These figures can be used as basic heuristics for some of the dimensions introduced for classifying the ontologies above. While overextrapolation from these figures can be misleading—for instance, other relevant mailing lists are not included here, and there is no means of reviewing offline discussions—based on the characterisation of the lists themselves, it is possible to make several inferences:

image A contributor to each of the BFO and SUMO ontologies is also actively involved in Ontolog Forum, suggesting that these ontologies have a stronger philosophical orientation.

image DOLCE contributors were involved in both lists, although only to a minimal degree on Ontolog Forum, suggesting that DOLCE has a stronger technical orientation.

image No contributor to the GFO or PROTON ontologies participated in either of the lists, suggesting that authors of these ontologies are less active in the broader ontology community, and possibly that the ontologies themselves experience lower rates of adoption.

image Contributors to Onto Map and SWIntO comparisons had some involvement in the Semantic Web Interest Group rather than Ontolog Forum, suggesting that ontological comparison, even of upper-level ontologies, is regarded as more of a technical than abstract philosophical task.

These tentative observations are corroborated by a word frequency analysis of the ontology terms themselves. Fortuitously, each of the ontologies has an acronym that is unusual enough to make collision with quotidian usage quite unlikely. Table 9.10 shows the number of times each ontology is mentioned on the Semantic Web Interest Group and Ontolog Forum, along with their frequency relative to the most commonly cited ontology. Discussion on Ontolog Forum is predictably far more prolific, as it is dedicated to the establishment of foundational or upper-level ontologies. All of the ontologies are mentioned more often in absolute terms on Ontolog Forum, with SUMO, DOLCE and BFO cited more often by a factor of ten or more. Notwithstanding this absolute difference, in relative terms DOLCE is mentioned twice as often on the Semantic Web Interest Group list as SUMO, while SUMO is mentioned nearly three times more often on Ontolog Forum. Both GFO and PROTON are mentioned relatively infrequently, reinforcing earlier suggestions that these ontologies have low levels of interest and community engagement.

Table 9.10

Ontology count for the Semantic Web Interest Group and Ontolog Forum (survey conducted on 19 May, 2009)


Word frequency analysis

A more general word frequency analysis table is shown in the appendix to this chapter. It displays the top 100 words for the Semantic Web Interest Group and Ontolog Forum. The frequencies were compiled by counting discrete words in every message across the corpus of each list, and eliminating prepositions, pronouns, common verbs and adjectives, HTML elements and entities (such as < span > and < font > tags), and certain template words which appeared in every message (such as ‘unsubscribe’). The entire corpus was converted to lower case during extraction of these statistics. Morphological variants, such as plurals, have not been controlled for.

Both lists exhibit a large number of common words: 51 out of a possible 100. Terms like ‘ontology’, ‘semantic’, ‘web’, ‘language’, ‘knowledge’ and ‘information’ are clearly of central interest to both communities. However, there are pertinent differences, both in which terms are not common, and in how common terms are ranked. As expected, the Semantic Web Interest Group has a large number of technical terms, with ‘rdf’, ‘owl’, ‘uri’ and ‘xml’ all featuring in the top 20 results. None of these are in the top 20 results for Ontolog Forum, with only ‘rdf’ and ‘owl’ appearing in the top 100 results (each is mentioned approximately 10 per cent and 25 per cent as often, respectively). The Semantic Web list also contains a number of terms that relate to possible contexts for discussion and application of the technologies discussed: terms like ‘workshop’, ‘conference’, ‘systems’, ‘applications’, ‘services’, ‘management’, ‘business’ and ‘social’ are either ranked lower or do not appear at all in Ontolog Forum.

Conversely, Ontolog Forum contains many philosophical and mathematical terms which rank highly: ‘ontology’, ‘time’, ‘language’, ‘logic’, ‘set’, ‘point’, ‘model’, ‘theory’ and ‘world’ all appear in the first

30 most frequently used words. Despite the fact that real-world application of ontologies is a frequent topic of debate, these terms indicate a heavy orientation towards abstract and formal discussion. Less perspicuously, three proper names appear in the first 40 words—more often than words like ‘meaning’, ‘list’ and ‘thing’, for example—indicating that dialogue takes place among a more concentrated group of members. Still less conclusively, many terms refer to the epistemic conditions of the discussion itself—verbs like ‘leave’, ‘say’, ‘know’, ‘agree’, ‘mean’ and ‘take’; adjectives like ‘shared’, ‘real’, ‘true’ and ‘common’; and nouns like ‘context’, ‘discussion’, ‘question’ and ‘view’ all suggest a strong tendency towards self-referential discussion about the process of discussion on the list. This tendency, however tenuous, does correlate loosely to the larger average number of posts per subject (Ontolog Forum 4.03; Semantic Web Interest Group 2.36), and the substantially larger average number of posts per author featured on Ontolog Forum (Ontolog Forum 23.14; Semantic Web Interest Group 7.77).

The word frequency analysis shows some significant difference in the nature of the two list communities. But what can be inferred from this to the question of commensurability of the ontologies themselves? At most the results are suggestive: they show that the SUMO and BFO ontologies have contributors who are active on Ontolog Forum, which might suggest they are more oriented towards philosophical rather than technical issues of ontology composition, and more inclined to engage in active debate over these issues with a broader community over time. Potentially these two ontologies themselves are more commensurable also, or at least the differences between them more likely to have been made explicit in the course of discussion on the list. Similarly the kinds of concepts treated in upper-level ontologies—’time’, ‘set’, ‘process’, ‘context’, ‘thing’ and so on—receive frequent attention on Ontolog Forum. Interestingly, many of the pertinent concepts and distinctions used in the five ontologies—such as ‘entity’, ‘object’, ‘item’, ‘discrete’, ‘abstract’ and ‘individual’—do not appear in the top 100 words of either lists. This suggests that neither list is predominantly engaged in trying to determine, for instance, whether the endurant/perdurant distinction is foundational or not. Across both lists, considerably greater discussion centres rather around the formal aspects of knowledge representation. In the case of the Semantic Web Interest Group, these aspects are discussed in preponderantly technical terms: for example, how to construct and connect ontologies using constructs from OWL and RDF language specifications. On Ontolog Forum, this sort of discussion tends to be considerably more abstract, and is focused more on general issues of logical syntax and semantics.

Qualitative analysis

One conversational thread from Ontolog Forum has been selected for more detailed qualitative analysis. Entitled ‘Two ontologies that are inconsistent but both needed’, the conversation involves one of the authors of the BFO ontology (Barry Smith), and other influential participants—the author of the RDF specification, Pat Hayes; a frequently cited author on ontologies, John Sowa; and a number of contributors to various standards initiatives. Usefully, the subject matter covers both the general problem of commensurability between ontologies, as well as the specific question of interoperability between upper-level ontologies. The conversation takes place in June 2007, some time after the ontologies covered here were developed, so it does not directly relate to the background of their development. Nevertheless it elucidates many of the foundational issues involved in upper-level ontology engineering, which remain active subjects for debate, and brings into view a range of perspectives on the challenges of interoperability between multiple ontologies.

Ontological dialogue

The discussion in this thread principally involves the problem of reconciling two ontologies with potentially different presuppositions. As common with such discussions, it winds over a range of different subjects, however, and engages different disputants along the way. Table 9.11 summarises the major movements in the dialogue on Ontolog Forum. The message responsible for the change of topic (within the same subject heading) is indicated, along with a summary of the topic.

Table 9.11

Ontolog Forum dialogue map


Positions and distinctions

This thread demonstrates the shifting sands that underpin the building of foundational, upper-level ontologies. The evident tensions between metaphysical speculation, of the kind which has always beset abstract philosophical ontological formulations, and pragmatic engineering concerns—how to construct workable ontologies of the technical kind which facilitate system and data-level interoperability—are drawn out but far from reconciled here. Readings of earlier and later threads, in this forum and others like it, show that similar tensions continually emerge. One of the unintended consequences, ironically, of attempting to focus on purely engineering concerns is the inevitable lapse—not always unwelcome, as this thread shows, but invariably protracted and inconclusive—into various forms of metaphysical speculation.

Equally evident are the various postures and positions adopted by those involved in the dialogue. The ontologies surveyed above have the appearance of being effected as a result of some purist intellectual effort, with only a handful of attendant publications describing the process. This debate makes evident, on the other hand, the communicative marketplace under which even the most abstract conceptualisations are formulated through the retail practice of what Brandom (1994) terms the practice of ‘giving and asking for reasons’. In particular, several crucial distinctions in orientation towards the construction of upper-level ontologies can be drawn. These, in turn, can be applied as dimensions to the assessment of the commensurability of the ontologies themselves.

The first distinction, exhibited throughout the thread, concerns that between pragmatic, empirical, ‘bottom-up’ and metaphysical, speculative, ‘top-down’ approaches to upper-level ontological construction. While the majority of the voices on the list, particularly Hayes and Smith, have a noted aversion to ‘philosophising’ over categories, a minority point to the merit of engaging philosophy as means of avoiding errors in categorial construction. Even Hayes, at one stage, points to the need for some philosophical background: ‘Just be aware of a few common mental traps, such as not making the use/mention confusion, and you should do OK’ (Ontolog Forum 2010, message 358).

If a consensus emerges at all here, it is that some level of ‘metaphysics is unavoidable’—the dispute is the degree to which abstract theorising of the philosophical kind is embraced or, alternatively, brought in as a last resort. The distinction hinges on the extent to which upper-level ontology construction is viewed as a purely engineering activity, or whether it is a continuation of a much longer philosophical activity—one in which Aristotle’s categories are as relevant as contemporary technical artefacts. Partridge and Sowa, in particular, appear to hold some sympathy with the latter view.

The next distinction is between so-called ‘3D’ and ‘4D’ world views, and whether these are merely verbal transpositions of the same underlying ‘view’. The dispute between Smith and Hayes essentially involves this question (Ontolog Forum 2010, messages 98, 108, 169, 358). For Hayes, ‘continuants’ are sometimes fortuitous, but always unnecessary ways of speaking about existential phenomena (Ontolog Forum 2010, message 91). Smith regards the relationship between ‘continuants’ and ‘occurrents’ as ontologically primary—a view that informs the BFO and DOLCE ontologies (Ontolog Forum 2010, message 98).

A further distinction is introduced by the ‘Probabilistic Ontologies’ sub-thread. Here the question is whether existing logical formalisms are sufficient to express degrees of certitude over the claims made in an ontology. Laskey suggests they are necessary refinement to connect machine reasoning, of the ‘either/or’ binary variety, with the kinds of everyday ambiguous reasoning human agents engage in (Ontolog Forum 2010, message 182). Sowa cautions that tradition logical expressions can be trivially extended to add modal and veridical meta-claims to ontological axioms (Ontolog Forum 2010, message 313). This conversation concerns whether modalities such as necessity and possibility ought to be first-order constructs of the logical formalism in which ontologies are expressed, or rather treated as axioms of the ontologies themselves. All of the ontologies surveyed above use canonical forms of OWL, and therefore represent necessary and possible modalities as postulated axioms, if at all.

Yet another distinction involves another sub-thread, ‘Ontology-building vs. data modelling’, where conventional data modelling is distinguished from ontology engineering (Ontolog Forum 2010, messages 339, 346, 361, 362, 394, 414, 420, 423, 424 and 425). The debate here centres on whether the distinction is one of kind (ontologies being of a different, conceptual order to their physical representation as data models) or of degree (ontologies are simply more refined sub-sets of a general vague category called ‘data models’).

It is worth noting the thread as a whole arose out of an introduction to participate in the development of a disaster management ontology. At least several participants express some frustration that the meandering threads never tie back to the originating subject, and note the difficulty of ever arriving at consensus over deep philosophical issues, while practical issues of (lower-level) ontology engineering remain. A further distinction can be introduced to capture these positions—about whether there is a need for upper-level ontologies at all.

Several distinct positions can be identified when considering the question of how to reconcile two potentially inconsistent ontologies, which can be transposed into the terms of this study as the question of commensurability. Hayes argues, at least for the ‘potentially inconsistent’ examples given, that this is a purely terminological issue, one in which one set of axioms can be rewritten into another trivially—at the cost of some effort, but without sacrificing integrity or consistency (Ontolog Forum 2010, message 91). Smith, at least in relation to the ‘3D/4D’, argues for an essentially ‘incommensurable’ thesis—two inconsistent viewpoints can, however, be housed within the one ontological scaffold (Ontolog Forum 2010, message 98). Laskey and Sowa argue that commensurability is a question of degree rather than kind, with Laskey further insisting that probabilistic ontologies can best represent such degrees (Ontolog Forum 2010, messages 71 and 182). Partridge suggests that a common metaphysical foundation is essential—otherwise there is no means for establishing commensurability at the level of domain ontologies (Ontolog Forum 2010, message 448). The value of an upper-level ontology is therefore not its purely veridical status, but its usefulness as a means for making explicit what underlying assumptions those domain ontologies make. Hayes’ response echoes obliquely the findings of the survey above— that the push for resolution at an ‘upper-level’ makes for further questions and yet further speculative ‘levels’ (Ontolog Forum 2010, message 449).

In addition to explicit positions adopted, there are implicit differences in how members of the list engage. While it is an ‘expert’ community, some members are more conciliatory to opposing positions than others. Where Hayes, Partridge and Smith—along with many others who post less verbosely and frequently—often happily engage in point-scoring, Sowa, in particular, generally adopts a strategy of qualified agreement, where the qualification attempts to extend a line of thought or embrace other contrary positions. For example, out of nearly 1,000 messages posted to the forum over the period surveyed by Sowa (nearly 10 per cent of the total number of messages posted), 264, or more than a quarter, include the exact construction ‘I agree’. Elsewhere, authors use familiar tropes of informal online communication: irony, parody, questions (rhetorical and intentional), long interleaving responses and brief, dismissive rebuttals, exasperated summaries and erstwhile explanation. The performative flavour of individual contributions, and of the community as a whole, can be used to characterise particular ontological efforts, however tangentially—they are suggestive, at least, of the motivations, orientations and intentions under which such technological artefacts are produced. Directly, in this instance, Barry Smith’s tone conveys a sense of hard ontological commitment to the categories posited in BFO; indirectly, the forum provides a sense of the ‘behind-the-scenes’ gerrymandering required to build consensus around ontologies, particularly those which are not subject to established disciplinary or community practices.

These distinctions can be summarised in the following set of dimensions of specific relevance to the ontologies in this study:

image role of metaphysics in ontology engineering: essential or accidental?

image ‘3D/4D’ distinction: ontological or terminological?

image possible and necessary modalities: require first-order support in the formalism?

image ontologies and data models: different in degree or in kind?

image upper-level ontologies necessary?

image commensurability: multiple, potentially inconsistent viewpoints supported?

image viewpoint: negotiable or resolute?

With some modest adaptations, these in turn can be applied as interpretive dimensions to the surveyed ontologies as part of a general evaluation of their commensurability. The evaluation of the ontologies against these dimensions is presented in the concluding section below.

Conclusions: assessing commensurability

This analysis concludes with two sets of findings: one outlining what can be said about the commensurability of upper-level ontologies on the basis of the analysis above, the other reflecting on what the analysis might mean for a general theory of commensurability, based on the framework which has been applied.

Commensurability of upper-level ontologies

The exploration of the five ‘upper-level’ ontologies has suggested considerable areas of both similarity and difference. Structurally, the PROTON and DOLCE ontologies show greater modularisation, while PROTON, DOLCE and SUMO are considerable larger and semantically denser than GFO and BFO. The DOLCE ontology also favours use of object properties to relate entities functionally, rather than via class subsumption relations. This is carried over in the more scientific and theoretical orientation of DOLCE, evidenced by use of specialised terminology, a feature it shares with GFO, and to some extent with BFO. Comparatively, the PROTON and SUMO ontologies share a more pragmatic and vernacular orientation. The BFO, SUMO and DOLCE also permit multiple perspectives on physical entities. They can be described using spacetime coordinates (4D), or with clearly demarcated spatial and temporal characteristics (3D), along a more abstract distinction between ‘Continuant’ and ‘Occurrent’ categories. This is evident in the BFO ontology directly, but requires some reference to the surrounding literature for SUMO and DOLCE. It is unclear how the GFO and PROTON ontologies are positioned around this distinction, but since both support some variant of the Continuant-Occurrent distinction, it can be assumed they operate within a three-dimensional paradigm. The SUMO ontology, and to a much lesser degree the PROTON and DOLCE ontologies, also explicitly model an agent’s intentional relation to entities in the world, permitting—though not necessarily insisting on—a constructivist rather than naturalist outlook. Despite considerable overlap, conceptual equivalence, or synonymy, is frequently hard to establish, because of the differing levels of terminological intersection, use of functional roles over class subsumption (in the case of DOLCE), greater conceptual density with the larger ontologies (in the cases of PROTON, SUMO and DOLCE) and a general lack of transparent isomorphisms between the conceptual graphs of the ontologies.

Table 9.12 summarises some of the findings of the exploration of the five ‘upper-level’ ontologies, using a combination of the dimensions introduced in the general model in Chapter 12, ‘A framework for commensurability’, and those which have presented themselves in the course of the analysis of upper-level ontologies particularly. In addition, I have added the SWIntO variables (Oberle et al. 2007) as supplementary dimensions, since these are largely specific to the upper-level ontologies described, and are not included in my general taxonomy. Valuations for each of the ontologies are relative—a low valuation on the ‘small vs. large’ dimension, for example, indicates a small number of logical axioms relative to the other ontologies considered. ‘Low’ and ‘high’ values reflect evaluations against the second term of each conceptual opposition expressed by a dimension.

Table 9.12

Ontology commensurability matrix


From this matrix several patterns emerge. SUMO and DOLCE ontologies match up on a number of dimensions, and do not differ greatly on any. That they are broadly commensurable is further borne out in efforts to develop translations between them (Oberle et al. 2007). However, their relative size and complexity would suggest a large number of ‘local’ commensurability issues, at particular branches of their respective taxonomic structures. BFO seems to differ markedly from both of these, and indeed from the aims of PROTON as well. Since it is similarly designed for use in scientific and biological systems, it is perhaps unsurprising that the GFO ontology is closest, at least for dimensions where values can be meaningfully derived. Otherwise, the GFO and PROTON ontologies stand out as relatively idiosyncratic in terms of usage and available documentation—relatively little more can be inferred from the sources available. A large number of ‘Unknowns’ for these ontologies might imply either better commensurability—or, more likely, since they leave open large degrees of interpretative scope for different domain ontologies importing them, might imply ‘hidden’ pockets of potential incommensurability which might emerge only on further analysis. By contrast, the explicitness attached to BFO, SUMO and DOLCE ontologies suggests that areas of incommensurability are easier to locate up front.

While the mailing list analysis can be used to generate a series of evaluations of the ontologies themselves, this kind of exercise is perhaps more helpful for considering the question of commensurability of upper-level ontologies generally. In particular, the distinctions raised at the end of the analysis are perhaps questions more to be asked of the situational context in which upper-level ontologies are being considered. In some situations it might be useful to ask whether there are metaphysical issues important for the users, systems and requirements at hand; whether different systems must agree on their definition of abstract concepts; whether multiple viewpoints can be accommodated; and whether differences in viewpoints can be negotiated and, if so, how? In other situations, where an analyst needs to evaluate upper-level ontologies, the dimensions and distinctions outlined above could become a series of evaluative criteria. Here it might be useful to ask what it would mean to view the world as ontologically divided into objects and processes, or, on the other hand, to see all things as possessing ‘object-like’ and ‘processlike’ features in different measures—or, pace Smith, to ask whether both viewpoints can be housed in a single, logically consistent but philosophically incommensurable system. A further question might ask whether, from a procedural point of view, these kinds of distinctions ought to arise organically, through piece-meal observation and analysis, or alternatively ought to be imposed as a set of guiding metaphysical assumptions from above. And, finally, it might be asked what kinds of downstream commensurability issues arise by the assumptions made by upper-level ontologies, and the lower-level domain ontologies they are designed to support.

In short, these questions could be more useful as broader interpretive ‘framings’ for consideration of other, more fine-grained commensurability dimensions, such as whether the ontologies employ similar design methods. Consequently, while these dimensions are included under the ‘Perspective’ group in Table 9.12, they better reflect general aspects of the situation in which the ontologies are considered, rather than the ontologies themselves. This point is revisited briefly in the next section.

Implications for a general theory of commensurability

What do these findings suggest for a theory of commensurability? As indicated in Chapter 12, ‘A framework for commensurability’, commensurability is assessed against a contextual backdrop of a given scenario—typically, a project with requirements, aims and purposes. Since the development of upper-level ontologies is what might be described as a niche market, it is hard to characterise the sociological environment in which these ontologies are developed and used. However, the quantitative and qualitative analysis of two mailing lists—featuring some of the ontology contributors themselves, and many other developers and users of ontologies—are revealing. On the one hand, comparatively little discussion takes place over the actual categories of upper-level ontologies, in spite of the avowed purpose of the lists. On the other, the lists do discuss questions of mechanics—how to develop and deploy ontologies— and those of logical entailment within and between ontologies. The Semantic Web Interest Group list is on the whole dedicated to the technological and operational side of ontologies—announcements about conferences, workshops, specification releases, and so on—while Ontolog Forum focuses more on issues of ontology content, but nonetheless features many discussions around broadly logical and methodological issues, rather than those of substantive ontological content. As the thread described above shows, this coverage includes the very problem of ontology commensurability itself.

The lists proved useful as heuristic aids for understanding the general backdrop against which the surveyed ontologies can be understood. One immediate result is that what appear to be posited categories within those ontologies are still very much the subject of considerable contention. Further, what appear to be circumstantial deviations between ontologies—fortuitous reliance on one distinction over another—can be shown to be rooted in fundamental philosophical positions, which are not clearly evident in either the ontologies themselves, or their supporting literature. How vital differences in these positions are again is a matter for context—but clearly, in the case of BFO ontology, one of the key authors holds a resolute view as to the primacy of the top-level categories posited. Drafting connections from BFO to other ontologies based on purely lexical considerations is likely to obscure at least the authorial intent if not the actual extension of these categories to other domain-level ontologies in practice. How much adoption of an upper-level ontology implies a wholesale commitment to its claims is yet a further question, bearing here on the commensurability relation between importing domain-level and imported upper-level ontology. Concern over this question has, in turn, led some members of these lists to advocate either forms of ontological pluralism—in which multiple, incompatible conceptual schemes are happily co-opted—or abnegation—where talk of ‘upper levels’ is ignored altogether. Each of these options implies some weaker form of interoperability, where total agreement is passed over in favour of partial and local—but perhaps workable—agreements.

Practically, the absence of direct background material about the ontologies themselves led me to examine two mailing lists where the peculiar fusion of speculative philosophical and detailed technical subjects are discussed. This suggests that a range of approaches and data sources need to be considered when looking for commensurability ‘clues’. Another consequence of this analysis was the addition of several further distinguishing dimensions to the commensurability evaluation model. However, these dimensions could relate better to the situational context in which commensurability is evaluated, rather than to the ontologies themselves—and suggests that, in terms of the commensurability model outlined in Chapter 12, ‘A framework for commensurability’, it may be important to model the context more stringently. In practice, the vagueness and open-endedness of ‘context’ make such a formal treatment a difficult prospect—despite some existing efforts to do this. I return to this subject in the conclusion to the study, as a candidate area for further refinements and research of the model.

Although the upper-level ontologies surveyed demonstrate impressive theoretical coherence, engaging with the public fora in which they are produced shows that for many questions of fundamental ontological importance—in philosophical and engineering senses—no kind of Platonic-level resolution is in sight. Rather the mailing lists evoke an atmosphere of endless dialogue, intractable positions and an endless recasting of distinctions. Nevertheless, engagement with these social networks provides a necessary warning against any superficial reconciliation between concepts which a purely technical review of ontologies might suggest. It indicates that the very question of commensurability itself is enmeshed within the broader, messy, retail world of discursive practices. By engaging with these practices, it is possible to succumb to a potentially interminable dialogue, far removed from the pristine conceptualisations of ontologies themselves, in which semantic equivalences and distinctions are endlessly debated. Conversely, that engagement reveals the contrived and fictional concordance, the illusory character of the harmonious, but purely formal translation of concepts. It serves as a reminder that knowledge systems are merely the latest emergent suburban region within the much broader metropolis of epistemic discourse.

Appendix: upper-level ontologies— supplementary data

Upper-level ontologies in Protégé


Figure 9.1 A representation of the top-level classes in the BFO ontology


Figure 9.2 A representation of the top-level classes in the DOLCE ontology


Figure 9.3 A representation of the top-level classes in the GFO ontology


Figure 9.4 A representation of the top-level classes in the PROTON ontology


Figure 9.5 A representation of the top-level classes in the SUMO ontology

Conceptual distinctions between the ontologies

Table 9.13

Conceptual distinctions between the ontologies


Note: Forward slash characters (/) are used to indicate subsumption conceptual relations; square brackets ([]) indicate sibling classes; pipe characters (|) indicate a sequence of two or more classes; and [A|B] means that A and B share the same parent class, and that collectively these both are suitable candidates for one side of the distinction in question.

Word frequency analysis details

Table 9.14

Word frequency analysis of the Semantic Web Interest Group and Ontolog Forum



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